miraclesmilady · 3 years
Played a round of Risk of Rain 2 with Master Pancakes and this is the results.
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miraclesmilady · 3 years
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Hello there, Ladies and Gentlemen~! This drawing... It has been in the work for like what two years? I could never get myself the motivation, a.k.a. lazy, and was stuck as a stretch. But now with my new ipad and nothing to do at work, I was able to finish it! I am hoping to be able to finish up the rest of my w.i.ps thanks to this. Now, what made me want to draw this? Again ago... I saw a little deviant and # bunyourboy and I thought why not join in on the fun. This is also my first drawing of Jonnamoth by my hands. Haha.
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miraclesmilady · 3 years
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I was a replacement secret Santa for the winter. I was very interested in their character, Acacia Calatrava. Since they can control the winds, I thought it would be perfect for a winter drawing where the snow blows past her as she follows the oncoming wind.
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miraclesmilady · 3 years
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Hello there, Ladies and Gentlemen~! This drawing is a secret Santa that is long over due for Eli over on Discord. I wanted to draw up their character, Skylar Golden, as his stained glass wings caught my interested alone. With his love for reading, I came up with him being in a library with stain glass windows behind.
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miraclesmilady · 4 years
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Hello there, Ladies and Gentlemen~! Today's drawing is an icon of a new character of mine which I name Magic! The moment I receive this design I had to draw her! Just needed to find time to draw her... She is a Tv host/Dating service so I wanted to make an icon that would represent that, and I love how it came out with the expression and background!
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miraclesmilady · 4 years
Don’t we all.... QuQ
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I wanted to do meme material with my precious bab Ethan, and while watching iDubbbz I came up with this. Ethan has hardcore social anxiety when trying to fit in with humans. As an artificially created ex-bio weapon with little knowledge of human society - that can be expected. Ethan is trying his best dammit. >:I I’ve been in love with drawing him since I’ve been getting back to my original comic (whom he is the main protaginist of) So huzzah, the comic’s back!
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miraclesmilady · 4 years
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~Character Profile~
Name: Madaria Yusatake
Gender: Female
Nationality: Japanese Alignment: Good
Status: Alive
Place of Birth: Taketa, Ōita, Japan
Height: 5'0
Weight: 115
Hair Color: Brownish/Redish
Eye Color: Brown
Occupation: Spy
Marital Status: Single
Powers/Abilities: Acrobatics, Able to use thin string to jump on without getting cut, able to use said string as a weapon.
Wounds: Neck and lower stomach area.
Tragic Events
Madaria grew up in the Mizuchi clan. The clan made of three division; the Yasu, the sneak and infiltration division, Sukekazu, the attack and assassinate division, and Nobumi the hunting division. Each division had a grand-master so decisions were not chosen by one person. Everything was fine until one day her Grand-Master just disappeared without any traces to where he could of went. It is dishonorable to leave the clan and need to be punished, but without any clues to find him the punishment must be taken on one of her division to made example. The clan decided on her as she was usually told information to give out from her Grand-Master. They took her voice, by cutting her throat, so she may never speak of them ever again. Then they took her ability to give birth so she may never raise "dishonorable" children. They then threw her out of the clan on a cold snow night and left her there to survive on her own. It was thanks to a kind stranger that took her in, that she was able to survive her punishment. It took a couple of months to recover from not only her wounds, but also to fight against her depression as she felt she had failed everyone. She now lays in quiet and away from her home country in order to live her life and maybe, just maybe, know what happen to her grand-master.
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miraclesmilady · 4 years
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Hello there Ladies and Gentlemen~! After a few weeks of working on this, my entity for the #DeviousDesktopsNeonNights contest is finally complete~! When I first read about the contest, the first thing that came into my mind was my character, Madaria, going around a neon city in the rain. I thought she would be perfect as part of her armor glows in a neon orange. Because of that I wanted to play with blues and purple neon, not only for those colors to pop out, but to also make the orange pop out more as they are opposite colors. I was playing around with a lot of effects to get what it is right now and I really enjoy how it came out to be.
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miraclesmilady · 5 years
Bella-Donna: Heading to the Scrapheap
Donna arrives at the abandoned warehouse just off the river. She lands on top of a roof on one of the warehouses. She looks over to see if she could see or hear anything. So far there does not seem to be any signs and thinks she is going to have to visit the one guy from the roof. Out of the corner of her eyes, she spotted two guys walking. She watches them closely as they enter one of the warehouses, first looking around to see if they were followed. They do not know about Donna yet so they did not brother to look up at the roof.She is about to jump to the next roof until Spider-Man drops next to her,” Is this where the party is being held? For a party I do not see too many guests.” Donna points at the next building, “I saw two guys go into that building. I was just about to jump over there and investigate.”
