#gravity had other ideas. I was trying to sit still but gravity took my little ankle and stuck it through the spokes of said bike!   Yep
ttulipwritezz · 1 year
Rules huh? Pt.3
Sirius black x james sister reader
Warnings: use of y/n, fem reader, dating, mentions of kissing (nothing explicit) , lmk if I missed any.
Synopsis: when the rule is broken you just gotta go over the pieces right? What happens when your brother finds out?
pt 1, pt 2
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"No, no! Nope! I refuse to believe that"
James's voice blared through the four boys' dormitory. His tone bothered and unsure.
"But prongs I saw it with my own two eyes!"
said an exasperated peter.
A sigh left James as he comprehended what peter had just spewed out of his mouth the moment he came into the dorm frantic and out of breath.
"your eyes are like buttons! You must have seen someone else!"
James was quick to shut him, simply refusing to believe that sirius black of all people- their sirius would be out picking flowers, presumably for a lady too.
"what in Godric's name is going on here?"
Out came Remus's voice him being out at the library when this whole fiasco was being discussed.
"It's padfoot! He's-"
"-flowers!" Finished peter
"what...? did another girl hex him again? This time turning him to... flowers..?"
Hearing that sirius had most likely become an inanimate vase of flowers Remus grew visibly concerned.
"what? No!"
The two boys replied almost instantly, holding back a laugh as they remembered when Matilda Inkwood had turned the poor boy into a ferret.
"I still do not understand why you insist on following me sirius. If my brother were to find us he'd-"
"-I'm aware love. I think I of all people would know what your brother would do if he were to see us. He'd perhaps not glance at my direction for a whole week."
Sirius's voice had a calm tone to it, as if he wasn't just talking about his bestfriend completely ignoring him.
Over the course of the past three weeks and two days your relationship had grown stronger.
Whether it was sneaking kisses in between classes or holding hands under then tables at the great hall, It was made sure that james was to never find out. Not until you were sure he'd be calm that is.
James's infatuation with lily had died down after he finally scored a date with the poor redhead. Not like she had much of a choice though, considering that james had just let her know the time and the place before his mouth zipped and he left her at the courtyard.
But enough about them. Sirius decided that meeting you in the astronomy tower after lunch would be a spectacular idea. As if james never roams this area.
It was sirius's favourite place in the entirety of hogwarts, he wouldn't shut his mouth about it if payed to.
The other three marauders had even made a bet about it with the raven haired boy for fifteen galleons. That was a large sum.
Needless to say he lost the bet within half a week.
When Remus was explained the whole situation and took just as long to realise the gravity of this, the boys decided that spying on him would be their best course of action.
Sure it may not be the cleverest of plans but with moony on their side they were sure to find out who Sirius's secret lover was. As termed by wormtail.
So, imagine James's astonishment when he finds the two of you on the astronomy tower a little to close for his liking, the flowers Sirius had apparently picked out laying still beside your lap as you picked at your skin while giggling at something the boy beside had said.
His mouth agape, eyes blinking twice, thrice to get the awful image off his vision, he sat there with an expression so Humourous that even the professors would find hilarious.
Walking back to the dorm, trying to keep his steps straight james decided that breaking one of his rules would not lead to a good fate for black.
It was thirty minutes past curfew when sirius entered his dorm room, as silently as his footsteps would allow.
The last thing he expected was his three friends awaiting his presence sitting on their respective beds and staring at him, two of them in pity and the other in anger.
"where were you?"
James asked
Sirius was standing at the entrance like a deer in headlights, which is ironic considering that the real deer is asking the question.
"Do you have something you want to tell us pads?"
This time it was Remus's turn, his voice gentle and kind, unlike the demanding tone of james, remus truely wanted his friend to be spared.
"astronomy tower? Y/n?"
...and peter, why does he always have to speak in broken words? And why does it make sense?
"Look prongs, i know i basically broke the one rule you set up for us and I'm sorry, I really am. I didn't fathom it would get this far."
"you're sorry?"
"you're sorry you're dating my sister?"
"Yes- well! No!- i mean I am but-"
"one question sirius. One question, and you'll answer with utmost honesty. Understood?"
"yes prongs" sirius ofcourse showed no disobedience , everyone knew he wasn't ever sirius to prongs, it was always padfoot. And this meant he was serious, so he zipped up.
"do you love y/n? Does she mean something to you or are you behind her because she's just another girl at Hogwarts?"
james had a threatening voice, and oddly enough sirius failed to notice that...
" I do prongs, i love her with all i am,
I love the way she braids her hair, i love the way she stares when she's confused, I love how her brows twitch into a frown when she's concerned and how her tone is always laced with love and adoration.
I love her eyes when they sparkle as she talks about you, her friends, her owl and what not.
Merlin I love her voice and her sweet comebacks, when she tries to be mean and comes off as adorable. I love her prongs and trust me when i say that hurting her would be the last thing i'd do"
Taking a deep breath after finishing his monologue sirius took a step back ,expecting a loud thunder from james when he stood up and walked towards him.
however it seemed today was full of the unexpected, james's hand lifted and fell on Sirius's shoulder, landing with a thud that echoed across the silent room.
"you hurt her...and you're dead to me Sirius Orion Black. Alright?"
Sirius smiled, his eyes forming wrinkles at the corners.
In the end, james did infact glance at his direction the whole week, even more so than usual.
It seems as though some rules are meant to be broken.
A/n: this is it, the end I can't do this anymore lol imma start smth new, maybe a remus fic? Or anything else that strikes inspo tbh. Thanks for reading till this part and feel free to stick around for more marauders fanfics amongst other stuff :)
P.s: thanks for 100 on pt 2 <33
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A Quick Christmas Sneak Peak
Hey, remember that fic preview I mentioned yesterday? Well...here's the scene immediately after the opening scene! This is partially because of one particular spoiler that will become clear as you read on, and partially because...my brain has a better idea of how this scene goes and I wanted to get it done first.
Rottytops was familiar with being on the receiving end of explosions, a fact that she imagined wouldn't be too surprising to anyone who knew her. From mornings where her brothers had dragged her out of bed to witness a half-baked idea for a spell in a coffee-deprived haze, to some of her more elaborate pranks blowing up in her face, to one particularly memorable occasion where she hadn't watched her steps at Ammo Baron's most recent lair at the time and stepped on a landmine. Shantae fussed a LOT over her after that last one, much to her delight. The point was, Rottytops was familiar with explosions, much more than the average human - maybe even more than the average zombie, even. That did not make it hurt any less when the spell she'd been preparing violently burst in a flash of pink, white, and purple, throwing her back and slamming her body into the wall at mach speeds.
"Owwwwwww..." Rottytops groaned, slumping as gravity took hold and plopped her body down to the floor. She rubbed the back of her head with a wince, suddenly feeling a belated relief that she'd had some form of head protection. Not a hard hat, sure, but the full-blown hazmat suit had to count for something, right? ...Right? "Looking on the bright side, might have given myself an early Christmas present - a concussion! Yippeeeeeeeeeeeeeee..."
She trailed off, looking towards the ceiling, and let out a quiet sigh. She would've made to rub her temples, but unfortunately all that would've done in her current outfit is smudge the glass. This was...not the best result, but in hindsight, not unexpected. All her work in dark magic didn't really help her that much with the regular stuff, and, well. It probably would've helped immensely if she had, y'know, a half-genie to help with her spell involving the Genie Realm, but the only one available right now was Shantae, and that'd ruin the surprise! Maybe it wasn't the best idea to immediately shoot for the moon, but dang it, she'd wanted to get something special for their first Christmas as a couple!
...of course, if Shantae were here, she'd probably say something about how she shouldn't be so hard on herself and that there was always next Christmas, and just by thinking that she could almost hear the imaginary pep talk from her girlfriend. The image made her snort a little and an affectionate smile crossed her lips, Rottytops shaking her head as she pulled herself off the floor and dusted herself off. Brain Shantae had a point; no point in sitting around feeling sorry for herself! Even if her initial attempt hadn't gone well, she still had time - she could try again, or just be satisfied with the half-dozen gifts she'd gotten Shantae already and make a note to get the other half-genies over in Scuttle Town next year so she could do this properly. She almost began to hum a little as she stretched and began to move to do just that, but any music was caught in her throat as she looked at the epicenter of her spell and saw that she wasn't alone.
And though the smoke hadn't quite cleared out yet, there was one unmistakable feature that she couldn't have possibly missed - the distinct, pointed ears.
The zombie girl froze in her tracks, mind racing with the implications and running the math to come to a few conclusions. Her first, near-immediate conclusion, was wow; considering her spell was supposed to let her into the Genie Realm, bringing a genie over here was one hell of a backfire (and a prime example of why magic freaked her out. yeah, rich coming from the zombie dabbling in the dark arts, but at least dark magic had consistent results and didn't change because the magic felt like it). The second, much-more concerning conclusion, was oh no, is she okay? Now, admittedly, Rottytops wasn't an expert on how genies fared outside of the Genie Realm, but she DID remember when Shantae recounted those Genies she met on her first adventure and how rough they'd looked by the time she'd come around and gotten them out of those weird cages. Granted, at least some of that was absolutely because of the cage thing, if not all of it, but Rottytops felt the need to double check because Shantae definitely would've throttled her if she didn't.
Hesitantly, and as quietly as she could, Rottytops took a few steps towards the prone figure. She silently debated the best way to ask if anything was broken, or if she had some sort of weird allergy to the air or something, but before she could figure it out her train of thought was cut off by the sound of boisterous laughter. She sounded...warm. Energetic. Somewhat manic, with the sort of feral energy Rotty only really expected from, well, herself, but equally present was the sheer sense of RELIEF. As if a great weight had just been lifted from the genie's shoulders, and she couldn't help but laugh at the freedom she'd been given. Faster than she could blink, the genie turned and lunged at Rotty, nearly knocking her over with the impact and pulling her into a tight hug that had the zombie suddenly much more concerned about her bones than she'd ever been in her life.
"Thank you!" With that, the genie woman pulled back, and Rotty was finally able to get a good look at her. The first thing she noticed was her eyes - for the most part, they looked close to human, but what set her apart was how the eyes seemed to glow with a vibrant purple that shifted hues even as she stared in awe. In the back of her mind, some part of her noted that the purple, in all its hues, matched Shantae's magic perfectly, best illustrated with the puff of smoke that always accompanied her transformations. She had purple hair to match - again, the same shade as Shantae's hair - done in a messy bobcut that left most of her face clear, and a warm tone to her skin that reminded her of polished wood...again, the exact same shade as Shantae's. Huh.
"It's been a while since I've been in this old thing," the genie remarked to herself, poking her arm with an undisguised fascination and turning her body this way and that to get a better look at herself. She didn't have much height to her - actually an inch or two shorter than Shantae - but she more than made up for that by being built like a tank. Rottytops had thought Harmony was built like an amazon, but this lady had her beat by a MILE, and her outfit definitely showed that off: a bright purple leotard that covered most of her torso but left her shoulders and back exposed, along with a set of black leather boots and gloves with a trim of purple fur and a brown belt decorated with bits of fur, feathers, and scales. There was a bit of pudge here and there, bringing to mind a mother who hadn't quite burned off all the baby fat, but she wore it incredibly well in all honesty.
And, well. Rottytops didn't want to assume or anything. Shantae didn't exactly have any picture to use for a reference, and it was a bit of a wild leap in logic when there were a dozen genies she could have picked up. But, considering all the very notable similarities, she had a nagging suspicion she knew who this was, even if not by name, and honestly she wasn't sure if that made this whole mess better or worse.
"...honestly, I'd thought it'd be a lot longer before I'd be able to use it, too," Rottytops' musings were cut off by the genie in question staring at her arm, her energy dying down for a moment to give way to a quiet wonder. Then, she snorted, and gave a sharp grin with a lot more fangs than any human would ever have. "Ha, and they can't even say I'm doing anything wrong here! Sure, I may not be complaining about the results, but it'll be clear that this was an accident on both fronts-"
"Both fronts?" Rottytops cut her off, raising a questioning eyebrow and mentally shoving the rest of that sentence off into a mental box somewhere to ask later. Far too much to unpack with that. The genie turned to Rottytops at her questioning, her expression turning slightly sheepish in a way that, again, Rottytops couldn't help but find familiar.
"...ah, right. So I maaaaaaaay have interfered with your spell a bit? And before you say anything," The genie raised a hand with a suddenly stern expression, cutting off the wave of incredulous anger in Rottytops before it could even start. "As a being made entirely of magic, trust me when I say that if I hadn't interfered, the magical blowback would have been a LOT worse. I wasn't just going to let you take that, not when you're so close to..."
The genie trailed off, shaking her head. "What am I doing? I know it's been a while since I've been down here, but that's hardly long enough to forget my manners!"
With that, the genie stepped forward and grabbed Rottytops' hand, giving it a firm shake that jerked Rottytops down with the strength behind it. "Call me Mena! And you're Rottytops, right?"
Almost immediately, all other thoughts fled the zombie's head as she stared at the genie - Mena - with wide eyes. "I-Whuh-huh? How'd you know that?"
"We may not be able to do much in the Genie Realm, but we can watch your world, and, well..." Mena shot Rottytops a grin. "I made a point to remember the names of all my daughter's friends."
Rottytops could feel her heart soar with that one sentence alone. It probably wasn't the most important thing to focus on in the moment, considering how Mena all but directly confirmed she was Shantae's mom and that definitely made this a lot more complicated, but Rottytops couldn't bring herself to care about that stuff right then. All that she could think about was that Shantae's mom knew who she was, by name even, probably knew of Rottytops' more...questionable deeds, and yet in spite of that she not only acknowledged Shantae and Rottytops' relationship, but cared enough to actively save Rottytops' life from the sounds of what she said earlier. It was very pleasant to know, considering she had been a bit anxious about meeting her in the Genie Realm beforehand, and Rottytops found herself so caught up in the pleasantness of it all that she didn't think twice before mentioning, "It's girlfriend, actually."
Then, she promptly froze, a newfound dread filling Rottytops at the confession as she realized that Mena might not have known that, and she quickly looked down to see the genie's reaction. Thankfully, she quickly found herself relieved by how Mena's eyes glittered with delight. "Oh, you made it official? I must have missed that - congratulations, you two!"
She slung an arm over Rottytops' shoulder, grinning with clear pride. "I'll have you know, I was rooting for you both, even with your stumbling blocks. I'm sure you've realized that being officially together doesn't make the road ahead any easier, but I think I can confidently say that it's all been well worth it! It's definitely been something seeing that from the other side, at least..."
That last bit was said in a whisper, getting Rotty to raise an eyebrow and let a sly grin spread over her features. "Oh? What was that? Am I hearing that the dense skull is genetic?"
"...well, I wish I could say otherwise, but...you should ask Mimic about it, he'd tell it better than I could," Mena chuckled, shaking her head. "Let's just say that I'm sure he's glad you two managed to figure it out before her father and I did, considering he had to lock us in a closet to get our heads straight."
"Oh, that's hilarious!" Rottytops cackled, already having a bunch of different images in her head and making a mental note to definitely ask Mimic about that story later. As she took a moment to calm down, she then remembered that she never did answer the question she'd initially approached Mena with, and took a moment to straighten herself up before clearing her throat. "Now, I hope you don't mind a slight change of topic, but, um...are you good? Like, physically speaking? Any aches or allergies or whatever?"
"Hmmm..." Mena took a moment to ponder Rotty's question, and almost unconsciously her hand drifted to a large scar that ran over her right shoulder. Rotty could just about see the edges of a similar one peeking out behind her heck and just over her other shoulder, and considering the size and shape she had a very good suspicion as to what caused it, but decidedly didn't ask. "It is a bit sore around this old wound here, admittedly, but I'll gladly take that. If it were up to me, I wouldn't head back to the Genie Realm at all, but..."
"Ahhhhhhh," Rottytops nodded in understanding. "Obligations back home?"
"...something like that," A bitter scowl crossed the genie's face, and she briefly turned away from her audience, muttering something about councils and stupid lack of flammable buildings and a few impressive curses that had Rottytops' eyebrows both shoot up to her hairline. She was definitely going to have to unpack that later, but for now, she stayed silent as Mena turned her attention back to her, letting out a deep sigh. "While we're asking questions, there is ONE I feel like I should get out of the way. I don't watch everything that goes down in my daughter's life, and I'm not a mind-reader, after all."
"Oh? Well, ask away. Floor's yours," Rottytops nodded with a wave of her hand, idly leaning against a wall as she silently wondered what kind of questions she had to ask.
"Right. So...what, exactly, did you want to go into the Genie Realm for?" Mena asked, not really accusatory so much as curious, looking at Rottytops expectantly. That didn't stop Rotty from wincing. This...might not be particularly pleasant, depending on what Mena did or didn't know.
"...so, uh. I was actually planning on running into you, believe it or not? And then getting you to write a letter," Rottytops began, silently cursing as Mena nodded and motioned for her to continue. "Had to do a bunch of research, a lot of which consisted of hanging around snackcakes so I wasn't complaining. I maaaaaaaay have looked through that scrapbook a bit, too-"
"Ah. And I'm guessing you found the section regarding genie biology and dark magic when you did that?" Mena interrupted, to which Rottytops slowly nodded. The genie relaxed a little, giving her a gentle smile. "I was wondering what that hazmat suit was for."
"...yeah, I...didn't really want to take any chances after reading that? Definitely explained that whole Dynamo thing from a while ago," Rottytops admitted. Honestly, it'd been a bit disturbing when she read about how genies had next to no natural resistances to the effects of dark magic. It made sense, sure - genies were entirely made of magic, of course there weren't any barriers for the physical and psychological effects of the stuff, but that didn't stop her from cringing a bit when she imagined it. After all, the reason she and her brothers were able to handle dark magic so well was because they, and just about every other zombie, were well-acquainted with the dangers of it. For all the stuff brought them back from the dead, it sure didn't care about leaving their bodies intact; the reason half the civilized zombie population had a crippling coffee addiction was because it was one of the most effective ways of making sure the dark magic in their systems didn't eat away at their brains and leave them a shambling, moaning husk. And that was with the restriction of a physical body. Knowing that genies had nothing for that...
"Well, you'll be happy to know that there's no need to worry - you're a closed system. You'd only have to worry about hurting me if you were slinging spells around, and the only way for the mental effects of the stuff to kick in is if a genie was using dark magic herself or with a machine like the Dynamo," Mena pat the zombie on the shoulder with a reassuring gaze, clearly understanding. After a moment, Rottytops took a moment to slowly take off the hood of the hazmat suit, prompting a grin from the genie as soon as she saw her face. "Attagirl. Besides, I'm currently a lot more...physical than I usually am, so you have even less to worry about! You'd only have a real problem if I was in my true form."
"True form?" Rottytops repeated, caught off-guard, and looked to Mena with wide eyes.
"Well, someone clearly skimmed through the chapter..." Mena gave her a light-hearted chuckle, shaking her head, then turned to her with a grin with a few too many teeth and the purple in her eyes expanded to consume anything remotely human. Then, Rotty blinked, and she was back to normal. "I'll have to show you sometime, it'll be fun! But we're getting off-track. I've heard a lot of the what and how, but don't think I haven't noticed you haven't gotten around to the why, young lady."
...well, there wasn't any use avoiding this forever. "So...how familiar are you with Shantae's past Christmas's?"
Mena blinked, her head tilted a bit. "...well, I've seen her open all her presents each year, but I'm going to take a guess and say that's not exactly what you're talking about."
"Mhm. Well, it was...I think about a week ago, and Shantae and I were talking. I was making a few Christmas jokes, she was helping me figure out the best presents for Sky and Bolo, we talked about some dates we could set up later, typical girlfriend stuff, y'know? And then at some point the conversation turned to Christmas traditions," Rottytops began, her eyes shooting up to the ceiling. "I told her about all the fun ways the Cadavers did things, she was telling me about how she and Mimic celebrated Christmas, and then suddenly right in the middle she got real quiet. Contemplative. Kinda scared me a little, honestly. Then she pulled up right next to me and asked if she could share a secret that, according to her, only Mimic, Sky, and Bolo knew. I was curious, so I agreed, and..."
Rottytops sighed. "She told me that, in her youth, she'd had her own, private Christmas tradition for a little while. For five straight years, every Christmas Eve, just before she went to bed, she'd make a quiet wish on a star that one of her presents would be a message from you. A letter, a call, anything. And after five years of no response, she eventually just...gave up. She said in hindsight that you were probably a bit too busy healing up from the Pirate Master to do anything, so she didn't really blame you, but dang it, that was the saddest story I'd ever heard! I didn't say anything to Shantae, but after hearing that I knew exactly what I had to do. For our first Christmas together as a couple, I was determined to get that message for her, one way or another. And I don't do anything by halves. So...yeah, that's it. There's your why. That answer your questions?"
