lycanfang · 5 months
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aroace stimboard with food for myself
x x x // x x x // x x x
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lycanfang · 5 months
These bots invading the asexual tag don't know what game they're playing. We are a people who's biggest representation is freaking Alastor. All things digital shall prepare to die. No mercy.
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lycanfang · 5 months
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for the funny aspec people in my machines
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lycanfang · 5 months
people misunderstand what ‘gifted kid’ actually means but it’s ok it’s fine it’s cool it’s good
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lycanfang · 5 months
As someone who grew up with "I'm not going to praise you for doing what's expected of you; that's not being good, that's doing the bare minimum" I want to encourage you to celebrate every little thing you can. Everything that takes energy and effort should be appreciated and you're allowed to be happy about trying.
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lycanfang · 5 months
Working in retail
Okay but what about social battery whump, hear me out.
Whumpee is perhaps an espionage agent, or a captive pet, or a hostage, or some other scenario--
they're forced into a situation where they have to act and act and act, and smile and smile and smile without giving any hint that they're tired, or upset, or stressed, or in danger, and they have to do it for so long.
They have to smile, and shake hands and make small talk, and laugh and act like a human being while they're coming apart internally, and if they mess up and falter for a second, if they show cracks in their facade then bad case they're caught, and worse case whumper will be very, very upset with them.
On the surface it looks like they're having a blast. They're completely dying inside.
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lycanfang · 10 months
the thing that sucks is that people love saying sleep early is good etc etc and yeah it is. I've seen some benefits before. but I think it sucks to ignore that late night is the only time with any freedom. I think it sucks to not acknowledge the dread in waking up and it's a work day again
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lycanfang · 10 months
Found that Driven to Distraction by Dr. Edward M. Hallowell and Dr. John J. Ratey is a highly recommended and praised book about ADHD
Started reading it and after reading several stories that perhaps were partially relatable but mostly not, 116 pages in I found 2 people's stories that sound *just like me*, I connected strongly. Makes me feel less weird about considering this for myself
Anyone have recommendations for good books to read if you think you may have ADHD and/or autism?
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lycanfang · 10 months
I feel like there are a lot of people out there who needs to hear this:
If you dropped out of school because of undiagnosed (or diagnosed) ADHD, Autism, ADD, OCD, Dyslexia, Anxiety, Depression, Bipolar disorder, psychotic disorders, schizophrenia etc… You did not fail. The education system failed you.
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lycanfang · 11 months
Anyone have recommendations for good books to read if you think you may have ADHD and/or autism?
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lycanfang · 1 year
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lycanfang · 1 year
Unfriendly reminder that while you're busy mourning the loss of your childs old gender, claiming you need to mourn the death of your son/daughter, there's a group of boys/girls/enbies scrambling to take your kid clothes shopping, snatching up the chance to take those "first" experiences from you forever. Your sons first fishing trip is gonna be with his best bros, your daughters first makeover is going to be with her girl friends, your kids first camping trip out as themselves is gonna be with the besties. Good luck getting those bonding experiences back. While you're busy trying to guilt-trip your kid with your weird manufactured parental trauma, there's a whole community ready to take your place as the better family.
Your loss, someone elses gain.
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lycanfang · 1 year
It is very important to love the transmascs + men around you very genuinely + loudly simply bc it is a good thing to do but also, and forgive me for not sugarcoating it, the boys are killing themselves out here at rates that should be a lot more alarming to a lot more people
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lycanfang · 1 year
ok i just wanna check something.... reblog if you've never watched/opened tumblr live
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lycanfang · 1 year
And there you have it, folks, monsters are gender for approximately 85% of transmascs, and 55% of transmascs probably wanted/want to be werewolves
Transmascs! Research time
Friend and I are wondering if werewolves are gender for transmascs in general, because they definitely always have been for us XD
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lycanfang · 1 year
Transmascs! Research time
Friend and I are wondering if werewolves are gender for transmascs in general, because they definitely always have been for us XD
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lycanfang · 1 year
"Being normal" about trans people doesn't mean that you avoid talking about or even acknowledging someone's transness like it's the plague. In fact, that's not "being normal" about transness.
"Being normal" about trans people means not treating us, our bodies, your assumptions about our sex, whatever else like it's a circus show. It means that no matter what you personally think about our transition, you realize that it ultimately doesn't matter because you aren't the one affected.
Being normal about trans people looks like not treating us like a dirty secret. It means not treating our transness like it's a super-special "twist surprise to shock the audience and horrify them." It means accepting us even if it makes you, personally, a bit uncomfortable.
Being normal about trans people can often look like following a trans person's expressed wishes as to how they wish to be addressed, if they want to talk about transness, if they want to hear about what advice or comments you have about their transition, whatever it may be. This is because when you have met one trans person, you have met one trans person.
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