luminosity09 · 3 years
Diabolik Lovers Music Analysis
Luminosity is doing it again. I am going to do an analysis on the music of Diabolik Lovers. I am just going to review the main theme of Diabolik Lovers in the anime. Yuki Hayashi is one of the well-known composers in anime. I remembered he did the ost tracking for Precure, My Hero Academia, Haikyuu! and much more. I am very surprised that a composer like him is composing music for Diabolik Lovers. Ok, let’s see what we have then. (These videos don’t belong to me)
Diabolik Lovers Main Theme
We first start with an orchestra starting with sounding like something bad is happening. It starts to get louder until it gets to the next phrase. Drums are added to have a steady beat. I can imagine a girl running away from something. Since this ost was played for Yui and Cordelia. In episode one, Yui is running from the Sakamaki brothers but encounters the triplets while she is running. For Cordelia, she is running away from the Ayato, and having encounters with each of the triplets. We then get the main theme with the violin, then followed by the cello. If you notice by now already, it is the same melody we hear in some of the other osts. There is blood waltz, floating pain, lovers. Before I go further in the composition, I want to talk more about the main melody. I like the main melody. It’s beautiful, and it draws you in like some sort of trap. This melody can be portrayed by many emotions. For example, Blood Waltz and Floating Pain shows a hint of sadness. These two get constantly played when we see the Sakamaki brothers past. While in the ost of Lovers, it feels hopeless. The scene when Laito bites Yui in the church while telling her that she was sent as a sacrifice. This made her go into tears, feeling despair. That melody describes the theme of Diabolik Lovers. It’s not something happy like a fairy tale. It is dark and mysterious. On the next tune of this theme, we would hear a chorus in the background. This part makes me think that this nightmare is not over yet. The drums then will make a cue for the orchestra to get quiet. We don’t hear orchestra or chorus in the background. Maybe some piano, but that’s only to set the mood. The cello, then followed by the violin will be played that main melody. Remember when I said that this melody portrays many emotions. Well, this sounds to me is even though the melody sounds intimidating, it portrays a hidden sadness. It reminded me of the Sakamaki brothers. They are all mean to Yui, but the cause of that is their past. Past experiences are who they are today. Now that we come towards the end of the song, the piano then takes the lead. As the piano is playing, you can hear the orchestra getting louder. In that part, I think it means for Yui is that there is no escape. In the games, Yui never escaped that mansion. She either was killed or her personality changed what she was before. This piece ends off with a terrifying tune and gets cut off as someone cued it. I do think it’s Karlheinz orchestrating from the background. LOL
This is my review for the ost of Diabolik Lovers. I really enjoy talking about it, and want to know other’s opinion about it. What I analyze is what is feels like to me. There no right or wrong answer when we analyze music. I hope you enjoyed this analysis.
Thank you for Reading!!
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stargazerlover · 2 years
Summer Break is beginning for me. I am excited to do all sorts of projects. I’ll probably do more fashion art, or write reviews. Hope all of you enjoy your summer!
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luminosity09 · 2 years
Diabolik Lovers Op Rankings
It’s been a while since I did a ranking for this blog. So, I’m thinking of ranking Diabolik lovers opening(game versions only) This ranking does not include the anime ones. I will rank the music by how good it sounds, and not by how the opening looks. These videos don’t belong to me as it belongs to its rightful owner. Huge thanks to Asyiqin98 Creator.
7. Unlimited Blood (Diabolik Lovers More Blood)
I had to rank this on the bottom of my list, because of personal reasons. First, it was a long intro where there was laughing and the piano in the background. This type of intro is awkward if you listen for the first time. Another reason is that the song is not catchy. It didn’t give a great impression compared to the first game. So the song will sound mediocre.
6. Blood-Sucking Labyrinth (Diabolik Lovers Vandead Carnival)
Another opening that almost is forgettable. I do like it tries to add a new instrument to get that laidback feeling, but the whole saxophone sounds like I’m in a bar or something. It didn’t match the theme of a carnival or gives DL vibes.
