mind-ink-blog1 · 8 years
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Where all of the brightest and darkest edges of your mind’s given the freedom to splatter.
What is MIND INK?
MIND INK is an online magazine dedicated to topics such as mental illness, identity crisis, existentialist ideologies, and all of the weird and dark corners of each and every human being’s mind.
Who created MINK INK?
MIND INK is created by 8 creative students:
Eunica Otani, Meg Villanueva, Crizza Rondina, Aaron Vidal, Carlo Paliza, Fritz Mesina, Philip Morena, Lino Luis Nepomuceno
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mind-ink-blog1 · 8 years
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Have you ever sat in front of the computer for hours with an empty Word Document underneath all of the social networking sites you have opened? Telling yourself that you’ll do your work right after you finish one last YouTube video, but then you find yourself watching another one? Well, I have and I have to admit, it happens to me quite a lot.
I guess you can say that I’m a bit of a procrastinator; spending most of my time telling myself that I still have a lifetime to do my work, when in reality, I only have a few hours before I have to take a shower and go to school. This is my usual routine, sounds impossible, but I’ve kind of gotten used to it; sleepless nights and stressful mornings – ah, what a lovely way to live isn’t it? Actually, long before, I used think that I was the only one enslaved by procrastination, but as I grew older and more aware of my surroundings, I saw that people struggle with it as well; children, teenagers, and even adults experience procrastination at least once in their life.
Before we discuss more about procrastination, we have to know what means first. So, what is procrastination?
According to Google, “Procrastination is the practice of carrying out less urgent tasks in preference to more urgent ones, or doing more pleasurable things in place of less pleasurable ones, and thus putting off impending tasks to a later time, sometimes to the "last minute" before a deadline.” To put it simply, procrastination is when you go on Facebook instead of doing your homework. Okay, that was a joke. But really, procrastination is when we prefer to do things that we like, ignoring the fact that we have to finish important tasks, without ever really starting, thus resulting into cramming and rushing to finish the said tasks in the last minute.
Is procrastination a bad thing?
Procrastination may be a burden that causes me a lot stress because it eats up all of the time I have, but it also has its perks. It's kind of our little daydream inside the classroom or maybe like a timeout from a game, it’s kind of like that, a break. And as human beings, we all need a little break. The problem is, sometimes, we enjoy it maybe a little of too much that we lose track of time. I mean come on, scrolling through your timeline and seeing what your friends are up to is a hundred percent better than researching about the Laws of Physics, Greek Mythology, World War II or some other topics which requires time, effort and a lot of brain juice. Don't get me wrong I'm not saying that homework and school in general sucks, but basically ¾ of our day is spent either in school or doing other school related endeavors; listening to teachers, learning lessons and when we finally reach the comfort of our own home, NOPE you don’t get to rest just yet, you still have homework to finish remember?
So, I guess procrastination is quite inevitable, given the small amount of free time we have, sometimes, it’s just not enough, and thus our minds tend to wander when we do different tasks. Yes, procrastinating has its negatives but it contributes a lot to our productivity. It gives us a time to think of better ideas and we don’t even notice it happening.
Believe it or not, this article was a product of procrastination.
By Meg Villanueva
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mind-ink-blog1 · 8 years
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LET'S PLAY For those days when you just feel like living a different life, video games can be a great escape. You can fight off monsters, shoot 3's, go on exciting adventures and so much more, the possibilities are endless. 
 XBOX 360
A console which dates back to the year 2005 and also the successor to the original Xbox, the Xbox 360 is one of a kind. This console was created by Microsoft and is also considered as a gamechanger as it introduced the world of wireless gaming. It is the first console ever to release wireless controllers. It also has a camera which is called the “Kinect”. The Kinect camera is intended for gaming without requiring your controllers. It enables the player to play without controllers by only using hand gestures, spoken commands and some body gestures too. Microsoft also launched a new console, a successor to the Xbox 360, the Xbox One. Although the Xbox 360 might be old. It is still considered as one of the pioneers of the advanced gaming we have today. It truly is one of a kind. 
