loonylupinnn · 3 years
Becoming the Devil: Chapter 7 - Mistake
"You fucking psycho" The same psychotic smirk formed on my lips, mimicking his. His hand stayed in the same place, his eyes flickered from mine to my lips.
"I'm just as psychotic as you" I smiled, removing myself from his grip. I walked out of the house before it finished burning into ashes. The leaves crunched as I stepped on them, the air was being consumed by the smoke. The few survivors were coughing and wheezing, trying to hold on.
My face held no emotion, I felt no remorse. It was quite pleasant to see it. I shook my head, No. I'm just becoming mad, this isn't okay. It's all wrong.
But it made me feel so good.
"This is all okay. It's what they deserve." I heard Tom whisper, his hand resting on my back. I rolled my eyes, turning to him. "How do you even know what im thi-" I stopped myself, shutting my eyes tight before looking up at him.
"Legilimency" I said. He smirked, taking my hand into his. The moment we came in contact we apparated back to the manor. I placed my hand on my stomach, feeling sick. I heard Tom chuckle. I looked up at him, glaring.
He left for the manor. I followed behind him, the grand doors shutting behind me making a loud noise which echoed throughout the quiet halls of the manor. No one seemed to be around but Tom. His back was facing me as he seemed to be checking out a painting.
I walked over to him, looking at the painting his eyes were trained on. I saw a man, bald and old. His grey eyes staring at the distance. His grey, long thin beard that fell almost to the bottom of his sweeping robes stood out. He looked ancient and monkeyish.
"Salazar Slytherin." Tom broke the silence. I removed my gaze from the painting to Tom who was already looking down at me. "He started this noble work. Now I am going to finish it" He said smoothly. "But how is this your problem?" I asked. He looked surprised, "I am the heir of Salazar Slytherin"
I chuckled, "Of course you are. I mean, you could even be a fucking snake." I joked. "I am not. But Nagini is" I took his words as a joke, not knowing who Nagini was.
We stood side by side, staring at the painting of Salazar. It was silent, but pleasant. I felt his eyes upon me making me look back at him. Our eyes locked with each other. His lustrous eyes were gentle, flicking from my lips to my eyes, back and forth.
Our eyes never broke eye contact. His hand found its way to my cheek, caressing it. Soon enough, our lips found each other. His lips were soft, our lips were gliding together, moving in perfect sync. His tongue slid against mine, smooth and gracefully. My eyes were open, shocked by the sudden movement but I melted in his touch.
The kiss was filled with desire and lust. One of his hands made its way to wrap around my waist as the other was holding the back of my neck, moving upward to entangle it in my hair.
He bit my bottom lip lightly, his tongue exploring every inch of my mouth, wanting more.
I pulled away, breathlessly. My chest was heaving up and down, I looked up at him. I was speechless. Words wouldn't form, yet to process what had just happened.
"I- I-" I stopped myself, thinking. He will just use me like he does with Melina. This is wrong. I let out a sigh before turning back to him. "I'm sorry! This was a mistake" I left him in the hall, walking away although I had not a single clue where I was heading to.
I found myself walking into the kitchen doors where I saw Leonid. "Miss Valentine" He greeted me, "Но отец! Я не выйду замуж -" I looked up, seeing Adaleiz coming behind the man. "Y/n! W- What are you doing here?" She asked, nervous about whatever she was just doing.
I narrowed my eyes, "I got lost," I said. "What are you doing here?" I paused, saying this in a whisper, "Are you two... fucking?" I asked her. Adaleiz 'eyes widened, she looked at me in disgust. "NO! That's my father!" My eyes widened, "Oh. Sorry" She chuckled.
"Anything I can get for you, Miss," Leonid asked me. I hesitated at first but then answered, "Merlot red wine" I said. He nodded, crouching down to get a bottle of red wine. He got a glass, carefully pouring the liquid into it. He handed me the glass, leaving to the back of the kitchen.
Adaleiz walked to the other side of the counter, taking a glass and the whole bottle. "Who did you kiss?" She asked me as she poured herself a cup of Red Wine. "No one," I said quietly. Adaleiz rolled her eyes, "Lets go" She said, leading me out of the kitchen.
She still had the bottle in her hand. We entered my room, she placed the bottle on my small night stand, closing the door. "What happened to you?" I asked her, seeing her chug almost half the bottle.
She ignored me so I snatched the bottle from her hands. "Сука!" She slurred out. I rolled my eyes, not knowing what to say. "Go to bed, Adaleiz." I walked her out of the room. From the distance I saw how she stumbled all the way to her room. How much wine did she drink to get this drunk, I thought to myself. I chuckled, closing the door.
I sat on the edge of my bed, taking my glass of wine into my hand. I parted my lips, drinking the wine from my glass. A satisfied sigh escaped my mouth. I dimmed the room, so it wasn't too bright.
I took out my closet some pajamas which consisted of a shirt and shorts. The shirt was a bit too long for my liking, it ended at my mid thigh, covering my shorts. I brushed my hair, wanting to get rid of all my accumulated knots.
Once I finished, I sat back down on my bed. With the glass of wine on one hand while the other had my chin resting on my palm, I zoned out, thoughts building up.
