loviatarwrites · 1 year
to win a game of lanceboard (nsfw)
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Raphael x Reader
Word Count: 3.8k
Finally breaking away but still, within breath’s reach, Raphael’s eyes glinted with mischief. “Now, where were we in the game? Oh, right, I believe it was your move.” You opened your palm, the rook still in your hands. While looking at Raphael’s eyes, you dropped the piece to the ground, where it joined others, some maybe lost forever.
A/N: Raphael doesn't like to lose, when it comes to any game. With you, he fortunately has other means to level the playing field.
“I wouldn’t move that piece. You’ll lose your Mystra.” A devilishly handsome man grinned at you from the other side of the lanceboard.
“Maybe I don’t care about my Mystra. Your Cyric looks much more delicious.” You moved your knight-errant to take his pawn.
Raphael’s face turned from a grin to a pondering expression as he tried to see your strategy, as just moments ago, he had been sure that you wouldn’t just let him take your Mystra. There needed to be something that he didn’t see, and you tried to look anywhere but the board not to give him any indication of your following moves. Keeping your eyes on him was, fortunately, an easy task since you never got tired of looking at Raphael, and his devilish form was even more delicious than the disguise he used among mortals.
“Don’t try to distract me.” He watched you, opting to take Mystra you had offered to him.
“I like to see you sweat.” You answered and quickly moved your priest to a spot that would lead to his inevitable demise. “And it seems like you are in an especially hot spot.”
Raphael leaned back to the headboard and adjusted the pillow under his head so his horns would sit comfortably. The lanceboard and two glasses of red wine on a wooden tray were the only things between you two, and for an outsider, seeing a human playing lanceboard with a devil in his personal chambers would’ve made them question your sanity. They weren’t necessarily wrong, but for you, the pros outweigh the cons massively when dealing with Raphael. True, there was the possibility that you would eventually lose your soul to eternal doom, but for now, humiliating him in a game outweighed everything else.
“You’re a mean woman.” Raphael moved his knight-errant to threaten your Elmister, but he was too late with his attack.
“Don’t be such a sore loser.”
“Want to reconsider your decision one last time before moving that piece. You don’t want to anger the devil, after all.”
You looked at Raphael across the board. His horns, like a crown on his head, the red skin on his chest bare, and his large wings hanging on the edge of the bed as he lay on his side. And most noticeably, his long tail squirmed its way up your leg as you tried to make your move.
“That is unfair, and you know that.” You tried to tap the tail gently so it would retreat from your body, but you had the opposite effect.
“What do you mean? Oh, don’t you mean that this little of me pushes you over the edge?” 
“Just admit that you are a bad loser.”
“If I see correctly, I haven’t yet, or am I missing something?”
“Don’t try to convince me you don’t see it too. Be a good devil and admit that you have already lost.”
Raphael’s eyes were filled with fire and gold, and the faint scent of cherries and musk lingered in the room. Although he didn’t admit it, the fact that his tail gripped your thigh tighter every passing second told you that he wasn’t happy with the game’s current state. You had played lanceboard once in a while at the gatherings in Baldur’s Gate, but only after seeing Mol playing it at Harper’s encampment had you started to play again more often, and the devil you played against wasn’t the most minor reason for that. Maybe there was something you wanted to prove, that you could win against an ancient evil and walk away with your soul, or perhaps it was just your curiosity. Whichever it was, ignoring the growing grin on Raphael’s face and the tentacle-like tail with a pointed tip lingering upwards every passing second made playing the game an ever more difficult task. Gazing across the board, you took your rook, ready to move it.
“Are you absolutely sure about that?” Raphael asked, his golden eyes piercing yours like he was watching straight to your soul.
“We both know I am.”
Raphael’s fiery golden eyes never left yours, locking you in a seductive gaze as his tail grabbed your thigh hard as he leaned closer to you across the board.
“There are many ways to win. I am sure you remember what you did to aid that tiefling kid.” Raphael purred, the playful smirk never leaving his face.
“Oh? And what are you going to do to win, devil?”
“You should be careful how you address me. It seems you have forgotten whose domain we are at.” Raphael looked at you as you still held the lanceboard piece in your hand. “Although you have been the most wonderful visitor a devil could wish for.”
“What a charming way to tell me nothing. Sweet words to try to distract me, and it almost works.”
“I can promise you even sweeter ones if you so desire.” Raphael leaned to you, his face close to yours. “Desire. Want. Need, I can sense you are filled with all of them.”
His voice was a mere whisper, so low it was almost drowned out by your heart pounding as you smelled the sulfur on his skin. Suddenly, Raphael lunged forward before you could even blink, closing the gap between you in seconds. His hands gripped the edges of the lanceboard, and in a swift, deliberate motion, he flipped it off the bed along with your wine glasses. The board crashed to the floor, pieces scattering in every direction, creating a chaotic symphony of wooden pieces dropping to the ground, glass shattering with a sharp noise, and pieces rolling in every direction imaginable.
You barely had time to register the destruction when his hands found your face, tilting it upward. Before you could say anything, his eyes nailed to yours, and you found yourself being held down by just the weight of his body as he sat on top of you, his body pressing yours down under him.
“You know - -” Raphael murmured, his lips hovering dangerously close to yours. “Sometimes a direct approach is the most effective strategy.”
Your breath caught in your throat as you tried to find words, but Raphael didn’t give you the chance. His lips captured yours in a fervent kiss, filled with an otherworldly hunger. His taste was intoxicating – a mix of smoky musk and cherries. As his tongue sought entrance, you couldn’t help but grant him access, the world fading away as you lost yourself in the depths of the kiss.
His tail wrapped around your leg possessively, the tip teasing the back of your thigh, causing you to gasp and clutch at his broad shoulders. The weight of his body pressed you further against the bed, and you could feel the heat radiating from him. As Raphael broke the kiss for a moment, you watched him. On top of you, his figure was even more impressive than what you had observed when he had been on the other side of the lanceboard. He was over seven feet tall, and his large wings made him even more ominous for someone who saw them for the first time. And although you should’ve probably feared him, you pressed your lips back to his, delving deeper into the burning hot kiss you shared, tasting every bit of him as you did.
Finally breaking away but still, within breath’s reach, Raphael’s eyes glinted with mischief. “Now, where were we in the game? Oh, right, I believe it was your move.”
You opened your palm, the rook still in your hands. While looking at Raphael’s eyes, you dropped the piece to the ground, where it joined others, some maybe lost forever.
“You’ve made plenty of moves already, so I think we’re not playing lanceboard anymore.” You replied while still catching your breath. “You’ve made way more moves than what I have.”
Raphael’s lips turned to a smile as he answered to you, his voice rich and dark. “And trust me, darling, I’ve only just begun.”
Raphael’s eyes glowed with a mix of lust and hunger as his fingertips began to trace along your collarbone, even just the light touch sending shivers down your spine. His devilish grin never left his face as he lowered his head to nuzzle your neck, the heat from his body making your skin tingle.
“You have to realize you are a smart woman - -” Raphael murmured against your skin, the low tone of his voice sending heat coursing through you. “There are many games we could play apart from the lanceboard.”
His fingers deftly moved to the buttons on your blouse, each touch deliberate and filled with anticipation. You wondered momentarily how he did that so swiftly with his nails, but there must’ve been perks of living from the start of the times. As he slowly undid each button, his lips left a trail of featherlight kisses down your neck, each hotter and more possessive than the last.
You gasped as his teeth grazed your collarbone, his touch both gentle and insistent. He wasn’t a vampire like one of your companions but supported almost equally pointy teeth, and he knew that you liked to feel them on your skin.
“Raphael - -” You managed to whisper, caught between wanting to pull him closer and push him away.
“Tell me you don’t want this.” He challenged you, his fingers teasing the hem of your blouse, the soft fabric contrasting with the rough heat of his hands.
His whole body was hot, radiating the warmth of Avernus that loomed from the large windows behind you. You struggled to find words, the sensations he evoked in you threatening to overwhelm your senses. Raphael leaned in to capture your lips again, taking your silence as a sign of acquiescence. His kiss was even more intense than before, filled with a fiery passion that threatened to consume you. His hands roamed your body, each touch setting your skin aflame. As he moved lower, your breath caught in your throat, anticipation and uncertainty warring within you.
“Or if you want this - -” Raphael murmured against your skin, his lips hovering just above the curve of your breasts. “Then beg for me, darling.”
His demand gave you pause, and you searched his eyes for a hint of him not meaning every word he said. Instead, you found a surprising depth of emotion. You realized that despite his devilish nature, a part of him genuinely wanted for you, even though you were mortal, unlike him.
With a shaky breath, you whispered. “Please, Raphael, I want you to continue.”
A wicked grin spread across Raphael’s face as he continued his journey through your body, his teasing and captivating touch, as you didn’t want to fight against him. His lips moved lower, and a soft moan escaped your lips, the hot sensation of his mouth on your skin driving you wild. Raphael’s chuckle vibrated against your skin, the sound rich and dark.
“You have no idea how much I’ve wanted this, how much I wanted to just steal you to my house from the moment you refused all of my attempts to make a contract with you.” He whispered, his breath hot against your ear. “And here you are, my sweet little mouse, all willingly giving yourself to me.”
As his fingers deftly removed the last barriers between you, you felt a rush of hot air against your skin. Raphael’s gaze never left yours as he leaned in, his lips mere inches from yours. 
“Let’s see how you match me in this game.” He murmured with a devilish smirk.
Raphael reached to his side with one hand and produced a long, dark ribbon that seemed to shimmer with an otherworldly glow, which you assumed to be some kind of infernal magic.
“My sweet little thing.” He murmured, twirling the ribbon around his fingers. “Have you ever tried to play without your hands? One could assume that making winning hard even for you.”
You tried to identify the magic surrounding the item, going through all the things you had encountered and studied. However, nothing came to your mind even with your best efforts. Still, a flush spread across your cheeks, making even the last efforts meaningless.
“That’s not the game we were playing. It’ll be unfair for you to have even more advantage.” You managed to reply, though your voice quivered slightly as Raphael still sat on top of you.
“Ah, but games evolve, don’t they?” He leaned in closer. “Trust me, the devil, you know, won’t let you get hurt.”
You hesitated for a moment. Every ounce of logic told you to be wary of the devil in front of you. Still, something about the intensity of his gaze, the raw energy between you two, made you nod slowly. He hadn’t ever hurt you, not in any of your trips to his lair, so why would he now. With a satisfied grin, Raphael gathered both of your wrists in one of his hands, pressing them down as his nails pressed lightly to your skin. Slowly and deliberately, he wound the dark ribbon around them, binding them together. Once satisfied, he gently lifted your bound hands above your head, tying the other end of the ribbon to the ornate headboard. You felt how the knots adjusted to be just tight enough to not hurt you but still constantly remind you of your position.
“There - -” Raphael grinned. “Not too tight, I hope, or otherwise the merchant who sold that will find their soul from the deepest pits of Avernus.”
You tested the restraints, a hint of vulnerability creeping into your voice.
“I’m - - at your mercy.”
“That you are.”
Raphael leaned in, his lips brushing against your ear and his nails tracing your exposed chest, your blouse hanging open and revealing all of the little details of your skin to him.
“Tell me you want me to take you.” His voice was commanding yet still filled with lust.
The blush on your cheeks grew more intense as the heat of his body radiated to yours.
“I want you, Raphael.”
“You can do better than that.”
“I need you - - no - - I desperately yearn for you to take me so I can feel every inch of your body. Please. ”
“You are so beautiful when you beg.” ---
Raphael’s body pressed against yours, radiating heat as his nails traced red marks to your skin, trailing from your collarbone all the way to your hips. You whimpered, and your body tried to pull away from his touch by reflex, but you could not escape him with your hands tied on top of your head and the whole weight of a demon lying on top of you.
“Please, touch me harder, Raphael.”
“I will. I want to hear you screaming my name when I am done. You’ll beg for the devil to give you more.”
Raphael’s body pressed against yours, radiating a warmth that seemed to penetrate every inch of your being. His fingers trailed up and down your sides, sending shivers through your spine as he went lower on your body with every passing, reaching closer and closer to your inner thigh. With a gentle touch, he pushed two fingers to you, parting you and feeling your yearning for him. Your body clenched around him, unwilling to let go, so you had to fight your urge and let your body relax, and soon you felt how his fingers moved in and out of your body with ease. Even though he was a devil, Raphael knew how to make you feel as good as if you had been touched by something divine. Raphael’s touch filled you with warmth and the comfort he could fill you with radiated through your body like the most delicious wine.
“Seems like you are wanting more, do you?”
“Yes - -” You panted as you felt his cock pressing against your leg. “Hells, yes, I do.”
“I know what you are capable of, but I was wondering - -” Raphael’s tail moved up to your body and to the base of your spine. “Maybe it is time to test how much you are truly willing to offer.”
Raphael’s cock pushed against your folds, spreading you. He was bigger than the average human, not only in length but also by the girth, making it a task for your body to be able to take him. It wasn’t as painful as the first time you had taken him. Still, it wasn’t something you could just adjust your body in moments. He more than enjoyed taking his time savoring all of the little noises and pleas you made as he pushed deeper every time. Raphael gently ran his fingers through your hair, pulling your head back slightly as he still moved at a slow pace to give you time to adjust. As he exposed the curve of your neck, Raphael leaned in, his lips grazing your skin with a gentleness.
“I must admit - -” He whispered against your ear. “It’s exhilarating to have a mortal like yourself in my domain. Your resilience, your spirit - - it’s intoxicating.”
You found speaking difficult, lost in the sensations Raphael sent through your body.
“You have a way of making even the most dangerous games seem alluring.” You managed to whisper back to him before he pushed his cock even deeper into you, making you moan.
“Is that not the nature of temptation? To make the perilous seem appealing?”
“You’re an expert at that.” You panted.
Raphael pushed himself deeper into you with every thrust as you moaned around him. His hand moved to your throat, his sharp nails caressing your neck to your collarbone, sending shivers through your body.
“More - -.” You whispered. “Let me have more, please.”
As Raphael heard you begging, his hand tightened on your neck while the whole length of his cock sank to you, filling you all the way. If your mind was greedy to come to the demon’s domain, so was your body which became more wet every passing second as Raphael’s cock moved in you and the oxygen left your body. You felt lightheaded, but only to the point where it intensified everything you felt. His hand on your neck reminded you of how you had surrendered to the mercy of a devil, yet he decided to still make you feel so good that you couldn’t but ask and beg for more. Every passing second, every time you felt Raphael’s cock on the deepest parts of your body, your body was closer to the edge. All of the feelings pushed you further and further, from the weight of him over you to the heat radiating from his palm that made sure that you felt everything as intensively as you could.
Raphael shifted, looking directly into your eyes. “It’s been eons since I’ve felt such a connection with a mortal. You’re not like the others. There’s something - - unique about you.”
“Perhaps that’s why I find myself here, in the arms of a devil. Maybe I want something better than a mortal.”
“I hope so because I won’t let you compare me to mere mortals. Because you’ll soon see that I am capable of much more than any mortal ever could.”
Raphael’s hand left your neck, and just when you had time to think of why, you felt his tail rubbing against your asshole. The tip of the tail was small, almost pointed, but you knew better than to let your body rest since you knew that you wouldn’t get any rest from now on. You tried to relax as the tail eased into you slowly, accompanied by your moans and whines that you let out as Raphael worked both of your holes simultaneously, filling you unlike any human ever could. The tail moved up as Raphael’s cock filled your pussy, only for them to move at different paces, not giving you a second to breathe or collect your thoughts as all of your powers went to not lose yourself completely.
“Tell me, my sweet thing, let me hear that I am better than all mortals.”
Raphael’s eyes burned hotter than ever, and you tried not to leave your gaze as your back arched when his tail hit just the right spot, and a scream escaped from your lips. If it had been any other devil than Raphael, you would’ve probably screamed from the pain. Still, now, everything that your body wanted was to feel more of him and never leave where you were.
“Please - - by the nine Hells, Raphael.” You breathed loudly. “Please give me everything. I want you to have me.”
“Yes, say my name, little mouse. I want you to scream when you come.”
You felt like you hadn’t ever before, completely filled and at the mercy of a handsome devil. Raphael’s wings span on top of you, so he was the only thing you could see and the only thing you wanted to see at that moment. Your body was hot and sweating from both being pounded to hells but also wet around Raphael’s cock, which brushed your cervix as he pushed his length to you.
“Raphael - - Raphael please - - ” Your voice was a mix of lust, desperation, and ecstasy. “Take me.”
Raphael leaned closer, his lips on your ear and his horns brushing your forehead. “What a good girl you are.”
The pleasure flushed over you, filling your vision with white light and making you see stars as you came around him, every muscle in your body tensing as you did. Not long after, you heard Raphael’s low growl and felt how familiar warmness filled you, letting your body enjoy the fires of Avernus. You felt how your body tried to adjust to what had just happened. However, still, you felt how the cum dripped from your pussy to your thigh as Raphael let you free, letting you have space to breathe as he laid next to you, watching how you desperately tried to return to the right plane.
You weren’t sure how long time had passed when Raphael untied the ribbon that bound your hands, allowing you to wrap your arms around him as soon as he did. The two of you lay there for what felt like hours, wrapped up in each other, lost in the moment. Finally, Raphael broke the silence as the first stars appeared in the Avernus’s darkening sky.
“Our time together is fleeting, but know you’ll always have a place here with me.”
“Do you promise to get a new lanceboard? I think the last one isn’t doing so great. Or maybe we must agree not to play if losing makes you this emotional.”
“You must admit that you enjoyed seeing me - - emotional.” Raphael brushed your hair as you lay against his chest, his wings wrapped around you. “And you didn’t win.”
“Rook takes your Cyric in two turns.” You whispered. “You’re a clever devil; you know how that game would’ve played out.”
“I know, darling. But you are more exquisite than even the most fascinating game.”
You laid against Raphael, letting his body intertwine with yours, as the night deepened and the world outside faded away.
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loviatarwrites · 1 year
curious little mouse (nsfw)
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Raphael x Reader
Word Count: 4.3k
You looked up to him, the man, no, the devil that had tormented your journey and promised a cure from the tadpole with sweet words that echoed empty to the air. “You know exactly why I’m here now.” “Do I now? Are you so desperate that you couldn’t even wait till morning?”
A/N: The reason you visit Raphael isn't tadpole or the hammer but something much more private. I just like anything not-really-human okay. It is what it is.
There weren’t many things you wanted to keep to yourself, or with the tadpole, even could. If you knew something, there was a high possibility that at least three other people knew the same thing, and there was little you could do about that, but this was something you didn’t want anyone else to know about.
Although you had negotiated that you could stay at Elfsong Tavern, there was somewhere else you wanted to be, and the only time you could go on your own was in the middle of the night when everyone else had fallen fast asleep. You sat up slowly, your head throbbing with a dull ache. The tadpole is a constant reminder in your head. Pushing yourself up, you found your boots and slipped them on, wincing slightly as they chafed against blisters that had started to form from your journey from Grove to Baldur’s Gate. As much as you enjoyed your time in the lower city, there was somewhere else you longed for, a particular place at Wyrm’s Crossing.
One deep breath.
One last gaze over your shoulder.
Nobody is following you. 
There’s just you and the tadpole in your head.
And then, a fast knock on the particular door of Sharess’ Caress, one that belonged to a person everyone at camp had told you very clearly  not  to associate with. 
“Hello, little mouse.” A tall, handsome man opened the door to you. “What an odd time you have picked to visit me.” 
You looked up to him, the man, no,  the devil  that had tormented your journey and promised a cure from the tadpole with sweet words that echoed empty to the air.
“You know exactly why I’m here now.” 
“Do I now? Are you so desperate that you couldn’t even wait till morning?”
You looked at Raphael, the cambion disguised as a human, leaning against the doorframe. His hair was styled beautifully, and he wore his signature attire with an expensive-looking vest with gold detailing made from the finest fabric. And on his face, a smile, almost a grin. He knew exactly why you were at his door. 
“Charming as always, yet also not willing to accept what I have to offer - - unless that’s why you are here.” 
You sighed. “What do you want me to do? What should I say to a devil?” 
The smile on Raphael’s face widened as you lowered your gaze, watching him below your brows. He hadn’t lied when he had said that you would come to him humbly, although he had initially meant the tadpole, not why you had mangling your brain.
“Well, come in. Let’s discuss the ways you can sing for me.” 
The door slammed shut behind you, and you barely reached Raphael’s room. Along with the door, the sounds of Wyrm’s Crossing were left behind you as you were surrounded by silence and a smell of sulfur, mixing with roses and perfume lingering in the air. The room was way too romantic for a devil, covering his true nature from the outsiders until it was too late for them to leave.
Along with the other sounds, you felt like your brain was free from the constant ache tadpole caused. You were alone, truly alone, with Raphael, and while glad to have time off the worm rummaging through your brain matter, you were also scared of the sudden quietness. 
“Now, I don’t think you came here to discuss the tadpole, nor the Orphic hammer on that matter, didn’t you, little mouse?” 
Raphael’s hand pressed against the door, leaving you between himself, back against the only route to escape, now shut behind you. As you gazed at his brown eyes, you saw his amusement, but also all of the small details of his face, the wrinkles around his eyes, how his nose had a small bump, and his eyebrows that framed his face. You had never been so close to a devil, but still, you didn’t dislike your position.
“I’m sure we both know - - about my more selfish motives.” You moved your hand to the golden detailing of his vest, following the lines on his chest. “The devil you know, like you said.” 
Raphael moved his face closer to yours, leaning so you felt his breath warm as it hit your skin. “I was sure that you would come to seek me eventually, but this - - this is still something I wasn’t considering when I offered to help you for the first time.” 
Raphael’s hand found its way to your hair, grabbing it as he pulled your head upwards, meeting his. The warmth of Raphael’s breath was but a mere prelude to the heat that would flush over you as his lips crashed onto yours. It was a devouring kiss, one that claimed and consumed. As the cambion’s mouth slanted over yours, the world outside seemed to fall away, leaving only the two of you tethered in a dance as old as time. His taste was an intoxicating blend of darkness and desire, an elixir you hadn’t known you craved until you had met him.
His fingers tightened in your hair, making you gasp and tilting your head to grant him deeper access, and you responded in kind, a hunger awakening within you. Your hands roamed over his finely tailored vest, feeling the intricate contours of his chest underneath. There was a sense of danger, yet you didn’t want to share this with your companions, who would either judge you or try to talk sense to you, neither that you wished to. An edge to his kiss spoke of wild and forbidden passion, something not from this world, but rather than repel you, it drew you in even more profound, binding you to him. The atmosphere in the room grew thick, heavy with lust, and charged with an electric tension. The scent of roses and sulfur intensified, creating a heady blend that threatened to overwhelm your senses. Yet, as much as Raphael’s kiss dominated, it also teased. He’d pull back slightly every so often, leaving you gasping for air and chasing his lips, only to plunge back in with even greater fervor. 
You felt yourself melting into him, surrendering to the whirlwind of sensations he evoked. His tongue danced with yours, every stroke and nip sending jolts of pleasure down your spine. This was no mere mortal’s kiss; it was a display of control and seduction, and you were willingly ensnared, even if you knew about the danger you put yourself in. The devil you knew had trapped you in his embrace, and for the moment, you had no desire to be free.
“Most people from your world want something from us but rarely to offer themselves so willingly.” Raphael’s hand moved from your hair to your neck, sending shivers to your spine. “So eager to be devoured, so tell me, what do you want?” 
“Can’t deny that I hadn’t always been allured by the dark.” 
Raphael’s fingers gently traced the curve of your neck, his touch both threatening and comforting in its possessiveness. His deep, sultry voice resonated through the dimly lit room. 
“Such fire in your eyes. What is it that you truly want?”
You took a deep breath, trying to articulate the emotions swirling inside you. 
“You know, in my world, they always tell tales of the cat and the mouse.” You began, staring deep into Raphael’s eyes, seeing the intriguing spark within them. “The mouse always runs, always hides because of fear. The cat is dangerous, a predator. But what if the mouse isn’t just afraid? What if it’s... curious?”
Raphael quirked an eyebrow, leaning in closer. “Curious about what?”
“About the thrill.” You continued. “The thrill of being chased, the thrill of danger, even the thrill of what’s to come when it eventually gets caught by the cat. It’s not just about fear. It’s about the allure, about the unknown. I’ve been the mouse my entire life, always on the run, always hiding. But there’s a part of me that’s... tired of running. A part of me that’s drawn to the danger, to the cat.”
Raphael chuckled, the sound rich and warm. “So, you agree to see me as the cat, and you, the mouse? Small and pitiful compared to the predator.”
“You are danger incarnate.” You replied, feeling a thrill run down your spine. “But there’s a pull, an allure. I don’t know if it’s the power, the mystery, or the promise of something forbidden, but I want to know more.”
“You have become good with your words, much better than the dagger-happy version of you I first introduced to.” 
“I can be persuasive. I want to see what happens when the mouse stops running and turns to face the cat. Not out of fear, but out of curiosity.”
Raphael’s grin grew wider, his fingers brushing your cheek. “And are you prepared for what the cat might do once the chase ends? When there is nowhere to run?”
“That.” You whispered, your heart racing. “Is what I aim to find out.”