The zombie turned to look at Mena, and quickly struggled to keep her heart from banging out of her chest. After all this time talking with her and seeing how much she clearly loved Shantae, Rottytops had kinda been expecting the crestfallen grief she saw when she looked back...but the apoplectic rage mixed in? Not so much. She was suddenly very glad she wasn't on the genie's bad side as she slowly turned to look at her. "...did she say exactly when she started that tradition, by any chance?"
"Uh...when she was ten years old. Why do you ask?" Rottytops answered, taking a step back. Mena didn't seem to notice, eye twitching a bit as she took a few deep breaths, and then she stared at Rottytops with a forced, pointed grin that looked about two seconds away from turning into a scowl.
"Do you have a pillow I could scream into?" The genie asked, slowly and deliberately and clearly trying her absolute best to remain calm, and also not exactly succeeding. Rottytops elected not to point this out, and instead took a moment to open the door to her bedroom and gesture to it with open arms. "Thank you. Excuse me one moment."
Without another word, she entered the room, slammed the door, and...oh, wow. Rottytops thought she had some good curses before, but this? This was next level. Honestly, if not for the context, she'd be tempted to take notes, but very carefully didn't, simply waiting outside while the genie took a moment to vent. Of course, there was a bit of concern when she heard the sound of fabric tearing, but she got the answer to what that was a moment later when the door burst open and out stomped Mena, holding a shredded pillow between her teeth and looking absolutely rabid. The genie spat out the pillow a second later and then snapped her fingers, and with a bit of magic it was as good as new.
"...sorry about that," Mena quietly apologized, shaking her head. "I just...discovered that a certain target of my rage has even more reasons to be furious at them than I thought there were already."
"Pirate Master?" Rottytops ventured out with a guess, only to quickly have it shot down with a snort.
"Oh, I WISH. At least that bastard has the decency to be dead in the ground; I have to live with these people," She shook her head, looking just about ready to go off into a rant, but then she paused. Slowly but surely, a smirk began to grow on her face, and she turned towards Rottytops with a newfound vigor and a glint of mischief in her eyes. "...say, what time is it, exactly?"
Taking the non-sequitur in stride, Rottytops looked at the clock. "About...9PM, Christmas Eve."
"Good, good...so, we have about 24 hours, because Galva isn't a snitch, and as much as I'd love to simply wait to see my daughter in-person for the first time in a long, long while, I think it'd be better if she didn't have to see me with so much stress, don't you think?" Rottytops very much wanted to ask who exactly Galva was, but she kept quiet. Because, like she had so many other times, Mena was acting very familiar, but this time, Rottytops was less thinking about Shantae and more about herself. "And while I don't have the real subject of my anger to take it out on...I do happen to know that there are quite a few people who, while they haven't done anything to me, have certainly made my daughter's life a lot harder than it needs to be."
"Are you going where I think you're going with this?" Rottytops asked, beginning to match Mena's smirk with one of her own.
"Oh, absolutely. Don't get me wrong, I love Shantae and think she's grown into a fine woman and a great hero, and a large part of that is her seemingly endless reserve of patience and understanding...but between you and me?" Mena leaned in closer, eyes quite literally sparkling as she whispered. "That is far more because of Mimic - and to some extent, her father - than my influence. Personally, I was always far more the rebellious bad girl. But let's keep that a secret for now - no need for Shantae to know just how many times her mother landed herself in jail, right?"
"Okay, sure, but you are definitely telling me that story later," Rottytops narrowed her eyes and poked Mena in the chest, but she couldn't help her grin growing wider. "Soooo...pranking spree? Is that what I'm hearing? Hitting up Mayor Scuttlebutt for how small Shantae's paycheck is?"
"Oh, he'll be first, and I have plenty of others in mind," Mena nodded, fangs glistening in the light before she slung her arm around Rotty's shoulders and pulled her close. "Come on, now - the night is young, we're both wide awake, and there's plenty of time! So...how about we get to some mother-daughter-in-law bonding, and act the part of Krampus?"
...and there's your preview! Like I said before, even if I can't necessarily get this done by Christmas, I do very much plan on getting this done just because this is SUCH a good idea. And don't worry, you'll be getting plenty of Mena; save for a few cameos, this fic primarily alternates between Mena's POV and Rottytops' POV. There's going to be a lot of fun here, so look forward to it!
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bee-dot-exe · 10 months
Just a little idea I had, and for the purpose of this fic, Dapper has arms
689 words
No warnings just fluff
I turned the knob for the faucet off, and the water dripped periodically, that was the only sound though.
No pitter patter of feet approaching.
Just the occasional vocalization of a villager or mob behind barriers in the other rooms.
"Dapper? Come on, you know we have to do this at some point."
I left the bathroom and walked through the small hallway and into the front room.
I checked all the places she could be hiding in there and elsewhere in the mansion. In with one of her animals, behind one of his machines even under he and his sister's beds.
No luck.
Until my ears caught the sound of particles from a potion being used and I looked up.
"Dapper, what the fudge, how'd you get up there?"
She signed.
"That's why you're up there, how did you get up there?"
"Where'd you get an anti gravity potion?"
He smirked.
"Well it has to lose affect at some point, you can't hide forever, young man."
"I can try."
As he signed the final word, the amount of particles significantly diminished, and he started to fall from the ceiling. Of course I caught him. And he rolled his eyes.
"Nice try."
I said as I carried her towards the bathroom.
"Not fair."
She crossed her arms.
"I'm sorry that you have to be clean sometimes. Don't you want to look and smell nice when you meet the new eggs?"
"Don't care."
"I think you do."
He pouted as we finally made it to the bathroom.
I took off his crooked and stained tophat and set it on the edge of the sink beside, us took off his armor and put it on its stand against the wall, and placed him in the tub.
She put up less of a fight than I anticipated, but didn't uncross her arms.
The water was already turning a pale grey and we hadn't even done anything.
"Well try to make it no longer than it has to be."
He finally started to uncross his arms.
"I know, it's not fair, but you'll feel so much better after this, trust me."
I put some body wash that was praised for using on babies' skin on a piece of cloth and started gently scrubbing.
And very slowly, almost three months worth of dirt and sweat and debris came off her skin.
He even started to relax into the water as I finished washing his tiny body and poured cups of water over his skin to make sure there was no more soap residue.
"You really needed this, little one, doesn't that feel better?"
He was still pouting, but gave a very small nod anyway, as I put shampoo in my hand.
I poured one final cup of water on her head, then picked him up and had him stand in front of the tub, and brought over a fluffy towel that was sitting next to her tophat.
I put the towel on his head and used it until it was deemed dry enough, then used it on his body, and then left him wrapped up in it afterwards.
He stood in front of the tub as the final bit of water went down the drain, wrapped up like a giant fluffy burrito, hair sticking up every which way.
I giggled, and she smiled, and I carried him to his bedroom.
"Aren't you glad we did that?"
"I guess."
She yawned.
"That took a lot out of you, didn't it?"
He nodded.
"Ready to get some sleep?"
So I put her on the bed and tucked her in tight.
"Yeah, you were a little bit stinky, but that's okay."
"I'm stinky?"
"Your turn."
"My turn to get clean?"
"You're right, I did say I needed one too, should I go do that now?"
She nodded matter of factly.
I booped his nose, and he booped mine.
"Goodnight Dapper, I love you, see you in the morning."
The lullaby sound machine faded as I reached the bathroom, turned on the faucet, and hung up my cloak.
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Lifeboat 09 Mirth makes the time go by
[Story also on Ao3] This also was my add to GT july but...day late. good luck it being on time for that <.<
Chapter 09:
It did, in fact, take a longer time to get home for Sesa then she normally would have taken if alone. Talking to someone who she had to keep a sharp ear out for was interesting. As well as challenge to also keep watch over. 
Not that Lana was proving to be the kind of person to get into trouble on her own for the sake of it. Or to just bolt with an opening. No, the semi little beach lizards themselves decided that the Bitta smelled tastier than the last scraps from the fish that Sesa gave them.
“Good gods, what's wrong with them?” Sesa demanded, holding Lana against her front, pulling one of the big sailed males off her hip. And gently tossed it into the water off the dock. Knowing it was perfectly safe for it to swim, not the first she dropped off the dock. 
“I don't want to be eaten by dinosaurs,” Lana whimpered from where she was within Sesa's hold. Being grabbed and yanked away from gravity, let alone from the sail backed creatures in time was… well, at least Sesa did not seem to care that Lana had been sick. Transferring Lana to Sesa's other hand and just shook off the bit of yuk to her.
Really, Lana sees and meets her second clear dinosaur and they try to eat her with no hesitation. At least the ‘birdies’ were very friendly! To the point of demanding to rest with Lana in her spot on the mast. Lana got to pet the creatures and accidentally triggered the ones sitting on the shelf with her into an intensive grooming session. 
Sesa was moving, making sure no other of the lizards were on her before stepping over to her boat. Sail nearly folded up and tied to the dock. The giant reached down to grab and pull the mostly empty crate onto the dock, then stood up. “I hate to say it, but I think you're going to be safer in this while I load the wagon.”
“Yeah…” Lana could only sag against the supporting digits. “I'm… I'm sorry I threw up on your other hand.”
Lana sounded so guilty that Sesa paused to look down at the Bitta. Feeling her own guilt but still glad Lana was safe, “There's nothing to be sorry about Lana. I can wash my hand, but you wouldn't have likely survived missing a limb. I'll get you safe on the wagon here, and you can sit still.”
“Are there a lot of those at your house?” Lana worried as she was carried to the wagon that was just as titanic as Sesa's boat. The tiny human watching with wide eyes as the crate of safety was moved to what looked like the footwell of the riding section.
Lana realized she had no experience with wagons, no idea what parts were called but some basics.
“Thankfully no,” Sesa said as she made sure the crate was secure. In its spot, as well as running her hands over the outside to make sure that none of the beach lizards could get inside. “There's lizards, but not any that eat more than bugs and plants in the garden. They have little sticky feet, but like the outside walls then coming in most times.” 
Lana peered over the edge of the big hand, watching as Sesa nudged a few things inside. Mostly making sure the lifeboat was back on the scarf, and nothing spilled other than the water in the lid but that had already drained. None of the berries seemed tossed from in that boat. Sesa double checked that no beach lizards were on the wagon before lowering Lana inside the crate. “I'm going to put a weight on top for now, just to keep anything from knocking the lid open.”
“That seems like a good idea,” Lana wavered as she slid off. Grabbing at the nearest support of Sesa's hand. Took a breath and got her balance coordination back. “they can't dig in or claw in right?” 
“Only time they've gotten into a box was when I left the lid off it.” Sesa was still checking outside. “It's not fully sealed, I made these to drain water. I'll hear you for sure if you call out, no more open wind like on the boat. Ready?”
Lana flushed and backed away from the hand she was still partly leaning against. “Right, okay. It's loading and safe, right?”
“Loading, home and safe.” Sesa agreed, not minding that she would have to do all the loading and unloading. She fitted the lid and firmly wedged it down, finding something heavy to put on top before hesitating. Hand touching one of the sides, double checking that the few gaps were not large enough for any aggressive lizard heads. Sesa could have sworn she felt something tap her finger, but was not fully sure so drew back. “Call if you need, I'll get everything up and loaded. Maybe distract these brats.”
Sesa sighed and then moved away, shooing some of the beach lizards. Lana called them…dinosaurs? Something like that. They were almost acting normal now, trilling at her on the way back to the dock. “Rude, all of you, why did you try and eat the Bitta? Lana isn't good, and don't listen to those bad fairytales.”
Did the beach lizards understand her? Likely not so much, but it helped that little bit for relieving some stress. Sesa scrubbed her hands in the sand before stepping back onto the boat. Taking time to just unload everything in the late afternoon-evening light into the dock. Gear and supplies, only talking most care with the dry goods and the bolt of fabric to go put in the wagon. Sesa hesitated in some confusion, as it looked like Asin's handwriting on several crates. Like he had put things into some of the returned crates from others? One crate was definitely not her own and instead something that came.from the store shipments likely. It smelled like…baking things? Was there a mix up? Sesa turned the crate, pretty sure someone put that in her boat instead of by the dock. She was about to open it and saw the paper tacked to the other side. This had her drowning and then lifted the paper.
Not a mistake. Don't think of leaving it. Take what's the real value of the fish in trade, you stubborn woman. 
Next time you're in town, Sesa, bring me some fresh and dried mushrooms! I'll find some more mini plants for you.
Loves from Cally.
Yes I told Asin to hide all the goods in your boat. 
Sesa stared at the letter, thinking of the woman that did not come up to her chest. A woman she really did not want to be on the bad side of, or even a grumpy angle of her. Sesa opened the crate and took a shakey breath, startled but also understood why some of the crates were so heavy. Cally had stuffed them full.
Going back to the dock, Sesa carefully opened each crate, double checking now, to find what needed to stay dry. A few were filled with goods from others she had traded the fish for. Sesa was noticing a bit more of a generous amount from the others, and stood to squint over where Lana was on the wagon. Wondering to herself if this was the Bitta’s good luck. Normally people from town were a lot more stingy than this in Sesa's experience.
Sesa paused once.the wagon was loaded, walking over to check on said Bitta. “Are you okay Lana?”
“Yeah, it's a lot more stable now.” The little voice spoke up from inside, “how's it going out there?” 
“Everything is loaded that's going home.” Sesa assured, picking a onle of the beach lizards off the wheel, giving its own sail like fin a run before gently dropping it off on the ground. “Just going to put the gear away. And Buck should be close enough to hear me.”
“Buck?” Lana asked confused from in the crate. “Who's that?”
“He's the critter that pulls the wagon.” Sesa laughed, “I let him graze around the cove when I'm out fishing, good boy that knows to stay near his wagon.”
“Oh…oooh, that's going to be….big.” Lana realized, and Sesa just barely caught the softer words, “Why is everything so big? Is something in the water?”
Sesa grinned, covering her mouth and chuckling as she walked back to the dock and boat. With everything else moved it was not hard or long for the woman to put away the fishing gear in a shed well up off the shoreline. Then the sails, take the mast down and.pull the boat into the bigger shed that John had helped her make a few years ago. 
She paused at finding a note, the other hermit had come down the mountain and stopped by the cove. Leaving a net made bag filled with some good sized nuts inside that she liked. An offering to see when she would be in town next and if he could trade some of his bear hunt for some things. “Pfft, little do you know, you stubborn man.”
There was a low snort that had Sesa smiling more, taking one of the nuts out and offering it in a flat hand. The big creature rumbled happily at the treat, following Sesa back to the wagon. The woman set the bag of nuts on the seat, made sure the brakes were set, “Okay, found Buck. We can get home now.”
“This sounds so weird, but you might want to tie the box?” Lana spome up, and as Sesa looked over the tiny bita was sitting at a corner and peering out of one of the slightly larger gaps. Watching Sesa get the beastie into his gear and lined up.
“I can, had an idea too,” Sesa assured, coming back after judging the weight in the wagon. She paused to pull off the outer layers of shirts, so she just had her sleeveless under shirt, and pulled the vest over top. Checking the pockets. Then finding some line to tie the crate, moving the weight off to open the lid and peer inside, “Didn't spend all my money did you?” 
“I thought that was for me?” Lana asked, having been sitting on the coin pouch to look out. “Should only take  ...two days to move one thing inside.”
“Well, it shouldn't take more than a few months to move the coins.” Sesa grinned wide at the playful tone. She hesitated a moment before offering a hand near but not beside Lana, “Want to see some of the trip? I promise not to pull you around again if I can help it.”
The little Bitta blinked at the large hand. Then looked up, Sesa could have sworn there was a look like Lana did want to but hesitated. Remembering the beach lizards, the giant woman spoke again.
“You'll be riding with me, out of the reach of the lizards.” She started to pull back but froze as a small hand reached out, catching a finger tip. Sesa smiled again, not as big but delighted that there was some trust shown. The woman just hoped she was not forcing that trust as Sesa carefully lifted Lana out.
“Can we look at some of the local… pla…ants… what is that?” Lana started to ask and then trailed off at seeing the big burden beast now attached to the wagon. 
Buck it's name was, he was dosing a bit while standing in the rigging to the wagon. Massive enough that it's, his back came up to Sesa's chest, it had a broad back and hips. It had what looked like plates of natural armor over its back, hips and shoulders going down about half way. The beast had a base color of dart gray and highlights of brown striping down its legs and on its neck.
“This is Buck, he's my bull Parua.” Sesa introduced as she cupped both hands around Lana. Moving to let her see the Parua creature. “He's wagon trained, the cows are back home, they should be giving both here soon in spring.”
“It's amazing,” Lana's soft voice spoke, trying to peek over the edge of Sesa's fingers and look at Buck's legs. It reminded her of something. Something that tickles the back of your mind but just could not be grasped yet. It was almost alike an elephant, the legs and sort of the build but not exactly. Not like any big dinosaurs either. 
The big creature's face was surprisingly soft. It had larger lips like a horse or a cow, or other grazers like that. Large ears flicked and he sighed looking back at Sesa. As if asking if they were going yet.
“Par-oo-ah.” Sesa sounded the word out as clear as she could. “Parua. Good livestock and working animals.”
“Parua…” Lana managed the name. “They, um, don't eat meat right?”
“Only grazers,” Sesa assured, but did not take Lana coae to Buck's head. This seemed close enough for the Bitta. “Never seen them even bother the garden birds, or anything small..but you don't need to worry about them. Like I said you'll be riding with me.”
“How?” Lana asked, still distracted by Buck it took a moment for her to look back. Blinking and then gave a nervous giggle at seeing Sesa messing with a small, high up breast pocket on her vest. “Really?”
“It's not deep,” Sesa offered, reflex using her free hand to poke a finger into the pocket that was indeed shallow.
Lana stared at the spot with an unreadable expression. Enough that Sesa started to deflate a bit, worried that she ended up with a bad idea after all. Then the Bitta dissolved into giggling in her hand. 
“I'm… pocket sized?”
Sesa blinked and then gave a relieved sigh, smiling a bit at hearing the giggles. At least she did not seem to be offended by Sesa's idea. “You are, I guess. But if you don't like it we can find a different way of…transport.”
Sesa knew everything was going to get shaken up on the wagon. Thus the extra padding that Asin had done for the small things. She did not want to shake Lana up as well, and was at least sure her own pace was smooth. Lana at least seemed willing to try, and it ended up with her standing in the vest pocket and could fold her arms over the edge of the spot. Looking around, the Bitta notably relaxed a little bit after a few paces of the giant walking to pull the breaks.
Lana felt surprisingly secure there. Then blinked and looked all around now that Sesa was moving and walking alongside Buck. Staring up at the trees, many were well over a good hundred feet tall, old growth trees for sure. Or ancient growth? They were definitely on a cleared path that was wider than the wagon, some smaller shoots of trees on the edges of the path.
Then Lana took in the ‘undergrowth’ between the massive trees, even bigger than Sesa. Who had to easily be between thirty and forty feet herself. The young woman squinted, realizing the grass she was seeing was not, in fact grasses. Lana nudged and pushed at Sesa’s chest, “What’s that?”
“Hmm?” the giant woman rumbled a confused sound. Glancing at Lana and then tried to see what she was looking at. “Stiff grass? It's been going wild the last few years, but they help with erosion.”
“Can I see it?” Lana asked, twisting in the pocket to look up at Sesa’s face, brightened when the giant shrugged lightly with her right shoulder away from Lana.
Sesa queued Buck to slow down before reaching up to help Lana. Really just catching the excited bitta from falling. Sesa was not quite sure how she ended up crouched on the side of the path, holding a tiny human between her hands so that Lana could reach for the ‘grass.’ but watching tiny hands grabbing at the thick grass, and then looked started at the excited yell the followed.
“IT’S CORN!” Lana yelled after unwinding a pod. Buck stopped and turned his head around to try and find the new voice while Lana was tossing up her arms in her own shock, “What. The. Hell. Is this place?”
“Cor-en?” Sesa echoed, baffled, but smiling at the excitement expressed. And at a demand shifted her hands closer to the biggest of the thick grass plants that had a bunch of pods from last fall but were not eaten yet by any wild parua. “Are you going to want to see every plant on the way home?”
Lana looked up, eyes wide, “Yes.”
The instant response and the complete lack of any silliness or sarcasm but the clear want to see all the plants had Sesa laughing. Closing her hands around Lana to both buffer the loud sound and to hold her as steady as possible while Sesa’s shoulders shook. “It’s going to take forever to get home…pffft!”
What normally would take an hour and half, took almost three as after so long Lana demanded to see something she spotted. Amassing a little collection in ‘her’ crate, foodstuffs that she readily recognized mixed into the wild weeds that Sesa knew them as. Even though it took much longer than normal, it did not seem like it. Only all at once realizing it was nearly dark by the time Sesa’s home came into view.
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robbyrobinson · 2 years
The Bagges Take Ostania (Pt. V)
The drive home was a long one for Agent Twilight and Courage. The two hadn’t spoken ever since leaving the headquarters for Westalian Intelligence. Aside from the passing glances, not a word was spoken. The gravity of the situation weighed heavily on them, threatening to suffocate them underneath the millstone. As for the computer, it sat in the backseat strapped to a seatbelt. Its keyboard was underneath the seat.  