After Donna said that, she jumps to the next building with Spider-Man right behind her. They carefully crawl to the glass window on the roof to peek through it. When they look through the dusty window, they can in fact see groups of people. Donna counts around thirty of them, “Yeah this must be the gang I have been tracking down.” “If I could ask, why this gang in particular?” She stands up after she finishes looking, “I got interested in the building vanishing without a trace case. It seems no one can get a lead, but I was able to follow one. With any luck, I will be able to find out the mastermind of all this and end it.” She checks the surroundings of the inside to plan her move. One of her claws points at a switch, “That has to be a power switch. Fighting them in the dark will be easier to deal with.” “Say no more. Your trusty Spider-Man is here to help.” Spider-Man opens the window and crawls inside. Donna follows right behind, but as her moves closer to the powerbox, she stays in the shadows to get closer to the gang. She hears them talking, and listens in. “How much longer do we need to wait? I skipped out on lunch and I am starving here.” “Hmph, not our problem. Were you able to get any photos? Maybe scrap lying around. I heard the boss will pay well for some scrap.” “Do you not think they have enough? They have a whole plot scrap already!” “Hey if it pays the bills, I am not complaining.” Donna talks to Bella through their connection, “Scraps? Why would anyone want left over junk?” Bella calmly replies, “Your guess is as good as mine. They said that the boss has a whole plot of it, it makes me think of a junkyard.” As Bella finishes talking, a bigger guy appears, “Alright you lackeys, let's get this over with. Who has photos and who has scrap?” Donna looks at the guy. He is taller and bigger than most of the men here. He is wearing a hat, covering his upper face with its shadow. The lower half of his face sports a four o’clock shadow. His clothing looks to be everyday when it comes to winters through it is early fall. “You think that is the boss?” Bella replies, “The guy said the boss rarely shows their face. I would not have a reason why they suddenly show themselves now.”
Before the two could discuss more the lights went out, “That is out que.” She starts heading even closer now to the big group. “Who turn out the lights? If this is supposed to be a joke, someone needs to go back to preschool.” There is chanter among the group until the bigger guy talks, “Quiet! Obviously someone was playing with the power switch. One of you guys go check it out before I throw of ya!” The big group is looking at one another before someone pushes a guy to move towards the direction of the switch. The guy that was volunteer curses under his breath as he walks to the box. When he somehow reaches and goes to turn it on, his hand touches something sticky, “What the!?” Spider-Man jumps right behind the fellow, “Excuse me sir, you seem to have forgotten to pay for your electricity bill.” Before the man could even turn around and shot, Spider-Man webs his mouth and knock him out. He webs him on the ground and leaves the scene. The other members heard the crash where the power box is at, “Hey, what was that?” It was time for Donna tro strike as she make her tail wrap around a guy’s ankle and pulls back. The man drops face first onto the floor and gets dragged away from the rest of the group. There was a smack sound as the slowly descending group turns again to the sound. They all begin taking out their weapons, “Okay, someone is messing with us. Shoot and kill the son of a gun!”
As they were about to fire in the direction that Donna pull the guy, Spider-Man webs up another guy and brings him up to the ceiling. Hearing the man screaming, everyone turns to see what happen only for Donna to pounce the guy right in front of her. She jumps and rolls in the air to land on her hands and feet, facing the now shock members. It took one silence second before one of the guys fires with the others firing right behind. Donna jumps to the side as she moves her hair to close around some of the members wrists like being chained up. With their wrists force down, she throws each one of them to the wall with the hair. Spider-Man comes dropping down, shooting webs at the hands with guns. He would then land on their shoulders, on by one, knocking them to the ground. Donna gets close to a few of them and fight them face to face. One guy from a far starts shooting at her direction, so she takes a hold of the last guy she was fighting and throws him to the gunner, knocking the two out cold on the dirty ground. After a few minutes, everyone is down for the count except the big guy himself.
It seems he escape through the entrance. Both Donna and Spider-Man went out through the door to see the guy running as fast as he could. Donna quickly takes a spike out and starts swinging to the man. Once she thinks she is close enough, she leaps towards him and tackles him to the ground on his front side. She rests her arm against the back of his neck so he will not be able to swing or get out of her hold. Spider-Man comes swinging over and webs the guy to the ground so Donna could get off, “Nice landing.” “Thanks, I did not want him to feel he was on the home stretch,” she walks in front of the grounded guy and kneels down. The guy struggles against the webbing until Donna kneels down in front of him, which he looks up at her. Donna stares coldly at the man before speaking, “Let's not waste anyone’s time, who is it that you work for?” The man just grunts, “You think this is the first time I have been down this line. Sorry to break it to ya, but it is not. So you are only wasting your time talking as I wait patiently for the cops.” “Sorry, but no cops,” her hair wraps around the guy’s waist and pull him out of the webbing. The guy could only get a quick what out before Donna lifts the guy high in the air, that he could see the streets that was hiding behind the warehouse building. Spider-Man and her watches him from below as the man starts struggling more against the hair, “Last chance to speak up.” Instead of saying anything the man continues to keep his mouth shut. “Suit yourself,” she unwraps her hair and the two watches as he falls. The man broke his silence with a scream and starts to get close to the ground before Donna’s hair catches him. Obviously shaken up, he looks at the ground, about a foot away, before looking up at the duo. “You care to speak now, to do want another ride? To be honest, I barely caught you in time.” The scared man can only imagine at the thought as he is starting to be lifted up in the air again. In a panic, he bursts out before getting to high up, “Miranda Blight Scrapyard. That is where you will find the boss.” “Was that really hard to say?”, the hair brings him down and against the wall, where Spider-Man webs him up again. As if on cue, the police is closing in on the warehouses where the man grunts once again.
About a half an hour later, the cops put all the gang members that attend to the get together was arrested and drove away in a cop car. Donna and Spider-Man watches as the last car left from the roofs, “So straight to the scrapyard?” Donna continues to look forward as she thinks out her next plan,”That would be the plan, but I would like to check out the surroundings and more about this Miranda Blight person, if she is the one running this gang. I do not want to go in there only to be a mistake.” “You think you are going to need any assistance?” “Thanks, but no. I can handle myself with this. I am sure you have your hands full with other things.” She is about to swing off until she speaks again, “It was nice meeting you, Spider-Man.” “Same goes to you… Uh… Sorry, but I still did not catch your name.” “Donna… It is Donna.” “Donna huh? That is um… Interesting superhero name,” he rubs his cheek with a finger, more confused than anything. A small chuckle came out of Donna, “If up were to somehow find out who I really am. It will be more clear. Til then.” She jumps off the roof and begins swinging away, going back home to rest for the rest of the night.
