marvel--3000 · 4 years
Mirage (5/???)
Summary: When 2 weird men show up at your job asking questions about you, you run, right into Hydras arms, you have no idea what they did to you in there, the Avengers help you figure it out.
*AU right after civil war, Steve, Bucky, and Tony are friends, and Pietro is still alive.*
A/N: this is my first thing I’ve ever written, soooo, some feedback would be appreciated, Hi I’ve been gone a couple years, and now I’m back, sorry….
I started writing this a long time ago, so the first chapters suck…. sorry
Pairing: Avengers x mutant!Reader
Warnings: some language, torture
Italics indicate that she is thinking to herself
You dream of your life in the hydra base, everything is tinted red. You see flashes of faces, good and bad. You see yourself training with another mutant, you knock him to the ground and put him in a headlock. The scene changes, you see yourself strapped to a table, with the Trench Coat British guy smiling over you as you scream. It changes again, you see yourself crying in a ball, in the corner of your cell, trying to keep warm. It changes again, you see the goons kicking you on the floor, after your first escape attempt.
All of these memories scream through your head, until suddenly they come to a stop on one image. The man with the metal arm being shot in the back, because you can't reach him in time. You run to him as he falls. You catch him before he hits the ground, and lower him the rest of the way to the ground. You roll him over to look at his face, but when you roll him over, instead of his face being there, its Mr. British. You scream and try to push him off you, but he grabs you and pulls out a gun, he shoots you in the chest and laughs. You fall backwards, but instead of hitting the floor, you fall through it, into complete darkness. It feels like you fall forever.
You wake up screaming, clutching at the blankets. Your eyes dart around the room, trying to figure out where you are. You see medical equipment, and hear a heart rate monitor beeping next to you. You remember, you're in the Avengers Compound, they saved you from Hydra. You relax into the bed and breath.
<i>What time is it?</i> You think, you look around again, now that you've calmed down. You see a huge window at the end of the room. Outside the window are trees, and a black sky, full of stars.<i> So it's still night, how long was I asleep for?</i> You sit up so you can see out the window better. You see a lake, and some lights below you. <i>So I’m not on the ground floor, it's pretty here, quiet.</i> You look away from the window and down at yourself, and notice that you aren't Natasha anymore, instead you’re a man, with hairy arms.
You gingerly try to spin your legs to the left, to dangle off the bed. It takes some effort, and a lot of pain, but you manage to sit on the edge of the bed. You start to slip off, so your feet touch the floor, then put a little pressure on them. Causing you to whimper in pain, but you push through it, as you've always done. You finally manage to stand on your own two legs, you look down to notice that your legs are hairy too, under the hospital gown. You also notice that there is a IV coming out of your hand, with a tube leading to a saline drip hooked on a metal rod on wheels.
You hold onto the rod for support, and take a step towards the window. But the heart rate monitor hooked to your finder stops you, you quickly pull it off, causing the monitor to have one long beeeeep, then power off. <i>That will probably bite me in the ass later, but I need to see out the window.</i> You slowly make your way to the window, each step a struggle. But you make it to the window, when you look out, you notice the trucks driving below you.
You look up and see the stars, they are beautiful tonight. Your eyes feel odd, so you close them, and rub them with the back of your hand, and when you open them again to look at the stars, suddenly you can see so many many more, you can see the sky as if we didn't have any pollution, or even an atmosphere. You can see the milky way, the whole galaxy. It's the most beautiful thing you have ever seen. Your eyes well up with tears, causing the stars to merge together, and yet, it's no less beautiful. You’re so busy looking up, you don't even notice that somebody else has entered the room.
“It's beautiful here isn't it?” Says a voice behind you. You squeak and whirl around, causing you to almost fall, and be in excruciating pain. The person rushes towards you trying to help, you look with anger in your eyes, ready to fight. But what you find is a concerned Dr. Banner, giving you the most confusing face. Your eyes soften, seeing that there is no immediate threat. You gain your balance, and stand on your own, shrugging off his hands, which you hadn't noticed before.
“It's not nice to scare people when they are zoned out.” You say in a fake scolding voice. But he just keeps looking at you with a weird face. “What's wrong Dr. Banner?”
“Hm? Oh, I'm just not used to walking into a room to find that I'm already in it.” He says with a little smile.
