meaganrb23 · 8 years
Get to know me
♡ name: Meagan
♡ gender: female
♡ what do i post about: good vibes only and positivity 
♡ time right now: 8:16am
♡ height: 5'5
♡ nicknames: meags, megaton, rosie 
♡ zodiac sign: Taurus 
♡ lucky numbers: 23 ♡ hogwarts house: Ravenclaw ♡ favourite colour: blue ♡ if i had a cat what would you name it? Smudge
♡ average hours of sleep: 4-8 hours
♡ last thing i googled: John Hinckley Jr
♡ number of blankets: 3
♡ fictional character i want as a younger sibling: Jack Newsome from the novel Room
♡ favourite fictional characters: Elizabeth Bennett, Jane Bennett, Fitzwilliam Darcy (Mr Darcy), Anne Elliot, Captain Frederick Wentwork, Mrs Erlynne, Juliet Capulet, Mia Hall, Adam Wilde
♡ favourite celebrities: Ellen DeGeneres, Jenna Dewan-Tatum, Anna Faris, Stephen Boss, Allison Holker
♡ dream vacation: Travel around Europe and visit the Colosseum and the Bodleian Library 
♡ favourite books: Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen, Persuasion by Jane Austen, Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare, Lady Windermere’s Fan by Oscar Wilde
♡ currently wearing: oversized old green button down top and underwear (my pjs)
♡ currently reading: Jane Eyre by Charlotte Brontë, I Was Here by Gayle Forman and Mummy Told Me Not To Tell by Cathy Glass
♡ why did you choose your username? It’s my username for everything: my first name followed by my middle and last initials and my lucky number.
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meaganrb23 · 8 years
Everything happens for a reason ❤️
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meaganrb23 · 8 years
Just a reminder that you’re whole without someone else. You are not a fraction. You’re a complete masterpiece all by yourself.
http://twitter.com/goodquoteco (via kushandwizdom)
Never find someone to 'complete you', only to complement you. You're an individual and whole without another. Don't look for your 'other half' just look for someone who can be your equal, lover, friend, partner, motivator and confidant. You are perfectly complete, so find the person that sees just how beautifully perfect you are.
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meaganrb23 · 8 years
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meaganrb23 · 8 years
Never let others dictate how you should live. Your life is your own. So take the reigns, make decisions, change your life, and never regret any choices you may make along the way. "I am the master of my fate, I am the captain of my soul" ~William Ernest Henley
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meaganrb23 · 8 years
Don't be afraid to be youthful. Run wild, be yourself, have fun and be passionate. Love life to the fullest
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meaganrb23 · 8 years
Find the magic in yourself and understand that your purpose is valid. You don't need recognition or acceptance from anyone. You are worthy. You are loved. You are amazing.
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meaganrb23 · 8 years
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meaganrb23 · 8 years
My purpose: to uplift your spirit and make you motivated.
HighConscious_ (via kushandwizdom)
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meaganrb23 · 8 years
You have to keep going, no matter how hard it gets you have to keep going my love.
(via myriadthoughtsx)
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meaganrb23 · 8 years
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meaganrb23 · 8 years
Confession: I have a friend who likes to text me at like 4am when he’s had nightmares or he can’t sleep or he just needs a friend. He thinks I’m always awake at 4am but really I go to bed around 12am and I change his text-tone to the loudest one I have just so it wakes me up when he needs me.
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meaganrb23 · 8 years
Stop making excuses and let's start taking action. We're not bystanders of humanity, we are humanity.
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meaganrb23 · 8 years
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meaganrb23 · 8 years
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“If you change a classroom, you can change a community, and if you change enough communities you can change the world.”
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meaganrb23 · 8 years
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meaganrb23 · 8 years
Success is not all about money. It’s about having the resources and the ability to live the life that you have personally dreamed of.
(via recoveryisbeautiful)
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