The fires of Avernus burned around you as Raphael wrapped his arms around you and pulled you down to literal hell. However, the hell wasn’t that bad by what you had seen, with tables filled lavishly with food and rooms decorated with expensive paintings to hide everything rotten outside of the concealed space. 
The room Raphael got you both to was a marvel; it seemed to be a spacious chamber, the centerpiece of which was a vast, circular pool, with stairs leading to the area and a large bed with a window to gaze across the Avernus behind it. The water shimmered with a soft blue glow, and floating atop it all were countless rose petals, their rich crimson hue contrasting beautifully with the water’s ethereal luminescence.
“I assume you remember your first visit to my House of Hope, dear mousie.” 
“Can’t deny that I wasn’t indefinitely better than my camp at the woods, although I think everyone saw through me immediately. Not everyone is as open to temptation as I am.” 
Raphael didn’t answer you; instead, he took your hand, guiding you towards the pool’s edge, his fingers securely interlaced with yours. The air was thick with the scent of roses, accompanied by the gentle sound of water lapping against the pool’s sides. You took the first step to the pool, still wearing your usual attire, but as soon as the water hit you, your clothing merged from well-worn traveler’s attire to an exquisite white robe with almost see-through fabric. The water caressed your skin, and Raphael followed you into the pool after a couple of steps. As his clothes morphed like yours, and after seeing what he could do, you didn’t even bother to think of how he had done that.
The temperature was perfect, warm and inviting, reminiscent of a gentle embrace. Raphael beckoned you closer, and as you approached, he sat down on a submerged bench, the water now reaching his mid-torso. The fabric of your robe soaked the water, pressing against your skin and leaving little as a mystery. With a playful smirk, Raphael patted his lap, and you hesitated only for a fleeting moment before moving to sit upon it. As you settled into his embrace, the water enveloping you both, everything around you felt like fading away. There was no fighting, no tadpole, nor anything that would distract you from what you were currently feeling. Raphael’s arms encircled you, holding you close, his fingertips on the side of your thighs as you faced him, your hands pressing against his bare chest underwater. 
His voice was soft, almost a whisper, contrasting with the deep timbre that always marked his words. “You seem so at ease, little mouse. Is this what you were seeking, not to run and hide?”
“Maybe.” You began, tracing patterns on his chest with your fingertips. 
The feel of his skin beneath the water was smooth, warm, as if the fires of Avernus themselves flowed through his veins. “Or maybe I wanted to see if the tales of the devil’s allure were true.”
His laugh was low, but there was apparent amusement in his voice. “And have you found your answer? If that’s all you wanted, I know an incubus  quite capable  of showing you the true meaning of devilishly alluring.”
You leaned in closer, your lips brushing against his ear, breathing into it.
“Perhaps you could’ve. But there’s still so much I don’t know about you, and I find this particular devil especially charming.”
“Ah, why so?”
“What is it that you truly want from me? I’m a mere mortal, and clearly, we are not here to talk about the crown or hammer. What could I possibly offer the likes of you besides the special flavored tadpole in my head?”
Raphael’s fingers tightened on your thighs, pressing against your skin and pulling you closer to him. 
“Isn’t it obvious?” You felt how he could not hide the fact he was growing under you, pressing against your body. “From the moment I laid my eyes on you, I saw something unique. A spark. A fire that refused to be extinguished, no matter the adversity. That little mouse, intrigues me. You intrigue me.”
It was your turn to have a smirk on your face as you lowered your body weight to him, making sure he knew you had noticed what was happening beneath the water.
“And you? You, who has seen countless souls and has been wooed by many, what could I possibly offer that others haven’t?”
Raphael’s fingers caressed your cheek as he pulled your body against his until there was nothing between you. Like some devilish magic, even the little clothes you had disappeared from your body, leaving you bare to his gaze. 
“It’s not about offering something new or different. It’s about authenticity, willingness. With many souls, their desires are transparent, their intentions clear, and it’s something earthly they want to gain from you. With you - - it’s more like you are offering yourself to me, rather than me taking it.”
You tilted your head, eyes narrowing slightly. “What can you do when the unknown is oh so interesting. Few mortals can do what you have already shown to me.”
Raphael’s skin was hot against yours as you gazed into his eyes, trying to see his thoughts without succeeding in your efforts. Raphael’s fingers tenderly brushed your cheek as he kept you close, feeling every part of him. 
“I have always wondered how different a cambion is from a human.” You moved yourself to him, feeling his length gently with your fingers. “And with everything you’ve promised, it would be a shame to turn away now.” 
You lowered your body slowly, feeling how Raphael’s cock pushed to you, and even the slowest movement made you gasp for air. The sensation filled your body as he filled you, his eyes not leaving yours while your body adjusted to his size. 
Raphael had been charming and alluring to you from the first time you met him, and even though it had been evident that his sweet words had been little more than flattery, you hadn’t cared. From the beginning, you had felt that pull to him, although not admitting it to your companions, and hoped that if you didn’t accept his deals, he would return to you time and time again. 
“I don’t want to be just another soul in your collection.” You murmured, your eyes locking onto his as you slowly ground yourself against him, taking more and more of his cock with each thrust.
“You’re not.” Raphael said. “I’ve been around for eons, since Netheril fell, seen countless souls come and go, but you... you stand out.”
Raphael’s nails dug into your sides as you kept the pace slow, almost painfully so, sliding along the length of his cock. You felt Raphael trying to move so he could sink even deeper into you, but couldn’t do much under you. It felt good. As much as you had gone to Raphael, ready to beg him to take you, he was now under your command. A slow smile tugged at your lips. 
“How does it feel, being held down by a mere mortal?” You grinned at him almost in a mocking tone.
He returned your smile with his own, full of mischief and allure. “Who has said that I’m held down?”
Your heart pounded in your chest, not out of fear but anticipation. There was something about Raphael, who was willing to let you lead the situation that made you question what was coming. Something he was not ready to show you yet. Your back arched as his cock hit the deepest spots of your body, sending shivers through you while his grip on you tightened. 
You leaned in, close to him, your lips inches from his. “So, what now? I am sure the mighty devil is not sated with just this.”
“Are you sure you’re ready for that, my mouse?” 
“Oh, now I am yours. How charming.” 
“You have been from the moment you stepped into my house.”
Before you could answer him, the flames surrounded you, devouring your bodies. In an instant, the all-consuming flames enveloped the both of you and just as quickly as they appeared, they vanished, leaving the two of you atop a lavish bed that overlooked the very pool from which you emerged. Silken sheets, a deep shade of blood red, contrasted the golden detailing in the bed frame. The bed was perched on a raised platform, granting a panoramic view of the luxurious chamber below.
As you tried to gather your thoughts, Raphael’s form began to shift before your eyes. His once pale skin transformed into a rich shade of crimson, and majestic, vast, and bat-like wings unfurled from behind him, casting dark, undulating shadows around the room. You had seen him transform to his devilish form before, but while you had initially been mesmerized by his changing on top of you, you were quickly reminded of your position. His cambion form was taller than the form he took as a human, over seven feet tall, and while the nails on his hands grew to claws and horns framed his head like a crown, you also felt how he grew inside you, pushing your body to its limit while his cock stretched your hole unlike nothing had before. 
“Please, I can’t - - my body can’t.” You panted as you felt like never before.
“You asked for more, so I am simply granting you what you wished for.” 
Your body tried to adjust to Raphael’s cock shaping your body while he was still transforming from his mortal disguise to his true self. His eyes, previously a deep brown, now glowed a brilliant shade of gold, and as you took in his newfound form, you felt the slithering sensation of something wrapping around your ankle. Glancing down, you saw a sinuous tail, tipped with an arrowhead, coiling and uncoiling around your thigh. 
“Impressed, little mouse?” he murmured, the deep timbre of his voice even more pronounced, sending a thrill down your spine.
You bit your lip. Thinking of the right words while forming any words was an arduous task in your current state of mind. Even without moving, it felt like he was consuming you, and for the first time, you wondered if you had made the most horrible mistake in your short lifetime.
“Ah, cat got your tongue?” Raphael mocked you. “Maybe you need a tad bit of encouragement. You were so talkative before.” 
Raphael’s clawed hand took yours, pinning them on top of your head. While he had been unable to move previously, you were to share his fate now, and you knew there wasn’t fighting against him. His hand pressed against your wrists, but the pain wasn’t anything compared to when he pulled away, only to push into you moments later. 
You gasped and moaned when Raphael’s cock pushed to you, barely fully inside, as his tip hit your cervix. Not only was his length almost too much for you, his cock was wide enough to push your walls to their limits. Thrust after thrust, in the same gentle pace as you had taken him previously, Raphael sent waves of shivers through your body as he pushed in and out of you, his hand still holding you in place while his other hand dug into your side, his nails leaving red marks on their way. There was no way you could escape from this situation, but while your body felt like you would break into pieces at any moment, you still wanted Raphael more every passing second.
“Nothing better than a devil you know. I wasn’t lying about that, wasn’t I?” Raphael purred to your ear.
“Hells with you. You’re going to break me.” 
“Oh no, dear mousie, I am positively certain you can take much more than this.” 
Your eyes locked with him as his pace quickened, and the slow pace that let your body adjust to him was gone. He wanted you, and you had very little to say to that. His tip hit your back wall again and again, making you gasp as your body tried its hardest to withstand him. You had a moment to breathe each time Raphael pulled out, only to feel all of the said air leave your body when he pounded your body, unlike nobody had before.
“Such a beautiful little creature you are.” Raphael stopped for a moment while still remaining inside you, and you took all the time you could to catch your breath. “I think you deserve something special, just for you.” 
The tail that had pressed against your tight started to move, and your eyes widened as you realized what was happening. You looked at Raphael’s golden eyes, and his expression alone was enough to confirm what you would go through.
“Wait - - wait - - no no no. I can’t - - my body can’t take that.” You had hoped that your voice would’ve been more convincing, but instead, it was filled with panic.
“The mouse wanted to see what would happen after the chase, in case you have forgotten. Now you get to see that, so look at me when I show you.” 
Raphael’s tail pressed against his cock at your entrance, already stretched to fit his cock. You tried to free yourself, but his body pressed you down, rendering you helpless as the pointed end slithered slowly up as you wondered how your body would manage to endure what was to come. Raphael pulled his cock halfway out, making room for his tail that invaded you as he pushed deep inside again. The quicker pace had been almost too much for you before, but now you weren’t even sure how to breathe as Raphael overpowered you with all he had. Your chest, marked with red lines from his nails, your wrists bruised from his grip, and most of all, your insides invaded by both his cock as well as his tail. 
“This is what happens when you deal willingly with me.” Raphael looked at you, and however much you wanted to evade his gaze, you couldn’t but stare at his eyes, filled with fire and hunger. “And you have proven yourself worthy.” 
You weren’t sure how your body could handle everything Raphael made you go through or if you had already gone over the edge when the pain in your body replaced itself with pleasure. You felt both his tail and his cock moving in you, varying in pace and pushing as deep as they could, only to retreat and enter deep inside you time and time again. Raphael panted as his pace quickened yet again, and you felt his cock pulsing inside.
His tail pulled out from you, and his previously overwhelmingly feeling cock felt manageable for the first time. Raphael must’ve felt that, too, as he hit you with greater force than before, and your body screamed like you were split in half. One thrust, two thrusts later, Raphael pushed deep inside you, his cock pulsing, as you felt how warmth filled you, to the point you weren’t sure if you were burning or not. Whichever was the case, you felt how the pleasure was too much for you, and your vision went from white to black, only to return when you felt Raphael collapsing on top of you, and you felt how your fluids dripped down on your inner thigh, still warm but not as burning as the devil’s body against yours. 
Exhausted, you tried to catch your breath, Raphael’s warmth enveloping you. “Did the mouse prove itself?”
Raphael shifted, propping himself on one elbow to better see you, laying in the bed next to your still aching body. The intensity in his golden eyes was unmistakable. 
“From the first time you ventured into my domain, you captivated me. Today was merely an affirmation of a connection between us.”
You raised an eyebrow, tracing a finger along the red marks on your skin. “And what now? Do I become another tale of your conquests? Another soul you’ve ensnared? Another poor mortal that fell into your hands, only for their soul to be ripped from their body to serve you for eternity?”
His fingers caressed your cheek, and for a moment, the devilish demeanor was replaced by something softer. 
“You’ve surprised me at every turn. You may have entered my realm willingly, but I confess, I didn’t anticipate becoming so... entranced by a mere mortal.”
“Would you mind if a mere mortal would visit your house from time to time?”
Raphael laughed at your question in a low voice. “House of Hope has always room for such a charming mouse as yourself, darling.”
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loviatarwrites · 1 year
solitude (nsfw)
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Astarion x Reader
Word Count: 2.5k
Summary:  “Let me at least offer you a drink. A nice, rich red if you like, or a beer if you fancy more that way.” The stranger continued. “My consciousness couldn’t leave you staring at the waves just by yourself.”
“You really are a persistent one.”
“I would like to say that I’m polite rather than persistent.” He continued. “My name is Astarion, pardon that I didn’t introduce myself sooner.”
You weren’t sure if you should even tell your name to the stranger, but something about him made you think that he would be who he said he was, and in the end, one drink wouldn’t kill you.
A/N: You/reader meet Astarion at the night and invite him to share a sweet night with you. No Y/N or your name, only lots of sweet names and gentle things.
Wyrm’s Crossing was buzzing with life even after the dark, and the sun had set a long while ago. Still, people entered taverns, merchants sold items through the night and the part of the town never slept, and you were sure that the time the crossing quieted down was the time Baldur’s Gate met its demise. The body of water flowed under the area built upon the bridge, yet the waves disappeared to the voices of the crowd, cheerful and loud as ever.
You leaned to the railing, gazing to the dark water, not even sure what you hoped to see. What you wanted was for all of the voices around you to seize to exist, leaving you alone with your thoughts, but even at the shelter of your own home, the noise pushed through the walls and windows, never letting you delve deep into your mind, so you took the gentle breeze over the walls once in a while. There was something calming in the dark water.
“All by yourself on this beautiful evening?” The voice next to you snapped you back to the present.
The beautiful man with white hair and gentle expression stood next to you, gazing at your direction, judging if you would be interested in answering him. How long had he been there and had he talked to you previously, you had no idea, you had been deep into your thoughts. It was not uncommon to be approached by strangers, yet however, they were usually either trying to sell something or have lost their way to a lower city. At least your house faced the sea rather than to the main road, because if it was otherwise, you would’ve probably had more encounters like this.
“Just leaving, it’s not like there is anything interesting in the water.” You answered, ready to walk away.
The man took a step closer to you, and you stopped on your tracks, not even knowing why you did that.
“I hate to interrupt you, but I couldn’t help but notice you eyeing the waves. Is everything in order?”
“Yes, I was just - - getting some fresh air.” 
The man was dressed in expensive looking garments, and his shirt that had a ruffed collar and sleeves that were rolled up revealed his well-defined arms. He had long fingers, and his eyes glowed red, yet it was not unusual for someone who supported a similar pair of ears to a drow. Although not uncommon in Faerun, they were still a rarer sight in Baldur’s Gate than humans like you were.
“And what a beautiful night it is, right?” 
“I guess.” You sighed.
“Oh, I didn’t mean to insult. My apologies.” 
You sighed. “There is nothing to apologise for.” 
Living near Baldur’s Gate had made you careful not to trust people as easily as you had in your hometown where everyone had known each other. Although you couldn’t ask for a merchant a free apple or walk wherever you wanted, pros of city living outweighed the cons, and for the first time ever, you had a possibility to earn your living and maybe even give the art of magic a chance, if you were brave enough.
“Let me at least offer you a drink. A nice, rich red if you like, or a beer if you fancy more that way.” The stranger continued. “My consciousness couldn’t leave you staring at the waves just by yourself.” 
“You really are a persistent one.” 
“I would like to say that I’m polite rather than persistent.” He continued. “My name is Astarion, pardon that I didn’t introduce myself sooner.” 
You weren’t sure if you should even tell your name to the stranger, but something about him made you think that he would be who he said he was, and in the end, one drink wouldn’t kill you. 
“Just one glass, and no more.” You answered hastily.
“A fine choice!” He sounded glad that you agreed to tag along with him. “Now, lead on. Whatever tavern fits your tastes fits mine.”
The choice was simple to you, because if there was a place where you could be sure that the innkeeper knew you, it was the tavern right under your house. They had seen your face before, and if anything was to happen, she wouldn’t back down from axing the intruder out of her place. 
“Sit down darling, let me handle the drinks.” Astarion offered as you entered the tavern.
He really was good at telling one what they wanted to hear, and compared to most, he felt less keen to murder and harm. Before long, you saw how he arrived at the small table at the back, holding two glasses filled with red liquid. 
“There, the finest the house had to offer.” He said and placed the glass in front of you.
“Thank you, although I would’ve settled for something drinkable.”
“Oh no, that won’t do. What would’ve you thought if I had given you vinegar for wine and expected to keep you as a company.”
“For someone who was just getting some fresh air, even vinegar would’ve been acceptable.” You sighed. “I never introduced myself, didn’t I?” 
“I didn’t want to peer but no, no you didn’t.”
You took a sip from the cup, and a rich flavour filled your mouth. As you introduced yourself, you took a better look at Astarion, now that you could see him better than in the moonlight against darkness. His red eyes clashed against pale skin, white hair and although beautiful, you spotted dark spots under his eyes, and something about him made you feel like he was more than his stunning looks let you believe.
“Tell me, why were you so alone? Not a soul to spend a night with you in this beautiful city?” 
The conversation had returned to the fact that you had met while you were on your thoughts. 
“I just enjoy my solitude. Nobody to care about, nobody to worry about.” 
“Yet still you accepted my invitation, how curious.”
“It was better than the waves.” You held the glass in your hands. “You are not the kind of company I have to worry about, at least I assume that would be the case.” 
“Oh sweetie, you are more direct than I assumed. Not that I dislike that quality.” 
There was comfort in your way of living. Not letting anyone close, not letting anyone see you, but it also had the side which you usually pushed back, and didn’t want to think of. You didn’t remember when someone had held you, when you had felt fingertips on your skin or lips against yours, and if someone made you want to feel all of those things, it was the stranger across the table. 
You didn’t need to know him. 
You needed to feel him. 
“So, if you like it, it’s your time to follow me.” You grinned and leaned to his side of the table, tilting your head to side as you studied his reaction.
“Lead the way then.” He flashed a smile at you as he got up, leaving the empty glass of red behind.
The scent of dried herbs and brewing potions filled your lungs as you opened the door to your house, yet you could barely close the door as you felt strong fingers pressing against your shoulders, pushing you against the wall. You didn’t resist, the intense feeling was just what you wanted, as the fingers moved upwards to your neck, tilting your head upwards.
“I didn’t think I would find myself from the druid’s lair, but don’t think those will scare me away, darling.” 
“Not really even a druid, just an apprentice.” Your hands grabbed the ruffled collar of Astarion’s shirt.
You felt how his fingers caressed your neck and collarbones gently, and you pulled him closer to you, closing the distance between your bodies. Although an elf, he was not too much taller than you, only just the amount that you had to tilt your head gently up when his soft lips met yours, inviting you to a passionate kiss, something that you hadn’t assumed to happen when you left your house. When you pressed against him, you tasted the wine on Astarion’s lips, as you assumed he did on yours, and when he dug his fingertips to your hair, you felt the kiss growing even more intense than before. Your tongue danced against his, and for a moment you forgot that this was someone unknown to you, not some lover that had taken care of you from the beginning of time. 
“Darling.” Astarion sighed. “Let me lose myself in you. Let me give you what you have always wanted. If that’s what you want, I’m willing to fulfil that all.” 
You panted, pushing yourself free from the wall behind you, only to pull him towards your bed that filled a good portion of your house. One room was all you could have afforded, but maybe, just maybe, when you learned more you could afford a separate sleeping area. 
“Oh I absolutely love your enthusiasm.” 
“Shut up already.” You grinned. “Or are you just talk and nothing to back that up.” 
“Certainly not, my sweet thing.” Astarion smiled back at you. “Hopefully you can handle me, and not disappoint after promising so much.” 
“If you don’t stop talking I’m kissing you again.”
“Please do, you were exquisite.” 
Your back found the mattress, and in moments, Astarion was on top of you, his hands on both sides of you, leaning in for another passionate kiss. His body felt heavy on top of you, but it was just what you had wanted; intensity, passion, comfort and even roughness. With a skilled touch, Astarion unbuttoned your shirt and slid his hands to your chest, caressing it gently as he pulled it upwards, revealing your bare skin to him. Your skin wasn’t however the only one that encountered cold air, as you pulled his shirt away, brushing his skin with your nails.
“Careful with those, darling. I would hate it if you made me bleed.” He said as he broke the kiss, letting you catch your breath for a moment.
Astarion pulled your shirt over your head, leaving you bare for his gaze, and you noticed a hunger in his eyes as he watched you, laying vulnerable under him. “Do you trust me? You know I wouldn’t hurt you.” Astarion breathed.
You had no reason to trust him, to let him take you the way he did, but something about him made him irresistible. The way he talked to you, and how he pushed you just the right amount that you could savour the enjoyment of every passing moment. Your fingers brushed his skin as he pressed against you, and you felt his body against yours, and your hands trapped between two bodies, unable to move to touch him apart from his chest. 
“Why do you talk in such a sweet manner?” You said as Astarion laid small kisses around your lips and neck. “It feels almost like you want to hurt me.”
“I just couldn’t bear seeing such a sweet creature alone in the night, so vulnerable to all of the horrors of the night.” 
“How can I know that you aren’t one?” 
“You can’t, sweetie, but if I was, I promise to make you feel good first.” 
Before long, the last pieces of clothing had left your bodies, left them tangled together in a beautiful manner. Your body ached for Astarion to take you all the ways possible, and soon, you felt like there was no reason to fear him, even though you hardly knew your nightly visitor. After such a long time by yourself, the way he touched you felt so different to your own hands, but in every right way to push you closer and closer to your limit. Your toes curled, and you succumbed in the hazy pleasure.
“Please - - Astarion.” Your voice was more of a whisper than anything else.
“Just enjoy our moment, no need for words.”
You wanted to say something, anything to him but before you could, Astarion pressed against you, burying himself to you. Your words turned into incoherent mumbling as he moved gently, giving you time to adjust to him and feeling how he filled you in the most enjoyable way, and the only thing that you were able to do was to dig your fingers to his flesh.
“I would usually tell you not to do that.” Astarion panted as he pushed deeper into you. “But when you feel so good I let you give me a bit of pain.” 
His pace quickened, and you felt how you were also closing on your relief, as you felt your whole body burning. The only words that left your mouth were pleas and begging, even though you weren’t even sure why you said anything that left your mouth at that moment. Astarion’s breathing felt warm on your neck, and his hands grabbed yours and pushed them to the mattress as you felt your body gripping to him, ready to go over the edge. 
Then, before you could say anything, the pleasure washed over you, and you felt like you washed away for a moment. You hadn’t felt so good for a long time, maybe ever, and for that moment you were glad that you let someone into your short but yet so sweet moment in your life. You felt how Astarion released your hands, and when he collapsed laying next to you, there was no certainty of how much time had passed. 
“You look beautiful.” You whispered to him. “Are you going to disappear to the night and I won’t ever see you again?” 
Astarion gazed into your eyes, still hazy from the ecstasy that had just filled your body.
“I was going to. Or even worse, invited you to join me at Baldur's Gate, but I am delighted I didn’t.” His voice was light but there was sadness in your eyes. “You are too beautiful of a soul to the city, it would be deadly to a creature like you.” 
“What do you mean?” 
“If you stay here, I will make sure that this won’t be our last - - little bit of death. But please, don’t follow me, even if it pains you.”
“You sound like someone is chasing you at Baldur’s Gate. Why don’t you leave? Disappear to further corners of Faerun, I know many groves that would welcome you.”
“If it would be so easy, but please, don’t feel so sad for me.” Astarion got up and brushed your hair. “As I said, as long as you stay out of the city, I’ll make sure to break your sweet little solitude once in a while.” 
As you watched Astarion disappear into the night, you felt the weight of his words. You concentrated on every memory you had made that night, and hoped that you wouldn’t need to wait long to see your beautiful visitor again.
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loviatarwrites · 2 years
incubus (nsfw)
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Incubus x Reader
Word Count: 8.4k
Summary: He pressed one of his hands to the backrest of the sofa and used the other one to lift his chin up towards his face, making him feel her breathing. She squirmed on her seat, not knowing how to react, so her body decided to stay put, and she looked directly at him. He wasn’t able to show her his true self made him sigh, but the fact that at some point she would feel much more than this eased the feeling.“What if this is something I’ve wanted to do to you?” He said.
A/N: She keeps dreaming about the kind barista from a coffee shop, yet she doesn't know that someone, or rather something, else has became part of her dreams. Slightly problematic, but was fun to write anyway. Please read the tags.