“What?” <i>Is he a little crazy?</i>
“Oh you don't know, you're not Nat anymore, now you're me. It's a little jarring. You can call me Bruce by the way.” He says looking you up and down.
“Oh! Sorry, when I dream I shift, and I must have shifted into you. Sorry.” you say then look at the floor in embarrassment.
“Nothing to be sorry about, but how do you look exactly like me, you even have my birthmark on your knee.” he says with a puzzled look.
“Oh, when I see someone, I can copy their face, their size, and any other characteristic I can see. But in your case, when I touch someone, or they touch me, I can become a perfect duplicate of them, I think it has to do with DNA or something.”
“Oh. But I didn't touch you?” he said with a puzzled expression.
“When you put the needle in my arm you did. I can shift into someone else if you want?” you say shyly, talking about your powers is always weird.
“It's fine, as long as you're comfortable.” he quickly reassures you.
“Cool.” you think for a moment before asking, “What are you doing in here so late?”
“Oh that, um, I told Friday to alert me if you woke up, so you wouldn't be scared. On that note, you really should lay back down.” he says in a quiet tone.
“You did that for me?”  Confused as to why he would want to do this for a stranger. You start making your way back to your bed, leaning on the pole.
“Well yeah, you are my patient.” he says walking next to you. Suddenly your left leg decides it's time for a nap, and you start falling with a yelp. Bruce catches you with surprising strength. <i>How did he catch me so quick?</i> He helps you back to your bed, and you lay back down.
“Thank you, I don't know what happened, my leg just quit working.”
“No harm done. Are you alright, any pain?” he asks sitting at the end of your bed.
“I mean the bullet wound in my chest hurts, but the weird part is, it should hurt more. How long has it been since I got shot?” you ask, looking him in the eyes. <i>His eyes are a very nice deep brown, with some bright green near the iris. Odd.</i>
“It's been 3 days, but your wounds are healing at an accelerated rate, it looks like you got shot 3 weeks ago. Is that part of your powers?” he asks leaning towards you
“No last time I checked!” you say starting to worry about what Hydra did to you there.
“Ok, we’ll figure out why, but right now, you should sleep. Steve and Tony are going to ask you questions in the morning,” he looks down at his watch, then back up to you, “if you sleep now, you should get about another 6 hours before they come back.” he says in a reassuring tone. <i>I can see why he's a doctor, he's so kind.</i>
“I don't know if I can go back to sleep, I didn't have the best dreams before.” you say looking down at your hands, they are large, and strong.
“I can give you something to help you sleep better if you like, but only if you're comfortable, I don't want you to have another panic attack.” he says looking at you with concern.
“Will it give me better dreams?” you ask in a small voice, meeting his gaze again.
“Yes, promise, as long as you promise me that you won't have another panic attack?” he asks while standing and walking to a nearby cabinet, and opening it up.
“I think I can manage that.” you say smiling at him. He turns back to you with a small needle, and a band aid in his hand. He walks towards you and says, “You should lean back, this stuff works quick.” he cleans the area he's about to put the needle in as you lean back. “I will be here in the morning when they ask their questions.”
“Thank you, and thank you for being so nice to me, even though you don't know me.” you say smiling. When he finishes he puts a teenage mutant ninja turtle band aid on your arm. “Really? Teenage mutant ninja turtles?” you ask with a small laugh.
“What? I thought it was appropriate.” he says with a large smile. “Now try and get some sleep, I will see you in the morning.” he says while walking to the door “Goodnight Bruce, thank you…” you say, your words starting to blend together. <i>He was right about this acting quick…</i>
“Goodnight.” Bruce says while turning out the lights, he turns and walks out the door, closing it behind him. He walks back to the elevator, taking it to the recreation floor, where the crew quarters are. He walks to his room, and sits on his bed.
“Friday, please alert me when our patient wakes up.” he says then crawls in bed to sleep as well.
“Yes sir.” Friday whispers from the ceiling.
Back in your room
You smile to yourself,<i> Maybe this place isn't so bad, Bruce is nice, I hope they don't think I'm hydra, I hope I'm not hydra……</i> *Snore*
Time Skip,
You wake up slowly, groggy from the drug Bruce gave you last night. Your eyes are too tired to open n, but your mind starts to work. You feel something, something is wrong. Your eyes pop open and land on a very angry, very tall, very scary, redhead standing in front of your bed with her arms crossed, glaring at you.. <i>Oh shit. Natasha Romanoff!</i>
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marvel--3000 · 4 years
Mirage (4/???)
