merbyteslibrary · 2 years
Heaven Sent : Chapter 18 | Darkness
Trigger Warning | Sexual Situations, Gore, Abuse, Foul Language.
Lucifer spared no time in adjusting himself, buttoning his shirt back up and running his fingers through his blonde hair before following Dahlia out.
My legs were wobbling still from what had just happened and I took a seat in Lucifer's chair, looking at his desk I could see why he seemed so stressed all the time- there were constant reminders for meetings and revisions to contracts. Some notes were even written in bold red marker for various humans that were not allowed contracts under any circumstances.
I wondered how many outstanding contracts they had to have to be put on that list.
"So this is the famous human."
A woman stood at the entrance to the office, her white hair was in a pixie cut, dark black skin reflecting the orange of the fiery hail outside, and wearing the signature white pants suit. "When Michael told me about you I thought you were some powerful force, like the demon hunters on your mortal shows."
"W-who are you?"
"'Who are you?'" She mocked, "Listen to you, you mousy little thing." She strode into the office and leaned over the desk to get a better look at me.
"Lucifer will be right back." I warned, leaning back in the chair with my fists on my knees.
"No, I think he'll be busy for a while..." She mused and took a seat on the edge of the desk; I shuffled a little in the seat as her silver eyes scrutinized my appearance. "Were you two fucking?"
A wide grin spread across her lips like she had just gotten the juiciest bit of gossip, "No! Lucifer and I were just ... Um..."
I couldn't very well say that we were making out at work, or that it was probably headed in that direction.
"You naughty little thing..." She flipped around on the desk- her legs were on either side of me. "Michael really has gotten a taste of what Eve's having."
"I'm sorry?"
She ignored my confusion, "So what is he like? I know-I know... he's my brother, yuck right?" she stuck out her tongue, "But I've never met a human that's gotten a piece of the devil, I think he might have had a fling or two with a demon but he really just focuses on revenge- you know?"
"Revenge? On God?"
"No, on Michael! He was the one who kicked Lucifer out of heaven with his flaming sword- a lot of writings say he killed Lucifer but that is obviously not true."
"Poor Lucifer..." I mumbled, no wonder he hates his brother- if he grew up as an angel and had to live with one of his ... No... Most of his siblings taking his father's side when he was kicked out of heaven...
"He got what he deserved, it was God's plan."
I met her cold silver eyes and stood up at the desk.
"How dare you, he is your brother and you are supposed to be benevolent and forgiving." I set my shoulders back, unsure where this confidence had come from – but it was unfair that Lucifer kept being talked about like he was the scourge of the earth. "Anyone who can say Lucifer deserves to be thrown out like that- in my opinion- is the real devil."
"Me-ow!" She laughed, "Sit down kitty cat before you cut yourself on those claws."
I wasn't sure what possessed me to do so, but I balled up my fist and punched her in the mouth.
"Get out!" I screamed, "Crowley! Dahlia!"
The angel pinned me against the large windows behind Lucifer's desk, her hand was over my lips. "Shut your mouth you little flesh bag." She hissed. "If Michael didn't already want you alive, I swear I would throw you from this window and fly to the bottom just to hear your bones crack when you hit the pavement."
Michael wanted me alive; does that mean she came to get me?
"This whole process is taking longer than expected I was hoping-." There was a flash from outside, different than the orange and red glow from the hail.
This flash was blue and as soon as it happened the angel smiled, turning me around to look out of the window as he held onto the back of my neck.
Three angels surrounded Lucifer on the street, three angels I didn't recognize.
The angels all attacked Lucifer at once, one drove a spear through his side as another put him in a chokehold and held his head back, the last swung around a golden blade- just before he was about to slice through his chest Lucifer's soot-stained wings unfolded and knocked the angels onto the pavement.
"How are they holding their own against him? I saw him kill Gabriel in a single movement."
"Don't send angels to do an archangels job." She chuckled in my ear. "Plus, Gabriel talked too much."
Archangels, just like Michael except...
"Where is Michael?"
"Waiting for you, sweetheart." I opened my mouth to ask questions when I saw another plague encroaching.
It spread across the city like a phantom- engulfing everything in its path.
*** New Chapters posted every Friday ***
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merbyteslibrary · 2 years
Heaven Sent : Chapter 17 | The Plagues
Trigger Warning | Sexual Situations, Gore, Elder Abuse, Foul Language.
Lucifer was beside me before I realized, he cupped my face in his hands and examined my mouth.
"Are you-?" He looked at the glass in my hand, it was filled with blood. "What the fuck old man?"
"It's not me!" God was getting irritated.
"Then use your all seeing eye to figure out who it is!"
"Lucifer..." Raphael had out his phone, scrolling across the screen frantically. "There is more..."
We were all seated on God's couch watching as demon and angel newscasters reported the plagues, frogs, lice, flies, pestilence, boils, locusts, and fiery hail.
"It's happening all at once."
"Obviously whoever is behind this has the flair for the dramatic; they can't even do one day at a time." God scolded, "I know how to do the plagues right."
"I think all at once is a little more terrifying..." I mumbled, "Humans could barely take the plagues one at a time, all at once – especially after the rapture – means they could very well be wiped out."
"If not severely endangered."
An advertisement came on the screen between reports.
It showed animated clips of the plagues raining down on a building as the narrator spoke.
"Plagues getting you down? Don't you just wish you had gone to heaven when you had the chance?" An animated stripper covered in boils nodded sadly on the screen. "Then come on down to The Pearly Gates! We're making contracts for a limited time only – all your souls for a ticket to heaven!" The stripper hurried inside to an animated image of Michael who extended his palm to her single soul. "That's right, all your souls for a ticket to heaven – you only need just one! But hurry now because this offer only lasts while plagues are still ravaging the world!"
Lucifer turned the TV off, "There is your golden child – profiting off of a major disaster." He sighed, "Just like the fucking church."
"And what are you doing to help those souls get into heaven?"
"Some people need to earn a place in heaven, not just pay hand over fist." Locusts were slapping against the windows so hard it sounded like rain outside, Lucifer made a face and turned to me. "We need to get you home..."
As predicted the plagues wiped out most of the human population – that or they had hurried to the Pearly Gates to make a deal with Michael.
I was making Lucifer his iced coffee as I watched the destruction outside, there were dead bodies littering the street from either starvation or disease, the fiery hail did damage to several buildings- leaving them in the same state they had been directly after the rapture, and angels walked the streets like plague doctors... They leaned over bodies and extracted the souls from each one.
"Don't look at it; it's only going to make you feel worse."
"But there has to be a way to stop it, if we could find the person responsible-."
"That is not a human matter." He took the tumbler from my hands and set it down, wrapping me in his arms.
What do I do? He's been so affectionate lately, holding my hand and now this?
I hesitantly placed my hands on his back and rested my cheek on his chest, I took in his scent and some of the stress started to melt away.
"Bonnie?" I felt my stomach stir as he said my name.
"I want to ask you, formally, if you would like to..." He grumbled a little, "... Go on a date with me, I believe that's how it's still referred to."
I pulled my head back while still keeping my hands on his back.
"Do you mean be exclusive? Or just a onetime date?"
"I want you to be exclusive with only me." He spoke quickly, "You're mine."
I smiled, "I already belong to you, Lucifer- we made a contract."
He leaned forward and traced his nose down my neck, pulling back my hair as he left little kisses on my throbbing veins.
"We did, but I wanted to hear you say it from your lips- that you were mine." He tightened his grip on me, closing the gap between us completely. "Only mine."
I felt all of the emotions bubble to the surface, warm and soothing but somehow red hot and scalding at the same time. I snapped my thighs together when the realization reached me – why I ached the way that I did when he touched me.
"I am only yours." I was trembling, not from fear, but from how he eagerly kissed my skin - his hands slipped to the back of my dress, it was the one he picked up at the store and told me he thought I would like the color.
It was a pencil dress, V neck with short sleeves, and blush pink.
I felt him trace his fingers up my spine as he looked for the zipper, I brought my hands to his collar and tugged – his eyes tore themselves away from my skin and now looked into mine.
I was on his lips, running my fingers through his hair as he wrapped his arms around my waist-forgetting my zipper entirely. He sat me on his desk and started to lean over me, caressing my jaw with his fingertips, tasting my lips till I finally slipped my tongue in his mouth.
There was a lingering flavor of caramel on his tongue, I started to unbutton his shirt eagerly before a knock came from the door and my hands froze.
"Sir, we have actual business to do- you're needed downstairs."
Dahlia stood in the doorway; I peeked over my shoulder bashfully as Lucifer kissed my neck with his hands on either side of my hips.
"It can wait..." He grumbled.
"They said Michael sent them."
*** New Chapters posted every Friday ***
Up Next: Darkness
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merbyteslibrary · 2 years
Heaven Sent : Chapter 16 | The Untouchables
Trigger Warning | Sexual Situations, Gore, Elder Abuse, Foul Language.
"That wasn't supposed to happen for another twelve millennia!"
Lucifer perked up at the mention, "Well then explain why half of the humans in existence got beamed up to heaven?"
"Who the hell knows! But it wasn't because of me, I was down here when someone pressed the rapture button."
"You guys have a rapture button?" I took a seat beside Lucifer, "Doesn't that seem unsafe?"
"When you have only perfect beings for children it doesn't seem like a bad idea." He looked distastefully at Raphael. "At least when you think you have only perfect children."
"What did I do?" Raphael whispered and held onto his arms, Lucifer was right; he was the less hostile out of the siblings I had seen. In fact he almost reminded me of myself with how he guarded himself – arms crossed and standing beside the table instead of sitting.
His bashful face tugged at my heartstrings.
Lucifer cleared his throat and quickly took my hand in his- resting them on the table and acting like nothing new was happening. I, however, was staring at the overlapping palms- and I could feel God and Raphael doing the same.
"This whole premature rapture smells rotten to me, I'm blaming Michael."
"You always blame Michael." Raphael sighed, "Is he even aware that the rapture was premature?"
"Raphael has a point; it's easy to blame Michael since you two don't like each other." I decided to chime in, giving Lucifer's thumb a gentle stroke. "This could be something that brings you two closer together."
"Unlikely, I made Lucifer and Michael to be enemies- just as Lucifer and I are enemies." God was leaning back in his chair, looking rather content with his statement.
Lucifer kicked him under the table.
"There is little that happens in heaven without Michael knowing, since our father has become..." Raphael eyed the almighty. "... Less than capable of leading the angels, Michael has stepped in to keep things running smoothly."
"Absolutely not, for all I know he is the one responsible for getting Bonnie maimed the other night."
"Wait, what happened?"
"It's nothing, and Michael seemed concerned as well." I tried to rationalize. "You two are not so different."
"They couldn't be more different, I made them that way!"
"Shut up old man, your powers are dying so whatever 'plan' you had before is dying with them."
"God's powers are dying?"
Lucifer and Raphael both looked away; I guess neither of them wanted to break the news to the human population that the creator of heaven and earth also had an expiration date.
"Is there anything we can do? Have you asked Michael about it?"
"Fuck no." Lucifer snapped, giving my hand a little squeeze. "And we don't need his help, death comes for us all and God is no different."
"The fuck I am!" God took to his feet, "My powers aren't dying they're just somewhere else!"
"Because that makes sense." Raphael grumbled, "Did your powers just fly out the window?"
"They may as well have! You had better get out there and go catch them flying through the air before I turn mortal!"
