luckymageman · 8 months
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Altar of the Gods by Victor Quaresma
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luckymageman · 8 months
Our boy is a fashion icon!!!
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luckymageman · 1 year
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Goddamn I like Solar Ash.
Heart Machine might actually be a game dev I simp over, Hyper Light Drifter was so good too
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luckymageman · 1 year
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luckymageman · 1 year
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Goddamn this manga! It's beautiful.
It's able to talk about complex problems without trivialising them. I think it's incredible.
Everyone read Magus of the Library!
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luckymageman · 1 year
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I'm so proud of my little boy!
This is a hidden gem damn.
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luckymageman · 1 year
All of Brooklyn 99 lmaooo
I just had it in the background of any games I was playing
what movie do y’all know front to back like it doesn’t even have to necessarily be Good,, it’s just something you’ve seen so many times that the dialogue is printed into the very core of your being
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luckymageman · 1 year
So, I follow this “bad commercial interior design” Facebook page and-
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luckymageman · 1 year
From what I understand, a lot of the increased widescale transphobia is from propaganda. It’s just that, I have not seen nearly as much of it as I think there needs to be for this big of a change.
Now I think this might be because a lot of the propaganda is going to older generations. Through churches, TV Channels, just any media aimed at boomers and older...
Also! Social media is a big problem for this! You know how you get recommended things you liked? What if you like transphobic, homophobic, racist content? Well communities and people who are fine hating those groups are the ones who’re gonna get recommended to you. Companies make money from ads, they need your attention, not your morals.
What’s WORSE is that the actual groups who’re promoting all the hate speech obviously don’t do their research. Or they reject science, or they don’t even try to justify their hatred. Groups like these() just need to justify the views of the people watching and they can sell their mugs or something.
Which, you know, kinda sucks. How can we convince people to not outright reject the entire existence of the LGBTQ+? They think LGBTQ+ is full of child abusers and are worthy of death. It’s like that tolerating the intolerant idea.
What could we even do to help the people in these states? Or other countries across the world, because this isn’t an American problem. If you’re LGBT in the middle east, you’ll basically be prisoned. In China LGBT people can’t get married. India is working on it but the community would really dislike you...
Maybe we just need to speak up...? Or maybe create our own propaganda machine lmao. It’s just, if we “let them be”, then we’re going to be the ones who’re assaulted and abused and killed and imprisoned.
Idk, food for thought.
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This map is the most up to date version as of 3-4-2023 and takes into account all recent movement on anti-trans legislation
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luckymageman · 1 year
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luckymageman · 1 year
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Man I love ORV.
I caught up a while back but damn the newest chapters are brilliant!
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luckymageman · 1 year
I am disgusted yet amazed
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collaboration with jn3008
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luckymageman · 1 year
Tbf it would be better if they were all this honest…
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Activists in Tasmania have stuck up more honest promo stickers inside Coles & Woolworths stores, the two dominant supermarket chains in Australia.
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luckymageman · 1 year
God I love wizards! Researching shit, ruffling around some papers, pointed hats. They’re all brilliant.
I just started Colour of Magic by Terry Pratchett and im enthralled.
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You're conducting an absorbing research.
Remember to go to sleep.
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luckymageman · 1 year
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Disney/Pixar Characters I Would Smash Look At With Respect
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luckymageman · 1 year
Goddamn that is such a vibe what the hell I love it
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Hi! Long time no see Tumblr changed a lot since I was here last time :D Hope to back here and draw more for myself I bring some recent doodles I like how turned out. One day it will be a little Summer story :3
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luckymageman · 1 year
God I love sci-fi like this! Humanity reaching space, looking down at how far they’ve come, pushing forward into the new frontier. And old space station art is so pretty and clean!
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Bruce Pennington’s 1975 cover art for “Imperial Earth,” by Arthur C. Clarke
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