  NBA 2K17 
 The latest installment of the NBA 2K franchise was released on September 2o,2016, meanwhile other players who pre-ordered the game received it on September 16,2016 and also got some freebies including some virtual money in NBA 2K called “VC”. The cover athletes for this year’s regular edition was Paul George of the Indiana Pacers, for Spain it was Pau Gasol while in Italy it was Danilo Gallinari. This year’s game also had a “Legend Edition” and the cover athlete for that edition was Kobe Bryant. It seemed like a tribute to him since he played his last season as an NBA player in the 2015-2016 season. The gameplay in NBA 2K17 was almost excellent, it showed huge improvements and they also made the game more realistic because of the in-game dunks,players chatter and also the announcers. This year’s MyCareer mode was definitely awesome because you will play as “Pres”. Pres is fresh off of his first year at college and it’s up to you whether he will win a state championship or not. After that he gets drafted in the NBA and gets teamed up with Justice Young played by Michael B. Jordan. The game also improved in it’s different modes. The mode “Association” was fun too because you could choose to start the game in the pre-season meaning you could pick your draft picks and so much more. 
  Far Cry Primal 
 Far Cry Primal the latest installment of the Far Cry franchise is absolutely amazing! It is absolutely different from the previous Far Cry games because in this game you won’t have guns and rockets because you will need to craft your own weapons. The game is set in prehistoric times and the language in the game is also hard to understand so you will need subtitles throughout the game in order to understand what they’re saying. It is also an open world game which means you can interact with various things. You will play as Takkar, in the start of the game Takkar and some of his tribe brothers are hunting for mammoths, they took down the mammoth but a sabretooth tiger killed his tribemates and he was the only one to get away. They had a mission, to find the land of Oros, after being ambushed he found Sayla and she lead him to the land of Oros where he will gather all his tribemates (Wenja) and fight off their enemies. So, what are you waiting for? Grab your consoles and play some video games. 
 By Carlo Paliza
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mind-ink-blog1 · 8 years
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By Aaron Vidal
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mind-ink-blog1 · 8 years
Here are some facts about mental health:
Fact 1
Around 20% of the world's children and adolescents have mental disorders or problems
About half of mental disorders begin before the age of 14. Similar types of disorders are being reported across cultures. Neuropsychiatric disorders are among the leading causes of worldwide disability in young people.
Fact 2
Mental and substance use disorders are the leading cause of disability worldwide
About 23% of all years lost because of disability is caused by mental and substance use disorders.
Fact 3
About 800 000 people commit suicide every year
Over 800 000 people die due to suicide every year and suicide is the second leading cause of death in 15-29-year-olds. There are indications that for each adult who died of suicide there may have been more than 20 others attempting suicide. Mental disorders and harmful use of alcohol contribute to many suicides around the world.
Fact 4
War and disasters have a large impact on mental health and psychosocial well-being
Rates of mental disorder tend to double after emergencies.
Fact 5
Mental disorders are important risk factors for other diseases, as well as unintentional and intentional injury
Mental disorders increase the risk of getting ill from other diseases such as HIV, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and vice-versa.
Fact 6
Stigma and discrimination against patients and families prevent people from seeking mental health care
Misunderstanding and stigma surrounding mental ill health are widespread. Despite the existence of effective treatments for mental disorders, there is a belief that they are untreatable or that people with mental disorders are difficult, not intelligent, or incapable of making decisions. This stigma can lead to abuse, rejection and isolation and exclude people from health care or support.
Fact 7
Human rights violations of people with mental and psychosocial disability are routinely reported in most countries
These include physical restraint, seclusion and denial of basic needs and privacy. Few countries have a legal framework that adequately protects the rights of people with mental disorders.
Fact 8
Globally, there is huge inequity in the distribution of skilled human resources for mental health
Shortages of psychiatrists, psychiatric nurses, psychologists and social workers are among the main barriers to providing treatment and care in low- and middle-income countries. Low-income countries have 0.05 psychiatrists and 0.42 nurses per 100 000 people. The rate of psychiatrists in high income countries is 170 times greater and for nurses is 70 times greater.
