mars-multiverse · 2 days
It all makes sense now
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mars-multiverse · 6 days
your art is so cute omg!
thank you!! tbh i was a little nervous to post it lmao,,
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mars-multiverse · 6 days
u have no idea how glad i am that u asked 😭 i love explaining my quirk oml
it's called ophanim and its a transformation quirk so i have three forms (normal, holy, and absolute)
my normal form is the most human-like, i don't have any special features but i definitely got that uncanny valley effect,, i don't get stared at for long bc i unsettle ppl it's really fun. my photos always end up sorta grainy which i used to hate but now i think it's really cool
my holy form is where the wings and halo come in, and it's a physically taxing process (esp my wings bc they are literally ripping from my back and new bones are being created for them) but my body gives me an insane adrenaline boost to get me through it. my halo acts as a sort of enhanced vision? so i can see invisible entities like hagakure as well as other things i'd normally miss. this process usually takes up to 10 minutes, but it can be reduced the more i subject myself to it (but since i'm not a hero course student i usually just stay in my holy form)
my absolute form means my body burns up (once again is painful but only until my halo starts to grow then the pain goes away) and my halo grows and turns into a fiery rotating armillary sphere with eyes and animal heads on it. i have an orb of fire in the middle of the armillary sphere that acts like my heart, and if it's punctured or anything it'll kill me. uhh this one will cause insanity to anyone who looks at me for too long,, any photos of me in my absolute form turn out completely black. i give off trumpetsong in this form, and despite not being loud it can be heard from up to a kilometer away. i leave a small pile of bones when i transform, and when i go back to my holy form my body will regenerate from the leftover bones
detransformation from my absolute to my holy or from my holy to my normal can only go one at a time, meaning i can't go from absolute to normal without the intermission of my holy form. absolute to holy is explained above, this process of regeneration takes up to an hour and i'm very sore afterwards,, but any scars or unnatural blemishes on my skin will have disappeared due to it being new skin. going from holy to normal requires me to remove my wings from my body (either on my own or with the help of someone else) i prefer to be put under anesthesia for this process since it's literally having my limbs either ripped off or amputated. once my wings are removed my halo will fade away too and the skin of my shoulders will stitch itself back up. my wings don't disappear once removed which was jarring at first and it's a hassle to figure out what to do with them :/
uhm this is a lot whoops,,, also i will admit i am not in the hero course bc i do not want to transform a lot
(i have a post a while back that talks about it as well as my backstory 😋 if ur still curious)
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guys!! i drew my bnha dr self !!! be proud of me pls
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mars-multiverse · 6 days
waah ty!! i get it from my mama
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guys!! i drew my bnha dr self !!! be proud of me pls
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mars-multiverse · 6 days
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guys!! i drew my bnha dr self !!! be proud of me pls
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mars-multiverse · 7 days
shadow work is all about like, figuring out ur mind and stuff, right? like about limiting beliefs, breaking those down and figuring out why u think that way, etc?
bc im pretty sure i just unintentionally realized a super limiting belief that affects more than just my shifting, and the only reason i really thought about it is bc i was playing minecraft 😭
every time i make a minecraft world i do the basics (build a little temporary house, stock up on materials, get pets, find a village, yadda yadda) but as soon as it comes to "advancing the plot" aka entering the nether, or making an actual living space, or a farm that isn't just a lump by a river i just,, give up? i leave the world and i go start a new one to do the exact same thing :( and i think i do that irl too
like i go to work and i do what im supposed to and i enjoy it, but if it's mentioned that i could go for a higher position, i clam up and deny that being a possibility. if i take up a hobby i only learn the basics and chicken out on furthering my skill
anyway what im trying to say is i think im afraid of progress? im not quite sure why yet, but im looking into it. it might have to do with fearing the expectations and responsibilities that come with being better than average, or maybe i just gave up on trying to make progress bc in the past outside forces have always cut me short (i moved a lot as a child, so friendships and academic endeavors never lasted) and i fear that happening again?
