lgbt-signal-boost · 1 year
hi, i know i haven’t been active on tumblr in ages, but my father passed away this wednesday and i’ve set up a gofundme with more details.
please consider reblogging this post! every little share helps. thank you.
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lgbt-signal-boost · 2 years
Hello everyone. My name is Silver and I’m trying to help my friend escape an abusive household. (5/12/22)
My friend (pictured above) is named Krystal (Krys). They are a transperson who is disabled and on SSI/SSDI. They’re 29 and their parents are incredibly toxic and abusive to them. I believe they’ve been keeping Krys from moving out in order to continue stealing their SSI/SSDI money.
I met Krys years ago back when I lived in Austin, Texas while I was working in a little mom and pop store in the local mall. This isn’t my first attempt at getting Krys a little freedom and experience being independent, but this time they’re putting their foot down despite their parents efforts to hinder them leaving and I’m trying to help with that. The gofundme has the details, but essentially, Krys is coming to move in with me a few hours away in a nearby state and they’re likely going to have to leave a lot of their things behind, including their bed. I made this gofundme in hopes that we could get some help refurnishing with essentials like a bed frame and mattress, as well as any other things needed to accommodate their needs.
Any little bit helps, but if you’re unable to donate, please give this post a reblog to help spread it here on tumblr.
There may be a second post with a link floating around, as me and another of Krys’s friends are both trying to coordinate and help with their escape.
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lgbt-signal-boost · 2 years
Hey yall. Long time no post.
Im just posting to update yall real quick why Ive been away for over a year. Short story? I was in a bad marriage that left me exhausted. I was working full time, doing all chores and pet care and taking care of higher expenses. I wound up paying for 5 months worth of rent and bills for my ex which left me severely in debt with NO effort on their end to help me recover, which left me working overtime any chance I got to try and recoop.
I finally kicked them out this year and am slowly recovering both mentally and financially. Im feeling a lot happier and less stressed.
All of this is just to let yall know that I plan on returning to this blog soon. Im still working on some things to help myself recover, but I will be coming back to boosting peoples posts. Sorry to everyone who has sent an IM or ask requesting signal boosts, I just did not have the energy or mental capacity to manage this blog while I was struggling like I was.
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lgbt-signal-boost · 3 years
Please help a queer black woman leave an abusive household
Trigger warning: Abuse and Rape and mention of cancer
Hi everyone, my name is Chelsea and throughout my life I have been living with my narcissistic parents who are frequently abusive (both emotionally, physically and homophobic) and it has taken a toll on my mental well being as I've been diagnosed with chronic anxiety and undiagnosed adhd. My parents continue to speak negatively to me and they have a tendency of using personal hardships that I have been through to belittle me. In 2018 I was raped by someone I knew in highschool. That incident made me ill and I had to be treated for vulvar intraepithelial neoplasia which is a precancerous skin condition. I was getting therapy while I was at university due to this incident, it helped me heal and further helped me speak about what issues I was going through at home as well as ways to cope with anxiety, which was very helpful however my mother forced me to stop going to therapy because she didn't want me talking about what happened to anyone and she feared i was talking about what was happening at home with my therapist . Both my parents use this incident to gaslight me and they are rape apoligists so it makes it very difficult for me to find healing. They also constantly speak down on the queer community and say hateful things, which suggest that they would be physically violent towards any queer people. They are unaware of my sexual orientation and I've been hiding that from them to keep myself safe
It has become extremely difficult living with them,especially because of the pandemic forcing us to be quarantined with them.
It has always been difficult for me to gain my own independence due to my parents not allowing me to get a job or go out to do general things that one would do.
For the past 4 months of 2021 I've been looking for work and I've been invited to quite a few interviews, some of which have expressed that I already had the position but my parents physically stopped me from going to the interview, even if I could take my own transport to get to the location of an interview they'd make it impossible for me to get the opportunity. I am unable to gain any freedom if I continue living with them, and I'm very concerned about how damaging the financial abuse they are putting through will worsen the state of my mental health.
What makes matters worse is that my rapist lives in the same area as me, so not only am I not safe when I'm at home, I'm also constantly paranoid during the few occasions that I'm allowed to go out. I feel extremely trapped and stagnant in this situation.
