Here's a direct path to no-mind / samadhi: All spiritual practices are about turning our attention beyond the mental, beyond the 5 senses into the subtle. By meditating to this meditation music  in the video, bliss is awakened within us at a subtle level. Then we give ourselves to the subtle. We become so drawn into Shakti that the mind disappears and what is left is the One Infinite Indescribable Bliss.
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You can train yourself to be in bliss!  Just practice this simple technique throughout your day. When we focus on our thoughts, worries, judgements and desires then we empower ego & unhappiness. But if we replace all of the time we are lost in thought with one of these 2 simple techniques, our perception automatically  opens into bliss, & unhappiness falls away.  May this video fill you with joy! ❤
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When you really are free of thoughts, you transcend yourself and experience the true Joy that is life.  Here are 2 simple techniques to be free of thinking. Also learn a simple technique to heal past trauma and conflict.  May this video bring you much peace
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How do we become free of feelings like feeling unloved, unliked, lonely or judged? We create a lot of suffering for ourselves, trying to feel liked or loved by others, trying to not feel alone. But if we just do these 2 things we can be free of all of it and experience true joy & love.  <3
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The bliss of enlightenment already sits inside you. Here's a guided meditation   where you look deep within yourself to find this bliss.    May it bring you much peace! 
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Just like a camera can focus on one object letting everything else blur in the background, so can we learn to focus on Supreme Joy and become liberated. Watch the new meditation video to learn how.  May it bring you much bliss!
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The feeling of Divine Bliss sits inside you. A direct path to enlightenment is to awaken/find this bliss and abide in it with one-pointed attention. The Bliss itself will set you free.  May it awaken Real Joy within you! <3
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To realize that you are one Infinite, Conscious Bliss, first you must become aware of who you are as a person. With this meditation technique, you find the essence of your personal self rather than trying to transcend it. Because the essence of who you are as a person, where you are raw & vulnerable, is Infinite Love and Bliss.I hope you enjoy it <3
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Pure seeing is liberation.  When awareness is free of knowledge, you experience fulfillment.  Here's a talk and zen story on how to get to pure seeing: This is a very powerful and blissful meditation that gets to the essence of enlightenment from the Zen perspective.  May it bring you much bliss! 
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I was suicidal when I was 16. My whole life was falling part. Yet I found incredible freedom in such unhappiness.  Learn why upheaval is a necessary part of meditation and how it frees your mind into deeper awareness and peace. If you experience upheaval in meditation, I think you will find this video really helpful.  
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We tend to think about our unhappiness in order to fix it and then get caught up more and more in unhappiness. But meditation is about accessing the consciousness that is  free of suffering. So when emotional or  mental upheaval arises in meditation, this is what you should actually do:
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There is a world beyond the one you know to be real where there is only bliss. But to experience this bliss world, you must do this one thing: I hope you enjoy it! <3 
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Learn how to "tap into" Infinite Goodness and Bliss in this new meditation video: https://youtu.be/0eXXT-B4xVE  Your true self is Infinite Goodness, but to realize this, first you learn to practice the ways that awaken the feeling of goodness & bliss.  Hopefully, these videos become a sanctuary where you can take refuge in the energy of bliss whenever you choose.  May it bring you much peace! https://youtu.be/0eXXT-B4xVE  #meditation #kundalini #yoga
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Be totally free of guilt & self-doubt by following these 2 simple steps:  Learn how to be completely free of your past & find true goodness in this moment. Guilt can be very self destructive. It can imprison you in unhappiness. But through these 2 steps, you can be free of the past and find real goodness in your life. May this video bring you much bliss!  #meditation #enlightenment #spirituality
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Have you ever felt like you are failing in meditation? Like you weren't getting the peace or bliss you were looking for? If yes, then watch this video.  May it bring you much bliss! 
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Learn how to be free from being hurt by others or from past trauma with this talk and guided meditation.   https://youtu.be/0agDto3AK24 It guides you into pure awareness & goodness.  We tend to get stuck in the stories.  We blame our pain on others  or the situation and therefore we become bound to suffering. To be free of all of it and realize the Infinite Goodness that is your essence, follow the steps given in this guided meditation.  May you feel deep peace watching it!  
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One of the greatest mistakes we make on the spiritual path is to get caught up in things that pretend to be "spiritual" but actually hurt our awareness and take us away from truth.  In this new video, learn how to cut through all the untruth and find real bliss.  It makes for a great meditation so do take the time to watch it.  Hope you enjoy it ❤ #meditation #zen #enlightenment
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