#okay but for that divorced!jane au and
miz-chase · 1 month
🥝 What’s your favorite trope/AO3 tag to write?
First Time - Always fun to build AUs based on "What would happen if this was the episode they first hooked up in?" Both B&B and Rizzles have a ton of build up so it's always a fun game to figure out what, in that episode's context, would be the thing that pushes them over the edge.
Making Up - I love heart-achey angst with a happy ending. Starting off with unresolved fight/breakup/divorce is fun because, again, both couples spend so much time together that it's fun forcing them apart and having them cope with holding grudges and sustained separation. Also I am SUCH a sucker for who is the one brave enough to reinitiate contact and how awkward that can be
🍇 Is there a particular scene/episode/book/etc that you want to just write a million fics about, over and over? Which one?
B&B: Obvious answer: 6x09 The Doctor in the Photo. Brennan confesses her feelings to Booth, what could happen next? Does she pretend nothing happened and go on with her life (canon)? Does she quit? Does she stop working with Booth? Do she and Booth cheat on Hannah? Does Booth leave Hannah? Does Booth never show up at all and she's hit by the car? The episode is such a good AU flashpoint in the timeline to play with!
Less obvious but same questions: 3x15 The Pain in the Heart: How does she cope with the emotional fallout from Booth's fake funeral? 11x2 The Brother in the Basement: How does she cope with the emotional fallout from the dumbfuck thing Booth did and the knowledge that he would abandon her & the kids for a lost cause?
Rizzles: Okay I don't know the show as well as I do Bones (let's be real, I haven't watched either show to completion, I have a Thing about that). Since I can't rattle off specific episodes, I'm gonna cheat here and actually say that one of my favorite things to do is borrow from other crime procedurals as plots to throw the ladies into. Favorites include Bones 3x05 The Mummy in the Maze where kidnapper drugs you up with drugs to make you panic and exposes you to your greatest fear. Jane rescues a panicking mute Maura who struggles to function, let alone trust her, etc etc. Another is The Closer 7x21 The Last Word: Big Bad of your choice gets away on a legal technicality, Jane beats the shit out of them in apparent frustration, and turns around to use their blood on her fists as DNA evidence to plant against the Big Bad. Jane's fired, but gets the job done. Meanwhile Maura is home alone, Big Bad sneaks in, Maura saves herself right as Jane shows up etc etc
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bananaactivity · 1 month
i saw the "ask me abt my descendants au" ask button and so i simply HAD to ask about your au--carlos is my fave, with harry being my second favorite (while morgie is my favorite from RoR), so i guess, if anything, i wanna ask abt carlos. whats he like in your au? what exactly happens--and do his cousins exist? love the way you draw him op!!
and abt your morgie and james verse--i'm curious, do harriet and cj exist ? does harry remember morgie at all? does hook ever even talk about him?
sorry if this was a lot!
Naw it’s all good, I’ve been waiting on an ask for forever 🙃 I will say I only consumed the movies back in elementary school (WILD IM SAYING ELEMENTARY SCHOOL AND NOW IM 18 LIKE TIME GOES BY SO FAST) The only books I read was Mals spell book. Not to say I don’t like reading, I read Ever After high books and The School for Good and Evil, I could just never get my hands on the Descendents ones. And I watched one episode of wicked world… and said fuc no never again.
All that to say I just found out three weeks ago that Harry had siblings, and that Carlos had any hench men or other stuff not specifically in the main movies. I had already figured out a lot of James and Harry’s story and suddenly the timeline was fucked because there was no way for Harriet or Cj or Jane Darling to exist in context. Harry is born as an accident in Neverland and Hook has to return home so he can grow and his mother is a random someone who wasn’t going to come back to take care of her son. Her existence is already shaky but then adding Harriet she’d have to be born first with Jane Darling who I didn’t account for in the slightest either. She’s Wendy’s daughter so now a lot more time will have to pass so she can grow up and come to neverland, which is gross and not in a campy Disney way… and I was having a hard time wrapping my head around it 🥲
That was until I gave Hook a younger brother who can get with Jane at an appropriate age 😈 He’s unarmed rn but he’s a Hook so Harriet and Cj will be Harry’s cousins who he’s estranged from until some events happen…
Harry does NOT remember Morgie especially not with him looking so scary and tryna kill his Stylist and sparing partner. ( Carlos and Jay) Hook only talks about him to Maleficent and Uliana ( Hades still thinks he’s a spoiled rich boy, and Hook still thinks it was dumb for a “god” to attend a four year University with mortals, also At this time Maleficent and Hades are in that bad argue stage right before a divorce) He was okay leaving them all because time is different in Neverland, even tho from his side he’s been gone 12 years, Morgie only missed him for one year and time melds together on Neverland since you don’t age so it was basically nothing. ( that’s why Peter Pan is so unhinged, he’s been there forever and he refuses to keep track) Morgies in the same time zone as them so he’s been gone a good ten years, Harry and his friends are 14-12 now,So everyone is feeling the effects, and Camelot is on lockdown due to Morgie terrorizing them so Hook can’t check up on him. ( I dunno if I mentioned on tumblr but in my au Auradon is the place that’s locked up so the poor and Villians can’t come in on their “superior” society, the rest of the world is made up of lands from other Fairy tales and Folklore) So Hook is worried but he keeps on and Harry’s memory of Morgie comes back after a month of getting used to him being back.
Sad part but I have to share, Morgie and Hook never officially unionize… Morgie knows he’ll outlive Hook by a VERY long time (till the end of time) and he can’t bring himself to finalize anything, his grief about Hooks mortality is slowly consuming him🫠 (also Hook has issues with living forever due to his trauma from Neverland and won’t entertain any sort of immortality shenanigans)
On another note Carlos is also my favorite! I’ve had him down in my notes (before I could brave the internet) as soon as the inspiration from the 1996 101 Dalmatians live action film staring Glenn Close hit me I knew what had to be done. ( and descendents of the sparrow inspired me 😙) Carlos is a very smart man, he’s the analyst, ranged weapons specialist, stylist and bestest member of my Core four. (Jay is a wreck, Mal is a wreck, and Evie is still slay but she has to get wrapped up in Mals mess because she loves her 🙄 damn you Evies demi-god/dragon gf ) but I’d say my Carlos is a little more disciplined then the Og. He hates gross things and hates getting dirty or messy. Hes dorm mates with Chad now because the fairy god mother doesn’t want the four to conspire together so easily ( like they do in the movies 😅) He threatens Chads and his forest friends a lot because Carlos also hates any animal that he isn’t wearing. He grows out of that eventually, but it takes the longest out of all of his flaws because… like did you see him in that tiger skin outfit!?? How could he give up furs?!?
