megacovenimagines · 4 years
👀Part 1 of 3: I love your blog 🙀💕 I was lurking all over it last night. Would I be able to get a male match up please? I'm female, with long green hair side shaved. My hair is very curly naturally but I usually straighten it otherwise it kind of gives off Krusty the clown vibes.. I'm a virgo. I have a few piercings and tattoos. I'm very confident. I love to joke around and make my friends laugh. I like to be around people who can make me laugh too.
♡ Thank you very much I greatly appreciate that ♡
(★ Parts 2 & 3 of info is posted at the bottom of this post.)
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❣ Your Match is Gabriel
Gabriel is very easy going, protective, caring and fun loving, he tends to make light out of most situations and can become bored easily. He doesn’t push a relationship on you but things can develop fairly quickly with him simply because he tends to get straight to the point, he won’t really like beating around the bush or not knowing where he stands with you. But he won’t push or pressure you into anything you aren’t comfortable or ready for, if you seem uncomfortable with anything at any point, he eases up a lot or slow things down in the relationship without you even needing to say anything.
He can be kind of hard to figure out or pin down initially because he can seem uninterested in an actual relationship, but that’s not really the case it’s just that he can be fairly emotionally guarded and may even seem to try and keep you at arm’s length or deflect questions with humor. 
This is because he worries if he gets close to you or falls in love with you, he could put you in danger, you could get hurt or maybe you could betray him, he’s been hurt before which makes him cautious now. But it doesn’t actually take very long for him to begin falling for you and he’ll slowly start making his feelings for you pretty clear, but he won’t straight up confess his feelings for you openly unless he absolutely has to. Like if you question him about his feelings or if you threaten to leave, then he’ll feel like he has no choice but to be completely honest with you.
He is very protective over you and will go to great lengths to keep you safe, he can become very serious and spiteful towards anyone who does you wrong or even criticizes you. Even to the extent of being rather cruel to people even for rather minor things, but that’s just how protective he can be over you and will feel the need to really send a message to anyone who messes with you. Even if you can handle yourself and stand up for yourself, he’ll let you, but is very likely to still get revenge on them behind your back and you may never even find out about it. However; you can kind of be the same way by going out of your way to be mean to people your friends don’t like if you know it could make them feel better. Gabriel can just take things a little further than you might and be a bit more aggressive or hostile.
He adores your looks and style from your hair style and color to your piercings and tattoos, but at the same time he doesn’t make a big deal about it either. He’s not going to rave about how cool or beautiful you are because of your hair and tattoos; he’ll just tell you how beautiful and cool you are as a whole. Which he will compliment you pretty frequently and at random times, you won’t even have to change how you look or anything to receive a compliment because he always adores you and isn’t afraid to tell you. He will show curiosity about your appearance preferences though, maybe asking you when you got your tattoos and piercings, why you wanted them, where the ideas for your tattoos came from etc, and this is just because he’ll want to know more about you.
You are both very confident and enjoy having a good time, making others laugh and being around people who can make you laugh. This is just one of the reasons the two of you will get along really well, because if you’re feeling down, he will try to cheer you up and make you laugh and you’ll do the same for him. He doesn’t like being serious for too long or being upset which is why he generally is very upbeat and easy going, but that doesn’t mean he can’t be calm and serious. When it comes to serious matters, he can set aside his immature and joking nature, he is a really good listener when he wants to be especially when it comes to you. He can also be very supportive and comforting towards you he won’t like seeing you sad or upset, and if there’s something you need to vent about or talk to him about, he can be very patient and hear you out. He may not always be the best at giving advice especially depending on what your problems are, but he will always be there for you to talk to and vent your frustrations.
He’ll press you to open up to him and tell him what’s on your mind because he is very good at picking up on body language and reading you like a book; he can tell within a few seconds if something is off. He can go from very happy and cheerful to serious when he picks up on something being not right with you, even if you think you are doing a great job at hiding it, he’ll still see through you and won’t drop it until you tell him what’s going on. Even if you try to make fun of your situation or joke about things to lighten the situation, he won’t let you get away with it, and he can tell when something serious happened and your mentally/emotionally hurt versus you’re just having a bad day. 
This means days when you are feeling down or depressed, he’ll have your back and do what he can to help you through your depression, whether it’s trying to cheer you up, listening to you or just lying around quietly with you all day, he’ll do what he can to help you through it. This also makes him very attentive to you and even quite clingy at times, even more so if he’s bored or if you’re busy and wants your attention. He pays a lot of attention to you in every way, showing an interest in you, your hobbies, your interests, your appearance, etc. He can even be a little overbearing at times but he likes spending time with you and showering you with attention, especially if he learns you actually enjoy the attention.
Gabriel will show a genuine curiosity in your hobbies especially the more unique hobbies or skills you have such as fire eating, he’ll like to see you do it as well as have real questions about why you started it, when you got into it and such. He genuinely does take an interest in you and will like learning about you as a whole, what made you turn out the way you are, why you like the things you like, which can make him ask a lot of deep and personal questions sometimes at completely random times. But it can also make him see kind of nosy at times because he likes to see what your doing, what you’re drawing etc. He enjoys spending time with you and doesn’t really like to be away from you, because he really does love being with you but also likes to keep you near incase anything were to happen and you needed to be protected. 
He is very outgoing and will try just about anything and he can really push you out of your comfort zone as well because he’ll like experiencing and trying new things with you. Going out, going to concerts, ice skating, amusement parks, festivals, restaurants etc, he’ll be up for anything and likes to make stuff happen, so if you mention an idea of wanting to do something, trying something or going somewhere he’ll make it happen and pretty quickly after you mentioned it too. He does like action and adventure but can also go through lazy spurts where he’ll be perfectly comfortable staying home with you binge watching trash tv, horror movies or just about anything else because he can be a big tv show and movie junkie.
Is very romantic and affectionate with you right from day one, though can be more cheesy in the beginning with some funny, some lame pick up lines. Which is mostly because he’s trying to make you smile or laugh so he really doesn’t care what kind of cheesy lines he has to use if he can make you smile. But he really can be genuinely romantic when he wants to be its just that he tends to sway between cheesy or romantic depending on what gets a better reaction from you. If making you laugh with pick up lines gets a better reaction from you then trying to sweep you off your feet with poetry and flowers that’s what he’ll go to. He is loving and affectionate with you hugging you often, holding your hand, cuddling up with you and he can be clingy when it comes to cuddles and won’t want to let you go from cuddling or hugs for that matter.
Overall, he is very loyal, protective and loving he’ll do just about anything to make you smile no matter the cost and will really go out of his way to give you anything you want or take you anywhere you want to go. He can be over protective or overbearing sometimes because he doesn’t like being away from you, he can also get jealous extremely easily and can become hostile towards anyone that might flirt with you or just get to close to you in general excluding friends or family of yours. He’ll have your back in any situation and will keep you safe even if he has to sacrifice himself to do so, your happiness and safety will be the most important thing to him.
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❣ Headcanons of the Relationship
● Will spoil you quite a bit with attention, affection and physical gifts. He tries to surprise you with gifts randomly but will go all out for holidays or special occasions, he usually aims his gifts towards stuff he knows you like or things you collect. But can also go for the generic romantic gifts like jewelry, flowers, chocolate, etc.
● Arguments between the two of you are rare but when they do happen, they can be rather childish and petty, almost like two toddlers fighting. But neither of you hold a grudge and get over things really quickly, practically forgetting what the fight was even about to begin with.