I'm raising money so I can move out and afford a one bedroom flat and start healing in a safer environment and to gain financial independence. I have a Badmin degree in Public management and International relations, and I have 2 years of experience in the work force, once I have my own place I can freely look for work and with the donations I gain through this funding I will successfully be able to live in a safer environment and become financially independent.
I will be extremely grateful to anyone that donates any amount at all. It has taken a lot for me to ask for help. I am very appreciative to those that have taken their time to read my story and I thank everyone that can help. If you have any questions or enquiries feel free to email me at [email protected].
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lgbt-signal-boost · 3 years
Homeless gay trans couple and pup need urgent help!
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Hello everyone. 
My partner and I have been homeless since November 2020 and have been living out of various motels in the area. We’ve been living off of unemployment and haven’t been able to find jobs that would help us break out of this cycle of motel hopping. Lately, our unemployment has been having issues and we’re at the point where we just can’t afford anything after bills most weeks. We just got paid and our two largest bills hit our account, so now we have no money to pay for our room each day and no money for food. On top of that, we have to change motels again Friday which means we’ll need to pay a cleaning deposit for our next place if we want a roof over our heads that day. 
After fees, it costs us $120 per day for room and parking (There are no cheaper motels that can accommodate us and our dog that I’ve seen and AirBnB has been no help). If anyone can send us even a few dollars to help us through our struggle, it would be greatly appreciated. Anything extra will probably go towards food, then bills, then our housing search. Thank you all so much for your help.
Square Cash: $garbageconnoisseur
Venmo: @Jonathan-Rodriguez-92
Ko-fi: https://ko-fi.com/garbageconnoisseur
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lgbt-signal-boost · 3 years
we haven't gotten any donations in a bit, and moving has been really expensive. the new place is lovely, pearl did great work on the remodel! got some gigs lined up and most of rent saved, but we're down to just a couple bucks for a few days if anyone can help!
cashapp and venmo are $brokekash
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lgbt-signal-boost · 3 years
basically my mom is mad because I left some dishes in my room this morning despite having to leave early for an opening shift at work and despite the fact that I basically wait on her hand and foot and is threatening to kick me out and charge me a ridiculous amount of rent and I've honestly had it with her. when I say I wait on her hand and foot, I mean she literally does nothing for herself. I have to wake up at 2 am Every Day when she gets ready for work to make her coffee and breakfast, pack her lunch, even literally put on her shoes for her. and no, she isn't disabled and needs help, that wouldn't be an issue then. she literally believes I owe that to her. owe that to her for her years of physical and verbal abuse i guess lol. she is manipulative and has serious anger problems and often reacts violently. on more than once occasion she has even attempted to strangle me. one time in the 5th grade she left bruises and strangulation marks on me, but somehow convinced my teachers I did it to myself for attention. i'm a full time college student with a job that's currently working me almost full time hours because we are severely shortstaffed despite me telling them not to. she actively hinders me getting any schoolwork done by not allowing me time between doing all the chores in the house, doing literally everything save wiping her ass for her, and work, so its a constant struggle. and I'm already so close to being done with school I'd really rather see it through, but I don't know if I can deal with her any longer.
I am not asking for donations. I do not need money. what i need is a safe place to live for a bit. my best friend has offered me her home, however aside from her house not exactly having the room for me, my mom knows where she lives and WILL harass her and her family. if there is anyone in the columbus, ohio area who can offer me a place to stay, please dm me. I don't have a lot of money at all, but I can pay you Something.
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lgbt-signal-boost · 3 years
I'm looking for a roommate in Cookeville TN, near the college (TTU) but not on campus. I can move in within 3 months (Between March-may ideally)
I have steady income, I can cook, I'm clean and I don't drink or do drugs. I'm trans and trying to be closer to my friends and partner. Please DM me to talk about it further!
Contact @/actuallytybee to talk
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lgbt-signal-boost · 3 years
Hello again sorry to ask but me and my mom are short on grocery money again 🥴 we just need 50 dollars if anyone can spare it.
C*shapp: $theGhetteaux
Venmo: @ theGhetteaux
Thank you to anyone and everyone who reblog and donates
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lgbt-signal-boost · 3 years
You get a lil money and there's always another bill... Anyways internet is $120, can I get some help?