I was snapped out of my over thinking by a knock on the door. I stood slowly, my bare feet touching the cold floor giving me goosebumps. I walked over to the door, twisting the door knob. The door opened, where I took a sip from my drink.
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loonylupinnn · 3 years
Becoming the Devil: Chapter 6 - Psycho
I was brought back to my room after, allowing me to get some rest. The next morning, I was awoken by loud banging. I let out a groan from the sudden noise. The room was bright now from the sun.
"Wake up!" A female voice said. The door opened, revealing the red-head woman with clothes in her hand and a slight smile. I sat up, she placed the clothes on my lap before saying, "Get dressed up, we have many things to talk about" She said, leaving the room.
A sigh escaped my mouth while I stood up and changed into my new set of clothes which consisted of a blazer, pants, and shirt. All of them being black, obviously. I knocked on the door where Adaleiz was waiting for me. We left the room, down to the hall.
"Morning princess," Someone said from behind us. We turned around, being met by Lorcán who sent us a charming smile, more like to me. I smiled back, Adaleiz pushed me to go over. I giggled, walking over to the blue-eyed man.
"Good Morning" I replied. He grabbed my hand, bringing it above me allowing him to spin me around. Lorcán had a huge grin, "You look good" He said. I rolled my eyes. I felt holes burning behind my head, I turned around but spotted no one. I shook my head.
Lorcán led me to a room past many doors. We entered a kitchen where there stood an older man, around his mid 30s or 40s with a delicate smile. "Pierre, who is it that you've brought with you?" He asked with a thick accent. "This is Y/n, Y/n Valentine. Now get us some food" Lorcán ordered.
The man rolled his eyes, "гребаный мальчик" I turned to Lorcán with a confused look. "Fucking boy" He mumbled, taking a seat on the counter. The man left to the back of the kitchen. "Who is he?" I asked. "Leonid Andreyev, Russian" He took a glass, filling it up with water.
"Tell me about yourself," Lorcán said, handing me a glass of water. I took the rim of the cup and parted my lips, chugging down the cold water. I let out a satisfied sigh, "I'm part spanish" I started, "Oh, really?" He said in amazement. I nodded, "My name is Y/n Valentina, but you could say Valentine." He nodded.
Leonid came back with two trays of food in each of his hands. "Miss Valentine, Pierre" His thick accent boomed. Leonid handed us the trays, leaving to the back of the kitchen once again. I took a hold of my fork, taking the first bite of my meal. It was surprisingly really good.
Throughout half of the meal, our conversation was interrupted by a man. Probably around his late 20s or mid 30s, with a beard growing. "The Lord has asked for your presence" He smoothly said. "Is that all?" Lorcán asked. "Whatever" The man grumbled, leaving. "Where?!" Lorcán asked, the man ignored him, walking away.
Lorcán huffed, "I hate him" He mumbled under his breath. "Who is he?" I asked, "Orion. Thinks he's the greatest thing." I rolled my eyes, smiling a bit. "Let's go then" I said, taking his hand into mine.
We left the kitchen and walked back out to the room in which all Death Eater's meetings were held. Lorcán and I joked a bit, but even if my mind was in a different place I couldn't help but feel nervous, but why though...
The two of us entered the room, the long table was already filled up with Death Eaters who were already seated on their designated seat. The previous chatter faded down as the two of us had entered. I made eye contact with Tom. He had a neutral expression, looking back and forth from Lorcán and I.
Lorcán left and took a seat. I saw Melina sitting on my previous seat while holding Tom's hand. I took this as a sign to sit down on her seat, which was what I did. Everyone was quiet until he spoke. "Now, as we were saying, we are going to kill the muggle village. I'd like y/n, here, to go as well, to prove her loyalty. As a reminder, I am going too."
Death Eaters and the Dark Lord stood up from their seats, I followed their actions but before I could leave, I was stopped. "You're coming with me" He huskily spoke to me, his soft lips brushing against my earlobe.Shivers ran down my spine as I turned to face him. His eyes were searching for something. "The task" I mumbled. Tom nodded, placing his hand on my back while we walked towards the grand doors to leave the manor.
A few death eaters were already waiting for us, two of them being Cygnus and Orion. "Sir, we are already" One of the Death Eaters said, earning a nod from him. "Time to have fun" Tom whispered as we all apparated.
We landed on a small village filled with muggles, thankfully none of them noticed us... yet.
"Begin" To declare, "INCENDIO" The small town started to light up in flames which were growing by the seconds. Gasps and cries were heard from the many muggles that lived in the village.
"AVADA KEDAVRA" That spell was heard everywhere along with "CRUCIO" Tom turned to me with a devilish smirk. "Your turn," He cooly said, walking us to a small house.
He busted the door open, where a yelp was caused. There was a family of five. Mother and Father, two daughters and son. Tom smirked at them. Their father stood up front, in hope to protect them. "Avada kedavra" The words came out naturally from Tom's mouth where the father dropped dead to the floor. Cries and screams filled up the house as they had just witnessed the man they loved die.
"The four are for you" Tom pushed me forwards,"Now, end their fucking life". "No, no. Please." The eldest daughter cried out. I lifted my wand, pointing it at the mother.