5. GuiltyXGuilty (Diabolik Lovers Dark Fate)
Now we’re are getting to the part where the opening will sound like DL. This opening song definitely sound sadistic like midnight pleasure. But if you look at Dark Fate, most of the boys are not that Sadistic except for the Tsukinami. Dark Fate is more drama added with some bit of fluff. So, having this type of opening would be better for the early games.
4. Known Underskin (Diabolik Lovers Lost Eden)
I love songs feature the Sakamaki. It’s my favorite family after all. The opening sounds grand, and it sounds like they are in the middle of a crisis. Every boy is able to sing a part, but I think sometimes they don’t have equal parts to share.
3. Fanatic of Night (Diabolik Lovers Lunatic Parade)
Another opening with the Sakamaki appeared again. I am so happy that they made another. This opening feels upbeat, and makes your body want to move. This type of feeling fit with the whole parade type of thing. I do think the voice actors are having fun with this. Also, my favorite part of the song was that short piano solo that gave out DL vibes.
2. Bad Howling (Diabolik Lovers Chaos Lineage)
Oh no, Subaru is not part of the trio. And is now is replaced by Kou. I am a bit disappointed, but the dynamic still works. The way the guitar makes its way catches the audience's attention. My head is banging with this music. It do like they added off voice to give it a cool effect.
1. Midnight Pleasure (Diabolik Lovers Haunted Dark Bridal)
I am going to put this opening on top of my ranking. This song is like a masterpiece to me. First is the catchy melody that appears at the beginning. You just know that this will be a good song. Everything is so catchy, and I think might be one of the reasons why people want to view the game. Add bonus points, if you’re favorite is Shu, Ayato, or Subaru. Then you are here for a good treat. They have their solos, which you can fangirl all the time.
Thanks for reading! I hope you enjoyed it. Please comment and tell me which one it your favorite.
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luminosity09 · 2 years
Diabolik Lovers More Blood Music Analysis
Hello, this is Luminosity. I just did a music analysis for season 1. I recommend that to you if haven’t seen the first one. Enjoy reading it!! 1st one (These videos don’t belong to me)
Diabolik Lovers More Blood
We first hear bells in the beginning. Bells sometimes represent endings and beginnings, a call of order; warnings. I believe it has something to do with beginning and endings; a call for an order. Karlheinz creates a plan called The Adam and Eve Project. (This plan is actually huge because it might change the universe) After the bells, we would hear the piano. This part sounds similar to Rosary. It has similar a beginning, which introduces the plot. I compare Rosary and the beginning of this is that it’s sad. Rosary has been played when Ruki got hurt by the Founder’s wolves and when his brothers were worried about him. A rosary for those who don’t know is a series of prayers that are usually prayed in October. Some people pray the rosary to get closer to God or to ask Mary, the mother of god, for a blessing. It could represent having faith through hard times. We get the orchestra and a cello having its solo. As sad as it is, I feel like it has some sort of meaning. It sounds like the determination to change and become something greater. Like I said in my other music analysis post, the cello represents a vulnerable side of the Sakamaki. it could mean the same thing with the Mukamis too. What I am to say it reminds me of their past and their struggles. We finally hear the main melody. This sounds oddly familiar, right Karlheinz? (evil laugh) The ost was played when Karlheinz reached out his hand to Ruki and asked if he wants to become a vampire. (Long Night) As the cello is playing the main melody while the violin backs it up, it sounds like they are still vampires, but still, have some of their human sides too. Since it kinda sounds like Long Night, the Mukami brothers are going through the plan that Karlheinz placed. It is a beautiful melody since it’s the last time we might see Diabolik Lovers in animation. The violin makes a late solo crying out in desperation. That I think represents the Sakamaki since they were late to pick up Yui in the final episodes of the anime. (Also she had to go back to the Mukami brothers’ mansion, and didn’t really have a chance to say goodbye?) The orchestra was starting to dim out while the piano is still visible to the ear. The Adam and Eve plan takes a rest for a while. We would hear that final bell noting that the plan will be revived again in some time.