Carlos story intertwines with Harry’s a lot, in a brotherly love way. I was having Carlos love his mom in my first posts about Carlos but since then I’ve changed it. Cruella Hates Hook and Carlos hates his mom for being abusive, so he makes Harry swear that Carlos can style him when he’s older to get back at his mom. It becomes more than that and now Carlos gets even more clients, enough to move out on his own but he ends up staying with Mal and Co. This separates him a little from Harry, Uma, and Gil who he grew close with because Harry’s home was his safe place from his mother. She not only hated Hook but also the sea and its smells and the hustle of the costal territory present on that side of the isle. He still sees them when he goes for meetings with Harry, to Mals agitation. Mal Hates Uma and is kinda scared of Harry. ( Maleficent, Uliana and Hook think they accidentally bestied to close to the sun and made their kids and niece hate each other on accident)
Jay is jealous of Carlos due to his obsession with beating Harry and stuff. I’m not a hundred percent sure if I wanna go Huma or Jarry for this one… leaning towards Huma as Jerry is really toxic and I already have a bunch of other toxic couples I don’t want a million of them fr. For Carlos I’m thinking Aro/Ace like bro just wants to chill and design cool shit. I could see people having him be with Chad based on the context of my au, close proximity/enemie’s to lovers/hhimbo and smart guy, but I’m just not feeling it and Jaylos felt forced during the movies so I don’t want that 🫠
I have more but this is basically a fic chapter all on its own, if you have anymore askes I’ll gladly answer them!! I don’t mind spoiling my story like this, I find my fic interests in the specific conversations characters have and details. So this isn’t something I’m against doing…
Edit: I’m also having trouble on what I want the themes of these fics to be. I want a little bit more then “cool alternative universe!!!” I’m love this au but I’m also using this story to help warm me up for developing a story with my own characters that I’ve had swimming in my mind for years 😭
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ellewritesandrants · 2 years
What about a Mixed! Billy AU where Argyle is his cousin and instead of moving to Hawkins, he runs away to his other family?
Okay but imagine Billy so sick and tired of being beaten and about to be taken away from the only family he’s ever really known even if he hasn’t talked to most of them in years because of Neil.
Imagine him deciding to just fuck it, and run straight back to the old family compound that Neil never deigned himself low enough to enter, bringing all of his belongings in the car that he painstakingly built for himself in secret with his Tio Felix’s help.
Imagine him running straight to his cousin Argyle’s house where they call an early family meeting to figure out how to pretend that he wasn’t there even if his car was in the front yard.
Tio Felix drives it to his garage for safe keeping and the guest room that they kept for him after all of these years was very quickly fixed up by his literal dozen of cousins.
The adults figure out the story they’ll spin for Neil all while Billy’s abuela stands by the telephone, ready to call the nice policeman neighbor who might be the only one willing to help them if Neil ever came.
Much to Billy’s expectations and to the family’s anger and surprise, two weeks of tension passed by with not a single visit from Neil and the only thing telling Billy that they had arrived in Hawkins was a shitty letter Max had sent him telling him that she missed him but she understood why he left now.
He was half tempted to drive down to Hawkins to get her out because he was worried Neil was beating her instead but thankfully, the letter talked about the tantrum Neil threw at him leaving.
Neil wasn’t stupid enough to get physical with either of them because bruises on girls were much more scrutinized by the public but Susan had talked to Max about divorcing Neil once she had saved up enough.
Billy was able to graduate high school top of his class with an MVP and trophy for basketball with his family's support all while working part-time at his uncle's garage, learning all he could so he could use it on the mechanical engineering degree he was planning to pursue in UCLA on full scholarship to be the first member of his family to graduate from university in the USA.
He had kept up communication with his little sister and that's why he was so shocked when out of the blue, the summer he graduated, Max called him up to tell him that Neil and Susan had died.
He had immediately driven down, bringing his best friend and favorite cousin, Argyle for support because he wasn't sure how he'd react if he went by himself.
When they got there, Max told them that Neil and Susan had died in the mall fire with 27 other people and that they'd managed to get Max and her friends out but they weren't able to make it out.
Billy immediately asked who she was staying with and who he could talk to about taking custody of her. The police station was in shambles because their chief had also died in the fire but thankfully, Billy arrived just in time for him to talk to the CPS officer who came down from Indiana.
Since Billy was not only of age and working, had a place to live with and multiple relatives to help him, the officer was more than happy to file the paperwork to get it over with since more than a few kids lost their parents in the fire.
Max had stayed with her best friend, Jane who had been taken in by Mrs. Byers who was a single mom who had lost her boyfriend, the Chief in the fire. Mrs. Byers had her own handful with two sons but she had opened her doors to two daughters who needed a mom and Billy couldn't be more thankful.
This was why when Mrs. Byers (Call me Joyce!) had confided in him that she was planning to move out of Hawkins for good after all of this, that Billy had instantly suggested she move out to California where his family was.
He had been planning to take Max back to California and he'd already told her about it and she'd agreed but Billy had allowed her to have the last two weeks in Hawkins to say goodbye.
His family had understood and they'd started to make arrangements for where Max would sleep and how they'd get her to acclimate to everything after her loss.
Billy had managed to convince Joyce about moving up to California so two weeks after Billy, Max and Argyle had returned home, they were greeting their new neighbors, the Byers with the addition of Jane Hopper, who had been adopted by Joyce.
It had been really difficult for both girls to leave behind Hawkins and subsequently, their boyfriends behind but with each other literally across the street, their friendship blossomed into a sisterhood that everyone around them kind of expected.
Billy had done his absolute best to help the Byers get acclimated to living in California, teaching them basic Spanish to help them get bonus points from the neighbors and even using his leftover reputation to smooth things out for the teens about to enter high school, making it absolutely clear that he won't allow anyone to mess with his little sister and her friends.
Joyce had been basically adopted into the family by Billy's abuela who knew the struggle of raising multiple kids as a single mother due to losing her husband too early and the Byers found themselves quickly folded into the Molina family.
Jonathan very quickly became one of Billy's best friends since he got along really well with Argyle and Billy and Jonathan were able to have deep conversations revolving around their abusive fathers and to have someone understand that kind of experience.
Of course, at the first sign of trouble in Hawkins, Billy was more than willing to drive them in a van he borrowed from his Tio Felix cross country back to Hawkins, driving like an absolute madman to avoid the bastards trying to steal his sister's best friend, all while trying to make sense of the fact that they were dealing with alternate dimensions and powers.
It had been an absolute surprise for Billy to be thrust into the world of the Upside Down but with Billy behind the wheel, they managed to make good time, even being able to help with the actual Battle with Vecna and they'd managed to make a pitstop at Chicago to get Jane's sister, Kali.
It was Billy's first time to meet the people that Jonathan had told him about. He finally got to meet Nancy, Jonathan's on and off girlfriend who seemed like they were back on since they were kissing as soon as they saw each other.