The screams of agony from the mother was like music to my ears. I knew this was wrong. There was a rush of adrenaline. "Avada Kedavra" I killed the eldest daughter, who dropped dead next to her father. The cries and screams got louder. I had the two women under the cruciatus curse as I let the boy get mentally tortured.
I hadn;t noticed a smirk growing on me. "Avada Kedavra" I killed the other daughter, leaving just the mother and her son alive. "PLEASE! JUST KILL ME ALREADY!" The mother cried out, tears streamed down from her brown eyes.
The son had crouched down, hugging his knees as he sobbed. I looked at the boy then at his mother. "Come here" I ordered. His eyes widen, bottom lip quivering in fear. Tom was just sitting back, enjoying the show.
The small boy trembled over to me. "Can I show you a trick?" I said softly to the boy. He hesitated, but nodded. I grabbed his small hand, the boy was probably 1, wrapping it around the end of my wand.
"Now repeat after me. This will help your mother out of pain, okay?" He nodded, "Avada-Kedavra" I whispered into his ear. He opened his mouth, repeating the two words.
"Avada Kedavra"
His mother lay dead on the floor. The small boy let out a scream, scared and guilty for his actions. I turned to the boy, "Look what you just did!" I scolded him. "You deserve to rot in hell" I turned my wand to him.f
His body lit up in fire. He screamed in pain. I looked at the boy one last time with a smile before turning to Tom who was smirking, more like grinning. He stood up, walking over to me. He grabbed my chin, his bottom thumb brushing against my bottom lip.
"You fucking psycho"
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loonylupinnn · 3 years
Becoming the Devil: Chapter 5 - Touch
"My room" I looked at him confused. "Your room? No study?" I asked him. He looked at me with an approving look. "I may say, I was told that you were calling me 'too weak'. That you would be in need to be... seeing me."
My cheeks heated up. I looked away quickly, but he grabbed my jaw, turning me to look at him. "Don't be embarrassed" He taunted. I rolled my eyes, making his grip on my jaw harder. "Roll your eyes at me again-" He stopped himself. He let out a sigh through his nose, clenching his jaw. He turned away, his hand leaving my jaw.
I placed my fingers where his hand previously was. For some reason, I was in want for his touch. There was this weird feeling in me from his dominance. His grip, his touch in general.
"Are you going to be standing there all night, Miss Valentine?" Tom snapped me out of my thoughts. I looked at him, shaking my head. We walked to his room in silence. His room was located in a quiet and hidden part of the manor. There were only three doors in the hall. One seemed to be like a broom closet. The other was unknown. The main door was the entrance to his room.
He opened the door where I was met by a huge room. High ceiling, big french windows which led to a balcony. The walls were of stone as well, the only light came from the moon which shone outside in the lonely night sky. He had a closet, a small desk, and a few chairs here and there. There was a night stand beside his king-sized bed which had a black, silky duvets and pillows which matched.
There was another door which was slightly opened, but not enough to let me see its interior. He walked over to it, closing the door. I walked around, exploring his room. I saw a book, many bookmarks in it, dividing the pages. There was black leather journal next to it. I reached out to get the first book, but it was snatched away before I could get to it.
"What are you doing"
I looked at him silently, "Nothing, sorry." He looked at me, waiting for something more. It took me a while to catch on, "My lord. I am sorry, my lord" I deeply hated calling him that.
"Well you should get used to it," Tom said. I looked at him confused, but he simply turned around, sitting on the edge of his bed. "What do you mean?" I asked, walking over. "You'll get it. Eventually." I mentally rolled my eyes.
"Get on with it." He rushed me. I sighed, "Firstly, I can't work with this. It's too uncomfortable. Secondly, you'll need t- to take off your" I paused, giving him a fake smile, "Well your clothes"
Tom chuckled, then started to unbutton his shirt. I turned around to give him some privacy.
"Scared of some skin" He said. I rolled my eyes, turning to look at him. "It's nothing I haven't seen," I snapped. He cocked a brow, "Then why are you turning around?" He asked. "Ever heard of 'privacy'" I said.
He ignored me, dropping his shirt to the floor, allowing me a view of his chest. Tom stood up walking towards his closet. I followed along, wanting to see what he was doing. I secretly looked at his back, there was a tattoo, a snake. He stood aside, allowing me to have a view of his closet.
"Do you need something?" He asked, not batting an eye towards me. "No. Except for a new set of clothes, but no." Tom clapped his hands, where a small elf appeared.
"Master has called for Tinker. How can Tinker serve Master Riddle?" She spoke. He turned to her, "Get Miss Valentine a new set of clothes" He said dryly. Trinket nodded, giving a slight bow before leaving the room.
He searched through his various clothes which most consist the color black. The only other color you would rarely see would be white. He took out some joggers. Right as he did, the little elf popped back.
"Trinket has brought the clothes Master Riddle had asked for" Tom ignored the elf. I walked over to the creature, taking the clothes from her. "Thank you, Trinket," I smiled at her. Her eyes widened, "Ah, um" She stammered, apparating away.
"What was that all about?" I mumbled. "Don't go on making elf friends. They're here to serve us, you shouldn't be thanking them. It's their job." I rolled my eyes, standing up. I looked at him. Tom was taking off his belt.