It kinda took a little longer to do this analysis. I did on how it interpreted to me. But thanks for your patience if you like music analysis on Diabolik Lovers . Thank you!!
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luminosity09 · 3 years
Diabolik Lovers Song Ranking (Gin No Bara)
Today, I am going to rank who sung the song way better in my opinion. The song that I am ranking is Gin No Bara. Each of the Sakamaki brothers had their own style and range. So I am going to start from my least favorite to most favorite.
6. Ayato Sakamaki
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Don’t get me wrong, Ayato fans. I do love his voice in other songs such as Parhelion Logic and Addicted to you Phantom. I am used to hearing Ayato with heavy rock songs, which doesn’t match up with a slow and sweet song like Gin no Bara. When he sings Gin No Bara, it doesn’t feel natural and it feels like he’s stretching the words out. I think he made some pauses too.
5. Shu Sakamaki
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I know that Shu has one of the sexiest voice which make girls want to blush, including me. I can’t help but not like his singing voice. Like he talks a little deep and has lazy tone with it. When he sing, its all higher than his talking voice. But, his singing is still good though.
4. Kanato Sakamaki
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Kanato. The only boy we get to hear him sing Scarborough Fair in the anime. It feels calming and creepy at the same time. But we are not going talking about Scarborough Fair, we are still reviewing Gin No Bara. What I find surprising is that Reiji and Kanato tend to sing it a bit different than the other brothers. They both made it more formal and singing at different octave. Kanato is singing it at a higher octave while Reiji tends to sing it lower. In this version, it made him sound like a young child. To be honest, this version just sounds like a night core. I don’t mind nightcores, but sometimes you want to hear a normal range.
3. Reiji Sakamaki
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I prefer Reiji deeper range more than Kanato. It had a deep sound which sounds very calming. It’s amazing how low he can go. When I heard this song for the first time, I was thinking “that’s a deep a voice, is that actually Reiji?” I was not a fan of it first, but later it grew on me. I am starting to love characters that sing with a deep voice.
2. Laito Sakamaki
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This was one of the versions that sounded like natural. His voice had that sexiness in it. I really do love Laito voice when he sings. Laito is known for singing groovy songs and also calm songs. Q.E.D. is a good example of it.
1. Subaru Sakamaki
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This was was of the reasons like I like Subaru. I thought this song actually fit him, because of the title. You know he has a silver knife which translates gin no naifu in Japanese. He is also famous for the white rose. Rose in Japanese is Bara. So the title fits him in a way. The title isn’t the only one that fits Subaru. I liked his voice that goes with the song. It sounds natural and sweet every time I hear it. When the song gets to the finale, he uses all the power to sing that note. I was very impressed by that. When I compare with the other brothers, I tend to like Subaru singing Gin No Bara more.
Which version do you like more? Write down on the comment below.
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luminosity09 · 3 years
Yui Komori Outfit Ranking
Hello again. It’s Luminosity or Lumin for short. I am going to do a ranking again, but this time it is on outfits. The outfit I’m reviewing is Yui from Diabolik Lovers. In each of the game, she wears a different outfit each time. I think she’s lucky that she’s able to change her outfit in each game. Most otome game heroines I know usually have at least one outfit. I’m glad Yui has a wardrobe of it. Yui’s Outfits aren’t going to be like other otome game heroines. It’s average, and it’s doesn’t stand out. It really is simple and cute at the same time. While ranking it, I am gonna show the examples from @stargazerlover. That is actually me who drew them, because I like too. I am not gonna include any extra outfits from the cgs. It is mostly the outfits she wears mostly in that particular game. I am just stating my opinion on how I feel about them. Okay, let’s see what we have!!