"A little mortality might be good for you, pops." Lucifer grinned and leaned over the table, "Then I can drag your ass to hell."
"You're such an ungrateful son... If it weren't for me she wouldn't be here!" God seemed to be in and out of a coherent conversation.
"What do you mean?"
"She was supposed to be raptured."
I felt like I had gotten slapped in the face, I stood up and wobbled over to the sink – am I going to be sick? Maybe it was just the hangover.
"All the people that were taken weren't even all the ones on my list."
"How do you know this?" Raphael cocked his head, "Did you screw it up?"
"It wasn't me!" God emphasized.
I was shakily grabbing one of the drying glasses beside the sink, I needed a drink...
I was left behind; I was supposed to be in heaven? That could have been me floating up to the night sky with Rebecca- we could have been in heaven together.
"Everyone that went up to heaven got classified by the same mutation."
"Look at you Bill Nye, are you having a moment of clarity?" Lucifer chuckled.
"Fuck you, Satan."
But Lucifer gave him another jab with the cane, "Keep talking old man."
"They were all untouchables; whoever started the rapture wanted every human that could oppose them out of the way." He jabbed a thumb in my direction, "I had enough strength to grab one, and this was the one I got."
"Thank you... I guess?" The room still felt like it was lifting off the ground.
"I should have gotten someone else; but I was reaching my hand in blindly trying to grab the first untouchable I could."
He was probably right, if he had moved his reach over by a hair he would have gotten Rebecca- she was much more outspoken than I was, but when I thought about her being in my position...
When I thought about her being Lucifer's secretary instead of me...
I started gulping down my water, a metallic taste swirled around on my tongue and I spat it out.
*** New Chapters posted every Friday ***
Up Next: The Plagues
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merbyteslibrary · 2 years
Heaven Sent : Chapter 15 | God's House
Trigger Warning | Elder Abuse, Foul Language.
It was a white building in a perfect square shape with white steps that led up to the front door, it sat atop lush thick green grass that spread out to the busy downtown streets.
Even though the home looked so simple and peaceful I couldn't help getting the same feeling a mental hospital would give me.
I hadn't asked Lucifer any further questions about God himself, what was I supposed to ask anyway?
"Don't listen to a word this crackpot says when you get in here."
"B-but he's God..."
"He's senile as fuck is what he is, if I knew how, I would have taken him out back like Old Yeller a long time ago." We stepped inside, there was more white everywhere once again- like one of those 'modern homes' they used to show on tv before the rapture.
"I heard that." A short withered old man in a grey jumpsuit and white robe stood in the entryway, he had on white slippers and held onto a metal cane with a white handle, his skin was that of a dark oak, his eyes warm and golden with white pupils, and his hair was tight small curls of gray and white.
Lucifer was his exact opposite, dressed in all black and his usual rolled up sleeves, his hellish red eyes looked alive with wicked delight.
He kicked the old man's cane out from under him and sent his frail body toppling to the ground.
"Were you waiting to see me this whole time, you old fuck?"
"Lucifer!" I gasped and helped God onto his feet. "Are you alright?"
"I am the beginning and the end, I am all that was, is, and will be." The almighty glared at Lucifer, "And I will beat your ass if you touch me again, boy!"
"What are you going to do? Throw an after dinner mint at me?" He was chuckling.
"Is this what you do every weekend?" I still had a hold on God, his limbs shook terribly – as I held onto his arms I could feel nothing but bone beneath his robe.
"Ha! Yes, he's been torturing me for millennia- it's only fair that I get my turn."
"If I had my power I'd incinerate you!"
"Sure you would old man." Lucifer rolled his eyes and twirled God's cane around his finger, thwacking him on his backside. "So the way I see it, my job is to punish all the evil souls – right?" He strolled into God's home while resting his cane on his shoulder. "God is quite possibly the evilest soul I know, why did he give little Timmy cancer? God's plan- we don't know what the plan was but it was a dick move."
"But he's God."
"He could be the Queen of England for all I care." He flashed a grin over his shoulder.
"He's a little old man..." I mumbled
"I sent ten plagues into Egypt just to prove a point! I'm not a little old man, I am wrath!" God shook his fist to Lucifer who was seating himself at the large square kitchen table.
"Now you've got him started, he's so proud of his plagues..."
"Rameses just needed a little convincing that my way was the right way, so I killed thousands!" He laughed. "And then I killed his son!"
"Maybe he really is a sinner..." I mumbled as I helped him to a seat across from Lucifer.
"I told you, he's kind of a dick."
"I made a sex boat." I covered my mouth as soon as he said so.
"It was an arc..." The devil himself had his head in his hands.
"It was a sex boat! Back in those days they didn't have fancy cameras to make porn on so you had to convince people to get busy in other ways."
"By flooding the earth? Wait then why did you add all the animals?" I was also curious about this turn of events.
"I made the animals, I want to see them get-."
Another voice came from the living room; it was a pale man with short shockingly red hair, from his silver eyes I could tell he was an angel- so I guess he dyed his hair?
"Dad we don't need to talk about your bestiality fetish again, I heard this like ten times last night." He wasn't as muscular as the other angels I had seen; in fact he was a human height with leaner muscles to compliment his thinner frame.
"Bonnie this is Raphael, one of my better siblings."
"He only says that because otherwise he would be the one taking care of dad if I decided not to."
"You act like you have a choice, Raps?" Lucifer chuckled, I was flickering my gaze from person to person nervously.
Another angel, God himself, and an elder abusing devil.
"I have another job! I cook the books at Michael's gentlemen's club."
"Not much of a club when it doubles as a prostitution ring." Lucifer was prodding God in the chest from across the table, "And I don't think cook the books is the term you want to use, dumbass."
"I'm pretty sure that's the right term, that's when the profits are always rising – right?"
"False profits, it means you're lying about the earnings."
"How did you turn out so disappointing?" God sighed, "You were all supposed to be perfect beings... Except Lucifer- he was made to be an asshole."
My heart sank, was that true? Did God really design the devil to be his great rival? And if that were true then why raise him as an angel to begin with?
Poor Lucifer.
My sympathy was short lived as Lucifer knocked God over the head with a cane; I was amazed that he hadn't had so much as a bruise on him this entire time.
"I'm the only asshole that bothers to visit your wrinkled ass since you raptured the entire place!"
"Okay, and Raps takes care of you."
"I didn't even start this fucked up rapture! That wasn't supposed to happen for another twelve millennia!"
*** New Chapters posted every Friday *** Up Next: The Untouchables
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merbyteslibrary · 2 years
Heaven Sent : Chapter 14 | Hangover
Trigger Warning | Sexual Situations, Gore, Abuse, Foul Language.
Dahlia's face started going pale as she pushed against me, "B-bonnie stop it!"
At her words I was finally stilled, though my body was still shaking as Lucifer pulled me against his chest.
"What was that?"
"I don't know! I didn't do anything; I thought she was immune to our influence!"
"It was the kiss..." Crowley mused, "The boss called it a skin mutation, so if your tongue was down her throat-."
"Shut up Crowley." Lucifer tightened his hold on me, his arms felt so solid- like nothing was going to break through them.
Like I was safe here.
I softly wrapped my arms around him as well, closing my eyes as I took in the familiar smell of sandalwood and coffee.
"I think you're right ... It might be bedtime."
"I'll take you to your room." He lowered his voice, "Get Dahlia to bed as well, I don't want to see her again till I've had a chance to calm down."
"I'm right here! You don't think that this hasn't fucked me up too?"
"Shut up!" Lucifer's bellow shook his chest.
"Come on, you're staying in my room tonight so I can keep an eye on you."
There was a long span of silence before Lucifer withdrew from our embrace, he cupped my drunken face in his hands as I stared blankly back at him.
"What?" I blurted.
"How does such a tiny little thing like you, give me so much heartburn?"
"I think that means you eat too much spicy food."
He cracked a smile and his gaze lowered to my lips, leaning in for a moment before making fists in my hair and pressing his forehead against mine. "It's time for you to go to sleep."
I grabbed onto his shirt as my eyes filled with tears again.
"Don't go."
"I'll be right down the hall."
"No, don't go, can we sit on the couch for a little bit?" I rubbed my teary eyes on his chest, mumbling nonsense as we stood in the living room.
"Fine, but only until you sober up a bit – then I'm taking you to your room."
I took my seat on the couch quickly and patted the seat next to me, once he took a seat I started snuggling against his chest- taking his arm and wrapping it around my shoulders. I gave a content sigh as I closed my eyes.
"You better not be trying to fall asleep."
"You better not be trying to leave." I pouted, Lucifer gave an exhausted sigh.
"You are not going to make my life any easier."
"Nope." I yawned.
I wasn't sure if he had kept talking to me or not as I started drifting off to sleep, his arms keeping me warm as I listened to the sound of his heartbeat.
My eyes fluttered open and I winced at the morning sunlight that filtered in through the windows.
I groaned- my head was killing me.
As I started lifting my head I realized I had my head rested on something solid, not only that but something else was rested atop my head.
My pillow rose and fell with a small snore coming from the top of my head; I recalled last night's events and placed a palm over my mouth to keep any noise from escaping. I slept on my boss last night... No not just that I slept on The Devil last night!
"Are you awake?" He grumbled, my face was on fire.
"Finally, I've been starving for the past two hours."
"Why didn't you just get up?" I pushed myself off of him; our faces were just a breath apart.
Lucifer looked off to the kitchen, "You got pretty drunk last night, I figured you needed your sleep."
"That's very kind of you." I smiled and looked into his ruby eyes for a moment before realizing I was still canoodling with Satan. I quickly got to my feet and started stretching; when Lucifer rose he towered over me.
"You smell like a corpse."
The butterflies I had before had now flown into my stomach acid.
"Oh, I apologize, do you mind if I take a shower?"
He flicked his gaze to the hallway and narrowed his eyes, "Use my bathroom, I want to make sure you're not disturbed."
I nodded, "Of course, as long as you are alright with it."
He leaned closer to me and smiled, tilting my chin to meet his gaze. "You weren't this bashful last night." I'm pretty certain I turned into putty just from his touch.
"I-I should probably go take that shower."
"Do you have a change of clothes?" I shook my head.
"I'll go to the store while you shower, lock the door while you're in there."
"Don't be so paranoid." Dahlia strutted into the kitchen wearing only a large T shirt.
"Oh I'm sorry, who was the one who assaulted someone while they were drunk?"
"I didn't mean for it to go so far." She was pouring herself a bowl of cereal. "We made out, who cares?"
I held my arms and stepped away from Lucifer. "I think I should just go take a shower."
"See, she doesn't give a fuck about what happened last night- don't get your panties in a twist." Lucifer slammed her into the countertop, her bowl broke beneath her.
His black horns came out of his head as the red of his devil skin started to crawl up his throat. "I should have beaten you until you were unrecognizable yesterday."
Crowley was stumbling down the hall struggling to pull his pants up, "How bad is it?"
"Pretty bad..." I squeaked.
He looked at the commotion in the kitchen and sucked in his breath through his teeth. "Fuck me, she at least apologized right?"
"I don't need to apologize!"
"Oh fuck."
"I don't care where you go, I don't care what you do- I don't want to see your face for the rest of the day." Lucifer leaned toward her.
"You're kicking me out?"
"It's not permanent; if Crowley has any pity for you then he can let you stay in his room." Lucifer was returning back to his human form now as he straightened up. "Don't get your panties in a twist, you can always find a hotel."
Dahlia stormed out of the front door.