She got off the bus at the exact same time every day. Whenever she did, she double checked to make sure that she hadn’t left anything behind, put on her headphones, selected the music and started her walk to her apartment. It wasn’t a long walk, but it still allowed him to loom over her, watching her as she walked and occasionally tapped her phone to skip to the next song. While she proceeded to repeat the same routine every day, what she didn’t know was that above her, in the shadows, the creature was watching her, wondering when would be the time when he finally made his move. He had seen her the first time when she had stopped by the coffee shop after her work to quickly get a latte before running to the station just minutes before the departure of her transportation to home. When in his human form, he was like any other man, with almost a forgettable face, which helped him to blend in, unlike he could in his real form, which would make people around him question if they were dreaming or not. There was something curious about her, the way she didn’t mind anything or anyone around herself, and how it looked like any small change on her schedule would break everything. Overall, she seemed like a person who hoped that everything she had planned would go just right, and there wouldn’t be anything to hinder that, or otherwise everything would come crashing down. And that something was just what he wanted to witness. Even without her knowing it, he had become a part of her daily life. He watched as she woke up, how she cursed her alarm, how she tried to decide what to wear and if she decided to cook or order a takeaway after her job. It was amusing to the point to just stand back and observe her, but it didn’t take long until he wanted to know her more, and whenever she went to sleep, his time started.
— Her dreams were always chaotic, with doors that led to completely different areas, people rushing past her only to disappear seconds later and scenes that jumped from one to another without any logic, so when he had first appeared to her dream, she didn’t think much of it. He had decided to disguise himself as a young man with blonde hair, one that didn’t distract her dream and therefore waking her up, but as someone that could approach her. “Excuse me. You seem like you are in a hurry, do you need assistance with whatever you’re doing?” She was standing by the staircase of a library, and seemed like she was not sure where she should be going. The library building was tall with glass windows that revealed a scenery of a marketplace covering the wall from the floor to the ceiling. On top of the ceiling there were countless rows of books, but where she stood was an area with round tables, some empty while some had people that seemed like they didn’t mind her talking next to them. He knew that it was because those people didn’t really exist, but for her, everyone around her was as real as she was, yet the weird and distorted aspects didn’t seem to bother her. “I don’t know. I feel like I should go somewhere, but I’m not even sure if I was going upstairs or downstairs.” She answered. “You don’t remember where you came from?” “No, but I rarely do. Sometimes I find my way to the end, sometimes I don’t.” “Maybe I can join you?” He offered his hand to her. “We can maybe find where to go that way.” She looked at him, and unlike he had predicted, she took his hand, before heading towards the staircase that would lead to the next floor. Her hand was soft, and something about her way of acting made him think if she knew what was going on. “You don’t want to ask anything?” He looked at her. “Not even to know about me and why I approached you?” “Why would I? I already know you.” What she said made him cautious. “You know me?” “That’s weird, we definitely know each other. You work at the coffee shop I always get my drink from. The barista.” She said with a bright smile on her face. He had taken a random face from her memories, and of course it was someone she knew on some level, not someone she had seen on a street once and forgotten, or someone from the magazine, but someone she had a contact with on a personal level. He sighed, and made himself remember not to pick this face again, to avoid doing anything out of character with him that would wake her up.
— She breathed heavily and drowned deeper into her dream. While he kept her busy in her dream, he was free to also feel her body, unlike he was when she was awake. Although she lived alone, her bed was big, and filled a good portion of one of the rooms of her apartment, yet still whenever she slept, she curled on her side, her face against the wall. “So small.” He laid next to her, gently lifting a strand of hair off her face. “So fragile.” Moments like these were only ones that he could be close to her body in his real form, even without her knowing that. One part of him wanted to break her dream, wake her up to the reality where he laid against her, but that would mean giving up on something that he wasn’t going to get back after breaking it. He had her in her dreams, and her dreams belonged to him, even if she didn’t know that.
— “When did we get here?” She looked around herself, confused when the library changed to an old mansion with light green walls and flooring that made sounds on every step. From the doorway she could still see the library behind her, and by her looks, she wondered if she should head back or not. “Do you want to go back?”
“Not necessarily.” She was still holding his hand. “ I feel like there is something here that makes me want to search further.” As she gazed at him, he noticed how a slight blush raised to her cheeks. He wondered if it was because of panic, confusion or if there was something else, but before he could ask that, she started to pull him deeper to the halls of the mansion. “Isn’t it weird?” He took a couple of faster steps to reach her side. “You, walking to an unknown mansion with the barista.” “It could be worse.” Her eyes met his. “At least it’s someone who I don’t mind spending time with.” “Oh.” “Funny how I’m usually too anxious to say anything.” She laughed. “For some reason it feels easier now.” They walked from one room to another, and even though the layout did not make any sense, they kept going forward. Time bent, and something that would’ve usually taken a long time now felt like seconds, and when they finally reached the room filled with paintings and old furniture, there was no way to tell how much time had passed. “I feel like the worst person.” She sighed. “How should I be able to talk with you after everything I’ve been thinking.” “Please tell me.” She let go of his hand and paced through the room, looking around and finally stopping to an antique sofa where she sat, looking like she was deep into her thoughts. She twisted her hair around her finger as she wondered, and while doing that, she looked even prettier than before. He walked to her, watching as she pressed both of her hands to the fabric and looked up to him. Clearly she was finished with whatever she had been thinking about. “It’s wrong to want you.” The tone of her voice was both light yet sad at the same time. “Why would I have these thoughts of someone that simply smiles and brews me coffee once a day? And sometimes asks me how I’m doing, but not if there are other customers.” He hadn’t come across the idea that she had feelings for this man whose face he was borrowing, but now when he knew that, he felt how he was able to do so much more than he had originally planned for. When normally he had to be careful when invading people’s dreams, with the knowledge he had just gained, he was able to go further, and knowing that made him grin. He had to control himself not to start pushing her from the moment he heard her words, so he just stood in his place, letting her continue with her flow of thought. “Forget it. Or like, you can’t forget but pretend I didn’t say anything. Damn. This is awkward.” Her words scrambled, and he got a glimpse of what would happen if something wouldn’t go as she had planned. “What if I don’t want to?” He walked close to her, closing the distance between them. “Do you run away if I do exactly the opposite?” He pressed one of his hands to the backrest of the sofa and used the other one to lift his chin up towards his face, making him feel her breathing. She squirmed on her seat, not knowing how to react, so her body decided to stay put, and she looked directly at him. The fact that he wasn’t able to show her his true self made him sigh, but the fact that at some point she would feel much more than this eased the feeling. He watched as her cheeks became rosy, and how she was clearly waiting for him to take the lead, and he took everything from the situation she had led herself to. “What if this is something I’ve wanted to do to you?” He said just before pressing the lips of the blonde man to hers, making her to mirror his movements.
— The sudden turn of events in her dream made her roll to her other side on the bed, and he had to be careful not bump into her. As she kissed the blonde man passionately in her dreams he noticed how her body got hotter, and how she muttered something in her sleep, probably to voice how she was feeling about things happening in her mind. “Keep going my darling.” He whispered to her. “Show me what you want me to do.” As long as he kept her busy with her dreams, he didn’t have to worry about her suddenly waking up. He knew that her alarm wouldn’t ring for multiple hours, and waking up in the middle of the night wasn’t something she did, so he could lay next to her, watching her as his mind twisted tighter around hers. Her body was beautiful but also still rather weird to him, so he had to move carefully, not to do any sudden movements that would disturb her. She hugged one of the pillows that she had gathered to her bed tightly, and he saw how she pressed even deeper against it when their moment continued on her dream. “Someday I’ll let you see me.” He brushed her cheek with his fingers that had sharp nails on them. “And then you’ll feel everything with not just your mind.” The light touch of his hand made her shiver, and curl even smaller than before. She took the blanket that was wrapped around her, and pulled it close to make a cocoon to herself, and he smiled as he watched her work. She didn’t know that she was being watched, and the way she tried to make herself as comfortable as possible made him think what she would be like if she knew about him. As she continued dreaming, he had to fight against the urge to touch her, kiss her body, and wrap his arms around him. When he looked at her, every moment was more painful than the previous one, but he knew that if he did it now, there wouldn’t be more sweet moments like this. There was nowhere to hurry, he told himself, and laid comfortably on the bed next to her, taking all the time he could for this particular night.
— She woke up to the alarm like any other day, and he watched as she proceeded to do everything the same way she did any other day. He watched from the shadows how she brushed her hair, chose her outfit, ate her breakfast and headed to work. Even simple things like how she watched herself from the mirror, or how she skipped over multiple songs on her phone only ending up listening to the same ones over and over again made him more interested about her life. Or more of destroying the beautiful and predictable it was. He kept thinking what she would do in the case of the unknown, in a situation that she couldn’t explain with logic. Would she freeze? Or maybe she would fight him, which would make the situation even more interesting. Whatever the case would be, the anticipation built on him, as he continued his wait. He knew that she would get a coffee after her day at work, so he took the appearance of yet another simple and forgettable man, and sat at the table beside the window. It didn’t take long for her to enter the cafe, just like she did on any other day, but unlike the days before, when she got to the entrance, she stopped for a couple of seconds. He watched as she gazed around the cafe, and how her expression changed as she saw the blonde barista behind the counter. She patted her jacket and sighed deeply. “Sweet how I can see what you’re thinking at this moment.” He thought while watching as a hint of blush rose to her cheeks. She assumed that her small secret was safe within her mind as she proceeded to order the same latte as always, tucking her hair behind her ear as the barista asked if she wanted to pay with cash or with card. The answer was always the card, yet it still took her a couple of seconds to answer, because her head was racing faster than she could keep up. While the barista didn’t know anything about what was currently going on at the cafe, he knew everything, even more than she did. He had all of the information, and watching the situation unfold was a great show to witness. “You remember how he felt last night.” He stared at the counter, thinking. “You think that you kissed his lips, felt his body against yours, but you’ll learn that he can’t ever bring you that feeling. Eventually, when I’ve made sure you can’t resist me.” When the barista called her name, he got up, to get to the door at the same time as her. He knew that she was waiting and within seconds, she would be out of that door, so he had to be quick to get to that door before her. “Thank you.” She said as he opened the door before her, like accidentally bumping into her. “My pleasure, lady.” He smiled at her kindly, and wondered if she for some reason would know that it was him and not just a random face on the crowd. Part of him was waiting for her to ask if they knew from somewhere. If they had met before or something along those lines, but those questions never came. Rather than that, the moment she was out of the door, she was already heading to her way, no further conversation, no look behind her back. Just a simple thank you. Nothing besides the bare minimum. He shrugged his shoulders and disappeared to the shadows where he could watch her for the rest of the day, without the need to mask behind someone else.
— He appeared to her with the face of the blonde barista she seemed so interested in, kissing her sweetly on her dreams and talking to her about whatever she decided to tell her that night. Her dreams were never linear, and she got lost and confused often, so talking to her wasn’t the easiest task. More often than not she felt like she was lost, and was just glad that there was someone with her in those bizarre scenarios her mind came up with. He was happy to provide her that company, even with a borrowed face, because more than anything, he got to enjoy the moments beside her, while feeling her body more every night they spent together. The kisses became deeper, and he felt how she let herself enjoy him and let go of the control of the situation within her mind. She enjoyed when he took her face to his hands, looked deep into her eyes and how their lips joined passionately. She liked his tongue massaging hers, his fingers on her hair, and his voice whispering to her ear. Even if the face wasn’t his, and the body didn’t feel right, he still enjoyed how she pressed against him, and wrapped her hands behind his neck, joining their bodies together a little bit more, and feeling the warmth of hers against him. “It must feel bad to stay awake every night.” She said to the blonde barista in her dream. “Oh?” “They say that when you can’t sleep you are awake in someone else's dream.” “Is that so?” “You must be terribly tired when you work.” “And you’re too sweet to be left alone in your dreams.” He pressed her against the wall of a building that didn’t exist in real life, but was sturdy enough to hold in her mind. His hand wandered to her stomach, and gently pulled her shirt upwards, making her moan lightly. Her skin was soft, and feeling it more than with a gentle touch he had been able to touch her while she was dreaming made him think how his nails could trace lines to it. He could press his claws to her, making lines all the way from her collarbone to her hips, marking her as him, so she would become his. Her hands dug into his blonde hair, and his hand moved upwards of her body, feeling the curves and finally pressing against her chest. The reaction which she gave to him, or at least to the body he was borrowing, was delightful, even though it was only on her mind. He felt how the lust in her mind drained him, and he fed off that feeling. He felt how her muscles tightened under his touch, and how she surrendered to his touch, allowing him to go further. In its current state her mind was like the most delicious wine, and he was ready to drink everything she had to offer. It wasn’t only her mind that was full of wanting and lust. While her dreams took a turn to new, undiscovered roads, she twisted and turned on the bed, rolling from one side to another before settling on stomach. He watched her moving restlessly, so much that by the time she was done, she had lost the blanket from the upper half of her body. Her bare back was exposed to the cold air, and her chest pressed to the bed sheets as she dreamed, and he watched from the other side of the bed as she mumbled something that made sense only to her. “Oh how delicious you are, my dear.” He whispered as his body heated up from all of the energy he drained. “I’m going to enjoy you, in ways you can’t even imagine.”
— On the upcoming nights, he started to push her more and more each time. Each night he gave her something new, something she hadn’t gotten from him before, and the more he pushed her the more his body fed off her. She let him slide his hands against her bare body, feel her in her entirety, and she enjoyed the things he did to her. Even if her body was everything he could’ve wanted, there was another aspect he grew to like greatly when he spent time with her in her dreams. First, when he had started to see if there was a limit somewhere, if he could kiss her, if he could slide his hand on her body, or if brushing fingers against her inner thigh was too much, she had been quiet, even to the point that made him scared that she was waking up. However, the further the time went, and the more he spent time with her, she started to voice herself more, with voices that were inviting and full of lust and need. Those were something he loved to hear, and seeing how she enjoyed him in her dreams made him want her more and more.
— In the daytime, he took the forms of multiple different people to watch her, and at nights, he learned every part of her body while wearing the face of the barista she clearly wanted to know more. One part of his days was to assure that every time she entered the cafe there wouldn’t be anything more than the minimum required interaction, no small talk, no exchanging numbers. If she ever got close to the barista, there was a possibility that everything he had been working towards would be for nothing. Even if he borrowed his face to entertain and feed nights on end, he didn’t want her to go any further than ordering a coffee when it came to the real world. With a face she knew it was easy to keep her in her dreams without a fear of her waking up. While he had been cautious at first not to wake her up by keeping the distance with her while laying next to her, on the past nights he had started to test his limits little by little. He had known that brushing her hair off her face didn’t wake her up, but he had soon discovered that she didn’t seem to react when his hand moved from her ear to her chin and to her neck, not even when her nails reached her shoulder. Feeling her skin on her dreams had been one thing, but feeling it in reality, in flesh and blood, was something on a whole different level. He was able to trace small lines from her shoulder to her arm, and he saw all of the small details of her skin, all of the beauty marks and even a small white scar on her left forearm. The only thing he had to be wary of was to not dig his nails too deep to cause any pressure that would wake her up, and even though he wanted to see small red lines along her body, he couldn’t do that just yet. However, just feeling her body like this was much more than just laying besides her previously, and if he had been able to go from that to this point, he was sure that here was going to be a time when she would make those same sweet voices to him in reality as she sung to him in her dreams. If he kept her focused on the dream, he was free to press against her back, put his hand around her and keep her body close to him. Doing that required him to keep his focus, and he was sure that if she was left idle, she would wake up instantly. Sometimes, when he pressed to her in her dreams her body reacted to that, and she moved even closer to him. Her body was small besides him, only reaching from his neck to his knees, and seeing her pressing to him and breathing heavily made him feel how his lower parts got more tense. In her dreams the one close to her was a young barista, not much taller than herself, with a bright smile and unkempt hair, unlike his true form that laid against her each night when she kept dreaming. While it was great to get close to her with the skin of a human, he wanted to see how she would look against his true body while not asleep, and how her body would feel under him. He wanted to see her eyes, looking at him as he made her plea and whine, and how her body would feel when he pressed into her, and what she would say to him when he would make her his.
— He had invaded her dreams for weeks, only rarely giving her time to rest and dream freely, but by the looks of it, her dreams had the opposite effect than draining her. When he looked at her when she woke up, she often blushed, probably from thinking of everything they had done in her dreams, and that small smirk after she remembered everything stayed on her face for a long time after waking up. She had learned that he was there when she went to sleep, and she never seemed disappointed when that was the case. He, however, was at the limit, waiting for just the right night to reveal everything, and taking what he had prepared carefully for weeks on end. One part of him had started to question if he even wanted to tell her the truth, and if it would just be the best to feed off her in her dreams, but when dreams were filling to a certain point, he wanted to get everything he could of her. Every night when he laid pressed against her, filling her dreams with lust and desire were enjoyable, but he needed even more than what she was capable of giving to him in her dreams. She was as beautiful as always the night he decided to end the game he had been playing. The evening had been like any other one, where she had been doing the same things as always before going to the bed, only to fall asleep quickly and him coming to her side the moment she did. In her dreams she felt almost lost without him, as she had learned that she didn’t need to be alone while dreaming, and every time he crossed paths with her on some alleyway or building, her face lit up. She had also learned that meeting the light-haired barista in her dreams meant certain things, and he thought if that was one more routine she had developed next to her old ones. “I’m a horrible woman.” She panted in her dream as he pushed in her. “I keep dreaming about you, yet I can’t even ask you on a date when I meet you.” The dream had gone like all other ones past weeks. As he had noticed earlier, she talked a lot more, and her moans every time he pushed deep in her made him fight against the urge to do the same thing to her mortal body. “What if I tell you there is something more.” He whispered to her while pressing her against the wall. “Something better.” “Why do you say that?” She gasped between her moans. “What if I tell you there is way more I can give to you?” His voice was more of a hiss than a proper voice. “Would you like to feel even better?” She didn’t even think before answering. “Yes, please.”
— “Did you sleep well?” He said and pinned her hands on top of her head while pushing her to the bed under himself. Her eyes snapped open, yet she still had to process for a couple of seconds where she was, and even after noticing the familiar objects of her house, the cold wave washed over her. Although she was at her bed, the reality felt more like a dream to her than the dream that she had just had, and she believed that whatever she was witnessing couldn’t be the world she spent her days. Her eyes met his, and the mix of orange and red made it look like there was fire in his gaze. His face was like a sculpture, and was framed with two prominent horns on both sides, parting his hair that reached his shoulders. “Speechless, aren’t you?” His voice was alluring. “Oh how I’ve waited to see you - really see you.” There wasn’t much light in the room, but her eyes started to get used to the darkness, making the figure on top of her easier to decipher. His skin was darker than hers, and had a red-ish tint to it, which matched his eyes. Without the horns there could’ve been a possibility that he could’ve been mistaken as a human, but even in the dark, those gave out that he was something different. “Well, my dreams have been tame recently.” She said and gazed at her hands that were still held tight, unable to move. “This is a new one.” “Tame, you say?” He pressed even tighter against her, and she felt how his body crushed hers under himself. She still wasn’t sure if she was dreaming or not, but the situation felt so odd that she couldn’t justify herself that she was awake. There had been more odd things happening in her dreams, so if she just tried hard enough, maybe she could get out of this one. That was, if she wanted to. “Wouldn’t you like to know?” She said snarkily. “I know, darling.” Just when she was about to move her hands, a long, rope-like thing grabbed her hands and wrapped them. “I’ve seen you when you beg for more, and heard the sweet voices you make when you come.” She noticed that the thing that had grabbed her was not a rope, but a tail, and she felt how it started to tighten around her wrists. The more she tried to sell herself that she was dreaming, the harder she failed. She tried to chant to herself that she had to wake up, search for something that was out of place, she even looked at her alarm to confirm that it was moving at a natural speed rather than jumping from one number to another. The idea that this man, this monster, would actually exist made her chuckle. In what world over two metre tall, fire-eyed man who had a pair of horns sticking out of his head would end up on top of her. “You seem like you know more than me.” She said, still looking for answers. “And you, darling, look like you want to ask something.” “Wow - you really are more talkative than my recent dreams have been.” “I’ll take all of the joy out of the fact that I can finally do that.” He brushed her cheek with his fingers that had long, sharp nails on them. “To talk to you when you are not dreaming.” “What do you mean by that?” She laughed. “I am most definitely dreaming.” “Oh, that explains your lack of reaction.” He grinned, and lifted her to sit on the bed, her back leaning to the wall and her hand on top of her head. When he kneeled on top of her legs, she had to look upwards to see his face, but she quickly turned her gaze to his hands, which started to trail lines from her neck. His nails were sharp, and gentle at first, only brushing her skin, but after a couple of moments he pressed them tighter to her skin, making her gasp for air as he did. She had heard that pain was one thing to know if she were dreaming or not, and if she had to believe what she just felt, she was most definitely not dreaming. “You’re even sweeter than in your dreams.” He whispered to her ear while tracing his fingers down to her stomach. She tried to hold back her voice, but the only thing she managed to do was to tilt her head upwards, exposing her neck to her. She had forgotten that it wasn’t his hand that was holding hers in place, so when he saw the opportunity, his fingers pressed gently on both sides of her throat, causing her to instinctively gasp for air, even though there was nothing stopping her breathing. “Starting to believe that you’re not dreaming?” He asked as he moved his hand from her neck to her chest.
“What if I’m not? What are you if I’m not imagining all that? A demon?” “Clever one.” His lower hand pressed to her side, pushing her against him. “Although more accurately it would be incubus. Or you can just call me by my name.” “Your name?” “Feels just right to finally introduce myself formally.” He grinned. “My name is Astaroth, darling. Now you know who to call when you beg next time.” Her face lost the remaining colour when she realised that she was not dreaming, even if the situation felt like she was. She tried to sell herself the idea of dreaming for one last time, convincing herself that incubi were as real as other creatures in her dreams and nightmares, and that there was no possible way that one would be pressed against her at that very moment. He looked at the demon holding her in place more carefully than before, and apart from the demonic features such as horns and tail, he looked rather human-like, and had some kind of aura that pulled her to him. She knew she should fight back, scream, bite and scratch, but something about Astaroth felt awfully familiar to him. “So quiet so suddenly?” He broke the silence between them. “What did you mean when you said that I had been different in my dreams?” “Exactly that.” “Exactly what?” Astaroth sighed and pushed his face close to hers. In seconds, his face had moulded to a completely different one, one that was much more familiar to her, making her gasp. She didn’t comprehend how to react, when suddenly facing the man that had become so familiar to her past weeks. The features were spot on like the ones she met at the coffee shop every day when she went to get her latte, and which had caressed her in every level in her dreams, and now, they looked directly at her eyes, and the only thing telling that this wasn’t the barista she knew was the fact that a different face had been looking at her just moments ago. “Starting to get the hang of the situation, love?” His face swapped back to his own, with dark features, prominent nose and small stubble on his chin. “It was - it was you.” Her voice trembled. “How long?” “Since the library. Or the mansion. Or the marketplace outside the building. Thinking back, that dream was awfully messy.” Her eyes widened when she heard the answer. She should definitely run, or try to fight him, even while she knew that there was no way she would win against the demon almost twice her size, yet her body didn’t want to raise a hand against him. Rather than that, her body felt hot, and something about her mind yelled at her how she wanted Astaroth to touch her even more. “Wondering why you don’t want to resist?” Astaroth grinned. “Why does everything go against logic?” “Why?” “How long has it been since the library?” “Weeks.” She admitted, and thought about all of the times she had met the blonde-haired barista, no, Astaroth, the incubus, the demon, in her dreams. “Was it you every time?” “Yes. And every time your mind would grow to want me, no, need me more.” “You’re a monster.”
“A demon, darling.” His fingers brushed her chest and his fingers flicked her nipple, making her gasp lightly. “A demon you desire.” “No. I would’ve never if I knew you were… you.” “But you did.” Astaroth smirked. “Now, relax and enjoy yourself, and this’ll be pleasant for both of us.” Astaroth’s hand caressed her breast, while the other one found its way to her inner thigh, rubbing gently against her clit, and she let out a voice that was a mixture of gasp and a moan. He pushed her legs more open, exposing her wetness and making her ask for him to release herself. Astaroth rubbed his finger on her wet slit, clearly enjoying all of the time he was allowed to take, and she wasn’t sure if it was better or worse that he barely touched her. She was scared of his sharp nails that had already left their mark on her body, but she also wanted to be touched and made good the same way she had been in her dreams. “Naughty girl, not admitting that you’re liking this.” His fingers drew small circles before parting her lips and pushing a finger in while making sure that he wouldn’t make her bleed. When she felt how he pushed his finger in her, she let out a soft moan, and when looking at Astaroth, she still fought her mind of the fact that an incubus was doing something to both her body and her mind, and even if it was wrong, she couldn’t deny that he made her feel things.
“When you were thinking about everything you had done in your dreams, did it feel this good? When you breathe heavily and touch your body before falling asleep?” “Did you think that I would be Virgin Mary? Pure of my heart and soul?” “The purity was never something I wanted, darling.”
She felt her head spinning, and how she pressed to his finger more every passing moment. Admitting that she wanted this wasn’t easy, but it was easier than fighting it, so she gave in for the feeling, and let it flush over her, taking her over the edge. She wasn’t sure if it was the fact that Astaroth was an incubus, a demon that fed off sexual desires, the fact that he was really good at how he touched her body, or the uncanny familiarly in his touch that made her feel what she felt, but the answer was too hard to find on that moment. She felt how her vision went blurry for a second, and how her breathing mixed with sudden moans. Something in her made her hold her voice back, yet she couldn’t deny that what she had just felt hadn’t felt amazing.