He also got to meet Steve whom Jonathan said was a hot ex-asshole who turned over a new leaf and he'd even saved a cool-looking stranger named Eddie who riffed the new Master of Puppets track by Metallica which got not only Billy's respect but also his interest.
With the rest of the teens on hand to help deal with this Vecna bastard, they were able to finally defeat him. Billy had been completely blindsided by the sudden attack on his psyche and the sight of his abusive father back in the flesh but he had powered through and he had gotten his closure at being able to punch the lights out of his father.
When he came out of his weird trance, he woke up surrounded by his family and the friends of his little sister plus the new friends he'd made along the way.
The biggest surprise of the night was the fact that Chief Hopper was, in fact, still alive and held prisoner by the Russians and that after that experience, he had no more interest in dealing with crime, choosing instead to retire with Joyce in California to finally be able to relax.
Surprisingly, both Steve Harrington and Eddie Munson wanted to go with them to California, being completely sure that they had no more things keeping them at Hawkins and they both wanted a fresh start.
it had been exceedingly jarring for Billy to go back to college and to his regular life but he managed with his new friends and his family by his side.
Of course, it didn't help that there was some weird kind of competition going on between his new friends, Steve and Eddie for his attention while they were also flirting through their fighting.
After a few months of having to watch them all painfully interact, Nancy, who had changed colleges to be closer to Jonathan, finally had enough and she staged an intervention with Argyle and with Steve's best friend, Robin.
Billy left the intervention with two new boyfriends who were also dating each other and once again, he was thankful that he had made the decision to run away from his father because there would have been no way he could have had this had he not had the bravery to leave.
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trashpie420 · 10 months
Loki Season 2 was heartbreaking so im just writing what should've happened. Or just ideas/thoughts I wish/wanted to see. PART 5:
-Corpse Bride AU: where mobius accidentally gets engaged to the corpse of Loki and ends up having a love obsessed corpse wanting to marry him.
-Loki and Mobius on a date together and Loki notices Thor on a date with Jane who is starring daggers at him (Loki went on a rant on why dating a mortal is beneath them. Aka he’s a hypocrite)
- Loki meeting Möbius’s ex wife and her wondering why a man who tried to take over New York is in her bathrobe that she forgot during the divorce.
- Mobius and Loki starting a family together and having Croki as the family pet.
- Mobius trying to introduce Loki to different candies and Loki finally realizing Midgardian treats are delicious.
- Loki bringing Mobius to Asgard and spoiling him leading to everyone bewildered by Loki’s loving/affectionate side.
- Loki driving a BMW, with sunglasses and a coach bag acting like a upper middle class step mom who’s busy with her blog.
- Mobius making tiny models of JetSkis and watercraft’s out of legos and showing them to Loki as he goes on a rant about how amazing they are while Loki thinks of a way to get him in bed.
- Frigga meeting Mobius and seeing her son finally finding his place in the world knowing that he’ll be okay.
- Loki and Mobius setting up IKEA furniture in their new home and them having a couple’s argument about following instructions and why there are extra screws.
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themculibrary · 8 months
Fics With Titles That Start With C Masterlist 2
part one
Camellias, Forsythias, Orange and Lavender Roses, and White Violets (ao3) - Ralkana clint/phil T, 4k
Summary: It was just a regular day in Clint's shop, and a flirty encounter with a handsome customer.
Now, how can Clint make sure it happens again?
Can't Blame Me For Secretly Hoping (ao3) - agentx13 sharon/steve G, 21k
Summary: After Natasha tries so hard to set them up, Steve and Sharon decide to get one over on her and prove once and for all that they aren't meant to be together. Naturally, not everything goes according to plan.
Caring for a Human (ao3) - The_Winter_Writer tony/thor N/R, 2k
Summary: There was a constant low level fear that had settled at the back of Thor's mind. Humans were a fragile race, though constantly trying to hide that fact, and Thor hated the reminder of it in Tony’s exhausted eyes. He hated how the sight of fever flushed cheeks and the sound of a raspy voice made that fear slam to the front of his mind.
Casino Royale (ao3) - maybek8e peggy/steve T, 43k
Summary: A ruthless killer. A legendary lover. And the world’s only hope against total annihilation. When Agent Margaret Carter, recently awarded her Double-Oh status for the extermination of two important threats, is sent into a high-stakes poker game against a criminal known only as the Red Skull, she isn’t entirely pleased to have an American pretty-boy as her only back-up on the job. But Steve Rogers isn’t just the money—he’s an important ally. And by the end of it all, Steve might be all Carter has to keep her alive.
Castigatio (ao3) - justanotherStonyfan steve/bucky E, 13k
Summary: “So explain to me,” Steve says, “and I mean give me one good reason I should let you get away with that shit you pulled today.”
Catching Lightning in a Bottle (ao3) - sabrecmc steve/tony M, 120k
Summary: College student Tony meets janitor Steve at MIT and they fall blissfully in love, until Howard happens and things fall apart. One divorce paperwork snafu courtesy of the ever-helpful Jarvis, and ten years later, Tony has to get re-divorced from Steve.
This does not go as he imagines.
Or, the Sweet Home Alabama AU that no one--well, okay, a few of you--asked for.
Catch Your Voice (ao3) - lavvyan clint/phil T, 14k
Summary: Clint keeps telling himself he's not obsessed with Coulson. From the way Natasha keeps laughing at him, she's not buying it either. But it's only a crush if you know what the other guy actually looks like, right?
Cherish the Living (ao3) - 27dragons, tisfan bucky/tony E, 49k
Summary: Tony grew up on stories of the time before the virus, but that’s a world that’s long ago and far away. He now travels a route between the various walled settlements, trading goods and repairs for bread and board, and carrying news from one villa to the next. It’s a dangerous life, but one he’s used to and well-suited for. That is, until a cluster of zombies gets the drop on him.
Bucky is a Nomad, one of a band of enhanced humans who have sworn to wipe out all zombies and put an end to the zombie plague -- one at a time, if necessary. When he rescues Tony, he’s just doing his job. Agreeing to escort Tony to the next villa is a bit above-and-beyond, but it’s nice to have company after so long on the road alone. He didn’t expect the trip to forge a bond between the two of them that not nothing -- not even death -- could break.
cherry red as sweet as sin (ao3) - soniclipstick (veriscence) clint/phil E, 3k
Summary: Clint is the sexiest thing on the planet, Phil's always known that. But the reality of a Clint with kohl-rimmed eyes and cherry red lips slams into the pleasure centres of Phil's brain like a freight car so hard it takes him a full twenty seconds to recover.
It's not surprising how quickly the fleeting fancy of Clint and skin and heat becomes reality after that.