"Well that could have gone worse, I'm making breakfast!" Crowley perked up, "How does pancakes with strawberries sound?"
I hadn't had pancakes in so long, "That sounds wonderful, thank you."
"I'll go to the store and pick something up, I don't know about fashion..." Lucifer rubbed the back of his neck, "But I would be willing to drive you if you need to pick up any other outfits."
"One is more than enough."
"Alright, if you don't mind I have some errands to run this weekend – would you like to accompany me?"
I was curious to see what 'Errands' were to the devil. "I would love to, is it a grocery shopping day?" I giggled at the idea of Lucifer trying to decide on fresh produce.
He chuckled along with me, grabbing his keys as he headed to the door. "No, no, I just like to torture God on the weekends."
Time felt like it came to a complete stop; a chill ran through my body.
Did he just say God?
*** New Chapters posted every Friday *** Up Next: God’s House
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merbyteslibrary · 2 years
Heaven Sent : Chapter 13 | Under The Influence
Trigger Warning | Sexual Situations, Gore, Abuse, Foul Language.
"Just because you live here doesn't make it any less my house, so go put some fucking pants on." Lucifer shouted down the hall, "And that goes for Dahlia as well!"
"I didn't realize you already had people here, I'll start looking for a house as soon as possible so I can be out of your hair by next week."
"They're just leeches; stay as long as you need to there is plenty of space." He walked to the kitchen which shared an open floor with the living room – also making it appear twice as large as it already was. "Here, this will work wonders for the pain."
When he came back he handed me a chilled bottle of 'Devil's Promise' whiskey. "I – I don't know I've never drank before."
"Are you under age?"
"Technically, is the legal age twenty-one still? I'm a year short."
"A year? That hardly counts." He waved his hand, "If you're worried just have a few sips or set it off to the side and I'll drink it."
His hands were starting to glow, a warm soothing sensation washed over my broken leg. I couldn't help letting my satisfaction come out in a sigh.
"I thought demons had painful healing abilities."
"They do, I was originally an angel."
That made sense since Michael called him brother.
"Alright, so we have a new guest here?" Crowley leaned over the couch and draped his arms around my neck, "Or is this your way of inviting Dahlia and I to have a four-way?"
"Absolutely not, get your hands off my secretary." Lucifer tried to stand but realized he couldn't leave his spot while he was healing my leg.
"Or else what? We aren't at work anymore." Crowley purred and pecked his lips against my ear, I could feel the heat rising from my throat and into my face.
Lucifer narrowed his gaze and wrapped his free arm around my waist, pulling me onto his lap as he continued to heal my leg.
"Someone is jealous." Dahlia sang as she leaned next to Crowley on the couch, "He might also be concerned, I'm pretty sure you've contracted a few things over the years."
"Just a small case of crabs- but who doesn't have crabs?"
All three of us raised our hands as Crowley looked away from us nervously, "I think I need a drink- it's time to start this weekend off right."
"Make me one, you make such good cocktails!" Dahlia slouched over the back of the couch- it was much different than seeing her at work; off the clock she was much more ... Crowley-like.
"Boss, do you want anything?"
He said nothing as he slipped the whiskey from my hand and took a long swig.
"Fine, be that away!"
Dahlia and Crowley were surrounded by four or five glasses with various colored umbrella's in them, Lucifer was still taking sips from the whiskey bottle we had been sharing.
The whiskey and I – needless to say- were not very compatible.
I already felt the room spinning as I continued to sit on Lucifer's lap.
Dahlia was holding a pink concoction that Crowley had made and waving it around while she laughed, "Okay, okay, so what was Brad like – you know before the rapture I guess?"
"Still not awesome if I'm honest." I slurred, "Like, like ... He always had something negative to say about me." I jabbed a thumb into my chest, "I'm pretty cool – not like perfect but I'm pretty cool! But Brad was always like 'you should dye your hair, you should wear more make up, you should get a tan, blah blah blah!'" I mocked him with my hands on my hips.
I heard Lucifer chuckling behind me.
"Yeah, yeah laugh it up!" I struggled to turn around until I was sitting on my knees in front of him.
"Look out boss, she's about to tell you what's what!" Crowley cackled.
"Damn right!" I straightened up and poked a finger on his chest, he had an amused smile across his face. "But I dated him for like three years, three years! Man that was pretty stupid..." I mumbled, blinking my eyes back up to Lucifer, "You know what else was stupid? I gave him those fifty souls..."
I whispered it to Lucifer, but I giggled as I realized I wasn't being as quiet as I thought.
"You what?" He straightened up, "That little insect lied to me?"
"Yup, he sure did... But there is nothing more we can do except hope that karma does its job." I gave a knowing nod, "You smell good."
"So you've mentioned." Lucifer snaked his arms around my waist and held me close, "I think you might need to head to bed soon."
"No way, no way, no way! The night just started!" I took another greedy drink from the whiskey right before he slipped it from my hands.
"That's enough, you'll be drunk until morning at this rate."
"C'mon boss just let her have a good time!" Dahlia crawled off the couch and slipped her hands above the Devil's hold on me, kissing my neck. "She might even be in the mood to show you a good time..."
"Back off Dahlia..." He growled, but I could see from her flushed cheeks that Dahlia was also not in the right mind- and by her mischievous grin she wasn't looking to listen to anyone.
Even Crowley stood up, "Hey, the boss said to chill out- why don't we go back to my room if you're feeling feisty?"
"No, I don't think I want to."
Her movements were fast as she pulled my waist away from Lucifer, I yelped from the pain as he tried to pull me back – when I yelped a second time he finally let go seeing as Dahlia was crouching behind me like a shield.
"It's not funny Dahlia." He growled.
"Babes, come on let the joke go."
"What's wrong? Are you afraid she'll switch sides?" Dahlia tipped my head toward her as my vision spun and blurred- her tongue slipped past my lips as she held me there.
A satisfied moan came from her throat before Lucifer grabbed it and lifted Dahlia in the air, I scrambled backwards on the floor – slipping on my hands and knocking into the coffee table.
"She's drunk Dahlia, I should rip your head clean off your shoulders."
I was panicking, why didn't I stop her? Why didn't my brain realize what was happening? Why wouldn't the room stop spinning?
"I think she wants to do it again."
"Dahlia is pretty drink herself, boss; there is no reasoning with her right now."
"Then she had better sober up or-."
I felt a strange new sensation running through my arms and legs, before they were clumsily knocking against the coffee table and wobbling across the floor- now without my consent they had a mind of their own and walked toward the devil and his demon, my lips eagerly kissing up her arms and along her fingertips.
"Bonnie?" Lucifer lowered Dahlia's body as I started kissing her lips greedily. "Bonnie stop."
"I can't..." I gasped. "I can't stop..."
"Bonnie, you're crying!"
*** New Chapters posted every Friday *** Up Next: Hangover
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merbyteslibrary · 2 years
Heaven Sent | Table of Contents
Trigger Warning | Sexual Situations, Suicide, Gore, Abuse, Foul Language.
Bonnie is an unassuming woman who is trying to save up enough money for a ticket to heaven, after all of the chosen have already been taken in the rapture. She thought getting a higher paying job would decrease her laundry list of stress, instead she's caught the attention of The Archangel Michael and The Devil himself.
New Chapters posted every Friday
Prologue | The Rapture
Chapter 1 | The New World
Chapter 2 | The Angel
Chapter 3 | Hellfire & Brimstone
Chapter 4 | The Devil
Chapter 5 | Healthy Work Environment
Chapter 6 | Head Secretary
Chapter 7 | Iced Coffee
Chapter 8 | Old Flames
Chapter 9 | Fight or Flight
Chapter 10 | Honking Hotties
Chapter 11 | The Offer
Chapter 12 | Roomates
Bonus Chapter : Exes and Angels
Chapter 13 | Under The Influence
Chapter 14 | Hangover
Chapter 15 | God's House
0 notes
merbyteslibrary · 2 years
Heaven Sent : Bonus Chapter | Exes and Angels
Trigger Warning | Sexual Situation, Gore, Abuse, Foul Language.
Her body was torn to pieces like a child's forgotten doll, her usually silky brown hair had frizzed from her burning home, soot covered the parts of her clothes that were not already caked in her own blood, her face was no longer swollen but colored with purple and blue around her eyes and lips, Bonnie's broken leg looked as though it had been painted red as a horrible attempt for a tourniquet set it into place, and yet her eyes looked upon me - fearful- as though I was the one who bludgeoned her so.
I hated when she looked at me that way, untrusting as though I were the devil that had imprisoned her.
And yet I could still taste her skin on my lips from our first meeting, she was one of the untouchables - humans who were not influenced through contact with the infernal or celestial, at least not directly.
I imagined how her cheeks would flush if I were to dip her in my arms and taste her tongue with my own, how overcome with infatuation she would be - how she would no longer hold fear for me in her doe-like brown eyes.
I knew of course who had bludgeoned her to near-death, after all I was the one who propositioned him to destroy Bonnie's home and rob her of all her souls.
I stepped into The Pearly Gates as several of the Cloud Nine members were being serviced by my contracted humans, one mortal was getting head just as he was the day I offered him a one way ticket to heaven.
The formerly Irene Impala had his finished product dribbling down her chin and onto his pants while Brad kept hold of her hair. "Swallow it, you disgusting bitch."
"I will not allow that type of talk to one of my employees." I had my hands in my pockets as I approached the scene, Brad let go of formerly Irene and she escaped to the back to go clean up. "I trust you've done all I asked?"
I already knew he had, but I wanted to give him a chance to tell me what else he decided to do.
"Yeah I robbed her and burned her place down." He slung a large bag of glowing coins on the small cloud-shaped table between us. "She's my ex girlfriend, I know what she did to piss me off- but what did she do to you?"
I gauged the man for a moment and pulled up a chair, straddling it as I flashed him a winning smile.
"She intoxicated me, I was hoping some much needed desperation would be just the right push away from that devil." I pressed my thumb on my lips as I contemplated her rejection of my offer. "But that doesn't seem to have worked as I thought it might."
"She's a bitch, you should have heard how she talked to me." He balled up his fists, "She thought she was such hot shit with her new job, she was actually only going to give me fifty souls! When she had all of this!" He gestured to the bag. "That's two thousand coins at least!"
I turned my attention to Bonnie's savings, of all the humans I had encountered I hadn't seen any with this much coin before, not to mention if what formerly Irene said is true then she would have only gotten a soul a night.
She would have had to not spend a single soul for at least three or four years.
"Did she mention if she has any other outstanding contracts - minus the one she has with the devil?"
"Nah, she had some paper with her coins though, something about if you're in hell here is a ticket to heaven- I don't know." He leaned back and rested his head on the wall. "Speaking of, I did what you asked - I even tried to kill the bitch for you, she'll a least be too scared to  fuck with you anymore."
I tightened my jaw but kept a curt smile on my lips. "That's right, you have fulfilled your contract - so your soul now belongs to heaven." 
I leaned forward and plucked a soul from the bag, holding the illuminating coin up for both of us to observe. "Do you know how a soul is actually made?"
"From souls and an led light?"
"You're half right." I inspected the illuminating disc in my fingers- it flickered frantically as my golden eyes saw inside of it.
Here was a former soul who used to live in Minnesota, he was a small town preacher with three young boys and a dreadfully plain wife- his wife always had her hair hanging in her face and that made him quite upset.