Summary: The Avengers are try to recruit you, but you say run, right into Hydras arms, you have no idea what they did to you in there, the Avengers help you figure it out. 
*AU after civil war, Steve and Tony are friendly, and Pietro is still alive.*
A/N: this is my first thing I’ve ever written, soooo, some feedback would be appreciated, Hi I’ve been gone a couple years, and now I'm back, sorry....
I started writing this a long time ago, so the first chapters suck.... sorry
Pairing: Avengers x mutant!Reader
Warnings: some language, torture
Italics indicate that she is thinking to herself
Summary of last time: 
Bucky’s POV:
“Anybody, this is Bucky, I need immediate assistance, I have a girl down, she’s been shot in the abdomen, she needs Banner to stitch her up.” I say into the coms.
“Hey this is Banner, I'm on my way, is the route safe for me? I don’t particularly want to let the other guy out. Where are you??”
“We’re in the south west corner. She’s bleeding out, I'm coming to you Banner.” I say picking her up bridal style and started running for the door.
You doze in and out of sleep, every time you wake up a little, you are to tired to open your eyes. You hear patches of conversations.
“She's to weak to wake up right now.”
“We need to talk to her, she has vital information.”
You black out again. The next time you wake up, you hear a familiar voice...
“How is she doing Banner?”
“She shouldn't be doing this well, not for a human, she looks like she got shot 3 week ago, but its only been 2 days.”
“Is there anything I can do, I mean she saved my life...”
“Right now, there is barely anything I can do, she's doing it all herself.”
You’re unable to stay awake any longer, and pass out again.
Time skip
The next time you wake up, you are strong enough to open your eyes, and lift your head. You look around and see all kinds of medical equipment. Oh good now what have I gotten myself into, You think to yourself.
You see the door open and a average looking guy walks through, looking at the tablet in his hand, not bothering to glance at you. The man has curly brown hair, and is wearing a blazer and a doctors coat. He’s a cute guy, kinda on the short side. He has an odd power to him.
You clear your throat to get his attention.
He jumps and accidentally drops the tablet in his hand. He whirls around to look at you, his jaw drops and he says;
“Friday please alert Steve and Tony that our patient is awake.” he takes a step towards you, and you tense up. He steps back and puts his hands up in a calming gesture.
“Hi, I am doctor Bruce Banner, I was the one who patched you up after you got shot. Do you remember being shot?”
“Yes.” You say curtly, “Who were you talking to a second ago?”
“Oh Friday, she’s the Towers AI, our artificial inte...”
“Artificial intelligence” you cut him off, “I know what an AI is.”
“Good...” He says while glancing at the door he came through. “I was alerting our team leaders that you are awake, so that they can come ask you a few questions.”
“Why do you keep looking at the door?” Because he scared of you, as he should be.
“Do you know where you are” Why did he dodge my question?
“No, you didn't answer my question.”
“You are in The Avengers Compound we took you from the hydra base you were in.” Took me, what do you mean took me? That is when you finally look over and notice that your arms are chained to the bed, and that you are your natural purple.
“Why the hell am I chained up! Wait, Compound?? I’m in the Avengers lair?!?” Oh shit they got me, they are going to experiment on me just like hydra did. You start to hyperventilate, and shake. 
“Friday tell Steve to get here now!” Bruce barks to the ceiling before rushing to your side. “I am going to give you something to relax, okay?” “You're going to be fine” He says as he pulls out a needle with clear liquid in it.
This only makes you hyperventilate more, throwing you into a complete panic attack, you thrash against your restraints and shift erratically. You scream as the needle goes in your arm. Bruce's face pales as you scream.
The door bursts open to the muscular blond man from the coffee shop, running through, and a shorter brunet man with a goatee runs in after him.
“Bruce what is going on?!?” The blond man says forceful.
“She started breathing hard and shaking, then when I gave her a tranquillizer she screamed and started changing like she is now...” Bruce says while backing away from you.