Christmas at the Bartons' (ao3) - ejdvdsn clint/laura, bucky/darcy, steve/natasha, lance/bobbi, jane/thor T, 27k
Summary: The fic in which the Bartons scheme to get the former-Avengers and cohorts, back together for Christmas. Because what could possibly go wrong?
christmas with the rogers (ao3) - haveufoundwhaturlookingfor steve/sam T, 3k
Summary: Steve needs a boyfriend to his family's Christmas dinner to help prove to his homophobic dad that his sexuality is "not just a phase". Sam offers to be Steve's fake boyfriend.
Clint Barton's Guide to Friends and Ceiling Vents (ao3) - NoliteTimereEos clint/natasha T, 6k
Summary: In which Clint Barton meets a missing assassin in the vents and somehow becomes friends with him. Things don't go as bad as they could have.
Coffee and Chocolate (ao3) - SherlocksHound loki/tony, jane/thor T, 8k
Summary: Coffee shop AU, kinda. In which Loki lives as a famous chef and has a re-encounter with someone he thought he would never see again: Dr. Tony Stark. Add a nice little Family meeting with drama and get a FrostIron special.
Coffee Spoons and Fish Fallacies (ao3) - 27dragons bucky/tony T, 3k
Summary: Harley and Peter think their dads would get along great, since both of them are uber nerrrrrds. They set up a date, and eagerly await the outcome.
Cold as the Night (ao3) - whatcolourmyeyes darcy/loki, jane/thor T, 27k
Summary: Darcy has been sent with Jane to Asgard as her personal handmaiden... but her presence there might have more purpose than she knows
Come For The Espionage, Stay For The Sex… (ao3) - andacus clint/natasha E, 5k
Summary: Come for the espionage, stay for the sex… or maybe that's the other way around. Clint's not sure. He is sure, however, that almost being stabbed in a bathroom is either the very worst thing to happen or the very best.
come to bed (i'll be your girl) (ao3) - 1000_directions bucky/clint E, 3k
Summary: When they found the time capsule with Steve’s old Captain America costume and Peggy’s SSR uniform, Bucky didn’t think that they would be using them for sex games. He should’ve thought that, because this is him and Clint, and this is who they are. But it honestly didn’t cross his mind until Clint fingered Peggy’s tie thoughtfully and said, Bet you’d look good with red lipstick smeared across your face.
conversations from a couch (haven’t felt the same) (ao3) - buggieb mj/peter M, 15k
Summary: Michelle blinks, and all she sees is Peter, the shittiest liar she’s ever fucking met, ever fucking fallen in love with, and she can’t help but think, Holy shit. What if he’d died today?
[or: michelle is falling in love, and she can’t even pretend to be mad about it]
Cookie Jar, NY (ao3) - Siria peggy/steve T, 16k
Summary: Aunt Sarah's Cookies and Confectionery Co. may operate at a loss, but it's the lifeblood of the small town of Cookie Jar. Business executive Peggy Carter has been sent there on a simple assignment: get the company's owner to agree to a sell off. But what was supposed to be a simple assignment gets complicated when Peggy meets Steve Rogers, who's determined to keep his factory open. Though Peggy's a big city girl at heart, there's something about this small town that she finds intriguing—and something about a certain stubborn factory owner, too.
Cruel and Unusual Punishment (ao3) - plastic_cello bucky/loki E, 7k
Summary: Loki smirked; prepared to take out his anger out onto someone for his previous humiliation, and there was no better person to take it out on than Bucky Barnes.
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shyvioletcat · 1 year
Can I send multiple?? I’m nosy. 👀
✏️ The first fanfiction you ever wrote? (doesn't have to be a posted fic)
🌾 A fic you really want to write but you haven't (yet)?
🪜 Tell us a random fact about any fic!
🎨 Show us a sneak peek from a WIP! (if fish are friends is a possibility, I’d happily die but will absolutely be grateful for a sneak peek from any of your works!!)
Multiple are much appreciated and encouraged around here.
✏️ : it’s not posted and it’s possibly lost on my iPad that suddenly died. But all I’ll say is that it was entirely my guilty pleasure and it The Lord of the Rings based.
🌾: ooo, okay. I have a Jane Austen’s Emma au that exists in my brain and some scattered notes. Aelin is Emma, and Rowan is obviously Mr Knightly. Then Elide is Harriet and Lorcan Mr Martin and it just goes from there. Emma is not my all time favourite Austen work but it does hold a very special spot in my heart and the whole “she doesn’t love me” “wait now I love him!” is just too perfect for Rowaelin.
🪜: originally, in Set Up Rowan was going to do a big grand gesture of chasing Aelin down at the airport and then the whole love declaration thing, and then I was unsure if she would stay or just get on the plane. As you can see those plans have changed, and to something I think is infinitely better in my opinion. Also, the fic wasn’t meant to be a smutty, at all. I think that change was made for the better, don’t you? 😂
🎨 : I whipped this one up especially for you:
“This guy is loaded.”
Aelin snorted at her friend's awed exclamation as she eased off on the accelerator coming up the long, paved driveway. The house wasn’t obnoxiously large, but it was well beyond decent with a pretty facade and well kept gardens. And if the price he had offered initially was anything to go by, yes Rowan did have money to burn.
She had waited until she got home to text him back and to say yes to the offer of Ivy’s birthday party, claiming that now she had turned back into a mermaid she could talk mermaid business. The girl was so enamoured with the whole mermaid performance how could Aelin even think of saying no. Rowan had immediately come back with a price just under what her gig at the aquarium paid in a fortnight, she knocked it back, then there was a mildly heated discussion over what the price should be. Rowan was generous, and Aelin helped equate the cost by saying she needed to bring a friend along to help her with her costume so they could split it. That had been fine, of course, and why Lysandra was sitting in the passenger seat.
The car had stopped and Lysandra was still peering out the windows trying to get a better look. “His wife, slash girlfriend, slash whatever must be living the life.”
“He’s divorced,” Aelin said, pushing the gear stick into park.
“That’s awfully weird to find out in a conversation that went for two minutes,” Lysandra added.
Aelin shrugged as she undid her seatbelt. “Well his daughter did demand he kiss me.”
Lysandra paused from where she was checking over her make-up in the sun shield mirror, head turning sharply. “She what?”
Thanks for asking 💜
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chloerie · 1 year
(Soo like that SiX fic I mentioned like once? Yeah chapter one is done, this is it)
“Listen up let me tell you a story” SiX reincarnated AU
For a little more context: The kids were reincarnated 4 years before the Queens were and Mary found a place to stay and got a job with Lady Jane Gray(A/N: More commonly known as “9 Days Queen”)was reincarnated with the kids also: I don’t have a update thing 4 this one. Ao3 Wattpad & tumblr
I wrote some of this while ao3 was down lmfao
Yeet let’s go Jane Gray’s POV
I had just walked downstairs to make some coffees for myself and my cousin Mary(Cousins through Henrat’s sister or aunt Idek lmao) and saw… The ex-Queens!?
