mpkittyishere · 2 months
Guys I feel so shitty for asking this but I need y'all to watch the shit out of my youtube videos or they'll kick me out of the YPP in 29 days :')
I need either 10M views in the last 90 days on my shorts or 4000 watch hours in the last 365 days on my regular public videos (watch hours from shorts don't count for this)
10M views on my shorts seem pretty much impossible, but I already have 2.9k watch hours on my regular videos, so I think this would be the preferred goal, and to watch and share the getting over it video would be the most efficient way to reach it!
Please, if you can, spread this like wild fire
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mpkittyishere · 2 months
awesome art! 🤩
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Mad dogs meets The Watersons
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mpkittyishere · 4 months
my only contribution to MerMay🩵💜🩷
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Space merfolk ranger! Space mermaids are such an underutilized concept oml ofc I had to make one into a Ranger. Dunno if this guy will be an Oc but hey they made great practice!
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mpkittyishere · 5 months
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No one touches the baby of the group.
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mpkittyishere · 5 months
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These two drawings are unrelated but i better post them before i forget
💚Reblogs are appreciated!🖤
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mpkittyishere · 5 months
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I mentioned this in one of the chapter notes, but forgot to ever post elsewhere; The End of the Dream hard copy!!
Only for my personal use and satisfaction, but it's so pretty and it makes me happy. That's a whole ass novel, I wrote that. :') ♡
Art commissioned from and used with the blessing of dmnfox! (Who was kind enough to create the background specially for the book version as well.)
Completed fic is available on AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/50733697/chapters/128160505
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mpkittyishere · 6 months
If any of you ever feel like what you're doing for Palestine isn't helping anything, I'll tell you right now it's helping me. I know it is fortifying all of us who have been in this fight for years to see so many people willing to speak up. It has never been like this before.
The tide has already turned. The fact that #free palestine will have new posts everyday, that helps me. It helps my mental health knowing that Palestinians are less alone now than ever.
Yesterday I read some verses from the Quran talking about how "the blame" is not with those who wish to help but cannot, but with those who CAN help and do not.
Truly I do not care if all you do for Palestine is post in that #free palestine everyday, that is still more than many people with the means to do even more would do.
We see you. We see you standing in solidarity with us and with Palestinians. We love you. Thank you.
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mpkittyishere · 6 months
Napoleon Reference....nice
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I didn't saw this coming
I want to adopt these two
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mpkittyishere · 6 months
Don't forget about the Palestinians.
Don't forget about them now.
Don't forget about them tomorrow.
Don't forget about them in a week from now.
Don't forget about them in a month.
Don't forget them next year.
Don't forget them in 5 years.
When the history books start to update, don't let them put lies in there.
When documentaries come out, boycott the ones who call this a victory for Israel.
When books release talking about soldier's personal experiences with Palestine, remember the victims. Remember the truth.
Don't forget about what we've seen.
Don't forget about what we've heard.
Don't let them tell lies about Palestine.
Don't forget about the Palestinians when the world tries to make this go away.
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mpkittyishere · 6 months
i imagine Donnie (2012) saying: "he grabbed me BY THE FACE!" after Raph (ROTTMNT) grabbed Donnie by the face.
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Just rewatched the Leatherhead ep and got the AU brain rolling
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mpkittyishere · 7 months
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Element swap High Volt for a challenge in the AOS server! May be getting pretty attached to this fellow, love how he turned out. (the color pallet was a pain to figure out)
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mpkittyishere · 7 months
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Everyone reblog this IMMEDIATELY
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mpkittyishere · 7 months
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The Red Lines Policy
Israel controls all food that enters the Gaza Strip. In 2007, Israeli authorities mandated that Palestinians in Gaza should receive only the minimum of food to avoid malnutrition, featuring 37% fewer fruits and veggies than the average Israeli. Though Israel claims to have ended this policy, as of 2017, 40% of Gaza’s households suffered from severe food insecurity, largely as a result of Israel’s blockade.
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mpkittyishere · 7 months
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mpkittyishere · 7 months
i like this meme about princess lol 😂
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Behold. Here comes the new Disney princess! 👑
Yes, I stretched this hard so he could fit each category lmao
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mpkittyishere · 8 months
That was the Kuwait School, in Gaza. It was FULL of refugees last night when Israel and the United States bombed it in the middle of the night. Slaughtering countless Palestinians in their sleep.
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Massacres are being committed still. Yesterday alone, 600 people have been killed by israeli bombardment and almost no coverage or outrage. Don't get used to the rising numbers, the same massacre in the Baptist hospital has been committed on other schools and hospitals. Don't get used to it. Demand a ceasefire.
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mpkittyishere · 8 months
while people are showing their canon lore-accurated version of Ghostinnit, here's @daringdoombringer 's version of Ghostinnit
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Art: @daringdoombringer , my friend.
Here's a video about his informations (in Tides Of Chaos) by my friend
my friend, if you're seeing this, i love your arts! i love how you came up with this AU! 💖
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