The next day during school hours, Bella goes to the library to use the school’s computers to look up Miranda Blight’s Scrapyard. She writes down the address to check it out after school. She even texts her mother about going over to a friend’s house to work on some homework. In reality, she is already working on her homework while searching up the place. “Miranda takes any scraps and creates new parts as a recycle way,” she looks at the list that Miranda has created in the past. “Weapons for government purpose, machines for different companies, even home computers. The list goes on. She must be some kind of genius to pick at so many little and puts it together for something bigger.” She is mostly impressed to read about this stuff, “It is really going to stink to find out that she is the boss to this so called gang.” Donna speaks to Bella, “Why would it stink? She would be a bad guy and we stop bad people.” A small, quiet laugh escapes from Bella because of Donna’s curiosity, “Because it is ashamed to see bright, smart people like her use her abilities for a life of crime. She could help a lot of people, and it is not like she is not successful with all this recognition.” Donna starts to understand what she is saying, “But still, she would be a bad guy.” Bella sighs, “I know. Maybe she is not the person and the gang uses her place as a hangout while she is gone. One can hope, you know.” Bella closes the browser and finishes up the homework she has left before the school bell rings to go to the next class.
Bella rushes out of the school building. She wants to make it to the bus stop before the bus passes by. She looked at the times during her last class while the teacher busy themselves and the earliest time was five minutes after school. She is dodging through crowds while saying excuse me as Donna begins to talk, “Why do we need to go on a bus when we can swing there? Bella did not stop her quick pace, “Because I still want to enjoy being me for a bit longer. Though the only part I hate about that right now, is the homework packet that my teacher decided to give.” She sees the bus stop while also seeing the bus too. She went on full spirit mode to catch the bus in time. She apologize for the last minute boarding and pays for her ride. She gets a spot that has the window view. As she looks out the window, she speaks with Donna, “Besides, sitting down to relax for a bit sounds good right about now.”
Bella gets off the bus when she reaches her stop. She still has to walk for a bit, but when she reaches her destination she knew it for sure. There is big piles of scrap all along the yard. She goes through the open fence and slowly walked around, examining all the different kinds of electrics. She walks up to a pile and looks up to the very top and talks mostly to herself, “I wonder if all this stuff really is not working anymore.” “Not all of them,” she turns around when she heard a child-like voice. Sure enough when she looks down what looks to be a kid stands in front of her with her hands on her sides with a smile on her face. The little girl has light brown pigtails with goggles right on top of her head. She must have heterochromia as her eyes look like one is brown and the other is hazel green. Her outfit does make her look like an engineer with the green jacket with its sleeves up to her elbows, a white button up shirt and raffle neck, black gloves to protect her hands, dark and light brown stripe pants with a tan harem vest-like pants that carries her tools over them, and finally some black boots. “Welcome to my scrapyard! How can I help you?” Bella becomes shock. She read that Miranda was suppose to be in her thirties, but this child just said her scrapyard. “Um, I was looking around for Miranda Blight. I am guessing you are her?” The smile never left the child’s face as she listens and talks, “You would be correct! How can I help you?” Now that it was confirmed that the woman is in fact Miranda, Bella shakes herself back to reality, “Um yes. I was doing some research about you and your place for a school project. You would not mind if you could give me a tour?” “Aw, how nice of you to choose me for your project. Sure thing, I do not mind one bit. Count yourself lucky, I just finished up a project of my own.” Bella has a spark of interest, “Really now? Can I ask what it is?” It seems like Miranda’s smile got bigger, “It is an engine for a car. I been improving the speed to see how fast the car can take.” “For legal drag races?” Miranda laughs, “Of course for legal purposes. Now how about that tour.” Without giving Bella a chance to reply, she turns around and starts walking. Bella easily catches up to Miranda as the tour begins.
During the tour, Miranda would talk about her past, when she decided to become and engineer, and opening up her very own place. The tour also shows all the different piles as she sorts them in different categories. Bella notices different guys moving parts to different pile to sort them out. The tour ends with Miranda favorite spot out of the whole place. “And that right there is where I create things.” Bella looks over at the giant building. It looks to be a garage. “Wow that is huge! It could be a whole maintenance building.” Miranda takes it as a compliment, “When you work of some big parts, you need all the space you can get. As much as I would like to show you inside, there is a lot of hazard things in there, and I would need you to sign a warren. But I would rather not see you get hurt instead.” Now it got Bella’s interest to know what she is hiding inside, but she simply nods her head in agreement. The smile on Miranda’s face never seems to leave her face, “Good. With that, that ends our tour! I thank you again for your interest.” Bella looks at Miranda with her own smile, “No, I should be thanking you for the personal tour. I never would of thought of actually getting one!” Miranda nods her head, “I really should be getting back to work on my next project. You know the way out?” Bella nods her head. “Good! Well, take care! ...Oh and I do not know who started this crazy rumor, but just to be safe, they say some tigers running round here so keep a lookout. Have a great night!” With that all being said, Miranda walks to the huge garage, leaving Bella to herself. Once the coast was clear, Donna speaks, “Tigers?” “Yeah, I am running the same question through my head.” Bella decides to think more on the question when she gets back home. She is able to leave the place without any problems. Now to get back home.