● Will adore your pet parrot, particularly because it’s a more unique pet than just a cat or dog, and that doesn’t mean he hates other animals but he’ll like that you chose something more unusual than a dog. Though if you let your parrot sit on you like on your shoulder you will receive a lot of pirate related jokes and pick-up lines.
● He tends to hold your hand a lot when walking with you and will play with your hair, touch your arms or you knees when sitting next to you or even trace the outlines of your tattoos (if they’re on your arms and legs). He can become more touchy when he’s trying to get your attention, like if you are reading a book he may play with your hair or run his finger tips up your arm to try and win over your attention.
❣ Other Matches
● Lucifer is affectionate, overly protective and likes to have fun, however; his ideas of fun can be more on the sadistic side, though not so much directed at you but bystanders. Though he can be pretty tame when he wants to be especially when he’s trying to get your attention or win you over, but once he starts falling for you, he can be very over protective to the extent of killing someone in the blink of an eye just for looking at you the wrong way. Which he won’t see any problems with and will feel like his behavior is always completely justified, especially when he feels like he’s doing something for you. He is laid back, fun loving and sarcastic he’ll like making you laugh but his humor can be pretty far on the dark side, to the extent that he may be over all too dark, sadistic and aggressive for your liking.
● Chuck is very laid back, loving and on the lazy side, he can be completely comfortable staying home with you watching movies, binge watching tv shows or listening to music all day. Though he can be fairly judgmental with shows, movies and music and can be quite clear about it when he doesn’t like something like a bad story plot in a movie, to the point where he won’t even want to finish watching a movie if he thinks its bad. He likes your confidence and sense of humor which can make him smile, and he’ll like seeing you happy. He can become extremely jealous and won’t like you spending a lot of time with others even to the extent that he can come across as very controlling at times but that’s really only because he cares about you so much. He also has a hard time admitting when he’s wrong which means arguments can be pretty extreme because he’s unwilling to admit to his flaws.
-- ✚ Parts 2 and 3 of information from asks are posted below ✚ --
👀Part 2 of 3: I do fire eating as a hobby and I play the drums. I kind of low key like attention even when I act like I dont. And I really love cheesy pick up lines especially if they're funny. I also like to draw, go ice skating, go to concerts, watch horror movies, binge watch trash TV or just lay around listening to music. I have a pet parrot whom I love very much. As far as negative traits go I have some depression issues but I try my best to make light of it and joke about my problems. 👀Part 3 of 3: I can go out of my way to be an asshole to people my friends don't like if I think it will make my friend happy or laugh. I also get moody easily and can be a petty little gremlin when I'm mad but I get over things pretty quickly because most of all I just want to have fun. Oops 😵 sorry that was so long.
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megacovenimagines · 4 years
Would Sam, Dean, Castiel and Jack kiss their S/O at midnight on New year’s?
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● Sam is happy to kiss you for New years and kind of expects it but does confirm with you before hand that the two of you will kiss at midnight just for the two of you are both on the same page. He’ll stay close to you the closer it gets to midnight, standing or sitting next to you for you two won’t miss it. He won’t mind kissing you in front of others or alone so it won’t matter if the two of you are at a large party a small get together or just the two of you, however; 
the kiss will be lighter and shorter if he’s around Dean because he knows he’ll probably get teased about it, so he can be a bit shy about showing you affection in front of him. The kiss will be soft and gentle, not too short and not too long either, he’ll put his hands on your hips or maybe just one hand just barely on the side of you head or the back of your head during the kiss.
● Dean completely expects to kiss you at midnight like it isn’t even a question and will almost seem taken aback if you ask him if you’re kissing at midnight, because to him it’s so obvious that yes you will be. He will be very excited and enthusiastic throughout the night and once it gets within 10 minutes until midnight he’ll stay by your side in anticipation for the kiss. He doesn’t care at all if there is a crowd or not and will kiss you 100% the same no matter how many people are around or who is around. For the kiss he’ll cup your cheek with one hand and hold your waist or hip with the other to pull you against him. The kiss is soft at first and turns a little rough and passionate, the kiss will go right up to the edge of almost lasting too long.
● Castiel won’t think about it on his own if he even knows about it being a thing that people do for New Year’s, it will be something you’ll have to mention to him or tell him about beforehand. He may seem confused and even ask why because he won’t really understand the tradition or reason behind it. However; just because it may confuse him that doesn’t mean he’ll refuse, he’s completely fine with kissing you though more comfortable doing so in a non-crowded room. If you two are in front of others the kiss will be short and sweet but if the two of you are alone it will be longer, deeper and more passionate.
● Jack won’t initiate it on his own because he won’t know about kissing at midnight on New Year’s being a thing, unless you tell him about it or someone else does. But as long as he is aware of it, he’s all for it in fact he’ll be very excited about it though slightly nervous about it at the same time. He’ll be afraid of ruining the moment or messing things up somehow so it can be a lot of pressure for him, he won’t mind kissing you in a room full of people or alone. He kind of lets you lead the kiss to determine how long or deep the kiss is, otherwise it will be a short but gentle and loving kiss.
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megacovenimagines · 4 years
How does Jack act with an S/O who is kind of motherly, watchful, protective and likes taking care of him and others?
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● Really doesn’t mind unless your motherly side can come across as demeaning, like if he feels like you’re doing something for him because you think he can’t do it. Or if you’re pushy about him letting you do something; he won’t like feeling useless or like you don’t believe in him or trust him to do something.
● However; if you’re just helpful in a kind way or offering your help instead forcing your help on him, he can be very appreciative. You can catch him by surprise when you choose to do nice things for him because he will never be expecting it, therefore any kindness you show him really means a lot to him.
● Any time you offer to do something for him or start to do something for him he’ll want to help and ask you if he can help, like if you starting cooking for him or baking, he’ll genuinely want to help. Not just because he’ll want to help you but because he’ll enjoy spending time with you as well.
● After a while he can seem confused or uncomfortable if you are overly kind and motherly towards him too often, because he won’t fully understand why you’re being so nice to him. So, in a way it can kind of make him suspicious like there’s a reason you’re being so nice that he doesn’t know about.
● Over time it can make him more loving and affectionate towards you because he’ll bond with you a little bit with everything nice that you do for him and it will make him trust you faster and makes him become attached to you quickly.
● Will be very excited at any chance to do something for you or to have the chance to take care of you, especially in situations where you aren’t feeling well. Whether it’s from a cold or even if you just had a bad day or feeling depressed. He’ll jump on any chance to do something for you in return for how nice you’ve been to him.
● Finds it cute when he sees you doing something nice for others or just being kind to others in general, it’ll make him smile to see you go out of your way to cheer someone up or help someone, and he’s not afraid to tell you either. Nearly any time he sees you doing something kind he’ll tell you what a nice gesture it was or how kind you were to do something.
● Because you are very motherly and helpful, he starts turning to you for advice or help often, it could be for a small or simple problem like sewing back on a button or it could be for something deeper like advice or help with a serious problem, he’ll come to really trust and value your thoughts and opinions.
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megacovenimagines · 4 years
What kinds of presents would Sam and Dean give their S/O for holidays/birthday?
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➤ Dean
● Knives, firearms or other weapons especially if you don’t have much of a collection of your own, whether you’re a hunter or not he’ll want you to have the means to protect yourself. He will try to get you whatever your preference is though if you have one, like if you like bladed weapons over guns.