“Seems like you still don’t want to be completely honest.” Astaroth pulled his finger to his lips, tasting you. “Why me?” “I wanted to see what happens when you can’t explain something.” He said. “When you’re without your safe loop.” “Safety makes everything easier.” “Easy is not something I have had with you. But you are something I wanted to be mine, and seeing how you become more open to me day by day has been a delight.” She hadn’t even realised how her legs were still spread, but when she noticed how Astaroth moved so their hips were at the same level, she got something else to fill her mind with. She looked down, and saw something that when taking account how tall Astaroth was should’ve not been a surprise, yet still sent a feeling of fear to her body. Astaroth’s cock was big, bigger than any of her toys that she had bought, and bigger than she had taken in her dreams. There was no way she could’ve taken something that size to her mouth without instantly gagging, and the idea of taking it other ways either seemed unlikely too. Not only was his cock thick, it was also long enough that she doubted that she would be able to take even two thirds even with more manageable thickness. He was ready, there was no question about that, but her fear had probably been visible on her face because he didn’t make the move.
“Don’t be afraid. It’s not the first time you’ve seen it - technically. ” “Please no. It won’t fit, there is no way it would. I’ll break.” “Darling, I’ve worked too hard to let you break so easily.” “Take all of my dreams. I let you do whatever you want inside my head, just please, don’t make me take that.” Astaroth brushed her folds and she knew that even if she said anything, she was only delaying the inevitable. She could say anything, come up with a million reasons why she wasn’t able to take him, yet she knew that she was also talking to a demon, who wouldn’t listen to her. She thought about the times she had dreamed of the friendly barista who worked at the coffee shop next to her office, and while those times had felt good, now when she knew what had been behind all that, she was unsure if she should’ve liked that or not. “I have had your dreams. Watched you while you slept, laid and made sure that you had everything you wanted. My darling, you have to know that you don’t just get something when dealing with incubi, the deal goes both ways.” “There was no way I could’ve known.” The tip of his cock rubbed against her entrance, dripping precum that, unlike humans, felt more like lube than liquid she was used to, and she prayed that it would make things come even a little bit less painful. She didn’t know if she was scared, furious, or in a slight panic, because even if she had no control, a small part of her also wanted to feel Astaroth’s length and see if demons would be as tempting as they had portrayed to be. There was no denying that her body was burning, and she had been sent over the edge already, with only his slightest touch, and fighting against that feeling was meaningless. “You seem like there is something in your mind. I can stop and let you think that through if you want.” Astaroth grinned. “Please - just don’t hurt me.” “If you resist, it’s going to hurt.” “I don’t want it to.” She said with a small voice. “I want to feel good. Like in the dreams.” “You’re sweet. Just like I imagined that you would.” In a matter of seconds, he started to push deeper into her, stretching her little by little. Every time he moved, she felt how her body got slightly more used to something way bigger it had needed to previously, and she was glad that at least Astaroth hadn’t forced all of himself to her at once. Focusing on keeping herself together took effort, more than she had imagined, and for a while she didn’t say anything, didn’t even let out a moan or any other noise. She felt how the cock rubbed against her parts, how it pulsed in her, and how the liquid that most likely was precum made the situation more enjoyable than painful to her, partly to her surprise. She looked down, and to her fear saw that there would be a lot more for her to take. Normally, she would be glad with the amount already rubbing her insides, but Astaroth wasn’t like anyone she had been, and she had to fight not to think of the feeling after he would be done. She felt bare under him, even trying to dig her hands into his hair before remembering that her hands were tied to place, unable to move. She was only capable of feeling how she opened and stretched around him, and how the lust and need washed over the fear and anger in her. “Still in your thoughts, huh?” Astaroth said, moving his face close to hers. She didn’t have time to answer that there was only one thing in her mind before she felt how Astaroth’s lips pressed against hers. The stubble rubbed against her cheek, and she closed her eyes, as their lips locked together, and her tongue invading her mouth and swirling around hers. His tongue wasn’t human-like, but longer, with a pointy end and it could easily hit any part of her mouth, yet decided to taste her as their kiss deepened. Focusing on the kiss had made her unable to not fully concentrate on the cock that was tearing her open, and when she felt how it hit deep in her, she let out a moan that broke the kiss between them. He was deep, and not only that, also filling her so she was able to feel him all the way. She was too afraid to look if there would be even more of him, she rather lived with the hope that this was all even if it would be a false sense of hope, rather than seeing that she would’ve only at the half-point. “Like I said, if you relax it would be more pleasant.” Astaroth said in a joyful tone. “You’ve been so good, my love.” She felt how Astaroth lifted her hips upwards, making her gasp. “Now we can really start.” “Wait - what do you mean really start?” Astaroth pulled his cock out slightly before pushing it deep into her, hitting the deepest parts and making her gasp for air as she felt like she would rip to pieces on that very moment. When he had moved slowly, she had had time to adjust, but now when the pace was faster, there was no way she would be able to keep up with him, and she felt how her mind became blurry, and only thing she was able to do was to make sweet little sounds that only made Astaroth even more eager to continue. She didn’t want to feel how she did, and even if she fought against her thoughts, she knew that she was lost. She had been raised to fear anything demonic and sinful, and when people mentioned things of that nature, they were never pleasant or lead to good things. However, now, when she could witness that, she couldn’t help but to wonder where people had gotten their opinions, and if everything she had learned through her life had been a lie, and what would happen if she gave in to her feelings, the hotness of her body, and the lust in her mind. She wasn't a religious person, but something in her brain made her fearful if she would be punished because of what she did, if someone would strike her down and if she was doomed eternally because of this. God was someone she rarely thought of, and definitely not someone she anticipated to think during the act of sin and everything forbidden. “You’re awfully quiet, love.” Astaroth breathed into her ear. “Are you still scared?” “I don’t want to be tormented. Not for eternity.” “Be not afraid.” He said almost in a joyful tone. “The only torment I’m going to make you suffer will be something you will beg me to do.” She felt how her body started to get more sensitive by every second, every time Astaroth moved in her, and how it became increasingly harder not to moan when he did. One part of her wanted to fight back, even in a situation like that, but another one knew that whatever would happen was not in her control, but what she could do was to enjoy it as much as possible. “What if I don’t want to resist?” She panted. “Oh, that’s lovely to hear. Did you come to accept reality this quickly?” “God, why can’t I just wake up.” “No, no god here.” Astaroth sighed. “Don’t say that, I know that I’m better. I want to hear something different from you.” “What -?” Her sentence was cut short when Astaroth pushed to her with a force much greater than previously, and she had no way to hold her gasp back when she did. Although there had been time for her to adjust to his cock, the way he moved made it seem like there had been little to no preparation, and she felt like she was about to burst when he picked up the pace. She gazed at Astaroth, a handsome demon with dark skin and flaming eyes, and lust won over fear, making her move her body to at least somewhat match his pace. The hold of his tail loosened around her wrist, releasing them as he pressed his body against hers, allowing her to dig her nails to the back of his shoulder and wrapping her arms around him. She pressed as close to him as humanly possible, breathing in his scent and letting out moans as she felt how his cock pulsed, making her fear if it would grow even bigger than it already was. “Say that you want me. I want to hear it here, not in your dreams. Say how you want me to make you mine.” “Please - I can’t take much more.” Her voice was merely a whimper. “Say my name.” She gasped for air as he pushed to the deepest parts of her, and she had to focus to keep herself from melting completely away. “Astaroth, please.” Astaroth let out a low growl when he reached his climax, and she felt how a burning liquid flooded her, only for him to keep continuing as she feared of how much she could take. His cum filled her insides, and when his pace finally started to slow down, she was sure that she wouldn’t be able to lift a muscle tomorrow. When he pulled out, the cum leaked from her pussy to her thighs, yet still she knew that there would be much more that was burning her insides. “As I said darling, when dealing with incubi the deal goes both ways. So I hope you don’t think this would be sufficient to match everything I’ve already given to you.” She was too dazed to answer. Too tired to move when he laid next to her, brushing her hair. But when she had begged for him, she knew that she had gotten into something bigger than humanly imaginable. Yet when she closed her eyes, she didn’t think about anything else than at least now she could sleep peacefully, even if it meant that she was bound to an incubus.
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loviatarwrites · 2 years
beau et la mienne (nsfw)
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Chamber x Reader
Word Count: 3.3k
Summary: The words stuck to your mouth as you watched him pulling the strings tighter. If his usual attire made you have unholy thoughts, this one was in a different realm. You hadn’t known that a piece of clothing could have that kind of effect on you, but as the lacing on the back of his corset tightened, making the fabric and boning hug his body just right.
A/N: Got a request where anon wanted to read Chamber wearing a corset vest like this: https://www.instagram.com/reel/CmchIGDBbwR/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y= Really liked writing this, although it's my first time writing blow jobs so it might be a tad bit awkward so sorry about that.
Also yes, I like including a funny naked cat to my fics.
Your face stared back at you from the full length mirror. “Not half-bad, even if I say so myself.” You thought and turned to make sure that there wasn’t a fashion catastrophe happening behind your back. Your hair was flowing free and framed your face in a nice way, and the way you had managed to style it fit your outfit for the evening. The dress was simple, black and had thin strips that brushed your shoulders and crossed behind your back, and hugged your body in every right way. When you had gotten it you weren’t sure if it would’ve fit right, but luck had been on your side on that matter. The gold coloured accessories elevated your attire, even if they weren’t made out of real gold, that was way out of your paycheck, and overall, your attire looked rather well put together for the occasion. Maybe one day you could afford actual golden accessories. The day when you would become an actual agent, if it ever happened. It wasn’t usual that agents of Valorant headquarters take part in any formal events, and even less that all of the people of the base were invited. What you had gathered at the event was more of a lavish cover for leaders to discuss upcoming contracts and tie deals regarding anything that included not-so-legal things like firearms and other equipment that could be used to tear down defences of the mirror Earth. In your case, the gathering was just what it had been informed to you as. An event where you were able to socialise with people, eat and drink, and watch as people talked about topics you didn’t know about yet. Whatever the underlying reason for the event was, the event itself was something you could focus on, and it took your mind out of the thoughts of homesickness and regret that you had made the decision to leave your old life behind to pursue an opportunity to become an agent. “Okay, Y/N, you can do this.” You clapped your cheeks with your hands. “Just have some fun today and try not to be a killjoy.” Your speech made you chuckle. The fact that you had told yourself not to be a killjoy was indefinitely more funny when Killjoy, as she was called in the base, was one of the most gentlest and nicest people that you had met during your time here. She would most likely join the event too, because even if it wasn’t something she wanted, Raze would drag her there to keep her company. If it wasn’t for Raze, she would’ve probably just sneaked around for a quick snack and returned to her engineering sooner rather than later. The small screen on your nightstand told you that there was still an hour before the starting time, but that meant that you were just in time. There was, in fact, one place you needed to go before heading to the main building where the gathering was held.
— You rang the doorbell of an apartment that shared the same outerior as any other one. Without the numbers on each door it would’ve been impossible to differentiate them from each other, but at least agents and engineers had their own living areas, and Valorant protocol made sure everyone had a personal space to wind down after missions and days of work. If you had had to live in some kind of shared flat, you would’ve lost your mind. The electronic lock made a sound that told you that the door had been opened, and by the sound of that, it was ordered to do so with a voice command rather than an actual person opening it. Carefully, you opened the door slightly to peer into the short hallway, and saw that you had been correct with your guess. “Please close the door Y/N.” A familiar voice of a man said from the living room. “It would be awful if he would escape now.” You knew who he that the man was talking of was. Quickly, you entered the apartment and double checked that it was safe to close the door behind your back. “No need to take your shoes off.” You still didn’t see the man, but assumed that he was as glued to the mirror as you had been before. The long navy blue coat was hanging by the door, accompanied by multiple pairs of dress shoes in various colours. Besides them lay a big duffel bag, and on the wall hung the painting that you had no idea what it tried to portray, or was it just various shades and textures that were slapped on the canvas randomly. The apartment was well kept, but you doubted that he used any time for cleaning rather than ordering a service to do the job for him while he was gone. “My apologies that you must wait.” He said as you walked to the living room. As you entered the room, you saw how something crossed past your ankles quickly before disappearing to the corner. The living room was messier than the hallway, clothes tossed over the jade green sofa, and multiple glasses and coffee mugs abandoned on the table next to the ash tray that still had a slight smoke lingering above it. On the piles of clothes you spotted his regular outfit, a white shirt with detailing, navy blue vest and a tie that had more colours than your entire wardrobe. On many other people, those clothes would look weird at best, but not on him.
Chamber was a tall man with a strong French accent, with dark eyes and a smell of cigarettes and cologne lingering around him. The latter was probably to hide the first, without succeeding on that. More so, they mixed together into one cloud that you couldn’t decide if you liked that or not. “I see your friend is not in the mood for chatting.” You laughed as you looked at the corner where a hairless cat gave you a judgemental look. The cat, which was named Bingus, cared for you only when it knew that by letting it pet you, you would keep your hands off its owner. You didn’t judge the weird looking creature for that, because it had been the reason you and Chamber had originally started to talk more and became closer, whether the cat liked you or not. “It’s more about the fact that I’ve invaded the sofa than anything else.” You looked at Chamber who gazed over his shoulder, trying to figure out something with great detail. He had a focused look on his face, and when you moved closer to sit on the non-occupied corner of the sofa, you saw what he was working on. Unlike most of the days, Chamber wasn’t wearing his regular dress shirt and vest, but a dark grey shirt, with black detailing similar to one he preferred on daily use. The vest was however nowhere on sight, and had been replaced with something way more detailed, decorated and expensive looking. “ Oh. ” The words stuck to your mouth as you watched him pulling the strings tighter. If his usual attire made you have unholy thoughts, this one was in a different realm. You hadn’t known that a piece of clothing could have that kind of effect on you, but as the lacing on the back of his corset tightened, making the fabric and boning hug his body just right, you didn’t have any words to express what you just felt. The vest itself was very dark blue, almost black, but it was decorated with a detailed pattern made of gold, similar to the lacing on the back of the garment. All of the small rivet details on the back had placed perfectly, and the piece was no doubt handmade, and it had been made by someone that had a great knowledge and passion for the subject. The more he pulled the lacing, the more defining the corset hugged every part of his chest, waist and sides, showing the shape of his muscles and matching perfectly with his shirt of choice. “Enjoying the little show Y/N? I know that I look good, I always do, but you can definitely tell that to me directly.” You saw Chamber smirking face from the mirror, and he had a right to be cocky about his appearance. Everything about his attire screamed glamour and when he tied the corset lacing behind his back, you admitted to yourself that he was even sexier than normally. “Can’t say that I wasn’t enjoying that.” You leaned to the armrest of the sofa. “Please don’t hurry because of me.” “I am almost done, ma chéri. That was the tricky part.” “Makes me look almost under-dressed.” “You are going to make a lovely first impression to other guests, no, we are going to make it.” Chamber grabbed the dark suit jacket from the hangar next to the mirror, and you felt sad about how it covered the detailing on his back. His overall attire looked everything but bad, but you had been enjoying how the garment hugged his body, and left nothing for the imagination. That was one of the occasions when you were thinking how he, the man who looked amazing even in his normal attire, could’ve been able to make himself tens of times sexier and where would his limit be. “Seems like you have considered your appearance too.” “I tried. You don’t get invited to fancy events every day. Or at least I don’t, don’t know about you.” “No, not anymore.” “But you did previously?” “In my past life, yes.” Chamber took a pack of cigarettes from the side table. “They’ve become a rarity after I joined the program.” Chamber lit the cigarette and blew out a small line of smoke while standing next to you. First you thought about asking if he wanted to sit on the sofa, but with the pile of clothes next to you, as well as the fact that he was wearing a corset that pressed against him tightly, he probably preferred standing. You had never worn a real corset, and even the cheap one had made it hard to function, so you could only imagine what Chamber was currently going through. He looked perfect, every little detail carefully planned and executed with utmost care, and there wasn’t even a hair out of the place. Compared to how you two had properly met the first time he was a different person, the only thing that told you that this was indeed the same person was the smell lingering around him. “He really isn’t in a chatty mood today.” You laughed and looked behind your shoulder to the corner. “When he gets dinner after the event he will be in a completely different mood.”
Chamber was right, when it came to Bingus, the food was one easy way to win. As long as you were willing to offer it snacks and pet it just the right amount, you were a good person. You watched as Chamber pressed the cigarette to the ashtray and offered his hand to you. “Shall we go, mademeoiselle?” —
The gathering had been just what you had assumed, important people talking about things that didn’t concern you, and the less important people like you just enjoyed a well deserved rest from the work. Even though you had arrived at the gathering with Chamber, your ways had parted quickly, when he had been summoned to discuss subjects that you decided not to stick your nose to. The evening had been as enjoyable as it possibly could’ve been, but when Chamber had found you again and kindly informed that he had to leave because a certain someone was waiting for him, you had gladly joined him.
“Careful, Y/N, we don’t want to chase him around the headquarters.” Chamber opened the door slightly before peeking in. “Seems like we are clear.” It was a funny little ritual to enter Chamber’s apartment, and even though it would’ve been less than ideal to let Bingus escape, it didn’t eliminate the fact that entering his apartment felt like a small mission. “It’s cool, I’m fine.” I said and quickly closed the door behind me in a small space between Chamber and the door. “Wonderful.” Chamber looked around, not able to locate his companion. “I bet he’s already waiting in the kitchen. Pardon, I must finish my duty.” You followed Chamber and passed him to get to the living room, where the sofa was still covered by piles of clothes. Apparently choosing the outfit hadn’t been an easy task for him, but he had succeeded greatly on that in the end. You heard a low moan, that was demanding and even angry, quickly followed by Chamber talking in French that you understood less than Bingus did. The meowing stopped only when you heard a can opening, and moments later Chamber walked out of the kitchen, tossing his suit jacket on top of the clothing pile. “Excusez-moi, I have to get these.” Chamber grabbed the clothes to his arms and started to walk to his bedroom, which was connected to the closet, if the apartment was any similar to yours.
The clothes didn’t matter to you anymore as you stared at the lacing on his back, and how his back muscles looked especially nice in that attire. You weren’t sure if Chamber knew that you were staring at him, but even if he knew, he took it more as a compliment than as something that he disliked. Only when he came back moments later, looking at you through his thick-framed designer eyeglasses, you turned your face away from the embarrassment. “Is something not right, Y/N?” You pressed your hands to your dress and weren’t sure where you should’ve looked. “No, nothing’s wrong.” Even after you had gotten to know Chamber better, being alone with him still made your mind spin. Was it wrong to stare at him? Would he mind if you told him how good he looked? No, he wouldn’t mind, he would enjoy it. You got up from the sofa and walked to Chamber, who looked at you from above. Even while wearing the heels, your eyes could only reach his chest, and the top of your head was on the level of his shoulders. “Vincent Fabron, you are a beautiful man.” You took his tie that had been pressed neatly under his corset. “You know that yourself too, right?” You pulled Chamber’s tie and guided him to the sofa, only to follow by sitting on top of him. While just moments ago you had been small compared to him, he was now below you, and you could see every little detail of his face when you pulled the tie upwards, and his face followed the movement.
“Ah, I was wondering how long it would take for you.” Chamber said in a joyful, even a little bit of a mocking tone. “You had your eye on me this whole evening, yes?” Chamber’s hand pressed to your thigh, sliding between your skin and the fabric of the dress, pulling it upwards. The sensation sent shivers through your body, but you weren’t willing to give Chamber the joy of breaking your position so easily. “You enjoy it when people watch you.” You said and gazed into his dark eyes.
“I do look fabulous, they are only right when they do.” “Still, wearing a corset to the formal event.” Your free hand trailed the detailing of the garment. “Why would you choose something like this?” “You seemed to enjoy it greatly, mademeoiselle Y/N.” The scent of cologne still lingered around him, and every time Chamber talked, a hint of cigarette mixed to that. As much as you were taunting him, he did the same to you as his hand moved slowly from your thigh to your side, revealing more skin every passing second. Your body tensed, but you didn’t want to admit that to yourself, because in your mind, it would mean the same as admitting that in the end, you didn’t have full control. “I still do.” You said and pulled his face closer. “And if I didn’t know that you had to attend I wouldn't wait for this long.”
“Trust me, if that would have been an option I wouldn’t have stopped you.” Chamber’s hand reached your side as you were having your little conversation. “But fortunately, ma chérie, nobody is stopping us now.” You felt your heart pounding on your chest, and how you couldn’t hold back for much longer under Chamber’s touch. His hands wandered on your body, making you burn from inside as you simultaneously tried to keep yourself composed from the outside. Chamber’s chest moved up and down as his breathing got heavier, and the tightness of his lower parts became more and more obvious by every passing second. You knew that you could keep him where he was longer. You were enjoying your position.
“Tell me, Chamber.” You trailed your fingers on his lips. “Do you want me to make you feel good?” “I would love that, mademeoiselle Y/N.” His answer was merely more than a whisper.
“Then let me.” You said as you lowered yourself to the ground, kneeling in front of him.
As you had felt, he was already hard when you kneeled before Chamber, and saw how he was waiting for what you would do. He leaned back as you pressed your tongue to the underside of his cock, dragging it all the way to the tip and repeating the motion a couple of times while watching how Chamber let out a low moan, while closing his eyes. You took his tip to your mouth, caressing it carefully, only stopping when you felt a gentle touch in your hair as Chamber’s fingers trailed on the side of your head. “Oh how wonderful you feel.” He moaned in a low voice.
You didn’t want to answer, you only grinned at him as you continued to tease his cock with your mouth. There was no way you could take all of his length, so you made sure that he didn’t care to think about that when you were finished. As you watched Chamber from below, he still looked flawless, and you enjoyed what you were seeing while making him fight hard not to come too soon. “Please, Y/N.” Chamber breathed. “Tu te sens si bien ma chérie.”
The longer you continued, the less words you understood as Chamber tried to hold himself together as you worked on his length, taking as much as you could to your mouth before you felt like you were about to gag. His cock was big, too big for you, but you weren’t going to admit that, especially when you could get Chamber whimper and bed for you when your tongue moved along his cock just right. At the same time you felt the heat on your own body, and when Chamber’s fingers took a firmer grip of your hair, you were sure that by the end, there would be lines of slick trailing down your thighs. You had to focus on everything you were doing, so you didn’t notice when Chamber took your head to his hands and pulled it closer to his base. He didn’t realise that either, and just moments later, before you felt a sensation on the back of your throat and closed your eyes. There was no way in the world you were able to keep them open. Chamber held you on the place for a moment, before he recognized that you were tapping his hand with yours. “I am so sorry, ma chérie.” “No, you have gotten it all wrong.” You said and climbed on top of Chamber. “Did you think we were done for the night?”
19 notes · View notes
loviatarwrites · 2 years
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Chamber x Reader
Word Count: 2.3k
Summary: You opened your eyes a bit, just enough to see blurry shapes to confirm that you weren’t just talking to yourself, and if you were, there was still a possibility to fall back to your comforting dream.
A/N: I'm back on the Bingusverse, and Chamber will be a cigarette smelling cat dad once again. Also the reader is even more touch deprivated than previously.
