Hi fived my ex making out with someone else I have a problem :/
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The fight
I have so much pain and no one understands it!:( they think its not real but everyday I am fighting !
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The script concert :) Danny <3
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Ted! Mila Kunis sexy, I wish she was my gf:)
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Life as we know it
Have you ever felt like you were living a double life sometimes I feel like I do sometimes I feel like I'm too nice to people and then in my head I feel like I should be yelling at them , I have weird thoughts have you ever had this happen to you? Share your stories with me and I'll share mine with u. E x
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I don't know how to use tumblr or how to get followers and that someone please help me? Ex
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In need of new friends!
I need friends , I have no life awesome friendly people please apply and follow theeword1 on Instagram:) I love u forever E x
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Party, People and the place to be:)
Can't wait for tomorrow night ! Time to get my Party on surely Erin will be out tomorrow , can't wait to see everyone it's actually been so long and like four months since I was last able to go all and dance my ass off and get hit on. Tomorrow night=the lyf:) what's your craziest party experience ?
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White as a ghost !
I'm so pale , why probs anaemic yay my digestive system is fucked , got no nutrients woo ! I look like a ghost. E x
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Movies & mates
Laughter , movies mates , sleep overs good to be back in Melbourne but dying of pain:)
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City and bowling:)
City and bowling with amazing people I haven't seen for two months surely Erin will be out and about tomorrow :)
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I have an alter ego
I have an alter ego her name is Erin , she is wild and lives life to the fullest she wants to have fun and take photos of life I wish I was her most of the time. Wow I have serious mental health issues haha
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Falling down !
Back to the bed I am confined . Losing weight stressing about others and so pale, entertain me you guys are my only friends :)
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Inspiring :)
We can hate how things end when people stop caring, or we can love how things begin with new people who enter our lives.
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Life! It's so valuable
Life is precious! Don't waste it live your life to the fullest everyday you never know one day you might wake up and it may be your last. Have you ever had something so horrible happen to your or someone else that you reevaluate your whole life I have and I now realise I have been missing out and it's time to start living! E x
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Hot , cold and up in the air !
What did u do today? While most people were receiving precious chocolate gifts I was on a plane leaving beautiful sunshine to come to the cold cold weather that is Melbourne. It makes me feel cold yuck and depressed the only good thing is that I get to see my friends that I get to actually have psychical contact with something other than a computer screen :)
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my shoes are pretty:) #shoes #pretty #bordem #life #beige #beautiful #bejweled #amazing #blue #pink #green #fun
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