You continue breathing hard and shifting for a few moments, until you feel the drugs start to work, and you relax, and stop shifting as the cute red head. He didn't try to kill me... Who are these people? Why am I here? Where is the guy I saved?
All these thoughts hurtle through your head as the three men stare at you. You finally notice them blatantly staring at you, and ask, 
“Who are you people? Why am I hear, and what the hell are you staring at?”
They stand there in silence, before the cute blond from the coffee shop says,
“I am Steve Rogers, this is Tony Stark, and I'm sure Bruce has already introduced himself. You are hear because you threw yourself in front of my best friend, before he was about to be shot in the back by a sniper. And because you saved an Avenger in a Hydra base. So understandably, we have a few questions for you, and my friend would have killed me if I hadn’t taken you here for medical treatment.”
I saved an Avenger? These are the avengers? Oh My LANTA! Who did I save? All these thoughts bounce around your head at painful speeds, making you lean your head back.
“Are you okay?” Bruce asks and takes a step towards you to help.
“I’m fine, just a normal headache, to many things happening at once” you say, then look up at him and give him a hint of a smile.
“We will let you rest a little more before asking our questions, but when we do, we expect you to answer all of them. And as for why we are staring at you, you look like a friend of ours.” Steve says to you as he also takes a cautions step towards you.
“Let me guess, Natasha Romanoff?” You guess, remembering the name the man in the trench coat called you.
“How did you know?” The man Steve called Tony asks.
“I’ll tell you later, right now I'm about to fall asleep with my eyes open, so I would appreciate some privacy so I can try and sleep peacefully.” You slurred out with sass.
“we’ll leave you for now, we will check back up on you when you wake up, and hopefully you will be able to give us some answers.” Steve states. He then turns to Tony and motions for him to leave. They slowly file out until its only Bruce.
“Try and sleep well, the tranquillizer I gave you should help, sorry I freaked you out with the needle.” He says giving you a small apologetic smile, then turns off the light and leaves before you can say anything else.
What in the galaxy did I get myself into... If only I had shifted into ANYONE else, I could be back at the coffee shop with Lilly right now, laughing at her dumb jokes. 
Little did you know that shifting into Natasha Romanoff was the best decision of your whole life.
to be continued.
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marvel--3000 · 5 years
The Tower - Masterlist
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“How does someone with no superpowers, no real discernible talents and a whole lot of baggage end up being the girlfriend to all the Avengers?  Well, I’m glad you asked.  It all started with a blur and an abrupt crash.”
They say that extreme experiences bring you closer together.  The Avengers have experienced some of the most extreme side-by-side.
This is the story of Elly and how she fell in love with all of them.
Co-written by @avengercompound and @fanficwriter013 this is a smutty, romantic and action-packed story.  It involves many different ships and pairings.
The Tower
Chapter 1 - Natasha Chapter 2 - Meeting the Archer Chapter 3 - The NDA Chapter 4 - Clint Chapter 5 - Genius, Billionaire, Philanthropist Chapter 6 - Tony Chapter 7 - A Bird and a Witch Chapter 8- Sam Chapter 9 - My Education Chapter 10 - Breakfast with the Super Soldiers Chapter 11 - Taken Chapter 12 - A Question of Security Chapter 13 - Soldier, Spy Chapter 14 - James Chapter 15 - Bruce Chapter 16 - Science Bros Chapter 17 - The Super Soldiers Chapter 18 - Wanda Chapter 19 - The Assassins Chapter 20 - Open Communication Chapter 21 - The Nest Chapter 22 - Cracks in the Tower Chapter 23 - Steve Chapter 24 - Working in SHIELD Chapter 25 - Switching Sides Chapter 26 - M.E.D.U.S.A. Chapter 27 - The Rescue Mission Chapter 28 - Home
After Tony announces to the world that the Avengers are in a polyamorous relationship together, things become tense.  Elly decides that they could use some holiday cheer and gets all their friends involved.
When half the team gets stuck on a mission, Clint, Bruce and Elly find ways to distract themselves. Steve has something in store for his little troublemakers.
Chapter 1: The Perch Chapter 2: Pirate Talk Chapter 3: Distracting the Hulk Chapter 4: Testing Limits Chapter 5: Punishment Chapter 6: Safe and Sound
In a relationship with 8 other people, Elly often finds herself the spare.  That leads to some interesting situations, and when she walks in on Steve, Sam, and Bucky together, they are more than happy to have her join in.