In theory, joining Valorant should’ve been the best decision that you had ever made. In theory. In practice, every day felt even heavier than the last one, and even if you didn’t want to admit it to anyone else, you started to feel like you were going to snap at any given moment. You weren’t a field agent, battling your way through doubles and mirror earth to unravel it’s secrets, but rather an engineer, someone whose job was to sit on a lab every day, checking that everything worked and that a jamming gun or malfunctioning gadget wouldn’t ruin the mission for agents that risked everything every time they went to their operations. It also meant that your work was doing the same things over and over again, but not everyone could’ve been blessed with Radianite powers suited for the field, and it was a cold truth that your powers weren’t nearly developed enough to join others in the missions around the globe. You pressed the button on a coffee machine, and hot tea started to stream to your glass. Every moment you were awake, your head was filled with thoughts, and it felt like your brain was like an overclocked computer that desperately needed something to cool it down before it would shut down because of overheating. However fast the machine would be, it was not fast enough not to make you impatient, so you stared at it aggressively while tapping your foot to the floor as a sign for it to hurry up. “I don’t have all day.” You talked to the machine. “Gimme my damn tea so I can have at least something nice.” Your mind went to the exact direction you didn’t want it to go when you started to go through the mission agents had been sent over two weeks ago. Every detail in every weapon and machinery that you had checked, every part of them and if there was something, anything, that you had overlooked and would cause the mission to be a failure. “Thank you, finally.” You grabbed the cup as soon as the machine gave you the beeping sound as an indicator that it had finished. There was no Raze’s loud music in the hallways, no Phoenix’s laughter or Brimstone telling you that if you trained hard enough, you could maybe join them at some point. There was no Neon running around, and no Chamber telling you about his cat. There was no Chamber telling you what his cat had done. “I can’t take this.” You sat at the sofa and threw your legs to the other side without caring if your shoes would stain it or not. “I’m seriously at my fucking limit.” The tea was too hot to drink, so you had to be alone with your thoughts for a while longer. When you had joined everything had felt good, that this was the one place that you could call home while also being useful. Then the reality had hit you, the loneliness, the dark thoughts and the homesickness. When Chamber had talked to you in this same area, tired and a smell of cigarette smoke lingering around him, you had felt that there could maybe be at least one person on H.Q. that was willing to listen to you. “Why can’t I be strong enough to join them?” You curled into a ball and pushed your head against your knees. Even if you wanted to get information about the ongoing mission, there was no way to contact anyone on the field, as it might endanger the agents. You were left alone with your thoughts, and in your current mindset that was something you were not happy with. Why couldn’t you be stronger? You buried yourself deeper into your cocoon, and let your mind fill up with thoughts until you curled against the backrest of the sofa. Nobody was in the area anyway, so nobody would care if you fell asleep here or not. At some times, your dreams were a means to escape the harsh reality and everything that made it worse. At other times they brought up everything bad, and you woke up sweating and tired. This time it was neither, just a nice darkness where the time passed and you were able to just drift into the nothingness. “Bonjour chéri.” A gentle touch on your shoulder. A soft voice. A familiar smell of smoke and gunpowder. The darkness swapped into something nicer, something that you had yearned for and even if it would just be a simple dream, it would make you feel a little bit better. “Don’t go.” Your fingers intertwined with his, and you pulled his hand to you. You didn’t want to open your eyes, because if you did, there was no guarantee that you could return this dream. “Oh no, I am not going anywhere, mademoiselle Y/N.” The voice dug deeper, and you started to question if you were just imagining things or if you were brave enough to see if this was a dream or not. On one hand, you could keep your eyes shut, and enjoy the moment of comfort before the harsh reality of you being alone would hit you again, but what if he really was there. “I don’t want to be alone.” You squeezed the hand. “If you hold on so tight, you most certainly won’t be.” “You promise?” “I am here, yes.” You opened your eyes a bit, just enough to see blurry shapes to confirm that you weren’t just talking to yourself, and if you were, there was still a possibility to fall back to your comforting dream. “You believe me now, yes?” The glow of the golden tattoos was the first thing your mind registered. Then the familiar white button-up shirt with light detailing, and the watch which shared the colour with the tattoos. After thinking for a moment you turned your head from the backrest, and slowly saw the familiar face above you, looking directly to your sleepy eyes that were still somewhere between the dream and the reality. “Chamber?” You opened your eyes wider to confirm that indeed you weren't dreaming, and when you were sure that he indeed was standing besides you, you climbed yourself up from the sofa and smiled to him, and even if you didn’t realise it at that moment, it was the first smile you had had for a long time. “My apologies, I hadn’t intention of interrupting your sleep.” Chamber said and sat on the sofa. “We just returned, I was going to return my equipment but saw you while I was passing the area.” You looked at the corner where the large sniper rifle laid against the wall, next to the large bag. “Sorry, didn’t mean to.” There was still some kind of invisible boundary between you and Chamber, and even though you had shared a close moment with each other at his quarters a while back, it didn’t mean that you had permission to do whatever you wanted. Although even if you had, your shyness would interrupt you sooner than later. “If I had wanted I could’ve just passed you.” Chamber laughed. “You weren’t going to wake up any time soon if my eyes were correct.” “What time is it anyway?” You brushed your hair with your hand. “What part of the day is it even?” “Almost a midnight. Morning wasn’t probably the most accurate thing to greet you with, I have to admit.” You touched your tea cup. Cold. Not freezing cold but a was asleep a good couple of hours cold. “Welcome back.” “Merci, Y/N.” “I was worried that something had happened when I didn’t hear anything from you.” “It was an intense mission, yes.” Even if Chamber hadn’t said that, there was one sign that confirmed that he had been through something that he hadn’t planned to. When he was sitting close to you you were able to smell cigarettes all over him, on his clothes, his clothes and probably even on his skin. “You are back here now. That’s what matters.” Chamber placed his arm on the backrest, and you wondered if he wanted you to move closer. When you had met here the first time you had mistaken the cigarette smoke lingering around him to the malfunction of the coffee machine, and if your memory serves right, you had called him smelly by accident. Thinking about that made you chuckle. “How has it been here? It must’ve been… quiet.” “Honest answer or neutral answer?” “Do not think that the neutral answer will suffice after you said that.” “Lonely. Really lonely.” “Oh, weren’t you able to talk to other research personnels here?” “They are all busy with their own stuff so I didn’t want to bother them.” Chamber’s hand wandered to your shoulder, and you looked as he watched how you would react to that. “Please tell me if I do anything that you are not comfortable with.” You pulled yourself close to Chamber’s side, allowing him to wrap his hand around you. As you rested your head against his hand, you smelled the cigarettes on his fingertips, and inhaled the familiar and safe smell, and even if it was not a nice smell, it was calming because it meant that he was close to you. This was something that you had wanted to feel again, and now when Chamber had returned, you took everything you could from him being so close to you. “I missed this.” “So did I, Y/N, so did I.” Just sitting in silence, feeling Chamber’s warmth next to you and holding his hand that was wrapped around you helped you not to drown into your thoughts. You felt his touch, and could count his breaths, and there was no need for either of you to move from this spot. “Did it go alright? The mission.” “Yes, in the end. There won’t be another for a while though, not before Killjoy is done with extracting all of the data we were able to secure.” “She’s gonna be excited about that.” “Oh she is, she already started on our way to the headquarters.” You pushed yourself even tighter against Chamber, and let go of his hand that was resting against your shoulder, only to hug him tightly. Your face pressed to his vest and tie, and you noticed that Chamber returned your act of affection to you by wrapping his hands around your back. “I’m sorry I’m using you as my outlet for human contact again.” You laughed a little bit while hugging him. “It just feels like this helps me to remember that I don’t completely hate my time here.” “Y/N, I assure you that you are not the only one in need of this.” Chamber sighed. Something about that moment made you wonder what Chamber was thinking at this very moment. Had he also missed you, or did he only want someone to hold him close after a long mission? What had he had to go through? “How was the mission?” You realised that it was not the best thing to ask as soon as the question left your lips. “You don’t have to talk about it if you don’t want to. Forget it.” “I do not mind, Y/N. One good thing about being a marksman in the past life is that you stop to think about everything that is not critical for the mission to be a success. You get the brief, you do what you are needed to do, and you move to the next one.” “So you just… go there and do what is told?” “It is easier than to question. It is hard enough to keep the nerves in check as it is. You can probably smell that, yes. Mes excuses.” “It’s the smell of you. Both the smoke as well as the cologne.” “Ah, I aim to be presentable even after a long mission.” “In that you succeeded.” You felt how Chamber breathed heavily, and how his arms crossed even tighter around you, before letting go. You let go too, and gazed upwards to his face, and noticed that even after everything he had been through, he looked as good as always. His eyes met yours, and you felt the tension that had suddenly built around you. “Pardon, Y/N.” Chamber said in a low tone. “But you are most definitely not the only one who is guilty of wanting to feel another person here.” Chamber’s hands cupped your cheeks as he leaned close, and you felt how his lips gently brushed yours. Your hands pressed to his chest, and leaned upwards to him. Your heartbeat became faster, and when you felt Chamber so close to you, it felt like there was a small fire warming you from the inside. One part of you wanted to say something, but instead of that, you pressed your lips tighter to his, devouring his taste and taking something you had wanted since you fell asleep to his arms before he left for the mission. Now when Chamber had returned and broke the invisible barrier between you, there was no way you were going to let go of him before you absolutely must. Your hands grabbed the neckline of Chamber’s vest, and you pulled him to you, kissing him and only parting for breathing quickly before returning to him. “Would you like to accompany me to the apartment, mademoiselle?” Chamber said and smiled. “As much as I enjoy my time here, it would be an awful shame to get interrupted.” You nodded and took Chamber’s hand as he helped you up from the sofa. The tea that had already gotten cold was left on the table. Chamber took his golden sniper rifle from the corner and tossed the bag to his shoulder before taking your hand to his, leading you to his place, where a certain someone was waiting for his return at least as eagerly as you were.
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loviatarwrites · 2 years
roses and blood (nsfw)
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Jhin x Reader
Word Count: 4.1k
Summary: You didn’t believe your eyes as you watched how vines climb up your body, your arms, and to the area around you. How the spikes pressed to your skin, making it bleed red, the same red as the roses that grew around you, like they were growing out of your skin.The pain was sharp, pulsing from your chest all around your body, and you screamed, cried and fought to not pass out. The vines trapped your hands to the top of your head, making you unable to move them, and you couldn't help but to watch as Jhin admired you from the top.
A/N: It feels so wrong that any part of this feels good but damn if it isn't a fine dead dove. Works only as a standalone but can also be read as chapter two for Made to Perform. Couple of things that make reading a lil bit more understandable. Apparently canonically Jhin's bullets shapes his victims flesh into his choosing, which was actually cool. His reveal trailer was a huge inspiration to this work. This is the outfit I'm imagining him in this fic: https://twitter.com/spideraxe30/status/1428765533365751811
You tried to focus on your craft, but every time the door of your shop welcomed a new customer in, or when you saw a human shaped figure walking past the window, your concentration shattered. Whenever someone picked up an order, or came to place one, you had to collect yourself so you could act as professionally as possible, so nobody would answer you any questions. “Excuse me, miss Y/N, Mr. Kiramman would like to request a set of three owls, preferably delivered by the end of the month.” The delivery man gave you a letter with a detailed wax stamp on it.
You sighed. Even though it was still the first days of the month, at your current pace you had to do something to your thoughts to finish the order in time. The night a couple of weeks back had left you mentally in a space where you were constantly waiting, wary of every shadow and ready to stab anyone even slightly resembling him . “Thank you. Tell Mr. Kiramman that they’ll be ready in the midst of the last week. You can pick them up then.” That should sound as collected as possible, and with order this big, you wouldn’t need to think about how you would survive next month, or maybe even a month after that, if Kiramman would throw in a little bit extra for a good work. That would of course require that you would make good work. “Yes, thank you miss.” The delivery man nodded and turned towards the door to leave. “And also, I’m not sure if you are interested or not, but Ms. Arvino was also curious about your work.” “If she asks more, tell her that she can have a spot in line after Lord Tobias.” “Will do, have a good day, miss.” The door had barely shut down when you jumped up from your chair and swapped the sign from “open” to “closed”. With an order as big as what you had just received you didn’t have to keep the shop open, and maybe sitting with the doors and windows locked tight would help you to concentrate. You double checked the lock, just to be sure that the door wasn’t left open by accident, and even pushed a small chair in front of the door as an extra alarm if someone tried to get in that way. “Okay, let’s see what kind of new friends Kiramman wants this time.” You said as you picked up the letter from the table and ripped open the seal. The relief of not needing to keep the shop open, but also the certainty about your plan for the next month brought you instant relief. There was finally a room for you to breathe, and even though the people who walked past your shop made you look up every time, at least there weren't any sudden doorbell rings or need to talk to people now. As you read the further instructions from the letter you thought about installing curtains for your shop windows to eliminate the people outside, but now what is the most important was to get to work. “Deep breath, Y/N. You are safe. Get everything together because you are the best you know when it comes to your craft.” You chanted to yourself and gently clapped your hands to your cheeks.
You turned on the small hextech radio, and poured yourself a cup of coffee. The thought of his returnal was constant in your brain, but the more you would occupy yourself with other things, the less you had time to think. The radio played a song from an upcoming singer who used Hextech crystals to power up the platform she used for her performances. It was wild to think that she had resources for powering up such a big construct, especially compared to yours. You liked to call your creations Hextech, but the small shards that made your creatures move were so little that they had no capabilities at the level as her tech, but working with smaller things made it possible to manufacture them in a rather fast pace. “Maybe if I asked nicely I could see how her platform works.” You collected small gears and gadgets to your table. You took a sip of your coffee and held the cup with both of your hands while taking a more relaxed sitting position on your chair. You closed your eyes, listened to the radio, and took another sip, while trying to focus on where you would start to build your owls. “What I would give to see other Hextech other than owls and crows.” You sighed and the coffee cup warmed your hands. “What would you give to that, Y/N?” Your blood turned cold, and you felt how the colour left your face. The coffee cup dropped and shattered on the floor, but you were too afraid to open your eyes to see how bad the overall damage was. No. This wasn’t happening again. “No no no. This is just in my head. I’m alone.” You curled your knees to your chest and shut your eyes even tighter. “I’m safe, nobody’s here. It’s just my mind playing tricks like every other evening.” When you felt his fingers on your cheek and on your chin, you knew that this was much more real than your imagination. They traced your skin and your lips, and you refused to move, denying that this man, the one that had started your downfall, had returned and was probably not just visiting quickly. “Jhin. No, please no.” The tear fell to your cheek. “There is nothing for you. Please go away.” Khada Jhin was a man that you never wanted to meet again, not after what he did to you on the night that you had met. The night that made you make sure that every window and door in your house was locked, that you woke up to even the slightest sound, and that you hadn’t touched your violin for a long time. “Darling, you didn’t think that I would leave a piece of me to you without a meaning.” Jhin wiped the tears and you felt how he walked in front of you. “I was meant to return to my piece of art.” “I don’t want this. Why me? Can’t you torment someone else, I can’t take this anymore.” You pressed your head down, trying to hide from something that couldn’t be hidden from. “You don’t see it.” Jhin took your hand to his, and his fingers intertwined with yours. “Your fear makes a beautiful scene for my next work.” You tried to resist when Jhin pulled you up from your chair, but he was stronger than your resistance, and it didn’t take more than seconds until you were pressed against him. “Y/N, you wanted to see Hextech.” The sudden air flowed from his cape. A loud noise like a gunshot. The sound of the radio disappeared the moment of the shot. There was no world where your knife would defend you against him. “One.” Your legs gave up, and in your mind there was only one though. “If he wants, he can kill me now. This is how I go.” You didn’t get to touch the ground before Jhin got the hold of you. Your eyes were still pressed shut, and you refused to give him anything that could feed him, but he still stayed. Maybe someone would walk past and see you, maybe someone will interrupt this? There weren’t many people around the area, especially at this time, which you had been glad about in the past weeks but not at this moment. “How can you expect me to work like this, Y/N?” Jhin said while holding your limp body against his chest. “Let go of me you monster!” You yelled while sobbing at the same time. You tried to push Jhin away from you, but he kept you tightly in his hold, and his hand brushed your hair off your shoulder. As you tried to yell for help, Jhin pressed his lips to yours, and your body gave up fighting him. Jhin took his time, and you tasted him, felt how his tongue intertwined with yours and how he pressed you against the door that led to the upper floor. Your will to fight him shrunk smaller by the second, and because your mind didn’t find the way out of the situation, you decided to make it as painless as possible, moving yourself while kissing the lips of the man that you hated. “Open your eyes. I want you to see me.” Jhin’s voice was like a whisper when your lips parted with his. “I want to know what you think when you see me.” Jhin was tall, over a head taller than you, and between him and the door there was nowhere to escape. You wanted to keep your eyes shut, and not give him the pleasure of obeying him, but there was also a part of you that feared what would happen if you didn’t do as he said. “Why me?” You gripped Jhin’s cape, and felt how he leaned to the door to get close to you. “I thought about your last performance.” “I promise that I won’t touch that violin ever again.” “Oh, not your inadequate playing. You were a marvellous puppet.” “Please just leave me alone. What do I have to do for you to never return?” “You think something can stop my performance?” Jhin’s fingers brushed over your wrists, and the electricity ran through your body. “You are mediocrity. My genius will make you worthy." This man was something that you couldn’t get a grasp of. There had to be a reason behind everything Jhin did, but however much you tried to come up with explanations, you didn’t figure out anything that would make sense. You opened your eyes, and looked at the tall man hovering over you. His skin was pale, and his dark eyes matched his black hair and eyebrows that sculpted his face. You looked at the radio, shot broken and beyond repair, and soon noticed the pistol on Jhin’s waist. In different circumstances you would’ve been interested in that Hextech powered weapon, but now only thoughts that it provoked was fear and loss of life the second he would grow tired of you. You sighed. “In the case I let you finish your performance, will you let me go?” “If you want it so badly, Y/N.” Jhin opened the door behind you. “Then this performance shall be my last.” The moment you reached the end of the staircase that led to your living quarters, Jhin grabbed you and pressed you against the wall, kissing you harshly and making you feel his body against yours. You had to remind your body not to react, and you fought against the reflex to answer the kiss in a way that you would in a case of wanted affection. It hadn’t crossed your mind before, but some things like crossing your hands behind another person's neck or digging your fingers to their hair were subtle signs of attraction that were more of an learned pattern than something that you did when you actually felt something. Jhin’s hand wandered to your back, pulling the hem of your shirt up and feeling your skin on their way. When he reached your spine, you felt his fingers pressing against the waistline of your pants, and to the knife that you had been hiding behind you. After the last encounter with Jhin you had started to carry it with you, but now you feared that it was more of something that would be used against you than to protect you. “Were you expecting me, Y/N?” “I was, I am afraid of you.” In only a moment, Jhin took the knife, and threw it to the wall across. When the blade flew through the room, before landing to its position, you were afraid that something would happen and it would return back to you. “If you do something with that and get my outfit ruined, it would be annoying.” Jhin said as he pushed you towards your bedroom. After the last encounter you hadn’t entered this room if it wasn’t a necessity. Your sofa had become your new bed, and every time you had seen the mirror you had seen yourself in his arms, you wanted to smash it to pieces. The only thing that wasn’t like that night was the violin, that you had returned to the closet, only not to touch that again. Jhin’s fingers trailed on your chest, opening buttons of your shirt, revealing the skin of your chest to him. He pulled the shirt off your shoulder, revealing the small freckles and ultimately stripping you from the piece of clothing. “Lay down.” His voice was low yet commanding, and you decided to obey, because not to would’ve most likely ended in the same situation, only in a more painful way. Your bed still had the same set of sheets, and even some small dust particles the lack of use had caused. As you laid on your back, you saw Jhin climbing on top of you, watching you from the above, with an amused look on his face. “I must wait.” Jhin muttered to himself. “I shouldn’t act before the composition is perfect.” Jhin took one of your hands, placing it on top of your head, only for your other hand following the first one. The cold flow of air catched your chest, notifying you that Jhin had yet again got to your home by your balcony. His hands trailed from your wrists to your arms and to your chest, opening your bra almost gently while he hummed the melody you didn’t recognize. When you laid on the bed with your chest uncovered, you wanted to lower your arms and cover yourself, but the fear of what Jhin would do to you made you restrain yourself, settling only to watch as his fingers trailed your skin and pulled your hair on both sides of your head. “Now, don’t move. The composition must stay perfect.” Jhin’s hand went to his side, pulling out his pistol. No, this was not where you would just stay still and wait. “Please no. Don’t kill me. I’ll let you continue if you don’t shoot me.” You pleaded. The tears started to flow from your eyes again. You wanted to move, but your body had frozen to its place, and you were so scared that you were physically unable to move. “I won’t kill you Y/N.” Jhin wiped the tear off your cheek and watched deep into your eyes. “But I can’t deny that this won’t be painful.” A loud noise. White light that filled your vision. The sharp pain that made you scream. Ringing in your ears. Smoke. And roses. You didn’t believe your eyes as you watched how vines climb up your body, your arms, and to the area around you. How the spikes pressed to your skin, making it bleed red, the same red as the roses that grew around you, like they were growing out of your skin. The pain was sharp, pulsing from your chest all around your body, and you screamed, cried and fought to not pass out. The vines trapped your hands to the top of your head, making you unable to move them, and you couldn't help but to watch as Jhin admired you from the top. “I will make you beautiful.” Jhin whispered and you heard another gunshot, before your body recognized the pain on your arm. Even more vines grew around you, filling the room as it glowed in white light. Maybe the light was because of Hextech, maybe it was your mind’s way to protect you from all of the pain that your mortal body was enduring. Your vision was blurry because of your tears, and after Jhin’s lips covered yours, you couldn’t even scream. Even if you didn’t want to admit it, him kissing you gave you at least something to focus on apart from the pain, and you did everything you could to make him not part with you. Desperately, you kissed Jhin deeper, massaging his tongue with yours, hoping that feeling him would make the pain disappear. Jhin pressed against you, and you heard how his gun fell on the floor as he took your face in his hands, kissing you passionately. His fingers dug into your hair as he parted with you only to take a deep breath and return for another kiss, and you knew that even if this was a man that had just shot you, he also gave you something to forget the pain. Jhin’s lips pressed tightly to yours, tasting you, feeling every part of your mouth, and you took everything you could. In a different place and time, where there wasn’t a man that had broken into your space, forced you and shot you , this might’ve been the most beautiful scenario, and that was something that you had to remind yourself of. “You must understand my genius now, Y/N.” “Jhin, please don’t stop. Give me something, anything so I have something other than pain.” “Of course. It’s never my intention to hurt.” “Am I dreaming? Is this something that happens after death?” “No, this is not a dream. It is a visualisation of my mind.” Jhin trailed his hands on your arms, where the thorns had pierced your skin and leaked small trails of blood. “I’m not a killer, yet an artist.” Jhin got up, and for the first time you moved your head and saw how all of the vines surrounded you and pinned you to your place, making you unable to move. On the other side you saw how Jhin picked up the gun that had been dropped to the floor, and how he checked it. “Perfection.” Jhin hummed and you watched as he pointed it to you once again. The shot was even more painful than the previous ones, and even though it seemed like they didn’t leave any wounds, they still hurt like you had just been really shot. Your vision went to white, and your eyes filled with pure light, only to cut to black just seconds later. Jhin’s ecstatic voice filled your ears before disappearing, as you fell into unconsciousness. “Wake up, Y/N. Nobody should die so quickly, especially someone as important as my dear puppet.” You opened your eyes slowly, waking to see Jhin laying next to you, trailing his fingers on your skin that was filled with small cuts from the thorns. His face was close to yours, and your eyes caught his before he leaned even closer to you. “It hurts.” “Beauty hurts.” Jhin’s hand moved to your chest. “And you’ll be my masterpiece.” As Jhin’s hand trailed lower on your body, you noticed that not only was your chest bare, so was your lower body. You looked at Jhin who slowly moved towards your inner thigh, was laying clothless beside you, and you saw all of the small imperfections of his skin, his complexion, and how the only thing that was clashing his pale complexion was the black nail polish on his fingers. Jhin’s fingers pushed in, parting you, and giving you time to adjust to them. You breathed heavily as the pain mixed with the arousement, while the vines held you in the place, reminding you about your lack of control. “You will be so beautiful.” Jhin hummed as he slowly moved his fingers. Your body clenched, gripping him as he moved deeper than previously. Even if you didn’t want to say it, he felt good, and knew how to take your mind away from the pain that was lingering all around your body. “Don’t stop.” “Speak to me more, Y/N. You sound delightful.” “It feels wrong to feel like this.” You moaned. “I shouldn’t. I hate you, Jhin Khada. I despise you.” “You’ll come to understand me, eventually.” Jhin removed his fingers, only to add a third one and to continue his movement. “You broke into my house. You tortured me. You made me afraid of everything.” “It was just your body, waiting for me to return.” “There isn’t any beauty in this.” “There is, and you’ll accept it after I’m done.” The pace of Jhin’s fingers grew faster, and they hit you deeper than before, making you pant and breathe deeply. Your body felt hot around him, and your wetness was at the point there was no way to argue that your body wasn’t reacting to him. You tried to lift yourself up, but as you tried to do that, the vines that were holding your legs digged into your thighs, making them bleed. “Wonderful. So eager.” As the cuts deepened, you cried, but not only for pain, but also for the pleasure of how Jhin made you feel. When he removed his fingers, you felt empty, and your body pulsed for something that was yet to come, but every second made you more desperate than the last one. Jhin placed his fingers on your lips, making you taste yourself, and as you parted your lips, his fingers pushed in, as a sign for you to make sure to get a good taste of yourself. Your tongue swirled around his fingers, making sure that there was no part that you had missed, and when he finally was satisfied with your work, you felt how even the last small part that wanted to resist him left you. Jhin got on top of you, and the vines moved to part your legs with a rough movement. You looked at Jhin’s body, and how his cock pressed against your slit. “You see now, the pain makes sure you feel even better.” Jhin pressed into you, filling you slowly and stretching you from the inside. His body pressed against yours, and when his chest touched the points where you had been shot earlier, you wailed in a quiet voice. As Jhin moved slowly, his hand pressed the vines that twined around your hands to your skin, and a bunch of small thorns pierced your skin deeper than before, making the lines of red drip down your arms all the way to your sides. “Why must it hurt?” “Because, Y/N, art requires a certain amount of cruelty to move people.” “I don’t want this to hurt.” You whined. “I don’t want you to feel this good.” Jhin continued his slow movement, giving your body time to adjust to his cock. It felt almost as if he wanted to make sure that your body remembered him, and he was shaping you to be just like he wanted you to be. His hands trailed your body, dragging the lines of blood, and massaging your breast on the way, smearing it on the red. “It’s the most curious.” Jhin said. “Not once have you asked me to stop.” You didn’t want to admit that he was right. More than stopping, you had pleaded for him to keep going, which was something that you weren’t proud of. “Had you stopped if I had asked?” “My answer doesn’t change the fact that you haven’t even tried.” Jhin answered. “It’s delightful to see what a good little doll you have become.” Jhin’s pace got faster, and his cock pushed deep into you. As he moved, you felt how he got bigger, which made you feel everything even stronger than just moments ago, and a moan escaped your lips as he grinded against you. “I won’t be yours. However you make me feel, I will not.” “There you are wrong.” Jhin huffed. “You are already mine.” Jhin’s cock pulsed in you, and you felt how the warmth filled your insides. You felt how he grew to fill you completely, and how he savoured every moment when his cum pressed deeper by every second. “You are mine, Y/N. You won’t be able to do anything about that.” When Jhin parted with you, you felt how the vines loosened their hold, before letting you free. The roses that had bloomed just seconds ago withered away, and the petals fell down to the bed and to the floor, making the scenery look unreal. Jhin collapsed next to you, and as his fingers pressed gently to your arms that you had moved to your chest, it could’ve seemed like something romantic if the circumstances were different. “I hope I don’t ever see you again.” You whispered. Jhin took your face to his hand, and turned it to face him. “If you don’t, then why had you saved that?” As you gazed to the nightstand you saw not only your violin, but also a mask, his mask. The same mask you had tucked to the closed at the night of your first encounter.
