lillypadcrochet · 11 hours
are u ever sick w longing. and i don't just mean romantic longing. i mean longing for a place you barely get to see, longing for friends you no longer have, longing for feelings you might have left behind in your childhood, longing for creativity, longing for a rich and more expansive life, longing for less inhibition. longing for more passion. longing for ur life to be so incandescent w something it thaws all the frost in ur bones. are u ever so consumed w it it rends ur heart in two. do u understand me
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lillypadcrochet · 4 days
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lillypadcrochet · 13 days
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lillypadcrochet · 14 days
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lillypadcrochet · 16 days
Turns out marathon day is a party day for Boston college kids 😒
My neighbors were playing beer pong and blasting music in the backyard at 6:30 AM when I woke up for work????
And are still going now at almost 6 PM????
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lillypadcrochet · 16 days
Ok so this is an IV. The left pic is without needle, right pic with (the needle does not stay in your arm!!!!!! It comes out as soon as the cannula is in!)
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Its size ranges from .6-1.1mm in diameter, and 19-32mm in length. It is a very small, very flexible thing.
This is what an iv looks like once it’s in your arm (demo’d by my friend teddy)
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The iv is covered by a bandage not only to keep it sanitary, but also to keep it in place.
You absolutely can pull an iv out on your own. Really, the hardest part is taking off the bandage covering it- those things are sticky!!
A gentle tug, and it’ll slip right out. Ask nicely, and your nurse would probably let you do it yourself.
Yes, it will bleed- it made a path directly from the inside of your vein to the outside of your body! But it doesn’t bleed hard (it was in a superficial, small vein), so unless you have some sort of clotting problem, it’ll stop bleeding in under 15 minutes.
So all that is to say yes, you absolutely can pull an iv out yourself without consequences
Things that work in fiction but not real life
torture getting reliable information out of people
knocking someone out to harmlessly incapacitate them for like an hour
jumping into water from staggering heights and surviving the fall completely intact
calling the police to deescalate a situation
rafting your way off a desert island
correctly profiling total strangers based on vibes
effectively operating every computer by typing and nothing else
ripping an IV out of your arm without consequences
heterosexual cowboy
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lillypadcrochet · 18 days
I really dislike Kawaii Future Bass or whatever this genre is called so I made it sound shitty with a bunch of random samples.
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lillypadcrochet · 18 days
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lillypadcrochet · 19 days
As a medium/lower support needs autistic who works with young higher support needs autistic:
We all matter. We all have the same diagnosis. We all deserve to be treated with dignity and respect.
But we are not the same.
I can mask and might be seen as 'odd' or 'weird' in public. The students I work with are seen as 'dangerous' and 'practically little kids'.
I can go to university and work with accommodations. The students I work with likely will never live independently and a few might find jobs that support them but still pay them less than an abled worker.
I have full control of my finances. The students I work with aren't allowed to make independent financial decisions, even if capable.
If I say 'no,' I'm making a choice. The students I work with can't say 'no' without being labeled as defiant and difficult.
I can feed myself, bathe myself, and take care of myself with extreme challenges. The students I work with are unable to take care of themselves without high levels of support/one on one support.
I had an IEP in high school but was mainstreamed in classes. The students I work with take separate classes and some rarely get to interact with their abled peers.
Our experiences are fundamentally different. Higher support needs autistics will experience a specific type of ableism I never will, and can never fully understand.
Lower support needs autistics need to stop saying we understand what higher support needs autistics are going through and then present autism as only being disabling because of society/lack of acceptance because that is dangerous. We need to stop saying every autistic person is capable of everything if given the right support because that leaves out huge parts of our community who will never be able to do certain things, regardless of support.
We are worthy of existence regardless of our abilities.
Autism is a spectrum. It is not the same for every autistic person. Autism acceptance and advocacy has to come with accepting, acknowledging, and listening to our higher support needs peers.
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lillypadcrochet · 19 days
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those!!! are!!! his!!!! tits!!! be gentle 👉👈
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lillypadcrochet · 24 days
No little tumblr user!
Don’t make a post claiming you’ve been shadow-banned and moaning how no one reblogs posts on tumblr anymore five minutes after posting about how new tumblr users are little bitch babies for not knowing there’s no main algorithm!
Oh mein gott this blog is full of entitlement to engagement on your posts! You’ve definitely been shadowbanned, there’s no chance people are put off by your mean, entitled vibe!
