#motivational words
dreamingincolorrr · 1 month
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The Art of Letting Go
Letting go is hard, whether you are letting go of a person or a thing. There are a million reasons why people have to let go and I will discuss several reasons here.
Letting Go of A Loved One
Sometimes, just when we think everything is alright and we are so much in love with a person, it hits you smack in the face that the person will suddenly abandon you without any explanation. Other times, you have to let go when you think that the distance separating the two of you by far surpasses the love you have for each other.
There are times when your loved one gets involved in another relationship.  This is pretty much heartbreaking that it will leave someone who is so much in love broken into pieces.
There would be times when a loved one passes away. We cannot help but mourn over our loss and hold on to the wonderful memories which are but what we have left after they’re gone. This kind of letting go takes years to overcome.
Letting Go of A Thing, An Animal or Perhaps A Place
Often times, we find ourselves attached to things we own. Like me, I have my MacBook Pro for 5 years before it crashed. It was my work computer and it has, let’s say, served me well. I still cannot get over the feeling of “it failing me” however, as what one of my clients told me, 5 years is enough as a lifespan of a laptop and I could consider purchasing a new one.
Animals especially dogs are considered as “man’s best friend.” Losing a dog when he passes away is also devastating to the owner. It’s with you every day, always by your side, waiting for you to spend even a few minutes of your time to play with him. I could say that what I am telling you is based on my own experience as we have had shih tzus since 2013. We had this very cute shih tzu named Billy. He always followed me everywhere and accompanied me during my shifts. Then all of a sudden he passed away. I was the last person who was in contact with him during his dying hours. I cried for days and locked myself inside the bathroom. Now, he is being replaced by my new “work buddy”, Sam or Samantha. A shih tzu whose right eye is blind. She is very sweet and knows whenever I have my “moments.”
There are certain places where in we cannot help but ALWAYS reminisce great times we had there with someone. We would often recall how it was like then and sometimes look forward to spending some time in that place again with that person. Then there comes the “What Ifs”. However, we have to remember that we have to move forward and think that maybe, just maybe, it really wasn’t meant to be.
Here’s a quote from Steve Maraboli, “The truth is, unless you let go, unless you forgive yourself, unless you forgive the situation, unless you realize the situation is over, you cannot move forward.”
Therefore, you have to learn to REALLY let go and move forward… KEEP MOVING FORWARD!
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questforyellow · 1 year
Smoon believes in you!
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Friend, you are stronger and braver and kinder and smarter than you know!
Don't be hard on yourself!
✨️💛 You can do anything you set your mind to!💙🌟
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enchantingepics · 2 months
Note #12
Empowerment is a deeply transformative and uplifting experience that resonates on various levels of one's being. It goes beyond mere confidence; it's about feeling a profound sense of strength, agency, and capability. When you tap into your inner reservoir of power, you unlock the potential to navigate life's challenges with resilience and purpose. Imagine a scenario where every step you take resonates with a quiet assurance, every decision you make is fueled by self-assuredness, and every hurdle is viewed as an opportunity for growth. This empowerment is not just about external validation but stems from a genuine understanding and acceptance of your own worth. Picture the moment when you stand tall, fully embracing your uniqueness and recognizing the strength within your vulnerabilities. It's about acknowledging the journey you've traversed, the lessons learned, and the wisdom gained. This inner power is a force that propels you forward, pushing the boundaries of what you thought possible. In the realm of fiction, this empowerment often takes the form of a character's self-discovery, overcoming personal demons, or rising from adversity. Whether it's a hero's journey or a protagonist's internal struggle, the narrative resonates because it mirrors the universal quest for empowerment that transcends the pages. History, too, is rich with stories of individuals who, against all odds, harnessed their inner power to shape destinies. From political leaders to social reformers, their narratives inspire because they showcase the indomitable human spirit and the ability to effect change against formidable odds. Now, let's delve into the profound emotional aspect of empowerment. Picture the surge of joy and fulfillment when you realize your own strength, the warmth that spreads within, and the genuine smile that graces your face. It's a heartwarming acknowledgment of your worthiness and a celebration of the unique power that resides within you. In essence, to feel powerful is to embrace a holistic sense of self-worth, resilience, and authenticity. It's a journey of self-discovery, marked by moments of triumph, growth, and an unwavering belief in your capabilities. So, my friend, may you continue to explore and nurture the power within you, for it is the key to unlocking the extraordinary tapestry of your own existence.