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loviatarwrites · 2 years
hi! its not so clear if youre accepting reqs or not but i'll give u a concept for a potential chamber hc that he wears corset vests and reader cannot rip their eyes off of him https://www.instagram.com/reel/CmchIGDBbwR/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=
To be honest I'm not sure how requests work but I really like your concept, could definitely write something related to that in the future!
0 notes
loviatarwrites · 2 years
taking the control (nsfw)
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Reader x Silco
Word Count: 4.3k
Summary: The way Silco talked to you made your blood boil. How this man, who spent all of his days in his little castle he had built for himself, could order people around himself without anyone questioning him. Everything about him made you furious at the moment, his posture, his tone of voice, even the way he watched your rage almost emotionlessly.
A/N: I'm back to my original "let's bully men" -attitude with this one, and damn it's been fun to write.
“It’s always do this and do that.” You huffed. “Never anything interesting, always boring things no one else wants to do.” The lanes were filled with people trying to sell whatever they had gotten their hands on, and if you had enough money, some would sell the hand itself. There was no need to buy what you needed, you were capable of getting anything with a quick sleight of hand, but Silco had ordered you not to do anything that could lead you to trouble. “Y/N, get the box from the fish vendor, deliver this to the Yordle.” The mumbling helped a little so you wouldn’t explode. Of course there was no way you could take part in anything really important, but being someone who he ordered around to do things made you boil. The lanes weren’t a place where you went to the grocery shop, but that was exactly what you had been doing since Silco had accepted you as part of his organisation. After getting kicked out of the Entresol level, the protection was something you were grateful for, even if it came from the criminals. If your boss would’ve been anyone else besides the leader of the biggest criminal organisation in Zaun, you would be long gone, but serving under him made sure that you had somewhat of a life, even on the lanes. You checked the list of today’s tasks, almost all done, and the rest of them could be done while heading back to the Last Drop. Carrying the boxes and running errands day after another had made your body sturdy, not muscular, but strong enough to get you through the fights if needed. Today, however, as well as most of the other days, it was used to carry supplies your boss had ordered, and if he found out that you participated in any kind of fight you could say goodbye to a finger or an eyeball as a reminder not to disobey his orders. — “I’m back.” You pushed the door of the Last Drop open with your whole body, trying not to drop any of the items you were carrying. The bar was always filled with people, and you dodged them with the best of your abilities while navigating to the back room of the bar. “Boss made you work hard today.” The bartender commented on your pile of goods while you passed him. “Not more than usual.” “Hah, must suck to be the errand runner.” “Still better than rotting on the bottom of the lake so shut up.” “Better not talk to your bartender like that.” He laughed. “Otherwise you’ll find your drink laced with glass powder so fine that you don’t even realise it until you bleed out.” “Noted.” You placed the goods next to the old boxes, which you have no idea what they contained. “Can you pour me something, preferably something not lethal. ” “Boss wanted to see you so no drink for you.” “Shit, you could’ve said that earlier.” “Seemed you had your hands full.” The bartender smirked as you quickly patted the dust off your shirt and cursed at him about not telling you sooner. The elevator cranked, and you were sure that it would drop in any second. There was an option to take stairs, but you weren’t going to climb to the top floor of the bar, especially not when in a hurry. “You’ve made him wait.” The loud and clear voice of a girl behind your back made you startle. “Where did you come from?” You turned your head and saw Jinx, a young girl with long bright blue braids standing behind you. “I was napping on the top of the elevator.” She said in a cheerful tone. “It was awfully mean to wake me up.” “And how would’ve I known you were there?” “You wouldn’t. Doesn’t mean it wasn’t mean. Blah.” “You make no sense, you know that right? Nobody liked to be around Jinx, but when Silco had taken her in and raised her as his daughter, there was no way people would say a bad word to her. If she got upset Silco would end the one that made her sad, and you weren’t going to risk your head. “I don’t- Not my problem though.” The elevator reached the top floor, and before you were able to leave the elevator, Jinx had climbed back to the top of it. You had to give it to her, she was agile and swift with her moves, and if you would ever need to catch her it wouldn't happen without help. — Two guards stood besides the doors that led to Silco’s office, where he spent most of his days doing whatever a crime boss ever did. One of the guards looked at you and gave you a mean gaze as you asked to enter his quarters before opening the door. “She’s here boss.” “Good, don’t let anyone interrupt us.” Silco sat on the large chair beside his table, and you wondered if he tried to compensate for his slender frame with such elegant furniture, but there was no world where you would ask that. The large glass window behind him made the room glow the yellowish-green neon light that originated from the sign someone had made for the Last Drop, probably so you would see the bar all the way from the upper levels. “I assume you were successful with the taks I gave you, Y/N?” “Yes, they’ve been delivered to the back room.” “And there were no problems of any kind?” “No boss.” Silco, who had previously sat sideways to his table, turned and leaned to his desk with both of his elbows. “Are you sure about that?” You raised your eyebrow. “Yes boss. No problems of any kind. How so?” “Then why I was told that you had been seen pickpocketing at the bazaar? Isn’t the payment you get from me enough for you?” You? Pickpocketing? You’ve done it in the past, and yes, the thought of doing it again had crossed your mind multiple times even today, but by your account, there hadn’t been any pickpocketing happening today. “Who said that?” “You’re not the one that asks questions in this room.” “Fine, then I don’t ask. I haven’t done anything like that. Got the orders, went to complete them, returned here. There, that’s my day.” There was no winning move here. Either you defended yourself, or got blamed for something that you hadn’t done, and was strictly forbidden to do. If you admitted, not only would all of your belongings, the ones that you had left, been taken from you, and you would possibly be kicked out of your safe spot in the lanes. However, disagreeing with Silco was equally bad, because if there was a man that didn’t want to be wrong, it was him. “And you are sure that you haven’t left out any details?” You have always had a short temper. That was the reason why you got kicked out of your home, your school and the whole Entresol level. If there was one good thing on the lowest parts of the undercity, it was that you were allowed to fight for your survival. Heck, fighting was a necessity for surviving here. “Don’t make me repeat myself, Y/N.” Silco leaned towards you. “Tell me what you have done, and this can end with the least amount of pain.” Something inside you flipped, and in the worst possible way. You walked to the other side of Silco’s desk, and slammed both of your palms to it, with as much force as possible, and there was no way that the guards hadn’t also heard that. You stared straight into Silco's eyes, both the one that was still working as the one that glowed red against his scarred skin. As much as he tried to powder the scar away, it became more and more defined as the time passed, and in its current state it was not hideable anymore. “And I’m not changing my answer.” You hissed. “No. Problems.” “I wouldn’t test my patience if I were you, Y/N.” “Or what?” “Don’t.” “Or what, Silco?” Your voice was full of anger, rage and hatred towards the person who had made false claims about you. Not only that, but also anger towards how Silco treated you, making you run his errands every single day, probably until the day you would drop dead to some alleyway of the lanes. “You must realise that what you are doing can cause you lots of troubles.”
The laughter left your body as you leaned closer to him. “Troubles, you say?” “I can call my guards here in an instant. You can’t even blink before you are on the ground. If you run, they will hunt you down. You can run, hide and even beg for enforcers for protection, but if I want to catch you, no place is going to be safe for you.” “Then do it.” You grabbed Silco’s tie with one of your hands. “Call the guards and end this. I want you to do it, because if you don’t, I won’t stop.” “You really aren’t stopping, aren’t you, Y/N?” “I come here, thinking that maybe, just maybe, I would get one good word from you for all of the things I’ve done to you.” You hissed to his face while holding his tie in your grip. “And what do I get? I get blamed for something I’ve not done because someone has had a miserable life and they’ve decided to spread it around.” “It’s not often that people defy my words.” Silco’s voice was calm, almost monotonous compared to yours. “What makes you think that you can do that?” “Why haven’t you alarmed your people then?” “I’m quite interested to see how you’ll proceed. I can watch as you play with the small amount of power that I’m willing to give to you.” Silco smirked as he mocked you. “You must’ve forgotten that this little game of yours ends the moment I decide it will.” — The way Silco talked to you made your blood boil. How this man, who spent all of his days in his little castle he had built for himself, could order people around himself without anyone questioning him. Everything about him made you furious at the moment, his posture, his tone of voice, even the way he watched your rage almost emotionlessly.   “So you have decided that I can play with the sense of power .” You let go of Silco’s tie and started to slowly walk to the other side of the table. “You say that you want to see what I will do.” Rationality had left your mind a long time ago as you walked to Silco, who turned his chair sideways so he could face you. He sat with his legs crossed, one hand laying on the armrest, following you as you walked past the chair behind him. “You say that you just want to see what I would do?” You stood behind the chair, your head laying against the backrest while your hand brushed Silco’s shoulder from the other side. “That’s what you tell yourself?” “Watch your tone.” Silco turned his head to face yours. “You’re walking a dangerously thin line with the way you act at this moment.” “I think the line was passed a long time ago, boss.” You took Silco’s tie to your hand again and pulled it to lift his chin upwards. He looked at you with surprise on his face, but his look was also amused and full of tension. There was something about Silco that you couldn’t stand, something that made your insides boil, but at the same time, it was exactly the reason why you wanted to do everything you wanted with him. You held him on the place tightly, and brushed your lips against him, and by his reaction, he wasn’t going to fight back or call guards to shoot you on the spot. Your tongue swirled against his, and when he thought that you were going to part your lips from him, you bit his lower lip before leaving. “You might say that you have the control, Silco, but let’s face the truth.” You released his tie, only to place your hand on his neck and chin. “You’re enjoying it when someone takes it away.” Before he had a chance to answer, your mouth invaded his again, and your nails pressed more firmly against his skin. You felt how his breath grew heavier as you savoured his taste, taking all of the time you wanted. There was something so powerful in the moment, being able to do just as you pleased, taking everything you wanted and even more. Silco might’ve never thanked you before, but you were going to make sure that if he was too arrogant to do that, he would beg for you for more after what you were going to do to him. When you released Silco’s neck from your hold, his head dropped to the side yet his eyes still followed you, not letting you out of his sight. “If you ever decide to talk about this, I hope you understand it’s going to be a huge mistake, Y/N.” Your hand trailed across Silco’s chest, tracing the lines of his vest as you slowly walked in front of his chair. Every movement you made tested his patience, and when you reached the front of the chair that he most likely viewed as his throne, you placed your hands to Silco’s chest, pressing them against the fabric of his vest. You placed your knee beside him, and lifted yourself up, so you could sit on top of him, looking at him from the upwards angle. Silco’s hand was still on the armrest, but the other one found its way to your back against your spine. For a moment you just admired the position you had gotten yourself to, and how the Undercity’s leader had been obedient to a girl that had been nothing more than a faceless errand runner just a couple of hours earlier. “Oh, don’t you want everyone to know that the great crime boss of the Zaun actually enjoys being the one ordered around.” “You’re using bold words, Y/N. Maybe you should use them carefully.” “Or what?” You let your whole body weight press against Silco’s legs. “Just follow my lead and it’s going to be much more pleasurable for both of us.” Where your voice had previously been full of rage and hatred, now it was more commanding and seducing. As your body met Silco’s thighs, you felt the pressure that was building on his lower body, and you laughed at how this man could have the control of the lanes without anyone questioning his authority. “The world of possibilities I have with you.” Your hand brushed his hair. “What would I do?” The hand that was just moments ago brushed Silco’s hair gently took a firm grip of it as you pulled it with a swift motion, yanking his head upwards. Silco let out a moan that signalled not only pain, but also that this was something that he enjoyed. “Have you what you are, Y/N?” Silco stared at you, his hair still on your hand. “Just a flick of a hand and you are over.” You looked downwards, with the meanest face you could make. “Then do it. Call your guards. Shoot me. Oh wait, you are not going to do that, and guess why that is? You can keep talking, but you know it, I know it, and it’s time to admit something. You’re enjoying this even more than you are admitting.” “You are a bold woman, Y/N.” “I am a woman that is tired of running your errands day after day without a reward.” “I’m doing this for all of us. There is no need for rewards.” “I disagree, Silco.” While one hand keeps Silco’s head in place so you can see all of his expressions, the other one finds itself between your legs, but rather than feeling yourself, you press it against Silco. There is nowhere he can hide as you massage his length with your hand, feeling how he grows from your touch, and how the expression on his face changes. “You keep saying that you have the power. That you have the control. But in reality you want me to do whatever I want.” “You don’t speak for me, Y/N.” “What I can do.” You slide your hand to the buttons of Silco’s pants, opening them and revealing his cock. “Is getting my reward in other ways.” You take Silco’s length to your hand, gently massaging it as you feel how your body got warmer. As your hand worked on Silco’s cock, your mouth clashed with his, silencing his moans not to alarm guards that were still standing outside his room. If there was something that you didn’t want it was to be interrupted right now, when you had just gotten to see and feel how Silco reacted to your touch, and how you could point the direction on this moment. You felt how his cock pulsed, and how it hardened even more under your touch, and something about the whole situation gave you so much pleasure. If you kept your current pace there was no way that Silco could last until the end. You parted your lips from his, and leaned back, pressing your free hand on top of the one that laid on the armrest. “Admit that you’re enjoying this and I’ll give you more.” “I’m not going to do that.” “You will.” You stroked his cock harder, and Silco cursed as he bit his lip not to make too much sound. “Say how you feel.” “Haven’t you had enough already?” “I said.” Your grip got even tighter, probably to the point that it was actually painful to him, but he still seemed to enjoy himself. “ Tell me how you feel. ” “You make me mad, Y/N.” Silco huffed. “It’s rare that anyone dares to oppose me, yet to go to this point.” “That’s much better.” With a swift motion you pulled the knife from your back. You released Silco from your grasp only to take both of his hands and pin them on top of his head. The dagger pierced the fabric of his shirt, making his arms stay put even without your touch. “You’re going too far, Y/N.” You didn’t even bother to answer as you lifted yourself up from Silco’s lap, and stood in front of the chair to admire the view. There was something satisfying seeing the most powerful man in Zaun, pinned to his own throne, his cock rock hard and dripping after your touch. “Maybe I should call the guards now. Imagine what they would think if they saw you now.” You said in a mocking tone. Silco mumbled all kinds of excuses, curses and threats to you as you released yourself from your pants and the outer shirt. Whatever he said to you didn’t matter as you returned to his lap, and saw how his cock rubbed against your flesh. You were dripping, and your body ached, but there was no way that you could give anything quickly to Silco. With the excruciatingly slow pace you lifted yourself, and gently pressed the tip of his cock to your entrance, teasing him as much as you humanly could. “Make any move towards alarming anyone here, and you quickly realise that you are done for. You must be at least that smart that you won’t do it.” “Am I? Maybe we should see what they’ll think.” You dragged your nails across Silco’s vest, and took a deep breath, as a sign that you were going to yell something, anything to alarm guards on the other side of the door. “Stop this, Y/N.” Silco hissed at you. Your hand took a firm grip on his neck, choking him, not too harshly but enough that you got a response from his body. “Beg me.” “I will end you.” “Seems like you aren’t going to do it before I finish what I’ve started.” Your eyes pierced his, and your grin grew larger every passing moment. “Keep telling that. You’re going to see it, soon you’ll either beg for me or moan my name.” You lowered your body, and felt how Silco’s length pressed to your body, filling you. Even though you had been able to keep yourself collected for this long, when you felt how he rubbed against your flesh, you gasped, and your grip on Silco’s neck tightened. As your fingertips tightened their hold of the sides of his neck, and as his cock pushed deeper, you noticed how Silco had to fight with all of his might not to let out a sound. You smirked, and while having all of him, stopped and let him feel how hot and wet you were. “It’s fine, let it out. Let me hear your voice.” You spoke to him in a soft tone, which simultaneously mocked him. “That pleasure I’m not going to let you have.” “You will.” You started to move again, slowly, but with every thrust pushing deep. With every movement you watched as Silco had to work harder and harder to keep silent, and how he would tip over the edge at any point. You pulled yourself up, all the way that you almost parted with him, before taking his length again and when Silco’s cock hit your deepest spot, you released the hold of his neck. The sudden change took Silco off guard, and before he was able to hold his voice, a low moan escaped his lips. “See, that wasn’t so hard.” You pressed your hands against his chest. “Now do it again. There’s no need to hide something you’ve already done.” “Are you enjoying the little show that you have made, Y/N?” “Oh absolutely.” You breathed heavily as you grinded against him. “And it’s about time you will too.” “Absolutely not.” “Be like that and be the hard one. If you didn’t want this I would be dead, but I’m not. So that is proof enough that this is something you want.” Silco tried to answer something to your mockery, but before he was able to, his cock grew inside you, and the new tightness around him made him lose his words in moans of pleasure. “You are done, Y/N.” Silco cursed between moans that mixed with yours as you were reaching your climax. “I will make sure that you are dead before the next day.” “If that’s the case, then I better take everything out of you.” “Fuck, Y/N.” “Yes, say that again. Say how good I feel.” “End this.” “Try again.” “Stop this madness. Now.” “Nope, still not right.” “ Let me come. ” The grin in your face widened even more. Your body heated up even more than before. Your hand took Silco’s chin, and you pulled his face to yours. There was a fire in your eyes. “That’s the spirit.” Your lips pressed against his, and your tongue invaded his mouth to taste him one last time before your moment would end. You took everything you wanted, every second, every part of him that you possibly could, and when you reached your climax, your vision got blurry, and you felt how your body melted against her. When you did, you felt how Silco’s cock pulsed inside you, and you felt how he moved his hips to push even deeper. Whatever words you tried to say blended into a mess as you leaned the back of his chair so you wouldn’t collapse to him. His cock filled you entirely, rubbing against your walls as you felt how Silco got his release, and his low groans filled the air. After a moment you had to take to clear your mind you got up, and turned Silco’s chair facing the table. You hopped to the table, on top of the paperwork he had been doing before your arrival, and looked at the man that was still pinned to his throne with your knife. Your shirt was long enough to cover you enough so you didn’t even bother to collect your clothes from the floor yet, and watching Silco in the position he was was too great of a joy not to savour as long as possible. “Release me in this instant, Y/N.” “It’s not that hard.” You leaned forward, your legs crossed. “Just say goodbye to your sleeves.” “I gave you an order.” “And I gave you a solution.” “You got your, whatever that was, already.” “Are you saying that you don’t want that again?” You got off the table, leaving a trail of white which was likely important paperwork and expensive piece of furniture. You walked to collect your clothes, and watched as Silco’s gaze followed you through the room. You picked up everything and dressed yourself while listening to all kinds of threats and curses he spitted to your way. “Take your bloody knife off me.” Silco hissed. “You know what to say.” You sighed. “I give you one last chance before your guards will help you out of that.” Silco stared at you. You looked at him with a mean and commanding gaze. Silco took a deep breath, thinking of the choices he had. “Y/N, release me, please. ” You walked to his chair, and pulled the knife out of the fabric of his shirt. “You know how to get me here when you want this again.” You said, and left the room, only to encounter Jinx at the doorway, with at least equally big grin on her face as what you had.
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loviatarwrites · 2 years
made to perform (nsfw)
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Jhin x Reader
Word Count: 4.0k
Summary: “There is no way someone from Zaun has just broken into your home, it would never happen.” You told yourself as you contemplated if you should run or if there was any other way to get off the situation.
A/N: It’s dead dove, please don’t read if you don’t like non-con and other topics related to that.
Dropping small gear inside your newest creation by accident made you curse. Was there a possibility to shake it out or would you have to take the whole creation apart again and start from the scratch, you weren’t sure about that. The one thing that you were sure though was that you were not happy about what had just happened. The half-done Hextech creature laid on the desk, its bird-like legs sticking outwards from its headless body as you pulled your magnifier goggles out of your head and placed them next to your project. You had started to question your life choices recently after catching your hands shaking more often, making you drop the intrigue pieces that were essential to make the creatures move, however, the shop didn’t run itself. You knew that even if making one of your Hextech powered messengers would take eight days rather than six on your good days, it would still be profitable and allow you to keep your established standard of living on the upper part of the city. “Maybe I should make you have another pair of legs instead of wings? What do you think, do you want to be a rat instead of a bird?” You asked a question from the half-done creature, not expecting for it to answer. The time was already way past closing time for the regular shops, but you tended to keep your open. There were rarely any customers anyway, most of your work was made to order, like this small creature. Even if you wanted to make it into a rat, if customer wanted a stupid little Hextech bird, a customer got a stupid little Hextech bird. Maybe someday someone wanted a magical Hextech cat or a small Voidling, those would be something else than the regular birds that you made most of the time. In your mind, dropping the cog inside your creation was the universe's way to tell you to close the shop and do something else for a change. As you went to the door, you checked that everything was in their place, and put the small “closed” sign to your door, even though there probably wouldn’t be anyone that wanted your work in the middle of the night. It was most out of the habit, you had done it when you had helped your parents with the shop, and you would keep doing it after inheriting the shop from them. “One day I will change my career and make this into a flower shop and start selling those to the fancy ladies of the noble houses.” You spun around the shop while removing your working gloves and took your round glasses to your face instead of the magnifying ones. It was weird to see things in their right places after wearing the other pair for a whole day. The small staircase sets apart your living area from your ground level shop. While living alone, two rooms was more than enough for you, but when there had still been both of your parents and you, it had most definitely been a crowded place, even if it didn’t feel like that in your childhood. Nowadays, one of the rooms was your living room that you barely used and only went there to get to the small balcony, while the other one was your bedroom, filled with all of your important objects and a nice big and comfy bed. As you walked up and reached the kitchen area you decided that even if it was late, it was not too late for a nice cup of evening coffee. It only took a couple of pushes of buttons, and the machine started to boil you your treat. While waiting, you walked to the mirror on the wall, checking how messed up you looked after the day of work. “Well, it could be worse… I guess?” Your hair had become a ball of fluff during the day, and there was no reason to try to straighten it now, and your freckled cheeks had a slight reddish tint on them. “Maybe I’ll treat myself this month with some new clothes though.” It had been on your list for quite a while now, but one or two holes on your stockings didn’t really worry you. On the other hand, you had grown rather bored of your old dress, and even if it was made out of a comfortable material, you could use another one to give this one a day of rest from time to time. You kicked your boots out of your feet and removed your stocking, giving your legs room to breathe after a long day. It was time to relax, so grabbed the cup of coffee as you headed to your balcony, where you could do some people spotting. There had been stories about teenagers from Zaun busting into apartments, but most likely yours wouldn’t be the first target to them. The summer air of Piltover was warm and sitting on the balcony while there was a slight breeze was a nice way to wind down after the day. “Guess it won’t hurt if I keep you open for a while.” You said to the door as you finished your coffee faster than you cared to admit. Talking to inanimate objects has become your hobby, after working with them for such a long time. The house you lived in was like a tube from one room to another, and only the staircase and kitchen separated them, so you rarely kept any doors between the rooms closed. As you walked to your bedroom, you left the coffee mug where its empty, unwashed friends were already waiting for it on the table, and grabbed a small instrument case from the side table. It was a precious instrument to you which you had played for as long as you remember, and it didn’t matter that you weren’t that good at it. As you took the violin out of its case and placed it gently by your chin, ready to play, you went through all of the songs that you had practised recently. Without practising it didn’t take long until you started to forget how to play them, so you had a nice merry-go-round of songs that you swapped whenever you got bored of them. The melody you played was calm and from time to time you spotted a wrong note that slipped through, but for you it didn’t matter if it wasn’t breaking the whole song. Sometimes you wondered if with more practice you would’ve become better, but for your own entertainment, this level was good enough for you. In the middle of the fourth song, your hand gave in, and the quick twitching motion made you drop the whole song. There were only two options, either starting again from the beginning, or leaving it at that. One part of your brain wanted to play more, but you knew that it was wiser to let your hands rest so you could work tomorrow, so your violin and string found their way back to their case and to the table beside your bed. “There are multiple coffee mugs on the table, four or five, so maybe it’s their time to go to the kitchen and to get washed.” You thought as you grabbed all of them at once and tried not to drop any of them. You hummed as you walked to your kitchen and dropped mugs to the sink, ready to head to the bed. Before you got to leave the kitchen, a cold breeze caught your face, and you remembered the balcony door that you left earlier. Hopefully your very mediocre playing didn't disturb your neighbours, and they wouldn't leave angry notes at your shop's door tomorrow morning. When you got to the living room, your blood froze, and you were feeling how your face became pale. A shadowy figure was sitting on your living room chair, humming a melody that eerily resembled one that you didn’t finish while you were playing. “There is no way someone from Zaun has just broken into your home, it would never happen.” You told yourself as you contemplated if you should run or if there was any other way to get off the situation. “Excuse me.” The words that came out of your mouth like tiny trembling sounds. “If you want something please just ask, we can talk this through.” If you took a quick turn to the staircase, you could maybe get a couple of seconds head start to the intruder, and if they were after your earthly possessions, you could let them loot the whole apartment and hide somewhere. However, you were not a fast runner, so if they for some reason were after you, there was no way you would outrun them. “Please, tell me what you want. I’ll give you whatever you are after.” The shadowy figure lifted itself off the chair and started to approach you. As your brain screamed for you to start running, your body froze to its place, refusing to move, waiting for your inescapable doom. “Was it you who was playing before, miss Y/N? That was your name, yes?” The voice belonged to the man, tossing aside one of your unopened letters that was still laying on your living room table. “What a stupid reason why an intruder would figure out the name.” You scolded yourself for your own laziness as the man started slowly approaching you. You wanted to apologise about the noises you had made, but that would have escalated the situation even more. “Yes, I’m truly sorry if I disturbed you.” You pulled your hands towards your chest as a reflex to protect yourself, making you look as harmless as possible. “It was… lacking, yes. There was no beauty in your performance.” The man was tall and when he walked to you, you saw the white mask that was covering his face. He was most certainly not from Zaun, and his attire was extravagant enough to belong to the Piltover. The style, however, was completely different, and his accent sounded like he was not local. “I’m sorry, I won’t do that again.” You fought against the tears as you spoke. “No, you will perform. After something so displeasing, you must. That can’t be the finale.” The man sounded almost excited while talking to you, which didn’t ease your state of mind the slightest. “You… want me to play again?” “You must! That can’t be the end of your performance!” The stranger, whoever he was, clearly had taken interest in the horrible end of your playing. You nodded and tilted your head upwards, answering in a quiet tone. “If that’s why you are here, I’ll do it. Just please don’t hurt me.” “I never hurt anyone, now, quickly, I want to hear how you imagine things without interruption.” You started to walk backwards to your bedroom, not taking your eyes off the stranger. Whoever he was, he had appeared out of nowhere, probably from the balcony, so it wasn’t on your mind to let him disappear from your sight again. The lights of the apartment painted a glow to his mask, and you saw how he was wearing chipped black nail polish on the tips of his long fingers. As you got to the bedroom, the stranger had followed you, blocking your way out of the room. There was only one thing to do, and it was to obey, you thought as you opened the violin case again. “I wonder how you even play with an instrument like that.” You wanted to answer that it was the only one you had, but the less you said at this point the better. As you raised the violin and took the string, you noticed that your hands were trembling even more than previously. You sighed. There was nothing else you could do at this point, and with trembling hands, you prepared for the first notes, only to realise that the stranger, now leaning to the doorframe, was already humming the melody of the song. You sighed again and played the first sounds. “No! What are you doing?” The violin made a horrible squeeze as your hands couldn’t keep still, which had clearly upsetted the intruder. “Again.” As you tried to play the song again, you got a little bit further before you made the first mistake. This time it wasn't because of your hands, you were just careless and played the wrong note. “No, you can’t continue. You must be perfection.” His voice had lost all of the excitement that he had before. “I’ll try again if it’s fine.” “You have tried enough, now, give me the instrument.” The violin was an important item from your parents, but you were lacking options. As you offered it to the intruder, you were fully expecting him to smash it to pieces, but rather than doing that, you saw as he took it with the same posture as you while you were playing. It didn’t take long for you to recognize the song that he was playing, the same song that you had tried multiple times and failed time after another. There was something calming about his playing, and you had to pinch yourself to remember that this wasn’t a person you had invited to your house, he was someone that you had no idea what his true motives were. “Now, let’s try again.” He said after finishing the song and offered the violin back.