So he gave her a reason to wear her hair in front of her face, when the rapture happened he was left behind as his wife went to heaven - he sold each one of his boy's souls in exchange for his own soul to belong to heaven...
And now he does.
"The light itself is the soul, the nickel mainly houses the soul to keep it contained." I tossed the soul back into the bag, "Amazing, two thousand humans just sitting in a bag... How small they all seem now."
"Wait, human souls? So those are all people?"
"What did you think we did with all of you rotten bags of flesh when you managed to buy your way into heaven?"
"The fuck?" Brad stood up, I could see he was visibly shaken. "That's fucked up! I don't want to be a fucking coin!"
"You already fulfilled your contract, Brad Harper." I stood up, dwarfing the mortal by comparison. "You shouldn't be so careless with signing away your life."
"I did everything you asked and more!"
"By more do you mean trying to kill an innocent woman?" I grabbed him by the throat as my wings burst from my back- no doubt my halo had risen into place as well. "You maimed her, nearly killed her!"
"I thought you were trying to send her a message!"
"A message that would leave her running away from the devil! Not staying in his own home!"
"I'll fix it, give me a chance and I'll fix it! I can make another contract!" 
"So I can be another contract in your long line of empty promises?" I chuckled, "No thanks, I'll fix this myself." My hand ripped through his flesh, digging it's way through his ribcage until I found his heart.
"S-stop!" Pitiful tears rolled down his cheeks as his face twisted from the pain, Brad kicked his legs helplessly beneath him in some attempt to free himself. "It hurts! Please! Show mercy!"
"Did you show mercy?"
He didn't respond, only sobbed as his filthy tears started to wash the blood on my suit, I squeezed his heart while his eyes bulged in his head- till his once beating organ popped in my grip.
Brad's body slid off my hand leaving a flickering blue light in my palm, "I know, you're frightened... But this is the beginning of a long eternity for you."
The patrons of the Pearly Gates had all begun screaming while they stampeded to the exit, my angel's of the stage huddled together behind the glittering white curtains - whispering words of comfort to one another.
"Now, what to do about Bonnie Pembroke?" I mused as I made my way to the back, "I suppose I'll have to take a few notes from father to get what I want."
Flipping out my phone I scrolled through my contacts, then held it up to my ear. "Raphael, I'm going to need to stop by soon- when is a good time?"
0 notes
merbyteslibrary · 2 years
Heaven Sent : Chapter 12 | The Roommates
Trigger Warning | Sexual Situations, Gore, Abuse, Foul Language.
"Did you do this?" Lucifer's tone had darkened tremendously, I was uncertain if it was faulty wiring or if he was the one causing all the lights to flicker.
"Her ex-boyfriend apparently – someone named Brad Harper?" Michael shrugged, giving me a mischievous grin. "She's already said that she prefers the assailant in question to remain unharmed."
"Tough shit." Lucifer brushed past Michael and gingerly took my leg into his hands, "Hell isn't a great enough punishment for what I plan to do to him."
"Don't! I just want to move on; I didn't want him back in my life originally."
"You should have said something about his meeting." Lucifer growled, was he mad at me? "I could have cancelled it; it's very obvious what a piece of shit he is!"
"Don't yell at me!" I snapped and immediately recoiled, Lucifer's hands started to tense but he looked down at my leg, taking a few breaths before turning his gaze back up to me.
"It's not you that I want to yell at, it's that cancerous waste of air!" He got back to his feet and ran his fingers through his hair. "I hope his family is slaughtered in front of him and the murderer rips down his pants and-."
"Lucifer!" I had never heard him talk like this.
"And you thought he was just so understanding." Michael chuckled; he was leaning on the stage with his hands propping him up.
Ignored Michael and gently took Lucifer's hand, he flicked his gaze toward me- almost defensively. "Please, I just want to go ..." I paused.
I want to go home.
But there wasn't a home left for me.
Michael's grin was growing, the satisfaction he had in his eyes turned my stomach.
"She should come with me brother, I can give her a place to stay with all of my other employees – she'll be fed and comforted."
"No." Lucifer scooped me up in his arms; his body was so solid that it was noticeable – his signature scent wafting into my nostrils as I rested my head on his shoulder. "She's staying with me, at least until I find her a suitable place to stay."
"But I don't want to take up space in your home-."
"I have the rooms, at least at my house you won't have to worry about Michael trying to get a peep show."
"All of our rooms are completely private, thank you very much."
"You're not fucking welcome." Lucifer started toward the exit, "Brad Harper is mine- I want to deal with this personally."
"No promises, brother."
Lucifer grumbled under his breath as his grip tightened.
It wasn't a vehicle I would have pictured for the devil, he drove a red pickup truck – unsure of what brand. The seats were black leather and the inside console had so many buttons I wasn't sure where to look.
"Try not to move your leg around too much, I'll heal it when we get back to the house – otherwise we would be stuck in the parking lot for an hour." Lucifer glared at the strip club entrance, "I don't know about you but I'm looking to get as far away from my brother as possible."
"I agree."
When Lucifer climbs into the driver's side, wrings the steering wheel a couple times, and finally grumbles, "I really am sorry, I shouldn't have yelled at you- I just want to see that motherfucker burned alive. But I took it out on you instead."
"I understand, I was just jumpy because I ... I have never seen you so mad."
"Well when mistakes like that aren't aborted I get frustrated with their parent's life choices."
"Lucifer!" I gasped, "That's not nice, I've met his parents and they are actually very sweet."
He scoffed, "Yeah, so sweet they let their bad decision keep breathing."
"Good lord! Lucifer!"
He was chuckling now, "Crowley's right, you're fun to mess with."
I felt a small smile playing across my lips, "So the king of hell also has a sense of humor?"
"Of course I do, albeit a dark sense of humor – but you can't be in charge of torturing humanities' worst without some side effects."
I was taking him in as he drove; he really was dressed for the evening- black dress shirt with a red tie that was loosened from stress, black dress pants and a black leather belt. He looked quite nice; nice enough for me to imagine how the date would have went if I hadn't messed everything up by getting my house burned down.
"You look..." I had to push past the coward that tried to keep my mouth shut, "You look very handsome, I'm sorry the evening didn't go quite as planned."
"It's not your fault so stop apologizing." He adjusted himself in his seat, "You'll just have to make it up to me another time."
"Really?" I beamed, "I would love that!"
The devil's house gave off the same confusion that his vehicle did, he was set up in a cabin surrounded by woods and nestled beside a private lake, the cabin itself looked like it was made straight from the trunks of the trees that surrounded it with a wraparound porch, and a few rocking chairs sitting in the front.
"You live in a cabin?"
"Is that a problem?"
"Not a problem, I assumed you would have some five story mansion that was up to date with the latest and greatest." He scooped me out of the truck.
"Why the fuck would I want that? I deal with assholes in hell, assholes at work, and assholes while I drive- I'd rather be as far from civilization as possible."
I supposed that made sense.
He walked me inside and sat me down on the couch- rolling up his sleeves before he placed his hands on my leg.
"Hey boss, didn't know you were home already!" Crowley was leaning on the wall to what seemed to be a hallway as Dahlia was tip-toeing into the bathroom wrapped in just a bed sheet.
"For fuck's sake put some clothes on."
I had failed to notice at first since the couch blocked off half of Crowley's body from my view, but he was stark naked. "You... did it in your boss's house?"
"No, no, Dahlia and I live here."
*** New Chapters posted every Friday *** Up Next:  Under The Influence
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merbyteslibrary · 2 years
Heaven Sent : Chapter 11 | The Offer
Trigger Warning | Sexual Situations, Gore, Abuse, Foul Language.
Michael's demeanor changed when he saw me, before he glanced in my direction he seemed rather pleased with himself – not doubt pleased that he had caught me on my own again and was delighted to be able to threaten me once more.
Once his golden eyes landed on me, his polite smile dropped and he was immediately on his feet.
"What is this?" His accusatory tone was directed at Ralph.
"I could ask you the same thing, what the hell do you want?"
"I had caught wind that Bonnie was in the area and decided to pop in, we have so much to discuss after all." By the way he was rolling his neck it seemed like he was still frustrated about me for some reason. "It's a business matter – rather private."
"I'm not interested in getting between whatever you have going on with the devil's secretary, so why don't you schedule your little business meeting another time?"
"From the state of her I am actually considering it." He started to walk toward us; Ralph stuck his arm out and lifted his chin defiantly. "Who did this to you?"
"Just some thief..." I mumbled and cowered further behind Ralph.
"What did this thief look like?"
"It's over now; I'd rather not talk about it."
"If a crime was committed then you ought to tell the authorities."
The post-rap authorities were even more corrupt than the pre-rap ones, if you were a human cop then you were most likely thrown into the field and killed by the first criminal you were sent to apprehend- not to mention human cops weren't allowed any type of weapon, not even mace.
If you were a demon or an angel you had the highest likelihood of survival, in fact you were feared more than regular cops since most of the crime being committed probably came from one of these cops. They acted like they owned the streets- never paid for anything and if you so much as looked at them sideways ... You were dead if not beaten to submission.
No human dared to contact them out of fear of worse things happening to them.
I shook my head, angels and demons didn't really need to fear or contact the authorities since their abilities gave them ample ways to defend themselves.
"Do you know what they looked like?"
"If Bo-Peep ain't telling, then neither am I- take a hike."
Michael was starting to lose his temper, I could see it from the way he was flexing his jaw – he grabbed Ralph by the collar and got into his face. "I tried being polite, I am no longer asking." He threw Ralph so hard into the stage that he was embedded into the wood.
The archangel's eyes looked down at me as I struggled to stand; they seemed to have an intense glow to them. "Who did this."
"I want to forget about it, please!"
"I said who!" He grabbed onto my tattered shirt and pulled me against him, I was trembling under his grip.
"M-My ex-boyfriend!" Recognition seemed to spark in his eyes, he shook me a bit as if the answers would start falling from my pockets.
"He must have a name, correct?"
"Brad... Harper..." Tears rolled down my cheeks, "Just let it go... I don't want him in my life anymore, I just ..." I was sobbing now.
Michael flipped me into his arms bridal style and sat me down on one of the benches, around us the dancers and waitresses had taken this opportunity to find safety in the back- meanwhile the patrons had all fled at the first sight of an angel.
"This is why you should leave that place, if you worked under me I would never let anything like this happen to you." He was on one knee and holding the tips of my fingers in his hands. "One month and I'll have you in heaven, surrounded by loved ones – safe."
I pulled my hands back and wiped away at my eyes, "No, not all of them."
"Tell me, I'll have a contract written up that will grant you eternal happiness."
"No, I don't ... I don't deserve that." My voice was hushed; I spoke so softly I barely heard myself.
"What was that?" He cupped my face in his hands; his thumbs stroked my burning cheeks. "Did Lucifer tell you that?"
"Absolutely not! He would never say something like that!"
"It wouldn't be the worst thing he's said." Michael grumbled and started to run his fingers through my hair. "Tell me what it is you want, I can give you more than Lucifer could."
Why didn't he want me working with Lucifer? Why hadn't I asked these questions before?
I always assumed that it was obvious – angels and demons hated each other, so it made sense for Lucifer and Michael to be enemies. But the more I interacted with the both of them... The less it made sense.
Michael wanted to contract human souls and so does Lucifer- surely both of their contracts dealt with gaining passage to heaven, right? Otherwise why would they agree to those terms?
"I want you to stop your rivalry with Lucifer."
He recoiled from me- my eyes were probably even more swollen from crying.