and even shifting-wise, every time i feel like i'm getting somewhere in my journey i take a break for months, and i come back and it's like i'm back at square one 😭 it's so frustrating bc im aware of it but idk how to force myself to persist
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mars-multiverse · 7 days
hi! genuine questions here, just trying to pick ur brain :)
in being part of a community, meaning we all share a common interest, does that mean we are only exclusively allowed to talk about that one mutual interest? wouldn't it be great to find someone who u can share multiple hobbies with, even if u don't know them irl?
also, the same way you are using your blog to express your opinions and your thoughts, are others not allowed to talk about their life (in any of their realities, including this one) even if it doesn't directly pertain to shifting? is any sort of mention of their personal life immediately supposed to be taken as a cry for attention instead of just,,, talking about themself?
also, me personally (this may not be the same for everyone), success stories are really great to read not just because it motivates me, but it's super cool to hear about one of the infinite realities out these from someone who experienced it firsthand!
u don't have to respond if you don't want to, but i'd love to hear your perspective if you're open to having that conversation! :) happy shifting
I've noticed something about shifters in the shifting community. Especially the popular ones. You value your blog more than anything because you've got more than 50 followers. Now you're even posting about your personal life. And the dumbass idiots in the community actually like the posts. I mean what is wrong with you all? You aren't famous in real life, and you're busy boosting egos of people who don't even stick to their blog content.
Shifting blog for them now equals means of escapism, can't do without it, gonna use people's likes and follows to sort out my insecurities, gonna get the popularity I never had. And instead of you guys to try to shift, you're busy enslaving yourself as their number one fans. Fans of people in which more than 90% are liars.
And then when someone comes up with their shifting success story, you're happy. You like, you reblog, you comment. But yet again, instead of you to focus on the whole purpose of joining the shifting community, which is the gain useful information to use to shift, you're looking for the latest post about shifting motivation, the latest reblog about arguments, the latest post about your favorite blogger's lives.
And then you shed crocodile tears saying you can't shift. You all are a bunch of idiots if you easily get sidetracked and can't commit to anything.
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mars-multiverse · 9 days
still not sure if i fall somewhere on the aro spectrum or ace spectrum but i had a friend ask me out and i liked being their friend n didn't wanna lose them as a friend so i said yea, then we broke up bc i wasn't acting any different than when we were friends (this was also like my first relationship so lmao what did u expect i was 13???) and we stopped being friends 😭 so the Angst about that, too
People shipping aroace characters because “uuu there’s no angst if no ship uuu” well fuck that because remember the “what the fuck is wrong with me” angst. Remember the “oh fuck this person likes me but I don’t like them back” angst. The “should I pretend to date this person so as not to hurt their feelings” angst. The
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mars-multiverse · 9 days
Reblog this if you support sex-averse and sex-repulsed aces, including:
Aces who never want to have sex
Aces who had sex in the past but don't desire it anymore
Aces with sexual trauma who feel like their trauma ties into their asexuality
Aces with sexual trauma who don't feel like their trauma caused their asexuality
Aces who don't want to talk to you about sex
Aces who don't want to hear about sex
Yes even aces who do not want to engage with any sexual content and don't want it in their own personal spaces
Yes even aces who express the desire to have more spaces for queer adults where their boundaries are met (on top of the queer spaces that exist, we do not want to sanitize your existing spaces ffs)
If you cannot be normal about these people existing, if you believe they're a threat to our community and to how we're viewed by people who aren't aspec and the rest of the LGBTQ+ community, you are not an asexual ally. Yes, even if you're aspec yourself. Especially if you're aspec yourself.
Because it's been pride month for 4 days and I'm already seeing people trying to throw us under the bus or pretend we don't exist because that makes the ace community more palatable to exclusionists and people who swallowed too much "aces are puritans" propaganda.