● He’ll get you things that remind him of you or that he thinks you will like which can be kind of hit or miss at times, this can lead to a variety of different gifts from clothes, candy, cups, blankets, shoes, books, jewelry etc. and the reason why something can remind him of you varies from something that’s your fav color, something you collect, something relating to something you’ve said before,
● Candy, snacks and chocolate he’ll try to get you flavors and types you like but if he’s not sure what you like or can’t remember your favorite flavors, he’ll get you flavors and types he likes in hopes you like that same stuff as him.
● He can be a little oblivious or forgetful when it comes to noticing or remembering things you said you wanted or if you try to drop some hints for him, but in the weeks before the holiday or special occasions he may try to ask you for ideas but will try to ask you in subtle ways, even though it may seem pretty obvious he’s fishing for ideas.
● He does pay attention to things you collect or things relating to your hobbies, like if you love drawing or painting, he’ll get you supplies or if you collect books, he’ll find out what your favorite subjects are and stock you up. Whatever your hobbies are he’ll try to get you things relating to them.
● Doesn’t really get you romantic gifts because he would rather get you long lasting practical gifts, which means you won’t get flowers very often but if he knows you are hoping for or expecting romantic gifts, he’ll do it for you. Like if you want a romantic gift for Valentine’s day or your anniversary. He may get you flowers, chocolate and some kind of jewelry.
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➤ Sam
● Flowers for special occasions like your birthday, Valentine’s day, your anniversary and sometimes randomly just as a nice surprise. Particularly if you are feeling down or having a rough day and need cheering up and as long as you enjoy receiving flowers.
● Jewelry or something personal and small that you can carry with you, it could be a necklace, bracelet, ring, keychain or even pocket knife. It could even be personalized with you initials, anniversary date or a quote that means a lot to you.
● Things relating to stuff you collect for most holidays and special occasions, he pays very close attention to you and will know about anything you collect whether it’s books, key chains, stuffed animals, cat stuff, stones, crystals. Whatever it maybe he’ll try to add to your collection.
● Things he knows you want, if you’ve been dropping hints or even if you only mentioned wanting or needing something once, he’ll remember it. It could be a dress you said was pretty, A bottle of wine you wanted to try, or simple things you mentioned needing like notebooks, tea, coffee, slippers, tea kettle etc.
● For your anniversary and your birthday, he tends to go a little over board especially if he knows your friends or family don’t do much for your birthday, he may plan a get away with you or at least a day trip to take you somewhere you wanted to go. Like if you’ve always wanted to see the ocean, he’ll take you there and spend the day or a couple days.
● He can aim presents different ways depending on the holiday like for Christmas he may try to get you some things a little comfier, pajamas, slippers, coffee mugs, cocoa, blankets, socks, hats, mittens etc. among other gifts.
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megacovenimagines · 4 years
•● ☾ luna plenum ☽ ●• pt. 9
This story is a multi-choice story with multiple chapters and routes, if you have not started at the beginning of this story please go here to read from the beginning ♡
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“Whoa, whoa hold on!” you said brushing off his hand from your shoulder, “Go where exactly?” you questioned, you hadn’t thrown all common sense out the window you didn’t even know these people. Even though it seemed as though they were trying to help you that didn’t mean you really knew their true intentions, they were still strangers to you and you needed to be cautious.
“Alright, easy.” Dean said sounding a little defensive, almost like he was annoyed that you were questioning them, 
“Look, I’m not trying to be rude, but I don’t know you guys.”
“I know, I know but you’re going to have to trust us.” Sam suggested in a calm voice. 
“Besides what other options do you really have right now?” Dean questioned. 
He was right what else were you really going to do but go with them? You had no idea where you were or what direction to even begin heading in without them, but you didn’t like how helpless that made you feel. 
“I’m not saying I have a ton of options, but I think its reasonable to ask questions.” You suggested with a bit of frustration in your voice. 
“I get it.” Sam said quickly like he was trying to answer before Dean had the chance to say anything, “We just want to help but we can’t do anything to help you out here.” He continued. 
You knew what he meant because having a stand off out here in the middle of nowhere wasn’t going to help you at all or get any answers about what had happened to you. After a few moments of silence, you nodded you just wanted to get out of this meadow at this point and maybe at least they could give you a ride to somewhere you’d recognize. 
“Great, let’s get out of here already.” Dean said sternly not even waiting for anything else to be said as he turned around and began walking away, Sam hesitated for a few moments looking at you, it seemed like he wanted to say something else but changed his mind and began following after Dean though he only took a few steps before stopping and looking back at you. You hurried up to catch up to Dean walking a few steps behind him as Sam followed you, the walk through the long grass and into the forest was quiet it felt a little awkward you wanted to break the silence but didn’t know what to say. But in the end, you didn’t have to, 
“Where are you from anyways?” Dean asked stopping for a moment to look back at you as he asked. 
“Oh, I live in ______.” You said telling him the name of your town. 
“Yeah? And where’s that?” he pressed further, you were a little taken aback that he didn’t know of your town because you had assumed you were still in your town or at most on the outskirts of your town. You went into more detail about where your town was located exactly and he was quiet for a few moments. 
“You sure? I’ve never heard of it.” He asked sounding skeptical of your explanation, 
“Of course I am, I think I know where I live.” 
“I’m just asking, because I travel quite a bit and I think I would have heard of it before.”  
“It’s not like I’m making it up.” 
“If were going to help you, you’ll need to be honest.” 
“I am!” you said raising your voice a little with a stomp of your foot. 
“Guys, let’s not argue right now.” Sam said peacefully as though he was trying to keep you guys from a full-blown argument, but he also just sounded exhausted at this point. 
Silence fell over you all again for a few more minutes until you came to the tree line of the forest and stepped out of the forest, in front of you stretched a country road and there were no street lights or any lights that you could see, you must be out in the country or really in the middle of no where you thought to yourself. Suddenly you noticed a black car parked along side the road and the silhouettes of two others near the car, you couldn’t really make out any distinctive features of the two because it was still far too dark out. Sam stopped beside you putting a hand on your shoulder. 
“These are out friends Jack and Cas” he said pointing at each silhouette, you didn’t say anything but raised a hand and waved at them trying to be friendly and make the situation somehow less awkward but you didn’t feel like it helped. Though to your surprise Jack waved back at you pretty enthusiastically which somehow made you feel a little more at ease. 
“What day is it?” you asked Sam in kind of a low voice, you didn’t really want Dean to hear you because you already felt as though he was suspicious of you and didn’t want to give him any more reasons to question you. Sam seemed to pick up on the fact that you were trying to be quiet and answered quietly in return, but his answer only confused you because it was the same night, the same night that you were in your bedroom so how did you somehow get far away if you weren’t even in your town. 
“It’s going to be alright.” Sam said in a reassuring tone it felt like he could read you mind, 
“Come on, we should go.” He suggested with a gentle pat on our shoulder for you to follow him as he began walking towards the car.
➤ Continue to Chapter Two
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megacovenimagines · 4 years
•● ☾ luna plenum ☽ ●• pt. 8
This story is a multi-choice story with multiple chapters and routes, if you have not started at the beginning of this story please go here to read from the beginning ♡
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You nodded and followed Sam’s lead through the long grass and into the forest, Sam led the way and Dean followed behind you. They seemed nice enough but at the same time you could sense that they were at least a little suspicious of you and you couldn’t blame them. 
“Do you remember where you’re from?” Sam asked, he seemed like he was just trying to make conversation while trying to get to the bottom of things as well. 
“Yeah, I’m from ______.” You said telling him the name of your town, 
“Is that near here?” Sam asked, 
“It’s got to be, I can’t be that far away from home.” You claimed. 