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miraclesmilady · 5 years
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I always wanted to draw my kid oc name Pierette, and instead of drawing up a reference for her I wanted to draw her up with one of my all time favorite character, Nightcrawler or Kurt Wagner! And this is the results of that! A five year old girl giving Kurt a hug from behind as a hello! Of course Pierette is not a ordinary girl, she is a mutant with the powers of anything she can imagine will come to reality, and being a little girl, she has a very hard time controlling them. She does need assistance when it comes to sleeping as her dreams and nightmares can come to life because of these powers.  
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miraclesmilady · 5 years
Bella-Donna: New Gang in Town
Life between Bella and Donna has gotten better after figuring a way to feed Donna without her eating other people. Bella would always get a candy bar from the school vending at lunch and another one as she leaves school. She even had some in her bedroom for Donna to eat as a dessert.
While Bella is switching the channels on her T.V., it lands on the news. The new reporter is outside in front of a couple of buildings with police tape blocking off the alleyway. Bella knows the location. It was the spot that Donna had her first meal. The new reporter is saying about the body being found with no head and police is under investigation. Bella changes the channel as she did not want to be reminded of at happen that night. The next channel is also a new channel, but they are talking about something else as the new reporter is in front of an empty lot where a building could of been. “There is still no evidence of what is causing buildings to have suddenly disappear. All we know is, this is the third building in three months,” the new reporter moves out of the way as he finishes speaking to show the empty lot in full view. Bella watches in interest as she speaks out loud, “That is strange. It does not take one day for a building to be demolished, let alone one night and spotless.”
Bella gets up from her bed and walks over to her laptop to search up the event. All three buildings say the same thing, they were just fine and then over one night they vanished with all the employees that was supposing working that night. Bella found a little connection, “All three buildings were enterprises. Not the biggest compared to Oscorp or Wilson Fisk companies. Still… Why target those kinds of buildings?” Donna speaks to Bella, “Maybe to prove a point.” Bella places her chin on top of her hand, “What point? It is three different businesses with different products. Nothing stands out beside they happen to be enterprises.” She sighed and turned her head to her window, thinking the rest of the night.
The next day Bella walks down the sidewalk to the location of the missing building. She is hoping that maybe some clue was left behind. As she searches, nothing appears to help her out in the long run,” Darn, there is nothing.” “Are you an investigator?” Bella turns her head behind her from hearing an accent voice. There stands a woman of average height with long brown hair and chocolate brown eyes. Her dark-skin helps compliment with her hair and eyes. Her clothing tells Bella that the lady works in a professional business, weather that be a minor role or even a higher up herself. Bella fully turn to the woman, “No sorry. I heard about the event of the news and I wanted to see if it was true. Heh. Seems like they were.” The lady in front of her sighed and crossed her arms with her head turning a bit, “I was hoping to get answers.” She looks back at Bella, “I am sorry. I have been worried since I started my company about a year ago. My main business was back home, but I saw an opportunity to bring it over here. I feel I may have made a grave choice.” Bella talks after the lady finishes, “So you noticed the connection?” She tsks, “It was not hard. I do not know why they would not warn the other companies. To at least keep a watch out if something suspicious happens.” The woman is getting frustrated, that Bella could tell. She wish can tell the lady that everything is going to be alright, but she does not have a lead to follow, “Hopefully something will pop up soon before another attack happens.” The woman stares at Bella for a minute before sighing and turning around, “I hope so. I do not want to be next on the list.” With that final sentence said, the woman walks off, leaving Bella alone. Bella watches as the woman walks off before walking the opposite direction.
Back at home, Bella research the woman that she met. She finds a page that describes the woman and her company, “Drishi Sharma, owner of Elegant Eco Systems. It says it is a company that finds ways to clean pollution and waste by creating the next hygienic tools. If it meets its goals, industrial and nature will live in harmony.” Donna floats around Bella’s shoulder as she reads the page, “Sounds like an exceptional goal.” Bella nods, “It also said she brought her company to New York after being successful in India and want to try her hand at a big industrial city. I can say she will have a lot of work on her hands.” She grabs a cup that is off to the side and takes a sip. She continues to hold the cup as she stares at the screen. Donna brings and puts her face into the cup as Bella is drinking chocolate milk. Once Donna finishes with the drink, Bella puts the cup back onto the desk. She closes her laptop as she finishes reading the article and gets up, “So we do not have any leads, but the attacks happen at night.” She walks over to the mirror and stare at herself along with Donna on her shoulder, “Looks like we got plans for tonight.”  
The sun settled down and the empty night sky takes over. Donna swings onto a roof of a building to examine her surrounds down on ground level. It has already been an hour and still no signs of trouble, “Nothing abnormal. It seems like it is going to be a quiet night.” She turns her head towards a company building and spots a group of three people walking on the sidewalk only to stop in front of the building. Jumping from building to building, she is able to get close enough to kneel down and watch the group. It seems like a normal friend’s group as they talk among each other and laughing. Donna almost shrug it off until one of them took out a camera and start taking pictures of the building. They finish taking pictures and again laughing at each other before walking off. Donna stays close behind them until they stop in front of another building and take more photos, “It seems we may have found a lead.” Throughout the hour, she follows the group as they take photos and skipping small shops like bakeries or florists.
