#if you try hard enough
Roommate!simon likes to act confident and cocky until you’re mouth is on his cock getting a third orgasm out of him
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rigor-meowtis · 4 days
implied inanimate insanity s2 e16 spoilers ????
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anywyas hi. i do not like this a bunch but im not gonna spend 5 hours on something and NOT post it
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nevvaraven · 9 months
The thought of you lot reading my text posts in any accent that isn’t mine genuinely makes me feel ill
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ayoooo3 · 10 months
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A Little StarChaser Story
Fandom: Marauders
Relationship(s): StarChaser, (very) background WolfStar
Trope: Enemies to Lovers, Idiots in Love
He hated that man. Truly. Deeply with every fiber of his being. He had from almost the very moment JP Jewelers had opened up directly across from his own store at the Promenade. He honestly couldn’t understand why James Potter was even in the jewelry business at all. He certainly didn’t understand why James insisted on “popping over to check his sales” every day or so, smug smile plastered on his face as he let his fingers trace along Regulus’ own jewelry displays. Like this was some game they were playing, James leaning close and asking if the titanium bands were selling, asking if he was donating the merchandise from what he assumed was a vast personal collection, treating Regulus’ business like his personal stage to perform in. Regulus hated the way James moved through the space like he belonged there, hated the way he’d smile and say “Later Reggie!” as he waltzed back out the door and back to his own shop.
For his part James loved Regulus. Or at least loved to get under his skin. Had from the moment he saw him while he was touring open store fronts. His serious expression and down turned lips tracking James and the mall rep as they discussed prices. James had delighted when Regulus stalked over to make sure they understood that putting a jewelry store directly across from his own was a terrible business decision for all involved. He had been positively giddy when Regulus leveled a glare at him when he responded with a smile and a glib “oh I don’t know, might be fun, a little friendly competition to keep us all on our toes.” James didn’t understand Regulus, why he kept everything so serious, why he seemed to refuse to enjoy life, why he wouldn’t just let James in a little bit. James didn’t understand him, but that didn’t stop him from continuing to needle Regulus anytime he had the chance.
The Holidays brought out the best and worst in them. Last year, the first year they were both open, they had spent weeks trying to one up each other with sales and deals, their respective signs containing barely hidden references to the other’s store. The rivalry enough to bring the local news their way to “report” on the holiday jewelry hijinks, and Regulus had been loathe to admit that it did drive sales, for both shops, just the way James had insisted it would. This year the interest, and the chaos seemed to double, customers seeking out both shops to see who would outdo the other, to take pictures of their signs and watch as James and Regulus snarked back and forth from their counters.
Regulus is exhausted, and frustrated, why couldn’t James just leave him be? The sales were nice, but having James’ attention on him was starting to wear him thin. He needed a break, so when Sirius approached him and tells him that he stealing him away for a brothers night at a small cafe his friend Marlene owns, Regulus doesn’t think twice about grabbing his coat and following his brother down the street.
James is exhausted as well, but elated, the energy of the holidays buzzing through him to the point that he’s probably going to burn out if he’s not careful. His brain is going a mile a minute as he walks with Remus across town to grab a late night bite to eat, Remus murmuring quietly beside him as James recounts his day in minute detail. James barely even has time to react as they push through the door and he finds himself face to face with Regulus, the first time he’s seen him outside the shop, his eyes darting around the room and slotting puzzle pieces together quickly.
“Wait… Regulus is Reg?! Your Reg?” James blurts out, glancing at Sirius who is now wrapped up in Remus’ arms.
“Oh for fucks sakes Siri. James is Remus’ friend Jamie? Unreal. Why am I just now learning this?” Regulus looks like he might walk right out of the cafe, or cry, or both to be honest.
“Right, well… we’re tired of hearing the two of you complain about each other. I had figured you guys would have worked yourselves out by now, but you seemed determined to stay enemies and we won’t have it. So… good luck, try not kill each other, enjoy the food Marls left out for you, we’ll see you later.”
Both James and Regulus stared as Sirius dramatically swept out the door, Remus giving them one last look before saying “for real you guys, talk your shit out, get to know each other, maybe kiss a little” and tossing a wink at them before closing the door behind him.
And if Sirius and Remus happened to peak back through the window a few hours later to find James’ hands tangled in Regulus’ hair and Regulus comfortable in James lap… well that’s nobody’s business but their own. Perhaps this holiday season will be a little happier after all.
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sillyspinda · 10 months
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this is a character i made FOREVER ago named dynamo! he's a magician that has, well, actual magic instead of sleight of hand like the REAL magicians in the REAL (BORING) world...
he revels in his audiences being amazed by his tricks, wondering how he pulls them off... but the best magicians never tell how they do what they do
might come up with more lore for him later, just wanted to show him off here
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spultatha · 9 months
Ha! Ha! Ha!
'Ha, ha, ha! She, Hortense, been in my Lady's service since five years and always kept at the distance, and this doll, this puppet, caressed — absolutely caressed — by my Lady on the moment of her arriving at the house! Ha, ha, ha! "And do you know how pretty you are, child?" "No, my Lady." You are right there! "And how old are you, child! And take care they do not spoil you by flattery, child!" Oh, how droll! It is the best thing altogether.'
-Charles Dickens, Bleak House
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moldwood · 11 months
teen idle by marina and the diamonds can be about anyone. if you want
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donnieisaprettyboy · 3 months
can we stop pretending like it’s so super easy for trans men to pass. “oh just put on a baggy shirt and cut your hair-“ it literally doesn’t work like that and I refuse to believe you actually think it’s that easy
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lakxcpsta · 8 months
How do I tell a guy I want someone mature and older enough to take care of me emotionally and that I don’t need financial help whatsoever but just support?
Oh well! I just hope the last of their brain cells can suck that up, I’m so tired of repeating myself over and over again.
They say I’m hard, no women are the hardest to understand but they don’t make effort in an attempt to try and understand us and yet we’re the problem. Too much for their logic to handle probably.
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jackassrabbot · 11 months
making my rounds: sir are we winning. also what were you going out scrapping for. like we just selling shit or are we cobbling something together
fireball frostbite: no we are not winning
spencer: we are winning but hes got real attatched to this one fork and i cant take it off him cus is one of those forks that if i touch i might cry
life in general: im not not winning but i wouldnt say im actively winning
scrapping for: fun
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ratburgar · 1 month
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They’re so funny to me
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dreadfuldevotee · 4 months
Ruby: Yeaaaah, The Doctor just constantly trauma dumped on me starting from the day we met
Yasmin Khan, who has finally been convinced to come back to companion support group after finding out that The Doctor settled down with a family 48 hours after leaving her: I have to leave
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waistcoatsandwhatnot · 2 months
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Malevolent Part 44 - The Deliverance- The Waylay
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gio-cosmo · 5 months
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collophora · 4 months
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Do yourself a favor and go read the entire fanfic work of @fanfoolishness
(In order: Under sun and shade, Blind Side, and Breathless (patching up is one of my fav too, I just had no cool sketch idea for it)
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reminiscingtonight · 2 years
can i request an alex morgan fic with a ton of angst that’ll rip my heart out? possibly a happy ending? your choice, thanks!!
Done! But also I apparently only read half of this request before I started writing... so sorry in advance? 😅
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