leggeteconme · 18 hours
Watching Supernatural for the first time in high school, depressed, unmedicated, and fully in the emo phase, shaking my head at Dean for not confronting his feelings…
Meanwhile me now, after rewatching Supernatural six years later, in my moody-cute-whimsical era, zipping down the interstate fueled by Zoloft and Adderall, iced matcha in hand, Electra Heart blasting, screaming along because if I stop to think for even a second I will start sobbing hysterically: “SAMEEEEEEE bestie you are so valid 💅🏻🎀✨”
I’m fine 🙃
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leggeteconme · 2 days
Y’all I cannot stress this enough:
If you are visiting a museum and you have questions or want to know more about something, ASK US.
1. This is literally what we’re here for.
2. You will very likely make our day.
If we can’t answer your questions, we’ll put you in touch with someone who can. But please, please please please, ASK.
I’ve been here for a little over an hour today and I’m already having the time of my life because a woman came up to the desk and asked why harpsichords sound so different from pianos. I practically sprinted into our keyboard gallery to show her a harpsichord jack and how it works, and she was really enthusiastic and kept asking more questions, and half an hour later she left with an understanding of:
• how harpsichords and pianos work,
• what materials quills and hammers have been historically made with,
• why harpsichords sound different from modern pianos and why early pianos sound somewhere in the middle,
• why the circle of fifths is a lie and an Ab is different from a G#,
• how this impacts different tuning systems and why different instruments were tuned differently during different time periods and according to different musical ideals and goals,
• what is gained and lost with equal temperament,
• how you technically could have a keyboard with all the different “enharmonic” notes but why it’s impractical,
• how split keys do exist for purposes of having a few common “enharmonic” notes both available or for instances of broken octaves,
• what a broken octave is,
• what a short octave is,
• why a short octave exists and why it was used on harpsichords as well as organs, and
• how the notes available on a natural trumpet are those of the harmonic overtone series and are therefore more limited than, and sound different to, those available on a modern trumpet.
Made my whole week. I can’t stop grinning. So much fun 🤩
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leggeteconme · 2 days
Did not do anything productive this evening. Called my bestie and was vibing until she asked how I was doing and I cried over him for an hour 🙃
Anyway please enjoy the newest addition to my bathroom 💅🏻🎀💁🏼‍♀️
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leggeteconme · 2 days
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It’s been a good day so far! I woke up at a reasonable hour and somehow managed to drink water, take my meds and my multivitamin, brush my teeth, do my morning skincare, drink enough caffeine, eat a nice breakfast, comb my hair, do my hair and put on a cute outfit, make my bed, put on sunscreen and my favorite perfume, remember to turn off all the lights, and make it to work on time and with lots of positive energy. Those are all very basic things, but I haven’t managed to do them all (or even most of them) since he left, so I was feeling really good 😊
Actually I was like two minutes late, but only because I had to stop and admire the roses outside the museum, as usual ^^ I didn’t have much downtime on my shift today, but what I did have was mostly spent obsessing over Onegin (shocking, I know). I also bought this fun “great composers” ruler, mostly because it doesn’t include Wagner and that makes me very happy 🥰
Pulled off about a dozen pieces of jewelry and changed into some loungewear when I got home, then made my favorite after-work plate of white cheddar and grapes with assorted crackers (wasn’t as hungry as I thought I was, so I only had about half), grabbed a glass of kombucha and cranberry juice to go with, and curled up on the sofa to watch Supernatural with Crowley (he loves this show 🐦‍⬛) <3
I’m hopping on a call with one of my best friends in about an hour, and I’ll make something for a proper dinner when I get hungry again, so if I feel like it I’ll be back later tonight/tomorrow morning with a last few photos. Take care lovelies!! <333
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leggeteconme · 3 days
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I was planning on making soup and grilled cheese for dinner tonight, but ✨feelings✨ happened, so I lit pretty much every candle within reach and curled up with some dark chocolate, a pretty glass of pomegranate juice, and of course my emotional support crocheted crow named Crowley 🥰
I did have a big plate of cheese, crackers, and grapes earlier, so I promise I’m eating enough. Take care of yourselves my angels!! <333
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leggeteconme · 3 days
Got a million compliments on this dress today, so… get un-ready with me? as I reveal said dress to be three dresses, a shirt, and two scrunchies. And revert to the gremlin with messy hair in a well-worn nightgown that was there the whole time 🙃
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I’ll be on the sofa eating cheese and grapes and watching Supernatural if anyone needs me 💁🏼‍♀️
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leggeteconme · 4 days
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I was a little nervous to wear this to work today, but in the span of three hours it’s gotten more compliments than any outfit I’ve put together in the past… idk, year at least… and THREE middle school girls have gone out of their way to tell me they loved it, so it’s I’m definitely calling this one a success ^^
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leggeteconme · 5 days
Times my program director has nearly given me a heart attack:
Exhibit A:
Me: *climbs down from display after dusting guitars in preparation for museum reopening*
Program director: looks good. I figured I’d wait until you were done to tell you that one’s worth a quarter of a million dollars.