6. Lunatic Parade
The reason I had to ranked this on the bottom of the list was mostly, because of the color. It do like the design of the outfit though. Using yellow and green seemed a bit off to me. The background of the game is mostly in dark or in a cool color. Having a bright color like yellow would make her out of place. I didn’t like black socks with the yellow dress. I preferred if the socks were white to match the brightness. A positive thing about the outfit is that it is different from the outfits she usually wears. It is a dress with a gym jacket instead of a shirt with pants or skirt.
5. Chaos Lineage
I was expecting more in Chaos Lineage. All the boys had these cool and well designed outfits, while Yui just had a blouse and a Skirt. My favorite part of the outfit is mostly the bottom part. The skirt is up to the knees which it kind of rare and the socks had cute bows on them. I just feel like it’s missing something. The color palette of this outfit is not one of my favorites. The color seemed to be associated with the scarlet family. I would preferred if it was blue instead, because she doesn’t associate with any of the other families and it blends well with them at the same time.
4. Vandead Carnival
I am glad they putted more layers on this outfit. This outfit is one of the outfits I would want to wear. I can’t help, but to notice that the color palette is similar to Shu’s current outfit. I think these two would make great couple just by being next each other aesthetically. But you need a contrast when being paired up with the boys in terms of fashion. The outfit can get boring if you take out the blue cardigan. Thank goodness they added a color.
3. HDB or More Blood
I tend to like her main outfits that has canon focused plots instead of light hearted plots like vandead carnival. Another thing is that her main outfits matches with her flower hair clip. I can consider that this outfit is something a teenager would definitely wear. I do like it’s different from other average otome game heroines. Yui doesn’t have to wear a skirt just to be feminine. I am glad that it’s pink. My only issue is the brown shorts with the pink sweater with black bows. It doesn’t bother me that much, but still.
2. Dark Fate
This is one of the outfits that everyone seems to like. It seems different from what Yui normally wears. It is not as comfy and laidback as her sweaters. I like how it’s all white and it has a good contrast on the dark colors. White reminds me of Yui’s purness through out the dark themes of Diabolik lovers.
1. Lost Eden
This is my favorite outfit that matches Yui’s aesthetics. Yui seems like the person who likes to wear anything comfy. The pink sweaters are my favorite when it comes to her. The whole thing looks eye catching to me. Her apple necklace plays as some sort of symbolism. She’s Eve which she has to chose her Adam to recreate the world or something. Literally the whole thing in Lost Eden is related to the Adam and Eve Project. The game wouldn’t be called Lost Eden if there was no mention in Adam and Eve.
Which one is your favorite? Write in the Comments below.
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luminosity09 · 3 years
Book Review
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Contains Spoiler(read if you dare)
Following her beloved mother's death, the kingdom falls into the hands of Snow White's stepmother, commonly referred to as "the Evil Queen" by those she rules. Snow keeps her head down at the castle, hoping to make the best of her situation. But when new information about her parents resurfaces and a plot to kill her goes haywire, everything changes for Snow. With the help of a group of wary dwarfs, a kind Prince she thought she'd never see again, and a mysterious stranger from her past, Snow embarks on a quest to stop the Evil Queen and take back her kingdom. But can she stop an enemy who knows her every move and will stop at nothing to retain her power... including going after the ones Snow loves?
Before thoughts
When I first saw this, I feel like it’s going to just Snow White going to have a rebellion against the evil queen just like any other Snow White movies. Mirror Mirror and Snow White and the Huntsman. I didn’t really expect any that great, and will just read without spoilers.