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smolandweirdwriter · 9 months
i would like to romanticize my life please and thank you. i would like to bask in sunlight listening to music and reading sappho. i would like to stay up late playing monopoly with my friends and throwing pieces at each other when we can barely keep our eyes open anymore. i would like to walk along the beach in the sunset. i would like to wear comfortable clothes and play with dogs and not be afraid
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Focusing on what you have cultivates a mindset of abundance and gratitude, acting as a powerful bridge from dreamscape to reality.
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finearts1984 · 6 months
Check out this awesome 'Ween beyond your comfort zone and discover a world of wonder' design on @TeePublic!
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hotpinkboots · 1 year
I'm gonna scream it and shout it from the top of my lungs today! Women are WONDERFUL.
We go through pain and discomfort every single month, we carry children, we birth children, we are expected to not only be a good mother, which is hard enough- raising a human into the world. But we are also expected to clean the house, cook the food, get jobs and make money, but to also deal with the everyday thing a woman deals with everyday already. Perverted looks from men, feeling smaller because we are women, feeling like we're less, even things as small as grocery shopping, it's hard- not only that, but we're called unclean if we don't shave, or are thought of as gross when we talk about our periods.
If we don't have clear skin, we're looked at as imperfect. We're expected to have a small waist and big tits, pretty thighs and a perky ass. We're taught to PICK. APART. OUR OWN. BODIES. To fit today's "standards".
"Don't wear that, you look like a slut. Don't wear that, you're not showing enough skin, you look like a prude. You can't wear that, people will be perverts. You're not wearing enough makeup. You're wearing too much makeup. You have too much acne. Your skin is too clear, it doesn't look natural. Don't drink, you could get drunk and get the wrong attention from men. Why don't you have a drink? Don't be boring. When are you having kids- you're pregnant already?? Whore. You're too fat, have a salad. You're too thin, have a burger. Oh, your knees hurt? What'd you do last night? You're still a virgin?"
The work of a woman NEVER ends.
We need to be PROUD of being women. We need to stick together and RAISE EACH OTHER UP. Women need to be there for each other. I'm there for EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOU. If YOU are a woman and you want to come talk with me about your problems no matter WHAT THEY ARE, COME TALK TO ME. I have NOTHING but endless support and love for my fellow women, I LOVE us, and I'm so PROUD OF HOW FAR WE'VE COME.
Women are so powerful and amazing. On this day, not only do you need to honor all the amazing women around you and in history, but you need to honor YOURSELF, girl. YOU are amazing. YOU deserve to be lifted up and praised and honored. YOU deserve all the love in the world.
I'm proud of you. I love you. I love women. I thank all the strong women around the world that I look up to for forming me into the strong, passionate woman I am today.
Thank you.
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iamdotwav88 · 10 months
Put this into perspective…
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A wise person once told me, I believe it was one of my former clients, that we should not be afraid to have failures because from these failures you would learn, and I definitely agree with him.
Failures are a part of life. Learning from these failures is an opportunity for you to grow as a person, and be a “work in progress”. Let them be your stepping stones to reaching your goals and being successful in life.
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enchantingepics · 2 months
Note #7
As the day comes to a close, I genuinely hope your day or night is filled with positivity, happiness, and all the good vibes. Wishing you a wonderful night ahead, and here's to more moments of joy and connection in the days to come! 😊🌟
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A decision changes everything.
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kharis-id · 1 year
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I Am My Ancestors Wildest Dreams
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stimmy-duckie · 1 year
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Saw this at a food/clothing donation center, and took a photo, along with some smaller photos closer to the poster. I think it was cute.
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wordsin · 2 years
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Two things are essential for pure love, mind purity and freedom.
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