I’d been there a week 😭
Exhibit B:
Me: how do I measure the baseboard on this virginal (1530s, very rare, incredible craftsmanship, also the first instrument I ever measured)?
Program director, barely looking up from his computer: just flip it over
CAREFULLY and with all necessary precautions taken obviously, but holy fuck 😭
Exhibit C:
Program director: *reglues a soundboard bar on a very rare 17th-century French harpsichord*
Program director: okay now you do the next one
Me: oh no
Program director: oh yes
Me: you trust me to do that??
Program director: no, but that’s okay
Screaming, crying, throwing up 😭
DISCLAIMER because we’re talking about very serious matters despite the fact that this post is just for fun: my program director never asks me to do something that he doesn’t know I can handle, and when it’s something new or I’m particularly nervous he always helps me to make sure the instrument is safe and I’m not panicking. I’m pretty sure this man would push me in front of a bus to save the Neapolitan harpsichord (I’d do the same tbh), so the instruments are ALWAYS safe. Don’t try any of this at home.
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leggeteconme · 6 days
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Started playing around with scrapbooking again! It probably looks like a chaotic mess, but it makes sense to me ^^
Close-ups, following the little path:
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(Please don’t ask how long this took, I really don’t want to talk about it… what felt like half an hour last night was apparently actually four hours, and I was just getting started 😖)
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leggeteconme · 7 days
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A beautiful gibbon from our trip to the zoo!! She(?) and I stared at each other for the longest time, and she was trying to communicate by tapping on the glass, and I felt really bad that the glass was so thick I couldn’t feel or return the vibrations… but there was still something incredibly special about sitting there looking into her eyes for so long, and after awhile she briefly left and came back with baby!! Highlight of my year honestly <333
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leggeteconme · 7 days
I only fought for love at your request
Didn’t think you’d be the one to leave me clutching at my chest
Remember, you’re the one that gave up when my blood runs dry
You could still carry me away but you’d leave me here to die
(The Crane Wives, “Once & for All”)
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leggeteconme · 8 days
I told him that he made me believe in fairytales again. He said I’d better not stop believing in them after he left.
Darling, your arms were the fairytale, the true love, the happily ever after, and you closed them to me. How could I keep believing after that?
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leggeteconme · 8 days
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Shoutout to this random butterfly who was inside the museum gift shop looking very pretty but refusing to leave - little guy camped out behind all of our display tables, and I had to go crawling under the displays to catch him by hand and then crawl back while very carefully cradling him and very nearly losing my balance several times in order to safely escort him outside. Last I saw he was happily perched high on an outside wall, having no idea how much trouble he caused by refusing to hitch a ride on the swiffer we held out to him as an initial rescue attempt.
Absolute icon. I love him.
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leggeteconme · 10 days
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Trying to get back in the habit of having a healthy breakfast in the mornings… this morning is Greek yogurt with fresh apricots and strawberries, a lovely orange biscochito granola my parents sent from New Mexico, and a little honey <3 Plus an Earl Grey with oat milk and homemade lavender rose syrup 🥰 I’m quite happy with this as a start to my Wednesday ^^
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leggeteconme · 10 days
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I’ve been working on tidying and reorganizing my apartment, and this morning’s main project was the tea cupboard! I relocated and rearranged my collection, and I finally accepted that ADHD means zero object permanence and put a list of everything I have on the door so I don’t forget about half of it like usual 😖
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Anyway, I’m very pleased with the result, and will now hopefully stop finding my favorite tea at the back of the cupboard because I completely forgot it existed 🤦🏼‍♀️
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leggeteconme · 12 days
Alright here’s the fucking deal. I post cute selfies because I’m still working on loving my body and when I feel cute I want to remind myself of that and share the feeling with friends. NOT FOR MALE ATTENTION. I’ve blocked five accounts in the 10 minutes since my last post and I will continue to block anyone who messages me out of nowhere being horny. Could not be less interested. Fuck off.
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leggeteconme · 12 days
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Idk I felt cute ^^
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