“You sure about that?” Dean asked, 
“Y-yeah,” you said hesitating a little the way he said it made you question yourself a little, 
“What day is it?” you asked, 
“Sounds like you’ve been drinking to me.” Dean said laughing a little. 
“Come on, I’m being serious.” You claimed.
Sam answered you and told you the date, but it didn’t really make sense to you because it was the same day as when you were last in your bedroom, which means you couldn’t have gotten very far from home if it was still the same night. So how come they didn’t seem to recognize the name of your town, you could feel yourself becoming a bit uneasy as these thoughts crossed your mind. 
“There’s nothing to worry about yet, we just need some time to put the pieces together.” Sam suggested sounding like he was trying to comfort you as though he could sense that you were beginning to worry. 
It wasn’t long before you made your way through the forest with them and came to the edge of the tree line and out to a road, there were no street lights and it was now clear that you were in the middle of no where or far out in the country side. Looking around you noticed a black car parked alongside the road and the silhouettes of two others near the car, you couldn’t really make them out though because it was still dark out. 
One of the figures approached you “Hello!” said a young sounding male voice, he sounded upbeat and almost happy to see you, 
“Hello,” you said back to him a little taken aback by his friendliness, 
“I’m Jack, what’s your name?” he asked seeming genuinely curious about you, 
“This is ______.” Sam explained before you could say another word “And that’s Cas.” He said pointing towards the other silhouette that hadn’t moved and stayed near the car. 
You stayed quiet you didn’t know what to say really because there was so much on your mind, wondering where you were and what exactly had happened to you. 
“It’s going to be alright.” Jack said sounding rather confident about it as he put his hand on your shoulder for a moment, it was actually a bit comforting but you didn’t really know what to say. 
“Would you be alright with coming with us?” Sam asked “There’s nothing else we can do out here.” He explained. 
He was right you needed to go somewhere to get answers and figure out what exactly happened, 
“Yeah, I mean I don’t know what else to do.” You admitted feeling a bit lost with your situation, 
“We’re going to need to know anything you can remember if we’re going to figure things out.” Sam explained, 
“I know.” You said in a low voice, it was just that there wasn’t very much that you could remember that seemed like it would be helpful at all. 
“Maybe you’ll remember something along the way.” Jack suggested still sounding rather confident and optimistic about the situation. 
“Y-yeah, maybe you’re right.” You admitted, after all maybe you would see something that would jog your memory or maybe you would realize where you are if you came to a town or something like that. 
“Come on.” Sam said as he motioned for you to follow him as he began walking towards the car.
➤ Continue to Chapter Two
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megacovenimagines · 4 years
Could you do Headcanons for cuddling with Sam?
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● Sam is very affectionate and loving towards you especially the longer the two of you are together, at first, he can be a little shy or timid when it comes to initiating affectionate acts. This is because he doesn’t want to rush you or make you uncomfortable if you aren’t ready.
● Will start initiating affection with you rather slowly and in subtle ways to kind of test the waters with you to make sure you are comfortable with it before flat out touching, hugging or cuddling with you. This means touching your hands, shoulders or knees or holding your hand first and moving forward from there.
● He is more likely to instigate affectionate acts and cuddle with you when you seem to want attention, if you are cold, or if something is bothering you and you are sad, depressed, upset, etc. He often times will not instigate things if you seem really focused on something or busy like reading, studying, getting ready for something or ready to leave.
● Often starts cuddles with you by hugging you, gently grabbing your wrist or hand and pulling you towards him and into a hug, placing his arms around your waist or hips and pulling you against him. Or he may pull you into his lap if he’s sitting or if you are sitting next to him, he’ll put his arm around you and pull you towards him to lean against him.
● If he’s trying to get you to cuddle up to him or be more affectionate towards him, he’ll hold your hand/s, play with your hair, rub or massage your back, shoulders or neck. Or sometimes it makes be as simple as touching your face, cheek or brushing your hair away from your face.
● He likes to cuddle with you on his lap, or you sitting in front of him between his legs, he likes for you to lean against him or rest your head on him. Such as resting your head on his shoulder, chest or lap which is why he tends to pull you against him or onto his lap, because he does like being very close to you.
● Often puts your comfort above his own so as long as you are comfortable, he’ll put up with being uncomfortable for you, for example if you are lying on his arm and his arm starts to fall asleep, he’ll deal with it rather than trying to get you to move or change positions.
● Can be quite clinging when the two of you are cuddling and won’t want it to end, so if you go to get up, he may hold onto you, hug you tighter or grab your wrist and pull you back down to him.
● Likes to cuddle with you in bed the most whether the two of you are lying down or sitting up, he’s just most comfortable relaxing and being close with you in bed. Likes for your back to be against his chest and hugging you from behind whether lying or sitting and tends to rest his chin against your shoulder or the top of your head.
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megacovenimagines · 4 years
Headcanons for how Sam & Dean act with their S/O when they start to get jealous? Please!! Love your writings!!
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♡ Sam
● He doesn’t get jealous very easily and typically only really becomes jealous if you begin spending a lot of time with another guy that you are not related to. But generally, won’t become jealous of anyone unless he feels like you are choosing to spend time with others over him.
● Will try and discuss his feelings with you before anything else if he knows you’ll listen and be understanding, he’ll flat out tell you he wants to spend more time with you or doesn’t like you spending so much time with someone else. Even straight up telling you he’s jealous of how much time you’ve been spending with someone.
● Generally, he can talk out how he feels with you unless he knows you won’t listen to him or will blow it off like its not a big deal. In this case he can become kind of quiet and distant at first when he’s feeling jealous, and may even seem to be avoiding you or giving you the silent treatment.
● In his mind he’ll have already tried talking to you about it so you’re being the unreasonable one which can make him a little bitter towards you for a while. He can even become annoyed and a little snippy with you if you continue to spend more time with someone else rather than him and he can become “Busy” often if you do try and spend time with him.
● He’ll begin to feel like you are choosing someone else over him and it can potentially destroy the relationship between the two of you if you aren’t willing to talk things out with him and see his point of view in the situation. However, if you are willing to talk things out and change and settle things in a way that makes you both happy, he is very quick to let it go and won’t hold a grudge over it.
● It’s rare that he’ll become jealous of your female friends or family members unless you’re spending an excessive amount of time with them or feels like you are ditching him to spend time with them. But again he is very straight forward and honest with you and will try to talk to you about how he feels in the situation.
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♡ Dean
● Can become jealous pretty quickly if he feels like you haven’t been paying much attention to him or feels like you are choosing to spend time with others instead of him, particularly if you don’t try to include him. Be it a coworker, friend, family member etc.
● Will become jealous almost instantly if he sees you having fun or laughing a lot around another guy that you’re not related to, even more so if it’s a guy he doesn’t get along with or doesn’t care for.
● He makes it almost painfully obvious when he’s feeling jealous and will be quick to interrupt or push himself into a situation or conversation, even if it’s in an awkward way like interrupting a conversation about a topic he knows nothing about. He’ll force his way in even if it completely kills the mood or the conversation.
● May seem controlling and tell you not to hang out with someone or complain about you spending time with someone, even talking badly about someone if he doesn’t like them. Though this is more directed towards guys rather than your female friends or family members unless he thinks they are a bad influence or just really can’t stand them. Which can lead to full blown arguments or him forbidding you to spend time with someone.