Fact 9 
There are 5 key barriers to increasing mental health services availability 
In order to increase the availability of mental health services, there are 5 key barriers that need to be overcome: the absence of mental health from the public health agenda and the implications for funding; the current organization of mental health services; lack of integration within primary care; inadequate human resources for mental health; and lack of public mental health leadership.
Fact 10 
Financial resources to increase services are relatively modest
Governments, donors and groups representing mental health service users and their families need to work together to increase mental health services, especially in low- and middle-income countries.
By Lino Nepomuceno
Sources: World Health Organization
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mind-ink-blog1 · 8 years
Sometimes, you just really need a good playlist to get you through the day.
Asleep by The Smiths (Louder Than Bombs)
Me by The 1975 (The1975)
When by Dodie (Intertwined - EP)
For Marlon by Soko (I Thought I Was An Alien)
Sunburn by Ed Sheeran (+)
Tisbury Lane by Mae (Destination: B-Sides)
Medicine by Daughter (The Wild Youth EP)
Youth by Daughter (The Wild Youth EP)
Emotional Anorexic by Svavar Knutur (Kvoldvaka)
A Perfect Sonnet by Bright Eyes (Every Day And Every Night)
43 Sunsets by Burn Mercado (43 Sunsets)
The Places You Have Come To Fear The Most by Dashboard Confessional (TPYHCTFTM)
Rocket by Tori Kelly (Foreword)
By Meg Villanueva
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mind-ink-blog1 · 8 years
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Turn up the Heat
               Philippines is one of the world’s famous food hub. Indeed, we have adobo, crispy lechon, sinigang, kakanin and hell, chicken pastel. Exploring the busy streets of Manila, you can see different mouth-watering foods leaving your stomach always full. From the elite cuisines to the smoky street foods such as barbeque, isaw, atay to name few; all you can realize that definitely food is life.
                Scanning and craving? Wondering where to go? Just plainly sad and hungry?
                 Let me introduce to you some of famous food hotspots here in Manila that make trends in social media.
               Beginning with the Amo Yamie Crib Coffee. This place is really student friendly. Furthermore, the setting and interior designs already fed your hungry eyes. It is a café and dessert parlor famous for its Frappes that are so yummy and cute-looking. Though, this place is not budget friendly because prizes ranges from 120 to 300 pesos. But don’t worry all foods were delicious and Instagram worthy. Take note, they have different locations here in Manila.
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                Can’t get enough? Needing a little spice in your lonely, demented life?
                 Try this, Hwan-yeong to Gokain Bistro. If you want to go to Korea and taste their foods but can’t afford such, well problem solved. It is just one LRT ride and step down to Taft Avenue, 2nd floor of University Mall. It is a Korean type resto offering different Korean cuisines and their best seller is tasteful noodles mix with hot soup and unlimited kimchi. Spicy! But better go here with your friends because the prizes are costly - approximately 500 pesos for two persons.
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               From Korean, let’s take our taste into a new level of heights. Quit distressing, I’ve got you more!
               Attention! Calling all passengers of Plane Bistro please proceed to the counter please. Definitely the most unique restaurant operating in Manila. It is an air travel-themed resto offering the experience of dining ‘inside’ an airplane, with plane seats and windows to boot. Even more exciting is being served by uniformed flight staff. They sell nachos and dip, classic fried chicken and old fashion burgers. All in, captain!
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               Still thinking? In the midst of deciding? Seriously, you’re still down and blue?
              No worries, those are just three of endless food house Manila offers. They are turning up the heat morning until night. But make sure to come early because these places are also student jam-packed satisfying their cravings.