Courage rubbed his temples with frustration. The invitation was fake, which he already anticipated, but now he learned that the candy was a ticking time bomb. Hundreds could likely die if Jumping Jack was not stopped. It was too much for a little dog like him to deal with.  
“And you are saying that these nanobots are lined with a casing that prevents them from being digested, computer?” Loid asked.  
“That is correct, Mr. Loid,” the computer remarked, “I appreciate how cognitive you are of the information, unlike the twit sitting next to you.”  
Courage turned around and gave the computer an annoyed look. Loid ignored the playful jab the device gave instead focusing on the road. “My daughter Anya will be finishing up at school soon. Do you mind if I drove there?”  
Courage shook his head. The computer brought up images of Eden Academy. “Ah, so your daughter goes to this esteemed school?”  
Loid nodded while not turning around. “Maybe since you will be visiting with us a bit you could help her with some of her homework.”  
“A tutor. Hm... sounds interesting.”  
The car turned to the direction of the academy. Courage sat there hardly moving still processing all the information he had been told. He drifted back to him eavesdropping on Jumping Jack and discovering the corpse of Madison. But his mind still lingered on that spider. That wretched arachnid with its sharp teeth and mandibles and inky-black wings. If not for luck being on his side... Courage shivered as he was unable to think about that thought.  
Loid finally turned to look at Courage. His blue eyes still had their flair of intensity to them, but they also had glints of concern. He sighed. “I’m sorry, Courage.”  
Courage broke out of his mental rambling at the mention of his name. He gave the spy a confused stare.  
“I am very grateful for you getting the evidence for what we are dealing with. I’m just happy that you were able to escape. I don’t know what I would have done or said to your owners if you were killed on the account of me. You must really care for Muriel.”  
Courage nodded. Loid smiled as he turned his sight back to the road.  
“Little dogs like you should not be bothered by the actions that humans cause. You should be happily living your life instead of being caught up in foreign affairs. I am sorry that I scared you about the enemy trying to start a war. I had no intention, but, as you can see, I for one am tired of war. Humans fight each other for such trivial reasons: land, power, glory.”  
Courage and the computer opted to quietly listen. Loid took a temporary pause from his rant to catch his breath before speaking again. 
“Those Westalians have no idea what they are trying to accomplish. They had grown up with privilege and never had to face the hardship of war. To any who think war is something glorious and that you would die for your country...imagine this scenario. You are a child living with a loving, kindly mother, but then one day, you return home only to see that everything is gone. The house is in ruins and unrecognizable. But, worse of all... you find your mother. Your loving, kindly mother who could do no wrong, is lying on the ground. Imagine having a lot of friends, but they all die because some people thought it was for the best of their country. This is why I am doing everything I can: I don’t want any child to suffer the pain that I had.”  
He took one gloved hand and pat Courage’s head. “Sorry for getting heated like that. I’m not even sure you understood everything I was trying to say.”  
Courage nodded. The pink dog may not have gone through something that horrific, but he was all too familiar with losing loved ones. Not a day would go by without him recalling how his parents were stripped away from him by a mad veterinarian who wanted to create space dogs. As morbid as it was, at the least Loid knew what became of his mother. Courage was uncertain if his were still alive. It brought pangs to his gut knowing that, had things been different and he was stronger, his parents would still be here. It was an irrational bout of self-hatred, but the dog would still feel accountable.  
“Eden’s Academy is coming up, Mr. Loid,” the computer announced.  
“Thanks, computer. Just remember that when Anya comes in no talk about the nanobots.”  
“My lips are sealed, sir, on the account that I don’t have a mouth.”  
After spending some time getting a hot shower to remove all the dried blood and possum fur off her body, Yor walked out of the bathroom and sighed. As she dried off, Muriel called her.  
“You feel refreshed, dear?”  
“Yes, Miss Muriel, thanks again for the permission to use your bathtub.”  
“No problem, dearie. Your clothes will be in the drying machine for a while. In the mean-time, I had supplied you with some clothes. They are not really fashionable for someone as beautiful as you, but it’s the best that I could manage.”  
Yor noticed the clothes Muriel set out for her folded in a chair. It was a plain-white T-shirt and blue shorts. For whatever reason, the Thorn Princess had the urge to walk into someone and tell them to watch where they were going, but she shrugged. It would suffice. 
After getting dressed, she heads to the kitchen and sees Muriel stirring a pot. “Sorry if the clothes are too tight on you, Yor.”  
Yor laughed awkwardly. The Scottish woman was correct that the clothes were too tight on her. Too tight as in the clothes accentuated her curves. At least it was just her and Muriel there or otherwise she’d feel embarrassed. “What are you making, Miss Muriel?”  
“Vegetable soup,” she replied, “I have some vegetables out that I am intending to use. Perhaps you can help me cut them?”  
“C-cut them?” Yor asked. After all, she was very adept at cutting...up her targets to pieces and casting them into the sea. But cutting vegetables was entirely different. “I don’t know if I’ll do a good job.”  
Muriel smiled. “Don’t worry; I’ll show you the ropes.”  
First, Muriel had a fresh onion. “Careful with this, it makes you cry.”  
“What, is it alive?” Yor stared at the inanimate vegetable with some suspicion.  
“Oh, you are funny, Miss Forger,” Muriel remarked, “I mean cutting it causes your eyes to water up.”  
Yor nodded. “Oh, right, right.”  
Yor stared at the onion for a while unsure on where to start cutting. Muriel hummed a tune to herself while stirring. Sweat beat down from Yor’s forehead with the pupils in her eyes dilating. How could something so easy as cutting up a vegetable be so tedious for the dreaded Thorn Princess? She stared at Muriel for a moment. Her back was turned. She sighed in relief. She formed her hands into fists and squeezed. “Miss Muriel had provided me with clothes and a bath, I have to do this for her.”  
The Thorn Princess grabbed the knife, raised it in the air...and brought it down hard on the onion.  
Muriel dropped the ladle in the pot. “Was that a tremor?”  
She turned to look at Yor. “Miss Forger, are you okay?”  
Yor stared back at her with her face flushed in red. Muriel looked down...and saw that the counter was sliced in half. Steam rose up from the rubble to indicate that the event was still fresh. Muriel bends down and pulls out half of the destroyed cutting board. Rummaging around, Muriel recognized the white bulb of the onion with the knife lodged in the middle of it. The tip of the knife also broke off. “Well, would you look at that.”  
Yor clasped her hands together and bowed. “I-I am so sorry, Miss Muriel, I tried to make up for me bothering you earlier, but I ended up making more trouble for you.”  
Yor looked at the ground. Tears began to welt in her red eyes. She was more than certain she had ruined her good standing with Muriel. If the woman did not want to see her again at the threat of further destruction, she understood. She felt something patting her crown. Looking back up, Muriel smiled down and pets her head. “Don’t beat yourself up like that, Yor, accidents happen.”  
“You wanted to pay me back for earlier, and I do appreciate it, but I won’t force you to if it means you’ll be sad.”  
Tears dropped down on the floor in wet puddles. “How can I be like you, Muriel?”  
“Excuse me?”  
Yor reiterated herself. “I have tried being a good wife and mother, but I do not know what I am doing. I have no experience cooking and I am not as gentle and talented as you.”  
Muriel took a moment to process the information. “But, Miss Forger, you shouldn’t try to be me.”  
Yor looked up perplexed. “I-I shouldn’t?”  
Muriel nodded. “From the short amount of time I have since coming to this beautiful country, I have seen that you care so much for your daughter. Your daughter looks up to you an awful lot, doesn’t she?”  
Yor nodded.  
“And you have such a loving husband as well. He’s been nothing but polite with me even when it comes to trying to get along with my husband. You are already a good mother; you just need to convince yourself that you are.”  
Yor looked at the Scottish woman intently. Muriel noticed this immediately. “What’s wrong, dear?”  
“Sorry. You just reminded me a lot of my mother.”  
“Oh, I feel honored that you feel that way,” Muriel replied, “I am certain she was a loving mother to you?”  
“She died a few years ago, leaving just me and my younger brother to fend for ourselves.”  
Muriel frowned. “Oh, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to pry into your personal life like that. Should we maybe discuss something else?”  
Yor shook her head. “No, that’s okay. I just feel that it is a little silly to ask this.”  
“Ask what?”  
Yor sucked in air and exhaled. “Is it okay...” she began trailing off and darting her eyes around. Muriel patiently waited for her response. “Is it okay that I call you Mom. Or at least a surrogate one.”  
The Thorn Princess resumed staring blankly at the ground. “Sorry if that was too weird.”  
Muriel smiled. “Sure, dearie, I like the sound of that.”  
Yor smiled slowly back. “Still, sorry about the counter.”  
Muriel, without saying a word, took another onion and placed it on the half of the cutting board. “To start with, just cut the ends off like this.”  
Yor quietly watched as Muriel began to chop and dice the onion. “Just watch me for a while, and I can teach you some tricks.”  
“Hey, Bond!”  
The big, fluffy canine was the first thing that the young girl saw as she entered the living room. Bond, who had been sleeping by the couch, awoke and wagged his tail at its young master. Courage, the computer, and Loid also entered the apartment room when the big behemoth tackled Anya in a loving embrace and licking her. While putting his hat away on the rack, Loid noticed a pleasant fragrance dispensing through the room. Anya took notice of the smell as well. The two Forgers looked around for the source of the smell and traced it to the kitchen.  
It was soup. Made by Yor herself? But she was bad at cooking. And yet, they see that she had a big bowl of the vegetable soup sloshing around waiting to be eaten. She turned to smile at the two. “Welcome home, guys.”  
“Yor, did you cook this?” Loid asked. He tried to avoid sounding shocked but his expression betrayed him.  
“Miss Muriel helped teach me how to cook and there was so much left, she let me take some home.”  
“Makes sense.”  
Courage placed the computer in the living room on a table. Yor and Anya walked in seeing the contraption. “Oh, it’s one of those screen things that Bondman uses,” Anya remarked.  
“A computer,” Loid clarified, “but yes.”  
Yor tilted her head. “Why did you bring that in?” 
Loid paused. “Oh, I was just taking some work from the office home.”  
“All the work is inside this thing?”  
Courage and Loid looked at each other and nodded. After setting the device’s instruments up, the computer began to run. “It is a pleasure meeting the wife and daughter of Mr. Loid.”  
Anya’s green eyes twinkled. “It can talk?”  
Yor’s face went blank for a while. Without uttering a word, she takes her leave and exits the living room. They shared a curious expression not saying anything until Yor returned with a butcher’s knife. 
“Is that thing possessed!?”  
Courage jumped in front of the computer screaming his head off while Anya stood horrified by the development of the misunderstanding. She tried stabbing at the computer, but Loid quickly shot his hand out taking her wrist in a grip. “No, no. Don’t worry about it. The kind of computers that I work with can speak. They are interactive assistants.”  
Yor lowered the knife. “Interactive assistants?”  
“Like if I give it a task it can do it.”  
Yor dropped the knife to the ground and exhaled in relief. “Oh, okay. That’s good then.”  
Anya looked at the computer with amazement. “Can you give me information?”  
“Well, what else would I be good for? Growing legs and taking tap dance lessons?”  
“Then that means you can tell me all that you know about peanuts,” Anya remarked.  
“Look kid, I’m a computer with nearly total omniscience over every subject known to man, not a peanut farmer.”  
With that out of the way, Loid leaned down to Courage’s level and whispered into his ears. “I’ll be letting the computer stay here for a while. I don’t want your owners finding out about the details of the mission.”  
Courage shook his head in understanding. Bond approached the smaller dog barking. Courage immediately puts his full attention on the larger canine. He still had the serious aura spilling from him. “Can the future be changed, Bond?”  
From Loid and Anya’s perspective, Courage was babbling at their dog whilst the latter barked back. It was always interesting to see two dogs having a conversation. You would forfeit anything in the world to learn their language. Courage rubbed his chin. There had to be a way to save Anya from falling from the high plane. From what he knew, the future was certainly not set in stone. Perhaps they could intervene in some fashion.  
“And Muriel is alright I take it?” Loid asked.  
“Yes, she is. She is a very sweet woman.”  
The family and Courage sat down to start eating. Anya started off small but went into consuming massive quantities of the food. “Slow down, Anya,” Loid said, “have some manners.”  
“Sorry, Daddy, but this is just really good.”  
Yor started tearing up again. “Eh? Yor, what’s wrong?” Loid noticed his fake wife crying.  
She shook her head and wiped her tears. “I’m just happy that you all like my cooking.”  
After dinner, Loid and Courage waited for Yor and Anya to go to their rooms for the night. The secret agent typed on the computer’s keyboard looking up information on Jumping Jack Deen’s Candy Emporium. Unsurprisingly, there was scant much information on the candy factory aside from its opening hours and when the trucks would come in to distribute the sweets.  
“From your searching inquiries, it would seem like they carry the candy out between 10 am and 7 pm,” the computer explained. “It’s odd how it seems like this factory practically just popped up overnight.”  
“Excellent work, computer,” Loid replied. “What we should do is prevent one of the trucks from distributing the candy to stores.”  
Courage nodded. It seemed pretty obvious, but it did make the dog worrisome. But given Loid’s status as the #1 spy for Westalian Intelligence, he was assured that Loid knew what he was doing.  
“Oh, and I appreciate that you were looking over my daughter’s homework, computer.”  
“The pleasure’s all mine, Mr. Loid. I would admit that it was rather tedious to be trying to drill her on fractions. I’ll be honest that she is fortunate that I was going easy on her because she is adorable.”  
“That is my daughter alright,” Loid replied. “From the looks of it, at least she knew how to subtract. Even though that was not how you answer the question.”  
Courage saw that Bond was nestled in a ball of fur sleeping. He barked and growled at different intervals. He would wave his black paws as if running. Courage whimpered. He could only imagine that Bond was dreaming about what was to become of his young master.  
“Anyway, Loid,” the computer began, “since the enemy knows that you are Agent Twilight by apparently catching your face in a surveillance camera, are you fearful that they could probably do research and find out that you are residing here?”  
“I hadn’t neglected the idea that they could likely try to target my family. Is it too much to ask you for one more favor?”  
“You can ask me anything, Mr. Loid.”  
“Is there any way that you could follow Anya to school tomorrow? Jumping Jack is planning to activate the nanobots in 2 days. I need to stop one of the trucks from taking the candy to the markets.”  
“Well...I can’t promise that I will be providing the best disguise, but rest assured, I won’t let anything happen to your daughter, Mr. Loid.”  
Loid smiled. “Thank you.”  
He turned his attention to Courage. “You’ll accompany me won’t you, Courage?”  
Courage thought about it for a moment before nodding.  
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noro-noro-noro · 1 year
really long dream againn uayy
so let's see. took place in middle school (?) after class, with a lot of lights of & only illiminated through the windows. gaolang was there bc the teacher wanted him to give some kind of swing thing example? we technically weren't all allowed to leave yet, but people would say they were going to the bathroom & then sneak past the teachers to go to the outdoor carpool area. i went to the bathroom as the same time assome other guy & the other guy motioned & said "here's the deal we can get out by going when the teacher looks away" & I said "I actually am just going to the bathroom bc I want to see what the deal with this swing thing is" & he shrugged & made a break for it.
the bathrooms also didn't have any light and were like a monochrome gray and kind of dark, but they were way way nicer than how bathrooms usually are in my dreams. it was almost like a lounge area rather than a bathroom. there was a long linr as well, so I went and sat down in one of the small sitting areas in there. gaolang was there too & I was asking him questions about the swing thing & he offered to demonstrate ? but it was just like sitting on his shins as he moved his legs up & down & also if I fell off it was low gravity. funny!
after that we we (me & assorted randos) were a bunch of devils (?) & still weren't allowed to leave the school. we disguised ourselves as a bunch of angels (I'm not really sure what the difference was) & snuck into the angel area, where they were monopolizing the huge cafeteria & not letting us eat. we were starving. eventually we peavefully convinced all the administrators to loosen up & not quite let us go home, but chill out with the anti devil sentiment at least and let us eat. I wanted to go home. I always want to go home in these dreams but I didn't have a car in highschool so I the dreams I always have like the half existing idea of a car. it could be there. it might not be? I needed to find other people that rode my bus bc I didn't know the scenario here. anyway there were also a lot of like younger kids there too, maybe 5-10. after interacting with them a bit they liked me. this is due to my vast experience with children and my charming personality.
we were getting dismissed very slowly. I remember looking at a map & seeing where people were dispersing to..the shape of the US was weird bc the northeast states were all above Canada somehiw. there was something in a plastic bag.
eventually a shift again. the lights all went out & the admin adult angels or w/e disappeared. I had the feeling something bad was gonna happen soon....but no idea what.......the kids didnt have anyone looking adter them so i wanted to stsy and make sure they didn't eat all thr food at o ce and get sick or yhat they wrte staying safe until their dismissal time was announced by ??? .but i wanted to go home.more & more as the bad feeling kept rising, even though this one kid was getting really attsched to me. he had his little sob story about everybody at home only paid attention to his little sister bc she was sick so he had to be quiet and behave & stay out of her way. sweet kid. nobody else felt the creeping dread that I did. I kept checking the windows. it was just late afternoon sunshine.
eventually I couldn't stand it and left and started to make my way down to the parking lot, which was in a completely different layout than it should have been, but I did run into 3 or 4 people that rode my bus so i grouped with them. there were many medium size canisters scattered around. as we were walking across the lot, I saw the red glow in the sky & was like "I fucking knew it" & then as it got brighter the game did a freeze frame game over. but I also knew what was happening to us - total fuckin obliteration. afterintense pain from the heat. yay.
I unlocked a variety of endings. none of them were particularly great. die in the room with the children after closing the windows & we started playing a game. die trying to protect that one kid that I got close to. and he lived at least until the atmosphere boiled away. no cell connection. in the basement it was impossible to fix the electricity. die anyway. die outside the school as far as my legs could carry me, which wasn't far since it was featuteless repeating neighborhoods. leave with the bus people immediately & we found out the canisters contained some kind of buff that lastedfor a minute! die anyway while fucking around. I think to myself that one of the canisters would randomly contain an invincibility buff one each respawn and find it. survive. the timer freezes since the planet is destroyed. float in space for a little bit until I bump up against an invisible wall, which shatters violently & I'm back in the world again though I know now it's nothing strong. when I land it's destroyed around me. the inwake up bc the shattering violently was accompanied by a loud sound effect and that spuf was my dad dropping silverware downstairs & going CRAP relaly loud
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caramellahoney · 3 years
"PART II: miracle."
pairings: Husband-Dad! Camilo x Fem! Reader
genre: Hurt/Comfort! Fluff!
warning/s: gunshots, injuries, mentions of blood and wounds
A/N<3: Everyone is aged up by 12 years ; Camilo is 27 , your kids are 4 , Antonio is 17 and so on.
Something I doodled <3 Fernando and Elias
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“Is there any food?! Agustin! Go get my bag!”
Camilo felt his heart drop, he immediately threw the bags on the ground and started running. People around him were clearly panicked but he still had no idea how bad it was. He finally reaches Y/N and he starts to realize the gravity of the situation. Camilo was horrified but he couldn't bring himself to move. He just stares, shaking, stunned, and scared. He felt helpless, all he could do was wait for a miracle.
“Someone put pressure on her wound!” Mirabel suddenly brushed past him to run to Y/N’s side. She held a cloth in her hands and wrapped it around the woman’s abdomen to try and stop the bleeding. Pepa immediately pressed down on the wound, apologizing when Y/N winced in pain. Y/N's hazy eyes scanned her surroundings. Camilo. Where's Camilo?
“..Amor..Camilo..?” She whispered, moving her head around to try and find him. Try as she might, all she could see were blobs of blurry colors. She reached her hand out but Mirabel gently pushed it down.
“Y/N don't exert any more energy! Camilo is safe don't worry.” Mirabel held Y/N’s head in place, trying to get the woman to calm down.
“Camilo! She called your name! Come here!” Camilo snapped out of his daze and ran to his wife’s side, gently placing her head on his lap. His heart painfully twisted when her dull unfocused eyes stared into his own. She turned to him, blood on her lips. He whispered her name, his shaky hands pushing her hair away from her sweaty face. Cold. She was so cold.
“Damn you, woman. I told you to hold onto the rocks.” His voice broke as he scolded her lightheartedly. Y/N just breathed out a laugh and smiled drowsily at him. Wait, her boys. Where are her boys? She started to panic, her heart rate speeding up.
“Where's Elias and Fernando? Are they ok!?” Her eyes rapidly flickering around her. Camilo quickly turned her head, letting her focus her gaze onto him. He pressed his forehead against hers, glancing at his boys who were crying quietly in Antonio's arms. Elias whimpered and reached out to him but Camilo couldn’t get him at this moment.
“They're fine, amor. They're with Antonio, it's ok.” Camilo hushed, trying to keep her awake while his tia Julietta rushed to make food with what little they had. He noticed her shivering and took off his ruana to drape it over her instead. Y/N smiled at him tenderly, fighting the urge to close her eyes.
