makingabetterme · 3 years
DOWN OVER 60 POUNDS! And can I just say, damn I feel good. I I haven’t been at this weight in nearly 10 years. My overall goal is to lose 100 pounds from where I started. I’ve been wanting to do something sustainable for myself, so I don’t just gain it all back when I hit my goal weight. So that’s 60 pounds in 10 months, which isn’t exactly the rate I thought I’d lose, but I’m absolutely fine with that! Here’s a fun meal I’ve made recently that’s I really loved:
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Lemon orzo with shrimp, scallops, asparagus and cherry tomatoes.
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makingabetterme · 3 years
Since hitting 55 pounds down, I’m trying to focus more on lifting weights in my workouts and meal prepping healthy snacks. I’ve been walking a couple miles every morning and then doing weights workouts on YouTube after.
As far as meal prepping, I’m looking at stuff that I enjoy like fruit, ceviche, hard boiled eggs, and a variety of other things. It’s been very helpful to just have something easy to grab as a snack and is helping me be more successful every day.
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makingabetterme · 3 years
I have officially lost 50 pounds! I celebrated by making one of my favorite meals when it’s nice outside - steak, grilled veggies and a baked potato. I know, not the most exciting thing but it was really tasty. I also made a fun side salad with a new jalapeño cilantro dressing recipe that’s one of my new favorites (https://pin.it/4fYxwUC). Here’s to the next 50!
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makingabetterme · 3 years
I have really found a love for cooking with lots of veggies and making healthy dinners fun. For Easter dinner, we had steak, baked potato, grilled veggies and a side salad with cucumber, red onion, cherry tomatoes, pine nuts and goat cheese with a vinaigrette. It was so satisfying and delicious. 🐰💕
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makingabetterme · 4 years
Down nearly 45 pounds in 6 months. Almost halfway to my goal and halfway to the time period I was hoping to do it by. I’m down a couple sizes in all of my clothes and feeling really good. Just eating good, intermittent fasting and walking. Here’s to the next 6 months and beyond!
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makingabetterme · 4 years
Down 35 pounds since end of August! I mostly maintained (while losing a couple pounds) over the holidays. That time can be really hard to get through and I didn’t want to deprive myself so I focused on portion sizes.
After the first of the year, I started a stint of Whole30 to start the year off fresh. I’ve made some amazing dinners from Whole30 recipes found on Pinterest. First pic is beef barbacoa, second is short rib ragu (served over mashed potatoes), and finally a plain burger with baked french fries.
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makingabetterme · 4 years
I’m 1/4 of the way to my goal of losing 100 pounds. I’m down 25. It’s been hard getting here, especially when I started this journey late summer and have to work extra hard through the holidays to not lose myself. So far it’s been working. I just keep telling myself ‘more more, eat less.’
Here’s what I’m doing:
I wake up every morning and work out. Started out as just walking. I walk at least 2 miles a day (4 on the weekends). Now, when I get home from my walk, I either elliptical or do a YouTube workout using dumbbells. Drinking lots of water and sometimes coffee, but not every day. My main way of eating now is intermittent fasting. After months of doing it, I really only am hungry for one meal a day. But if I find myself hungry for more, I find a healthy snack like nuts or fruit or hard boiled eggs. Everyone is different but this has become very sustainable for me. I still have a long way to go but am on the right track.
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makingabetterme · 4 years
It’s been a minute since I’ve been on here. I’ve been eating really clean, doing intermittent fasting, and working out every day for the last 3 and a half weeks. I’m down 10 pounds. My goal is 100, so I have a ways to go but I’m doing really well and feeling really good. I’m walking more than two miles every day and doing closer to 5 miles a day on the weekends. I’m also using the elliptical, stretching, and doing workout videos on YouTube and other various apps. I’m feeling really good about where I’m at and what I’m doing and can’t wait to reach my goal!
Meals below are broccoli beef with green onion, flank steaks, broccoli and mashed potatoes and turkey sausage, hash browns and poached eggs.
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makingabetterme · 5 years
Sometimes life happens
I had been in a great routine for about 3 months. I lost 30 pounds. That was my goal before my vacation at the end of March, beginning of April. On my vacation I was still good but definitely drank more and didn’t eat quite as good. I gained 3 pounds in a week. It’s incredible how hard it is to get off, and how easy it is to put on. I’m back to normal and back on my routine but last week was a major wake up call that it’s really easy to let progress slip away.
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makingabetterme · 6 years
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I screamed in the bathroom this morning. I hit 25 pounds last week (it has been hard getting from 20 to 30) and this week I hit 27.5 in just over 2 months. All I am doing now is working out almost every day and eating good (trying to stick to 1500 calories a day). It’s crazy to think I’m almost at 30 pounds. I still have a ways to go, but it feels so damn good!
Left picture is Christmas Eve, right picture was taken a couple weeks ago.
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makingabetterme · 6 years
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What a day! Woke up, made breakfast (turkey sausage, two over easy eggs, and pico), went to an hour long cycling class, took my dog hiking, and then took her to the dog park. Now home to start meal prepping for the week! I’m hoping to hit my 25 pounds down mark this week! I’m so close!
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makingabetterme · 6 years
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Went to a power class today (group lifting class that works arms, legs, shoulders, back, etc). It’s easily one of my favorite classes to go to! I burned almost 800 calories in 60 minutes!
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makingabetterme · 6 years
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Dinner tonight: halibut with salt, pepper, and a lemon wedge on top, asparagus, arugula salad with lemon and olive oil dressing, and strawberries. IT WAS AMAZING! Cooked the halibut in the over at 400 degrees for about 13 minutes.
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makingabetterme · 6 years
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I did my first hour long center barre class today... and WOWZA! It was amazing. I burned over 900 calories. It wasn’t quite what I expected but I loved it.
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makingabetterme · 6 years
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I have officially lost 20 pounds (just over 20 actually)! This picture really puts it in perspective for me. I still have a long way to go but that first 20 gone feels so damn good! SO DAMN GOOD! Here’s to the next 20!
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makingabetterme · 6 years
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Another beautiful hike today with my pup. This last week I worked really hard to go even harder during workouts. I really pushed myself but I know I can do more.
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makingabetterme · 6 years
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An hour long hike with the pup and then 30 minutes in the elliptical and already hit my move goal and calorie goal for the day! Great way to start off the weekend!
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