After it seems the group gotten all the photos they wanted, one of the group members looks down at they watch. They small talk as the other two nods their head before taking another walk. It seems they were not going to stop until they turned into an apartment building with windows boarded up. Donna jumps onto the building and climbs along the walls, pressing her “ears” against each boarded window to hopefully hear something on the other side. One by one each of them is quiet until she hears a commotion, “Got the photos?” The voice is rough around the edges, an older male. “Of course we did, and we did our research on each of them. So when do you think the next building is going to magically disappear?” The voice snickers. Donna can tell the voice belong to one of the members of the little group as it is higher like the male just hit eighteen. That last sentence alone, she knew these guys were a part of what has been going with the attacks. “Who knows. The boss said that their associate wants to lay low for a while until the press forgets the latest attack. Could be another month.” Good news for Donna as she now has time to figure out who is behind this, but she is not going to let these guys go. Donna knocks on the window.
Everyone inside the room gets up from their seat and looks at the window. The only female in the group speaks, “Who can that be!? We are on the second floor! No one should be able to get up here unless through the hallway!” The older man pulls out a gun at aims it at the window, waiting for anything to happen. Five minutes past and nothing. The man lowers his gun, “Must of been some kind of animal.”
Right on queue, Donna kicks open the door as she made her way to their room while they were distracted. Everyone looks over to her and before the older male lift up his gun again, she leaps over to the male and grab his wrist. She squeezes the wrist to make the male drop his gun as the male grunts in pain. The group of three is surprise at the creature that bust through the door along with its quick reaction. They stay put until they realize the situation and runs through the door to get away. A hair tendril reaches forward at the group, wrapping around the male’s ankle that was taking pictures and drag him back into the room. The young male crawls at the hard wooden floor to try to escape, but it is no use as he is hanging upside down in front of Donna. Donna’s eyes squint at the young male, “Do not try to hide any information. Why are you going after individual company buildings?” The now pale young male could not speak as his whole body shakes. The tendril shakes the young male to wake him up, “Answer me now.” He gathers enough courage to speak, “I-I do not know… I swear! We needed some spare money and what easier way than to take photos. I do not know how the buildings even vanish!” Donna brings her face up close to the sacred male, staring intensely and judging. After a few seconds, the tendril lets go of the young male, “Get out of here.” The young male shakily gets up from his fall and without a second thought, runs out of the room.
Donna watches the young male leaves the room. The older male raises his other hand that is not caught in Donna’s hold and takes a swing at her. Quickly and without effort, Donna catches the fist and twist his hand around, hearing something snap. With a scream from the older male, Donna turns her head to the male, letting go of both hands and kick him squarely in the stomach. The male kneels down with the now broken wrist hugging his stomach. Donna stares down at him, “Same question. Why are you going after individual company buildings?” With the support of his other hand, the male is able to balance himself on the floor before looking straight up at her, “All I am told is to get some photos for the boss, and their associate will do the dirty work while paying us for our services.” “And who would your boss be?” “You think I would tell you that? I am a dead man either I tell you or not.” There is a small click sound and the male begins being shock. All that came out of the male’s mouth is screams of agony. Donna looks around the male’s body to see where the device that is causing the shocking is at. On the back of the male’s neck, a small tick-like object. Donna reach over and quickly pulls it out before crashing the device. With the shocking stop, the male falls face first on the ground, knocked out. Donna kneels down to check the male, “He is still breathing. Seems his boss wants to stay unknown.”
Donna looks around the room until she notices the camera. She stands up and walks over to the camera, going through all the photos that have been taken. She tsks, “It is only photos of the buildings. No photos of a location or person to search for. Just our luck.” She deletes all the photos before turning her attention back to the unconscious body. With a phone call and some wrapping, Donna leaves the male to the police, hoping their will get some answers.
Over the course of a couple of days, Bella would do some research during the day while Donna takes over at night to search around for any suspicious people. Nothing would prove helpful for the two. On the third night while Donna is doing her rounds, she spots a man on one of the roof tops. The man seems like he is waiting for someone, but who would he be waiting on at this time a night and looking around himself as if he has done something wrong.
Donna swings over to the rooftop where the man is at and lands, "Is there something that I can help you with?" The man flitch before he look over at Donna, "Oh man I thought it was Spider-Man for a second. Get lost you wannabe freak! I got no time to be playing around!" Instead of back up, Donna takes a step forward towards the man, "I was just offering some help. Say you wouldn't happen to be a part of a gang that has been going around taking photos?" The man put his hand in his pocket to pull out his gun and aim out Donna, "Last chance to go away before this gets ugly!" Donna stops her movements when the gun came out and just stands there. The man starts to think that she is getting scared until she speaks, "So that proves to me that you are part of the gang. Good. I have some questions for you." She moves towards the man again. The man, without taking any risk, shoots the gun at Donna. With a simple swipe of her tail, she knocks the bullet away and then charges at the man. The man is caught off guard before he shook it off and start firing even more bullet before it was empty. Donna gracefully dodge all the bullets before getting in front of the man give him a couple of hits. All the man could do was take the hits while trying to hit her back with his own fist. Again she dodge the attack and punch the man right the face which threw him back and onto the ground. Once on the ground, the man wipes his face where he was punch before looking up at Donna and deciding he is no match. He got up, quickly turn around and runs away. "I still need to ask you my questions", Donna pull out one of her spikes from her back with a string still attached and throws it at the man.