"I will never share sides with that piece of shit."
I don't know quite what I was expecting as a response; maybe I was just hopeful that I could bring them together peacefully.
Ralph started groaning by the stage, this gave Michael a new sense of urgency.
"Come with me, I'm sure I can write up a contract to fulfill your needs." I glanced over to Ralph who was still struggling with consciousness, "Bonnie, you don't have any souls, you don't have a house, and you don't have any way to feed yourself – I am your only option left."
A few more tears started to trickle down my cheeks as I thought about my hopeless situation, I could probably get by if I waited until next paycheck – but I would need to find a way to salvage my current work clothes – torn to shreds and half covered in blood.
The offer was almost too tempting.
"I belong to Lucifer."
"Damn right she does."
The statement wasn't entirely comforting to hear, but my heart leapt nonetheless as soon as I heard his voice.
Michael narrowed his gaze.
"Hello, brother..."
*** New Chapters posted every Friday *** Up Next:  Roomates
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merbyteslibrary · 2 years
Heaven Sent : Chapter 10 | Honking Hotties
Trigger Warning | Sexual Situations, Gore, Abuse, Foul Language.
The smell was familiar, cigarette smoke, musty, cheap cologne, cheap perfume, and possibly moldy. It was accompanied by the feeling of bass that shook the floor beneath me, as I tried to feel what I was laying on my hand touched something sticky and I recoiled.
Opening my eyes slowly I saw a very outdated back office – something that came from the fifties, wood paneling on every wall and disgusting cream speckled ceiling tiles.
"Bo-Peep?" I turned my head, standing in the doorway was Ralph. "Oh thank hell; you were out for so long that I thought you bit the bullet."
"Ralph? But how-?"
It all started coming back to me in a flash of scenes, Brad, my souls gone, and my house burned to the ground.
I had nowhere left to live.
"I was on my way to work, you know I'm always punctual, anyways- I saw some jackass beating the shit out of another jackass (no offense), so I broke that shit up because it gives the downtown a bad reputation!" I slowly started to sit up, that's when I realized Ralph was kind enough to lay me on the floor next to a puddle of who-knows-what. "Then I realized the jackass that was getting bludgeoned to death wasn't a jackass at all- it was you!"
"Thank you..."
"This new job must come with a lot of risks if you're getting the shit beat out of you like that."
"No... He's my ex-boyfriend from before the rapture, he was just robbing me."
"Robbing you to an early grave- more like." Ralph stepped away from the doorframe and came back moments later with the ever-coveted bar food.
Nachos dripping with bright yellow fake cheese, corndogs cooked to golden brown (in a microwave), and a large water – with ice.
"I don't have any souls, Ralph, I can't afford-."
"We'll call it an I- Owe-You."
"I can't make any contracts while I'm working at Hellfire and Brimstone either-."
"It's a friendly fucking gesture, just eat the damn food and shut up." He shoved it all onto my lap, I blinked in response- I couldn't eat all this, not anymore.
I took tentative bites of everything till I had successfully eaten the top layer of nachos and one whole corndog- the water was my only success story since I finished two of those.
"Thank you for this, I'll come back after my next paycheck and cover everything."
"That'll be a visit with much better circumstances."
I nodded, "I don't know how I'm going to explain this to my boss... Oh shit!" I started to pull myself off the ground but winced when I realized my leg was still not healed.
"Yeah, I fixed your face up a little bit – but the high ranking demons and angels are the ones who can complete the healing process. In my case you're going to be left with a couple scrapes and bruises... Not to mention a broken leg."
"I need to use a phone or something, I need to call my boss and tell him I can't be at dinner tonight."
Ralph gave me a sly grin, "Your boss, huh?"
I refused to meet his gaze, "Yes, I don't want him to think I stood him up."
"Do you know his mobile number off hand?" He swung around behind his desk and picked up the landline.
Ralph gave an annoyed sigh, "Do you know the office number?"
"Also no..."
"Holy shit..." He started typing onto his computer and scrolled a bit before finally dialing something, he rolled his chair around the desk and handed me the phone.
It rang a few times before someone picked up, "Hellfire and Brimstone – make a deal with the devil you know."
"Bonnie? Why are you calling so late?"
"Why are you working so late?"
He didn't respond, instead I heard muffled voices and shuffling before someone else answered. "Where the hell have you been?"
"I'm giving Tristen some... much needed overtime."
"But we're not supposed to get overtime?"
"Never mind, where have you been? The boss said your house was on fire?"
"It's a long story... I'm at Honking Hotties right now; Ralph is helping me with my ... Um... Leg."
"What happened to your leg?"
"It's not really important..."
"The fuck it isn't!"
"Can I talk to Lucifer, is he there?" Ralph suddenly shot upright in his seat at the mention of the devil.
"He is driving around town looking for you; I can call him and send him to ... Honking Hotties...? Is that what you said?"
"Yes, it's a big tacky teal building."
"I beg your fucking pardon!" Ralph snapped.
"I'll give him a call, don't move from that spot- do you hear me? I've been working on you two for weeks now; do you know how hard it is to set someone up with the devil?"
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean for any of this to happen..."
There was a sigh on the other line, "I know, I know, just stay there and be safe for fuck's sake."
Ralph was tapping his foot in his swivel chair with his cheek resting on his chin. "You failed to mention your boss was literally the king of hell."
"I didn't think it was relevant."
He threw his arms up in the air, "How is that not relevant? I need to get this place cleaned up if literally Satan is on his way here."
"I'm sure he won't mind, if you've ever met him he's actually very understanding."
"Are we talking about the same person?" I cocked my head to the side, not very sure what he meant? Lucifer has always been quite giving- even after Brad's meeting he seemed more annoyed than actually upset.
"Ralph..." A waitress I had never seen before – no doubt my replacement- was standing at his office door. "There is someone here asking for Bonnie?"
"Shit, the devil is fast." Ralph stood up and straightened his brown leather jacket, he helped me to my ... foot I suppose... and walked me to the main floor.
The place didn't change much; I even noticed that some of the familiar floor stains had actually grown over time. The soundtrack didn't change either, still pop music from the early 2000's, even Ruby Rolls Royce was there- twirling around the pole and crawling her way to the patron seated at the front of the stage.
I tried to shield myself behind Ralph but I think it was too late, Michael had already spotted me.
*** New Chapters posted every Friday *** Up Next: The Offer
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merbyteslibrary · 2 years
Heaven Sent : Chapter 9 | Fight or Flight
Trigger Warning | Sexual Situations, Gore, Abuse, Foul Language.
I woke up to the sound of shelves being thrown on the ground, all of my preserves and cans were busted open on the floor. Once my eyes started to fully focus ahead of me I realized who was destroying my home.
"Brad...?" I said weakly, when I tried to stand up I realized he had torn apart one of my blankets and tied together my wrists as well as ankles.
"Where the fuck is it?" He snarled, now that I was awake he grabbed onto my shirt collar and punched me— saw white spots amidst a background of white from each hit he landed.
Now I was squirming to break free, desperate to keep from getting punched again. "W-where is what? I don't know what you want!"
"You're not so tough anymore- are you bitch?" He started strangling me; I saw black starting to outline my vision before he finally released me and punched me one more time. "Where are your souls?" I glanced around my room, trying to find my sewing kit among the broken glass and spilled food. "Come on! You had a lot to say to me earlier didn't you?" He kicked me in the ribs and I spat out blood. "Where is your smart mouth now?"
"M-my ... sewing..." He grabbed my jaw- I winced from how sore it had gotten.
"Speak up."
"Sewing kit..." I gasped finally.
He shoved my face away and started throwing things around again.
I focused on my bindings, slipping my heel up to loosen the fabric of the blanket around my ankles. If I could just get my legs free, then I could run.
"This is what I'm talking about; there are easily two thousand souls in here." His face was illuminated by the blue inside of the basket, his wild eyes turned to me. "You were really only going to give me fifty souls when you had all of this?"
"I told you, I was saving up too!"
He tore off the magazine clipping and pressed it against my face. "You think you can go to heaven, a stupid bitch like you?"
"No, I wasn't trying to-."
"Were you going to see Rebecca?"
"N-no, I was just going -."
"I bet Rebecca would love that, she adored you- you know... Thought you could do no wrong, loved you so much she could have been a lesbian." He grabbed my hair and yanked my head back, "She was better than you in bed, you know that?"
"Brad, please just let me go ..."
"No, no! You got to say anything you wanted to me earlier- now I'm going to take you down a peg." Brad threw me onto my stomach, rubbing my face in the cement floor. "I'm going to see Rebecca, because with these souls I'll have enough to fulfill one of my contracts... And then I can fuck her every day in heaven- just like I did on your bed the first time."
"Stop... Stop telling me this... Just take your souls and leave me alone!"
"Oh Bonnie, I promise you'll never see me again after this." He stomped on my right leg several times as I screamed, tears rolling down my cheeks. Finally he got the desired result; my bone gave a sickening crack- the pain was like needles and fire tearing through my nerves. "Just to make sure you can't go anywhere..."
He crawled out of the bunker, I scanned the room with teary eyes and finally scooted over to grab one of the glass shards on the ground- cutting my wrists free and making easy work of my ankles.
I knew I had to bind my leg somehow, so I used one of the broken shelves and tied the blanket around it- hoping it would hold straight long enough for me to get to safety.
The bunker was filling with smoke; I could smell the fire upstairs as it greedily ate away at the dried wood and fresh foliage along the walls.
There wasn't any time to waste thinking about anything else, I crawled toward the back of the bunker and swung open two cellar doors that had nearly rusted shut overtime. I took a quick look around to make sure I didn't see Brad and made a break for it.
I was hobbling as fast as possible down the dilapidated streets, falling over and screaming as pain shot through my leg.
"Fuck!" I wiped away tears with my now torn apart sleeve; I had to get back up... I had to go anywhere else.
"How the fuck did you get out?" My stomach dropped into my legs, Brad was just leaving my now burning home – he was a decent distance away but in my condition he could walk and catch up to me.
I ran anyway.
I'm such a coward; natural selection must have failed me since my only instinct was to always run away.
Even in such a hopeless situation as this one.
I limped as fast as I could anyway, by the time Brad had caught up to me I had crossed over into the downtown area.
Downtown was just a nice way of saying the lesser demon-owned businesses.
Brad was walking beside me- taunting me - as I tried to speed up my pace. He tripped me and my hands were cut open by the unsteady gravel beneath us.
"Oops, looks like you should have stayed home." He laughed, "I was trying to avoid using my bare hands for this."
"Brad, please..." He grabbed my head and slammed it into the gravel, I threw my hands in front of my face on instinct- smashing them in the process.
Brad gave an aggravated sigh and stepped on my forearms to continue hitting my face against the street.
I thought for sure this was how I was going to die; just a few more times and I would pass out... I could feel it as my eyes filled with blood.
Then his hands stopped, the tension on my arms released.
"The fuck is all this, then?"
"Mind your fucking business."
"Aren't you a ray of fucking sunshine? Get the fuck out of here before I skewer you and roast you over the burning potholes."
"Lucifer...?" I managed; parts of my jaw didn't seem to be working quite right.
"Holy shit... Bonnie?" I felt a hand cover my entire face, "I'm not an angel so this is going to hurt like hell."
Whoever it was, they weren't wrong.
My jaw bone cracked into place, blood sizzled out of my vision, and at the same time a searing hot pain covered my skin- I was screaming through the entire process until the pain grew so intense that I blacked out again.