● Can become hostile and aggressive towards other guys if he feels like they are trying to flirt with you or make a move on you, particularly if you seem oblivious to the guys advances. This can even lead to serious threats or a physical altercation because he can be very protective and even kind of territorial with you and won’t like another guy getting too close to you or even touching you even if it may be innocent.
● Will be childish and pouty if you continue to spend time with someone when he’s made it clear he doesn’t like them, though he will not admit to being jealous if you call him out and will straight up deny being jealous. He may say something along the lines of “I’m not jealous he’s just a dick.” If he doesn’t like someone.
~~~  ♡ Thank you dear, I’m very happy to hear you enjoy my writings!  ♡
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megacovenimagines · 4 years
•● ☾ luna plenum ☽ ●• Pt. 7
This story is a multi-choice story with multiple chapters and routes, if you have not started at the beginning of this story please go here to read from the beginning ♡
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Immediately you pulled away from his touch shrugging him off, not letting him get ahold of you, 
“Are you insane? Why would I just go with you guys?” you questioned sounding annoyed now. You weren’t about to let anyone just decide what you were going to do for you, taking a couple steps backwards away from them you kept an eye on their silhouettes. 
“Oh, come on, let’s not do this.” This gruff voice said almost laughing a little, 
“No no, both of you stop” the kinder voice said in a pleading tone, 
“Look my name is Sam, and this is my brother Dean.” The kinder voice explained, “We can help, we just need to figure this out okay? To do that we need to work together on this.” Sam explained, it was hard not to listen to him after all he seemed peaceful and kind like he really did genuinely care and was trying to help you out. 
You were beginning to come around to the idea when before you could react you saw Dean moving towards you, before you could move back, he grabbed your wrist and had you spun around with your arms behind your back before you could realize what happened. 
This only angered you more though as you struggled against him, though you could tell pretty quick that you weren’t going to break free from him, he was strong and even if you did break free where would you go? But despite that you still struggled against him not so much to break free now but to at least make it difficult for him, you could hear Sam complaining and trying to reason with Dean but you weren’t really listening to what he was saying. Dean began pulling you along with him through the woods and you were still resisting but slowly resisting less and less, just because you were growing tired now. 
Neither of them spoke and you could feel tension in the air that you created from resisting, it felt like a more hostile setting now but you didn’t regret your decision to be difficult they were still strangers to you after all. After what felt like forever you broke through the edge of the forest with them and came to a road, there were no street lights which only proved to you that you were in the middle of nowhere. There was a black car parked alongside of the road and you saw the silhouettes of two others near the car. They seemed a little surprised to see you or maybe it was just surprise or confusion for how Dean was holding onto you like you were a criminal. 
“Dean? Who is this?” a serious yet emotionless sounding voice asked, 
“This is _____.” Sam answered telling them your name he sounded upset with the situation, 
“What happened?” the serious voice asked, pressing further. 
Sam didn’t answer this time he just exhaled heavily as though he didn’t even know how to explain. 
“Are you going to relax?” Dean asked as though he was trying to figure out if you might run or put up a fight, you didn’t like his tone and for a moment considered putting up one hell of a fight but reconsidered. You were surrounded by 4 men and didn’t think you’d get very far if you continued to resist and fight against them, you stayed quiet but nodded yes to show you weren’t going to struggle anymore. With that Dean let go of your arms which you immediately crossed in front of you, of course you were annoyed but you needed to calm down and try to get some answers or help from them. 
“Maybe you guys could just take me home and we can put all this behind us.” You suggested, trying your best to sound nice even though you were still upset. 
“Where are you from?” Sam asked, you told him the name of your town and you could see him tilt his head slightly like it didn’t sound familiar to him. 
“From where?” Dean questioned like you had just made up the name of a town.
 “You heard me.” You snapped. 
Sam had pulled out his phone and seemed to be searching for your town, 
“It can’t be that far away.” You claimed, 
“Sorry but I’ve never heard of it.” Sam explained. 
“What day is it?” you asked, suddenly wondering if more time had gone by then you had realized, since you were beginning to wonder if you were further away from home then you thought. 
Dean answered you telling you the date, it was the same date as when you were in your bedroom, how could it be the same night but you were apparently far from home, it didn’t make any sense to you. 
“You sure you’re not just drunk?” Dean questioned, 
“I’m not drunk.” 
“Well, you’re not very convincing.” 
“It’s not like I’m just making this stuff up.” 
“Sure, because your entire story checks out so far” 
“That’s enough” Sam said interrupting you both before things escalated into a full-blown argument between you and Dean. 
“Listen, I’m not saying you’re lying but things aren’t adding up and we’re going to need you to tell us everything you know if we’re going to help you.” Sam explained. 
You hesitated for a few moments before nodding in agreement, you needed to work with them if you were going to get anywhere with the way things were going. 
“Come on” Sam said motioning for you to follow him as he began walking towards the car, 
“This is Jack.” Sam said pointing to one of the silhouettes “And this is Cas” he said pointing to the other, you couldn’t make out any real distinct features of them either with it being so dark out. 
“Hello!” Jack said sounding rather excited to meet you, 
“You’re coming with us then?” he asked, 
“Looks that way.” You admitted.
➤ Continue to Chapter Two
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megacovenimagines · 4 years
•● ☾ luna plenum ☽ ●• Pt. 6
This story is a multi-choice story with multiple chapters and routes, if you have not started at the beginning of this story please go here to read from the beginning ♡
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You didn’t resist you didn’t see the point in resisting now and decided it was probably easier and in your best interest to just go along with them for now, but that didn’t mean that you trusted them you were still quite cautious after all you weren’t stupid. 
“I’m Sam by the way.” The kinder voice spoke up, “And this is my brother Dean.” He went on to explain, knowing their names made you feel a tiny bit better but not by much so you stayed quiet, walking along with them. 
“Where are you from?” Sam asked, you could tell he was still curious about you and wanted to figure you out and why you were out here. 
“I live in ______” you said telling him the name of your town, maybe they would be able to take you back home or at least point you in the right direction. 
“From where?” Dean asked he sounded confused like you had made up the name, you tried giving more details but no matter what you said neither of them seemed familiar with your town and you gave up trying to explain and fell silent again. 
“It’s alright, we can gps your town and find it.” Sam reassured, but now you suddenly felt a sense of unease creeping over you, if they had no idea where your town was then how far away from home were you? You had just assumed you were on the outskirts of town but if that was the case, they would for sure know of your town. Maybe you had been kidnapped? Abducted? If you were this far away from home then how much time had gone by since you were at home? You felt yourself beginning to panic.
“What day is it?” you asked, 
“You been drinking?” Dean asked sounding a little more light hearted about the situation now. 
“Dean, you’re not helping.” Sam complained, Sam told you the date but it didn’t make any sense to you because it was the same night, it was still the same date as when you were in your bedroom so how could you be away from your town? To the point that these guys had never heard of your town. You followed along with them through the forest saying nothing, you kept the things going through your mind to yourself you knew they were already skeptical of you and you didn’t want to give them any more reasons to be doubtful of your story. 
After a few minutes you emerged with them out of the tree line to a road, there were no street lights and it seemed like you were out in the country side somewhere. Looking around you noticed a black car parked along side the road and two others standing near the car, but it was still dark out and you couldn’t make them out to well either. 
One of the figures approached you “Hello!” a male voice said sounding rather excited to see you, he sounded fairly young and in the light of the moon you could see he had short light-colored hair. 
“H-hi.” You said feeling pretty uncomfortable with the situation now. 