I gulped as I saw him grip on either side of the belt. He cocked a brow, "I- I," I bit my bottom lip, turning around. I heard the sound of his trousers hitting the ground. Within seconds, "Okay" he was ready. I turned around to face him. He was shirtless, only wearing joggers.
I stood there awkwardly, "Well aren't you going to change?" He asked in an obvious tone. My eyes moved away from his bare chest. I turned around, thinking he had done the same. I unzipped my dress, dropping it to the floor.
I grabbed a pair of pajamas short, put them on. I felt his gaze on my bare back. There was a moment of silence as I changed. I then felt two hands on each side of my waist, gripping it hard as I had bent down to grab my shirt. "What are you doing?" He gritted as I brought myself back up when I felt his touch.
His grip on me tightened. "Wh- What do you mean?" I asked, turning around. Our eyes met, making his grip on me tighten even more. It was likely he would leave a mark. His dark eyes gave me goosebumps, they were staring deeply into mine. An unknown feeling began to beat inside me.
"You know what you're doing, y/n" My name came out of his mouth smoothly. I shook my head, pushing him off me. "I- I'm not doing anything. You're the one touching me even when you have a girlfriend!" He stared at me confused. "Melina," I said.
Tom let out a chuckle. "She really thinks that!" He smirked, "No, no. You've got it all wrong. She's just a fuck toy." I gave him an 'Are you serious' look, rolling my eyes.
"I don't care about you nor your 'little fuck toys'. I'm just telling you to back the hell up! You've already placed me this bloody tattoo, adding me to your stupid cult. Now will you please lay down and allow me to check up on you"
He clenched his jaw, going to rest against his headboard. I stood there for a minute, calming myself down. I put on the shirt which surprisingly fitted perfectly. I walked over to the man, looking down at his chest.
No scars. No more injuries. He was physically well, although he was weak.
He was looking down at me, my shirt slightly lifting up. I looked up to meet his eye. One of his hands moved closer to my waist, tracing across the print of his hand he had left from his hard grip.
His touch was soft and gentle unlike the previous experiences.
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loonylupinnn · 3 years
Becoming the Devil: Chapter 4 - Freak
"Welcome to your new life" Many of the Death Eaters started clapping. I was in a state of shock. I couldn't process what had just happened. I turned to their Lord, I suppose he's mine as well, with a look of despair. He simply smirked, "What?" He taunted.
The Dark Lord took out a chair, beside his, motioning me to take a seat. Many looked surprised. "Tommy-" Melina was cut off by a fist slamming onto the table. We all turned to look at him "What. Did. I. Tell. You" He gritted through his teeth. His eyes flashed red for a mere second as he was death-staring at the girl.
She dropped her head down. "Pardon, my lord. I was wondering why she could take a seat in the upper class section" Melina asked him. He cocked a brow, turning to me. "She deserves it. She's done more efficient things than anyone you could ever do" He sneered.
I bit my inner cheek as some death eaters were looking at me with jealousy in their eyes. "Now, where were we?" He got everyone's attention back to him. I didn't look up. I stared down at my forearm, where the mark was. I traced it with my index finger.
I never thought I would get into this. I always believed I would have a normal life like any other person. Guess the future had something else in stock for me.
The mark started to sting, my head shot up. My eyes were met with his. He looked around the room, making me follow his gaze. The meeting had ended. I noticed it was just the two of us in the room.
"I was told you wanted to have meetings with me?" He broke the silence. I nodded, playing with my fingers. He placed his index and middle finger under my chin, his thumb pressing against my right cheek. He brought my head up, meeting his eyes once again.
"Use your words" His thumb brushed against my bottom lip where his eyes were trained at. "Yes" I said, not breaking eye contact. His eyes moved between mine and my lips. He removed his hand, looking away. "We'll meet later tonight" He planned. "Yes, my Lord," I said.
"Call me Tom when no one is around" He said, leaving the room. This took me by surprise. Never would I have thought that the 'lord' would let me call him by his name. What did I do to win his... respect, perhaps?
There was something in his eyes which made me want to stare into them again. It was different. His gaze. His touch. I snapped out of my thoughts, leaving the room. I walked out to the halls. I laughed to myself, I was lost.
"Lost, are we?" A new voice said. I turned towards the person who was hiding within the shadows. I chuckled, "Yes" The person strutted out of the shadows, fixing their leather jacket.
I may say, he was quite attractive. Blue eyes, messy black hair, leather jacket. Your typical bad-boy. He walked over to me with confidence. He ran one of his hands through his hair. "Miss Valentine, am I right?" He asked. I nodded.
"Lorcán Pierre" He said, his irish accent showing off more. "Fancy," I smiled. He took my hand into his. I felt holes burning to the back of my head. The stare of the person was really intense. I looked around, spotting no one.
"What?" Asked Lorcán, looking around as well. I shook my head, I might just be crazy. "Nothing, nothing." He nodded and started walking. I followed his lead which led me to a garden outside.
It was beautiful. Tall trees guarding the perimeter. Bushes of roses and lavenders. Many and many plants were there. It seemed too beautiful to even exist. There was a water fountain where we went to sit.
