mister-rarity · 2 years
Uhhh hi! Could you make a moodboard for a hawkfox otherkin? (Dnd homebrew) Maybe with flowers and/or forrests involved if you could? Pronounz: kei/fox/kit/vulpes/canis if you please. If you still need a name, Ellex works!
Thanks either way! Have a wonderful day!
posted!! thank you so much darling, let me know if you’d like another one!! I hope you have a lovely day <3
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mister-rarity · 2 years
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~ moodboard for a hawkfox otherkin, with flowers and forest themes <3 ~
It took me a while to find the perfect photographs, but in the end I think it turned out quite lovely! I went with an orange autumn vibe, but please let me know if you’d like something different!! Thank you so much for the request <3
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mister-rarity · 2 years
Hello rarity! Are you familiar with Pokemon? Specifically the X/Y anime or the gym leaders? Thank you very much for your time!
I am!! I personally love the Pokémon universe, and yes I am familiar with the X/Y gym leaders and I know a bit about the anime ^w^ and no problem darling!! Thank *you* for being so kind!
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mister-rarity · 2 years
Hello! Here's one you might have fun with- gemstone & jewelry based stimboard for a dragon therian, please?
Done!! Again, please let me know if you'd like anything changed, I would hate to make something you're not satisfied with! Thank you so much for the request, it was very fun indeed <3
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mister-rarity · 2 years
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~ gemstone & jewelry based stimboard for a dragon therian <3 ~
I really wasn't sure what color you wanted for this, so I went with a lovely blue to green gradient! I also tried including various "textures", if that makes sense. Please let me know if you'd like it in a different color darling, I promise I won't take offense ^w^
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mister-rarity · 2 years
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~ Stimboard for myself!! <3 ~
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mister-rarity · 2 years
Rules for submitting kin requests!
Hello everypony!! This is Rarity speaking. Or rather, writing. This blog will be to help people with all their kintype needs! I’ll be taking requests for: 
Food suggestions
Outfit suggestions
Self-care kits
Spells (please specify what kind of spell you’d like, for example: spell to alleviate anxiety)
~ Rules ~
Please specify what kintype you are, what you are submitting a request for (Example: moodboard, spell, self-care kit…) and what pronouns you go by. If you don’t go by any pronouns, please specify a name you’d like to be addressed by. 
I don’t take requests from factkin, godshards, or godkins, sorry!!
Therians, were-creatures, fictives, and most kins welcome to submit requests!! If you’re unsure, just ask whether I'll do requests for your kintype. 
About me below:
My pronouns:
Something important about me is that I do indeed go by masculine pronouns, specifically he/him and it/its, although they/them works too <3 they/them are just not my preferred pronouns most of the time. Now, I do know that most of you might know me as a mare, or a woman, and I completely understand that it might be hard to associate masculinity with me. In this life I was indeed born in a feminine frame, but found myself out of place. It’s been very hard to come to the conclusion that I am male, and sometimes I do wish I was still the mare everyone knows me as, but alas, I can’t change my brain.
Now that that’s clarified, here’s a little bit about me!!:
I am an adult, 18 to be precise, so I would be most comfortable chatting with people that are at least 17 years old. HOWEVER!! I’ll take requests from anyone!
I love fashion, but also cooking, baking, and home decor!!
I am currently re-learning how to sew, I simply adore making clothes for my plushies!!
I have a rather large collection of plushies, and I am always willing to show it off ^w^
I am on a health journey to become more confident in my body <3
I love collecting all things I think are beautiful, such as crystals, keys, plushies, stickers, and all sorts of trinkets!
I do suffer from some mental health conditions, most notably Borderline Personality Disorder, depression, and also experience psychosis.
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