“Who is this?” another male voice asked, he sounded a bit emotionless and didn’t approach you staying where he was. 
“This is _____, she needs our help.” Sam explained introducing you to them as he put a hand on your shoulder, 
“This is Jack and Cas.” Sam explained as he pointed towards the younger sounding figure and the emotionless sounding figure. 
“They can help us figure out what’s going on.” He assured with a gentle pat on your shoulder before moving away from you. 
“This place doesn’t exist.” Dean claimed sounded a bit frustrated, “Why lie about where you’re from?” he questioned. 
“W-what? I’m not lying!” 
“I’m looking it up right now and there’s nothing.” Dean insisted looking at the phone in his hand. 
“Why would I lie about something like that?” 
“I don’t know, why are y-” 
“Dean, stop” Sam said cutting him off, “That’s not helping anything.” He complained. 
You were still looking towards Dean and didn’t notice Cas approaching you from the side, you couldn’t help but flinch a little when you noticed him but before you could do or say anything, he touched your forehead with two fingers. 
“She’s not lying.” Cas stated plainly, you weren’t sure what he was playing at or if he was helping you in some way, but everyone was quiet for a few moments that felt like an eternity. 
“If we’re going to be able to help you, you’re going to have to tell us everything you do know.” Sam said sounding more concerned for you now, 
Dean exhaled heavily “Yeah, we’re gonna need you to come with us.” He stated in a serious tone.
➤ Continue to Chapter Two
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megacovenimagines · 4 years
•● ☾ luna plenum ☽ ●• Pt. 5
This story is a multi-choice story with multiple chapters and routes, if you have not started at the beginning of this story please go here to read from the beginning ♡
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You watched the lights moving through the forest rather aimlessly and as you watched the lights you decided against approaching the lights, in fact you decided it was probably in your best interest to stay away from the lights. Of course, you didn’t know if the people out here behind the flash lights would mean you well or would mean you harm, but you didn’t want to take the chance.
 Instead, you chose to put some distance between you and the people out here before they realized you were out here, you turned and began walking in the direction the lights were moving away from while keeping your distance from them. You figured these people had to come from somewhere maybe a house, a town, a street something that could possibly help you figure out where you were or how to get help. 
You stepped into the forest trying your best to navigate the trees in the darkness, it became a lot darker now inside the forest then it was out in the meadow. It felt as though you were stumbling around aimlessly bumping into the trunks of trees and brushes and branches scratching your legs and arms. Suddenly you noticed a light through the forest it wasn’t moving and you thought maybe it could be a house light or street light and began following after it, before you realized you were at the tree line out of the forest and stumbled as you came out of the woods. 
Trying to see your surroundings you could see a road in front of you which came as a relief this was at least a sign of civilization, but before you could celebrate too much a light was suddenly shined in your direction. You froze like a deer in head lights and squinted against the light. 
“Hello!” you heard a male voice say they sounded almost excited to see you which caught you by surprise. 
“Uh… H-hi” you stumbled over your words because you weren’t sure what to say. 
“Are you lost?” he asked sounding concerned for you as he lowered the flash light for it wasn’t so much in your face, 
“Yeah, yeah you could say that.” 
“Can I help?” 
“Can you tell me where we are?” 
“… I’m not sure.” 
“Well, that doesn’t help.” 
“Oh no, it’s okay my friends can help you.” 
You didn’t respond, you didn’t know what to say it was hard to believe he didn’t know where he was, was he messing with you? It was hard to trust anyone in this situation. 
“I’m Jack, what’s your name?” he asked, he didn’t sound like he meant any harm in fact he sounded genuinely kind and innocent which helped to kind of put your suspicions aside. 
“My name is ____” you answered, this could be your only chance to get some help after all you couldn’t see any houses or towns from the road you were at, you could end up walking for a long time if you didn’t accept his help. 
“How did you get out here?” he asked, 
“I know it doesn’t make sense but I don’t really know.” 
“You don’t remember how you got here?” 
“No, I don’t” 
“Are you hurt?” 
“I don’t think so.” You didn’t feel any pain aside from some cuts and scratches from the bushes and branches from the forest. You looked over at him you couldn’t really make out any details of his appearance, he had short light-colored hair that the full moon highlighted and he sounded fairly young. 
Suddenly there was some rustling from the tree line that caught the attention of both of you, immediately you seen three silhouettes two with flashlights stepping out of the forest. You knew it had to be the people that you saw and heard moving through the trees earlier but you stayed quiet, while you had come to the conclusion that Jack was harmless you weren’t sure about these ones and you could feel yourself putting back up your guard. 
A flash light was suddenly in your face again “Where did you come from?” a fairly kind male voice asked, he sounded surprised just to see you. 
You were about to speak but Jack answered for you “This is _____, they’re lost.” He stated rather matter of fact. 
“Lost? How did you get here?” the kind voice asked, 
“I don’t know”
“You don’t remember?” 
“I know how it sounds.” You said with a sigh. 
“It’s okay, we’ll figure it out, I’m Sam.” He said in a reassuring tone, “Why don’t you come with us for now?” Sam asked.
• ☾  - Make a choice:
➤ Agree to go
➤ Refuse to go
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megacovenimagines · 4 years
•● ☾ luna plenum ☽ ●• Pt. 4
This story is a multi-choice story with multiple chapters and routes, if you have not started at the beginning of this story please go here to read from the beginning ♡
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You didn’t like the idea of calling out to the voices because you didn’t know who or what you could trust right now, you were too cautious and had seen too many movies and tv shows that ended badly that made you weigh on the side of caution. But you weren’t about to run either you stood your ground and watched the lights move through the forest, they weren’t particularly headed in your direction and in fact seemed to be wandering kind of aimlessly. 
You wondered if maybe they were looking for something or someone or maybe they really were just hunters, maybe you should call out to them you wondered this might be your only chance to get help. After all you didn’t know where you were and maybe you really were in the middle of no where or very far away from civilization. 
But before you could think about your options too much you suddenly felt a hand touch your shoulder, you froze at the touch you were completely caught off guard by the sudden touch and fear crept over your body. Though the touch didn’t feel aggressive and seemed more to just get your attention than anything else, you slowly turned around to face the person as the hand came off your shoulder. 
Now facing the person, you could barely see them they didn’t have a light but the full moon provided a very vague light, just enough to make out their silhouette. The figure had short dark hair but there wasn’t much else you could make out about them; you took a step back from them not sure what to say to them. But they were the ones to break the silence, 
“What are you doing out here?” a rather calm yet emotionless male voice asked, you didn’t know what to say or how to respond so you were speechless for a few moments. 
“I… I’m not sure.” You said hesitantly, unsure how to explain your situation or if you should even try to explain your situation, after all you didn’t know who this person was or if they meant well or meant you harm. 
“You’re not sure?” the voice questioned sounding a little puzzled by your words, you hesitated for a moment before letting out a sigh and deciding to try and explain, 
“I don’t know where I am, or how I got here.” You admitted, you couldn’t help but feel rather defeated by your whole situation. There were a few moments of silence you could tell he was trying to make sense of what you were saying, or maybe he was deciding what to do with you. 
“I don’t understand” he said still sounding puzzled, 
“I don’t understand either”
“You don’t remember how you got here?”
“I don’t.” 
“What do you remember?”
“Being at home in my bedroom.”
“That’s it?” he pressed further but before you could say anymore the bright beam of a flashlight shined in your face from the side of you, flinching at the sudden light you raised an arm in front of your face to block out the light. 