“J WHAT HAPPENED!?” Mary yell-asked
“Mary? Janie? What’s going on?” Elizabeth asked
“Nothing Liz. Is Mae asleep? Do you need anything?” Mary questioned
“Mae is sleeping I’m fine.” Elizabeth answered
“Okay,” Mary replied glancing at the women in our living room “But if you need anything I’ll be here.” She continued
“Wait where’s Edward,” I said glancing panicky at Mary “Mare do you know?” I asked her
“Eddie is sleeping too,”Elizabeth said hugging Mary “Don’t worry Mar-Mar” She said giving her a-Sleepy-but-adorable smile(Author note: I’ll take any advice/art <3)
“Okay what is going on!?” A Queen asked
“Right. I’m Jane Gray Parr,” I said gesturing to said people(Myself and Catherine Parr) “Paid for my education”
“My name’s Elle!” Eliza said cleverly using the name we taught her to use if she was asked her name by strangers(A/N: BYE A LITERAL LIGHTING STIRCK JUST HAPPENED OUTSIDE MY WINDOW IT ALMOST GAVE ME A HEART ATTACK AGAIN IT HAPPENED)
“Hm. Your highnesses,” Mary said curtsying to them “I am Mary”
“Janie Betsy Mezza? What’s going on?” Edward asked
“It’s nothing Edward don’t fret over trivial matters-“ I said before remembering I was talking to a 4 year old “Right you’re a toddler. Don’t worry Ed it’s nothing.”
“Eddie! How was your nap?” Elizabeth said
“Excuse me,” A Queen said standing up and grabbing our attention “Who are you children and where are we?” The Queen whom I quickly realized was Queen Jane Seymour
“Well you’ve got me Jane Gray call me J,” I said picking up Edward rocking him and humming a Scottish lullaby to get him to sleep “This is my cousin Edward and his sisters Mary and Elizabeth.” I answered
“We also have another sister not biological though,” Mary said taking Edward from me “Her name’s Mary or Mae we just call her that to differentiate between me and her.” Mary explained, smiling
“Right. I am Queen Catherine of Aragon”(A/N: I don’t think I have to say who said this lmfao)
“Mami.” Mary said softly
“Mami?,” Another Queen asked hugging Aragon “Mary?”
“Hello Cat,” Mary stated smiling softly at Parr and Aragon “I need to put Edward to bed now so I unfortunately cannot stay here J can you help me out here please?” She asked me
“Sure” I answered sighing exasperated with the Queens already
“AH!” A Queen yelled, I was quick to notice, they had a beheading scar, like me. And had no head. Oof.
“Does anyone here know how to put a head back on!?” Another Queen, who looked like Her Royal Highness Princess Anna Von Cleves(A/N: Anna was literally paid to not say she was Queen and she was considered the King’s sister after her divorce, so I figured I’d give her that title lol)
“I can help? I was beheaded too.” I suggested, taking off my choker necklace and gesturing to my beheading scar, Mary looked down guiltily at the sight of it
“Mary, it’s fine you apologized, that’s enough for me.” I sighed exasperated with my cousin.
“I know J, I’m still sorry though..” She muttered, looking down in embarrassment
“Mare you’ve been forgiven, now that’s enough apologies from you young lady.” I scolded
“J, I’m older than you-“ I got as a response
“Oh, shut it Mary.” I muttered, rolling my eyes
A/N: I’m ending this chapter now bc I’m tired, it’s 11:40PM and I need to work on Reincarnated Maria Reynolds anyways this’ll be posted on Wattpad later
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makethangels · 4 years
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@herheroics​ said: i’ll stand in front. I’ll take the blow for you. ( jane oh shit you ready ) x
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       ❝ DON’T YOU DARE. ❞ catherine’s voice was low, but firm, insistent. she wasn’t surprised at jane’s offer. the former queen was kind and gentle and good, another reason she wouldn’t even fathom it. that, and it just wasn’t the type of person catherine was. ❝ this is my mess. i’ll clean it up. and if i can’t... well the children will need you more than ever. ❞ she’d grown so fond of her stepchildren, already loved them beyond measure. the thought of them having to watch their father go through yet ANOTHER wife... but she couldn’t control henry’s fickle moods. all she could do was use her sharp mind and sharper tongue to do her best to save her life. ❝ i appreciate you so much, jane, but i think we both know your sacrifice would only end up with us both killed. ❞
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hopefullyababe · 3 years
what i say: im going to lay down and go to sleep now
what i mean: im going to sit with my eyes closed while trying to work out the logistics of the strilonde family tree in my no sburb human au
#daphnes homestucking again#sorry yall#okay my issue is that how do i make dave and rose sisters and have them related to dirk and roxy respectively#but make it so that dirk and roxy arent related and also what do i do with the guardians#my solution rn is to have bro and mon lalonde have been married in the past but divorced bc like. ukno.#anyway they had dave and rose b4 the split nd im gonna make em twins bc they gotta be the same age. then bro gets dave nd lalonde gets rose#but where tf do dirk and roxy come in. i wanna have the alpha kids but i have no idea where to put them.#like. roxy being roses cousin jives. but how does that work. WAIT WAIT WAIT I HAD A MOMENT OF CLARITY#roxy is the kid of lalondes dead sister. thats it ive solved it. and rose is the namesake of her aunt. the death of rose sr was a factor#in the divorce along w like. everything else. i imagine rose and dave were p young at the time nd roxy was probably older#like. babysitter age. anyway wheres dirk. where does he come in. who is he. where is he. maybe i just wont have him he doesnt deserve jt#>;P ill figure it out later. anyway i havent thought about the harleyberts hardly at all. other than john n jade being cousins.#but like really close cousins that were raised realy close maybe they lived nextdoor to eachother again i dont know where the alpha kids go#bc i cant fit in all their love triangle bullshit if theyre all cousins. and jake and jane do not feel related in any way.#hhng anyway thats it for my hs no sburb au so far ill be making a post right after this and rambling abt dave in the tags#he works at dairy queen when hes 15
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wheredafandomat · 2 years
One Nighters
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Here I’ve linked my quick mini series fics that could probably be read in one night 😁 sometimes you just want that quick fic fix - longer than a oneshot but something you can quickly binge 😉 Loki x reader
One of Starks Infamous Parties
Tony Stark throws a party and of course invites you, one of his dear friends. Half expecting the night to flow easily, you weren’t surprised when you spotted someone somewhere they shouldn’t be. Luckily Loki’s there to help.
Contains smut and defiantly awkward situations
Hot & Cold
Working as a SHIELD agent, you’re tasked with the chore of ‘babysitting’ Thors younger brother who is as annoying as he is handsome. Not only does he haunt you in the day, he evades your dreams too. Who knew hot and cold could mix so well together?