This time you got further than previously before stumbling to the note that wasn’t even really hard, you were just not prepared for that. The stupid mistake, and you weren’t sure if it had been caused by the fear or just the pure lack of rest, but one thing you knew. If there hadn’t been any changes on the stranger’s trail of thought, he was expecting for you to finish the song, and wouldn’t leave before that. First you had thought that the intruder was an angry neighbour, but with everything, the mask, the way he acted, there was no way that he had just been annoyed by your failed performance to yourself. He had been harmless so far, apart from breaking into your apartment, so you were starting to believe that he hadn’t come here to harm you. “Excuse me, mister…” You remembered too late that of course you didn’t know the intruder's name. “Jhin Khada.” Because of the mask, there was an obvious lack of expression on his face, which made his non-threatening tone of voice somewhat eerie. “Now, let us begin once more.” There had to be a reason why he wanted to hear you succeed, but there wasn’t a way to ask why he was so passionate about the subject. You took the posture for playing once again, and immediately after raising the string to prepare for the first notes, you felt how your arms got heavy and there was no way for you to finish this. However, failure was not an option, you didn’t want to know what failure would mean, so you bit your lip and started from the beginning. “Now remember, after this part, there is a change in the tempo.” You chanted to yourself. “Don’t mess this up now.” You closed your eyes to focus on the song, not the burning feeling on your wrists. The faster you’re done with this, the faster your passionate intruder might leave you alone. “Almost there, just a little bit more.” By some means you were getting closer to the end of the song, hoping that it would also be deemed sufficient to your unwelcome guest. The sharp pain. Your hand didn’t want to move. You battled against your body as hard as you could, and squeezed your eyes shut, hoping that it would help you to finish the song this time. “Oh, that shall not do, Y/N.” Jhin’s voice behind you. The feeling of his touch in your hand. The humming of the familiar melody, way closer than you were comfortable. You didn’t want to open your eyes when you felt his hand on top of yours, guiding it and taking the lead, as you pulled to the final part of the song. His scent, all around you, and without even looking, you knew that he was right behind you, in position to do whatever he wanted with you. “Yes, play to me.” His voice was more of a whisper in the middle of the humming of the melody. Were there words on this song, you didn’t know, and if there were, he seemingly didn’t want to tell them to you. The final pull of the violin string, the long note, disappearing into the night. You had finally completed your task. Even if the song had ended, you just stood in your place, eyes closed, Jhin’s hand on yours, holding the string that laid by the side of the violin. “You truly are like a puppet.” Jhin’s voice whispered close, too close to your ear. “I pull your strings, and you play so beautifully.” “Was that good? Am I free to go?” “No, Y/N.” He pushed your hand away, taking the violin off your hand. “There is a thing in my art, a thing that makes it special.” Your heart pounded on your chest as you heard Jhin walking away from you, and you gathered all of your bravery to peek at what he was doing. You spotted your violin, placed neatly on the table on its open case, and beside that, a white mask, the mask that Jhin had had earlier. You closed your eyes again, hoping that this would have all been a dream and that when you opened them again, he would be gone. “Are you scared?” “Yes.” “Scared what will happen to you?” “Please tell me why you’re here.” “The reason is you. Your playing brought me to you.” There was no way you were looking at him, but you wanted to know something, so you hung your head down and peeked at the floor. You saw his shoes, right in front of you, and pressed your eyes close again. “There is a certain quality in my art that you are lacking.” With a swift motion Jhin grabbed your waist and pulled you close to him, while his other hand forced your face off the ground. “Art should terrify.” The quick movement made you open your eyes, and in front of you was a man, with dark hair and sharp features, and his eyes looked directly into yours. When you saw his face, you almost hoped that he would’ve still worn the mask, because no features at all were better than seeing everything in great detail so close to you. “And when the art terrifies as beautifully as now, I cannot resist it.” The last thing you anticipated after his words was that his lips would find yours, and how they would intertwine together. There wasn’t a space to run, and when you tried to scream, Jhin took advantage of that with his tongue. You resisted, fought, and bit, and when he parted with you, his lips were smeared with your blood. “Don’t worry, Y/N. You’ll understand me, eventually.” Jhin didn’t let you go, even when he was wiping the blood from his lip to the side of his hand. “Many artists aren’t understood by the audience.” You tried not to think about the situation you were in. It was wrong in every possible way, but for some reason, you also felt hot, and you had to remember your mind that this was something that you don’t want. As much as you would’ve liked to deny everything that was happening, your eyes wandered to Jhin, his brown eyes, dark eyebrows, and sharp features. In different circumstances you could've found him good looking, maybe even attractive, but here and now there was only a discomfort of the things that are yet to come. “I wonder what you think when you see yourself.” Jhin turned you around, facing the large mirror that was placed on the corner of your room. He was now behind you, watching as you tried to escape your own image, turning your head sideways so you didn’t have to see him holding you in his hideous embrace. “Don’t wander away… I want to see you.” Jhin’s hand grabbed your neck, and while you started to fear the worst, the touch was instead light and only for you to move your head facing his. His other hand moved from your hips down, reaching the hem of your dress, pulling it upwards, and you decided that this would be your final chance to escape your inevitable doom. “Let go!” You pushed him as hard as you could, but for your demise, Jhin barely lost his balance. More than anything, your impulsive act of rebellion made the tone of his expression change, and as he grabbed your wrist, he pushed you to your bed. “I have elaborate plans for you, Y/N.” Jhin pressed your body under his. “And you will become my masterpiece.” It didn’t take much for him to undress you, and as his lips met yours again, you knew that there was no escape route for you. You don’t want this; he knows you don’t want this. Jhin showed no signs of stopping. “Now, sing for me.” You felt how something pushed in you, and you gasped for the air, feeling like something was burning in you. “Delightful!” Jhin moved his fingers, spreading you. “What a lovely song you are singing for me!” As Jhin removed his fingers, you felt like a pile of mush, unable to even scream or curse him. Instead, your voice was a mixture of moans, sobbing and words that never formed fully. “You will become beautiful.” Jhin whispers as he freed his cock and pressed it on your entrance. “This is my love.” You tried to say something, anything to make him stop, yet there was no way any words would come out of your mouth. As you trembled and sobbed, Jhin pressed into you, making your body shiver and your eyes even more tearful than before. Jhin’s hips moved so it felt like almost all of his length pulled all the way out, only to repeat the movement over and over again. You felt like the last parts of your mind left your body, and all that remained was a piece of shivering and moaning flesh. Before you had time to collect yourself at all, Jhin leaned forward, hovering his face close to yours before kissing you on the lips, only to continue down to your neck and to your chest. There was no need for him to hold you in place anymore, and you felt how his nails dragged deep in your skin, leaving marks on you, some probably so deep that they would be visible for a long time. As much as you wanted this to stop, Jhin took all of the time he ever could get and savoured every moment of your agony. Jhin gasped, spilling inside you, thrusting as deep as he could. As he found his release, he collapsed on top of you, making you unable to move anywhere. You trembled under him, and even if there would’ve been space, there was no way you could’ve moved after everything that had just happened. Jhin pulled out of you, looking at your body, still gasping for air on the bed. “Bloom, my beautiful piece of art. Bloom like the flower in the dawn.” After making sure he looked as perfect as when he had arrived, Jhin left you laying on the bed. You didn’t even recognize when it happened, but when you finally got up, there was no sign of him. The only thing that made you remember him was the mask next to your violin, and in your mind, it was the reminder that this wouldn’t be the last time you met him.
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loviatarwrites · 2 years
warm thoughts (nsfw)
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Phoenix x Reader
Word Count: 2.2k
Summary:  You lifted your head up a little bit to confirm that the voice did indeed belong to Phoenix. He must’ve heard how you were screaming and yelling through your front door all the way down the hallway. He was sporting his signature white jacket with orange lining, you’ve never seen him without it, and two cups of what you assumed were hot chocolate.
A/N: Wanted to write something cute and fluffy, ended up writing angsty fluff with happy ending. 
”Join Valorant they said”, you murmured and tossed yourself to the bed, “It will be a good career and life they said.”
You hit your face with a pillow, and put your headphones on, trying to suspend all of the noises that you could hear from the headquarters. Even at your apartment, you could still hear people walking on the hallways, and it reminded you of your high school dorm days, that you had hated with a passion. You had been told that the job at Valorant was important, and that you could help the world if you joined. That sounded good at that time, but now you just wanted to go home and never think of this place again. You tossed another blanket on top of the existing one and tried to drown all of the noises to music that was too loud and blankets that weren’t warm enough.
“Can’t they even turn on the heat on this building?” You pressed the headphones close to your ears so it would feel like someone was singing through your head.
It wasn’t particularly cold, but you still shivered. You always shivered when you were anxious, and even under all of the blankets it was still freezing.
“I want to go home.” You gathered all of the pillows, blankets, and your stuffed animals around you and made yourself a nest. “Pappa, I miss you.”
You hugged your knees and held your stuffed cat near you, but you couldn’t take it anymore. You cracked, and in seconds you were sobbing and screaming in your nest, hoping that nobody minded your meltdown.
How long had you been keeping all of your bad feelings inside you? Had it been weeks or months? It didn’t matter now, when you decided to let it all out, hoping that either your apartment or you would blow up in the end. You tried to wrap yourself as small as possible, so small that you would disappear. The pressure of your arms around your knees helped a little bit, but you still felt like shit.
“Just let me go home, this sucks.” You sobbed and tried not to think about the world around you.
At some point your screaming calmed down and got replaced with sobbing and whining under the pile of blankets. You hung your head low, and the music was still blasting on your headphones.
“Yo, you doing okay Y/N?” You snapped out of your thoughts when you heard a voice next to you.
Without thinking, you reached your hand out of your safe space, ready to attack whoever was in the room. It was their fault to scare you that way, and you were not responsible for what you would do, not in your mind at least.
“Okay I get it, just know that I left something to drink on the table, yeah?”
You lifted your head up a little bit to confirm that the voice did indeed belong to Phoenix. He must’ve heard how you were screaming and yelling through your front door all the way down the hallway. He was sporting his signature white jacket with orange lining, you’ve never seen him without it, and two cups of what you assumed were hot chocolate.
“Hey, there you are.” Phoenix looked at the pile you had formed around yourself. “Do you want me to leave?”
You looked up a little bit more and quickly shook your head before returning your head down. You probably looked like a mess, but Phoenix had been nice to you before, so you didn’t mind that so much.
“I’m just gonna sit right here.” You felt how the bed pressed down next to you and guessed that Phoenix was sitting next to you. “You want this or no?”
You quickly looked next to yourself, and saw the hot chocolate mugs on both of his hands. There was whipped cream and marshmallows on them, and it had more toppings with hot chocolate than hot chocolate with toppings. You took the cup to your hands and placed it on top of your knees.
“Remember Y/N, it’s hot.”
You didn’t answer, and just held the mug with both hands, absorbing all of the warmth out of it. It helped with the cold for a while, and there was a small part of your still sniffing body that felt a little bit nicer than before. You were still sobbing, and to your surprise, Phoenix didn’t try to joke around like he normally did.
“Phoenix?” You dropped your headphones to your neck and your voice was even weaker than you had imagined. “I want to quit.”
You took a sip of your mug and noticed that the hot chocolate was not hot anymore. It was still drinkable, so you didn’t mind, but you regretted not drinking it sooner.
“Eh, you said what?” Phoenix looked at you and placed his empty mug next to the bed on a small desk.
“I want to quit. This whole Valorant agent thing sucks.”
“Easy there, Y/N. You seriously want to quit? You know you can’t quit, yeah?”
“It’s just the worst not to be able to think of anything but missions. It’s always so dumb and lonely and cold.”
“Cold.” You sighed and tapped the mug with your fingers.
Phoenix leaned closer and took the mug from your hands. You felt how there was a warm wave around him, and it felt really nice. You couldn’t of course say that, because it would’ve been weird, but secretly you wished that it would’ve lasted longer.
“There ya go.” Phoenix gave your mug back and you saw how it was steaming and warm again.
The re-heated hot chocolate tasted as good as the new one, and you made sure to drink it while it was still warm. The liquid warmed you from inside, but you still wanted to be covered in blankets, because the warmth disappeared as fast as it had appeared.
“Still cold?” Phoenix moved the mug next to the other one and leaned down to look at your face that was still hanging down.
“I’m always cold when I feel sad. And then I feel even more sad. And even more cold. It's an endless cycle.”
You still felt how Phoenix was radiating warmth around him, and you wanted to lean against him to warm yourself up.
“That’s not gonna do it fam. Your blanket fortress can host two.”
Phoenix threw the blanket up and you cursed while trying to pull it back, but you weren’t fast enough. He jumped on the bed next to you, and he was even warmer than you had anticipated. Phoenix took off his jacket and threw it on you, and it was so big that it looked like you were wearing a small cape.
“Damn Y/N, you’ve built a nice fortress.”
“You’re sitting on top of my blåhaj.”
“My blåhaj.” You pointed at your long shark plushie that Phoenix was sitting on. It was more fun than bothering, but you didn’t want it to squeeze too much.
“Oh, sorry bruv.” Phoenix moved your plushie away, and you leaned next to him, and felt how some of the cold left your body. “That’s it Y/N, you’re gonna be fine.”
You sit next to each other, and you took all of the warmth you could get from Phoenix’s body. It felt nice to just sit and talk, and you had missed that. Even though you had tried to make friends, most of the time you were just hanging out at the public room as part of the group, and it felt more like co-workers talking to each other than friendship.
“I’m kinda feeling like I should get going.” Phoenix looked at you. “It’s getting late, and you need sleep.”
You looked at Phoenix and grabbed his shirt sleeve with your hand while he was getting up.
“But you are warm.”
“You want me to stay? You serious?”
“You can go if you want.” You let go of his sleeve. Maybe you had hoped too much, and he had just wanted to make sure that you had felt okay. Yep, you had probably overcalculated the situation in your head.
“Nah Y/N, if ya let me stay, I’ll stay.” Phoenix looked at you and you looked up to him. “But that blanket’s gotta go. Otherwise, I’m gonna suffocate.”
You giggled a little bit and realized that you weren’t sobbing anymore. You had thought that being alone was what you had wanted, but apparently it was the company that you had needed.
You were laying on a bed, and Phoenix was hugging you from behind. It was a warm and cozy feeling, and even without his jacket it was still warm. You were wondering if it was because of his radianite powers that his body was always warm, but you weren’t sure if that would’ve been rude to ask. Phoenix’s hands played with your hair, and you pressed as close to him as you possibly could.
“I’m sorry if it sounded like someone was getting murdered before.” Your eyes were probably still red from all of the crying, but fortunately that couldn’t be seen from Phoenix’s angle. He clearly wasn’t a person who usually kept still in one place too long, because his hands were twitchy and constantly doing something.
“Nah, that happens.” Phoenix was so close that his words made you shiver. “Oh, are you still cold? You shivered.”
“No no, it was just… well… you.” You brushed his hands with your own and pressed close to him.
“Not in a bad way, you’re just really close.” Phoenix was wearing his signature ring, and you rolled it around on his finger to have something to focus on. “It’s been a while since anyone was this close. It’s kinda nice.”
Phoenix hugged you tighter and rolled you around. You were facing him, and your head was pressing against his chest, which pulsed warmth. After all of your anxiety and cold, you didn’t want to move anywhere from here, or let Phoenix leave your side. Your brain went to a weird side path and for a while you called him a nice radiator in your mind. You chuggled to the thought.
“What’s so fun Y/N?” Phoenix lifted you up from your armpits to match his eye level.
“Nothing, you’re just warm.” You had a small smile on your face, and by the look on Phoenix’s face, he was glad you were feeling better.
“Told you, no quitting.”
Phoenix pressed his forehead against yours, and even though it wasn’t as warm as his chest, it still felt nice. You looked at his eyes and moved your hands on his chest while he held you tightly against himself.
“Okay, no quitting. At least today.”
“Awwww Y/N, what I said.”
“Fine, no quitting.”
“That’s the spirit.”
You leaned closer to Phoenix and hoped that you didn’t cross any invisible line between you two, when you gave him a small kiss to his cheek. You weren’t sure if you had felt this way for a longer time or was it because he made you feel good and warm, but you didn’t care.
“Oh, okay! Didn’t expect that but now Y/N, you come here.”
You were laying under Phoenix, his hands on both sides of your head. His shirt was long gone, and your headphones were laying on the floor next to his jacket. Phoenix laid down, and his chest was burning against your body, which made you feel really good.
“Relax, Y/N. I’m not doing anything you don’t want.”
His face was close to yours. You could hear his voice next to your ear. You could count his breaths.
“Thank you, Phoenix.”
Phoenix leaned to you, and gave you a small, warm kiss. You wrapped your hands around his neck, and your breathing got heavier and more wanting. Even with your eyes closed, you felt Phoenix’s lips, and how they brushed with yours while his hands found their way on your hair.
“Please don’t leave Phoenix.” You gasped between kisses.
Phoenix kissed you once more and before he started to move down to your neck and shoulder, leaving small kisses on his way. While he was moving down, he pulled your shirt up, revealing your bare chest to him.
“Hope you don’t get a cold.” His tone was joking, but also caring.
You weren’t cold anymore, Phoenix had made sure of it, and you were certain that you wouldn’t be cold for the rest of the night. You still weren’t sure what this, whatever you wanted to call it, would become, but at this point you only cared about the fact that you weren’t thinking about crying, quitting or loneliness, but the warmth, closeness and caring person that was moving lower and lower on your body.
Phoenix returned to hug you, and you pressed against him. You felt like you had found at least one reason why you didn’t want to quit being an agent.
“Are you gonna be gone when I wake up?”
“Nah Y/N, you built your fortress. You invited me there. Now you gotta deal with the fact that I won’t be leaving so soon, yeah?”
“I guess there is space for two.” You kissed him once more before you rolled over and fell happily asleep.
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loviatarwrites · 2 years
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Chamber x Reader
Word Count: 3.8k
Summary: Chamber is being a great cat dad and reader really likes cats and is slightly touch deprivated.
A/N: It’s the Bingus fic that’s still my favourite piece I’ve ever written. Also starts my “Chamber is a cat dad” headcanon.
You walked through Valorant headquarters. Even after long day the place was full of noises as you walked past Phoenix who insisted that Cypher played chess with him, Neon blasting music on her place and loud bangs and swearing from Raze’s workshop. Raze was clearly mad, you didn’t have to see her to make sure of that, but there was also laughter because she had most likely blown a new prototype of her bot project to her face. All the liveliness of the H.Q. made you feel cozy and like you had arrived home. Well, you were, even though it had only been your home couple of weeks. It better feel like home now when you couldn’t return to your original home, it would put but you, also people near you and the whole Valorant’s mission in risk. You sighed and noticed that there was a small area with a coffee machine, and that looked like the place where you could wind down before heading to your apartment.
 The coffee machine beeped. You looked down, and the tea you had ordered started to pour to the machine without any cup.
“Shit, no. Stop, no, please stop.” You looked around while the hot tea disappeared to the machine.
It took couple of seconds to spot a pile of coffee mugs next to the machine. How could’ve you have missed them? There was a sticky note next to the mugs with Killjoy’s handwriting, stating “Was the mug after using it your stinky gremlin!!” and a small doodle that looked something like a hamster that had anger management issues.
“Well, I doubt I was the first one.” You said to yourself and took a mug that looked like it was mostly clean and big enough for your tea.
The second try was much more successful than the first one, and you managed to get whole cup of warm tea to your possession. To your surprise the mini fridge next to the machine had some oat milk that was still in drinkable condition, so you had an opportunity to get the drink a little bit colder, so you didn’t have to wait ages before drinking it.
 You took the mug and headed to the sofa that looked comfortable to sit and spend some time. You took out your phone and started to browse around, hoping to find something interesting, and by interesting it was mostly cute videos or anything that took your head away from the fact that you were missing your home quite a lot. It hadn’t been that bad at first, but past week or two had been the worst. After the initial training most of the agents had hit the field to figure out what their mirror parts were doing, and you were stuck at the H.Q. most of your days apart the shooting range training.
“I should get a cat.” You browsed an article about cats that were wearing silly hats.
This wasn’t what you were thinking when you agreed to join. Spending your days idling away and tinkering on your personal lab until the clock hit six or seven and you went back to your apartment, only to repeat it once again tomorrow. Yes, you could sleep till midday if you wanted, and most of the days you did. Yes, your contribution was helpful, but it didn’t feel like that at the times.
“Do they even allow cats here?” Thinking out loud helped you to fill the silence. It wasn’t probably the best way to do that, but it worked for you, and it was certainly better than your singing in the middle of the common area.
First there was one article, then another. You didn’t even realize how long it had been but judging by the coldness of your tea it was at least half an hour, maybe more. You took a big sip, then another, and soon the mug was empty. You took the mug and decided that you weren’t ready to go to your apartment yet, and another tea wouldn’t hurt.
 One thing that you had taken all out was free coffee and tea at Valorant. Although you were just an engineer and agent in training, at least at this time, it was still your right to drink that as much as you liked. The machine made a sizzling noise and started to work on your beverage. You drummed the floor with your foot. The area was quiet, and you did all you could for it to be a little bit less creepy. When watching the machine brew your tea, you noticed that there was a scent in air that you hadn’t smelled before.
“Oh, not again.” You cursed to yourself when you realized that you smelled something like smoke.
You walked around the machine, but everything looked fine. At least it was not on fire. However, the fact that the smell grew stronger meant that something was not right, so you checked behind the machine. Maybe there was problem with cables? The machine beeped that your tea was ready.
“Yes, yes, I’m coming. Chill out.” You talked to the machine. It had become to the point where even the coffee machine was suitable conversation partner.
You were on your knees behind the machine, checking that nothing was exploding. There was still the smell, it was lingering in the area. The machine beeped again.
