misfitoy · 2 years
Mylo's Reaction to Having a Very Affectionate S/O (Requested)
First part of a request from @the-gender-goblin. Hope you enjoy it!
Mylo isn't the most doting person in the world, but he goes out of his way for you.
Mylo dating someone who adores him? You can count on his face being flushed for the rest of the day—if not the entire year—when you're near him. 
He tries to be affectionate in return. He'll give you a few hugs and quick kisses here and there, but he's nowhere near as affectionate as you are.
He tries hard not to come across as a jittery, lovestruck adolescent in front of you—despite the fact that it's precisely what he is. 
How Mylo would react to:
Kisses: When it comes to kissing, he's a red-faced disaster every single time. He stuttered once as a result of it, and his friends teased him about it, refusing to let it go.
Hugs: He loves them secretly, of course; he'd never admit it, but you know. That's why you embrace him anytime you have the chance simply to watch how he reacts. When you hug him, he constantly gives you that "not this again" expression, yet his heart is thumping out of his chest.
Cuddles: He'll proclaim to dread cuddling, stating it’s awkward or humiliating, yet every now and then you'll see him leaning towards your contact.
Extra headcanons:
He frequently cracks jokes at inconvenient times, but promptly apologizes for them.
He's the sort to assert his sentiments during an argument and then halt in fear once he realizes what he's said.
To express affection, you'd probably teasingly call each other names. Words like "idiot," "dumb," and "moron" come to mind.
With him, everything is a competition, even something as trivial as who will get up earlier or complete their meal faster.
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misfitoy · 2 years
Do you do x reader oneshots? Preferably Arcane ones? 😊
I don't! But I could start in the future. I dont think my writing skills are that good, though 😅
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misfitoy · 2 years
Let’s Go on a Date With Vi
I've already begun a new series after finishing the previous one a few hours ago.. So let's get started! A brand-new series! Woo-hoo!
Let's Go on a Date With Vi
Just know that this is going to be the messiest date you've ever had, but you're going to love it. 
Of course, Vi would begin the date with food.
Vi isn't a fancy one; she doesn't own much or have much to give in terms of material possessions. You're aware of it, and you're unconcerned about it. You've never been a big fan of materialistic items. 
She'd most likely take you to one of her favorite food trucks. (Yes, the food she ate after leaving Stillwater in episode five—and, even more importantly, you have to eat it too. Consider it a fun dare.) 
Following your meal, you and Vi would stroll through the streets of the Undercity, chatting. You'd both talk about your life, the good and bad times, the worst things you've done, maybe ask each other impossible and repulsive "would you rather" questions, and so on.
She'd definitely show off her parkour skills to you, and you'd stand there in awe, as if it were the most impressive thing you'd ever seen anyone do.
This date can NOT end without you and Vi punching a few Enforcers, or at the very least pranking someone.
Oh, and she'd steal you flowers from Piltover without a doubt. After the running and her attempting to hide them from people, they'd probably be destroyed, but eh, it's the thought that counts. 
WINDOW SHOPPING IN PILTOVER. Oh, that is an absolute must.
Going to some random store and staring in the window at something you want until you get strange looks. Pfft, as if you'll notice.
Sending jokes, saying each other would look terrible in that type of fabric or color.
Trying to persuade one another to go in try on the clothes.
Which Vi eventually does, and you regret saying she wouldn't look good in that color.
Extra extra:
Vi is unmistakably a shover. If you say anything too cute or funny, you'll get shoved while she laughs at you.
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misfitoy · 2 years
I wish Mylo and Claggor were still alive ಥ_ಥ
I do too.. They didn't deserve that
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misfitoy · 2 years
How (I Think) Arcane Characters Would React if You Hugged Them (Part 3/3)
Ms. Medarda: 
Woah, she's super hot tall.. 
She isn't a huge lover of hugs, but she may make an exception for you if she believes you have earned it.
She's the sort to put her hand on your head while you hug her.
May or may not give you a good head pat once in a while.
She is unmistakably a back hugger who refuses to let go.
If she wishes, she will stroll with you while hugging you.
She rests her chin on top of your shoulder.
While conversing with you, she sometimes hugs you from the side.
He’ll act as if he despises it.
He'll try to maintain that—"I'm such a suave guy, I'm not overawed by anything"—demeanor. 
He looks at anything but you and his hands will awkwardly rub the back of his neck. 