"Why here?" I asked him. He shrugged, looking around. "Just decided to take a beautiful woman to a beautiful place" He turned to me. His words made me flush red. I placed my cold hands onto my warm cheeks in hope I'd cool off and not show any blush.
He chuckled, "Well you're a flirt" I said, rolling my eyes. "Mhm" Was all that came out. "How long have you been a Death Eater?" I asked him. "About three or four years now," He said, shaking his head.
"Is it worth it?" I asked him. Lorcán shrugged, "We'll be able to get rid of all filthy blood." He smiled to himself. I cringed, scrunching my nose. "Why is blood purity SO important?!" I exclaimed.
"How have muggles treated you? When you were younger and just learning of magic and some incident would happen, how did they treat you? I have been called, freak! Monster!" He lashed out. I flinched a bit from the sudden rage.
He was right, though. I was called many names. Growing up within the muggle communities, I have always been bullied. I wasn't their 'normal'. I wasn't their type. I was a witch. I am a witch.
I nodded, looking up at him. "Freak, monster, loony, weird..." I trailed off. He gave me a look before sitting back down.
"We're monsters to them. Have you seen what they've done if they find a witch? The fucking burn them." He let out a sigh. He had a point. Maybe this is for the good? Maybe the world could turn out better.
"Miss Valentine! Lorcán..." We heard someone say, making us look at the person who was leaning against the entrance of the garden. The moonlight allowed us to see it was the Dark Lord, Tom.
"Sir!" Lorcán quickly got up, offering me a hand which I took. I looked back at him, seeing his jaw clenched. "Miss Valentine, I believe you and I were supposed to have a meeting?" He said, tilting his head towards the inside of the manor.
I quickly removed my hand, "Thank you" I said quietly to the blue-eyed man who was smiling down at me. "For what," He asked. I ignored his question, leaving him in the garden as I went inside the manor.
"I believe we indeed do have a meeting" I said to him. He nodded, walking beside me. We went up different flights of stairs. "Where are we going?" I asked, looking around my surroundings.
"My room"
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loonylupinnn · 3 years
Becoming the Devil: Chapter 3 - Initiation
“Keep her,” He said. My eyes widened. My whole plan had back-fired. I looked anxiously around the room, a blonde man with grey eyes which were keen but pleasant, came in. His hair was shoulder-length, with messy beach waves. 
“Get her a room, Abraxas” The Dark Lord ordered. He nodded, “Oh, and treat her well. She will be staying here with us. Soon to be…” He trailed off, giving his fellow followers a knowing look. Abraxas nodded, leading me out of the room. Instead of taking me down the path to the dungeon, he led me up some staircases. 
“So this is what you’ve been doing” I said, letting a sigh escape my lips. He turned to me, “What do you mean?” He asked. I rolled my eyes, “Oh please! We haven’t seen each other since we were six” I exclaimed. He ignored me, continuing up our journey.
We arrived in front of a dull looking door. He grabbed the metal knob, twisting it open. It was a plain room. Bed, book shelves, small vanity, a window, and a small closet. There was a nightstand with a small lamp on it. The room was dark and cold, like the rest of the manor. The way everything was displayed made me feel like a prisoner.
Before Abraxas left, I spoke to him. “I am going to need to see your ‘lord’” He looked at me confused. “He’s still too weak. Whatever he was thrown at had an impact on him.” I said. “Just because you were captured and are being treated respectfully doesn’t mean you get to choose what will be happening!” He spat, leaving the room. The door slammed shut making me flinch.
I walked towards the window, looking out into the night sky. The gleaming moon shone above us all. Its radiant, mellow moonlight being the only other source of light for the room that was dimly lit by the lamp. The stars painted in the solemn-black sky.
There was a knock on the door making me turn towards it. The door creaked as it was being opened. In it stepped the blonde woman from earlier, Cygnus Black. He looked at me, his hand ran through his hair. 
"Abra- Malfoy has told us you wanted to meet with the Dark Lord?" 
I nodded, moving to sit on my bed. He let a sigh escape, "Midnight. The initiation will be at that time" He spoke, making me confused. 
"Initiation?" I asked. He ignored me, leaving the room before Adaleiz entered. She held in her hands a black lace dress, with a slight slit. It was.. quite revealing, you may say. She placed it at the end of the bed, along with some black heels with golden snakes which wrapped around one’s ankles. 
“You have an hour to get ready, y/n. The Lord doesn't tolerate tardiness.” She gave me a small smile before leaving the room, locking it. I turned over to the clothes, seeing a small, sage-green box. I opened it, spotting two, lace black gloves. They matched the dress.
I started stripping off my clothes, leaving me naked. I put on the under-wear along with the bra they had left me. I got the dress, putting it on to cover my body. The dress was off a gothic look. I grabbed the gloves, using the ribbons to tie them into a bow.
I moved over to the vanity, sitting down on the blood-red, cushion chair. I grabbed the hairbrush. It had golden rims with a snake around the handle. They seemed to be really obsessed with snakes. I brushed my hair, taking away the knot which had been formed. I hummed a small toon as I did. 
There was a knock on the door, making me turn around. There stood the brunette girl, “Melina, was it?” I asked her. She eyed me before nodding. She came over to me, getting the brush. She stood behind me, brushing my hair. “Melina King '' She said in a fake-soft voice. There was something odd in her. 