Julietta quickly came running in with a bowl in hand. She scooped something out and pressed what seemed to be half-cooked dough against Y/N’s lips.
“Here, it won’t heal you fully but it’s enough to keep you alive.” Y/N quickly bit into the mixture, cringing slightly at the raw taste. Her pale face slowly got its color back and her wound closed up. Y/N tried to sit up but fell back screaming when pain shot through her body. Camilo caught her before she hit the ground and pulled her into his arms.
“Did it not work?” Camilo stressed, caressing her stomach as he held her close. He examined the wound and just as Julietta said, she wasn't fully healed as there was still visible clotting and scarring on the wound. Julietta smiled at him gently, placing her hand on his shoulder.
“It worked, her wounds are closed up now. However, she may experience pain for a few days. That is-until I can get a fire running and some proper food cooked. She just needs to rest, Camilo.” The shapeshifter felt a wave of relief wash through him. He pressed a palm to his heart, still shaking from the rush. His other hand was rubbing soft circles on her arm, reassuring her and himself that everything was going to be alright.
“I'll get your bags and set up a place where Y/n can rest.” Antonio set Elias and Fernando down, walking away to go help set up the tents. The two boys ran to their mother's side, eyes red and swollen from crying.
“It’s ok queridos, calm down.” She slowly sat up, leaning against Camilo’s side as Elias and Fernando cuddled up to her chest. “Oh dios...whats going to happen to us.” Pepa whispered, scooting beside her grandsons to rub their backs comfortingly. Felix plopped down beside her, fixing the crooked glasses on Elias’ face.
Camilo lifted his head to search for his sister and her kids. He saw Dolores and Mariano resting in the far distance, their kids with them. He finally let himself rest, his head throbbing painfully.
Their Encanto was gone, their safe haven destroyed. What about his twins? Their birthdays are in a month, would they even get a miracle? Irrational thoughts started to plague his mind. Dios, what we're they going to do?
Camilo slightly jumped when Y/N rested her head on his shoulder, quietly singing to her kids. Camilo pressed a kiss on her temple and sang along with her. As long as his family was fine then things would be alright. He was given a miracle, a second chance, and was going to make sure he wouldn’t even come close to losing any of them again. Even if he had to put down his own life.
‘Ay oruguitas, no se aguanten más
Hay que crecer a parte y volver
Hacia adelante seguirás
Vienen milagros, vienen crisálidas
Hay que partir y construir su propio futuro’
Camilo watched as Fernando slowly reached for the discarded bowl on the ground. The child eagerly scooped up the dough and shoved it in his mouth. Only to start gagging and spit it out moments later. Elias watched with an unamused gaze, calling his Abuelo Felix over so he could rat his brother out.
“Ay! Fernando! I told you not to eat that!” Felix scolded his grandson, taking the bowl away from the toddler. Pepa, Y/N, and Camilo laughed softly. Fernando just pouted cuddling closer against Y/N.
“He takes after you.” Y/N whispers to Camilo as she rakes her hair through Fernando’s curls. The boy smiled brightly at her, eagerly pressing his head against her hand. Camilo just snorted, pulling her closer to him.
Alma watches the scene from afar with teary eyes. Flashes of her past come back to her and she shuts her eyes painfully. Things might not have ended this way for her but she was happy for her grandson. She smiled softly at the scene, caressing her wedding ring.
The elderly woman looked out to the crowd of people around her. Mirabel roamed the area- offering water and blankets to everyone. A feeling of pride swelled within Alma. She felt a small glimmer of hope in her heart.
They would eventually get past this. They will get their Encanto back. But how?
taglist (send an ask to be added):
@dai-tsukki-desu @camilolovesroxiie @whocaresifwearecrazy @alexaizawa @mayuhiideyo135 @rosiefaeriee @mouchie @insomniacwreck @porcelainpeachess @obsessed-with-a-fictional-man @xdyledz @cralaaa @thelovehashira143
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mayans-sauce · 4 years
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Gif Credit: @shadesalvarez
Pairing: Ez Reyes x Female Reader
Word Count: 2K
Warnings: NSFW, 18+ ONLY, disobedient/brat reader, cursing, masturbating, cum swallowing, hair pulling, oral (female receiving), fingering, anal play, choking, unprotected sex, orgasm denial, spanking, creampie, dirty talk/vulgar words, mention of bodily fluids
Request by @everyhowlmarksthedead which you can find HERE
A/N: hope this was ok. Enjoy <3 !No spoilers for season 3 in this writing!
Sign up HERE to join my taglist! Or let me know in a comment/ask/private message :)
GROUP CHAT for updates!
•• Main Masterlist •• Ez Masterlist ••
The attitude you’ve had towards Ez this week was bound to get you punished sooner or later. You just knew it. You could feel the tension brewing between the two of you. Ez was holding back, but every time you talked back to him in a rude manner or were being a naughty little brat, you saw his eyes darkening each time.
You had no idea when he was going to pounce on you and teach you a lesson. It could be any day now.
“Get up!” Ez had just burst through the bedroom door as you were sitting on the bed, fresh out of the shower, reading a magazine.
“You know why.”
Yeah, you know why. It was time for your punishment. You were both equally horrified and giddy like a schoolgirl for what he had in store for you.
You got up and stood just beside the bed. You're playing nervously with your fingers as you tried to prepare yourself for what is about to happen.
“Come here.”
You took slow steps to where he was standing in the middle of the room. Your gaze on the floor as you didn’t dare look at him.
Once right in front of him, you lifted your head to stare into his darkening orbs. There were no signs of your soft and loving Ez to be found in them.
“Take off your clothes.”
Taking them off until you were stood in a bra and panties, but that wasn’t enough as he wanted you fully naked.
“All of it.”
Once everything was off, he took his sweet time to look you up and down. He was licking his lips at the thoughts of what he could do to your body. His personal pleasure temple.
“On your knees.”
There was no hesitation in your body as you got down. Sucking Ez off was one of your favorite things, and you would do it whenever, wherever.
He undid his jeans while keeping eye contact with you. He pulled it down with his underwear as well. All he was left in was the white t-shirt that clung to his perfectly sculpted body that made your mouth water.
His dick was already hard and ready to be sucked. You leaned in to wrap your lips around him but was denied with a tug to your hair.
“Did I say you could suck it?” His other hand gripped your chin to keep your attention on him.
“No, I didn’t. Naughty and bad-behaved brats don’t deserve to get dick. Be still, and don’t touch me.”
Ok, this was weird. Usually, he would have shoved his dick deep in your throat by now. This must be something new he’s trying out.
“Spit on it.”
You did as he requested and spit on his tip and let gravity do the job in coating his length in your saliva.
His hand wrapped itself around his big and hard length as he jerked himself off. His hand was focusing on the end of his cock. The goal was to come as quickly as possible by the looks of how fast he was working himself. His eyes closed for a brief second at the pleasure building.
Your eyes looked up at him in love and adoration of this beautiful man that you called yours. Your pussy was so needy as you watched him touch himself.
Fuck, all you wanted was to take over and move his hand away so that you could choke on him as he emptied himself down your throat. But this was obviously a form of his torture to not let you touch him.
He was close. His hand was losing the steady rhythm that he had.
His other hand went in your hair and pulled hard, making you emit a yelp at the slight pain.
“Open your mouth and show me that tongue.”
Your mouth was wide upon for him to empty his delicious seed. Your eyes are big and innocent to give him that extra push to finish into you.
With a loud and heavy grunt, he came on your tongue. Ropes of him decorating it so beautifully. Once he was emptied entirely, he took a second to admire his work.
“So beautiful. Now swallow.”
You closed your mouth and swallowed with no second thoughts. It was like second nature for you to do so.
You showed him your empty mouth, which made him let out a satisfied groan.
“Are you going to fuck me now?”
His hand went around your pulse as his face was mere inches from you.
“Not yet, pretty girl. You don’t deserve it. Now get on the bed.”
He slapped your ass hard as you got up and walked towards the bed to lay down on it.
Ez didn’t kiss you; he went straight to your nipples to pull, lick, kiss, and play with them.
“F-fuck Ez.”
“Mmm… your nipples are so sensitive today. It makes me want to make you come undone by just playing with them but,” his lips trailed and kissed down to you wet and needy pussy, “I’m hungry to taste you,” his broad tongue licked from your quivering hole to your clit, the tip of his tongue flicking it.
His lips wrapped around your clit had you gasping. He sucked and licked, which resulted in an arched back from you. Ez didn’t like that and put his hand on your stomach to push you down.
“Don’t do that. Don’t move. Don’t make a sound. This is your punishment for being a brat all week long. So be a good girl while I enjoy my meal.”
His lips and tongue worked you all over. Kissing, licking, pulling as well as biting your flesh around your pussy. You did your best to keep silent and not move a muscle, but you failed a few times which resulted in him slapping your overly sensitive pussy.
You lost count on how many times he denied your orgasm. Tears were in your eyes at how spent your body was. You just wanted him to either fuck you senseless or cum all over his face.
Ez’s thumb left tiny circles on your pulsating clit as he kept fucking you with his tongue. Occasionally his tongue would swirl around your tight and puckered hole. This was maybe the 5th time of him building you up, and you didn’t think you could take one more time of his denying you.
He lifted his head to look at your tearful face. “Alright, baby girl, I’ll be nice and give you what you want.”
His forehead came to rest on yours as his hand wrapped itself around your throat. The pressure of it was taking some of your oxygen, and you became lightheaded. Your hand took hold of his extensive and robust bicep.
Two of his long fingers teased your entrance before they fucked you. They reached deep inside, brushing against that spot that had your eyes closing in immense pleasure.
“Look at me as you cum all over my fingers.”
The pad of his thumb on your clit was what you needed to let go on him. He made you keep your eyes on him at all times. His smirk decorated his face at your fucked out state after the orgasm you had.
“Taste yourself.”
You gladly took his fingers covered in you into your mouth. Licking around his digits as you moaned out at the taste.
“All four now.”
He took that time to remove his last article of clothing, which was his white t-shirt.
As soon as you were in position, face down ass up, he left a series of slaps on your ass cheeks. The bedsheets muffle your moans and whimpers of pain and pleasure.
“Look at this pussy. All mine to take.” He said as his thumb teased your hole.
“Are you going to fuck me or not, Ez?” That was a risk of you to take. To talk to him in that manner. But you just needed him to fuck you, to use your holes as he pleased.
That tone he didn’t like. His hand wrapped itself so hard around your throat, and he pulled you flush against himself.
“Really? You fucking little brat. I decided when I fuck you. Me. Not you. You understand?”
“Y-yes,” it was barely a whisper.
“Huh? I didn’t hear you?”
“Ye-yes. You decide.”
He pushed you back into the mattress. Pressing your face into it.
True to his word, he decided he didn’t want to fuck you yet. It was true that he was the one in charge. So he could fuck you when he wanted, not when you wanted.
He planned to tease some more. So his thumb entered your pussy to give him lubricant. He spits onto your other tight hole, and his thumb that was just in your pussy lightly teased your asshole before he pushed inside.
“Ah fuck Zeke.”
His thumb fucked your hole, and with his other hand, he lined himself up with your entrance, slamming into your tight walls in surprise.
“So tight.”
The force of his hips made you jolt forward with each thrust, and you clutched the sheets in your grasp. You just wanted to cum right then and there at the feeling of his full cock inside you.
“Yes fuck me so good,” you whimpered as he fucked you so senseless.
“Fuck baby, your pussy feels so good. So warm and tight.” He removed his hand from your ass so that he could use both hands to hold your hips. Occasionally spanking your here and there. Your walls clenching around him made him shudder in pleasure.
Your head was buzzing in ecstasy, and your mouth hung open as silent screams escaped it.
“Please, Ez, don’t stop. Don’t stop fucking me.”
His hand grabbed a fistful of your hair to pull you up slightly and make your back arch. You bit your bottom lip at his rough and dominant actions. His animalistic moves.
“You like when I fuck you tight needy little pussy, huh?”
“Yes. Please don’t stop.”
“I won’t stop, baby, I promise.”
He pressed your face back down on the mattress. His hand at the back of your neck to keep you there. The other one made circles on your precious jewel.
“Please, I can’t hold it anymore. Fill me up. Please fill me up and make me cum.”
His thrust became irregular as your walls edged him on, and with a few more thrust, he coated your inside with his seed, milking himself for all he was worth as his groans, moans, and curses were released into the room.
That was what you needed to let yourself go. Your pussy contracted around him as you came around his cock. Your clit pulsating as he still kept stimulating it. Your own moans, whimpers, and pleas were coming from within you.
His hips stilled after fucking your both through the orgasm.
“Good girl,” a few pats on your ass were laid.
As he pulled himself out of your abused hole, you shut your eyes tight at how sensitive you were feeling.
His cum in your pussy left him in fascination as it came out of you.
“Look at you filled up with my cum. Such a good girl taking all of me.”
His lips left a few kisses on your still sore ass from all the spanking he did.
He cleaned you up with his shirt before he turned you around to lay against his side. Half of you spread on top of him as he caressed your back.
You winced each time you made a movement of your body.
“Are you ok?” Ez asked as he kept kissing your hairline.
“Yea… just a little bit sore… but I enjoyed myself.”
“Rest up a bit, and then we can take a bubble bath together so I can pamper you up.”
“That sounds nice. I love you, Ezekiel.”
“And I love you.”
Thank you for reading❤️ a quick reblog and feedback would be so appreciated❤️
GENERAL TAGLIST: @everyhowlmarksthedead @-im-fantastic- @idorkish @megantelford @witching-hour @rosieposie0624 @jessprins13 @skyofficialxx @glamourglambert @jasminee97 @starrynite7114 @gemini0410 @rocketqueen @mack-jay @megapeacelovemusic-blog @weasleytwins-41 @achievement-hunters-blog54 @taurean-brat @multifandom.girlie @anythingandeverything97 @spookyboogyuniverse @armiehammersleftsock @sariche @Pietschalexis26
MAYANS MC TAGLIST: @blessedboo @60shannon @bellisperennis0 @capnsaveahoe @diaryofkali @behindmyeyes-insidemyhead @xvvalx @missswritings @theocatkov @pinguinstudiert @chibsytelford @encounterthepast @rawrlittlepanda-95 @beeroses @siriussnape07 @adaydreamaway08 @miss-nori85 @oldstuffnewstuff @omg-mymelaninisbeautiful @jatriciaaa @browneyes912 @cole-winchester @blackksunflower12 @phoenixhalliwell @cant-decide-at-this-moment @love-mesome-me @holl2712 @jennisdirtyimagines @balladbloodwrites @lilacyennefer @smallflower16
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13uswntimagines · 3 years
It Can Be Both (Emily x Alex x Kelley x Reader)
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Request: Kelley,Emily,Alex, and yn now like two on each team and yn is a goal keeper just watching confused wondering what the hell everyone is on and how it’s going to end later    (You know)
Author’s Note: I’m going to be honest- this felt very much like a rebound after doing gravity. Like something to get my writing juices flowing again. it ends with a touch of sexual content so warning. hit me up if you have questions or just wanna chat. 
You knew it was going to be a rough one before you even stepped on the pitch. Hell, you knew it was gonna be bad when Alex and Kelley started betting before national team camp had even started. 
Though they were two of the most competitive people on the planet, you and Emily were not (off the pitch at least). But it was hard to stay out of it when their performance, chosen rewards, and/or punishments very much included the both of you. 
You barely even got to admire how good either of your girlfriends looked in white (you made sure Alex knew your feelings about her in that galaxy kit) before things started to get wild. 
“Come on ref!” You yelled, running a gloved hand frustratedly through your hair and shaking your head. Was Sonnett’s challenge hard, yes, but did it deserve a yellow? You didn’t think so. 
You could guess that some of Emily's aggression came from the reward  Kelley negotiated for them if the Spirit beat the Pride. At least Alex was laughing it off and standing. 
“Looks like your girls are trying to murder each other,” Ali snorted, pausing just outside the box to protect against a counter if the corner kick in the other box went south. 
“Vlatko’s probably shitting his pants,” You mumbled, wincing as Emily and Alex clashed again. God, Emily wanted to win. 
“What’s gotten into them,” Ali asked, just as your two defenders collapsed the pocket Alex was trying to slip through. 
You raised your eyebrow at the defender, your cheeks a little red (blatantly ignoring Kelley’s wink from across the field), “you really don’t want to know,” 
Ali looked between you and the three women battling it out on the field, smirking a little. Even though she had seen it more times than she could count, it was still a little strange to see your tall frame look so flustered. “Ooo, so it’s one of those games?” 
“I didn’t ask to be a part of it,” you huffed, crossing your arms indignantly. 
“So there’s not something riding on you getting a clean sheet?” It was Ali’s turn to raise her eyebrows. More red-colored your cheeks, so much so you were sure it was all the way up to your ears by now. 
It wasn’t a secret that it was a thing during the World Cup. One that you very much enjoyed, especially after you pulled off a PK save in the final to come out with a clean sheet. 
You paused, biting your lip. “Not tonight,” 
Ali laughed loudly as Alex set up for her another corner. “Ah, so it all depends on them then?” 
You shrugged. Most of the time you really hated giving up control, but Alex also promised you would like what she picked (even if you weren’t planning on participating). You also trusted Emily and Kelley to stick to your limits, no matter how stoked they were on winning (if they won). 
You sighed when Emily marked Alex just a touch too closely again. “More like Alex and Kel. Guess they got Em on board too,” 
“Did you expect them not to?” Ali asked, her voice showing that she already knew the answer. 
“No, just thought Emily would be on my side,” You grumbled, a gloved hand scratching the back of your neck. 
“Well, I’m sure you won’t enjoy whatever they have planned at all,” Ali rolled her eyes and patted your shoulder, before heading off as the Spirit tried to counter. 
“Shut up,” You huffed, backing up towards goal, your cheeks still very red. You still had 80is minutes to go before you would find out exactly what your girlfriends had planned. 
You had seen a lot of bad refs, but this one was something special. She was micromanaging the field, and you were starting to get tired of it. 
“What the fuck,” You grumbled in between giving your defense direction. 
It was one thing to yell at Kelley for being a little rough (even if it was with Alex), and another to argue with her about 
“Surprised she hasn’t hit her yet,” Emily said, side-eyeing you.
“Be surprised I haven’t hit you yet,” You huffed, barely sparing your blond defender a glance. Fouling as much as she had wasn’t good form, and it wouldn’t help her case with Vlatko. 
Plus you were too busy watching the refs try to corral your most stubborn girlfriend. Her irritation was palpable and you knew if the Ref kept pushing, Kelley was probably going to respond exactly how Emily thought she would. 
“Ooo, kinky,” She laughed. 
You rolled your eyes. “Just clean it up and chill out alright? We need to be able to play to make the team,” 
She snorted, bumping you with her elbow. “Not a chance with what Al put on the line,” 
“I don’t care what she bet. Cool it so we all walk out tonight,” You growled a little more firmly, taking on the tone you used when giving orders on the pitch. The voice that always made her and Kelley listen to you when they were giving you shit for being younger. 
Instead of saluting like she normally would, a very large smirk broke across Emily’s face. “You have no idea what she chose do you?” 
You froze, finally looking towards the defender and blinking owlishly at her. 
So maybe you hadn’t considered that Alex would include you in the bet, and factor in your opinion on her chosen reward. You thought maybe you would just get to watch whatever they had decided and stay safe from whatever punishment if you lost.
Emily cackled as the ball sailed right past your state of stupor, running off to celebrate before you could even respond. 
Despite being in a relationship with them for nearly 2 years, it still caught you off guard sometimes when they included you. It took you a very long time to open up and accept their love (and their physical touch), and even though you were comfortable now, it was still a weird experience to have them care. To have them always think of you when making plans (even ones you weren’t sure you wanted to be involved in). 
You blinked again, shaking your head as though it would help you clear your thoughts. It didn’t, but a warm hand on your shoulder and an annoyed (but concerned voice) in your ear helped. 
“Hey space cadet, you ok there?” 
“Um, yeah,” You smiled tightly at Alex, allowing yourself to lean into her for just a second. It was hard to focus on the game with all the stuff running around your head. 
“Good, cause the ref just called back the kick. Get ready to go again,” She said softly, brushing a fallen strand from your eyes. “and keep your eyes on the ball this time,” She smirked, tapping your nose. 
You wrinkled it under her finger. She laughed a little. It was nice to see you so relaxed, even when you were surrounded by so many people. Maybe they would have to play these little games more often, you know if it could get you to let down your stoic exterior. “You can stare at Em later after we win. She’ll be in a much more… enjoyable position,” she wiggled her eyebrows and squeezed your shoulder. 
“Eye eye captain,” You saluted, earning another laugh. 
“You’ve been hanging out with Emily too much,” she said, with the roll of her eyes as she headed off to her position for the re-kick. 
You wouldn’t let it slip past you again. Alex was right, you would be able to enjoy your girlfriends later. 
“That fucking goal should have counted and you know it,” Kelley grumbled as she slipped into the back seat with you. 