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Before they met Elly, nine heroes followed a path that led them to a life they chose to share together. This is the story of how.
Art-Work by Ischa
Available on AO3
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Art by @deannamb
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marvel--3000 · 6 years
Take a Break
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Request: This is probably weird but I was wondering if you could write spock x reader x bones, no smut required or anything just the relationship anyway thank you much love ❤️ - Anonymous 
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marvel--3000 · 6 years
Georgia Gal
Pairing: Bones x (Southern!)Reader
Word Count: 1914
Warnings: Some swearing, general bar creeps
A/N: Not my first fic ever but my first Bones fic! Very loosely inspired by Ed Sheeran’s “Galway Girl” (maybe if you squint?). Let me know what you guys think!! 
You weren’t quite sure how you kept ending up in this situation - settled in alone a noisy bar with your friends long gone and tongue deep in strangers by now.
“I need to find better friends,” you muttered to yourself as you knocked back what was left of your drink.
“Well, then it’s lucky I’m here” came a cocky voice from your right.
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marvel--3000 · 6 years
The Perfect Blind Date - Dylan O’Brien
Author: @mf-despair-queen​
Characters: Dylan O’Brien/Reader
Word Count: 10,822
Warnings: NSFW, 18+, Oral (both receiving), Multiple Orgasm, Public Kissing, Unprotected Sex, Morning Sex, Shirtless Dylan at the beach, Dylan on a motorcycle, slight shade coming from me towards my ex
Notes: So, @ninja-stiles an I were talking on day and we were sharing these motorcycle pictures of Dylan and Chris and we’re like “OMG WE SHOULD WRITE ABOUT THIS!” So, I wrote the Dylan side while she did the Chris side. The two fics are linked in plot but different in character and execution. So make sure to give hers a read as well! Also, this is slightly AU. Dylan is not famous here. Let him be a normal guy for a day y’all.
(As a note, her internet was being shitty today so I will post a link here as soon as she gets hers up! But still read hers once it is up because it is so good)
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It’s hard to want to date when so many bad things have happened to you. One wrong turn in a relationship, and everything comes crashing down. Once that happens, why would you want to get back out there? You worry that the same thing will happen again, or that you won’t find the great guy you wish will sweep you off your feet the way you always imagine it.
Well, welcome to my life, honey.
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marvel--3000 · 6 years
Curiosity Killed The Cat - Stiles Stilinski
Author: @mf-despair-queen​
Characters: Stiles Stilinski/Reader
Word Count: 6,437
Warnings: NSFW, 18+, Oral (Both Receiving), Mentions of Public Sex, 69, Orgasm Denial, Masturbation, Multiple Orgasms, Fingering, A LOT OF FILTH
Notes: This is 100000000% for my precious Camile, @minhosmeanhoe because she wanted something involving Stiles and masturbation because this is all we ever talk about (we are horny fuckers lol). But, even better, HAPPY BIRTHDAY CAMILE. You are one of my bestest friends I am glad I am able to talk to you daily. I don’t know what I would do without you. I LOVE YOU!!!!❤️
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marvel--3000 · 6 years
Talk Dirty To Me - Dylan O’Brien
Author: @mf-despair-queen​
Characters: Dylan O’Brien/Reader
Word Count: 4,134
Warnings: Pure Filth, NSFW, 18+, Masturbation, Oral (male receiving), dirty talk, teasing
Notes: Thanks @minhosmeanhoe. There is a LONG story behind this. Just enjoy the filth y’all. Formerly titled “The Results of Me Making Camile Horny”
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marvel--3000 · 6 years
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Intoxicated:  A Maria Hill Fanfic
Buy me a ☕ Character Pairing:  Maria Hill x F!Reader
Word Count:  1375
Warnings: Drinking, hook-ups with strangers, smut (F|F, fingering oral, public sex, exhibitionism)
Synopsis:   Maria likes to drink because it’s the only time she feels like she can be anything but professional.
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Maria Hill liked to drink.  Her job was hard and she had kinda this thing… you know the thing where your dad kinda sucks and it makes it hard for you to form emotional bonds or whatever?  You know that thing?  And you end up just jumping from one meaningless fling to another, sometimes not really thinking them through so you end up fucking half your co-workers who also have the same thing?  You know that thing?  She had that.