*** New Chapters posted every Friday *** Up Next: Honking Hotties
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merbyteslibrary · 2 years
Heaven Sent : Chapter 8 | Old Flames
Trigger Warning | Sexual Situations, Gore, Abuse, Foul Language.
My legs were shaking under my desk as I worked, throughout the day I kept glancing at the time to make sure that it wasn't getting too close to two o' clock.
He was half an hour late and being escorted through the black double doors by Dahlia, "He's got a meeting with the boss."
Brad was looking worse for wear, he had on a dusty green military jacket which was ripped in several places, baggy cargo pants that exposed his bruised right knee, torn apart sneakers that didn't match, and as far as his hair went- his chin was covered in patchy curly brown hair and on top of his head was oily unmanaged locks that were halfheartedly cut chin-length.
"Of course!" I stood up from my desk, hoping that Dahlia would see the pleading look I was trying to give her, but she left as soon as she delivered her message. "He's right through these doors-."
"Bonnie?" I felt nauseous; there was a hopeful part of me that thought he might not even recognize me. "It is you, it's me Brad Harper."
"I know..." I whispered, keeping the corner of my desk between us. "I wouldn't want to make you late for your meeting so I-."
"There was a lot of talk in town about a human getting a corporate position." He was looking me up and down with wild fascination, I wasn't even aware that a human town existed – I made sure to live as far away from any type of living person as I could since when the rapture started you'd get the clothes on your back stolen... Not to mention your life taken just for passage to heaven.
"Oh, that must mean you're living in a house at least – that's wonderful to hear."
"Yeah, I had to get ninety thousand souls in debt for it..." I bit my lip, of course... Just like Lucifer had told me – mortgages are all contracts with angels and demons. "Say... Could you loan me some souls? I promise I'll pay you back."
From the amount of contracts he already had I doubted he could, but...
I kept looking at his disheveled appearance, I was in a similar position just a few months ago and I was aware Brad's situation was so much worse than how mine had been.
"I only have fifty souls on me right now, you're lucky you caught me on a day I was going to the store."
"Only fifty? Bonnie, I'm in real trouble here- you have to have more with a job like this."
"I understand but this is all I have on me right now, I'm also saving souls too."
"What, so you can go to heaven?" He started laughing.
I looked away feeling rather embarrassed- but I sucked in my breath and placed my bag of souls on my desk. "I told you, that's all I have on me... You're already more than half an hour late for your meeting and Lucifer doesn't like tardiness."
"You're on a first name basis with the devil, are you sleeping with him?"
"No!" I said it louder than I should have, "He is my boss."
"You've opened your legs for less." I wasn't sure why he was being so hostile all of a sudden, as he reached for my bag I slammed my hand on top of it.
"If you accept this from me I only ask one thing in return..."
"What could you possibly-?"
"I never want to see you again, after your meeting I want you to act like I never existed – start saving your souls, turn your life around, I don't care!" I tossed the bag into his hands. "As long as we never have to meet again, I will be happy."
"I don't know what I did but I guess-."
"You tried to sleep with Rebecca, you were calling after her during the rapture, and you left me alone when demons were crawling out of hell!" I almost felt dizzy from how upset I was getting, "That is what you did."
"So you're just going to shut me out and not even talk to me about it?"
"I don't want to talk about it; I just want to forget about you." I made my way to the black double doors and pressed my back against the door to prop it open. "Lucifer will see you now."
"Is he finally here? I assumed Howard had already hunted him down for his outstanding debt with Howell and Associates." Lucifer rifled through his papers, "He's lucky he isn't dead already from how Howard works."
Brad shot me a dirty look as he brushed past me, I quickly closed the door.
Gingerly, I took my seat behind my desk and looked at my hands- they shook so badly I could hardly respond to any emails.
Before the rapture I wasn't one to start a confrontation, after the rapture ... running was always safer than fighting, too many people were willing to kill or worse just to get what they wanted.
Brad's meeting went on for an hour, I wasn't sure what they would even be discussing – especially for this long. But once Brad came out he threw both of the double doors open – they swung around and slammed into the wall – almost clipping my desk.
Brad tossed another dirty look my way and then did the same thing to the next set of doors.
I hesitantly stepped into the doorway of Lucifer's office- he had his head in his hands as he grumbled things under his breath and by now I've learned they are usually profanities.
"Are you alright, sir?"
He started laughing and let his hands drop from his face. "What did you just ask me?"
"I... Asked if you were alright? It didn't seem like the meeting went well."
"It did not; he worked multiple jobs throughout the week and could only manage to scrape up fifty souls- I could only guarantee knocking a few thousand off of all his contracts collectively, all things considered they are all overdue by a year or longer." He rolled his wrist, "That means the demons I need to negotiate with are already impatient about their souls, had he made an appointment when he was only a few weeks or a month overdue I may have had more of a chance."
Lucifer aggressively sipped from his tumbler till it was only air, he wagged the container in front of him and I quickly went to refill it.
"I even asked him why he waited so long and he just said 'I don't know, I don't know'." Lucifer mocked, I couldn't help giggling- it was reassuring to know I wasn't the only one who thought Brad was a prick.
As I handed Lucifer his tumbler he pressed his hand on top of mine, his hands were surprisingly callused – I had assumed with all these years of desk work he wouldn't have such rough skin.
"Ms. Pembroke, were you laughing at me?" I pursed my lips and gave a small nod; his hand glided along the skin of my knuckles and now gently took hold of my sleeve. "I feel I should remind you of my warning from earlier, I don't need any workplace harassment papers on my desk."
"I'm sorry..." He smirked, turning his chair toward me- before I could catch myself I was already leaning closer to him, with his hand slipping into place on my waist. "I wouldn't... want to ... trouble you..."
I could smell his cologne – sandalwood and a mixture of roasted coffee beans. I could feel his thumb stroking my waist so softly ... It had been so long since I had felt a touch so tender my heart felt like a rose bush coming into bloom, one flower after the other springing to life.
There was a cough from the double doors, Dahlia stood there swinging her hands awkwardly- Crowley was running up behind her and grabbed onto her arm too late.
"I apologize if I'm interrupting..."
"No." Lucifer also cleared his throat, I felt a cold draft hit me as he turned away- grabbing his tumbler from my hand without even as much as a glance toward me.
"The human that just left pissed on the steps out front – I can track him down and make him pay for it if you want? Or just beat the shit out of him."
"A real class act..." Lucifer grumbled, "Let him go, I have other things to deal with."
I was already walking back to my desk as they spoke; I shouldn't have been so eager – what made me think my boss- the devil, would find me attractive?
"Ms. Pembroke." Lucifer's voice had its professional tone once again; I stopped beside Dahlia and glanced back to him. My nerves were starting to get the better of me- what if he was about to fire me for workplace harassment?
"I'd like to ask you something, privately." His red eyes narrowed at Dahlia who hurried with Crowley out of the office.
"Before you say anything I am so sorry for everything that happened just now, I understand I should have been more professional but you smelled really nice – I mean your cologne suits you, that is-!"
"Ms. Pembroke, I was going to ask if you wanted to have dinner with me this evening." All of my thoughts ceased in my head, "I was going to leave work early to slip into something more appropriate- you are free to do the same if you wish, that is if you are willing to accompany me?"
"Of course!" I almost jumped in the air from excitement but withdrew a bit; I had to play this cool. "I mean... Yes, I would love to have dinner with you tonight."
"I'm glad to hear it, I'll pick you up tonight."
"I don't have an address..."
"Please, you didn't think Dahlia walked you home on your first day just to be kind- did you?" He was smiling at me, was he amused? I wasn't sure but I did like seeing him happy.
"Alright, I'll see you tonight."
I was in a rush as soon as I left work – almost falling in a pothole on my way back home, I needed to get home and either find something to wear or dip into my savings while scrambling to get back in time for Lucifer to pick me up.
I swung open the latch to the bunker, my eyes darting around the cramped space till I spotted my sewing kit.
Before I could hop down I felt two hands push me forward, my head hitting the edge of the bunker's entrance.
My vision went from static to pitch black before I could identify the shadow jumping into the bunker behind me.
*** New Chapters posted every Friday ***
Up Next: Fight or Flight
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merbyteslibrary · 2 years
Heaven Sent : Chapter 7 | Iced Coffee
Trigger Warning | Sexual Situations, Gore, Abuse, Foul Language.
I assumed Michael had gotten a stern talking to about his behavior since it was radio silence from him for almost an entire month, the familiar sunny days were now turning into a mix of cloudy and brisk as autumn sent the summer days on a vacation all their own.
I learned more about the workplace as well, the demons were actually quite nice- they had families of their own, highly specific hobbies (aside from torturing humans), and their own traumas that they liked to tell me about if I was caught alone in the break room.
Something else I had begun to realize is how nice it was to connect with other people, the demons still seemed too uncomfortable to invite me out to any after-work socials – but just having someone to say hello to me each day (and know my name!) was comforting.
Today my desktop work calendar said it was the first day of fall- so I decided I should do something special to show the devil how grateful I am for the position I have, not to mention how thankful I am to have such an understanding workplace!
I dropped by one of the convenience stores in the contracting district to pick up some goodies with my earnings from last paycheck. Caramel, creamer, and a thirty two ounce tumbler- Unfortunately the biggest tumbler they had was black stainless steel with "Boss Babe" in holographic letters written on the side.
I took my treasures back to work and started brewing all six pots of coffee, three handles in each hand as I carried the goodies in the plastic bag from the store around my wrist. Once I had all the pots in place and started with the tumbler – Crowley strutted inside.
"It's a dangerous game to play- helping yourself to the boss's coffee."
"Don't worry I'm just doing something a little different today."
"I don't know if the boss cares for 'different'."
"What don't I care for?" Lucifer strolled inside, checking his phone before sliding it into his pocket – I decided it was best to rip off the Band-Aid, as soon as he sat down I placed the tumbler in front of him.
His expression never changed as his red eyes assessed the holographic wording. "Boss Babe?"
"It was the biggest one they had in the store, I was just thinking that since you- well not just you but since you were the one who accepted me for this position, and since I really enjoy my position here I should get you a gift!" I held my palms out as if I was adding effect to the tumbler in front of him.
Lucifer remained unchanging.
"So I thought what could I get for my boss the lord of the underworld? And that's when it hit me! You like coffee and before the rapture I also liked coffee – but like really sugary coffee-." My palms were sweating more and more the longer he stayed silent, Crowley stood off to the side and was making a zipper motion over his lips – but my nerves were increasing the longer the silence lasted. "- And I don't know if you like sugary coffee so I put in less ingredients, and it's like a really fun thing that I used to enjoy that I can maybe share with you and give you as a thank you?"
My voice went a little high pitched at the end, my cheeks felt like I had just ran a mile- and my heartbeat was not telling it any different.
Finally Lucifer smirked, picking up the tumbler and taking a drink as Crowley and I leaned forward in anticipation.
"Do you get nervous easily, Ms. Pembroke?" His eyes flicked up to meet mine and I almost swallowed my tongue.
"I mean I suppose, but most people do."
"I do not."
Of course he doesn't!
He took another drink, "You are aware that you look like a tomato right now?"
"I am not..." I withdrew my gaze back to the floor. "I-I'm sorry..."
"Sorry for what?"
"Rambling on like that a-and the iced coffee, I shouldn't have messed around with-."
"I never said I disliked it."
