mushyfroggirl · 6 months
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mushyfroggirl · 7 months
one day I woke up and realised all the waiting and yearning was actually me living my life and it’s happening right now and it’s still good even if it’s not perfect and there is no moment when all your dreams get fulfilled and everything makes sense. like… this is it. this is life. you’ll waste away your youth waiting for some imagined future if you don’t love life for what it is now and make the most of it
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mushyfroggirl · 7 months
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mushyfroggirl · 7 months
This is so precious omg 😍😍😍😍✨✨✨✨
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mushyfroggirl · 7 months
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mushyfroggirl · 8 months
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UPDATE ON MY SAPPHICs DRAWING!Yuriko's eyes= terrifying.. But hopefully colour will help her get out of her demon era 🌈💅😈. ALso- apparently you can rub out felt tip (??) cause Lenore now has a bald spot when I was rubbing out my sketch. Anyway hope you like my progress and thanks for liking my last post :)
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mushyfroggirl · 8 months
Between the trees I see my home,
I see up close the life I own,
Though others see a daunting path,
I see the world I currently craft,
Across the river I see the world,
A large adventure sprucely furled,
I see it's potential tied off with a bow,
Yet between the trees I still go...
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mushyfroggirl · 8 months
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Currently making a drawing of a bunch of the lesbian couples in the media- I'll update it after points of my progress but this is me finished for today hope ya enjoy :)
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mushyfroggirl · 8 months
The girl reserves her heart for what used to be her life rather than the contemporary world she lives in. Time-worn memorabilia paints her rotting walls and overfills each and every draw in her brain. She stores everything that used to be anything and dares not to throw away the past for a future she doesn't want. It doesn't matter what. It doesn't matter why. All that matters is the voice constantly reminding her if she leaves them behind they will be lost forever.
And why would she want that?
The past is her friend. It's the only source of comfort she has as she stares down Present's steep slope leading only to insanity. As she looks up to see Future towering over her life, it's a matter of uncertainty whether its looming presence will rise further to the gates of heaven or plummet down to the pits of hell. The past has happened. It has cemented its imperishable residence onto life's endless walls leaving it to be the only stability in her own.
The girl is addicted to the feeling of warmth it once brought her many moons ago. When she had her friends. Her family. Her home.
She gradually lost everybody she has ever cared for and in that time she lost herself.
The only way you'd know she once used to be happy is by searching through the photographs that laces her room depicting the holiday they went on 7 years ago. By reading the letters from her best friend whenever she got sick. By looking at the birthday cards her father never failed to give without a dad-joke inside.
She collects her life in hopes to fill the void with memories. Her head so full with keeping the life of others alive that she neglected her own.
She was always destined to be with those who were took away from her too soon. At one point a boat full of souls now a shipwreck... yet her feeble body remains. Why her? Why did she have to live while the rest moved on without her? As the captain, she knows she is meant to go down with the ship and so she holds on to its anchor to join the ghosts of the past.
If she holds on tight enough to the weight, she has faith that balance will finally be restored. It doesn't matter to her that inevitably the water will imbue her lungs through and through and drown her heart for her heart already sank when she lost it all.
The girl isn't certain whether she could rise back out of the cavernous depths even if she wanted to.
And if she does... If she manages to escape the watery grave of her mind... That would be it.
The gates of her childhood would close for good leaving the only memory of it by itself.
That memory can't move on because it doesn't deserve to.
It had its chance of happiness and it failed. She mustn't have appreciated it enough. That's the only reason that makes sense to her on why the universe took it away...
Now she spends her life commemorating the story she was given no matter how short and how twisted it was. She collects the ghosts of her past because she can't fathom how the world can be any better than it once was.
People say a little piece of you dies when you lose something you love. Someone you love.
Well what happens when you lose everything?
It doesn't matter anymore that she is the only passenger left. It's not like she is there most of the time anyway.
She's with them.
The handwritten words telling her to do the dishes on a yellow post it note from her mother. A picture of her and her dad smiling at a concert seconds before someone spilt their drinks on them. A note from her favourite teacher telling her to keep it up. A once baby blue elephant her sister bought now stained and ragged when her brother left it outside during a storm. A grammatically incorrect yet adorable love note from her once friend, then girlfriend, now stranger.
Everything that fills her walls recaptures the moments that she lost. The specs of love falling out of her grasp and she tries to hold on for dear life to the time she used to be full.
When the world was on her side.
The time she felt happiness as it fluttered around in all of it's naive innocence. When pure golden happiness had no past or future. It was just the present.
So why should she see it as anything else?
To move on is to accept that she is alone. Truly alone. And if she ever finds a family again, they might leave her too.
And she doesn't feel like the frayed butterflies that once uplifted her spirits can take anymore than they already have.
So she remains by herself.
She sits under the water waiting for her last eager breath of life to run it's course before letting go and joining everything she lost for good.
That's what happens when you lose everything.
You don't lose a small part of you. It looms over you and controls your life till you need to take a breath.
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mushyfroggirl · 8 months
Hello Froggos, I didn't want my first post to be super deep so u got this.- Welcome to my new world, whatever I create ima try upload here. I hope my world grows into our world some day but right now iz just me. Feel free to interact with me if you want to talk about anything (no matter how small or weird)- Anyway, hope u have a lovely day! 😊💚
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