“What the hell’s going on here?” a gruff male voice questioned, seemingly surprised at the two of you. You said nothing you didn’t know what to say or what was happening, 
“I thought I told you to wait by the car.” The gruff voice stated sounding annoyed, he seemed to be talking to the man you had been talking to moments ago. You could see that there were 3 silhouettes now they all seemed to be men and it seemed like they knew each other, which you weren’t sure if that made you more or less comfortable with your situation. 
“Can we talk about this somewhere else.” The 3rd man suggested, he had a much gentler voice and seemed just as uncomfortable as you for talking out in the middle of no where at night, 
“Come on.” The gentle voice said, he seemed to be motioning for you to follow him as he led the way.
• ☾  - Make a choice:
➤ Follow him
➤ Stay put
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megacovenimagines · 4 years
•● ☾ luna plenum ☽ ●• Pt. 3
This story is a multi-choice story with multiple chapters and routes, if you have not started at the beginning of this story please go here to read from the beginning ♡
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Hesitantly you decided calling out to the voices was your best option, you didn’t want to go sneaking up on them and you didn’t want them sneaking up on you either. You didn’t really know exactly what to say though but you knew you needed to say something while the voices were close enough to hear you. 
“H-hello? Somebody? Help?” you stumbled trying to find the words to say, slowly growing louder as you called out. You watched as the lights turned in your direction but they were still a ways away from you, the voices went quiet everything went quiet for a few moments that seemed to last forever. 
Then you heard the voices again but you couldn’t make out what they were saying, they were whispering and sounded like nothing more than mumbling to you at this distance. You watched as the lights slowly got closer and closer, you held your ground you didn’t want to approach them and felt it was best to let them come to you. It was hard not to be scared in the moment because you didn’t know what you could be faced with soon, but you tried your best to stay calm and collected. 
Suddenly the lights from the flash lights broke through the edge of the forest, you could now make out what seemed to be the silhouettes of two people which seemed to be men from their statures. Then the lights were suddenly shining right in your face which you were ready for and squinted against the light as you held your hands up in front of you trying to signal that you meant no harm and you had no weapons. 
“Hey! Who the hell are you?” you heard a gruff male voice ask sounding a bit annoyed, but the other voice whispered something to the gruff voice but you couldn’t hear what was said. 
“My name is _____” you said quickly, “Look I just need some help okay?” you added, you didn’t know what to say or how to explain your situation but you thought as long as they knew you needed help maybe they would be more understanding. 
“Are you alright? Are you hurt?” a different kinder voice asked as they grew closer to you. 
“N-no I’m not hurt.”, 
“Are you sure? What are you doing out here?”, 
“I don’t really know.”, 
“What do you mean?” 
They were within a few feet of you now and you couldn’t make out any distinctive features but you could tell they were both men now, one taller than the other with longer hair who you were talking to and the other one with short hair must have been the one with the gruff voice. You kept your hands up to show that you meant no harm and the lights shined away from your face for it wasn’t as blinding. 
“I mean, it’s hard to explain.” You admitted feeling kind of embarrassed all of a sudden. 
“Well, you better start explaining.” The gruff voice said, he sounded a lot less sympathetic towards you and you didn’t even know where to begin. 
“Look, we can help but we’re going to need to know what you’re doing out here.” The kinder voice explained as though he was genuinely trying to help you. 
“I’m Sam, and this is my brother Dean.” The kinder voice explained, which did help you feel a little more at ease because at least you had names. 
“I don’t know.” You began, “I don’t know how I got here, or where I am.” You explained, just setting it all out on the table from the beginning. 
They were both quiet for a few moments and for a minute you were worried that they didn’t believe you, after all you didn’t know if you would believe you if you were in their shoes. 
“How much have you had to drink?” Dean asked sounding a little more light hearted about the situation now, 
“N-no I haven’t!” you swore, you really didn’t want them thinking that you were just impaired because you genuinely needed help figuring out what was going on. 
“It’s okay, we’ll figure things out.” Sam insisted, it seemed like he was trying to comfort you as he put a hand on your shoulder “Come on.” He said suggesting you follow them.
• ☾  - Make a choice:
➤ Go with them quietly
➤ Question where they’re going first
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megacovenimagines · 4 years
•● ☾ luna plenum ☽ ●• Pt. 2
This story is a multi-choice story with multiple chapters and routes, if you have not started at the beginning of this story please go here to read from the beginning ♡
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Hesitantly you began to move towards the voices you knew it was a risk but you tried your best to push your fears down in order to move forward and get some answers, but you could only manage to move at a slow and cautious pace. Even if these people were harmless, they could be hunters and could be armed, you didn’t want to sneak up on or catch them by surprise. But at the same time, you couldn’t bring yourself to call out to them, you kind of hoped you could catch a glimpse of what they looked like first. 
You crept closer to the voices but they were whispering and you couldn’t really make out what they were saying, but the lights from the flashlights were getting closer to you. There were at least two people because you could see two separate lights, suddenly you stumbled over a tree root, snapping a couple of sticks on the ground before you caught yourself against a tree trunk before you could fall to the ground. 
Everything fell silent and you couldn’t hear the voices, but the lights were now shining in your direction but blocked by some trees, there had to still be some distance between them and you. But not for long as you regained your balance you were nearly blinded by the sudden light shining in your face, you raised your arms in front of your face as you squinted against the light. 
“Hey!” you heard a gruff voice call out to you, still squinting against the light you slowly raised your arms almost like you were surrendering, but it was really just to show that you weren’t armed and that you were harmless. If you were some how trespassing or something like that you didn’t want them to think you were dangerous or any kind of threat, but you struggled to find the words to say to get this message across. 
Before you could say a word you felt someone firmly grab your wrist and pull your arm down away from your face, the light adjusted for it wasn’t shining directly in your eyes but both lights were now on you like a spot light. 
“Who the hell are you?” the same gruff voice demanded sounding slightly confused now that they had seen your face. 
You could now tell there were only 2 people and you slowly looked up to try and see who this person was who was talking to you, but it was dark and without the lights on them you couldn’t really make out any distinct features. 
“Hey, did you not hear me?” the voice questioned somehow sounding even more annoyed this time. 
“I-I’m sorry” you managed to say stumbling over your words, it was hard not to be pretty shaken up by the entire situation. Your sudden apology seemed to catch them off guard though and there were a few moments of silence before you felt the person let go of your wrist. 
“What’s your name?” you heard a new voice ask, they sounded a lot gentler and kinder which surprised you a little but also left you feeling a little more cautious somehow. 
“My name is ____” you offered not sure what else to say to them, 
“What are you doing out here?” the kinder voice asked sounding a little puzzled by your presence. 
“I’m not sure.” You answered after all you had no idea where you were or how you got here. 
“What do you mean? Do you not remember?”
“I don’t, not really... it’s hard to explain” you admitted feeling a little embarrassed about the situation. 
“We’re going to need a little more details than that.” The gruff voice interjected sounding awfully suspicious of you, 
“Come on, you’re coming with us.” The voice said as though it wasn’t even a question as you felt a hand grab your upper arm to direct you to go with them.
• ☾  - Make a choice:
➤ Go with them peacefully
➤ Refuse and resist going with them
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megacovenimagines · 4 years
•● ☾ Luna Plenum ☽ ●•
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It was a cold night and only a slight breeze blew gently through the trees as a shiver ran down your spine, you stood next to your bedroom window watching the trees gentle rattle with the wind. It was getting late but you couldn’t sleep your mind was on your studies, you had an important exam tomorrow and you were trying your best to do some last-minute cramming. But even so it felt like you weren’t retaining any more information, it was as though you were at your limit and just couldn’t fit anything else inside your head. You had tried lying down and getting some rest after all it had felt like you had been up for days with the way you had been studying and barely sleeping. But no matter how hard you tried you couldn’t fall asleep, which had left you kind of wandering aimlessly in your bedroom. 