“Well it didn’t,” you mumbled, scooting over as Emily hopped into the other side, effectively trapping you between them. 
“You two cheated anyway,” Alex said from the front seat, glancing back at the three of you in the rear view mirror. You didn’t know it yet, but this was very much part of her plan. 
“We did not,” Kelley snorted, shuffling even closer to you, so your thighs were pressed together, just as Emily did the same thing on your other side. You didn’t think much of it, both defenders were always rather cuddly after a game. 
“So Em distracting y/n wasn’t part of the plan?” Alex asked, raising a signature eyebrow in the mirror (sharing a look with Kelley - one you didn’t see.) 
“And neither of you were trying to remove Alex’s ankles from her body?” You added, wigging a little as Emily’s hand landed on your thigh, just a bit too high to be a friendly touch. 
“We plead the fifth,” She said softly, very close to your ear, sending shivers down your spine. 
You sucked in a shallow breath when Kelley’s hand joined hers on your other thigh. Her lips touched your neck and worked their way up to your ear. 
“But can I just say, your red cheeks made you look very cute tonight,” she purred, nibbling at the skin on your ear, just as Emily did the same on your other side. 
The heat returned to your cheeks, and your hands clenched on your knees. You weren’t quite sure what you were supposed to do with them. 
“I’m not cute,” You muttered, your fingers tapped uncomfortably on your legs. You didn’t like not being the one in control. 
“Just sit back and enjoy it babe,” Emily hummed, her lips working from behind your ear all the way back down your neck to nibble on your collarbone. her hand also shifted to intertwine your fingers. 
The small act helped you to relax a little, and you squeezed her fingers in thanks. 
“Yeah, we’re gonna take very good care of you,” You could feel Kelley’s smirk just behind your ear as her fingers traced a little higher. You knew you could put a stop to this if you really wanted to, but you weren’t sure that you did. 
You found Alex’s eyes in the mirror, flicking between the road and your face. 
“Thought this was your reward, not mine,” You said, your voice coming out in little pants. 
She smiled slyly at you. “Why can’t it be both?” 
Kelley’s hand squeezed your thigh, just as Emily scraped her teeth along your shoulder. “Yeah?” Kelley asked into your ear. 
“Yeah. It can be both,”
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some-dr-writings · 4 years
Shuichi, Kokichi and Nagito’s crush likes napping on his lap during breaks
Shuichi Saihara:
·       Ah yes, the Super High School Level Astronomer, it was no wonder Kaito would be friends with such a person, and whoever Kaito was friends with, all his other friends would be friends with them as well, that was how Shuichi had met you. Often in those nightly training sessions, for a break Kaito, Shuichi, Maki and whoever else felt like joining them that evening would jog around till finding you, telescope by your side. You’d speak of the stars, of legends that surrounded them, of how travelers of old navigated the world through them, how stars were born, what there different colors meant, and so much more. Folklore, history, science, didn’t matter, you knew and continued to learn about each and any possible aspect you could about those specks of light. However, you were rather quiet outside of those moments, though you weren’t closed off. It was more so, if you weren’t speaking of stars you’d just so intently listen to others.
·       … Maybe that’s how or why it happened? More often than not, when at school you were rather drowsy. You were often out, camping in the mountains away from the harsh city lights so when you were at school it was nice. When you were around, Shuichi made sure to spend time with you. You were able to speak so much without words, it was fun trying to interpret your expressions. Truthfully Shuichi didn’t think much of it at first, it was just how you were, quiet, yet outgoing, bubbly even. Others however had a more difficult time understanding you, somehow they didn’t notice the many little nuances that made up you, your slightest shift of expression or tilt of the head, your body language, how you spoke more so with your eyes, engaging in the conversations in your own way. How others couldn’t Shuichi had no idea at first, you were captivating, how could they NOT notice!?
·       At first he had thought it was simply him being a detective, often having to interpret and read people through his work with his Uncle, but… that was not quite it, there was more to this. I didn’t come naturally, he WANTED to understand you. He found himself drawn to you, your gravity too powerful for him to even consider resisting. And it seemed the same could be said for you too. Whenever break rolled around, no matter how short it may be, you’d always seek him out. Due to more often than not being awake through the night you’d nap, but Shuichi didn’t mind, not even when you used his shoulder or lap as a pillow. He’d read his novels aloud to you, or if he was working through a case, walk through his logic aloud, he’d just speak even if you were asleep, something in him just knew you were still taking this all in.
·       Even if he was somehow one of the few people who understood you, he wondered how you had even seen him yet. You were like a supernova in his eyes, so bright, so stunning, so colorful, leaving only beauty and wonder in your wake, how did you notice him? By chance did your heart race too at the thought of spending more time together? Did you also find a soft, comforting, warmth in his presence as he did you? Did you adore hearing him speak just as he did you? Whatever the case may be for you, he sure hopped it was something similar because he simply wished to your beloved stars above that you felt even half as amazing as he did with you, he just wanted you to know of such a fantastic emotion, it, no… you were astonishing and he simply wished to share and indulge in it with you.
   Kokichi Oma:
·       “Y/N!” “Hu-AH” You groaned, shakily pushing yourself off the ground. Then you noticed all your items had slipped out of your bookbag. You sighed, seeing all your papers had fallen out of your folders as well. “Geez, Y/N, I didn’t know you were so clumsy!” “Ah, just tired today I guess.” You noticed how Kokichi kept taking glances to you as he helped gather your items. Not surprising considering you literally just tumbled down a flight of stairs. Before you knew it all your supplied had already been collected and placed back in your bag. That was really quick. You winced as you stood up. Your knees almost collapsed under you and Kokichi was in the position to catch you should you have fallen but thankfully you were able to do so yourself. “Hey, hey! Where are you going?” “Oh, uh… umm.” You thought and thought but couldn’t remember. It was so hard, you felt like your mind was swimming and swirling, all thoughts fuzzy and difficult to reach.
·       Then suddenly you were being dragged along by the hand. “What the-” “You are coming with me! This’ll be fun! Especially if you have nothing better to do!” You were completely confused but more so shocked from the whole situation so you couldn’t really bring yourself to try to stop or ask where you were even going.
·       Koichi just kept running around, getting you completely lost. Eventually though he let go, dashing a few paces forward before tumbling and falling. “O-Oma!?” He simply laughed, sitting up. He hummed as the wind rolled past swaying his hair as he looked up to the sky. “Oh, Y/N, Y/N! Look at that!” You were confused looking up to the sky where he was pointing. “Ugh, you can’t see it from there, sit down already!” Taking your arm, he playfully tugged on it, but even that was enough to send you falling. Even with you sprawled across his lap, he managed to scooch over enough so just your head was there. “Perfect! Now, that cloud looks like Gonta; giant, kinda dumb, soft. And that one-” You were… quite puzzled. Clouds? Of all things? That was what he wanted to show you? You heard Kokichi speaking, but it was all noise to you, it held no meaning. You just listened as he droned on and pointed, the shadow of his outstretched arm conveniently covering your eyes.
·       You never really noticed how nice and soft Kokichi’s voice could be. Then again, he was always so loud or quiet, constantly shifting tone you never got the chance to just hear it… It was… rather pleasant. You wanted to hear him longer, engage in whatever game he was playing but so quickly your eyes drooped and all our senses simply lulled to nothing.
·       Then it was evening. At first the sight of those orange and purple hues confused you, but then- “Y/N, you’re alive! It’s been twenty years and Miu’s army of robots have taken over! We need you to join the resistance!” He couldn’t help but laugh at your absolutely baffled expression. “But that’s a lie.” “… oh yeah… Wait…” You suddenly completely awakened, abruptly sitting up. “It’s evening already!? Did we skip class!?” “It’s whateves, Y/N. Hope’s Peak doesn’t care if we skip class.” “No, not that!” You sighed, burrowing your face into your hands and mumbled to yourself. “I didn’t take the new meds again. Of course, I didn’t.” Huh, new medicine was it. Kokichi smirked, dragging you up onto your feet. “C’mon! You’ll make us late for dinner!”
·       The next several weeks were like that. No matter what you did you’d always end up napping on Kokichi’s lap at some point. This was much needed. Your therapist had been fired so you had to start all over with someone new, who wanted to give you new medicine meaning new side affects that could only be worked around via time management. It was a process trying to work out what amount you needed and what not. Napping with Kokichi was just about the only solace you had gotten in the chaos. When you had found a good balance of medication no longer were you exhausted in the day or losing sleep at night. It was great though, admittedly you missed it.
·       It had been about a week or so since your medication seemed to stable out and all was well with you once more. The bells for break had tolled and you left class. Break wasn’t long, but you didn’t care. Hearing shrieks and screams of terror and that ‘Nishishi” you knew you were close. Seeing Kokichi make his escape you simply went to one of the benches outside. And there you waited.
·       You still waited even after the bells signaling the end of break had tolled. “Oh? Y/N actually skipping class!? What has this world come too!? Soon the sky will be falling!” Seeing he wasn’t lying per say and just exaggerating you decided to answer. “I haven’t taken my nap yet.” You took his hand, pulling him onto the bench and you placed your head atop his lap. Though you weren’t not tired, a mid-day nap in the sun just felt so nice.
·       Thankfully for Kokichi, you were asleep so you couldn’t see his giddy smile. Though with this seemingly becoming the new norm you’d likely catch him one of these days. For now he’d just indulge in this moment with you, his crush and worry about that when it happens.
   Nagito Komaeda:
·       Though you were an Ultimate, an amazing person who could take care of themself just fine, Nagito worried about you. You slept, a lot. No matter when or where you could find a place to nap should you want too. It wasn’t all the time though, Nagito still had many conversations with you and had gotten to see your talent firsthand, an extraordinary sight! When you were awake, you’d spend much of your time with him, often over analyzing him trying to see if there was a scientific cause for the outlandish phenomena that was his luck. Not surprising since you were a scientist. At times Nagito wondered if your mind worked so hard when you were awake, trying to solve every last mystery the world had to offer, that drove you to exhaustion so quickly. That would explain how you could be so excitedly chatting away about one theory of yours or another only for you to suddenly fall over, knocked out. Thankfully it seemed Nagito’s luck would kick in moments like that so he could catch you before your face smashed into the ground.
·       Always following you around, trying to keep your drowsy tendency from getting you into danger, from just always being beside he had become your assistant of sorts. Though he would never dare to insist on it, he always sneakily became the one to carry your stuff around in the end, even if you had started your journey with them. Taking you by your shoulders he’d steer you away from bumping into other people or objects. He would take your hand, but he felt unworthy of such an honor unless you decided he could and he knew if he did a bright scarlet would erupt on his cheeks and his heart would pick up in pace, things you surely would notice with your keen eye. When you were awake, nothing could get past you, so Nagito would have to be extra careful. He couldn’t let you figure out his feelings. He simply didn’t have it in him to confess and he was garbage, surely you wouldn’t reciprocate his feelings, but if you did somehow, it’s not like he would deny you, someone like him had no right to deny an Ultimate, or so he thought at least.
·       Although… Nagito couldn’t help his feelings seeping out, no matter how much he had tried to keep them inside. Often, he was just talking and suddenly he’d be complimenting you and about to say he loved you and he’d have to cut himself off by causing an ‘accident’ like tripping over chairs or abruptly changing his words to say something else. He was always left a flustered mess.
·       It was just another day when Nagito strolled into your lab, finding your workspace was filled with many documents, many taped to white boards with string attacked to each and every last one, some string simply linking two pages on the same board, others stretching across the room, forcing one to duck, and twist to avoid them all, one could compare it to avoiding the lights in the laser filled room in some generic spy flic. “Hmm, but how to go about testing this?” “Testing what?” “Oh, Komaeda! Perfect timing!” You strolled over to him, looking through some file, seemingly not paying attention to your surroundings yet still avoiding all that strings. “Today I’m studying human communication!” “Uh huh.” “And I wish to test something!” You looked to him with those stunningly bright eyes as you explained, completely captivating him. “The power of words. I wish to see if they are like water in a pipe. For comparison, imagine a person as the pipe and the words water. I wonder if say a person is upset, if speaking to another person was the only way to alleviate the pressure of those emotions, or if just speaking aloud, even to no one, if that’d alleviate the pressure as well, OR if something else would happen. Yes, each individual is different, but there could still be a majority! I’m thinking we’ll go about-” a yawn escaped you before you continued. “about this… by…” You took a small notebook from your pocket, quickly scribbling down notes as Nagito lead you to a couch in the corner of the room. Nagito already knew this was coming considering that ‘pipe’ comparison didn’t make much sense since pipes would still leak, even if with another pipe around.
·       He sat beside you on the couch and moments later you rested your head on his lap. You tried holding up the little book to him and when he took it your hand and arm went limp, you already fast asleep. Nagito couldn’t help but smile, seeing you already so restful. As usually he looked through your notebook, seeing what he needed to prepare in order to set up your tests. Curiously he also looked over your notes, wondering how your interest in astrology the day prior lead to this through your connective thinking. It was always fun seeing how you could draw connections between seemingly completely unrelated topics, then again that was likely how you were such a good scientist. As he continued to read, fascinated by your research he began to wonder something. Looking to you his heart melted. “I love you.” Immediately his heart raced, and he felt that heat raising to his cheeks. What if a person were to vent to another, even if they weren’t paying attention? Perhaps because he still had told you, he still would have gotten this off his chest and he’d stop almost confessing to you so often.
·       That was how Nagito had begun to whisper his affections to you as you slept. It was a thrill like no other, fearing you’d awake right as he confessed his feelings, yet also endlessly excited by the thought as well. There was more than a fair share of times where he was almost caught, but it seemed you were none the wiser to his words of love.
·       “Hmm? Komeada? What are you mumbling about?” For a moment he froze, love struck at your soft tender expression. “Ah-uh-Oh? I was speaking? I apologize if I woke you up.” You simply huffed in response… a-and you just kept looking at him? Oh boy. Did you know? Was he finally caught? What would your response be? What did you think of him? “Thank you.” “Huh?” You smiled, nuzzling into him. “having this… instantaneous version of narcolepsy… Even though I started studying, I could never figure out how to stop it, maybe that’s because I get distracted easily, I- wait, no. No tangents.” You took a deep breath trying to reorganize your thoughts. “It… can be scary, one moment being awake then suddenly asleep. Before you I’d often sleep on the train and go way past my stop and get lost. There have also been a number of near-death experiences like when I fell asleep when walking across the street. I… it’s nice, knowing you’re around. To keep me safe and keep an eye on me. And I guess waking up to hearing your voice, waking up knowing for a fact I was safe… I don’t know, it was just nice, and I want you to know, I truly do appreciate you putting up with me.”
·       How… how could you make him fall for you more and more so effortlessly? Well, if you liked hearing his voice when you woke up… maybe… maybe next time he wouldn’t stop speaking of his love for you, even as you awoke. After all, he could never deny you anything, especially not your own comfort and ease of mind.
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enhyupn · 4 years
⧉ enhypen as your classmate that has a crush on you! ᝢ ∷
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pairings: ot7 enhypen members x gn!reader
warnings: swearing, mentions of violence in jay’s one
genre: pure fluff + high school!au
a/n this also. Was in my drafts 💭 i was contemplating if i should post this or not but here i am 😫 i Post too much sorry everyone iJust have no life outside of school 🙋‍♀️🙋‍♀️
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⌗ heeseung
heeseung is definitely the type of person that tries to talk to the person he sits beside all the time
he nudges you all the time and whispers your name whenever he wants your attention
and the fact he had a huge crush on you also added to it
enhypen always have to listen to him since he never ever stops talking about you. like ever.
“oh my god you will never know what y/n told me when i—” and suddenly he’s cut off by the rest of them yelling “we know!”
you never snap at him because you kinda... enjoy the attention
maybe thats how you knew you kinda liked him too, since you could never let sunoo get away with this if he ever called for your name in class
your relationship only stopped there for a while, since the two of you lowkey scared of each other
“no i feel like y/n’s gonna snap at you one day, like completely just punch you in the face” jay once told him and ever since, he’s never looked at you the same
you think heeseung’s just intimidating, the amount of times you’ve jumped in your seat whenever he’s called your name is numerous
although, one day you fell asleep in class due to the fact you left your english essay last minute the night before
heeseung, noticing you drooling on the table, wrote down the notes for you
he handed them to you after class and you were so touched that you couldn’t stop telling sunoo about it
“his hand writing’s so neat and—” “i get it, you can shut up now!”
you even told heeseung his hand writing was the prettiest thing you’ve ever seen for a week straight
he was happy of course, but honestly unsure how he was supposed to reply to the compliment
he figured out by himself that all he needed to do was ask you if you wanted him to write your name
“heeseung, i mean it! i can’t get over how you write ‘the’, it’s just so— so neat!” “oh really? let me write your name out”
being the smooth guy that he was, wrote down his number instead of your name
and you being the oblivious person you were, ended up being utterly confused
“heeseung i think—” “I WROTE MY NUMBER ON PURPOSE”
you never really got over the shock, nonetheless still took his number and texted him that night
you ended that night by kicking your feet in the air with your face feeling like it was on fire
oh, you also ended up planning a date with heeseung on saturday, not a big deal
it was actually the biggest deal ever
the rest of the head canons are under the cut!
⌗ jay
jay was 100% the type to tease someone when he had a crush to get their attention
he wanted all your attention and the way he got that was through telling you your portrait of a dog looked stupid
well yeah, it did but he didn’t need to point it out
everyone in your art class knew jay had a raging crush on you
he just didn’t know how to express it
his friend jake told him the way into your heart was talking about a mutual interest
jake was, sort of, right about his advice. well, until you and jay started bickering about a character you loved but he oh so hated
“mabel in gravity falls was annoying and weird” “jay if you say that one more time i will shove this paint brush down your throat”
jake, who was trying to play cupid, could not understand why he was so bad at this
i mean jay had no problem getting girls to like him but you? did you genuinely hate jay or something?