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marvel--3000 · 6 years
Food Theif
Prompt: “I hope you step on a Lego, jerkwad!”
Who: Bucky Barnes x Fem!Reader
Summary: Bucky’s a little shit
For: @an-all-write-life 1200 celebration- Congrats!
Warnings: Swearing(ish. There’s only a little bit.)
Genre: Fluff(could be considered crack! though)
A/N: I’m so sorry that this is so late, apparently it NEVER POSTED (@tumblr fix yourself, my bitch). I had so much fun writing this, and I hope that y’all like it too!
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The week was coming to a close, which meant that you could splurge on the food that you… usually stayed away from. Nutella, which was a staple of your early teens(as well as all of the working out that you did to remedy the aftermath of ingesting the stuff), and Whipped Cream. Whipped cream was the thing you’d loved since you were a child, and it’d been something that you and your mom had always eaten together. Your mom actually came to the tower every once in awhile, but the city wasn’t really her thing. Sometimes, you went to go an visit her in Northern California, where the air was clear, and the trees welcomed you to the coastal life of your childhood. As well as the affinity for driving well over the speed limit, that seemed to be a trademark to Californians.
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marvel--3000 · 6 years
Tom Holland trying to not spill spoilers
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marvel--3000 · 6 years
The Tower - Chapter 20
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The Tower: An Avengers Fanfic
Chapter 20
Chapters: one / two / three / four / five / six / seven / eight / nine / ten / eleven / twelve / thirteen / fourteen / fifteen / sixteen / seventeen / eighteen / nineteen / twenty / twenty-one / twenty-two / twenty-three / twenty-four / twenty-five / twenty-six / twenty-seven / twenty-eight
Word Count: 2664
Warnings:   A little bit of angst.  Smut (FFF, Threeway fingering, tribbing, toy use, oral sex, Wanda uses her powers again)
Synopsis:   Elly starts seeing a therapist to deal with the issues surrounding seeing eight different superheroes.  A conversation with Tony helps her come to terms with some of the issues she has been having.  The girls night with Wanda and Natasha happens.
Author’s Note:  Written with my salty sweet @fanficwriter013
Chapter 20 - Open Communication
Steve and Clint returned just fine.  The worry was absolutely over nothing.  When he got home, I punched him in the arm and told him not to scare me like that.  He pulled me into his arms and held me against his chest, resting his cheek on the top of my head.
“I’m so sorry for scaring you.  I just wanted you to know.”  He said.
I wrapped my arms around his waist and breathed him in.  “I guess I’m going to have to get used to the whole ‘going out on missions’ thing, aren’t I?”  I said into his chest.
“Well, the good thing is there are eight people here you can talk to when you’re freaking out.  We’ve all got your back.”  He said.  I looked up and he leaned down and kissed me softly.  “I love you, Elly.”
“Love you too, Steve.”  I said with a smile.
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marvel--3000 · 6 years
The Tower
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The Tower: An Avengers Fanfic
Chapter 1
Chapters: one / two / three / four / five / six / seven / eight / nine /ten / eleven / twelve /thirteen / fourteen / fifteen / sixteen /seventeen / eighteen / nineteen / twenty / twenty-one / twenty-two/ twenty-three / twenty-four / twenty-five / twenty-six / twenty-seven /
Word Count: 2330
Warnings: Smut (F/F, fingering slight dom/sub)
Synopsis: How does someone with no superpowers, no real discernible talents and a whole lot of baggage end up being the girlfriend to all the Avengers?  Well, I’m glad you asked.  It all started with a blur and an abrupt crash. Here is the initial meeting, and the events that follow.
Author’s Note: Bug Kate @emilyevanston about the gorgeous Header, she made it. This story is NOT a Nat X Reader. It’s an Avengers X OC piece, which means a poly relationship. There will be many different combinations of pairings within this story.
How does someone with no superpowers, no real discernible talents and a whole lot of baggage end up being the girlfriend to all the Avengers?  Well, I’m glad you asked.  It all started with a blur and an abrupt crash.
As usual, I was late.  That happened a lot.  I tend to get caught up in my head while I’m working in the lab or the library.  Which is a problem because as part of my post doctoral position I had to teach an Intro to Biology class six times a week.  I was dashing down the steps of the library, across the lawn and just smashed headlong into another person.