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mars-multiverse · 9 days
i use all pronouns!! had a friend who referred to me with lion/lionself which i loved
- if you want to submit a poll, you can on my blog! any and all suggestions are appreciated :)
especially if you have pride related polls!
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mars-multiverse · 9 days
To celebrate pride month I've decided to make a part 2 of the killing transphobes post since it was given a community warning. (🚗🔨⚒️💥)
For every note this gets I will kill one (1) acephobe AND one (1) arophobe with my bare hands.
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mars-multiverse · 10 days
Small thing that breaks my heart:
When I was in third grade, I told this boy that it would be my birthday in four days, and he said, “okay, then I’ll buy you flowers.” Four days later he comes up to me and says, “my mom wouldn’t let me get flowers but I found you this violet in the grass.” That in and of itself was iconic and so so sweet, but it gets better.
A month later, I had to move, and because it was third grade, the teacher made everyone write me letters to say goodbye. His said, “I hope you have so much fun in your new house that you forget about me. I hope that you’re always happy and you never miss us. I’m sorry I never gave you flowers, but I can give you some now.” And he fucking. Drew me flowers.
No, Joey, I never forgot you. You are the reason I have standards in this life, and I’m so grateful to have known you. I hope you’re happy, wherever you are, and I hope that the rest of your days are filled with as much joy as you gave to me. I spilled water on the card about five years ago, and half of it is a a jumbled mess now, but I still have it. It’s the only card I still have.
The funny thing is this dude and I hardly ever interacted. I knew he played football because he was on the town’s kids’ team and my brother was on the middle school team, and I knew he was one of, like, three Joeys in our year. I had a crush on him but obviously never communicated that because it was fucking third grade, but somehow those three interactions imprinted on who I am as a person. I am forever changed by Joey from third grade.
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mars-multiverse · 13 days
genuinely have thought about this so much but how do i justify it with myself? being as old as i am mentally while being physically young would change the trajectory of my life so much,, like would i be able to be a kid? or will i be overwhelmed by all the possible mistakes i could still make? how do i script that i make the right choices, or are there even "right" choices? all of them will have consequences, it's just a matter of which consequences are less daunting in the long run. would i still choose to be friends with that one person if i knew how it would end? could my life have been better if i kept up that hobby/interest/sport? urgh ik it would be so much easier if i weren't an overthinker
Debating on scripting that my better cr dr starts when I’m 3.5 years old so I can grow up and not be a fucked up asshole of a human being
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mars-multiverse · 14 days
yk what i want an endless summer dr now,,
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…slushies are always good and the machine is cleaned.
…the fourth of july is to celebrate summer and not anything else.
…it doesn’t get dangerously hot.
…restaurants have summer themed meals and desserts.
…all restaurants / bakeries let you eat free on your birthday [ not really a summer thing but ]
…theme parks and water parks aren’t overly priced and packed when you go.
…you never miss sunsets.
…you always get to hang out with your friends.
…if on a trip, your phone never runs out of data/ never any dead spots.
…your skin glows beautifully under the sun without harming your skin.
…your ac never breaks.
…bugs don’t come in your house ever.
…summer fruits are juicy and delicious.
…carnivals always happen and are not expensive.
…summer camp.
…you don’t excessively sweat or have bo.
…you always find ways to cool down.
…you are hydrated always.
…no summer school or summer classes.
…that’s all i have sorry :(((
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mars-multiverse · 18 days
oh! 😃🥲
If, after four years, you're still trying to learn how to shift, the thing you haven't learned is confidence.
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mars-multiverse · 27 days
yo i got a question about trying to enter the void, specifically about the 'mind awake, body asleep' portion bc i can never tell whether i actually reached that point or not,, is it easy to snap urself out of that state or do u actually have to put effort into moving ur physical body when ur there? do u feel anything? im just generally confused bc ive not entered the void yet
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mars-multiverse · 27 days
If you're fifteen or older an still sleep with a stuffed animal please reblog this.
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