“no jake i don’t hate jay” well that answered his question
“he’s just weird” “weird? i’m weird?” “yeah do i need to repeat it again? park jay is weird” you two were a match made in heaven
jay didn’t know when but he had a revelation, maybe this wasn’t the approach he should take to get your attention
after that, he started to be extremely nice to you
it definitely scared you
“d-did i do anything?” “what no? i’m just saying your painting looks beautiful y/n” “oh no something’s definitely going to happen”
he was finally tired of trying so hard while ending up with nothing achieved
jake, being the one out of the two who had the most realistic ideas, decided to give him one more tip
“do you think it’ll work?” “it’s fool proof”
the tip was simply him asking you out to the movies, something that was a little too forward for jay
“no i don’t think it’ll work jake” “jay i swear to god you are going to end up single For the Rest of your Life”
it took... many attempts... and many insults towards you for him to even get the first line out
“Y/NPLEASEGOTOTHEMOVIESWITHME” “the movies? sure” “wait, really? i meant it in a romantic way by the way” “oh? sure i’m free on friday”
turns out you were into him too i mean it was kinda obvious from the way you dealt with those insults
even when you started dating after that date, the insults never stopped
it just now targeted jake, who really is just asking for it at this point from the amount of times he’s asked for credit for ‘getting both of you together’
he was never getting that credit
⌗ jake
jake would leave secret love letters in your locker every time he walked past it
i mean the action wasn’t as secret as he thought it was due to the fact you knew he was the one leaving those letters
for god’s sake the boy was literally in almost all your classes, you were walking the same way as him when he slipped those letters in???
you still were very grateful for them
without them, i think you would of not coped with school
they were all incredibly detailed and even had little doodles drawn around them
you once had remembered he mentioned that he wrote these in the morning before school started during first period
he also told you he was really really shy you found it incredibly cute
the only way he could speak to you without melting was through these letters
somehow you decided that the best thing to do was put replies in his lockers too
his first reaction was complete embarrassment, the fact you knew who he was had his face heating up like nothing else
but he soon realised you didn’t think it was weird or creepy, you actually looked forward to his letters every school day
he mustered up so much courage after that to talk to you in person, to personally thank you
he sheepishly rubs the back of his neck before pulling something out from his back pocket
the final letter in his series of love letters showing up in his hands
“open it” his shy smile making your brain Melt in endearment
the letter contained the usual, the hello y/n! and the usual chatter about his day
what you didn’t expect was the fact he had asked you out at the bottom of the letter
“y/n i’ve liked you for a while now, will you go out with me?” you read out loud before realising what you had just read. “OH MY GOD YOU ASKED ME OUT?”
you pull him into a tight hug, something that jake heated up at
“is this a yes?” “are you seriously asking that right now? of course we are”
you two became the most sickly sweet couple ever
plus the fact you still placed letters in each other’s lockers made enhypen gag (in an affectionate way)
they were just jealous nobody was putting letters in their lockers
⌗ sunghoon
sunghoon always seemed to be there whenever you needed help
especially since you two helped out at the library together every wednesday
he looked forward to it every week, you could tell from the fact ever tuesday he’d remind his friends that the next day he was seeing you again
“tomorrow’s wednesday you know what that means” “yes sunghoon we know, you’re seeing y/n tomorrow”
whenever he’s finished his work (which he does at an incredibly fast pace) he always seems to end up trailing you
constantly asking if you need help, desperate to do something
you find it endearing, always ending up chuckling at his whiney words
“y/n! do you need any help i’m finished” “not at the moment but if you wanna chat i can!”
out of all the enhypen members i feel like sunghoon would have the softest feelings for his crush
like even outside of your assigned library work, he’d constantly check up on you during lunch
“here y/n! it’s a packet of those gummies you like” “how sweet that you remembered! thanks for them”
you, even with sunghoon’s constant affection, couldn’t realise he had a crush on you
you thought that he was like that with everyone, you didn’t think that you were particularly special to get any type of unique treatment from park sunghoon
it wasn’t until your classmate asked you if you and sunghoon were dating
“hey are you and sunghoon dating?” “ummmm no why” “oh my friend wanted to know, they like him that’s why”
that didn’t sit well with you.
you thought long and hard about it but there was literally no reason for you to be bothered about it
i mean? you didn’t like him like that right
you decided to ask his dearest friend heeseung for help
“heeseung what do i do why do i feel like this” “i don’t know ask sunghoon” “...you aren’t helping”
heeseung being the big blabber mouth he is, told sunghoon all of this
“y/n won’t shut up about you” “really? you’re telling me the truth right? please don’t lie to me”
from many many uplifting comments from his friends, sunghoon was able to talk to you without mentioning the library
“so... what did you do in art class today?” “oh? i don’t do art” i mean at least he tried
after a few attempts he finally hit the nail on the head, securing his place as one of your friend... not the position he was aiming for but at least it was something
that’s when he prepared himself for the final boss (that’s what heeseung called the plan)
interrupting the conversation you both had on what disney show was the best, he popped the big question
“no but mulan was pretty good too also do you wanna go on a date with me” “oh sure! that was really random though”
i mean his timing was incredibly terrible but you were over the moon
even with the calm messages the both of you had sent, the two of you were screaming at your screen, unable to contain any composure
i mean it’s sunghoon... even if he handed you a piece of trash to as his way of asking you out you’d still say yes
⌗ sunoo
no but sunoo definitely asks your friend what your favourite song is and puts it on his story so you can slide up and be like “omg!! i love this song”
OH he also texts you randomly at 11:11 and 22:22 so you think it’s a sign
he so so so desperately wants your attention all the time
he goes up to you at lunch even when you’re with all your friends and makes conversation with you making you forget all about your friends
he sits in front of you in maths! so he knows how bad you are at the subject, he can hear your muttering about how you got a question wrong every morning but don’t Worry! he finds it adorable for some reason
at first he started to pretend he wouldn’t understand a question so he could find a way to talk to you
“hey y/n! what’s six times five again” “are you serious?”
he’s actually kinda good at maths so you’re always confused on how he doesn’t understand basic multiplication but can get 90% on the algebra test
he loves, and i mean loves, talking to you during class
even if the teacher scolds him he doesn’t care, it’s simply the highlight of his day
he gets so pouty and jealous when you excuse him in the middle of a conversation to talk to someone else
he gets jealous especially whenever you talk to his friends instead of him
“hey ni-ki! what did you get for number five?” “oh i got—” “I GOT TWELVE FOR THAT ONE Y/N!”
you kinda adore it not gonna lie
at one point your teacher got incredibly fed up with you two talking class
so! sunoo resorted to passing notes to you
‘y/n did you hear? oh my god, jihan from the maths class beside us told me that yeojin from the year above us got suspended because she started fighting the teacher over her phone. can you believe that? i mean i would of done the same thing’
it was quite clear sunoo talked a lot even through notes too
i mean as if you didn’t reply with the same energy
‘I HEARD THAT TOO!! gowon from her class told me, plus! intak said he saw the whole thing too... omg honestly i think yeojin’s so cool for doing that. maybe i should fight our maths teacher if they try and yell at us for talking again?’
they were one of the many things sunoo loves you for <3
one day ni-ki, being the number one shipper of you two, decides to play Cupid on the two of you
he drew out a note that looked too similarly to a middle school confession text and placed it on sunoo’s desk
“do you like me y/n... tick one. yes. no.” “do you like it?” “what the fuck is this”
i mean sunoo Took it anyways, he knew you’d find it funny too
as usual, you prepared yourself for a long class of sliding notes to each other
you looked forward to it, you found it as a source of entertainment and you liked talking to sunoo anyways
“pssst, y/n!” “thanks— wait did you give me the right one?”
after many whisper shouts and glares from your teacher, he finally convinced you that they were the real deal
obviously. You chose yes
that’s how you landed a date with sunoo to a picnic at han river
sunoo and you were. Kinda.... thankful for ni-ki
you two just never wanted to admit his stupid cupid-ry worked
⌗ jungwon
definitely the type to ask you “what homework did we get?” so he can start a conversation with you
replies to your private story with like “omg that’s so funny” or like “PLSSSSS me too”
you do exactly the same with his ps honestly
he always talks to you before class and you have heated discussions about the homework the night before
YOU ALWAYS ALWAYS end up sitting beside him in every class you have together
like it’s not even on purpose anymore (it’s actually fate)
always lends you pens and pencils when you forget them
he also never Asks for them back so you Have like a stash of them at home beside your bed because you always forget to give them back to him
you and jungwon are the kids in pe class that walk around the track gossiping
“jake told me that half of the soccer team aren’t getting along these days because they all like the same person” “no way really? what about their team work, isn’t there some sort of huge match next week?”
the gossip only stays between you two but only ever during pe
you two talk about more, interesting things outside of pe
since you two are in basically every class together, you walk with him everywhere
once when you were about to trip over, jungwon caught you and when you realised you were in his arms, you just blankly stared at him for a good five seconds
once you got off of him your face started to heat up so fast jungwon’s too
every time you have homework due and you didn’t do it he lends you his word
“y/n take this! it’s the french homework from last class” “thanks so much jungwon!”
the real story starts with when you and him were practicing speaking french in the library
you, being terrible at french, needed some sort of help with this
jungwon decided that, even though he completely sucks at french, he should tutor you!
and there you were, ten reasons why i hate you style, in the library struggling on how to pronounce beaucoup
“bow-cewp” “good job y/n!” “jungwon i know for a fact that you don’t know if i’m saying this right”
you stuck up with it because, well because he’s jungwon
“je t'aime you”
i mean you were Terrible. at french but even the stupidest person in the world could figure that out
“i like you too jungwon, now help me with question six” “YOU COULD UNDERSTAND THAT?” “i had a paris phase when i was younger of course i did”
turns out the Parisian style bakery across the street is the perfect date on an afternoon after school
what was even more perfect was that you got 85% on your test with the help of your boyfriend
⌗ ni-ki
he was your partner in cookery class, the both of you had no cooking skills in your bones but you still made it work
you were in the class since your family constantly nagged at you for being terrible in the kitchen
while ni-ki enrolled because he needed the something to show his friends after school
ni-ki thinks he fell for you at first sight
you were baking cookies as your first task and you basically saved him by reminding him to put on oven gloves before getting the cookies out
“that’s the bare minimum” jay tells him. “i don’t care... you wouldn’t know what love feels like”
he looks forward to cooking class because if you every week
he even has it scheduled on his calendar
honestly it’s kind of a miracle the food you two make is some sort of eatable
he always asks you for help even if it’s the simplest thing ever
“y/n? which one is a cup?” “the one that literally says one cup?”
you don’t care though since you think it’s cute
you always end up doing most of the cooking and chopping whil ni-ki just washes the dishes and watches the pot boil which eagerly waits for the food to finish
you’ve met all of enhypen before since ni-ki likes them to gather around your creations and take pictures of them together
when enhypen first collected him from cookery class, they asked him which one of your classmates were you
he literally shyly pointed at you as he hid his face with his hair
“them” “huh? ni-ki who are you pointing at” “them, beside the fridge”
your final exam was to decorate and bake a cake
it’s safe to say from the many burnt cakes you and ni-ki have done, you two were in trouble
you both wanted that passing grade so you practiced almost everyday after classes the week before
he was in charge of the icing, apparently according to him it was his specialty
“look y/n!” “how cute! a little unreadable but very cute”
finally. the Day of the exam came
you both had to prepare and bake the cake together under two hours
you were lucky that you both weighed the ingredients before you arrived
it was definitely. The most stressful two hours you two had ever felt
it also didn’t help that ni-ki shooed you away when he was icing the cake
by the end of it, your face was Dusted with flour while ni-ki’s apron had butter and frosting stains all over it
you were instructed by ni-ki and even your teacher, to stand where the fridge was, out of your sight to see what he was doing to the cake
you were hazily scrolling through your phone when jungwon snapped you back into reality
turns out jungwon was outside the room the whole exam because ni-ki told him he needed support and having him there comforted him
almost instantly after your jungwon interaction, ni-ki called you from your table, excitedly waving his arms in the air
“y/n! y/n! i’m finished!” “perfect! let me—”
your eyes widened realising his cake didn’t say anything like ‘happy birthday’ like you two had planned
instead the icing spelt out a prettily written out ‘y/n, will you go on a date with me?’
your eyes seemed to water at the gesture, unsure why you got so emotional at icing
“n-ni-ki... that’s so c-cute” “why are you crying? oh my god you hate me don’t you?”
it took you ten minutes to stop sobbing (happy tears) and you gladly accepted his proposal
so now you got a Good grade and an amazing boyfriend that can... sort of! Cook
while eating the cake you were reminded with something, remembering some words from earlier
wait did mr lee know about this?
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kwritingbooks · 3 years
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co-written by me & @shroombloomm
catch up on: tumblr or wattpad
Aurora is antsy after Harry disappears again without a word about it. And since there's a stargazing class opportunity again, what better excuse is there than to find out if he's home? It's not like that could get her in a sticky situation again...right?
AU: star-being!harry x astronomy-student!aurora
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It had been another few days since I had seen Harry, but it wasn't as unnerving as it was the first time. I understood that he didn't work on certain days, but the fact he seemed to drop off the face of the Earth was the part I had the hardest time wrapping my mind around. I mean, I missed my parents while I was gone too, but they had phones. I took full advantage of FaceTime calls and texting them any time I had the chance. Maybe I just didn't understand the full gravity of his situation, so I shouldn't judge.
The professor had scheduled another one of the stargazing events for tonight, in hopes that we would catch something. This time he seemed more prepared for it. He said everyone was welcome to bring their own equipment, but he would also be bringing telescopes and other tools himself for us to use. I was excited for this one, and I wanted Harry to come with us. So, even though I had yet to see him the past few days, I wanted to try. So, that was why I found myself walking down his road this evening. To hopefully drag him along to tonight's viewing.
There was a small glimmer of hope that he would be back by now, sitting in his living room listening to whatever he found himself listening to. Which was another thing– what did he listen to? There was so much about him that I had no idea about, and I seemed to be intrigued by his unknowns the more I was around him.
As I walked up the sidewalk, I watched his quaint apartment complex start to develop in front of me. The evening sun made the scenic surroundings look more beautiful than they actually were; the golden glow creating a shade of orange and pink over everything. The small reflection of the disappearing sun reflected against one of his windows, and I crossed my fingers that he would poke his head out with his usual wide grin; teeth brighter than the sun it reflected off from.
No such thing happened, but that was fine. It didn't fully diminish all the hope I had about him being home yet. I considered checking his mailbox that was right beside his door, but I didn't want to push any more boundaries that I had accidentally crossed when I went through his cabinets the other night.
I felt my heart pick up as I walked up his steps, his front door now inches away from my body. I prepared myself for the worst, starting to fully expect the fact that he wasn't home. The last thing I wanted to do was be disappointed by his lack of presence. Not that I couldn't handle not being around him, but tonight seemed like something he would have been sad about missing. He was the only classmate that I knew that shared my interests to the same magnitude, so it was more fun when he was around.
I raised my finger up to the doorbell, pressing gently against the button. I could hear the faint bells ring out throughout his home, and I tried to make out any other noises that could have been made, whether footsteps, doors opening or closing, or even the familiar giggle. The outside noises of a car passing and dogs barking in the background was all I heard, though. Without much hesitation, I tapped my knuckles against the door.
"Harry?" I said through the woodened entrance.
My brows knitted together as I waited for a response, but nothing still. I knocked again a little harder this time in case he didn't hear me, but when my knuckles met the door, it cracked open a little bit. My lips parted in confusion, taking a step back.
Had he not closed his door all the way? He must have been here if the door was open, right?
Everything in me was telling me not to go inside, but then I thought about the worst-case scenarios. What if he had passed out on the floor? Knocked his head? Hurt himself in some other way?
I swallowed my nerves as I pushed the heavy door open, taking in a slow step as my eyes wandered around the still house.
"Harry? You in here?" I called out as I walked into the house, closing the door behind me. I didn't want people to think I was breaking in with having just my head in the door. I waited a few moments but was yet again met with silence.
But, why would he leave his door open like that? For anybody to just come in?
I was a prime example of that. I couldn't help but look around his apartment, the floors creaking underneath my feet as I walked. Each empty room showcased that he was truly nowhere to be found.
The kitchen was clean, meaning he hadn't been here, or he was naturally that well kept. His bed was made with no hints of someone laying there recently. Everything just seemed so dull and empty. Where was his personality in all of this? There were no signs of pictures of his family, nothing.
Maybe he was so busy with his family he never got a chance to decorate. I made a mental note to help him spruce things up at some point. Harry was too bubbly to have an apartment that felt like this.
I had come to the conclusion that he wasn't home, and that I literally just walked into his house without him being there. I stood there briefly staring at the wall while I thought about how weird Harry had made me feel the last few times I had seen him. I typically wouldn't do things like this, but something was compelling me.
I shook my head, placing a flat palm to my forehead as I turned to leave his apartment, but then I heard keys jingling and footsteps that came from outside the front door. My heart dropped to my stomach as I backed away, trying to think of a good reason as to why I would be in here. I mentally wrote out a very long apology letter to him in hopes that he would forgive me and not think I was weird for basically breaking in.
The door opened and I stood still like an idiot. My body was telling me to run, but my mind was telling me not to because that would mean I was trying to hide, and I had nothing to hide.
Harry came in through the door, his hands fiddling with the keys as he went to close it. It was so weird seeing him alone, or at least when he thought he was alone. His lips were pressed into a flat line as he mindlessly walked further into the house, focusing hard on something else.
"Holy–fuck!" Harry finally had looked up to see me standing in his living room. His eyes widened for a moment before his features softened back to normal.
"Aurora, you–you scared me. I didn't expect company today." He breathed out with a flat hand against his chest, trying to control his breathing from the scare. I had flinched too when he screamed, startling me as well.
But not as bad as I had startled him.
"Harry, I can explain–" I started to say nervously, but Harry's lips curved into a wide smile that showed off his dimples as he sat his things down onto the table. He was so calm about it all, like he wasn't angry that I had just come into his house without him knowing.
"How have you been, Aurora?" He asked as he made his way to the couch, walking right past me. I stood there still dumbfounded, wondering if he was secretly pissed off at me and plotting ways to kill me before I could walk out of the house.
"Um..." I rubbed my arm, turning towards him as I pursed my lips in confusion. "I'm fine? I just stopped by because I haven't seen you in a few days, and we have a stargazing meeting tonight with the professor."
"Oh." His lips curved into a frown as his hands met his lap, firmly squeezing his legs as he leaned forward. "Yes, I suppose I have been away for some time... I was visiting my parents again. I, uh...what time is the meeting?"
"You see your parents a lot." I blurted out, fiddling with my fingers nervously. "I mean, that's not a bad thing, but it's just–you disappear and I get worried because you don't tell any of us. I mean, not that you have to tell us, but–"
"I'm sorry I worried you, Aurora." Harry said thickly as he stood to his feet, a sultry look on his face as he walked towards me. "I don't mean to disappear out of nowhere, it's just that–my parents are...ill. I have to see them often to make sure they're taken care of."
"Oh...okay." I felt bad all of a sudden, like I had intruded again. I never had that problem before; I never really cared about the intricacies of others' lives unless they were close to me. I wasn't sure what changed between now and before meeting Harry, but it was an odd feeling. I didn't like it, it felt like guilt.
I shuffled slightly under my feet as I fiddled with my fingers again. Desperately I hoped he wasn't upset, even if he didn't want to admit it out loud to me. I still felt like there wasn't a way that he couldn't be. Wrong timing seemed to be giving me a bad rep, but none of it was on purpose– whether it was going through his cabinets or his door opening from my knocks. I was just caught at the wrong time, and I hated how that painted me out to be. Hopefully he could understand that.
"They're okay, though, don't worry. It's only a couple hours away, so I take advantage when I'm not having classes." He spoke up.
He must have noticed the discomfort I exhibited in my body language, because he sounded so reassuring. Did this guy ever get annoyed by anything? If someone were to barge into my house, without my knowledge, and then proceed to ask about my sick parents, I would have been pissed. Why wasn't he?
"I'm sorry." I forced out a laugh in order to calm my nerves. "Uh, so, you wanna come? It sounds exciting. He's gonna have the telescopes out, red flashlights, and even one of his old sky maps. I thought you'd like it." I smiled shyly, hoping he would be as enthused about it as I hoped.
His eyes immediately seemed to light up, more excited than I guessed he would be. His reaction sent a wash of relief over me, and I smiled back.
"That is exciting! Let's go!" He beamed and began making his way out the door again. I couldn't help but laugh slightly as I watched him disregard the bags he just came in with, still piled on the table by the entrance. Some of the contents of the bag had even spilled out, but he paid no attention to it.
I followed him out, and he was almost at the sidewalk already. He spun back around to me, his smile yet to falter.
"You not gonna lock your door?" I asked, skipping down the steps. Maybe that really was a habit of his– not locking doors behind him.
He scrunched his eyebrows at me. "Should I?"
I laughed, slightly dumbfounded. "I mean, yeah, probably. Might not just be me accidentally walking in next time."
He shrugged his shoulders as he rushed past me, allowing the locks to click into place. He let out a satisfied hum as he caught back up to me again. He matched my pace as we walked down the path. He normally walked a lot faster than me, considering how much longer his legs were to mine. I appreciated the fact he didn't make me catch up to him. I really wasn't in the mood to speed walk.
It was a comfortable silence between the two of us while we treaded our feet down the path. Every now and then I would glance up at him and he would be entranced by something else each time. At one point he stared intently at a squirrel that kept trying to cross the road, but would be stopped from a car rushing past. He looked like he wanted to run up and help the squirrel himself, but then it finally found the right chance and got to the other side unscathed. Harry smiled contently to himself from its success.
"Those little furry things are weird." He said shortly after.
"The squirrels?" I laughed, slightly confused. "Yeah, they're some weird little things. I raised one when I was a kid with my dad. It fell from the tree when it was a baby, so we helped it get better." I smiled down at my walking feet as I looked back on the childhood memory.
"Did you name it like you did with Astro?" He questioned, peering over his side at me.
I chuckled, forgetting about that part of the story until he asked. "Squirrely. I wasn't very creative with names when I was a kid, but I was adamant about naming him myself."
He smiled at me with his hands in his pockets, his dimples exposing briefly from the expression.
"Did you have any pets growing up?" I asked.
He bit at the inside of his cheek when I questioned him, looking back ahead of him again.
"Er, no..." He trailed off for a moment. "Parents were never...a big fan, I guess."
"Oh, hm." I hummed out. "At least you could get your own now that you live alone, though. If you ever need me to babysit while you go to your parents, I would totally do that for you." I offered.
"Wait, really? You would really do that for me?" Harry gaped back at me. His brow perked up as his lips curved into a big grin, his dimples poking out as his cheeks went red from excitement.
"Of course, I'm sure Astro would love to have someone else around other than me." I chuckled lowly as we came across the coffee shop that knew me way too well. "Wanna get some coffee before we head to the meeting? It's gonna be a long night."
"Oh, yes." He hummed, stopping in his tracks as he stared at the sign that was lit up. I stood next to him, glancing over out of the corner of my eye as he fixated on the details of the shop.
"Can I be honest with you, Aurora?" He rasped out.
"What's up?" I said as I pushed past the doors to the coffee shop. He followed incredibly close behind me as we stood in the line of people. I felt Harry brush past me, his breath hot against my ear. It made me flinch for a moment. I hadn't expected him to get that close to me.
"I've never had coffee before." He confessed thickly before pulling away from my ear, a slight frown curved onto his lips as he shifted his feet. I blinked a few times, glancing between the menu and him.
"That's okay, it's really good. It just gives you energy to do things. Wakes you up. I need it every day or I might end up killing somebody." I laughed out into my hand, gazing back towards him as he stood there uncomfortably with his face contorted in confusion.
"That's–violent." He tried to let out a chuckle, but it came out as a soft breath instead.
The line shortened and we had both gotten the same thing, because Harry got too overwhelmed by all the choices. I opted for my usual– an iced coffee with caramel and oat milk. Harry stared down at the cup like he was examining it while I had already started to drink mine. I could hear him twirling around his cup as he examined the ice floating around and it made me chuckle through my sips.