The spike impaled through the man's leg. With a loud scream, the man fall back onto the ground before being drag back to Donna. Once he was right in front of her, she pull the spike out of the man's leg as it slides right back into her back. Her hair then move and wrap around the man's arms and legs so he couldn't go anywhere without her permission. "Sorry about that. I don't have webbing like Spider-Man has. Now for my questions. Who is your boss name and where are they?" She watches as the man struggles to get out of the hair and groaning in pain from his leg. The man looks up at her, "Screw you. I ain't going to tell you nothing. You know what they would do to me if I snitch?" She bends down to get into the man's face, "And what do you think they would do when they see you wobbling in with a bleeding leg and I so happen to be following you? Now you have one more chance. What is the name of your boss and where are they?" The man stay silent and continue his struggles. With that, Donna sighs before to straighten back up, "I gave you a chance." She lift her foot up and slams it back down, right onto the man's already bleeding leg. The sound of a crunch, the man scream loud into the night sky. "Now that leg is really broken and if you keep up with this silence, your other leg and arms are going to be next. One. By. One." Taking in a deep breath to chase his breathing, the man finally spoke, "The abandoned warehouse by the pier... I swear that is all I know! The boss does not say their name or even show their face to low ranks unless you are about to be cut..." Donna sighs again, she should have known it was too good to be true to stop this gang so easily. Oh well at least she has a lead and if any, at the warehouse she could catch a higher ranking.
As she was releasing her hair from the man, Spider-Man lands on the rooftop, "I think that enough there... Um... Sorry never met you in my fan-base rouge gallery." Donna steps off the man's leg, "It is fine. I got the information I needed to start tracking down this gang he is in. You can have him. I would recommend seeing a doctor for his leg before going to jail." She turns around and walks to the edge of the roof, "If you want to help out, something is going on at the abandoned warehouse by the old pier. I will be there." With that she jumps off the roof, launching a spike at the next building to start swinging away. Spider-Man on the other hand just rubs the back of his head, "And here I thought I was the only one stopping crime."
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miraclesmilady · 5 years
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~Character Profile~
Name: Andreas Padberg
Alias Name: The Whisperer
Gender: Female
Nationality: Italian
Alignment: Good
Status: Alive
Place of Birth: Vicena, Italy
Height: 5’3
Weight: 120
Hair Color: Brown.
Eye Color: Green. Eyes will turn white when she contact spirits.
Occupation: Fortune Teller
Marital Status: Single
Angelo Padberg: Father (Deceased)
Nationality: Italian
Bellissa Padberg: Mother (Deceased)
Nationality: Italian
Powers/Abilities: Communication with the Dead
Tragic Events
During Andreas first time traveling to New York, her parents had gotten into a terrible car accident. Her mom did not survive the impact of the accident while her father was transported to the hospital. The medical team try their best in order to stabilize her father, but in the end he passed away three hours later in the hospital. Andreas did not find out about the passes by a phone call, but actually was contracted by her parents spirits. She canceled all of her plans and activities, and rushed back home to hear the same thing that her parents spoke to her about.
         After the funeral of both of her parents, Andreas stay heart broken in her Italy home. It would be a month later when Andreas used her abilities to contact her parents once more in order to feel more at peace. Her parents told her to drift into the past forever and instead walk to the future. Again, her parents and Andreas said their goodbyes and will always be in contact when Andreas needed them. This is the event that made Andreas’s mind to move to New York to continue what she wanted to do and also help others become at peace with their loved ones.
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miraclesmilady · 5 years
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Hello the Ladies and Gentlemen~! So I have a car decal of Spider-Man in this same pose and I really wanted to draw Bella-Donna in that pose! Now I just need to make it a car decal to put it on my car.
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miraclesmilady · 5 years
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Hello there Ladies and Gentlemen~! As summer is slowly coming to a close, I wanted to draw up Bella in her bath suit to celebrate the hot summer!
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miraclesmilady · 5 years
Bella-Donna: Hunger
It has been a few days since the bonding with Donna. Everyday life was still normal for the most part. Donna always changes into Bella’s clothes in order to bend in as Bella goes to school. Though there was no problem hiding in Bella as she goes through people or even talking with her friends, it was during class that was another story. Bella would be sitting at her desk, concentrating on the teacher when she would start hearing Donna in her mind. It would usually be about the subject and why she is even learning about it, or it would be because she is bored as Bella would not be talking to her.  Sometimes Bella would tell her about the subject or telling Donna to be quiet. It always ended with Bella losing track with what the teacher was saying and having to politely ask another student what they written down if the student themselves was not already asleep. In the end though it was not a big deal that would cause Bella any trouble, it was just a very curious symbiote.
At home Bella’s parents still does not know about Donna. Honestly Bella likes to keep it that way as she is still learning herself. During nights as Bella’s parents goes to bed is when she lets Donna take over so they both could explore the city and learn all the different things that Donna could do. One of those things being able to use a spike on her back and throw it at a building with some of Donna still attached to the spike as a string to then swing from building to building. It reminds Bella of Spider-Man with his web-swinging. The first night thinking about that, Donna was wondering who this Spider-Man was. Bella explained to Donna who is Spider-Man for the rest of that night, she even show Donna some of the drawings she created of Spider-Man. Everything was going smoothly until tonight.
