letters-of-days · 2 years
Once you become a certain age, it is your responsibility to unlearn behaviors that hinder your growth as a person.
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letters-of-days · 3 years
Self Acceptance
I am more than enough, to love myself.
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letters-of-days · 3 years
No One
To heal and regain control is a process. No book or person will have a magical cure that can heal us immediately. It is something we do our entire lives. Nobody can solve our problems for us, why should they? How will it help if someone else lives your life? People only empower us so that we can face the world.
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letters-of-days · 3 years
The Truth
Your weren't the only one that has been bullied based on looks and appearance. I also was and sometimes I felt like disappearing. I always wear baggy clothes to hide my body and avoid interactions based on my past. I fear being recognized because judgement comes with it
Being beautiful, smart and talented will not make you a better person if you keep talking negatively about yourself . Your words become your actions and your actions become your character. Right now you are portraying a negative character because you feel as if you deserve it. Maybe depressing yourself will get you recognition and make people feel sympathy for you about your messed up life. Guess what? They wont.
Learn to discover yourself.
Live for yourself and not for others, but it seems to me you only care about other peoples opinions rather than yours. It's gonna end up killing you slowly if you may have not noticed, trust me I know. You're feeding yourself with peoples judgement. You were created in a certain way, you're special to yourself and of those that love you. Just open your eyes and realise you weren't created to be a clone of society.
From my experiences, I use my pain and hurt to help other people and advice them because I know how it feels not to have someone. It's the only thing keeping me from my dark thoughts. It's also a way of therapy for me. It makes me feel lighter, motivated and I see myself differently. You should try that. Paint a positive picture for yourself in your mind.
Accept yourself, don't hide and neglect you feelings. Your mental health is like a bottle, it can either be empty or full.
But a bottle is never empty just like your mind. A bottle is like your soul...you fill it up with something but if you keep pouring tainted waters, it eventually overflow just like you breaking down.
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letters-of-days · 3 years
It takes time to fully understand yourself, you need to fully open up and accept the pain and all the things you keep hidden within you. It's scary but once you let it all out and finally accept everything you learn new things about yourself even if sometimes it weighs on you
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letters-of-days · 3 years
In life we are often presented with choices when making a decision. One is required to view it as a road on a path. It is clear that we must choose one direction not both. It's not always about making a decision, it's about individuality and uniqueness. Any person who has made a decisive choice will agree that it is in human nature to be contemplate. This is pondering about the different lives we all have and the routes we choose to follow
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letters-of-days · 3 years
You can cry but at some point in you life you need to move forward. You are stagnating your life.
Maybe the past was the only you that you can be
Then why is there a future? You need to better yourself and tell yourself that the past is there to help you grow and strengthen you for the good that is coming your way. If you accept that your past is meant to grow you, I swear you are gonna end up being stronger and looking at yourself better. And if the past calls, know that whatever you went through was to teach you a lesson.
You either succumb or grow. But it is all in your hands.
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letters-of-days · 3 years
We have the ability to do anything. We have the ability to change, create, start over and let go. We just never understand our abilities or maybe we just fail to see them. People always say, "you can do this.", but can we really? Are they just saying that because they can or to make you believe in yourself that you can do it. Why doubt our abilities? We can say, "I can do this!" without doubting yourself. Maybe because we are discouraged by those around us that make us feel like this. We don't wanna be mocked or laughed at. But does it all matter on what they say we all have a different route in life and our abilities are different.
Say it to yourself, "I believe in myself, I have have the ability to do ANYTHING!!"
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letters-of-days · 3 years
Train Your Mind
You gotta train your mind to be stronger than your emotions or else you will lose yourself every time. Because the hardest battle is between what you know in your head and what you feel in the heart.
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letters-of-days · 3 years
To heal and regain control is a process. No book or person will have a magical cure that can heal us immediately. It is something we do our entire lives. Nobody can solve our problems for us, why should they? How will it help if someone else lives your life? People only empower us so that we can face the world.
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letters-of-days · 3 years
Time doesn't heal your pain. It's the effort you put in to fixing and building yourself up again. Highs and Lows are very common especially in break ups but after some time you will find your way or decision let me say. Anyone can give uu the advice you want to hear but it's how reflect on yourself that matters.
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letters-of-days · 3 years
If you focus on the hurt, you will suffer. Learn that whenever you make a decision it's based on you only, it's not based on other peoples opinions.
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letters-of-days · 3 years
Trust The Process
Something's we can let go in the moment, we can shift our perspective or have curiosity rather than judgement. We can choose to be happy rather than needing to show we're fine. We can change how a situation is affecting how we're feeling. We have the ability to walk it off, we can check in at the end of the day and let it go. We need to learn to acknowledge the opportunities we missed and the mistakes we made in the past or recently. Those mistakes or opportunities have lessons and help us grow in a way. Something's take time to process Something's are buried deep within us. Something's we aren't quite ready to let go. Sometimes we are comfortable in our pain because it's what we know and sometimes we think we've healed, only to revisit it on a deeper level. And sometimes we just need to be gentle with ourselves and let ourselves heal and trust the process.
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