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lillypadcrochet · 24 days
(flight intercom) this is the pilot speaking. yeah we expect todays flight to be normal. um if you look out your window you shouldnt see the skull
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lillypadcrochet · 25 days
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lillypadcrochet · 25 days
Don't come at me in the comments I don't want to hear it
This autism awareness month I'm done hearing the opinions of independent, white, twenty-something girls.
"we don't need awareness we need acceptence blah blah blah"
please log off and speak to literally anyone about autism. Believe me we need awareness
"noooo puzzle pieces, use this that or whatever niche symbol"
If the police see a black teen with a rainbow infinity on his shirt, what do you think that tells them? nothing. What about a big blue puzzle piece? (this is not a hypothetical- a black autistic mom of two black autistic teen boys has spoken about how she got her 18 year old son a shirt like this because any odd behavior from black men gets them killed and got a ton of flack about it)
"do you xyz only kind of unusual behavior? you might be autistic!"
autism is not spd+ or adhd+. it is a pervasive developmental condition that disables people. It has a wide variety of symptoms that disables people in a wide variety of ways. Social anxiety + mild sensory sensitivies =/= autism. Hyperactivity + now wanting to gaze deeply into other people's eyes all the time =/= autism. I am all for self-dx but some of you need to be for real with yourselves about how much xyz autistic traits actually impact your lives. a large proportion of autistic traits need to cause significant problems in your everyday functioning for you to be autistic. Needing light prompting in your day to day life is not high, medium, or even medium-low, support needs.
I know this sounds gatekepy but If you live on your own and hold down a job/are a full time college student idgaf what you think about what autism advocacy needs.
did you know there are waitlists months or years long for basic respite services?
did you know autistic people are systematically denied communication because they need to prove they can use a communication device to actually get the device?
did you know that autistic people are 160x more likely to die by drowning than neurotypicals?
did you know that 85% of autistic adults are unemployed?
Did you know that autistic people are more likely to have mental illness than non-autistic people, yet there are extremely few specialised psych facilities willing to support them?
Did you know that autistic people are denied basic education because they can't prove what they know? (this ties into lack of access to communication)
did you know that autistic people can legally be involuntarily sterilized or have their children taken away from them solely because they're autistic?
so please, shut the fuck up about puzzle pieces and person first language, and maybe campain for something that will tangibly help autistic people.
Support this charity that pays for and helps families set up aac, which is wildly expensive and difficult to get through insurance.
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lillypadcrochet · 28 days
Ok now that the boops are gone and i can be grumpy again
"yeah the boops are fun but don't let them distract you from--" PLEASE let them distract you. Please take one goddamn day off from thinking about the world's problems. And if you can't figure out how to do that, for the love of god don't insist that everyone else be stuck in "I'm not allowed to be happy about anything ever" hell with you
If you insist that everyone be focusing on "the problems" at all times that is at best performative and at worst actively harmful to the cause you're trying to support. Taking real action uses up energy, often times a LOT of it. Insisting that no one ever takes a break means insisting that no one ever take time to rest and begin to gather more energy for another actual action. Being "on" all the time isn't your duty, it's an impossibility.
Take a fucking break. And remind everyone that they need to take breaks too.
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lillypadcrochet · 28 days
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lillypadcrochet · 28 days
I started a new blog for one big interest of mine: cloud spotting! Check it out!
Did you know that clouds are classified based on appearence just like animals?
It's true! Besides the 3 height levels they can form in, clouds are classified by shape, texture, size, and general appearence.
The idea of "cloudspotting", or appreciating often-maligned clouds that bring extra beauty to the sky, was made by Gavin Pretor-Pinney, an author and cloud-lover. He wrote the book the Cloudspotters Guide: the Science, History, and Culture of Clouds, and founded the cloud appreciation society, which has the manifesto:
WE BELIEVE that clouds are unjustly maligned and that life would be immeasurably poorer without them.
We think that clouds are Nature's poetry, and the most egalitarian of her displays, since everyone can have a fantastic view of them.
We pledge to fight 'blue-sky thinking' wherever we find it. Life would be dull if we had to look up at cloudless monotony day after day.
We seek to remind people that clouds are expressions of the atmosphere's moods, and can be read like those of a person's countenance.
We believe that clouds are for dreamers and their contemplation benefits the soul. Indeed, all who consider the shapes they see in them will save money on psychoanalysis bills.
And so we say to all who'll listen:
Look up, marvel at the ephemeral beauty, and always remember to live life with your head in the clouds!
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for more information I reccomend checking out the cloud appreciation societies website:
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