“For fucks sake, yes. I’m just checking that you are alright!” You yelled at the machine while still checking everything.
“Excusez-moi? You don’t mind if I move your tea to the table, yes?”
“Go ahead, I’m just checking that you aren’t on fire.”
Wait. Hold on a second. Had the machine just talked to you? You looked up and saw a tall man staring at you from above. Your heart skipped a beat, and you gasped for the air. You had seen Chamber, that was man’s name at protocol, before at your training, couple of times in fact.
“Oh, hi, sorry. I was just checking that everything was fine. The machine started to smell weird.” You stretched when you got off the floor, and at that point you realized that the smell didn’t came from the machine.
“Your coffee is at the table, Y/N, that was your name, yes?”
“Yes, Y/N, the new recruit. Probably not as cool as Neon, sorry.”
The smell was not regular smoke, but probably from cigarette. It had been a while since you had smelled a strong cigarette smell, so you had forgotten how that smelled like. You remembered that you had just basically said to Chamber that he smelled, and you felt how a blush rose to your face.
“Sorry to bother your time, Y/N. I was just having a break from the work.” Chamber took a transparent glass mug from the shelf and placed it to the machine that started to brew a plain coffee to him.
“Sorry that I said that you smelled, that wasn’t really professional. Long day?”
“Oh, do I? I apologize, it really has been.”
“Maybe sit here, you look like you need a break?” He really looked like that. The well-dressed Frenchman who was usually calm and collected had dark circles under his eyes and he looked beaten, or like that he hadn’t slept much recently.
“I would enjoy that. I’ll join you as soon as this machine is finished.”
 It was nice to have company. You had talked with Chamber briefly before, but topics had been strictly business and operation related, so it was nice to talk someone from the group more personally. You knew that Chamber was a weapon designer, and he had a particular interest in his mirror double and was one of the few people who had talked to their double.
“So, it appears that I am not the only one that uses this area anymore.” Chamber sit another side of the sofa, and there was a table between you.
“I just happened to walk past, sorry if I bothered your personal space.”
“Not at all, it just happens that most agents spend time in testing area rather than here.”
You noticed that there was no milk in your tea, but you weren’t sure if you wanted to sit up and get some. Chamber took a sip of his coffee and pulled a pack of cigarettes from his pocket. The pack had seen better days, and it looked like it was rather old which was weird if he was a smoker.
“Do you mind?” You noticed that he hadn’t thought about you until now.
“It’s fine, I used to smoke too but quit many years ago. No big deal.” You laughed a little bit and watched as Chamber stood up and grabbed another mug from the shelf and placed it on the table.
Chamber sit back down and pulled a golden lighter from his back pocket to light up a cigarette that he had taken from the pack. You hated to admit it, but even when smoking he looked nice and, if it was allowed to say to your co-workers, hot.
“I always tell myself that I quit but never do. A bad habit, really.”
“Did something happen?” You regretted asking that as soon as the words left your mouth.
“Nothing really, just stress. Eh bien, I continue for a while until I quit again.” He breathed out a small cloud of smoke before tapping the cigarette to the edge of the empty mug. “Please don’t tell Cypher about this, he would be very mad at me, and I am not in a mood to listen to him.”
 You talked with Chamber for a while about his latest project that had backfired majorly. He had been sure that his design had worked but even after multiple tests, nothing seemed to work which has led him spending his days and nights at his labs. Maybe your position wasn’t that bad after all, at least you didn’t look like beaten up, sexy, and nicotine-addicted weapon designer.
“So Y/N, basically I spend all of my days working on my project, only leaving when I absolutely must.” He had smoked one cigarette and was starting a new one.
At first you thought you were the one who wanted company, but maybe Chamber was the one who wanted to talk.
“And you never leave because of that? Have you even seen your apartment after starting that project?” Maybe that was a little bit rude question, but you were honestly curious.
“Oh I must, otherwise Bingus would be really displeased of me.” Chamber looked a little bit more alive than a moment ago after saying that.
“Yes, Bingus.”
“Bingus?” You were confused.
“Pardon me mademeoiselle, Bingus is my cat. A very fine boy indeed.”
He sounded like a proud father, and you had to fight to keep yourself together. Chamber was one of those really proud cat fathers that would do anything to keep their child happy. That was something you weren’t anticipating, but it was just what you needed to hear at this moment.
“So, Chamber, now I have a question.” The confusion was changed to the excitement.
“Please ask, Y/N.”
“Were you going to continue on your project?”
“I was, but I see that you have something in your mind. Please tell.”
“Can I see Bingus? Please? Pretty please?” Chamber tucked his hand on his pocket to reach out his phone.
“No, I meant, can I see Bingus? Can I see him for real?”
Chamber put his phone away and looked at the clock on his wrist. “Okay, it looks like I would have to go to check him up anyway. Be my guest.”
You were screaming inside. Was it that you finally had made personal conversation with another member of Valorant or was it that you were really, really excited to see what kind of cat Chamber would have? Were you exited to see his apartment? Were you exited to get to know more about him, because if you were real with your thoughts, he was easy to look at, even after a rough patch? You tried your thoughts when Chamber dumped leftovers of his cigarette to the mug and moved it back to its place. Someone would yell at someone tomorrow, but you were more excited about meeting Bingus than asking if that was on okay thing to do.
 You followed Chamber to his apartment, which was at the same building as everyone’s. One of the perks of joining Valorant was that you got your own apartment, and even it was small, it was still personal, and you could do whatever you wanted with it. Chamber opened the door and before you could even take off your shoes you saw a pink, hairless cat zooming to the doorway. That was not what you were expecting to see when you thought about Chamber’s cat.
“This is Bingus. Pardon me, mademeoiselle Y/N, but Bingus knows that it’s time for his dinner and his dinner does not wait.”
Before you could answer Chamber knocked off his shoes to the corner and you saw how he and Bingus disappeared to the room that most likely was a kitchen. You unlaced your shoes and took couple of steps forward to properly enter Chamber’s apartment.
“Oh, I was not clear. Please sit, we will be done soon.” Chamber’s voice from the kitchen mixed with demanding meows, and he was not joking when he said that Bingus knew when it was time for dinner.
 His apartment was different of what you anticipated. You were assuming it would be white and plain, but for your surprise the walls were painted the same dark blue colour as his vest, and there was a green sofa in the middle of a big room. In front of the sofa was a table with an ash tray and chess set that had game in-progress, as well as a chair in a same jade green colour as the sofa. You weren’t sure if you were more surprised about the flower vase next to the window, or the piano on the corner of the room. Chamber didn’t seem like a guy who would play piano. You sat to the sofa and waited a minute or two until Chamber walked out of the kitchen, Bingus on his feet.
“I apologize, Y/N, but monsieur Bingus has now been fed and I am free to interact others.”
Chamber sit on the chair and took yet another cigarette out of his pack. He lighted it and you watched as Bingus rubbed himself against Chamber’s leg before moving to you, seemingly curious about you.
“I didn’t know you could have pets here.”
“In theory you can not, but I told that if I join, Bingus will join with me. Made the decision easier for them.”
You watched as Bingus jumped to the sofa you were sitting on. You gently pushed your hand closer to him and saw how Bingus sniffed if before turning around and jumping off.
“Please give him time, Y/N.”
“He seems like he really likes you, so I see why you were a package deal.” You laughed as Chamber dumped half-smoked cigarette to the ash tray.
“Oh I really should stop when I am at home.”
Bingus made couple of rounds around you before giving your leg a quick headbutt that caught you by surprise. When you tried to touch him, he quickly evaded your hand, so you decided to give him space. As much as you liked cats you didn’t want to force yourself. In the end, you were at BIngus’ territory.
“Do you always smoke when you are stressed?”
“Yes, Y/N. As you might know I used to work as a marksman. It helped me calm down. You understand, yes?”
“Sorry, I didn’t know that. I shouldn’t ask personal questions so lightly.”
“It is nice to talk after spending so much time on my project so please ask if you want.”
 You were glad that you could talk to Chamber, even though the conversation was mostly you complaining to each other about your problems. Well, it seemed good for both of you to be able to unload, and you were happy to have someone to talk to.
“Was it hard? When you first joined? Did you miss your life before Valorant?”
“You are having hard time adjusting, yes?”
“Kinda, sometimes I feel like I want to go back and not think about Radianite or Mirror Earth or any of this, but I also want to help.” You crossed your arms around your legs and hugged yourself.
“It gets easier, Y/N. I hate to be the one to say things like that, but it does. Some day you realize you are not lonely anymore.”
That was surprisingly deep from Chamber, who was a wreck of a human himself now. He might’ve not been lonely, but he had seen better days for sure. You dug deeper in your legs and heard how Chamber stood up from his chair and came to you.
“Do you mind, mademeoiselle?”
You moved yourself to make room to the sofa, which was most likely been bought for one man and his cat. There was hardly room for two people, but because you had been rolled in a ball, you took the space of two thirds of a human being. You felt how the sofa creaked as Chamber sit to it.
“If you are not doing well, you can talk about it.”
Now when Chamber was sitting next to you, you could smell the cigarette scent even stronger. It wasn’t a pleasant smell, but for some reason it was not off-putting either. You fidgeted your fingers and dug your nails to your knees and fought the tears that were rising.
“I don’t know, I just miss my old house. And family. And the days that were like each other and where there was not gazillion new things all the sudden.”
“That is a normal thing to think. Now, remember to breathe.”
 You hadn’t realized that your breathing has gotten faster. It was not uncommon for you, so you could normally keep yourself together, but it looked worse to everyone around you. Why had you gotten Chamber into your personal problems and homesickness?
“It just really sucks. This was a thing that I wanted to do but now it sucks.”
Chamber crossed one leg on top of the other and leaned down. He was maybe thinking about something, but also searching my face under my hair that was just a ball of fluff on top of my knees.
“Sorry, I go to whine to my own apartment, you don’t have to listen to me. Sorry.”
As you were starting to move, you heard a soft thumping noise next to you. Then, a second later there was a slightly wet nose on your hand. By the feel of it, Bingus had decided that if the sofa was capable of fitting two people, it could also fit one cat. You reached out softly and gently and lifted your head up a bit so you could see Bingus, standing on Chamber’s lap.
“He thinks you are not going.” Chamber’s voice was soft, and you weren’t sure if it was from tiredness or worry.
You placed your hand on cat’s head and petted his wrinkly forehead gently. Bingus had big eyes and ears, and even if he was hairless cat, he was still rather large. It made a humorous contrast because of his color that was pinkish.
“I think I can stay for a moment.”
You moved your hand from Bingus’ head to his torso, and then to his tail. Bingus made a quick loop on Chamber’s lap and was now requiring more and more attention.
“It feels nice to touch something other than books and machine parts for a change.” You made a small giggle while talking, and petting Bingus made you really, really happy.
“If you want you are always welcome here Y/N.”
“Thank you Chamber.” You leaned to Chamber’s shoulder without realizing what you were just doing. “Shit, sorry, sorry, sorry. I didn’t mean to.”
“If it makes you feel good go ahead.” You felt how Chamber’s arm reached to your shoulder, and soon you were a small ball leaning against him and continued to pet Bingus because he had decided that you gave him attention easier than his roommate.
 The smell of the cigarette smoke had stick to Chamber’s clothes. It was everywhere, and now when you leaned close to him it was strong, yet somehow calming and felt like it was a protective cloud around you. Chamber’s hand rested on your shoulder, and you had been petting Bingus so long that he would probably be extra wrinkly tomorrow.
“You are comfortable like this, yes?”
You lifted your head up first time for a while, and it was reddish from sobbing and rubbing against your feet.
“I think I just really missed human contact. Sorry I use you like this.”
“I must say that after spending all of the days at my project this feels nice for a change.”
You leaned even closer, and there were no gaps between you two. You straightened yourself and as soon as you lowered your knees Bingus jumped on top of you and started to rub himself to your chest.
“Even Bingus thinks I smell bad, no?”
You had learned that at this point it was best not to answer, so you just laughed a little bit.
“Are you jealous that Bingus had made a new friend?”
“It seems like you feel a little bit better.”
“I do, thanks.” You continued petting Bingus and felt how Chamber’s hand took a tighter grip on your shoulder.
 Bingus jumped away after realizing that even cat had some limit of getting pets. He had small bed next to the piano, and after checking kitchen he laid down and decided to take a nap. You looked at Chamber that was still holding you at the sofa.
“That looks like my time to go.” You sighed, maybe even little bit too loudly.
“You don’t have to, Y/N. I don’t mind staying like this a little bit longer.”
You didn’t know how to move yourself because you were already pressed against Chamber. You touched his hand on your shoulder with yours. “It would be nice.”
Chamber lifted you up, so you sit on his lap, and for a moment you were glad that Bingus was napping so he didn’t see that you had stolen his spot. Chamber crossed his hands around you and hold you tightly against himself. You couldn’t help but to wonder if he had also wanted to feel another human, even though for sure Bingus was great company too.
“Say if you want to leave, yes?”
“I’m fine right here.”
You inhaled Chamber’s scent, and first time after you started in Valorant, you felt like you could call this place home. You closed your eyes and fell asleep on Chamber’s lap, him holding you tightly, keeping you safe from all of your thoughts.
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loviatarwrites · 2 years
after the mission (nsfw)
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Chamber x Reader
Word Count: 2.9k
Summary: After your first field mission Chamber visits your apartment to make sure that you are doing fine.
A/N: I decided to finally make a blog for all of my fics so I have another place apart from ao3 to post them. Most of them are very much nsfw so keep that in mind when reading. 
The ticking got louder. It wasn’t actually louder, but in your head, it mixed with the sounds of the fight and yells that told you to defuse the Spike before everything goes sideways. You sweated and your hands wouldn’t do what you wanted. Why did you agree to come with them to the field mission? Your place was not where people were shooting their copies and it was definitely not the “simple and quick” mission Killjoy had sold to you when you had asked to borrow some of her spare parts for your project.
“Relax. You’re doing fine, but please hurry a little bit.” Killjoy’s voice came from behind you and mixed with the sound of Phantom. You tried to keep yourself calm, but it wasn’t as easy as on the practise situations, and you swore that you would never come back to the field ever again.
Flash before your eyes. Shots. Only thing between you and the bullet is one box of Radianite. You didn’t see anything, and you wanted to scream but no voice came out from your body. You hold the defuser on the place and hoped that you got to see your small apartment on the Valorant headquarters again. Then a shot from a sniper rifle. Even louder than the one from Operator. And another one. You closed your eyes. You hold the trigger and hope that the Spike defused itself before your brains were just mush on the ground. The ticking got more aggressive. No, this was not how you end. The ticking stopped.
“Told you not to stress, Y/N.” Everything was silent around you, and it took you a while to register Killjoy’s words. You took a deep breath, everything was hazy.
“Killjoy, I said that this was most definitely a bad idea. You almost got her killed.” Another agent walked next to the defused Spike, and you see that Chamber had returned from his sniping position next to the Spike’s planting spot. “We have to return and when we do, you shall be the one to explain to Brimstone what happened.”
“Meine güte! Do I also tell him that the place still has an alert that tells that you’re not welcome?”
“I would highly advice against that, mademeoiselle Killjoy.”
You were silent and wondered how you would recover from this mission. At this moment curling up to your lab to tinker your tech felt like a good idea, much better than seeing sunlight, gunfire and people that looked just like you, but they wanted you very, very dead. It didn’t take long for a helicopter to pick you up, and even the flight back to the HQ wasn’t long you couldn’t but to sit silent, wondering why you ever thought this was a good idea.
There were moments when you wanted to sink to the bottom of your bathtub, and this was one of them. When you had gotten back to the base, Brimstone was waiting for you and before you had time to put hands to your ears, he had started to yell to Killjoy about taking you with them to the mission. Yes, your abilities were helpful, but loud noises still made you freeze on your place. It wasn’t angry yelling, more worried kind but it was still way too quickly after gunfire and flashes for your taste.
“Do you ever feel like you have to learn how to say no?” You poked a small rubber duck around the bath and sank even lower, so your nose was underwater. You spoke out loud but couldn’t hear yourself because of the headphones you were wearing, and the music helped you to keep your head on the present.
“Like, I know what I’m doing but who takes a newbie to the mission? I want to help but maybe, just maybe I’m more suited to the lab than on the field?” The music was fast, and it had a beat that made your brain feel nice. The experience on the field wasn’t traumatic, but it wasn’t pleasant either, and it made you wonder how Killjoy, Viper, Chamber, and others did those multiple times and kept themselves mostly sane. Damn, most of the times Chamber just stood on one position, looking through his sniper and shot time and time again and looked just like any other well-dressed man after that.
“I should get myself together.”
You poked the rubber duck on the other side of the bath.
“I really should.”
You unplugged the bath and the water leaked out and forced you to move. It was good way to tell yourself not to sink to the tub until the next day or next week.
“Okay, Y/N, get yourself together. It’s not even that late yet so maybe you can get something to snack before the bed.”
You poured yourself a glass of iced tea and with all of your remaining willpower got yourself to living room. Most of your braincells would’ve liked to go to sleep but you forced yourself to stay awake a little bit longer, and maybe a little bit of sugary water with a hint of lemon would help with that. Your sofa was soft and spacious, so you could just lay down and look at the ceiling while thinking about everything that happened today, of how Killjoy said that they needed your one-way mirrors to scout Mirror Earth agents and that they would be really helpful. Were they really, that you weren’t sure but at least you could use your abilities to something else than creating weird windows all around the headquarters?
You drifted away and almost fell asleep, but your doorbell woke you up with a sound that pierced through your headphones. It took a second or two for you to reach to your bracelet that had your apartment lights and doors coded in it, and with little bit of struggling you got to the door opening button.
“Just come in, it’s not locked!” You climbed up to the sitting position and sipped last of your tea that had been on the table for a while now.
“I can come later if you wish.” Chamber was standing at the door, still halfway on the outside of your apartment. “I don’t want to disturb you.”
You dropped your headphones to your shoulders and got up to grab another glass of tea from the kitchen.
“You already did so come here and tell what you want.”
“I just wanted to check that you were doing fine. Y/N, you seemed rather, how do I say it, quiet after the latest mission.”
“Wasn’t really the best thing I have done not going to lie.”
Chamber got to your living room and sit on the other side of the sofa while you got back from your kitchen with a glass of tea on your hand. He looked at your glass and you felt how he judged you silently because of your drink of choice. You knew Chamber liked black coffee, but you couldn’t stand the taste of that liquid even if caffeine would help you to stay awake.
“I don’t know if I want to go to field ever again. All of those noises and bangs and booms all around me.” You sit to the other side of the sofa and after you had said that you realize what you had just let out of your mouth. “Sorry, didn’t mean that. Your sniper is cool.”
“Oh but it is rather loud, yes?”
“Well, yes. But I didn’t mean it like that.” You quickly finished your drink and leaned closer to Chamber. This wasn’t the first time he was at your apartment, so you knew he would most likely be okay with you seeking comfort from him. After he had came to your lab to borrow tools for his weapon project which had escalated to second and third visit you had learned to know him closer than most other agents.
“I know Y/N, that’s why I was surprised you wanted to join us.”
“Was I helpful to you at least?” You pressed yourself against his side and felt how his arm wrapped around your shoulder when you pressed your knees to your chest. You leaned to him and felt how you are like a small kitten that seeked shelter from a big cat with a fancy suit. Well, that thought made much more sense in your head.
“You were, I was just worried that something would happen to you.” Chamber pulled you closer to his side, and you hid your face against your knees.
“I just want to go back to my lab and never leave it again.”
“That would be very unpleasant, Y/N.”
You muttered words to your knees on a language Chamber didn’t understand, but by the tone of your voice you could tell that he had an idea that you were ranting to yourself. Chamber’s hand leaved your shoulder and moved to your side and when he moved you from the side to sit on his lap you instantly let out a small, surprised sound. You looked at his face up close, so close that you could see all of the small details and that his face was both serious and playful.
“You are safe now. And you’ll be safe on a field. I make sure you are safe.”
His fingers traced your brow and moved a small strand of hair away from your face. Chamber kissed your neck lightly and you couldn’t help but to let the moan escape your lips when he did, and you felt how he sucked the same spot before parting. Your hands found their way to Chamber’s hair, and you pulled his head back to meet his lips with yours, and the tiredness replaced itself with hunger when you kissed him until you had to catch your breath.
“I must’ve come to meet you at a good time, yes?”
“Well you know that I like having you around. Brim probably doesn’t like it though. All that “leave your old life when you join the program” doesn’t probably mean searching interesting people within the program.”
“Do you care about his opinion?”
“Hmm… no, not really. Not at this point.”
Chamber pushed you to the sofa and leaned on top of you, and you looked as he placed his hand to your side and pulled your top off. He moved his fingers on your breast and thumb massaged your nipple, and the sensation is way stronger than it should’ve been. Your breathe got deeper, and you saw how Chamber looked at you with concerned face. Maybe you were looking more tired than you had realized, because that was a face he didn’t show often.
“You’re not breaking me, don’t worry.”
Your voice was like a permission to him, and his hand pinned yours on top of your head, making you unable to move, but you were more than willing to let him do what he wanted. Chamber moved his free hand from your breast between your legs, and you thought for a moment if you were lying when you said he can’t break you. He kissed your neck again but soon the kiss changed to sucking that would most likely leave you marked for couple of days. When Chamber moved to another spot while still rubbing you with his hands you gave in to the pleasure and let him take as long as he wanted because if one thing is sure, he knew how to make you feel good.
“Do you still think you don’t break?”
You felt how Chamber’s fingers pushed in, and you couldn’t but to moan from the pleasure he was giving to you. “Or do you want me to try to break you?”
“So far nothing I can’t handle.” You took a deep breath when he moved his fingers, and you wanted to scream that you wanted more from him. As much as you enjoyed where you were you knew that there was much more he could offer to you, and when he had come to your apartment he wasn’t thinking just taking you kindly and gently.
You had no idea how long you’ve been going, and the only thing you knew for a fact is that you were grooling mess that must find a scarf to wear for a breakfast tomorrow. Chamber had taken his time to make sure he was not moving too fast, but by the look on his face he enjoyed seeing you squirm under him and moaning for him to keep going, time and time again until you were out of breath.
“You want more, yes?” His face was close to yours, and you could feel the heat radiating from your body.
“Yes Chamber, please, give me more.”
He took his hand from yours and began to pull down your pants and panties down your legs, leaving you naked when he removed his clothes on a neat pile next to the sofa. The cold air from your apartment catch itself to your skin which made you shiver but you didn’t want to whine about that at that point. After he returned on top of you, he gave you a deep kiss, and you felt how his tongue entered your mouth. The kiss was passionate and long and while you were concentrating on that, you felt Chamber’s fingers down on you again. He teased your folds for a while until he parted them, and you felt how his cock slide against your pussy and slowly filled you up.
“Please Chamber, please break me.” Your voice was more of a moan and whine than actual voice, but it told Chamber you wanted him to go on.
First movements were gentle, but soon you felt how Chamber begun to move faster and rougher than he has on a previous times with you. He pressed against you and his muscular frame covered your body so if anyone had walked to the room, they would’ve look for a second to see that you were under him. You had had your doubts how your body would be able to take him, but this time it was even more than before.
When Chamber had first came to your lab you didn’t think that a weapon designer would be interested in your work, but soon you realized that he wasn’t only interested in that. Sometimes you wondered, if that was intention from the start and you were just a way for him to let out steam, but at this moment it wasn’t important for you. You were enjoying how he took you, hold you on a place and how you, who usually bossed everyone around could willingly submit to him and let him take the lead.
Your mind came back to the present when Chamber’s cock stretched your insides and every time he pushed in you it felt like he went deeper than before, and only thing that your brain was able to do was to beg him to keep going and keep going harder. There was no time to think about the whole “what did he see in me” at this point, and your thoughts were mostly just lust and hunger that he would go even harder than he did.
One thrust after another, your moans mixing up with Chamber’s as you asked more time after another. You wanted to keep going, but the sensation was getting too much for you. The feeling of his cock inside you, and hearing Chamber’s low moans next to your ear. Your insides clenched and the heat inside you became too much to bear. Without a warning, when you felt him hitting the deepest spot you screamed, and your vision went blurry for couple of seconds as the orgasm flowed over you.
“Thank you Chamber.” You panted and your hands crossed to his neck as you leaned closer to him.
“You’re most welcome Y/N, but are you still willing to prove that I can’t break you?”
“Do you have something in mind?”
“Let’s see.”
You felt how Chamber’s hands found your sides and rolled you around, so you were on your belly, and that was something you were not anticipating. But you were willing to prove him wrong as much as you wanted him to continue until you felt how long he was willing to go with you. Your hands were hold on top of your head when every inch of him disappeared into you and you stretched to fit him just right.
“I hope you enjoyed yourself.”
Chamber was laying on top of you after a time that felt like it could’ve been anything between a blink of an eye and multiple hours. You felt the weight of his body on your back, and it made you feel like you were safe.
“Like I said, I don’t break easily so yes, I liked it very much.”
Chamber rolled to your side so you could press yourself against his chest when he wrapped your arms around you.
“I remember you saying that you don’t break, yes?”
“Oh did I? Maybe you’ll have to come up with even more ways to see if that’s true then?”
“It seems like I have to, mademeoiselle Y/N.”
You knew that if you kept talking like that next time he would try even more, which made you want to keep talking the whole night.
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