Contains smut
Tender is the Night
You've joined the Avengers to mostly mentor Loki whilst ensuring the rest of the team look good. After accusing Loki of being submissive as opposed to the dominant god he thinks he is, he vows to prove you wrong. Eventually he discovers you're not who he thinks you are.
Contains smut
Y/n y/l/n is an upstanding citizen of todays society as well as her dad who she works alongside in their towns place of worship. All is well until an unexpected visitor pays her a visit in the hopes of contacting his father leaving y/n to either become a new friend of this visitor or perhaps the towns next victim.
Contains smut
Okay so maybe you lied about being in a relationship and so you joined a dating sight. What if your dream man was already waiting for you on it?
Mentions of smut
Friends with Benefits
Welcome to college where your roommate is Natasha and Bucky for some reason. You like to party and smoke Buckys exceptionally lovely plants as well as shacking up with none other than Thor AKA the hottest guy on campus who’s also your best friend until you finally start talking to his brother. Where was god hiding that one?
Contains smut
Post Mission
A quick quick mini fic about y/n and Loki giving each other some TLC after a mission
Contains smut
Night in Asgardian Leather
You're a member of the most powerful team on earth - the avengers and yet you seem so inadequate in the face of your boyfriend Kyle who is far from loving unlike Loki. If only you could both see each other, really see eachother.
Contains smut and an abusive boyfriend
The Country Club
One morning you receive an invitation inviting you to Thor and Janes opening of their new country club. You’re excited to see them but the memory of your ‘ex’ Loki leaves you feeling anxious after he left. Can you reconcile or are you too enthralled with your old pal Bucky who’s also in attendance to hear Loki out?
Contains smut
You’re the boss
A man scorned is a dangerous man - it makes him particularly annoying, immature and someone you’d definitely sleep with again despite the fact that he’s on the road to becoming your boss and potential love interest. Maybe next time you’ll think twice before hooking up with random men because they’re sexy.
Contains smut - Workplace AU
For Better or For Worse
Nothing makes a Will reading more surprising than an unexpected guest, well, only if said unexpected guest also surprisingly inherits a 10 million dollar estate. After having divorced Loki following a heartbreaking loss, you ensure you make an entrance, especially when his new ‘Rose’ is sitting beside him.
Contains smut - domestic AU
After discovering that Loki’s hostility towards his team may be down to something other than him simply not liking them, you give him a little homework task which at first glance seems easy for the sexy god but soon proves to be troublesome. Meanwhile, you’re having your own existential crisis.
Contains smut
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japrilfools · 2 years
ohhhhh which fic do you plan on posting/updating this week best friend
Ooh! Okay, so I’m going to try to get five requests from my inbox done, keep updating my prompt challenge, update at least one chapter of all my multichaps, and post the following fics (which I’ll give a brief description for)—
1) Between Wake and Sleep: A fic that explores April waiting much too long to tell Jackson about Harriet and them waiting a little longer to get divorce, except that she gets into an accident that causes a coma while they’re still married and he rethinks everything.
2) New Homes and Old Friends: Post-S6 fic about Jackson and April moving into the frat house and slowly falling in love with one another.
3) Yesterday, Today: An AU where Jackson and April are friends/roommates in their undergrad years of college and nearly go to med school together, except that they sleep together one night when they’re celebrating graduation and she gets pregnant and has to reevaluate everything.
4) The So-Called Immaculate Conception: A Jane the Virgin AU that will have a lot of divergences from JTV canon but will remain the same basic premise of a virgin getting pregnant from a medical mistake and then falling in love with the father of the baby
5) Like You Imagined: Canon divergent fic where April leaves the state after she finds out she’s pregnant with Harriet and never tells Jackson until years later.
6) Maybe Today: A fic post s14 that pretends the Matthew/April wedding didn’t happen and explores Japril reconciling after he nearly loses her/prays for her to live.
Obviously I can’t confirm that all of these will be posted but I’ve gotten started on a lot of these stories already, and I have a mostly free schedule this week which is super unusual for me these days
Thank you so much for the ask best friend!!!!🥰💓
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awigglycultist · 3 years
Okay I might as well post this bc I know I ain't gonna write this as a fic anytime soon cause I'm lazy but anyway I've been thinking about a Hatchetfield swap au. More below cut
Here's whose swapped with who, if there's an arrow in between them (ex: A - B) then those characters both swapped with each other. If there's an equal sign between them (ex: A = B) then the person on the left is becoming/taking the role of the person on the right (ie A = B means A takes the role of B, but B does not also take the role of A) hopefully that makes sense.
*note. I'll mention on several of them that they're aged up or down, but that doesn't necessarily mean that characters that I didn't mention an age change on don't change ages, it's just I forgot to mention it on them or it isn't a huge difference/doesn't really change anything, just assume age changed if it makes more sense
Paul - Emma
Bill - Tom
Alice - Tim (Alice is not aged down & Tim is aged up)
Sylvia - Becky 
Jane - Bill's Ex Wife (Except Jane doesn't cheat on Tom they just fall out of love and get divorced)
Linda = Ted
Gerald = Jenny
River = Peter (River is older in this, but still doesn't get with anyone)
Trent = Max
Jordan = Kyle
Seaton = Jason
(River and the other Monroe boys are still siblings, Monroe boys are all only a year apart from each other in age, at the time of npmd Trent is a senior & 18, Seaton a junior & 17, Jordan a sophomore & 16, River a Freshman & 15)
PJ = Richie
Reese = Ruth
Bob Metzger = Charlotte
Louie Metzger = Sam
(sorta, ofc Bob & Louie aren't in a relationship, that'd be fucking werid, Louie's just in the HFPD & infects Bob, their situation turns into a "my sons never talk to me :(" thing)
Carl & Lars = other HFPD cops
Roman = Hidgens
Trevor (Jon's theatre kid in the bbq monologues bit) = Deb (but also is still there and is himself in NPMD also Tim & him aren't dating, just best friends)
Ted = Lex (aged down to be late 20s in 2018-2020)
Peter = Hannah (aged down to be the 15 in 2020)
Jenny = Ethan (also same age as Ted)
Sofia - Steph (but, as said before, Sofia & River don't get together)
Grace - Daniel
Holloway = MacNamara
MacNamara = Duke
Duke = Wilbur
Wilbur = Holloway
Howie - Xander Lee
Colonel Schaffer - Bob Morris
PEIP Nurse - Secretary of State
Charles = Wallace McNeil (Secretary of Defense)
Wallace McNeil = Joey's PEIP Agent
Detective Shapiro = Freddie Biggs
Freddie Biggs = Dective Malone
Dective Malone = Doug
Doug = Officer Bailey
Officer Bailey = Dective Shapiro
Paul23 - Emdriod