You stared up at the large full moon in the sky as clouds were beginning to roll along in front of the moon slowly, suddenly a flash in the sky caught your eye. It was strange and only lasted for a moment but enough to make you wonder, you leaned against your window sill trying to get a better look at the night sky but nothing seemed out of place no matter how much you searched the sky. Turning away from the window you were suddenly faced with a thin glowing golden line seemingly dancing in thin air right there in your bedroom, for a moment you were taken aback unsure. 
Perhaps you were seeing things or were you dreaming? You were so sleep deprived at this point it was hard to say, but before you could even understand what was happening you reached a hand out towards it. For some reason the strange light didn’t seem threatening to you and maybe if you could touch it you would know if it was all in your head or maybe just a dream. Your finger tips barely grazed the golden light for merely a moment when a bright white light seemed to explode from it, engulfing you completely and forcing you to close your eyes as you raised your arms in front of your face, to shield yourself to the sudden bright light. 
Slowly you opened your eyes again as you lowered your arms hesitantly, as you did it became clear you were no longer in your bedroom as you glanced up and realized you were outside underneath the night sky. The sky was clear and full of stars no clouds to be seen as the bright full moon hung in the sky, looking back down to earth you scanned your surroundings. It was as though you were in the middle of no where long grass was beneath your feet and there were trees along the sky line, it was like you were in the middle of a meadow surrounded by forests. 
You could feel the fear beginning to bubble up inside of you, what was happening? Where were you? So many questions filled your mind when you suddenly heard voices in the distance and your attention was drawn to the edge of the forest closest to you, turning to face the tree line and the direction where the voices were coming from you could see what appeared to be flashlights through the forest. 
There were people in the forest but why? It was the middle of the night who would be out this late? The reasons why filled your head, perhaps it was something as simple as hunting or maybe something more malicious as you began to think of various crime and horror shows you had seen over the years. Yes, they were people and you needed help to figure out what was going on and where you were, but did you really want to take the risk on some strangers wandering through the woods at night?
• ☾  - Make a choice:
➤ Move towards the voices
➤ Call out to the voices
➤ Stay where you are and stay quiet
➤ Move away from the voices and hide if needed
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megacovenimagines · 4 years
♡ Date ideas for Lucifer, Gabriel & Jack
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➤ Lucifer
Places/Ideas he’ll enjoy
● Festivals, fairs, concerts, amusement parks
● Dive bars or clubs
● Arcades, casinos, destructive sports/racing
● Staying home with you or anywhere its just the two of you
● Competitive places for games or sports where he can show off in front of you.
Places/Ideas he’ll dislike
● Hates to be anywhere there is a large crowd or busy areas, because he’ll hate being around people. But if there’s enough of a distraction like something to keep him busy (Games, sports, rides) or focused he won’t mind as much, otherwise he can become annoyed and hostile just being around others
● Places he sees as bland or boring which can range from many places depending on his mood at the moment, he can also lose interest in something fairly quickly but tends to dislike quiet and slow-paced things.
● Sightseeing, gardens, zoos, plays, museums, restaurants or anywhere that is more watching then doing.
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➤ Gabriel
Places/Ideas he’ll enjoy
● Staying home or staying at nice vacation spots, watching movies, playing games
● Ideal vacation spots with a nice view, beaches, casinos, nice bars, clubs or restaurants.
● Festivals, amusements parks, water parks, concerts, parties, comedy shows
● Restaurants, cafes and anywhere with sweets or candy
● Enjoys a variety of places but particularly anywhere there’s some excitement and movement
Places/Ideas he’ll dislike
● Anywhere that’s too quiet and still, he can find boring fairly quickly and can become kind of childish when bored.
● Educational or sightseeing places where there’s nothing to really do or keep him busy.
● Museums, sport events, nature parks
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➤ Jack
Places/Ideas he’ll enjoy
● Open to any ideas really because he’ll simply enjoy spending any time with you anywhere, there isn’t many places or ideas (if any) that he’ll turn down.
● Any place that makes you happy or you seem really excited or happy about, because he’ll love to see you happy and can feed off your excitement and energy.
● Places with nature or animals, the Zoo, aquariums, insect houses, gardens, aviaries, nature parks, though he does have a tendency to want to touch things. This means he’ll particularly enjoy places he can feed, touch or pet animals
● Places he can be around others, interact with others and see/experience new things such as Festivals, Fairs, Renaissance fairs, amusement parks, water parks or the circus
● Anywhere he can be with you and easily have conversations with you, because he will like experiencing things with you and being able to talk to you while its happening.
Places/Ideas he’ll dislike
● Overwhelming and loud places that can cause a sensory overload, he won’t like having too much to focus on, such as places with loud noises, flashing lights or just a lot going on in general, such as clubs, concerts, parties
● Anywhere that he can potentially get separated from you, which can mean anywhere with big crowds, busy areas or places he could get lost like a haunted house or mazes.
● Places that can make him feel uncomfortable, out of place or where he just doesn’t know how to act or what to do in general, this can mean fancy restaurants, museums, sporting events, etc. However; he won’t mind going anywhere as long as you give him guidance or explain to him how to act or what to do.
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megacovenimagines · 4 years
Hi! Can I request headcanons for crowley's reaction to a friend of the winchesters having a crush on him?
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● Initially surprised by the news but takes full advantage of the fact that you have a crush on him, especially any time it can benefit him. Whether trying to get information out of you or trying to be included in something that’s going on.
● This can make him rather flirtatious towards you whether he actually has any genuine feelings for you or not, it can also give off fairly clear signs that he’s at least trying to use you in some way. Especially because he can become more flirtatious with you when he’s after something.
● Which can greatly irritate Sam and Dean especially if any of Crowley’s flirting or advances towards you actually works, or any time you even think about trying to defend him or give him the benefit of the doubt.
● Meaning you will receive a lot of criticism from Sam and Dean for even having a crush on Crowley to begin with, it can also make them more protective over you particularly if you are very close to Sam and Dean.
● However, Crowley is also pretty careful to walk a careful line between you and the Winchesters. Because he is fully aware that too many of the wrong moves can make you suspicious or even lose interest in him and put him in worse standing with the Winchesters than he already is.
● While he can be rather manipulative with you this doesn’t mean he can’t or won’t actually develop feelings for you depending on why you developed a crush on him in the first place, and how you act towards him in general. If he does develop feelings for you, he’ll become far less manipulative with you and he won’t seem as though he’s trying to use you anymore.
● But if he doesn’t develop feelings for you, he can use you to benefit himself and even potentially put you in serious danger or even betray you if it can benefit him in some way. Though unlikely that he’d go so far as to put you in a life-threatening situation simply to keep the Winchesters from hating him more.
● Whether he develops any real feelings for you or not he may instigate a romantic/sexual relationship with you simply for the fun of it. Though is more likely to wait longer before instigating things if he actually does have feelings for you.
● Will like using the fact that you like him against the Winchesters, even if it’s just to tease them. He also tends to look to you to defend him when the Winchesters are criticizing him, as well as to keep the Winchesters from doing anything to him. Which can really put you in the position of like a referee between him and the Winchesters.
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