Donna is making her regular routes to learn more about the city’s layout. As she jumps over a building to the next one, she hears a scream. She looks down at the streets to see a young woman on the sidewalk with a thief taking her purse and running away. With it being in the middle of the night, no one is around the woman to help her. Bella talks to Donna with their link, “We should help her. The man just ran into the alleyway!” Donna nods her head as she jumps down in-between the buildings, right in front of the man that stole the purse. The man barely has enough time to stop himself so he did not run into the tall creature. When he stopped, he takes a good look at Donna before panic sets in on his face and voice, “W-What the heck are you!?” Donna’s long hair begins to move and wrap around the man’s wrists to then give them a good squeeze to make the man dropped the purse to the hard dirty ground. The man struggled against the unbreakable hair as Donna gets right in front of his face, hearing the man’s heavy and uneven breathing as he fought. “I was told that you were doing something bad and had to stop you,” Donna said to the man with lack of emotion. It is then that something change Donna as Bella can feel Donna’s change of mood, but she can not figure out what it was. More of Donna’s hair move towards the man, rubbing along his sweaty face as if tasting him. “The smell of your fear, the anxiety running off of you, it is delicious. I been hungry for a while now and you are the perfect meal,” Donna place both of her hands on the man’s slim shoulders. Before Bella could question Donna about what she meant by her statement, a jaw form and open wide. A row of sharp teeth that is the same color of Donna is clearly seen as if it could be clear as day for the shaking man. Before he can do anything, the man’s head is inside of Donna’s maw, With a crunch sound and Donna pulling away from the body, there in Donna’s hands, is a body without a head.  With a few crunching bites, Donna swallows the munchy head.
Bella takes a moment to process what just happened in front of her. She swore that she can taste all of it. Donna is about to move only for her movements to stop. Bella takes over, “What the fuck was that!? Why did you eat that man’s head!? I can feel and taste everything! Oh my god, I am not feeling good.” Donna is feeling all of Bella’s emotions and the sick feeling, “I was hungry. I have not been eating for a while now and the guy’s head, I can sense that he had the food I needed.” Bella is shocked and furious, “You do not just-! Tch! We will talk about this at home!” Bella moves their body and picks up the purse. She crawls up the building and once she is on the roof, looks down at the street. She spots that the young woman is still on the sidewalks. Bella drops the small purse, to land in front of the woman, before leaping and swinging away in the dark night.
The journey was quiet between the two as Bella crawls through her window. She walks to the middle of her room, “Off. Now.” Without question, Donna pulls away from Bella, becoming her normal clothes. Bella looks at herself in the mirror, noting she is pale because of this experience. She did not know where to begin, “Why did. No. Why were you hungry!? I though just being bond with me was enough to get you energy!” Donna defends herself, “Yes it gives me energy, but I still need to eat. There is so much that your emotions can produce before I really need to eat.” Bella wants to pull Donna off of her and throw the pile of goo right at the wall, just to watch it slide down the wall in pain. She points at the mirror as her way of communications with Donna, “You do not just go around and eat people’s heads! Do you even know what you committed!? You just decapitated a person in cold blood! That is murder!” When Bella ended her speech, Donna speaks once again, “But the man was doing a bad thing and you told me to stop him. And stop him I did while also filling my own stomach.” Bella’s face is turning red with all the anger she is letting out, “He stole a purse, yes that is something you should not do, but what you did is much worse! You-! No I can not deal with you anymore! Continue living off of me all you want, but I do not want to see or hear you ever again!” Bella stops listening to Donna even if she is even talking back as she gets ready for bed. Tonight is indeed her worst night of her life.
It has been a few days since that incident and Bella not seen or heard of Donna. There was a time that Bella heard a small noise at the back of her head. That noise changed her mood quickly as she knew who made that noise. Donna could feel all of the hatred and it was all towards her. Every time she felt Bella’s emotions towards her, Donna was quickly to keep quiet for the rest of the day. And Bella likes it that way. It wasn’t until the next night that change Bella’s mind.
Bella is at her house and just finishing up eating dinner with her parents. As she was cleaning the dishes from dinner, she hears a noise in her mind again. It is of course Donna again that is making them. Bella is still not having it and makes sure that her emotions is known to Donna. Donna can feel the emotions, but this time she did not stop her noises. Bella looks around herself to make sure her parents was not around before speaking, “What is your problem now? I told you I did not want to hear from you again.” Very weakly Donna speaks, “Hunger… Feeling very weak… Need food… Or else…” Bella turns on the sink to watch the last dish, “Or else what? You going to give me a headache with all your noise?” Donna is silent for a few seconds, “I will die…” Bella turns off the sink as she stands in the kitchen in silence. Of course even though Donna is a different species, she has the same needs in order to survive. Donna waits in the silence, starting to think that Bella has had enough with talking to her again, “ I am sorry…” Bella looks straight at the sink in deep thought. She let out a sigh, “There has to be another way. Another way to eat that is not a result of eating someone’s head.” She turns her head to the fridge, “Does any normal food help you?” Now it was Donna’s turn in thought, “None of the foods you have eaten send out the same sense as before…” Bella walks over to the fridge and opens it to show all the food and drinks inside, “Maybe there is something in here that I do not like to eat, but it is good for you.” She moves the drinks around every time she did not hear anything from Donna. When none of the drinks seems to do anything, she moves the food around the same way as the drinks.