My heart felt like it was blossoming, I looked at Lucifer who was mindlessly flipping through yesterday's files and continuing to drink from his new tumbler.
"Although the cup is rather small ... Crowley, see if we can find something bigger."
"That's thirty two ounces, sir; I don't think they make them any bigger."
"This is the most successful contracting company in the world, have one custom made- and you..." Lucifer put down his cup and leaned on his desk. "... I hope you are aware that you will need to keep the ingredients for this in stock, get with Crowley on whatever needs to be ordered." He went back to his paperwork, but I was over the moon.
"So that means you really like it?"
He blinked a few times and refused to meet my gaze, tightening his jaw.
"... Yes, I really like it." I clasped my hands together before me and turned to head to my desk, "One last thing Ms. Pembroke."
I halted at the doors and turned around; his red eyes were already looking at me amidst a stern expression.
"I would try to keep a level head around your co-workers if you get flustered so easily."
"Why is that?" I was starting to panic again, had I made some mistakes because of it?
"They might find it cute, and I don't need any workplace harassment complaints on my desk."
I could only blink in response; did he just call me ... cute? But that was ridiculous, not me! The more I took the time to try and analyze what he was saying the more my face was starting to fry again.
"Ms. Pembroke..." Lucifer warned, his devilish smile turning the corners of his lips.
"Right! I'll try to keep a calm head!"
I hurried out of the office and sat at my desk, deflating once my body met my chair.
No way, no way, no way! He was just looking out for me – that's all!
"Well, well, well, if it isn't the office slut." Crowley was leaning on my desk- his grin was evil.
"I haven't slept with anyone here!" I blurted, Crowley shushed me.
"I'm kidding! But I saw the tension between you two in there." He wiggled his eyebrows, "Who knew all it took to get into the boss's pants was some homemade iced coffee."
"I'm not!" I pleaded, trying to keep my voice low. "I- I think he was just being concerned for me, that's all."
"Watch out Ms. Pembroke, it looks like you're starting to get flustered again- wouldn't want the boss to get jealous of little old me."
"T-that's not what it was, he's a professional and he is being nice."
"Look at you, defending his honor already." Crowley chuckled and tapped his finger on the stack of files on my desk. "Better get this back to Romeo before he drinks some poison."
I gasped, "Not Lucifer!"
"I don't mean it literally!" He ruffled my hair, "You're such a dork."
I let a little smile come across my lips as he walked away to do ... whatever it is that Crowley does. I started to pick up the stack of folders when I noticed a note on the top file.
Over 25 outstanding contracts- will be coming in for a meeting at 2pm.
I glanced at the name on the file and all of the butterflies I had gotten from this morning's events faded.
It was Brad Harper.
*** New Chapters posted every Friday *** Up Next: Old Flames
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merbyteslibrary · 2 years
Heaven Sent : Chapter 6 | Head Secretary
Trigger Warning | Sexual Situations, Gore, Abuse, Foul Language.
I did the only thing I could think of and I walked right past him, my eyes cast down to my feet.
Michael hardly moved as he grabbed my elbow and stood me right next to him. "Ah, ah, ah, where do you think you're going?"
"I'm not allowed to speak to angels according to my contract, so this conversation already could get me in trouble." That was most definitely not true.
He tightened his grip on my arm. "You know lying is a sin..." His lips were right beside my ear. "And it's an angel's job to punish sinners."
"Please let go of my arm." I squeaked helplessly.
"I only ask for one dinner to celebrate your enslavement to the devil, I will be a perfect gentleman- unlike our last meeting." He bit his lower lip as he looked me over. "Although from how easily you traded yourself away - it seems you are not attracted to gentleman."
I cast my gaze down to the perfectly cemented sidewalk, a small smile crept over my lips as I thought about my first day – in fact the devil had been rather charitable even though he had only just met me. "He actually seems... sweet."
I suppose that was not the thing to say, he squeezed my arm so hard that my knees buckled- I was starting to crouch beside him as I tried to pull my arm free.
"He is the devil." His voice was deep and threatening.
Another hand pried Michael's grip off my elbow.
Dahlia threw his hand back at him, wedging herself between myself and the mighty archangel.
"What a stroke of luck, one of the hell spawn is here - you can be the witness for my brother as I escort Miss Pembroke to dinner." As he tried to move past Dahlia she made sure that her face was mere inches from his own.
Though Michael towered over me- Dahlia's stature nearly matched the archangel.
Michael chuckled. "I could turn your body to ash with a single blow."
"Then do it pretty boy."
"I'm being courteous for the mortal's sake." He flicked his gaze down to his wristwatch. "We really must be going."
"Bonnie, do you want to go on a date with this jackass?"
I shook my head, "No thank you, please, I just want to go home."
"Sounds like your hand is the only company you're keeping tonight." She slipped her arm around my waist and started walking me down the street.
"I warned you once, don't make me your enemy."
"She doesn't speak 'asshole'!" Dahlia started walking faster, forcing my legs to try and keep up. "I take back what I said before, you're really going to be trouble for this company."
"I'm so sorry... I can find an alternate route to work, or if I'm too much trouble-."
"If it wasn't you then it would be the some other sorry secretary- you haven't thought about why this position was vacant in the first place have you?"
"I assume they found other work?"
"Demon or Angel, it was always the same thing – they accepted the job, Michael takes them out to dinner and whatever happens on that date is enough to convince them to try and sabotage Lucifer." "It always got to the point where they started giving client information to Michael and when the boss confronted them... They would lie."
Dahlia looked empathetic for Lucifer, her eyes cast down and hands shoved in her pant pockets.
"If there is one thing the boss hates more than anything - it's when someone decides to lie to him."
I wondered if that was why he was so upset with Jeremy, because he thought that he personally delivered the envelope instead of Michael.
"But as the devil I would think there would be much worse things that got under his skin."
"Lies are involved in almost any sin, whether you're lying to yourself or someone else. But for the boss it's a breach of trust."
"He has trust issue with more than just his head secretaries I'm guessing?"
"When you're the devil and you're entire job is dealing with sinners – you become jaded to the idea that there are any good humans left." She made a disappointed face, "And finding out that his own demons as well as the benevolent angels are just as flawed as mortals, it makes you believe there is no one left to trust."
"Do you believe that as well?"
Dahlia turned her head away from me and crossed her arms over her chest; she looked like a pouting child – I couldn't help giggling a bit. "Maybe I do, what's with the third degree?"
I decided I should probably back off my inquiries- instead as we approached the building, I pointed to my overgrown grocery store "Straus Sprouts".
"This is me."
"Are you homeless?"
"I am not homeless!" I straightened up, "Now who is giving the third degree?"
"For good reason! This place is one strong gust of wind away from collapsing on top of you."
"It's alright the bunker has an alternate exit to the back."
"You live in a bunker?"
I looked away from Dahlia, starting to feel rather embarrassed. "I didn't have a lot of options when the rapture happened, I'm pretty lucky considering there are fresh tomatoes every day in the summer."
"I'm going to talk to the boss about this."
"Please don't!" I put my hands up in surrender, standing in front of her. "He already figured it out when I signed my paperwork, and he is being more than kind setting me up with a home and a mortgage through Hellfire and Brimstone!"
She let out a small sigh and shook her head.
"I hope all the humans are like you."
"Applying at Hellfire and Brimstone?" I wasn't sure what she meant, getting a mortgage maybe? Hoping to be more than a waitress? Trying to work anything above a minimum wage job?
Dahlia chuckled, "Go sleep in your bomb shelter, I'll see you tomorrow." She turned to leave but sucked in a breath while pointing a finger back to me. "And if Michael ever corners you like that again you need to tell Crowley or myself - and if we aren't there you'll need to get the boss."
I made a face of displeasure.
"Trust me, when it comes to Michael the boss would rather know as soon as possible."
"I understand... I'm so sorry for all this trouble."
"You're not the trouble, that fucking angel is." She turned away and started back down the road, giving a small wave. "Just be safe, mortal!"
I slinked back into my cave, crawling under a thin quilt as I snuggled onto the beat up mattress- opening the sewing kit by my bed.
Illuminated by the glowing blue discs was an advertisement from a post-rapture magazine, it pictured a glowing staircase and text that read "Stuck in hell? Get your ticket to heaven today." I gave the picture a stroke with my fingertips.
"Almost there..."
*** New Chapters posted every Friday ***
Up Next : Iced Coffee
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merbyteslibrary · 2 years
Heaven Sent : Chapter 5 | Healthy Work Environment
Trigger Warning | Sexual Situations, Gore, Abuse, Foul Language.
My head still reeled from the entire process as I exited the devil's office, Dahlia and Crowley were already waiting on the other side- their heads perked up once they saw me.
"Holy shit she actually did it..." Crowley laughed, "I thought for sure humans would be against signing their bodies away, or are you one of the people that liked slavery?" Crowley sucked in his lips, "Please don't tell me you're one of those."
"N-no, I don't condone slavery I just really need the souls."
"Oh thank hell!" He laughed and shoved my shoulder. "No worries then, you need to relax!"
"She did just meet the devil for the first time..."
"Second, actually." I could barely hear my own mousey voice – Dahlia and Crowley's voices were already echoing on the inside of my skull.
"Second?" They spoke in unison, like a megaphone blast.
"I didn't meet him per-say, but I saw him the day of the rapture when he killed... Gabriel I think?"
"Oh my, you saw him in his whole red and black devil get-up. That's a pretty good introduction to the boss." Crowley teased and sat on the desk outside of the double doors. "I bet he said something really cocky too, like you're not as wholesome as you think you are! Or something like that."
"Um, it was something along the lines of greed, I think?"
"Typical, he loves throwing sins back in the angel's faces."
I was still holding onto my black envelope as I fiddled with the flap, I assumed I was supposed to start my first day of work but no one seemed to be willing to talk about work.
"Did the boss give you that?" Dahlia gestured to my envelope with her head.
"Oh, no, um someone named Michael did? An Archangel?"
They both leaned forward.
"Shut the fuck up, is that why Jeremy just got canned?"
"Jeremy just got fired, why didn't you tell me? I keep you around so I know these things!" Crowley slapped Dahlia who punched him in the chest- knocking the wind out of him.
"Because Jeremy is an idiot, he would make a contract selling himself to a human, was Jeremy involved with your little envelope?"
"Yeah, it's my letter of acceptance – he apparently must have given it to Michael."
Crowley and Dahlia both made pained faces, "That poor dumb demon, he's lucky the boss only fired him."
"Has he hurt employees before?"
They shared a glance before Crowley hopped off the desk and started to circle me.
"I wouldn't worry about the boss hurting you, demons are much more durable- what with our immortality and all."
"I could see him finding her useful in other ways though."
"You might be right; the boss has an appetite for mortals – especially the naïve ones." I started picking at the edges of the envelope while their predator-like eyes bore down on me.
"Appetite? Does the devil... eat humans?"
I could imagine it, him feasting on raw livers and frying up human skin like pre-rap drive thru chicken- pouring thick crimson blood from a human skull into a wine glass.
My thoughts were interrupted by the laughter of my co-workers.
"I know you aren't a virgin- are you really that dense?" Dahlia was covering her mouth from how hard she was cackling.
"Fuck, you better stick with us little lamb or these wolves are going to tear you apart – how did you manage to come out alive after meeting with Michael?"
"The devil said I have a skin mutation?"
"You're one of those!" Crowley gently took my hand and eyed me; I wasn't sure what his intention was but it seemed like he was watching to make sure a growth didn't form on my head. "Give me all the souls you have- right now!"
