michel-adel · 6 years
The Hydrogen Society and Energy Sources of the Future
A new age of hydrogen energy is dawning. 
© Toyota
Investment in clean energies give us better returns, but find out more why the intestrest in hydrogen energy now.
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michel-adel · 6 years
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Air pollution's effects
The air pollution consequences are clearly mentioned by the World Health Organisation (WHO).
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michel-adel · 6 years
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© UN Environment - 2019
Frontiers 2018/19: Emerging Issues of Environmental Concern
The Frontiers 2018/19 was launched on 4 March 2019, before the fourth the UN Environment Assembly in Nairobi, Kenya. The account involve five key emerging issues:
The latest developments in synthetic biology; 
The critical advantages of landscape connectivity; 
The complex interactions and vulnerability of permafrost peatlands;
The challenges of widespread nitrogen pollution; 
The hazards of maladaptation in a world of climate change. 
In addition, the report raises interesting questions scientifically focused on global problems as a result of climate change in the world.
“Will the cutting edge of genetic splicing techniques lead to a huge boon for human and environmental health, provided regulation can successfully control the risk of unintended ecological consequences? Will we act in time to prevent the further degradation of climate-critical permafrost peatlands and avert reaching the threshold of a potential runaway global greenhouse effect? Can we avoid the pitfalls of maladaptation to overarching climate change and move forward with wisdom to mitigate the worst effects – for all, not the few?”
Therefore, the attention for issues like these ones are essential in order to the progress of a world with more sustainability, developing ways to get solutions to these global issues.
- Michel Adelino
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michel-adel · 6 years
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Germany's Angela Merkel supports student 'Friday for Future' climate protests
The school strike for climate or "Fridays for the Future" movement was inspired by Swedish activist Greta Thunberg. 
The movement has garnered worldwide attention, with tens of thousands of students holding Friday protests across the world. In January 2019, 16-year-old Thunberg was invited to talk at the World Economic Forum in Davos, where she told business and political leaders:
 "I want you to panic. I want you to feel the fear I feel every day." 
Merkel said she was very favorable to the fact that 
"students take to the street in the cause of climate protection and fight for it." 
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michel-adel · 6 years
Vulnerable groups such as young children, the elderly and homeless suffer the most with the climate change.
Michel Adelino
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michel-adel · 6 years
What the future can bring for the hearing aid
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The Hearing aids are already able to muffle or reduce ambient noise through digital technology. However, in an environment where there are many people talking, little can be done today to help the user hear exactly the voice he wants. One of the solutions to this may be the use of cognitively controlled hearing aids through Auditory Attention Deconding (AAD)
Following this model, hearing aids of the future - equipped with brain sensors - will be able to distinguish exactly the voice in which the user is trying to concentrate, applying the amplification only to it and discarding the others.
Moreover the article in the Journal of Neural Engeneering the researchers could use signals captured from the brain activity of listeners to separate the desired voice from the others.
- Michel Adelino
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michel-adel · 6 years
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The future is focusing on the area of renewable energies, intelligent networks, electrical mobility, energy efficiency, microgeneration, sustainable cities.
- Michel Adelino
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michel-adel · 6 years
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© ONG Guajirú
Educacão ambiental
A atenção para a gestão ambiental é necessária em finalidade de preservar as espécies de tartarugas marinhas que frequentam as zonas costeiras brasileira.
- Michel adelino
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michel-adel · 7 years
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The Sea turtles
Of the one thousand small sea turtles hatching from the eggs laid on the coast of the various parts of the world, only one or two swim quietly until they reach adulthood and the reproduction phase. In addition to being the target of sea predators, sea turtles are suffering from the impacts of human occupation on the coast and the degradation of ocean waters.
They have been protected by the NGOs as in the case where I live, João Pessoa, Brazil, with the NGO Guajirú that monitors the nests put by the sea turtles. The first NGO to aims the protection and monitoring of the sea turtles in Brazil was the Projeto Itamar.
- Michel Adelino
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michel-adel · 7 years
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As Tartarugas Marinhas
Das mil pequenas tartarugas marinhas que eclodem dos ovos postos na costa litorânea apenas uma ou duas nadam tranquilamente até chegarem a idade adulta e a fase de reprodução. Além de serem alvo dos predadores do mar, as tartarugas marinhas vêm sofrendo com os impactos trazidos pela ocupação humana na costa e da degradação das águas dos oceanos.
Elas vem sendo protegidas por ONGs como no caso na região litorânea da Paraíba, a ONG Guajiru que monitora os ninhos postos pelas tartarugas marinhas.
O Projeto Itamar foi o primeiro órgão a trazer preservação ambiental as tartarugas marinhas no Brasil.
- Michel Adelino
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michel-adel · 7 years
My conclusion is that our thoughts and convictions about hope in the future are great base to achieve what we wish for.
- Michel Adelino
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