One thing about Harry that I had learned was that he seemed pretty sheltered— very sheltered. My observations were that his parents really shielded him away from the world, and it didn't bother me at all. I never had to show anybody new things and it was really exciting that I was getting to be the one to do it.
Honestly, I felt kind of bad that he seemed so starstruck by the most minimal things that I took for granted every day. It gave me a new perspective about everything; a new sense of gratitude, even.
"Wow, this is really good." Harry said as he sucked down on the straw. The coffee was quickly disappearing from the cup the more he drank, but he didn't pull away from the straw– not even for a moment.
"So good, wow. This is magnificent. I would like another one." He said casually as he shook the cup of ice around before throwing it into the trash.
"Jesus–you will probably need a glass of water after that. Let that kick in first before you get another one." I scoffed playfully, taking a sip of my iced coffee that was about half full. "You sure like those sweet drinks, don't you?"
"I suddenly feel..." He shifted onto his feet, contorting his face as he tried to think of the words to say. He went to raise his hand to place two fingers on his chin, but his hands were now shaking and I couldn't help but giggle.
"My heart is racing, is this normal?" He swallowed thickly, shoving his shaky hands into his hoodie pockets suddenly.
"You'll be okay." I patted his back as we walked towards the field. Harry was now walking way faster than me, like faster than I had ever seen him walk before in my time of knowing him. His posture was straight, his feet carrying him quickly as we walked into the field where the class was.
"Do you ever feel like running? I feel like running right now. I wonder if this coffee gives people some sort of superpowers. Maybe I could lift a car. Who knows?" His head veered to the right as he heard a noise. "Hey, look, a bird. I've seen those a lot before. They fly really high, did you know that–" Harry was talking rapidly, not even realizing that he had left me behind. When he looked back, I was ten feet behind him, trying to catch up as I suppressed my laughter.
"Aurora, you have to keep up with me, I have so much to share with you." He sighed out, rubbing his eyes with his knuckles as I finally had caught up to him. He looked down at me with a wide grin, putting a hand on my shoulder as he leaned down near my face. I was shocked for a moment, nearly wanting to back away, but my feet were stuck.
"Like I was saying, the birds. I've read a lot about birds in class before. They are quite fascinating creatures." He bored into my eyes, exposing little crinkles in the corners from his wide smile.
"Harry–" I laughed out, shaking my head at him as I playfully pushed his shoulder to create some distance. "No more coffee for you." I said as I pulled my bag to my side, grabbing a water bottle out of it before handing it over to him.
"Drink this."
"There is a centrifugal force coursing through my body." He hummed to himself in shock as he looked down at his shaky hands, his eyes widening in pure surprise.
"A what?" I laughed out as I nudged him to keep walking towards the circle of people waiting on us. He looked back, confused for a moment, and then he hummed once he recollected what we were doing.
"I am vibrating, my dear Aurora." He said matter-of-factly as we approached the group.
I rolled my eyes, like I was going to ever get that. It seemed like he knew a lot about physics as well. I was impressed with the things he knew and how he articulated it. He seemed incredibly smart, and I couldn't help but blush at the certain things he talked about.
"Aurora, Harry, glad to see you two finally made it." Professor Collins smiled flatly at the both of us as he continued to finish setting up the telescope for us to see. Harry was already on the ground, lying flat as he stared up at the stars without being told to.
People were staring at him weirdly, and it made me scoff. As if they weren't here to do the same thing. Some people in this class were so stuck up, and they never really made anybody feel welcome in the group. That was why I didn't talk to them— or care to talk to them. Probably also why I gravitated so strongly towards Harry since I met him. He couldn't care less about embarrassing others with his interests. Being around people like that was much more invigorating than being surrounded by those who thought they were too good for doing the same.
"You do realize we aren't watching the stars yet?" One of the girls had laughed out towards Harry. I vaguely knew her; I think her name was Candace. She was one of the girls that made sure that people felt looked down on for actually enjoying the class and not just taking it for credits. Like I said before— high school behavior.
"Are you talking to me?" Harry's head craned over towards Candace that was sitting a few feet away from him. She laughed out into her hand, causing the girls circled around her to giggle. "I don't get it, what's funny?" His lips went from a smile, but it faltered when he used his elbows to sit up.
"Candace, why are you such a bitch?" I hissed out, my hand sneaking into Harry's grip. He nearly broke his neck when he snapped it over to me, looking at me in surprise as he gawked down at our hands laced together.
I didn't give her any time to respond, I stood to my feet as I pulled Harry up with me and grabbed my bag to move away from her. Our hands were still loosely intertwined with each other as we walked to a different spot. I felt his hand go still, but then it tightened around mine as his thumb slowly started to stroke the back of my hand. Out of the corner of my eye I saw him biting back a smile with reddened cheeks, which caused my heart to stir a bit.
"I don't think I like Candace." Harry whispered to me, giving my hand a squeeze before letting it go, and I followed suit.
"Just ignore her, don't let her make you feel bad. She's a miserable person. I don't even know why she's in this class if she's just going to sit there and not listen to anything the professor says." I sighed as I made a spot for us under the moonlight's path.
"Were they laughing at me?" Harry looked at me with a deadpanned expression, but his lips almost fell into a frown. I think he was trying to hide the fact that it hurt his feelings, because he sucked his bottom lip into his mouth as he looked away from me.
"Harry, I–" I frowned.
"Alright, let's get this class started."
He faintly smiled at me before turning his head back towards the sky. I tried to rid the thoughts that sprung up as I watched him look upset from her words. God, what I would have given to be able to beat her a–
"Glad everyone could make it! Turnout is better than it's ever been!" The professor chimed in, breaking me from my angry thoughts. He clapped his hands together, startling me and a few others from the sudden noise. Although he seemed to do that a lot, it never failed to shake me a bit.
He continued to go on about topics that I already knew like the back of my hand. It was hard not to trail off into my own world as I gazed up ahead, completely engulfed by the vastness above. Tonight was a near perfect night without any clouds in sight to obstruct our view. I was beyond excited to start toying with the supplies he brought. I had a few of my own at home, but they weren't of the same quality that the school provided. Plus, I could never pass up the opportunity to use the lab's equipment.
Off to my side I caught others approaching the objects that sat on the ground. The instructor, Professor Collins, beamed his flashlight amongst everyone's faces in the direction of the tools. I gave up on trying to call him by his first name like he offered earlier.
Sorry, Jerry.
"I'll be switching over to the red flashlight here shortly, in order to preserve some of the darkness we've got tonight. With that being said, I'd also ask you all not to flash your own lights or have your phones out during this time. If you need to, please step away from everyone so as to not interfere with their observations."
He gave another once over between all of us as he made his way over. He clicked the white-light flashlight off, resulting in a brief moment of pitch blackness mixed with various chatters. Another click brought on the red glow surrounding everyone.
"May take everyone's eyes a moment to adjust our scotopic vision, so just give it a moment for it to configure. Once they're adapted, it'll be easier. Also consider that looking at any other lights, such as phones, will interfere with your pupil dilation all over again." He said as he ventured over towards the variety of telescopes. "Now, I'm giving everyone free range, so please treat everything respectfully and let me know if you need me."
I got up excitedly, pulling Harry up once I got to my feet.
"Which telescope do you wanna look at? I've been dying to try the Galilean Refractor. It's supposed to be the sharpest in getting the images out. Its mechanisms are built with different mirrors where it collects lights. It sounds so cool." I smiled, waving him over to the empty scope stand.
"That one sounds cool. I'll take these funky glasses while you do that." He absentmindedly said in my direction, already pulling it over his eyes.
"You mean binoculars?" I chuckled. "I think those are Celestron Skymasters. Expensive fuckers."
He was too focused on what he was seeing to respond back to me. I didn't even think he recognized that I had said anything to him once he put those on to begin with. That was fine, though, I was perfectly happy just sitting there and looking up at the stars.
Which, by the way, I had never seen something so beautiful. The telescopes I had used in the past didn't measure close to what this one did. It was as if I was just looking at pictures, not that this was real life. All of the colors were so vibrant, the stars dotting so magnificently between each other. It was as if I was falling in love with astronomy all over again.
I faintly heard Harry talking to himself, but I hadn't realized until a few moments passed. I was so taken aback by my own findings that I had zoned out.
"...81 stars make up Orion's constellation. The big red one is named Betelgeuse, but the brightest star is called Rigel! It's right there..." I assumed he was pointing upwards somewhere, and I tried to move my telescope to see what it was more closely. "It's blue colored, but you can't tell unless you're right up on it, like outside of Earth. Every now and then, Betelgeuse does get brighter than Rigel, though."
He laughed to himself as if he told a joke. "And that's Orion's belt: Alnilam, Mintaka, and Alnitak... Such wonderful places..." He trailed off for a moment, taking everything in. I heard him place the binoculars down and I peeked behind me. It was slightly amusing how he spoke about the stars as if it was a visitable destination.
"You know about Orion, right? It's the brightest and most known and it lies right on the celestial equator! It's been around since ancient times, and I love that it's still so popular now. Some even call it the 'Hunter' because of its Greek origins. Orion is basically the godfather of hunting, because of him being seen hunting with his bronze club in the underworld. It's claimed that he could hunt any animal ever, and he was the best at it." He chuckled again. "Isn't that crazy? Did you know that?"
My eyes blinked hard at him, winded by the influx of information he just threw at me. I enjoyed listening to him rant about the stars, because it reminded me of myself when I went on my own tangents to my friends. This must have been like what Nina felt when I did this to her.
"I've heard some of that, yeah. Not the specifics, though, so I'm impressed you knew all that at the top of your head." I laughed out, spinning back around to the telescope in front of me. "You'll have to tell me more about what you know later. I'd love to pick your brain about it."
"Pick my brain?" He sounded worried, and I heard him take a step back from me.
I giggled, looking back over to him. "Not literally. Have you never heard that phrase–" I stopped, reminding myself of his potentially sheltered upbringing. He didn't think like I did and that was fine, but it was just hard to get used to sometimes.
"I meant like I'd like to hear more of what you have to say is all. It's a figure of speech, I promise." I chuckled, watching Harry become more relaxed as I reassured him. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Professor Collins eyeing Harry carefully while he helped others with the other things he had brought.
"You seem to know a lot about astronomy." Collins said once he was caught staring.
"Oh, uh, yeah. It's my favorite thing to learn about." Harry cleared his throat as he shoved his hands into his hood pockets, a soft grin on his lips as he rocked back and forth on his feet.
"Interesting." He softly spoke with a smile, nodding as he turned back to the student in front of him.
After class I walked with Harry back to his house. At this point he was crashing hard from all the caffeine he had earlier, and I thought it was cute the way his eyes were so sleepy and half lidded while he trudged his way down the sidewalk.
"You really didn't have to walk me home, honestly. I really appreciate it, though." Harry rasped out, his voice was now very thick and hoarse from how tired he was. I kind of liked it when it was deep and tired, dare I say...it was attractive?
"You do know that I live two blocks from you, right? It's not a problem." I chuckled as we walked to his front door. Harry got his keys out as he invited me inside, pushing the door open and gesturing towards the inside of it. It wasn't too late so I thought I would stay for a bit before heading back home.
That was my excuse anyway.
"Whew, what a night." Harry mumbled as he closed the door behind him, locking the door before he sauntered to the couch. My stomach started to growl, reminding me of how hungry I was. I must have gotten side-tracked and forgotten to grab dinner.
"Are you hungry? Maybe I can make us some food?" I sat next to him closely, partially on purpose, but he didn't have to know that. "When was the last time you had a home cooked meal?"
"Home cooked meal, huh?" He pursed his lips as his brows knitted in thought, looking away towards the wall as he shifted in his seat. I noticed that his arm was wrapped around the top of the couch and if it had fallen, it would be wrapped around my shoulders.
Was it bad that I wanted his arm around me?
"I suppose I haven't had time to have home cooked meals, but you really don't have to do that, Aurora. The gesture is incredibly sweet, but–"
"Shhh, say less. I really don't mind cooking for us! Plus I'm starving." I interjected before he could say no, because I knew that was where it was heading. "I can get us some groceries and we can cook, does that sound okay?"
"Well, I–" Harry cut himself off, gazing down into his lap, lost in thought before he looked at me with a shy smile. "Okay, we can do that. Where should we go?"
"There's a store down the road, we can just go there and get some food." I sighed as I started to get comfortable on the couch. It was almost impossible for me to get back up.
"Can we sit here for a bit before we go?" Harry took the words right out of my mouth, and I smiled, nodding over at him as I leaned up.
The empty ache of my stomach became less noticeable from the softness of his offer. Sitting and enjoying the quiet moment was too peaceful to pass up.
"Yeah, of course. That sounds nice."
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NEXT UPDATE: 03/22/22
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mediocre--writing · 3 years
They’re just sitting there. On the bleachers. Like a pair of basic chicks gossiping in a teen movie. 
Well, it’s an exact description of what they’re doing. Down to the not-so-mindless chat about the boys they were interested in. 
“I mean--do you see the way his hair like bounces when he runs? It practically defies gravity,”
“Yes, I do see that. And if you mention something about his hair one more time, you’re about to defy gravity until you hit the cement behind the bleachers,”
“Harsh, Nance,” Billy tutted as he leaned against the bleacher behind him, “that was harsh!” 
“B, I was obsessed with the guy for like--almost a year, alright? I know how his hair looks when he runs,”
“I know... it’s just gotten a bit longer recently and there’s like this little piece that always hangs above his eyebrow that he blows away and it’s so--”
“Cute? Adorable? Mind-numbingly attractive?” Nancy deadpanned with a pointed glare at Billy. 
“I was going to say endearing, but I like ‘mind-numbingly attractive’ much better,” He gave a classic smirk at her obvious annoyance but enjoyed the view he had of the track team doing their drills and warm ups. 
“What about you, Mr. Sporty? Why aren’t you trying out right there with him?”
“Me?” Billy asked as if the idea of him exercising was a feat unknown to the world. “Oh, honey, I don't run,”
Nancy scrunched her nose at being called ‘Honey’ but rolled her eyes at his statement. “Well you’ve been chasing Steve for so long, it must’ve slipped my mind,”
“And how are things going with you and the stalker?” Billy shot back with a smug look on his face. 
“He’s not a stalker!” Billy tilted his head towards hers, giving a look of disbelief, “He’s the yearbook photographer, it’s his job to take pictures around school!”
“Oh? So it’s his job to make sure he gets photos of you in every class, multiple times a day? For the yearbook, I’m sure,”
“That’s not--” Billy lifted an eyebrow and Nancy accepted defeat, “Fine,”
“I don't see why you don’t just go for it? Corner him in that creepy dark room and get what you want. I’m sure he’s in there right now waiting for you to slam him into the wall and get it on. It’s even got that nice, red mood lighting--”
Nancy slapped Billy’s leg, as he was above her bleacher and leaning back, but, had she had the chance, she would have whacked the back of his head. 
Billy’s loud, bark-like laugh made Steve’s head turn from where he was standing at the start line on the track and stare for a minute. 
“Miss your little Princess?” another boy, Steve thinks his name is Todd or something, taunts as Steve turns back to the track, rather than admiring the way Billy’s gold hair shines in the sunlight.
“Sure,” Steve says, as he wasn’t really paying attention nor felt any need to listen to Todd-whatever.
“Yeah, well I think that Hargrove’s got his claws in her now,”
Steve actually heard and processed that comment, “What?”
“C’mon, you can’t tell me that you haven’t noticed that they’re always together. They follow each other between classes and he drives her home sometimes. I heard from Tommy H, who heard from Carol, who’s seen them eating at Benny’s at least five times by now,” 
“I really don’t care,”
Steve, actually, cared very much. 
He could’ve sworn that Nancy had alluded to liking Byers when she’d finally broken it off with him. Plus, she didn’t seem like the type to like her men especially manly. Especially not someone like Billy Hargrove. And, to the best of his knowledge, Billy Hargrove didn’t particularly care for Nancy’s...kind (you know: women).
“He's looking at youuuuu..” Nancy prodded as she poked at Billy’s jean-clad calf and wiggled her eyebrows towards the field. 
“Can you shut up?” Billy grumbled as if he wasn’t turning bright red out of embarrassment. 
“Ok, Mr. Harrington,” she whispered not-so-subtlety.
Billy leaned forward from where he was leaning and swatted playfully at her shoulder, his face turning even more red and eyes practically bugging out of his head. “I will throw you down these bleachers!”
“Why? You wanna save me and show everyone that you know CPR or some shit so you look all heroic in front of your boyfriend?”
“Nancy Fallulah Wheeler--”
“That’s not my middle name--”
“Well you still refuse to tell me your real middle name,” He accused before going back to his threat, “I swear to God that I will tear you limb from limb and kill you and make it look like an accident,” Billy pointed a finger at her with a glare, but it held no real malice behind it.
“Awww, you’re so in love with him, you’re acting delusional,” Nancy cooed. 
“I’ll tell the stalker that you know he’s been taking your pictures since the school year has began and get all the pictures--no--only the bad pictures, and make them posters, then I will proceed to post them everywhere,” Billy had a bright, teasing smile on his face as he concocted a ‘revenge plan.’ “And I'm sure he has at least one of you sneezing. Or maybe the day when you decided to eat clam chowder and ended up wearing it? Don't try me, Wheeler,”
“Yeah, well, what if I just did this?” Nancy smirked evilly. 
Billy sat up to attention. He knew that smirk. Nothing good ever happened after that smirk. 
Nancy stood up on the bleachers and screamed, at the top of her lungs, “STEVE!!” then dropped down as Billy grabbed her by the waist and yanked her to sit next to him. 
She giggled her little heart out as Billy waved at Steve on the track then whispered his murderous thoughts right in Nancy’s ear. 
Steve, albeit confused, couldn’t help but smile at Billy’s little wave of dismissal and obvious embarrassment. It was kinda cute. 
“Yeah, the princess definitely doesn’t seem to like you anymore, bud,” Todd-whatever felt the need to say. 
“Yeah, that’s not who I’m looking at, but thank you anyway,” Steve gave a mocking smile before the coach’s whistle blew and he took off for his sprint. 
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barbarianprncess · 3 years
did you mean it?
read on ao3.
It’s a total of 3 significant events that led to this, her forehead knocked against his, breaths heavy and mingled, eyes wide and hearts bleeding.
It’s a total of 3 significant events that led to this, her forehead knocked against his, breaths heavy and mingled, eyes wide and hearts bleeding.
The first event isn’t really an event at all. It’s a prologue, necessary context to truly understand the monumentalism of this moment. It’s the memory of her eyes, piercing and reproachful, being the first thing that he saw after losing his mother. It’s shared trauma and oreos while they’re young and naive. It’s truces and training and growing up too soon together. It’s stargazing and stupid jokes saving eachother in every possible way. It's the culmination of the years Percy spent growing, learning, and being with Annabeth, and the unknown and therefore repressed feelings that came with it. Feelings are like the sea in that way, they don’t take well to being restrained. Percy has found that you cannot box in oceans or sentiments, they always find a way to spill over and out, with no regard for the destruction left in its wake.
The second event is Dionysus deciding on a whim that the inhabitants of his camp are ‘uncultured pests’ and taking it upon himself to set up a field trip for campers to the Ancient Greek Cultural Center in New York. (Percy thinks it’s really just to distract kids that were still shaken up about the battle at camp and the losses it caused. But, Dionysus would never say so. He’s far too proud to admit to caring for the children he’s been assigned to look after.) Argus loaded all the kids he could fit into the strawberry vans, as Chiron listed all the reasons this was a terrible idea. As it turns out, his worries were in vain as miraculously, no monsters attacked, and no mortal asked too many questions. No, instead, the only hitch in his plan was the glaring inaccuracies of the Center sending Dionysus into a fit of rage. He ranted for so long, their 2 hour long field trip ended up lasting until the place closed.
Event the third is the ridiculously long line leading to the mens room at the rundown gas station they’ve stopped at, causing Percy to traipse into the woods, deep enough to know that no one other than the squirrels were watching, and pee there. Unbeknownst to him, Annabeth had decided to take a quick walk in the forest as well, (in the opposite direction of his peeing endeavor) with the purpose of clearing her head. Both returned to the parking lot after 10 minutes, with no truck in sight. The gas station lights are turned off on the inside and the door sign has switched decidedly to closed. They look at each other in disbelief.
“Uh...did they…”    
“They didn’t. They wouldn’t.”
“I think they would.”
“They would never-”
“I have pretty solid evidence to the contrary.” Annabeth deadpans, casually letting her hair loose and hopping on top of the miniature gas machine for motorcycles.
“But, how did-”
“No Argus.” Which means, no all-seeing eyes to double check the headcount. Percy begins to pace.
“Okay, but-”
“Two trucks.” Both of which are probably assuming Percy and Annabeth are on the other.
“Oh, gods.”
“Leave them out of this.”
“Those fuckers.”
