mocking-the-bird · 2 days
Dick: what’s your blood type?
Tim: how would i know?
Dick: how would you not!?
Tim: who am i, karl landsteiner, discoverer of blood groups?
Dick: you don’t know your own blood type, BUT YOU KNOW WHO DISCOVERED THEM?!
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mocking-the-bird · 2 days
Dick is no bark no bite dog
Jason is all bark no bite dog
Tim is no bark all bite dog
Damian is all bark all bite dog
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mocking-the-bird · 23 days
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my most controversial batman opinion to date
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mocking-the-bird · 25 days
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oops my hand slipped
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mocking-the-bird · 27 days
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This but it's your otp/oc's
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mocking-the-bird · 1 month
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ma boi
and here is really messy sheet with notes (if you know Ukrainian, feel free to read), cause I was desperately trying to make him look cryptic without making him really nonhuman
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I adore him
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(and I gave him little braids with beads)
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mocking-the-bird · 2 months
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My skyrim character but he's actually my son I love him very much
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mocking-the-bird · 2 months
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the brainrot is real guys
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mocking-the-bird · 2 months
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late night sketches cause I don't have computer rn
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mocking-the-bird · 2 months
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If Tim and Steph decide that 7am is time for sibling bonding activities, it'll be so, even if the sibling they're bonding with is trying to get some goddamn sleep
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mocking-the-bird · 2 months
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bet you didn't see that coming
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mocking-the-bird · 2 months
guys you wouldn't believe who I drew AGAIN
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I blame the person who reposted this with like a million tags (I'm a sucker for praise💔)
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mocking-the-bird · 2 months
People forget that while Ukraine isn't allowed to harm one hair on Russia's soil, Russia has been working hard to kill Ukrainians not just with misiles
- by destroying the medical infrastructure
- freezing or burning people to death by destroying the power grid that helps people survive during winter and increasingly hot summers
- by kidnapping and re-educating Ukrainian children and adopting them into Russian families
- by destroying Ukraine's food production capacity
- by targetting civilian areas, in broad daylight, such as shopping centres
- by destroying cultural institutions, museums, universities, schools
- by riddling farm land with mines it will take decades to remove that will maim and kill farmers and children
- by causing one of the worst environmental disasters when they blew up a dam
- by executing and torturing and raping men, women, children and elderly who are Ukrainian
- by creating generations of trauma and loss, some of which has and will end with people taking their own lives
- by convincing the whole world that it's ok for them to keep doing this without consequence whether in Chechnya, Syria, Ukraine, Georgia, Mali, Sudan, Central Africa, and the list goes on
And that all not even touching on how the operate in the actual battle field, using chemical weapons and white phosphorus, or executing POWs, and civilians in captured towns.
And this isn't touching on centuries of linguistic and cultural repression, political repression, forced starvation, forced labour, death by displacement, gulags, and summary executions.
Russia is a plague on the world. Hell, on its own people.
And it's been that way for centuries. Before Putin. Even before Stalin. Even before the Tzar.
Repression. Oppression. Violence. Totalitarianism. Subservience to power. Apathy in the face of it all. That's all it has to offer in its grotesque history, art and culture.
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mocking-the-bird · 2 months
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He's undead undead undead undead undeader than dead!
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mocking-the-bird · 3 months
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mocking-the-bird · 3 months
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He's like a street cat help
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mocking-the-bird · 4 months
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It's summer, hot weather... Come on, Batman, you have to understand his situation!
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