After thoughts
Ok, I changed my mind. I love this book, and definitely recommend those who love Snow White. The best thing I love about this book is more character depth to them. It is not a story where the the characters feel two dimensional. First of all, go Snow White!! Show them of what you’re made of! I liked this Snow White than the orginal movie. She’s aware of her kingdom’s situation and is not always thinking her prince will come. Snow White came as a bit as naive, but her honest heart is what made people like her. I supported her along the way and the new kinds of people I’ve met. The evil queen(Ingrid) was a good character also. I liked how she actually had a sister and back then she was not always that evil. I kinda felt bad for her when her father abused them and told her that she was ugly. Her personality kept her from making friends. She doesn’t trust other people and had a goal where bother her sister and herself can live lavishly.While her sister, Katherine, on the other hand, was always kind and think of a situation where everyone had equal happiness. While I was reading, everyone was always good to Katherine while they didn’t pay too much of Ingrid. I can’t, but to find it relatable for Ingrid. So, I don’t really think she should be killed for what she did. Snow White did the right thing to lock her away than to be executed. The prince who was named Henry I don’t really like for some reason. He’s a good man, and supports Snow White no matter what. He kinda feels bland for some reason. When Snow White and Henry first meeting, he trespassed into her private area, and I couldn’t help but to raise an eye. Next is the dwarfs. Of course not everyone is going to have equal screen time, but grumpy had the most. I love characters who act like they don’t care, but show they do through actions. Dopey had some luck when traveling with Snow White and the Dwarfs. If Dopey wasn’t there then every might have been dead.
Throughout the book, there was some fill ins for missing plot points. For example, Snow White’s father whereabouts or where did the magic mirror came from? I satisfied as it makes more sense. It was a good thing that Snow White was able to interact with other new characters besides the dwarfs. The prince was not really my favorite character, so it was a waste of time when I read through. In the book, it mentioned that Snow White was 18. What I remembered correctly was she was around 12 or 13. I guess the author didn’t want make it weird for a 13 year old girl liking a collage student. The ending felt right and everyone lived happy( except the evil queen) I recommend you to the read the book. It was interesting and it pulls you in new point of perspective of Snow White and the Evil Queen.
If you read the book, tell what’s your thoughts on it was. Write in the comment down below.
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luminosity09 · 3 years
Daylight by Morfonica
I can’t wait to review this song. This is Morfonica first song, and it had some interesting lyrics. The translation is from google, so it doesn’t belong to me.
I have a spilled anxiety
The song Daylight starts off with anxiety and daylight disappearing along the line. This describes Mashiro at the beginning of her band story. She is at first shy and always gives up when she tries new things.
Extinguished the sun and gave birth to the night
When night starts to show up, her innocent thought represents stars. I could imagine her losing her path, but see visions of her past self.
Silence decorates the sky and innocent thoughts disperse
The night sky represents Mashiro’s dreams that she wants to achieve.
Even if you dress up with a longing while the contents are empty
This line starts with her inferiority complex. For example, when she saw Poppin Party for the first time, this her an idea to start with a new band. By joining this band, she might be able to be unique person. She didn’t know about the reality about new forming band,
Inferiority complex just noisy ... jarring
She can her own thoughts saying she not good enough. This inferiority complex even affect the people around her.
"No, I really just want to change I want to change"
I walk to cling to my wishes
But again, she needs to get rid of her inferiority complex in order to change. Mashiro tries to keep her dreams for her change.
Now sky pattern (sky pattern)
Even with tears (even with tears)
I don't want to stop dreaming
Or I don’t want to give up.
This me (even me)
I haven't grasped anything yet
Do I still have a chance to reclaim the dream? Is what she’s kinda saying. The inferiority complex is getting her.
Someday the shine (if it illuminates the road)
I'll just wait for the dawn
Show disproportionate to reality
The sun represents change or hope. It would make sense that you need light to see where you are going.
Hope gets wet in the rain
The flowers that crossed the blurred days died
Toward an uncertain future
This might reference that reality that hits Mashiro. When her band performed the first time, not a lot a people cheered to them. They cheered for the other performances. Mashiro even found out that the band was okay, and they expected more from her prestigious school.