By Philip Morena
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mind-ink-blog1 · 8 years
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Dear Ms. CrazyWiser, Good Day! I am currently a grade 11 student of a very well known university. Exactly just how I planned it, I easily got along with most of my classmates. I was branded as "Ms. Congeniality" of our class. I also, found a group of diverse people which initially become my new squad. I intentionally shared my life to them and they gradually returned the favor. And as time passes by, I got to know them more. Everything was okay until one day, I realized how different I am to them, especially my optimism. There's this one guy on my squad who's going through a lot. And I think, the word "lot" is an understatement. So he begun sharing his problems to us and of course, we encouraged him. Latter that day, I witnessed the changes in him. He seldom attend classes and if he does, he's late. I was convicted to talk to him again but surprisingly, he wants me away from his life. He said that I won't understand him because I never experienced being depressed and my views in life doesn't help him. I was hurt but then I know that I can't just sit down conviently and watch him destroying his life. That's why I wrote to you Ms. Crazywiser to give me practical tips on how to handle depressed people and on how I can be a blessing to them, especially to this friend of mine. Sincerely, Almost a friend February 23,2017 Hi Almost a friend! I was amazed on how good your heart is towards your friends. And I want you to know that in this letter, your compassion and love to your friend is overflowing. You're indeed a one of a kind friend. And that specie is already endanger girl! Hihi First thing that I want you to do is to picture that friend of yours on your head. Then ask yourself these questions: "Am I willing to exert extra effort for my friendship with him? Is he worth the pain?" If your answer is yes, then continue reading. But if no, then stop reading and just stay away from the life your friend. To start off, I want to clarify that there's no absolute formula on how to deal with depressed friends. It always varies on what kind of friend he/she is and how he/she handle his/her depression if and only if, he/she knew that him/her is depress because most of the time they don't. I really believe that the best way to help a depressed friend is L.I.S.T.E.N. L-Listen quickly, talk slowly (This one is applicable not just to depressed people but to everyone. But for the sake of the sender I'm going to connect it only to the topic.) Most of the time, a depressed friend doesn't need "payo" because  other people already bombered them things that they already knew in the first place. Believe me a lot of people made them listen not knowing that what they actually need is a listener. A person who is not just able but willing to listen to them is what they really want. And a true listener is different from a quiet friend. Make sure not to do merely listening but try to comprehend everything he/she is saying. I- Intentional Actions A sad reality is that our society has a stigma to the depressed people leading them to isolate themselves from the crowd. That's why it is a must to be intentional in our actions to them. Making sure that they will understand how important they are to you. As I've said earlier they will try to stop you from helping knowing that you are moved by the pity you feel. And so, nothing can stop an intentional actions. S- Sensitivity to what he/she really need. People tend to generalized the need of depressed people. They tend to go around in different technicalities not knowing that it doesn't help the need. For example, a foreigner went to the Philippines and ask a Filipino how to go to Intramuros. The latter answered him by mentioning streets  and avenues in the country. Do you think his answer help the foreigner? Of course not right! Same thing with the depressed people, let us first be sensitive to the need of our friend because we can't help something we don't know.
T- Try to practice Poker face. Time will come that he/she will tell you sensitive things that he/she did or does. And during those time, you have to make sure that you will not have a condemning look. And of course, when it's too sensitive, you can't smile so plastering a poker face is actually your best option. It will not convey a condemnation nor blaspheming. E- Enlighten the atmosphere I really believe that craking jokes or things that can make him/her smile is actually a big help. It  actually turned them off from the burdens they are carrying. Also, it is a way of telling them that there are still a lot of good things in this world. N- Know your limitations. I believe this doesn't need any further explanations. When he/she said no, then you should respect it. Respect is respect. There you go! I hope this will help you! Thank you for writing to me! I really appreciate it! You have a good heart! Give me update about this! I will definitely love to hear from you.   -Ms. Crazywiser
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mind-ink-blog1 · 8 years
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Ode To My Maestro 
By Aaron Vidal
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mind-ink-blog1 · 8 years
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Love – such a short word but holds a lot of meaning. When said, it can light up the darkest heart; when felt, it could soften even the impenetrable. Love can make and break anything down to its core. It can connect people of different colors, kinds, and dialects, without minding the barriers. Love makes the impossible finally possible.
Defining love can be in many ways. It does not necessarily have to be romantically. You can love an opposite or the same sex, regardless of how they are connected to us. We can love a family member, or a complete stranger. You can love a person, or an inanimate object. You can love a thing, or a certain feeling. Love is anything, really, as long as we feel an extreme attraction and appreciation to it that makes it special from the rest. However, there are downsides to it, too. When a person is in love, everything else a smoky blur. Sometimes we love too much it blinds us, and that leads to mistakes.  