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lgbt-signal-boost · 3 years
back to e-begging lmao but odin's (my rescue pubby and legal esa) nosebleeds have gotten worse. he's been quarantined to the living room and it looks like a horror show. blood stains on my couch and on the pads i put on the floor, sprays on the wall and boxes from our recent move
he's been to the vet 4 times now and tomorrow he'll be getting diagnostic tests done, which is estimated to be up to $3800. i'm starting with the CT scan and hoping that finds it, because the other option is a biopsy and i dont want surgery if its not necessary.
that all being said, the CT will cost around $2500+. i've already spent around $1200 on him altogether so far.
ANYWAY, if you have any interest in helping
here's my paypal
cashapp is $bastardquest
and venmo is @speedwag
i'm so sorry to ask for this, but this is my baby and i'd rather go into debt than let this progress. prognosis isn't good, hopefully its just a foreign object in his snout/sinuses, or it could be a mass (BAD), or an autoimmune disorder. you know how german shepherds are.
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here's him being smiley through it all
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lgbt-signal-boost · 3 years
Still legit scratching my head how I even found that post or blog atm. Going through the notes I didnt find it from any blogs that reblogged it, Im seriously confused how it even appeared to me unless directly sent.
lgbt-signal-boost. tumblr. com/post/633088318002855937 this person was asking people not to reblog their post directly on the post
Thank you for letting me know. Im honestly scratching my head about how I even reblogged that, as its directly from their blog but not tagged as signal boost. I only find posts through searching that tag, from my dash (i dont follow them), or if IMd or Asked directly to boost a post, so Im really confused about how its even on this blog since I didnt find any IMs or asks for it.
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lgbt-signal-boost · 3 years
lgbt-signal-boost. tumblr. com/post/633088318002855937 this person was asking people not to reblog their post directly on the post
Thank you for letting me know. Im honestly scratching my head about how I even reblogged that, as its directly from their blog but not tagged as signal boost. I only find posts through searching that tag, from my dash (i dont follow them), or if IMd or Asked directly to boost a post, so Im really confused about how its even on this blog since I didnt find any IMs or asks for it.
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lgbt-signal-boost · 3 years
Gofundme Link
Kofi Link
Anything helps 💖 cows need money
Read Before You Hate
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lgbt-signal-boost · 3 years
Help a trans woman out
Hiya I'm a 25 year old disabled trans woman living in the UK and asking for help in paying bills and buying essentials I am losing out on money due to being furloughed and my house mate has no income at all due to his workplace being shut down any support is really appreciated.
Thanks again everyone asking for support or sharing of this post ❤️
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lgbt-signal-boost · 3 years
i ended up paying to break the lease w my racist roommate only to reget a lease w her at a different place bc i had no choice only for her to promise to change and clean and work on her racist tendencies - but then she gets a white bf who says the n word w his bff and then has him over all the time so now im fucked and i cannot fucking handle this
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lgbt-signal-boost · 3 years
Mutual Aid Request
Hi! I'm Poe, and my partner and I really need help paying our bills. We're both mentally ill, disabled, queer Native Americans, so if y'all wanna show solidarity now is the time.
We've both been out of work since the pandemic started, and we ended up going $8k into debt to our landlord. We got it paid in December because of a government program, but I REALLY don't want to go that far into debt again. Right now, I owe $1080, which will go up to $2160 at the beginning of March. We also haven't been able to afford our energy bill, so it's now at a whopping $583.46. Last year, we had to take our dog to the emergency vet for a back injury, and couldn't pay at the time; the vet never told us how to pay, so now that's gone to a collection agency and is ruining my partner's credit score. Lastly, we just had to schedule an emergency vet visit to have our rat's tail amputated because it had become necrotic, and since we didn't have the money to pay for that, we had to borrow from a friend, so we now owe them $1100.
I just started a job, but I only make two dollars more than what we owe for rent every month. We also need our car fixed so I don't have to keep renting cars or spending a hundred dollars a week to get to work. We could also use grocery money, but that's not our chief concern. I don't expect to make our entire goal, but anything helps. Obligatory "if everyone who follows me donated $5 we'd be golden."
All in all, we need $4,243.46 by March 5th, 2021. I can make a GoFundMe if that's easier, but right now my V£nmo is the best way to help out. @.richie_leslie
If you can't donate, please spread! Thank you.
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