To soothe your quivering heart
"Please tell me what you were born with."
Every time I pray, I go on
Mashiro is reminding herself what her dreams are, so she can achieve it.
Now buzzing (buzzing)
In the wind (in the wind)
Can you believe the place you chose?
This me (even me)
... if possible (if possible)
Nothing has started yet
Someday the brilliance (if it shows the way)
I don't want to go back in the past
Mashiro starts to realize that the band will make her something to a unique person. She will stop herself from always giving up. What the point of changing if you give up all the time.
While cherishing the slightest expectations
I want to meet at the moment when a miracle happens
"If it comes true, I want to feel it, I want to feel it."
I want a temperature other than cold
In the past, Mashiro will always feel down on herself of not being good enough. She sometimes wishes that miracle will come to her. And it did. When she visited the live performance at Circle, she felt that heart-throbbing feeling. That feeling of inspiration.
Now sky pattern (sky pattern)
Even with tears (even with tears)
I don't want to stop dreaming
This me (even me)
I haven't grasped anything yet
Someday the shine (if it illuminates the road)
I'll just wait for the dawn
Burning (light) someday in this hand
Overall, I think this song is good for talking about a inferiors who wants to better than their past self. The violin complete the magical and something fantastic. I also think that Mashiro’s voice fit with Morfonica’s song. It’s not strong as Yukina or deep as Ran. It just average, and that’s the whole point. An average voice that sings about her feelings and wants to share it with the audience.
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luminosity09 · 3 years
Precure Villain Song Ranking
I am going to review each precure villain song and rank them on what sounds best to me. Not all of the villains will sing in each season. There will be some songs where the villains won’t sing, instead, it’s some else. All these videos don’t belong to me. So sit back and enjoy!
10. Jikochu Fellow/ DokiDoki Precure
What do I like about this song? Nothing perhaps. I had a feeling that it would be catchy, but I was fooled. It ended turning it into a rap. I don’t even like rap songs, and it completely ruined for me. In the song, there was some background noise, so I couldn’t concentrate at all. They all sound like a group of gangsters singing at some karaoke room. This was definitely was a big no for me.
9. Bad End Future Stained Black- Smile Precure
This song did at least a little better, but the background noises were distracting me. It was dramatic at the beginning. Each of the villains did sing and I appreciate they did. The only problem was their voices were not pleasing to my ears. 
8. Darkness- Futari Wa Precure
I am glad that they didn’t put any more background noises. It was actually distracting. This time it is a chorus that sings the same thing over and over. The melody that repeats is actually from the ost. They just put words instead. I love how the theme sounds terrifying like Godzilla is destroying the city of Tokyo. LOL. After listening to it a bunch of times, it can get a little boring.
7. The Phantom Shadow In the Name Of Despair- Happiness Charge Precure
This time a villain from the anime is actually singing. Bless this franchise. I do like the guitar solo that matches with the heavy rock theme. Even though it is a villain song, I feel like it has no personality. There are no changes in the chorus of the song. Imagine a line representing the tone of voice. The one you see in Smule. It goes up and down when the notes change. Well, I can imagine it going up and down repeatedly. The only melody part I actually liked was at the end. 
6. Recover the Seven Fountains!! Counter Attack of the Fifth Element- Futari Wa Precure Splash Star
This is one of the catchiest songs in the ranking. What we have in the song is something jazzy. It is just a group of singers singing the same thing, but it does not bother me. It just puts some background noise to introduce the villains. The villains are the best part of the song. They speak during the song and it shows their unique personalities. It does get a little crowded when they speak at the same time. I laugh at the part where someone tells them to shut up when they were speaking.
5. Secret Medicine Recipe- Precure All Star Min’na de Utau
Even though the song is short, they hired some great singers. Solcerie was the best part of the song. The song talks about how to make a secret medicine and they need the pretty cure tears for it. Two of the villains have different purposes to use the secret medicine. I can tell the singers were actually jamming through this short song. 