The truth is that the meaning of love cannot be defined in three paragraphs or less, because love is many, many things. It can vary from a word to a feeling to a purpose – the list could go on forever. A feeling of love is a feeling of black and white, sweet and bitter, hot and cold. Love is an explosion of everything inside, and once you feel its symptoms, you will know it is beautiful and terrifying – both at once. 
By Eunica Otani
(photo credit: weheartit)
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mind-ink-blog1 · 8 years
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Yellow Light
The tiny raindrops
And the sound of it drumming
Down the empty street
By only one tall streetlight
Yellow and lonely
 The drizzling water
From above the dark gray clouds
Hits my skin gently
My eyes start to close
As I stare at my shadow
A slimmer figure
 I walk right across
From this side to the other
Chasing an old friend
The pitch black darkness
My world spins inside my head
I want something else
Not rain nor a hand
To touch my broken body
But something instant
Something fast like light
To go sweep me off my feet
End my misery
 In the cold dead air
In this endless, wild downpour
I will disappear
No more yellow light
Above my head, just darkness
I hear tires screeching
Then silence, tranquility.
By Eunica Otani
(photo credit: weheartit)
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mind-ink-blog1 · 8 years
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“No, you’re not Drew, I am Drew!” the squeaky girl with beach blonde hair yelled as she raised an eyebrow.
Meanwhile, the tall boy across her with a downwards smile and an obvious sullen mood was only looking at the her, and then sighed.
One typical Friday afternoon, in the least crowded Starbucks store around town, two people with the same names came in to refresh themselves with the exact same order – Chocolate Java Chip, Grande.
When the barista called out the name, both heavily stood up and raced to the counter, and weirdly, grabbed the drink at the same precise time.
“Hey, lady. I don’t know who you are and what the hell you’re up to, but I’m pretty sure of what my name is. This is my order, so if you could just move a little farther away, that would be really great.”
The girl noticed the rude tone in the boy’s voice, but of course, she also noticed the way his jet black bangs fell on his beautiful green eyes, just right above his freckled nose. But she thought that didn’t matter. The boy was in it for a big fight. How dare he ask her to move away from her drink? She held the cup tighter.
“Excuse me, Mister, but that’s not how you talk to a girl,” she said, and to this, the boy rolled his eyes and murmured something about the overuse of feminism under his breathe. “You could ask the barista who ordered first.”
The lady wearing a brown Starbucks cap looked terrified. She was in the midst of two teenage souls who seemed ready to kill for their drinks.
“Oh, ha-ha, no worries, the second cup is coming up!” The woman shakily said.
Strangely, neither of the two were letting go the frappe.
“I still get this one first, kid,” the boy insisted, his lips now forming a smirk.
The girl groaned. She wasn’t blessed with long legs, but that didn’t mean she was a kid. She was pretty sure they were both of the same age. Now, not only did he try to steal her Java Chip, but he also insulted her height!
“Whatever, you’re an ass,” she hastily let go, disconnecting her hand from the boy’s cold one. “Have a freaking good day with your Frapuccino, Drew.”
She turned he back and stomped her little feet away from the boy. Behind her, she could hear Drew laughing. It sounded cute, she thought. It was a playful laugh. But he ruined her day and the last thing she wanted to see was the face of that boy, laughing at her. The only reasonable thing she could do was run away.
She opened the doors leading outside and jogged to her bike, before she abruptly stopped and cursed quite loudly.
“Damn it!”
She forgot about her drink. She gave up the first cup she knew was for her, and then like the genius she was, left the second one. She hesitated for a while, but there was no way in hell she’d return only to see that evil boy she shared a name with. So she ended up pedaling away with a big frown on her face.
The Day After
Drew stared at her Macbook and started working on her paper, again. She took another sip of her Americano only to know it already ran out.
No, she thought, one Americano isn’t enough to keep me up for this pointless ten-thousand word essay. She groaned under her breathe.
Drew was about stand up and get herself another cup when a boy suddenly sat in front of her, an extra Frappe on his hands. She looked up and saw the same boy with black hair and green eyes. This time he was smiling, showing the little dimple he had on his right cheek. Drew, the girl, was dumbfounded. She wasn’t sure of what to say.
