minimindi · 18 hours
Them: I like writing rare pairs Me: ooh maybe we're besties and we didn't even know it! *checks out their ao3* Them: *writes NottPott, Drarry, Dramione, PanNott* Me: .......... oh nvm
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minimindi · 18 hours
Writing Advice:
1. Write what's in your heart
2. Wait, hold up
3. THIS is what's in your heart?
4. Dear god
5. Your poor characters.
6. Why is there so much blood and death?
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minimindi · 19 hours
Actually even just kudos works for me lol. Comments are like dessert with my meal. I can thrive off of just kudos, but life is better with comments too!
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"Feed me and tell me I'm pretty" except it's "reblog something and tell me I'm not a fraud"
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minimindi · 22 hours
lol sooo true sometimes
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minimindi · 3 days
And how does Hermione feel about his answer?
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minimindi · 6 days
Dammit! I wanted to die young... I'm never gonna die at this point if she's telling the truth
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minimindi · 6 days
ok but where's the lie?....
Remember: behind every robot that turns evil is an engineer who specifically installed red LEDs into the eyes just for this occasion
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minimindi · 6 days
I love love love the way you draw animals! it would be an honour to see your version of our fave bandy-legged, squashy-faced, half-kneazle, crookshanks <3 <3
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Oh I’ve been wanting to draw this little critter for so long! Thank you for the prompt and your lovely words 🧡
You may have noticed I typically favour hairless creatures, but I hope I’ve done him justice.
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minimindi · 6 days
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Ron x Pansy commission✨
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minimindi · 6 days
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Birthday Boy 🎁🎈
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minimindi · 7 days
uhhhh who wants to tell her?.... redemption arcs is what we do! it's literally a cornerstone of the entire fanfic genre. foundational fucking building block lol. every character is redeemable if you squint your eyes and tilt your head! ships like Tomione is proof of that.
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Draco Fans, Look Away!!
I just saw a post saying Draco didn't have a choice, but I disagree.
He's called Hermione racial slurs from the first moment, insulted Ron's family who knows how many times, and he's teased Harry about his dead parents for who knows how long.
He had a choice. He had a choice to be a good person, someone who wasn't a complete asshole and bigot. He didn't have to be an asshole, but he was. You know why? Because that's just how he is. He was never forced to be a death eater. He had the choice not to be one. But he decided that being a death eater was just easier.
Draco Lucius Malfoy had a choice between what was easy and what was right. He just decided to choose the easier option. I mean, which 12 year old literally wishes someone dead?? He's fucking twelve. A twelve year old Draco Malfoy wished someone dead. He's a fucking asshole, a git, and a complete bigot.
He didn't deserve a redemption arc, yet he still got one.
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minimindi · 8 days
Pansy: You do know those things will kill you right?
Draco, pouring himself another drink: That’s the point.
Theo, smoking a cigarette: We’re just trying to speed up the process.
Blaise: *nods while eating raw cookie dough*
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minimindi · 8 days
This dress reminds me of the one Draco bought for Hermione in Damaged Goods by Slytherin_after_dark
Everyone was shock when she arrived at the gala with Draco Malfoy after Ron cheated on her
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minimindi · 8 days
Lavender Brown & Charlie Weasley. I have a 50k+ word story in my head and so far all I've written is the outline (and bookmarked sites for research lol). Someday I'll sit down and write it, but it's going to need to wait for that spark to hit ya know?
It's frustrating that you can come up with the plot of an entire fic in just a few seconds, but writing it all down can take anywhere from never to forever.
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minimindi · 8 days
Microfic May 2024 Masterlist
I enjoyed writing for Microfic May so much!! Here is a list of my full works from this year's prompts
Day 1 Create Sirius/Minerva
Day 2 Resplendent Lucius/Pansy
Day 3 Horizon Draco/Hermione
Day 4 Decision Genfic Pansy
Day 5 Dreams & Reality Genfic? Snape dreams of Lily
Day 6 Flare George/Luna
Day 7 Innocuous Draco/Hermione
Day 8 Will Genfic Draco as Potions Professor
Day 9 Agony Draco/Hermione
Day 10 Rise & Fall Draco/Hermione
Day 11 Curse Genfic Sirius
Day 12 Vivid George/Luna
Day 13 Talisman Draco/Hermione
Day 14 Humility Draco/Hermione
Day 15 Nothing & Everything Percy/Oliver
Day 16 Squabble Genfic The Golden Trio
Day 17 Worthy Draco/Hermione
Day 18 Healing Genfic Pansy
Day 19 Impatience Draco/Hermione
Day 20 alt. used Warmth & Idle Lavender/Charlie
Day 21 Unhand Sirius/Minerva
Day 22 Precious Ginny/Voldemort
Day 23 Mistake Genfic Lavender
Day 24 Elation Genfic Harry texting Hermione for help
Day 25 Day & Night Draco/Hermione
Day 26 Vex Draco/Hermione
Day 27 alt. used Evolve Draco/Hermione
Day 28 Fetching George/Luna
Day 29 Thrall Percy/Oliver
Day 30 First & Last Lucius/Pansy
Day 31 Fulfillment Genfic Harry
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minimindi · 8 days
writing my fic for the HP Drizzle Fest right now and things are getting STEAMY!!!! I can't give any details away yet because the fest is anonymous, but trust me, when the time comes for the anonymity to be lifted I'm going to be screaming this shit from the rafters lol!! It's a rare pair of course, maybe even the rarest pair I've come across. There's literally only 1 fanfic of them together on ao3.
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minimindi · 9 days
Hell I'm a millennial and I still don't want to download an app just to buy my freaking tickets lol. I miss the good old days where we stood in line for hours to buy the tickets on opening day! You'd send 1-2 people from your friend group to get in line early, and then you'd swap out with them later and someone would bring snacks... It was great!
sorry for being such a boomer but i can't stand having to download a different app for every event i want to go to just to access my fucking tickets. i should be able to call a number and order them over the phone without the internet and then go to a nice old man at a booth on the day of the show and pick up my little paper tickets.
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