As she moves some fruit to the side and a chocolate pie came into view, Donna speaks up, “There..! That food right there…!” Bella reaches in and pulls out the pie, “This pie here?” Donna begins to form herself along Bella’s shoulder eagerly, “Yes… I can almost taste it from here…” Bella gives Donna a weird face before setting the tray on the counter and opening the lid, “Alright let me cut a piece-” Before Bella could even finish her sentence, Donna launch herself at the chocolate pie, devouring it whole and leaving the tray spotless. Bella states at the end tray and finally process what happen to the pie. She looks over at Donna that is still on her shoulder and tries her best to not shout, “You were not suppose to eat it all..! The pie was for the whole family..!” Donna seems to ignored her as she goes back into Bella’s clothes, “Satisfied. Thank you.” Bella rubs her forehead and let out a defeated sigh, “Well at least it is a start. I just need to figure out an excuse for why the pie have been eaten.” She rests her face in her hands as if to hide it, only to show a small smile on her face.
In the end when her parents asks about the pie, Bella explains that she really had a big appetite. When her father was going to proceed with more questions as how she ate it all, her mother stops her husband saying that it must be that time of the month. The pie was never spoke of again that night.
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miraclesmilady · 5 years
A highlight video of my stream on August 20th, 2019. Played a childhood game that I use to play as a child!
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miraclesmilady · 5 years
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Hello there Ladies and Gentlemen~!
With Absolute Carnage here, I wanted to draw up Bella-Donna new designs going into it. Donna has a major change design. Her design becomes more looking like a priestess as with both Bella and her bond becoming permanent, they are both connected to the Hive. With this form, Donna is able to know where and connect with other symbiotes while also listening to them no matter the distance. Unfortunately that also means they hear Knull more clearly. They have to daily listen and resist his calling for who knows what the symbiotes would become with her connections. Donna's hair goes all the way down to her "skirt" and mixes with it. The "skirt" and hair can create thin tendrils to spread out throughout the room to the whole building she is in. It is basically her web to trap her enemies. Around the city there are really thin tendrils so thin as a spider's web that if another symbiote is able to find one, they can use it to connect with Donna. Her tendrils can also be use to go behind someone's neck, and like a little shot from a needle, go into it, just enough to get to the person's veins. It is then she is able to control the person's movements like a puppet.
Bella's outfit is what she wears when she is awakened from her coma. Learning about Knull's plan and Carnage symbiotes coming after her, Bella goes into hiding. This means leaves behind everyone she knows in order to keep them safe until the madness has ended. Of course they both continue to try coming up with a plan to put a stop in Carnage's plan. ~Story~
It has been a long trip for both Bella and Donna after Bella woke up from her coma. First of which being attacked by Carnage symbiote the moment before and after she woke up at the hospital. Second, was to be completely bonded with Donna and learn more about the symbiotes from the Hive. Third, was the city being attacked by Dark Elves and them just making it to save Bella’s parents from being killed. And finally fourth, running out of town with the Carnage symbiotes continue to follow and track them down.
Bella is sitting on a window seat while her back leans against the wall behind her. She is looking outside from the broken window of the old abandoned house as the sun sets on the horizon. It is just another normal day for the two of them. Normal beings hiding away from the Carnage symbiote creatures and succeed. Bella sigh and look away from the outside view as she rested her head against the old wall to look up at the water damage ceiling. She pulls her hood that is already on her head over move in hopes to cover her eyes.
Through their link, Donna breaks the empty silence, “You should sleep, Bella. You know I will always keep a lookout.” Bella knew that Donna was telling the truth as tendrils is all around the house like one big cobweb. She looked down at her right hand and pulls the glove off of it. There on the palm of her hand is the symbol of Knull. It looks like the symbol was going through her veins as the mark spreads through her lower arm.
It was night after she saved her parents when both Donna and her begin hearing Knull’s call. Bella was walking through a parking out after getting some supplies when she heard him. She could never forget his voice after the fight with Grendel. She turned to the voice. There in plain sight was Knull himself. Bella was in disbelief. There was no way that Knull could be standing there. She blinked once and Knull was right in front of her, towering over her. She could clearly see and count all of his teeth as that was how close he was. Those eyes of his stare down and directly into her eyes, “My time is coming. Soon I will be awaken once more and nothing can stop it from happening. You should embrace it. Embrace your god.” His voice was almost hypnotizing as if she really wants to serve him. Alas her mental strength was strong enough to not fall prey, “Like hell if you think Donna or me would serve you!” Bella gets into a fighting stance to keep her guard up. Knull on the other hand, continues to stand in the same spot, “Such a defiant you are.” Before Bella could even react, Knull has Bella’s right arm in his grasp and a finger plunged into her palm. Knull let go of her arm as Bella was pulling it away. She holds her wrist with her other hand as she looked down at her shaking right hand, thinking about the blood pouring out. To her surprise and horror, there was no blood, but instead a symbol, his symbol!
She kept staring at it in disbelief until she heard a voice, “Bella… Bella… Bella are you okay?” Another blink from her eyes. As she looks up, Knull was nowhere to be found. She was just in an empty parking lot. “Bella are you okay?” It was Donna voice that was talking to her, “You suddenly stop walking and just stand here.” Just standing here, you mean Donna did not see Knull? Was Bella just imagining things? She looked back down at her hand only to see that the symbol was in fact still there.
After that incident, Bella explained what she saw and how she got the symbol to Donna. And now they are here, in an empty house on the run. Knull is the reason that Bella could not sleep. Everytime she attempts to sleep, she can see him in plain sight and saying the same thing. Each time his words seeming more promising as if she could fall for them. She did not want to serve him so she has not been sleeping for a couple of days now. Unfortunately, the lack of sleep is slowly creeping up on her and she can feel her reactions and strength being drain. Bella looks back to the window and look outside as it has become night. She can feel herself slowly drifting off as she continues to stare. Maybe she will take up Donna offer and sleep for a bit.  
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