“Hey there, uh,” he said, still with a smile. “You know, I’m really sorry about yesterday. It’s just that I had a shit day and I really wanted to get myself a Java Chip. I didn’t really mean to take it but it was funny, how you reacted.”
The girl’s nose flared. “You were only making fun of me?”
Drew the boy held his hands up and chuckled, “Chill out, you were cute.”
The silly one pretended she didn’t hear and hella liked the compliment, so she sat back and rolled her eyes, trying the best she could not to blush.
“Yesterday you forgot yours, and I decided to make it up to you,” he moved the cup across the table.
There was a small awkward silence before the boy held out a hand and said,
“So hi, I’m Drew, too.”
By Eunica Otani
(photo credit: hellish-b0y)
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mind-ink-blog1 · 8 years
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“It’s gonna be okay, Louise,” Kyle caresses my back, and I dare not to look at my brother’s eyes. I don’t want him saying that, much more when his eyes show nothing but pity.
I cough for the nth time today, and there are red specks all over the white marble tiles on the bathroom floor. What a mess, I thought, as I clutch my stomach tight, hoping it would stop. 
I catch my breath, wondering if I could lose it anyway, to end this all. My heart feels weakened, eyes droopy, arms frail, and throat burnt from all the blood I have been throwing out. I feel tired. I feel cold.
I stand on my feet right after, pretending to be better. 
“I’m going back to my room,” I say.
“I’ll help you,” Kyle tries to hold my arm but I push him back. 
“I may have lung cancer, but I’m not paralyzed,” My little brother looks hurt, but I can’t even bring myself to care. I hate how he’s been acting lately - like I was going to die any minute. I mean, I might, but the last thing I wanted him to do was to justify my feebleness, and how close I am to my demise.
He stands still as I walk away to head back to my barely-lit room. 
I lay down on my bed as my eyes dart up the ceiling and see ten thousand stars. In an instant I see a flashback of my tiny footsteps as I trailed around the icy grounds of Jackson Hole, back on the winter when I was young and wasn’t terminally ill. 
A memory of mom and dad and Bianca and a very little Kyle appeared, in their layers of jackets, red cheeks, and earmuffs of different vibrant colors. We were laughing and I was happy, I remember I was happy, breathing in the cold air, letting it pass through my once functioning lungs. My body might have felt numb because of the cold, but I had a warm heart and lively soul. 
My siblings and I were making gestures down the ground as if we were flying, forming snow angels. It was a competition of who made one the fastest, and I won.
Now, even getting up exhausts me.
I blink and the stars suddenly disappear, down with the memories. It’s all darkness now, just the ceiling, the shadows, and a stream of intense sadness.
Outside, the chilly breeze manages to make its way inside my room. I feel it under my sheets, sending shivers down my spine. Winter has come, it has been snowing for a week now, and somehow, the snowflakes evident on the frosted glass of my windows are inviting. 
So I put on my sweater and start to tiptoe my way out my house, shutting the door behind me silently.
My neighborhood is a lonely one. No one bothered to put up Christmas lights, no one but us. Everywhere I turn, I only see the snow-clad lawns and lone front-porch lights. No room lights are open, and no sound other than my heavy breathing could be heard. I almost wish I’d brought my earphones with me. If depression was a place, I’d say it’d be here. 
I sit down the thick blanket of snow on the grass, loving how it’s slowly making me numb. I sigh and stretch my body out, as if I’m trying to make snow angels. The coldness starts to sting, but I could only focus on the circular moon above. It is beautifully bright but so relaxing to the eyes. And I wonder if I will ever get to know how big it is once I’m gone. 
And I wonder where I will be, what I will be, what I will, and will never get to see. What will happen to my family, will they be okay? Have I done something good, were they enough? Will I ever matter?
It’s getting colder and colder, but I love how painful the numbness is becoming. It’s getting harder to breathe, but the moon looks lovelier and I want to stare at it forever. 
A snowflake lands on my forehead, and I’m seeing my breath.
Maybe it’s the last.
By Eunica Otani
(photo credit: taylanglates)
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