I shook the feeling off, “Here,” She handed me a black-shade lipstick, eyeliner and mascara. “We shall be going now” Melina hurried me to put on the make up, which was what I did. The girl smiled at me through the mirror. I stood up, putting the heels on. 
I must say that I did look pretty good. It wasn’t something I would wear. Probably something I never expected to wear. 
She led me out of the room. We walked down the many stairs and many halls. The manor was cold causing me to get goosebumps. The two of us stopped in front of two big, metallic doors. You could hear chatter coming from inside the room. She took the two handles, opening the door. 
Inside was a long table. At the head of it, sat the Dark Lord. I believe his name was Tom, perhaps? His followers sat on each side of the table, men and women. There were many of various ages and raises. Tall and short, skinny and plump. Gingers, blondes, brunettes, etc.
The Malfoy family seemed surprised to see me. Except Abraxas of course. Melina walked over to the table, taking a seat. The room fell silent. I stood there, all eyes on me, awaiting to see what would come next. 
The silence was broken by him. “She has finally arrived” The lord said. My eyes trained to his, which were already looking into mine. His gaze made me feel so intimidated yet so alluring. 
“My lord, um, why is it that we need her?” A death eater asked. His gaze moved to his, “Well, she seems to have something useful towards us” A smirk formed onto his lips before turning to me. “Come here, y/n” He ordered. 
I bit my tongue, moving towards the man. I moved towards him. The room was dead silent that you could hear my every step. I stood in front of him. The Dark Lord stood up from his chair, taking my left wrist into his grip harshly. He held my wrist with his right hand, using his left to untie the bow. The glove fell off smoothly onto the ground. 
I looked up to him. He was staring into my eyes. I spotted no emotion in him. No feelings. No nothing. 
He grabbed his wand, placing it onto my inner left forearm. He applied pressure while mumbling a spell or enchantment. There was an intensifying pain which grew by the minute. I let down a ragged gasp, looking down to my arm where the tip of his wand was placed. A figure, a symbol was created.
A skull with a snake coming out of its mouth. It moved around when it finally came to a stop, its mouth open as if it were hissing. I hissed from the pain before looking up at him. He seemed to love watching one in pain.
When the pain stopped, everything stumbled upon me. I had been turned into a Death Eater. My mouth turned into an ‘o’ shape, not being able to let any words let out my mouth.
“Welcome” He smiled evilly, raising his hands up in the air as if he were showing me a grand surprise. He turned to me, grabbing my hand, caressing the mark.
“Welcome to your new life”
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loonylupinnn · 3 years
Becoming the Devil: Chapter 2 - Healer
The sound of the droplets of water falling from the ceiling on the far corner onto the cold floor, echoed through the room. It repeated. One after the other. I had my head looking down at my lap. I may have probably been in here for an hour or more. But it felt like a life-time.
The room was nippy. It was uncomfortably cold. Through the time I was there, I finally heard something apart from the annoying dripping. Footsteps were approaching, sounding like the wet sound of someone on grass. Each footfall is chaotically spaced from the last, no rhythm at all. Like someone who had the lack of confidence to come in here... or too nervous perhaps.
As it got closer, I noticed that it wasn't one, but two people. They were quietly talking among each other. But it wasn't loud enough for me to hear. The talking soon stopped. The only exit and entrance opened, the wood from the door hit the stone wall hard.
Through it, a ginger lady entered. Her face was stern, her hair neatly placed behind her. The black cloak draped off her perfectly. The sharp blue eyes of her's stared right into mine. She left the door open. I looked at it, seeing a shadow lurking. The women looked at me, back at the door, then at me.
I looked at her, seeing a small smirk forming. Confusion filled me up. "You're really pretty" She poked my cheek. I moved my face away, "How'd you manage to get caught?" She asked. The woman's voice was a bit hoarse. I ignored her question, not daring to meet her intense eyes.
She chuckled, "The names Adaleiz, Adaleiz Idema" She said. My head turned back to her. I gave her nod, staying silent. "Cat got your tongue" She taunted. I let out a minor scoff, "Y/n Valentine" I said softly, looking back into her kindly-eager blue eyes.
"That's a really beautiful name, Miss Valentino" She smiled down at me. I rolled my eyes, "It's Valentine, not Valentino" I spat, bottling up the rage I had from being locked up in this place. "Valentine, Valentino, blah blah, it's the same thing." She said, I nodded, deciding it was best to ignore her antics.
Before the conversation could go any furthermore, we had been interrupted by a man, mid 20's - 30's with brown hair and dashing looks. Adaleiz groaned, turning the man.
"What is it that you want, Cygnus?" Adaleiz asked him. The man, Cygnus, had a look of worry and desperation. "I am telling you! He is in horrible conditions!" He glared at her. "Well what can we do to save the Dark Lord" Adaleiz said, in an obvious tone.
That's when I started thinking. If I could heal their so-called 'Dark Lord', maybe that could be my chance to escape. I help them and they help me. It's a win-win, right?