All I really noticed as I picked myself back up, helped her to her feet and apologized profusely was she was small, dressed in black and had dark red hair.  She didn’t really even say anything to me, just ‘don’t worry about it’ and I took off again.
It was as I stood panting in the lecture theatre, getting the slideshow started for the lecture I realized how close I came to death that day.  The woman I had flattened was the Black Widow.
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marvel--3000 · 6 years
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requested by  jaredsbooty (which is fine as heck) <3 prompt;  so I was thinking that I (Y/N) would be having an argument with Mark and he couldn’t control Dark but it ends with (Y/N) showing Dark some compassion and he switches back to Mark? a/n; sorry again for the wait! xx
The argument escalated quickly and before you knew it both you and Mark were overflowing with hatred for one another. Though, unlike him, you knew yours was to disappear once you cooled off – what made you question whether Mark will return to normal or not was the evil glint in his eyes that you caught as he turned away from you to stare out the window, as if he couldn’t bare to see your face anymore. You gulped; a twinge of fear tickled the inside of your chest and you inhaled sharply once a dizzying sensation stuck you like lightning. The room went in vertigo. Your cold hand came to rest on your burning forehead. The buzzing, which was rapidly growing in volume, made your head hurt and the back of your throat bitter. With a soft grunt you shut your eyes.
Only a moment after when you opened them back up again did it stop. It all stopped. The clock on the wall behind you froze; outside seemed too dark and too cold for a pleasant spring afternoon. Still feeling lightheaded and disoriented, you plopped down on the couch which was thankfully a few feet away and exhaled. You looked down at your hands and gasped – your vision staggered, leaving trails of red and blue behind as all colour seemed to slowly drain out your vision.
“You, you you you you are something else altogether, (Name).” the voice made a chill creep up your spine and you snapped your head upwards, only to come face to face with charcoal black glistering eyes that immobilized you completely. “Tsk tsk tsk,” Dark’s cool fingers wrapped around your jaw, softly tilting your face first to the left, then to the right as he wanted to get a better look of you scared from all angles, “I finally get to see you again.” The way he said those last words made you quiver. Tensing your jaw you yanked yourself out his grasp. He grinned, a reaction which you did not anticipate, “You got spice, (Name)! I like it! He doesn’t, however, he never did.” His hands landed on both of your shoulders, caging you in and leaving no room to squirm free, “He doesn’t love you nearly as much as I do.” His voice, despite being tender and sweet, accompanied by static and a hidden sinister note did everything but ease you, “I can take you anywhere you want to go. I can especially take you anywhere you don’t want to go. I c a n gi ve yo u e very thin g y o u want.”
Before he could continue, you gathered the last ounces of courage you had and interjected, “It must be lonely.” Your voice came out rasp and dull, drained of anger. Dark stopped. “Living in the shadows…Just watching but never actually saying anything… I’m sorry you have to go through that.” Whether you were sincere or not was all up to interpretation. Dark faltered, his gaze, although hard to read, was directed into your eyes, his lips drawn into a thin line as his grip on your shoulders tightened.
You blinked. He disappeared.
Relief washed over you like a wave and with a happy exclamation you jumped up and pulled the still shocked/clueless boyfriend of yours into a tight embrace. After a moment he wrapped his arms around your waist tightly, securely, hiding his head in the crook of your neck as he murmured apologies for letting you see him again. “I am so, so sorry, I couldn’t control him, it just slipped, God, if he had done anything to you I would have never forgiven myself…”
Requests are opened!
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marvel--3000 · 6 years
iamcornelia via instagram story 07/10/18
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marvel--3000 · 6 years
It’s October! You know what that means... 🎃 (via kxvo)
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marvel--3000 · 6 years
Polyamorous: Big Change
Pairing: Steve Rogers x Reader x Bucky Barnes / Stucky x Reader
Warning: fluff, smut (wrap it before you tap it) unprotected Sex, captain kink, daddy kink, oral (female receive), fingering, overstimulation
Summary: In the time the three have been separated a lot of things have change but their all still the same. Note: artwork is not mines create goes to the artist
First Kiss | First Touch | Moving in | The day they left for war | Found you |
The day Stark found out | Big Change 
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