Mr Davidson - Nora
Harmony Jones - Obnoxious Teen
Gary Goldstein - Lucy Stockworth
Barry Swift - Jonathan Brisby
Brooke - Hatchetfield Bee
Lex = Zoey
Zoey = Linda
Sam = Gerald (Sam's still a police officer, just takes on the general role of Gerald in the stories)
Mimaw = Roman
Zach = River
Hailey = Other Monroe boys
(also just to be clear no Zach & Hailey are not Zoey & Sam's kids, Zach & Zoey are still siblings and Hailey is friend of theirs, Zach gets kidnapped and Hailey's a bitch to him)
Ethan = Sam (Ethan's still a mechanic not a cop, just takes on the general role of Sam in Honey Queen spefically)
Hannah = Zach
(except Lex, Ethan & Hannah are all closer than Zoey, Sam & Zach, also Lex & Ethan aren't cheating on each other)
Pamela = Mimaw
Shelia = Bob Metzger
Peanuts - Ezekiel
Squirrels - Nighthawks
Deb = Ziggs (Alice & Deb are still dating)
Sherman = the Metzger Brothers
Max = Otho
Boy Jerry - Dan Reynolds
Girl Jeri - Donna Daggit
Richie & Ruth = Rose
Rose = Kale
Kale = Charles
Frank - Eddie
Hidgens = Sheila
Charlotte = Sherman (Charlotte would Hidgens' niece or something)
Courtney = Thrash
Thrash = Skud
Skud = Courtney
I don't have all the details yet but feel free to ask questions or for clarification or anything if you want
(Courtney, Thrash & Skud are poly, I don't take criticism)
Lumber Axe = Willabella
Willabella = Chumby
Chumby = Lumber Axe
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cowboycunt · 3 years
🎃 halloween horror 👻
hello!! happy almost october!!!! here are some nice horror (ish) themed fic recs for your perusing :)
Giant, Anguish, Danger (E, 73k)
the sexual tension and psychological suspension here are very nice. set in minnesota (my beloved) and features some cool mythology. essentially tfw + kevin get lost in a snowy forest and are we hunting the monster or is the monster hunting us?
Raining Blue (M, 8k)
perfect if you want a little gore before bed. i read this at night while some cats went at it outside my window, i was properly spooked. something in the house doesn’t want tfw to leave. cas gets very hurt in this.
***I Cleanse The Mirror (T, 25k)
another snowy forest horror. dean and cas share a body in this which is fun. a great character study on cas. i really enjoyed reading this. def read if you think a bit too much about angel biology or how cas is such a self sacrificing bastard. 
***Death Rattles (E, 30k)
ooh this one actually scared me a fair bit. great psychological horror. is the house haunted? is cas just going crazy?? this one might fit the more strict ‘horror’ genre the best - i could see it playing like a movie as i read it.
Bring Up the Deep (E, 22k)
the ambiance of this is just *chefs kiss* they’re in rainy seaside maine and there are sea monsters(???). tbh i have an irrational fear of boats so i was vaguely uncomfortable for a good portion of reading this but that’s probably just me. also has a nice side of deancas but dean doesn’t want sam to know. i’ve never read stephen king but i feel like the vibes are similar. idk.
***The Body (NR, 20k)
sooo nice and spooky - i read this during the day and was still jumping a bit. set during the divorce arc of s15, so the relationship drama is in full swing and quite well written. dean and cas can’t figure out what’s up with jane doe and they can’t sort out their problems either.
the following story takes place at night (M, 12k, animal abuse cw, past sexual assault cw)
okay this one is honestly p disturbing but i was so captivated. the author has a very unique writing style that fits perfectly for the genre. essentially it’s a kinda canonverse au where cas is a cult leader and the boys don’t know if he’s actually an angel or not. would recommend but not for the faint of heart
disclaimer: i’ve noticed a lot of horror genre fic recs have mcd. cool!! good for you!!! not my cup of tea though. as such, none of these fics have mcd. one has a majorish minor character death but that’s in their tags. that being said, these fics are horror themed so some of these are pretty graphic in the body horror department. as an fyi.
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miraclespin · 3 years
Okay so I remember you usually mentioning redesigns for Joker's parents and I'm pretty curious about what other headcanons you have on this version of them besides the whole white hair gene thing from his mom
I'm surprised you remembered that detail; it's been a long time since I brought that up in the server, hue! I'm also reconsidering that detail, since apparently he has an ancestor that looks almost exactly like him, named Jane Jones. (It was in a special manga chapter that was released to promote the 3DS game, I think; Lupin is also in it, and it is lowkey implied that he could also be Jack's ancestor, by way of him flirting with Jane when we first see them. I'd love to know more about it- I think Jack the Ripper is involved? But the odds of a proper translation happening now are... very low indeed...)
That said, his parents! Yes, before learning about Jane, I'd had him having the same hair as his mother, as well as the same eye color- but his father's general eye shape, as well as his fluffy hair... multiplied by a few degrees, heh. (Think of Jack's hair when he was younger, more so than when he gets a little older, and you'd have the right idea.)
Now that I know that his resemblance should come from his father's side instead, I've had to rethink about his mother a little bit. I still want her to have pale hair, but maybe not necessarily the exact same shade, because that'd be a bit weird. She's still at least half-Japanese, in order to make sense of a lot of Joker's favorite things being common amongst Japanese children, even when he's clearly implied to be from a Western country, that primarily speaks English. In canon, these details are surely just negligence on the part of the author and the people in charge of the anime (if you look at the official website, and translate Joker's profile page, you can see the list of his favorite foods: curry, hamburger steak, cola, potato chips, ramen, and I think sushi- Google Translate has them described as being "childish", if I recall correctly, which makes sense for a Japanese children's series protagonist, but less so for one that is apparently implied to be a Western foreigner).
Something I thought about changing was making her have vitiligo, instead, which means only a partial change in hair color; I changed the base color to a sort of warm pinkish shade, as well, so that she gives off a bit of a strawberries and cream sort of vibe- something that a young Jack would have found delightful. Desserts incorporating as much now remind him of her.
In regards to his father... I think I once had him being blonde, when I was considering early designs; his mother might've had dark hair at that time- but when I decided she had light hair, I eventually scrapped that idea and went with brown, for Reasons. Since I've acquired that new information, though, I've changed it to a dark, maybe purplish blue- once again for Reasons, that I mentioned earlier in this now-essay, hue. He has something of an angular eye-shape, though they're a bit more narrow than Jack's oversized puppy eyes- think something closer to Silver Heart's. They're also blue, but once again, more like Silver Heart's, down to even the strange pattern of the irises. (Can you see where I'm going with this?)