"I can help him!" I suddenly said, gaining their attention. "What is it that you said Miss Valentino" Adaleiz asked, cocking a brow at me, telling me to go on. "Firstly, it's Valentine, but it'll be pointless with you. And I said, I can help your Lord. I am a healer, afterall."
Adaleiz and Cygnus looked at each other. It was like they were talking, but without saying any words. The two turned to me, and nodded. Cygnus came over, behind me. With a pocket knife, Cygnus cut the ropes, realising me. I stood up to stretch, but my hands were held back.
"Sorry, Miss Val' but we can't be having you walking around here, freely" Adaleiz said, her lips near my ear. I rolled my eyes but complied. We walked through the gloomy halls, many of the Dark Lord's men were there but didn't bat an eye towards me.
I was pushed into a much warmer room than the previous one. There were a few books hanging from high shelves and a woman with blonde hair. "Cygnus!" She exclaimed, running into his arms.
I heard her mumble; "I- I couldn't do anything" She looked around, spotting me. Her face turned into one of disgust. "It's alright, Druella" Cygnus soothed her. Druella then spoke, "Isn't that the filthy mudblood that stunned my brother?" She asked. Before she could continue, she was stopped by Adaleiz.
"Yes, she was the one. And we're also hoping that she can be the one to save our Lord" Shivers ran down my spine. I was going to meet the one who killed many people like my best friend and my mother. I didn't understand what his grudge against them was.
"Is he still in there?" Adaleiz asked, pointing at the door in the room. Druella nodded. Adaleiz took the two of us into the room where there was another of his followers, stroking the man's hair. The man on the bed has his eyes shut, tight. His jaw was clenched, probably from the pain.
The girl turned around, she seemed around her early twenties. "Adaleiz? What is it that you've brought with you" She asked. Her tone seemed soft but there was something in it that didn't feel quite right. She had brunette, wavy hair. Sweetly intense brown eyes. Plump lips and black lace dress which hugged her body perfectly making her curves show off.
The man on the bed had jet-black hair. Handsome features and a sharp jaw-line. He was a bit pale, but you couldn't quite notice it. "I'm a healer. I can help your 'Dark Lord'' I said, the sound of my voice made the man's eyes open. He turned his eyes to me. His eyes were trained onto mine, it felt like he was searching for something. Looking deep within my soul.
"And who may you be?" He asked me, his voice clear and cold. "Y/n, sir. Y/n Valentine" I said calmly, taking in notice that this was their so-called, 'lord'. He looked at me with no expression before speaking, "Ah yes. The Valentines, such a dishonor that your father married a filthy muggle" He spat.
"Whoever my father marries is none of your concern. Now if you'd like me to help you, shut up and stay still" I removed myself from Adaleiz 'grasp, walking over to the man. "Where's his wound?" I asked them. The brunette-lady came over, lifting up his shirt to display his slashed chest.
"My tommy was hurt by some Aurors" She said. I ignored her, going to get a wet towel from a bowl of cold water they had. "Do you have any alcohol?" I asked, "Well we have Vodka," Cygnus said. I rolled my eyes, "That'll do. It's not efficient but it'll do." He smiled slightly, leaving the room.
I got a dry towel, so I had a wet one and a dry one on my hands. Cygnus soon returned, with a bottle of Vodka in his hands. The brunette-girl snatched it from his hands, coming over. "Don't worry, love. It'll just feel like the body-shots we take from each other" She eyed him seductively.
He rolled his eyes. "Just get on with it, Melina" He groaned. "Pour some" I said. She opened the lid, pouring it on his wound. The man let out a hiss from the pain. "Not there! Around it!" I let out a frustrated sigh.
She looked around embarrassed, "S- Sorry. M- My first time" She let out a laugh. "You know I don't like mistakes" The lord gritted through his teeth, his eyes flashed red for a second. "Please leave" I said. She rolled her eyes and scoffed. "I'll be back, Tom. I love you" She kissed him before leaving.
"Great" I mumbled, inspecting his wound. "Mr..." I trailed off, "Riddle" He said. I nodded, "Mr Riddle. This might hurt, but it'll pass pretty soon" I said to him. He looked at me confused as I placed both my palms onto his wound, applying pressure.
Light-yellow, light started glowing as I said a small enchantment to heal his wound. "Wh- What are you doing?" I heard Adaleiz stutter. I finished off, seeing his wound completely heal, his skin having more color than before.
"What did you do?" He asked me. "I have the power of a healer. It isn't much though. It's just basic wandless magic you learn" I said. He nodded slowly, cocking a brow. He turned to his followers, saying;
"Keep her"
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loonylupinnn · 3 years
Becoming the Devil: Chapter 1 - Diagon Alley
Y/n Valentine, a woman who was just simply walking around Diagon Alley. The sun was high, throwing its rays down to earth where the many witches and wizards were trying to block. There weren't many clouds that day, which didn't help much. But it was still a beautiful day.
The streets were filled with the chatter that came from the people walking around. Few cries could be heard. Cries from children who didn't get things they wanted. The day was flowing smoothly. It was too good to be true...
"We still need to get some Phoenix tears" Maeve spoke to me, reading off the parchment our boss had given us as a last minute shopping. I groaned, "Those cost way too much" Maeve laughed, taking my hand in hers. Her soft fingers touched the back of my hand when our hands had intertwined. I swang our hands back-and-forth, creating a bit of wind to flow.