4. Noir Decoration Black Painting- Kirakira Precure A La Mode
This was actually sung by Cure Sword’s voice actress. Sadly her voice actress was not the villain of the series. The voice of the song actually did impress how strong it was. The song overall was good, and I have no negative opinions about it. 
3. Perfect Black- Go! Princess Precure
The song immediately screams that this is a villain song. It is a trio sung by the voice actors of villains of Princess Precure. They did better than the other trio in Smile Precure. The heavy metal actually made sense in this song, since Close looks like an Emo. Even though his voice was not as pleasing as Shut and Lock, it actually match his character. 
2. Beauty of Truth- Mahou Tsukai Precure
I instantly fell in love with this song once the voice actors started singing. Especially Batty’s voice. How can you not like his voice? It was like it just enchanted me. The song itself was a smooth jazzy song. It didn’t really sound like a villain song like Perfect Black or Darkness, but I like it overall. 
1. Imitation World- Happiness Charge Precure
Ladies and Gentlemen, we have a queen making her appearance. This song meets my expectation on what’s a villain song should be like. It has a good voice, nice lyrics, and sounds evil. It doesn’t need heavy metal for it to sound evil. I love how this song reflects her personality and makes it sound royalty-like she is. She reminds me of the Evil Queen in Snow White. She wants everyone to have misfortunes and love is something like an illusion to her.
Which one is your favorite? Write in the Comments below.
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luminosity09 · 3 years
Kirakira Precure A La Mode Song Ranking
I’m going to do a song ranking myself of the anime Kirakira Precure A La Mode. Each of them has their own styles and ranges. I am simply just going to rank what I think is best. Note on the side, I am just going to rank their first song they sung. So enjoy!! 😙 These videos don’t belong to me.
6. Cats Meets Sweet by Cure Macaron
I have mix feelings about this song. I do like the lyrics of the song, but the melody is not my style. I kinda sense that it was looking for a maybe a complex tone to fit Yukari’s personality.
5. Rainbow Colored Espoir by Cure Parfait
This song did at least better than Cure Macaron’s song. It had nice variations in there, and the voice was best from all the other song. It wasn’t catchy enough to me to like it enough.
4. Add a Berry to my Love by Cure Whip
This song is one of the catchiest songs I will ever here. The excited and carefree matches Cure Whip’s Love for strawberry shortcakes. I believe this song was heard most in the Kirakira Precure A La Mode Series.
3. Blue Sky Alright by Cure Gelato
This song felt more free and describes Cure Gelato. It like it’s from an anime op. The deep voice complement the coolness of her song. The best part was the guitar solo in the middle of the song.
2. Petit Party Science by Cure Custard
Just when the bass came in, I wanted to clap my hands. This song was cute and catchy at the same time. It was fast paced just like a squirrel. You just want to sing along with her.
1. Chocolate Etoile by Cure Chocolate
I feel like everyone know why this will be number 1. Cure Chocolate’s voice and outfit aesthetic matches with this song. The song just sounds like a prince came out of a picture book and says sweet things to you.
Thank You for Reading!
Which was your favorite? Write in the Comments Below.
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luminosity09 · 2 years
My Reviews
Mirror mirror twisted tales
D4DJ First Mix Anime
Diabolik Lovers English Dub
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stargazerlover · 2 years
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Luminosity’s Planetarium Outfit
This is Luminosity’s outfit for the other blog. I wanted to create an outfit that was laidback, but still have some cuteness to it.
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luminosity09 · 3 years
D4DJ First Mix Anime Review
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I just review this anime last week, and I like it more than Bang Dream. Both Franchises are made from the same company, Bushiroad. I did a reaction to Bang Dream for episode one in my other post. I didn’t finish the other episodes, because it didn’t interest as me as much. I’ll tell my thoughts, and how I feel about D4DJ First Mix.