As for anything else... aside from ascribing a little bit of backstory for his mother (raised by a single mother; the result of a post-divorce relationship; has an older half-sister I sometimes use in AUs who basically hated her and is [usually] horrible to Jack in some way, even if it's not entirely intentional; the grandmother died when Jack was still young- well, younger), and even less so for his father (to put it bluntly, Silver Heart's own illegitimate son, raised by his mother and maybe a step-father, but with his biological father still involved in his life; probably also a thief [inspired by the many Wild Card AUs that y'all love so much], but mostly steals dangerous magical artifacts to either destroy them, or keep them out of evil hands), I didn't change much else about them. What little can be gleaned about their general personalities remains mostly the same; their voices and manner of dress are also mostly the same. Basically it is their faces- and maybe their builds- that are different. (Jack's dad is Tol, for Reasons.)
I have vague ideas about how they met and how they might've spent their lives (met in college in a country that was foreign to the both of them- Jack's dad is at least part Welsh, usually- worked together, started a business and got married, and of course had a kid), but nothing is really concrete. This malleability can be convenient, however, for a good AU jumping off point. Y'all know I got AUs of my AUs.
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I like homestuck :)
Main: @kit-is-gr8
Personal tag: [uu] is online
Au tags:
Homestuck dnd au: yea. The characters all play dnd together at the same hobby store. This is primarily focused on the humans campaign with dirk as their dm.
Ar dad au: i saw this one picture of ar holding baby dirk and my brain was rewired to care about dirk through that image. This au is about ar being a father to dirk and raising him.
Davekat soulmate au: im not much of a fan soulmate aus. This is a reflection of my qualms about it. First of all soulmatea are not romantic in this it just indicates someone special in their life so dont be alarmed if i go "june and jade are soulmates". Its a silly "theres a mark on your body where if you touch your soulmate its now rainbow" type of soulmate au where dave was born without a soul mark and karkats soul mark is his blood (with his soulmate being his adopted dad, spades slick). The story is about "finding" karkats soulmate (since the pair think its one of karkats 11 childhood friends and karkats like "oh my dad who i love so so much? Nahhh hes not my soulmate my soulmate has to be a romantic one"). Its not too fleshed out rn but it is a idea so yeah
Reverse stabdad: okay yall know stabdad right? Its the kida and adults switching ages so now the carapacians are the kids. Ive had this au in my head for a while and im probably never gonna write a fic for it but I love it so so much
Jake leader of the felt: so hs2 is happening because of lord english and ult dirks breakup. Ult dirk gets the felt in the divorce and just randomly places them on earth. Jake stumbles upon them, becomes their leader, then decides to use their time travel powers to go through time to try and make earth c better.
Fairytalestuck: i connected pages to peter pan and hic/nanna/jane (not a ship) to a queendom and it spiraled into a au. The cherub twins are fairy royalty with jake as their jester, jane is fighting with her sisters (meenah and feferi) to be heir to hic's throne, and anything else that falls under the umbrella of "the weird harleybert family tree" and the cherubs being decidedly Not Mortal
Roxycallie Orpheus au: hehe roxycallie retelling of orpheus :)
I have so many hs ideas but im too busy with dnd :(. Ask me about them please please please.
Heads up! Eventually this blog (if i ever stop being interested in hs) will change with my interests and with that the theme and personal tag!
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theaviskullguy · 2 years
ceaseless watcher turn your gaze apon this wreched thing
Not really any plot, just the gang and how they came across the archives and how they got turned into avatars
-Avi's the head archivist, so. Eye avatar by default. He used to work in library, and he's an a b s o l u t e neat freak, so when he finds the archives in a mess from Gertrude, he spends a whole week cleaning them up before even beginning to record anything.
-Skull's Avi's husband, and while not an avatar, he's eye-aligned via working at the archives. He works in research, and was transferred to archives upon request, to make sure Avi doesn't overwork himself with another cleaning frenzy or going without sleeping. He's less of an assistant archivist and more of an assistant to the head archivist
-Mask was claimed by the vast at a young-ass age, surviving a plane crash into the middle of the ocean. Despite the trauma, they found a comfort in large-open spaces, so long as they could control being in them. Desperate for that control, they gave themselves to the vast, becoming an avatar. They work in the archives as an assistant archivist.
-Rider worked in artefacts and went to get coffee on his lunch break, when he was attacked by Jane Prentiss. Instead of fearing the worms or his oncoming demise, he... sorta welcomed the love they sang to him. He didn't fight it, and became one with the flesh hive (I wrote this!!!)
-Emperor never worked in the Institute officially but he hangs out around it and helps out record statements that Elias has him on payroll lol. He's an End Avatar, having those dreams that Oliver Banks has.
-Prince interned at the Institute right after Uni and ended up working on the Tundra as Peter's secretary. Despite Peter's whole "lonely" thing he kinda saw Prince as a child figure and xe helped stop one of Peter and Elias' many divorces. As a result, Prince is another Lonely avatar, and Peter gave xem the Boatswain's call.
-Regent also interned at the Institute alongside Prince but ended up joining the police (acab but daisy do be hot tho) and willingly signed a section 31 form. He was so enthralled by the thrill of the chase that, well... hunty boi. He did quit the police, finding them boring, and joined the Institute as a field researcher. He also quite likes finding and stopping rituals
-Goggles was never an avatar, but he was replaced by a NotThem. He was one of Gertrude's assistants a few months before she died and put in a good word for Avi to become the next Head Archivist. When he was replaced, he didn't die- he was trapped in the web table. Through some trickery, Rider managed to make NotGoggles release normal Goggles, before killing the NotGoggles. That whole situation shook Goggles up so much that he still isn't the happy-go-lucky person he was anymore.
-Gloves worked as a librarian in the Institute before getting transferred to the Archives. They were attempting to quit smoking when they very suddenly relapsed into addiction. This relapse actually was the result of becoming a Web Avatar. Gloves shows no negative signs of their addiction, other than always smelling of smoke. Not like Army does, though.
-Speaking of Army, he worked as a researcher, looking into cults surrounding the entities. In particular, The Cult of Lightless Flame called out to him, and he ended up joining it. He wanted to become their new messiah, and so he burned himself at the stake in a grand ceremony. However, as time wore on, the pressure to do a good ritual got to him, and he ran back to the institute. He's working on controlling his fire, and lives in a relatively fireproof room in the institute.
-Aloha also researched cults, when Army vanished. Due to genetic reasons, Aloha also started to go blind, but... not a classic blind. Everything seemed to grow darker and darker. People commented that Aloha's eyes seemed to be turning into voids, so he wears a bandana that's stained with... something black. The Dark ended up getting into his head. Whoops
-Vintage was another assistant of Gertrude. He takes the place of Michael. So, Michael Shelly my beloved is still living while Vintage is now The Distortion. But, Vintage's resolve to not be evil has turned it into a prankster more than anything. He also can "hiss" and he makes the gaster noise when he does. He keeps trying to destroy the Homophobic Vase. Avi keeps stopping him
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