"Well she said it was for a V.I.P patient. And you know how she is." Maeve looked around the shops, taking us into 'Kaylah's'. It was such a simple name although the shop wasn't simple. It was lively and full of colors. Many potions, ingredients, tools, etc. The owner was Kaylah Dunn, a friend of ours. Our friendship was divided. You see, back in our Hogwarts years, the three of us were in different houses. Maeve was a Gryffindor, Kaylah was a Ravenclaw, and I was a Slytherin. Lucky for me, the two girls didn't judge me or hold a grudge towards me because of my house's stereotypes.
Many found it odd. I was a Syltherin hanging out with a Muggleborn and Gryffindor. Two things no one would expect coming from a Slytherin. A famous Pure-blood family. Except the tradition was broken when my father married my mother, a muggle. He was disowned, kicked out of the family. But karma caught up with my grandparents. They died a few months later after disowning him, making him the heir of the Valentine's name. He inherited many riches and the grand Manor.
"Hello girls" Kaylah smiled from the other side of the counter. "Kaylah!" I beamed. It's been quite a few weeks since we last seen her. "Whatcha lookin' for?" She asked, fixing her brunette hair into a low-ponytail. Her deep and velvety eyes looked at us, awaiting for an answer.
"Phoenix tears. V.I.P patient!" Maeve said. Kaylah nodded, before bringing us to the other side of the counter. Taking us into the back, to the storage, she took out a shabby, old box. She took the handle into her right hand, lifting it up, making the lid go up as well. Inside the box were five vials of Phoenix tears. These tears were rare. There weren't many, due to the lack of Phoenix's. Back in Hogwarts, it was rumored that our transfiguration professor, Dumbledore, had a Phoenix.
"How many?" She asked. "One will do," I said. She took one out, then closed the lid of the box. She handed it over to me, placing it onto my palm. "Now do be careful, ya' know how rare 'ey are" We nodded.
"Thank you, how much?" Maeve asked. "Oh! Ya' know you can always take it for free, just-" She placed her index finger against her lips. "Yes, yes, we know," I said, shaking my head. "Great!" She clapped her hands together, swiftly moving towards the back door. "Go on!" She shooed us out, "Got a business to run" We laughed and said our goodbyes.
We walked through a narrow alley which brought us back into Diagon Alley. No one stopped us, as usual. We went back into walking among the rest of the people there, blending in. There wasn't much to us. If you ever saw us, you'd just think;
'Two normal girls walking around'
Yes. We looked that basic. But we didn't care much, other people's opinions didn't matter. Just normal witches like any other you spotted.
"Mayb-" Maeve was cut off by a loud explosion. Our heads snapped towards the noise. We saw a group of people in black hoods and masks with snake-like eye slits that covered their faces. They used their wands to cast various spells all over the place. The normal chatter and laughs were turned into screams and cries.
Smoke started filling up the clear sky which came from the few buildings lit up with fire. "Y/n, lets leave" But before we could apparate away from all the chaos, Maeve was stunned. She was thrown. I let out a gasp, taking out my wand. I turned around to see one of the many cloaked persons about to kill a young witch.
I quickly ran over. "Stupefy!" I shouted, pointing my wand at the person. They flew back, hitting their head against a bricked wall. The little girl ran over to me, her body hugging my legs. She seemed about the age of 8 or 9. I calmed her down, wiping dry tears stains away from her pale-freckled face. Her ginger hair tied into two braids.
"Molly! Molly!" I heard a much older, female, voice call out. "Mummy!" She ran to the lady right before three of the cloaked persons started to circle around me.
"Expelliarmus!" One of them said, catching my wand in their gloved hands. My eyes widened. I didn't have any way to defend myself and I was yet to learn wandless magic. I only knew a bit, but it was useless.
They trapped me. One took me, holding me back as they apparated along with us in a black smoke. My breath hitched. Surprised by the sudden action.
We arrived in front of a dark manor. The grass was perfectly mowed, there was a trail which led up to the front door. The whole place gave off really dark vibes. Something about it was odd, yet I felt somewhat attracted to it.
The person who had me in their possession, harshly took me in. I tried running away a few times, but it was pointless. "Control yourself," They said. The voice ticked me off that it was male.
"Wh- What are you going to do?" I stammered. "Well you're going to meet the Dark Lord" I could practically hear their smirk on his face.
The Dark Lord. I have heard of him before. It was said that he was a rising dark wizard, in hope to eliminate all muggle and muggle-born witches and wizards. His crew has been growing through these past seven years. Everyone says that the most people in his group were Slytherins.
Shivers ran down my spine at the thought of it. We entered the gloomy-looking manor. Everything looked dark and dull. The stone walls radiate bad energy. There was something, more like someone, in this place that had an evil and negative aura.
They took me near a wooden door down the steps of the manor. One of them opened the door. In it was the same, stone wall. Nothing was held there except a chair, placed in the middle of the room. It was dark, with very little amount of light in it. The one cloaked person who was holding me, threw me onto the chair.
I sighed. My two arms were moved to the back of the cold, metallic, chair. My wrists were being tied up with a rope. I was stuck. Trapped.
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