For those who don’t know what D4DJ, it is originally a rhythm tap game where you can listen to techno music. Similar like piano tiles, but a notch higher. Their theme is mostly DJ music. So, it starts with a energetic girl name Rinku Aimoto. She just came back from Africa, and is excited to come back to Japan. One day, she heard a similar song that she heard when she was young. Inside the music room, there was a girl name Maho Akashi. Rinku couldn’t help her excitement, and interrupted the song Maho put up. They talked about the song and DJs. Rinku didn’t know what are DJs, so Mahou showed a performance of a famous DJ group, Peaky P Key. After their performance, Rinku wanted to do something similar to them. Now Rinku starts to meet new people, and form Happy Around.
Rinku Aimoto
Similar to Kasumi Toyama, Rinku is energetic and happy go lucky. She rarely get sad, and loves music. When she gets hyped up, she spins around. Rinku also have a fond of food, and eats in a unique way when mad. I love how she really friendly with people and you can’t help, but love her. Sometimes when she has too much energy, she has the ability to run really fast. She is an interesting protagonist to start with. Her role in the group is dancing, and vocals.
Maho Akashi
Maho is the DJ of the group. She is responsible, and hardworking. I learned some things about how to DJ. Even though some things looks simple, it feels hard to me. Maho loves cooking also. I remember in the series she cooked beef stew with high quality meat. My mouth was watering when I saw the beef stew. She looks like the type who would be a good leader.
Muni Ohnatuto
I actually was suspicious of this character. I was thinking if she was evil or not. When Rinku recognizes her as her childhood friend, I felt relieve that she wasn’t evil. Her role is vocals and VJ. It’s similar to a DJ. They just have to make creative backgrounds that goes with the music. Muni is not your typical all cute character. She acts a little arrogant, and a little bit of tsundereness. But that makes her interesting as a characters anyway. I love this tsundere bunny.
Rei Togetsu
She is literally an angel that must be protected at all cost. She can a little naive when it comes to an average girl life, but she is really supportive. Her gentle and kind attitude is why people love her. I really love the interaction with her and Muni. Her role in the group is playing the keyboard, and vocals.
Other Characters
There were other groups like Peakek P Key and Photon Maiden. There were the only groups that was active til the end of the anime series. Of course, some other groups got only a cameo appearance. In the two groups I mentioned, some of them some character development. Saki and Ibuki were able to find their own music, while Kyoko and Shinobu were able to help guide Happy Around. It was a cute sequence. The other characters in Phonton Maiden or Peakey P Key we didn’t know much about. It was really disappointing to me that the character I like didn’t show it in the anime. Take Noa for example. She acted like a cool and friendly member of Phonton Maiden, but I found out recently that she has a fondness of cute things. She doesn’t hide it like she does in the anime. In conclusion, I love the side characters, but wish to see more of it.
Songs play a big role in a music anime. I prefer if I know the song than hear it the first time, and then forget it. The songs for me were great. My favorite out the three would be Peakey P Key. It was supported Aimi’s talented voice(Kyoko’s VA) and Melodies that wound pump you up.Happy Around was my second favorite. Their songs are what represents them. They would always change it up, and the song will show development in them. Phonton Maiden was okay by. All I remember is Here The Light and Akatsuki Fruits Mix. The background sounds amazing though. The opening and ending were great also. I recommend if you listen to the opening of you like DJ type of music.
Final Thoughts
To be honest, I thought I wouldn’t enjoy D4DJ. I tried to watch Bang Dream the first season, and immediately felt like giving up. Even though they share the same similarities, there some key elements that stood out to me. I guess the pacing, and visual designs is what made me intrigued. I did not regret watching this, and am blessed that I get to listen to new songs.
Thanks For reading! What’s your opinion on this anime? Write in the comments below.
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luminosity09 · 3 years
My Rankings
Gin No Bara
Kirakira Precure A La Mode
Precure Villains Songs
Yui’s Outfits
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