He's not very good at hiding his emotions, despite his belief that he's the most crafty and fresh guy around. 
He'll push you away, but you can see that he doesn't want you to actually let go. 
So you'll tease him by hugging him tighter and for a longer period of time. 
Even when he tries to walk away, you walk with him, hugging him until his face flushes with embarrassment and your arms tire.
Claggor.. He should simply be referred to as Mylo's polar opposite. 
When you give him a hug, he likes it and shows no indications of shyness or embarrassment.
He's the one that refuses to let go when it comes to embraces, which you don't mind.
He's the one who embraces you the most out of everyone.
He'll probably hugs you at random times during the day, which scares the shit of you and makes him laugh.
He adds that your hugs are comforting and they make him feel better on difficult days.
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That’s it for this (??) series! Yes, I realize I put a lot of love into Mylo and Claggor’s part, but it's because they're criminally underappreciated and deserve it.
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misfitoy · 3 years
How (I Think) Arcane Characters Would React if You Hugged Them (Part 2/3)
Would give you the best hugs. 
He’s the type to hug you while rocking side to side. 
When you're upset, he might tickle you to make you laugh and won't let you go until you smile.
Silco is plainly a man who does not give or obtain much adoration. 
As a result, he never quite knows how to react when it happens. 
He'll be stunned for a few seconds, but he'll still hug you back. It'll be awkward, but at least you'll know he cares and is making an effort.
Vander adores hugs, and you absolutely love hugging him. 
He'd be the type to pick you up and spin you around, just like Vi. 
(If you're in a more intimate relationship, he'll hug you from behind and nuzzle his chin into your neck.)
If she liked you—or, more accurately, at the very least could tolerate you—she would allow you to hug her on EXTREMELY rare occurrences. 
She wouldn't return your hug; instead, she'd just stand there with your hands around her. 
It'll last no more than three seconds before she pulls you away or tells you "that's enough."
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misfitoy · 3 years
How (I Think) Arcane Characters Would React if You Hugged Them (Part 1/3)
She'd smile, hug you back damn near forthwith. 
She might even go out of her way to scoop you up and twist you around until you tell her to stop. 
She is smitten by the attention.
She'd be taken aback at first
She might stumble a little—but will return the embrace as soon as she comes out of her trance. 
With her, your hugs are always unexpected.
He cherishes your hugs and always accepts them. 
He wraps his arms around your back.
He’d press his chin against your shoulder or on the top of your head until you pull away, because he will not be the first to do it.
He'd be stunned, and presumably puzzled as to why you'd hugged him, but he wouldn't renounce you. 
He'd return your hug, his hand patting your head in a pretty awkward manner. 
He wouldn't be the first to pull away, but not because he enjoys a hug as much as Jayce does, but because he doesn't want to appear as rude.
She would kill you if touched her.. I'm kidding! 
Jinx would assuredly be the one providing hugs rather than receiving them.
You'll never know when it's appropriate to hug her or ask for permission, so you decide it's up to her to decide when and how you two hug.
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misfitoy · 3 years
There were four times where Sevika could've died—yes, I counted.
1) The explosion in act 1 due to Jinx that caused her to lose her arm. (She could've died from blood loss, or she could've been killed by the explosion immediately)
2) Fighting Vi in act 2/When Cait shot at her. (I know she wasn't aiming to kill)
3) Jinx tying her upside down in act 2. (Which you could die from)
4) Vi fighting her again in act 3 when she got thrown HARD into glass.
She is truly a survivor and I'll do anything to make sure it stays that way.
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misfitoy · 3 years
Since Netflix was so kind and charitable to provide us with that impressive offering, and two second, partnering of Jayce and Vi, I believe it's only fair that Viktor and Jinx unite forces as well. No one can deny how smart they'd be together, even if it's a huge doubt.
Partner vs. partner, sibling vs. sibling
They both possess shimmer inside of them as well as a hextech gemstone.
Shimmer is a highly addictive substance, so I wouldn't be surprised if Viktor began looking for more and some how runs into Jinx.
Or maybe Jinx is looking for another stone and runs into him? Perhaps a small exchange—but that's a big stretch.
If you ask me, this is the brilliant—and unstoppable—duo.
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misfitoy · 3 years
While you're swooning over Vi, Jinx, and Cait—I'm here fellating the woman no one seems to prefer.
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misfitoy · 3 years
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Both of these men wielded significant power and influence in/over the Undercity. With both of them gone, things will only get worse.
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