I ripped my hand away and clutched my chest, "Are you being serious? I only keep my emergency money on me when I go out... T-there is only about five souls in my pocket, I-!"
"Relax..." He chuckled, "I've always wanted to know what it was like – not being able to influence a human, and mutants like you only take up ten percent of your population so it's kind of rare to see."
"It'll be a lot easier to keep an eye on you at least, Bo-peep."
Oh good, I was afraid that name wouldn't follow me...
"Can I ask... What exactly should I start on first...? For my job?"
"Oh shit!" Crowley was already on top of the doors when they swung open and busted him in the nose.
"Ms. Pembroke." Lucifer stood there with five coffee carafe handles in his hand. "Once you're finished with orientation, I would like these all to be filled and maintained throughout the duration of the time I am in this building."
I juggled with taking the carafes from him, "Did you drink all of these today?" The question flew from my mouth without a second thought- since my brain was still struggling to comprehend how one living thing could consume so much caffeine.
"I lost count how many times they were refilled today." He grumbled, "I'm on my last pot, you have thirty minutes before I will need another one."
The doors shut, Dahlia finally let her laughter echo off the walls – Crowley was holding onto his nose and leaning beside the black doors.
"It's not funny! What if it grows back crooked?"
"Then you can just tell your little flings that you're a 'rugged' kind of handsome."
"I guess you're right, scars would make me pretty hot..." A mischievous grin came over his lips, "But back to you, Bon-Bon, I'll show you where the coffee grinder is and maybe we'll jump into some phone calls or emails- hardly anyone uses them since they can just come directly to the office."
I was escorted to the break area where spacious black marble countertops were paired with red wood cabinets, three coffee machines lined the corner of the counter and an industrial sized coffee grinder sat across from the black doubled-door refrigerator.
I could already feel the hungry eyes on my shoulders of the demons who wanted to pitch their contracts to me, I kept adjusting my cuffs in an attempt to distract myself but I ended up losing one of the pearl buttons.
I ended up letting it sit on the floor, too afraid to let my guard down and pick it up- I felt so foolish.
Once we delivered the coffee to the devil – who was consumed in amending the contract which vexed him currently- Crowley showed me how to transfer phone calls, the ins and outs of our emails, and about contract delivery which usually gets dropped off every morning – those contracts are then placed on the devils desk and he will work on them throughout the day.
"Simple stuff, but you're one of the younger humans – I would have thought you would have a better handle on technology."
"Humans aren't usually given much technology to work with in the usual jobs we're allowed to have." I cocked my head to the side, confused that such a high ranking demon didn't know this. "It's part of the whole, post-rap 'hell on earth'."
"Well we need to get that fixed because I am not about to be one of those pitiful demons stuck in IT." Crowley ran a hand through his hair and then leaned on my desk, "On a more serious note, you've been trembling all day and I thought you might have been having mild seizures- relax lamb chop, if you ever have a problem Dahlia and I are here to help."
I held my own hand and rubbed my thumb along the skin of my knuckles. "Thank you, it really does mean a lot." I dared a look into Crowley's eyes but immediately regretted it.
"Oh little Bo peep!" He pulled me into a hug, "You delightfully dense little lamb!"
In all the commotion I hadn't heard the doors open.
"Get the hell off my secretary before I castrate you." Crowley didn't need a second warning, he was right beside Lucifer.
"I couldn't by chance catch a ride home with you, could I boss?"
"You have wings, use them." I watched them walk right past me as Crowley continued to pester Lucifer who stopped at the next set of doors. "When I leave your shift is over, if you stay after you will not get paid overtime."
"Okay!" I quickly gathered my things as the two continued their way out.
Leaving by myself was nerve wracking enough, the exact same fears I had in the break room were amplified now that I was alone. My heels clacked on the white floors as my pace quickened, I wasn't sure if it was in my head or not but I swore I thought I heard footsteps behind me as I frantically mashed the button for the elevator.
Once I was inside and I had turned around I saw no one, just dark figures still hunched over desks and illuminated by the ghastly blue of their computer screens.
I placed my hand over my eyes and shook my head; I was being so ridiculous ... Nothing bad was going to happen here- like Crowley said I just needed to relax.
I stepped out of the lobby and into the fresh air, the world felt different now than it had before.
"I do hope your first day went well."
Chills crept all over my skin, standing on the sidewalk right outside of Hellfire and Brimstone was Michael.
*** New Chapters posted every Friday ***
Up Next : Head Secretary
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merbyteslibrary · 2 years
Heaven Sent : Chapter 4 | The Devil
Trigger Warning | Sexual Situations, Gore, Abuse, Foul Language.
"What the fuck did you just call me?"
Crowley was behind me laughing hysterically, and I finally realized he was messing with me.
"I-I-I..." No words were coming to my lips, was I going to die here? How short of a temper does the devil really have?
"I-I-I, what are you broken? Crowley, don't mess with my secretary." His red eyes cast their gaze behind me, the laughing did not stop.
"I couldn't help it; she just looks so stressed out!" Crowley's hands were massaging my shoulders, "I can help her relax in other ways if you would like, boss?"
There was an air of silence as Crowley continued to rub my shoulders, but the devil had put down his paperwork and only glared at the man behind me. "Get out, Crowley."
His hands disappeared; there was no more laughter... Just the sound of the double doors shutting behind me.
"You have my permission to lance him through the throat if he should ever let his hands wander where they shouldn't." The devil seated himself behind his desk finally, gesturing for me to take a seat in the empty leather chair across from him. "Now, as a human working in a primarily demon-oriented establishment – your paperwork will be different from your peers."
"I understand."
"In order to keep your co-workers from contracting you, your job acceptance paperwork will be a contract itself – if you are uncomfortable with what I have prepared there are no negotiations." He leaned against his desk and pointed beyond where I sat. "The door is there, thousands of other applicants are waiting to be your replacement."
"Yes, I understand." I gripped the grey fabric of my pencil skirt, trying desperately to keep my hands from shaking.
"Good, these papers state you are not to accept any contracts from other employees – otherwise they will be null and void as well as you will be terminated."
He glanced up at me to see if I had any objections, I simply nodded and he continued.
"Furthermore, if you are to accept any contracts from outside of Hellfire and Brimstone – once again you will be terminated, I also feel I should remind you that if you have any outstanding contracts prior to your acceptance of this position, you are obligated to share those with myself (your employer), at this time."
"I don't have any contracts."
The devil leaned back in his chair, studying me for a moment as he let the paperwork sit on his desk.
"I find that hard to believe, you have had one job since the rapture – correct Ms. Pembroke?"
"Yes, that is correct."
"So you're telling me you don't have any outstanding contracts? Not even contracts related to friends, family, food, a home? All mortgages are run by angel owned or demon owned corporations – so I suspect the paperwork you signed for your house at least has some sort of fine print."
"I don't have a mortgage."
"Excuse me?" He seemed amused, "Did Crowley tell you to say that as well? That you're homeless?"
"I'm not homeless." I sat up straight now, a little offended that he would say so. "I just don't have a mortgage."
"So, you're a squatter."
"Not... Well..." My eyes scanned his office as if I could find the answer somewhere along the walls.
"You're a squatter, which means you're homeless..." He rubbed his eyes and took a deep breath, "I'll draw up some paperwork and you can start a mortgage through Hellfire and Brimstone, this actually makes things simpler since I won't need to negotiate with anyone over the terms."
"I apologize if my status at home diminishes the reputation of Hellfire and Brimstone in anyway."
"Please, my employees tarnish the reputation of this company everyday simply by existing, your home life is one of the easier problems." He leaned forward once again going through the rest of the contract and making sure I agreed to all the terms.
All of the requirements seemed rather tame for a demon... or devil.... Run business, I think even Ralph had terms in his job acceptance paperwork that allowed for several sexual favors – those terms I managed to avoid.
"If you sign here at the bottom you agree to everything I have listed beforehand, and your entire being will now belong to me." He pulled out a pen and slid the paperwork across the desk.
"Excuse me?"
"In order to also keep you off limits to our ... heavenly counterparts... You will be signing over yourself to me like property or the military."
My brain went immediately to my last night at Honking Hotties, how Michael had attempted to get me to reject my letter of acceptance.
"If..." I took turns looking at my scuffed heels and up to the devil's burning red eyes. "If I was approached by an angel already... er... An archangel I guess- am I also obligated to notify you before employment?"
"Yes." His grip had already tightened on my paperwork. "Was it that bastard of a fucking archangel, Michael?"
I nodded frantically – It probably made me look deranged.
"Of course..." He tossed my paperwork onto his desk, "What did he say- please tell me you didn't tell him you applied for this job."
"I didn't have to, he delivered my acceptance letter." I dug through my skirt pocket and produced the black envelope.
"Was it sealed when it reached you?"
He had his face in his hands, grumbling something into his palms that I couldn't quite understand. Then he was composed again, grabbing his landline and smashing a set of numbers.
"Get me Jeremy." His voice was deep enough that it made the floor tremble from its bass. "Did you give a letter to an angel yesterday, Jeremy?"
There was frantic chatter on the other line.
"Are you fucking kidding me, you're fired Jeremy, I'll have Dahlia escort you from the premises." He slammed the phone back down and rubbed his temples before looking back at me- hands folded. "Now, what happened with Michael, before we continue?"
"He came to my previous employer and ..." I remembered his hands all over my body, each spot where his lips touched my skin started to burn. "... Um... He wanted to speak with me personally and handed me that envelope and told me to ... um.... Reject your offer."
"And why didn't you?"
"With all due respect, Mr. Devil-."
"Lucifer is fine."
"Lucifer, I know everyone is comfortable making money in certain ways but I am personally not comfortable with making my money as a dancer."
He calculated me for a moment, his eyes wandering over my entire being like I was some Sudoku puzzle.
"Is that all he did?" I let my hair fall from my shoulder to hide my face as I inspected one of the side walls. "Did you have sex with him or not?"
"What? No!" I was sitting up straight now; my face could have melted off from how hot it was. "He ... kissed my neck... and touched my ... ass..."
"And you were not swayed in anyway?"
"No, like I said I wasn't comfortable-."
"Are you aware that angels and demons have certain abilities that allow them to influence humans?"
I shook my head.
"That's what I assumed, whenever Michael so much as touched you – let alone put his mouth on you, you should have been overcome with an influence so great that you would have folded at his first suggestion." Lucifer chuckled, "I've heard of humans like you, you have a mutation in your skin that makes you tolerant of lesser celestial powers- I haven't heard too many stories about the ones who have been unaffected by an archangel though."
"It's not a problem, is it?"
"No, in fact this might make my job much easier than I originally anticipated – although your gullibility might hinder this stroke of luck."
I cast my gaze down to my lap- he thought that because of how I blindly believed Crowley no doubt.
Lucifer slid the paperwork to the edge of the desk accompanied by a pen. "I still want you on my payroll, Miss Pembroke; there is no doubt about that – now if you have no further questions, or surprises, please sign at the bottom of this page."
I stared at the single black line with an "X' preceding it, after I signed this I would be a permanent enemy to a rather terrifying archangel and whatever trouble that would undoubtedly come with it.
After I signed this ...
In two quick strokes it was over.
His lips twisted into a sinister smile.
"Congratulations Bonnie Pembroke, you now belong to the devil."
*** New Chapters posted every Friday ***
Up Next: Healthy Work Environment
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