“Which ones?” She asks. He looks up and she’s fighting a smile. He pointedly doesn’t notice the way her mouth curls up, or the way her hair falls around her shoulders and down her back, or how pretty she looks lit up by the neon red lights of the gas stations prices, which apparently doesn’t turn off when they close.
“Do you know something I don’t?”
“I know lots of things you don’t.”
“Ha-ha. I mean about how to get out of here.”
“Ohhhhh, let me think.” She wrinkles her nose in faux concentration, tilting her chin up towards  the sky. Percy is too annoyed to think it’s adorable. “Nope, not a clue.”
“Your phone?”
“Left it on the truck.”
“Iris message?”
“Percy, it’s dark as shit.” The laughter she’s been holding in comes pouring out. Nevermind that he feels his chest sigh in relief at hearing it for the first time since their quest, this is serious.
“You’re laughing.”
“Just a little.”
“You’re telling me, you don’t have a brilliant plan to get us on a truck.”
“So, we’re stuck here.”
“And you’re laughing?”
“You’re just really funny when you’re stressed.” She giggles. He can’t remember the last time she giggled. He missed it. He hates her.
“Oh my gods.”
“Okay, okay, look, I’m sorry. We’re halfway to camp right?” He nods. “I’m sure they’ll figure out we’re missing before they get all the way back to camp, but let's say, worst case scenario, they don’t-”
“Not helping-”
“And they make it the rest of the way back to camp. It took us four hours to get to the center, which means camp is two hours away, so if they make it the two hours back to camp before they realize we’re missing, and they drive back up-”
“C’mon ‘Beth, you know I suck at math.”
“We’re stuck here for five hours at most.”
“Five hours?”
“And that's if no passing cars let us use their phones to hurry the process up.”
“Five hours.”
She’s laughing again. “Seriously, what is so funny?”
“It’s just-” Her cheeks are red and she’s very poorly attempting to suppress her smile. “You’ve been calm in so many life or death situations, and being stuck at a gas station is what finally breaks through.”
“It’s nighttime.” She stares at him for a moment and then she’s laughing again, full bodied real laughter, and he's laughing too.
And it’s as if this gas station became their own personal Ogygia, an oasis, a resting place for them to be stupid kids again. And they don’t talk about the battle, or Rachel, or the volcano, or any of the million things set on tearing them apart. They talked about his mom getting serious about his new boyfriend, about Tyson’s underwater adventures and Grover’s searching shenanigans.
They smack talk with no real heat about who the better fighter is (Oh please, Seaweed Brain, I've been training since before you could tie your own shoes.), and argue about which ancient hero had the greatest journey (Hercules, are you kidding? Did you even read the myth?). They break into the gas station for snacks (What the fuck, Annabeth, where’d you learn to pick a lock? No, I wouldn’t prefer you break the glass, you psycho. Oh my gods, can you really break the glass?), and dissolve into giggles as they try to fit five drachma into the cash register.
They end up back outside sitting on the gas machines facing one another from three feet away.
“Your mom called me the other day.”
Percy, who’d been lazily squinting up at the murky sky, searching for any sign of stars, whipped his head to look at her. “What?”
“She called me on the phone. We talked for a bit. She said she wanted to make sure I was alright.”
“That sounds like something she would do.” He sighs and hops down from the machine, turning away from her, hoping to hide his blush from the dim light. “She cornered me on one of my off weekends, asked what was going on with us.”
“Oh.” He hears the shifting of fabric and assumes she followed him in sliding off the gas machine.
“Yeah.” It’s silent for a long time before she responds.
“What did you say?” She asks, her voice smaller than it was moments ago. He hears her scratching at the flat metal top of the machine. “When she asked, what did you say?”
He runs his finger through his hair, and one gets caught in a particularly large snarl. “Doesn’t matter.”
“It matters to me.” She whispers and gods he’s terrified but he really doesn’t have a choice when her voice wavers like that. Her words shake and every ounce of his being tells him to do whatever it takes to soothe it.
“I said we were fighting. That there wasn’t one sole reason for it, just a bunch of little reasons. I told her that I scared you when I….went away for two weeks last summer. And that you didn’t like bringing Rachel on your quest. I told her that we….. disagree about how to best handle Luke. That I probably wanted to protect you more than I wanted to listen to you.” She laughs softly and he blames what he says next on her laugh. It is the catalyst for everything that follows.
“I told her that we’d be okay. Because no matter what happens I’m always gonna love you.”
He hears her breath catch. He doesn’t have to look back to know she’s turned to face him fully. “Did you mean it?” She calls. He doesn’t answer. The words haven’t caught in his throat, they’ve spontaneously combusted in his vocal chords and he doesn’t think he’ll ever speak again.
The sound of gravel crunching gets closer until suddenly she's beside him, and he didn’t tell his torso to twist toward her, he thinks she might just be his center of gravity.
“Did you mean it?”
She’s looking up at him, and her hair smells like lemons, and her cheeks are pink, and her eyelashes go on for miles, and her sunspots are better than stars. And it’s as if she pulls the words right out of him, he’s hypnotized by everything about her.
“Of course I meant it.”
She exhales and closes her eyes and while he mourns the loss of the sight, his body moves on it’s own accord again and he’s edging closer and closer and she opens her eyes and here they are.
Their noses brush, and this time he closes his eyes, and their noses brush just so, and…
He was wrong, it wasn't just those three significant events that to her forehead knocked against his, breaths heavy and mingled, eyes wide and hearts positively bleeding. It’s clear he’s been waiting his entire life for this moment at this shitty gas station.
Waiting for this. Waiting for her.  
They kiss for a moment or an eternity, and they fit. His hands are on her hips and hers clutch at his shirt before sliding up to his throat, and it’s like his soul is whispering, oh there you are.
And then she’s pulling back, so she has just enough space to shake her head without disconnecting from his forehead.
She's breathless when she whispers, “This is a bad idea.”
His hands trail up and down her forearm of their own accord, and when he whispers back he’s breathless too. “Yeah, really bad idea.”
Her hands slide up from his chest to his shoulders, and then she’s kissing him again, with purpose, and he’s kissing back like his life depends on it because he thinks it might, thinks if he lets go of her he’d die on the spot.
It seems his theory might get tested when she pulls back again just far enough to whisper against his lips, “Is it always like that?”
He kisses her again, once, twice, because he can’t help it and whispers back, “I don’t know, you were my first kiss.”
He’d released any serious hold he had on her the moment she hesitated, but then she’s rocking back up to meet him halfway and his entire body thinks thank the gods. He actually sighs his relief into her mouth, as his hands desperately reach for her face, some fingers tangling in her hair, and their lips are magnets, opposites that don’t have a choice but to pull together. Despite how much he wants to keep doing this forever, he has to tell her.
“I don’t wanna lose you, again.” He means not ever, but he figures she understands the severity in his voice. She’s running her hand through his hair, and his slide up and down her back, and she knocks her nose against his as she answers, “I know, me either. I’m confused, this is confusing me.” And she tilts her chin just so, like she did a million years ago, and this time he kisses her.
They kiss for an infinity, he gets to taste her laughter when she giggles at the absurdness of it all, and it’s better than ambrosia. He kisses her until he doesn’t know anything else, until his entire universe is Annabeth Chase, with her cheeks and her curls and her lips. She is everything.
And then headlights penetrate their universe, voices bring an end to their infinity, and Chiron is speaking but it’s nothing, it’s all white noise because she’s no longer in his arms, and his center of gravity is being ripped away and he hears someone ask, “What’d you guys do?”
He’s still looking at her face when she answers, “You know, tried not to strangle each other mostly.”
But, she looks back before she turns all the way around and her gaze is charged and her lips quirk with the secret they share.
He is so screwed.
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Till forever
Chuuya (♡) x Fem reader ☁Fluff☁
Many knew Chuuya Nakahara
No, many feared Chuuya Nakahara, gravity manipulator. The man capable of wiping out a whole organization over night by himself. Rumor where his blood was Port Mafia black, never once has showed mercy to an enemy.
It really humored you it was the same man sitting next to you, watching the sun set while you rested your head on his chest. You peeked up to steal a glace. But how was it you were supposed to just glace when you where absolutely mesmerized.
Chuuya was always beautiful in your eyes. Silky soft ginger lock that slips so ever easily through you fingers. Eyes and deep and blue like the ocean that never failed to make your heart skip a few beat when they look at you with so much love.
But the sunset toped it off, strawberry golden lighting really took the crown. You snuggled closer to him, engulfed in his warm brace while smiling to yourself. How did you get so lucky?
You felt familiar hands make its way up to you face. You subconsciously lean into the touch you learned to adore
“Chuuya..” you said through light giggles
He hummed in response while tilting you chin up, laying his lips on your softer. The faint taste of alcohol and strawberries with a hint of cigarettes . It brings you back to early memories, when you and Chuuya first met. He was just a random guy who went to the same bar as you sometimes and happen to ask you to light his cigarette . With the simple spark of a lighter lead to a conversation, From talk to met ups at the same bar until Chuuya got the courage to officially ask you to be his. You’d be lying if you said you weren’t charmed at first sight and slightly upset it took him a while for him to ask you.
But non of that mattered now, you where in the only man you’ve come to loved arms. Nothing else mattered but the two of you and that exact moment.
You felt him smile through the kiss. This kiss wasn’t passionate or lustful in any way. It was pure and gentle, like a reminder for each other. A reminder how much you adored each other and would go to any lengths for each other happiness. It was these simple, but blissful moments that made your heart flutter.
“Hey y/n.” Chuuya spoke softly into your ear while he laid flat on his back, still holding on to you, not letting your escape is ever lasting affection.
“What’s up?” You asking while propping yourself up on you elbows and forearms against his chest.
“Just now you remembered, didn’t you.”
You smiled and took his hate and placed it on yourself. “You know i did beloved.”
It wasn’t rare for your thoughts to be in sync. Made you truly believe you were twin flames, made for each other. You snapped out your thoughts Chuuya stealing his hat back.
“Come on, it’s about time we head back. Sunsets over you know.”
You rolled off him and lay on the ground until her offers a hand to help you up. You smiled to yourself while pulling his arm harshly and making him stumble to the ground along with you.
“What the hell Y/n!?”
You couldn’t help but let out a laugh at his reaction. He started at you before bursting into laughter as well. And there you two where, laughing childishly while living a teenage love dream not giving a care in the world. For that moment, there was no Port Mafia, or damn Dazai, or what tomorrow can hold.
Just you and Chuuya.
Once you caught your breathe you got settled on the back of Chuuya’s bike, one of the many perks of loving him.
“You know the rules” Chuuya says in his casual overprotective tone. You weren’t aware but, you were the single source of happiness for him.
All his life he’s been seen and used as a pawn, a weapon, a object. So when you came alone and shined a light cleanses all the sorrow he’s held in his heart for so long. Your touch, your word, your actions, were all so soft and warm and caring, the closet thing he can describe it was the color pale yellow.
It was a odd way to describe it but, you were bright, but soft, cheerful, but calm all at once. When he loves you it has the same affect. You had no idea how much healing you done for him, yes he ment you unexpectedly, but now he plans his everyday next to you.
You were his top priority, even above the Mafia it’s self. You’d always be the light in his life.
That’s why he wasn’t going to let you get on with out a helmet.
hesitantly and almost upset even you took it. He grinned to him self
“There’s my girl”
You laugh while wrapping your arms around his waist, for safety purposes of course.
“Shut up and drive.”
That little push was all it took to feed is ego and drive at full speed. You scream while hiding your face in his back
“Chuuya! Slow down are you trying to kill us!?” but you felt alive, so you cant complain. God how long has it been since I was this happy?
He laughed
“Not so bold are we now? Anyway don’t be so scared, I’d never put you into danger, take a look around”
You life your head up and peek. It was magical. Yokohama was a city of wonder at night. Always lit with the prettiest colors. Bu nothing can compare to what your seeing, they were all a blur, as if the northern lights have fallen to earth and caged you and Chuuya in your own little world.
“Chuuya!” You screamed in pure bliss
“Yeah?” he shouted back
“Lets do this forever”
“Forever!?” Chuuya asked confused
You laughing while tears of joy streamed “Lets be like this forever”
“Damn right, till forever”
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ac3id · 4 years
Hawk’s eye| 18+
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pairings: hawks [keigo tamaki] x female! reader
summary: hawks is in his rut, desperate for some relief. his annoying secretary won’t stop irritating him so he decides to take his pent up frustrations on her.       ( •̀ ω •́ )✧
anonymous said:
hi!! so while the requests are still open, could you write some headcannons for Hawks x reader when he's in rut? maybe the reader is a bit clueless and doesn't even know he goes through stuff like that? dirty details are welcome 👀❤️
this was high-key inspired by @tainted-wine​‘s this fic. (i hope u like my take on it !! 💓) 
a/n: aaaa this took so much longer than i thought it would take 😭, also thanks @the-grimm-writer  for proof reading this! (´▽`ʃ♡ƪ) also this is porn w plot so if u just was to skip to da porn. skip to this ‘◌’ bhai 
tagging: @lady-tokugawa-of-mikawa​, @koiibito​, @reinawritesbnha​, @shorkbrian​
warnings: noncon, hate fucking, one slap, she bites his dick at some point, scumbag hawks.
word count:  5862
The sound of your phone buzzing on the side table with a loud, irritating noise jolts you awake. You roll around on the bed, your fingers reaching to turn the vibrating device off. Groaning, you sit up straight. The warm mattress under you threatens to lull you back to sleep but you shove the thought away instead choosing to stretch your arms over your head and yawn endlessly. You were tired, so goddamn tired. Rubbing your temples lazily you start thinking about the dreadful day you have ahead of yourself. You think about your boss: Hawks, the man who makes you hate your life and job. He has trapped you into a never-ending nightmare which starts the second you open your eyes till the moment you fall asleep and even then he still manages to haunt you in your dreams. 
Cleaning up after his messes, obeying his ever so pliantly. He has turned you into his little pet slave. He says that it’s your job as you are his assistant, his little helper there to make his job a little less hectic. You must listen to his needs and wants and to some degree, you do agree with him: it is your job, it’s what you signed up for after all but you can also sense him misusing his title when he is with you. He never listens to your suggestions which results in him calling you late after work hours to help with his problems knowing damn well you had already warned him beforehand. And, oh his flirty, suggestive comments which borderline sexual harassment. Hawks is a difficult man to work with and you often find yourself wondering how much calmer your life would be if you never worked for him but you do not have that luxury of leaving the job. It pays ridiculously well and you have bills to pay, your family to support. No, you cannot afford to lose this job. So you sit through his torment and hope for the best.
Seconds later after you have gathered your will to live you start scrolling through your phone, skimming through the morning news lazily. Your eyebrows furrow and eyes turn into angry slits as you glance upon a displeasing, astonishing article.
 ‘No. 2 Hero Hawks spotted partying with strippers–’
Your heart stops for a moment.
What the fuck was this? 
You hesitantly read through the article, your heartbeat increasing every second that your eyes focus on the led screen, reading the details of the damned article. Eyes widening as panic settles in your nerves, you realize the gravity of the situation you had found yourself under as Hawks’ manager. Hawks had been spotted partying with strippers in a nightclub with a bunch of celebrities. The crazy stalker who had managed to follow him succeeded in capturing exclusive pictures of Hawks dressed in an expensive suit, his hair styled to perfection dancing under the dim lights of the club with women in basically their underwear shamelessly grinding upon him. You honestly couldn’t have given a single fuck about what Hawks did in his free time but since he had managed to get a paparazzi to tail him and now that his career was at risk; it became your problem. Your first and foremost instinct was to call Hawks and ask him what the hell he was thinking. Not being careful enough, he had managed to taint his entire reputation. The people of Japan now probably viewed him as a reckless party animal rather than the No. 2 Hero! 
Before you could call him, your phone’s screen lights up illuminating a contact you dread. ‘Hero Commission’ it’s written in bold letters, your face drops. Your fingers shake, filled with anxiety as you accept the call. Inhaling and exhaling, you try to calm your nerves. If it is a call from the Commission, you know it’s bad. Bad. 
You pick up the phone and instantly regret it, “What were you doing?” an angry, masculine voice snarls through the screen. You open your mouth to answer but are not given a chance too. “How did you let him go to a strip club during patrol hours?” you bite your lip thinking of an acceptable excuse, “He had to go there for work! It’s a misunderstanding. He went down to the strip club undercover to meet up with a crook to get some intel– that’s what he told me. This is a misunderstanding, I–” your explanation was cut short as the person on the other end of the call deemed it enough. “Whatever it is, fix it and never let this happen again.” he sneers a warning before cutting the call. It wasn’t a complete lie, Hawks did tell you that he was investigating a case on his own and that he would be gaining information from shady people but you did not expect him to go to a strip club out of all places. The worst part: he never even told you in detail anything about this case neither did he notice the paparazzi tailing his back. You sigh in frustration, rubbing your forehead, you quickly ring up his number only for it be sent right to voicemail. You almost scream. Where the fuck was this bastard?
Managing Hawks was not a walk in the park. The hero commission had sent you down especially to be Hawks’ secretary. You had a reputation: you were known to be responsible, diligent, and punctual. You were one of their best, entrusted with the responsibility to manage Hawks and you did a good job but it was Hawks who just made the job so hard. 
Creating problems he could never solve by himself; on lucky days you would get a call from him at three in the morning, him begging you to come to help him. You want to say no, deny him any help. Let him suffer by himself but you cannot do that. If he screws up and you are not there to fix it. You lose your job, you can’t afford that. You give your 100%, you do but it’s Hawks. He has a problem with you, well, he has a problem with everyone in the commission but projects it mainly at you. He does not respect you. 
He chooses to ignore your decisions and suggestions, diminishing them with a cruel chuckle, “Look, I need you but just not now.” He would say with an apologetic smile, “just let me work at my own pace, I will call when I will need you. After all, I love seeing your cute face.” You would always have to force yourself from not slapping his smug face before he took off into the bright, blue sky.
The truth untold, it wasn’t his fault completely either. He was just so fast. It was hard for anyone to keep up with him and since he did his job right; bringing peace to the nation you could not deem him worthless. But it still was a bother at times like this when you were left completely in the dark while Hawks ruined his hard-earned reputation. 
You got into the building earlier that morning to wait for Hawks in his office, you needed to talk to him. This was not his first mishap. Not long ago, another article about him shamelessly flirting with a fan had been published. It had said the fan was visibly uncomfortable with him but Hawks didn’t seem to care, he kept presting. You had managed to cover it up as the two being close friends who were publicly joking around, there was no real harm done. It was a lie though, you had to pay the fan a large check to keep her mouth shut. She accepted the money and the story was lost and forgotten but you had no idea how you were going to cover this hell up.
The clock struck nine as the day began, people rushing into the building all tensed but there was no sign of Hawks. You tried calling him on his number but the call directed to voicemail yet again. You were growing impatient, did something happen to him? Sure Hawks fucked things over sometimes but he never disappeared like this. It got you genuinely worried. Something horrible could have happened to him. After all, he was on a case. 
You waited for another thirty minutes and there was yet no sign of him. His sidekicks came knocking on his office door only to be surprised to see you there instead of their boss. You told them to continue with their day and not worry about Hawks, he was just awfully late. Not a big deal, he will be here soon. Soon. 
Another hour passed by, no sign of Hawks and about now your phone was blowing up with angry calls from his sponsors and business partners, screaming at the top of their lungs frowning upon the scandal. Heck, even Endeavor called you after he couldn’t reach Hawks himself. The call made you nervous as anxiety crept in yet again. Hawks wasn’t answering to Endeavour something bad must have happened. Getting tired of the wait, you make up your mind to drop by his penthouse and to go see him for yourself. His silence was driving you crazy and worried at the same time, you just hoped he would be there well and safe. You could not imagine the ruckus that would create if something were to happen to him. 
You walked out of his office after waiting for an hour. Rushing down to the basement you got into your car and before driving away to his house. Just before leaving, you decided to test your luck by calling him. Hoping, praying he would answer this time and luckily he did .
“Hawks!” you cried, a wave of relief washing over you, “Where are you? What are you doing?” you began pestering him with questions, not letting him answer even once. Hawks, tired of waiting,  interrupted your monologue of questions with a chuckle. “Aw, you’re worried about me, baby?” his tone was low and mischievous, the sentence slurring almost into a moan at the last word. You rolled your eyes and clenched your fists in irritation, you weren’t new to his teasing. Hawks thought it was appropriate for him to casually flirt with his secretary. Send unasked comments about your figure, perverted implications about what he would do to a ‘cute little thing like you’ which made you very uncomfortable being around him at times. But it wasn’t that what made him get on your last nerves. It was the fact that he could even think about joking at a time like this which made you furious. 
You screamed into the phone, giving him a piece of your mind. Degrading him for not taking care of himself, complaining about how he had managed to put you in such a tight spot. 
“Once again I am asking, where the fuck are you. Hawks?” you ended your speech with spite in your words. Hawks sighed, “I am in the office,” he says your name with an edge in his voice, instantly shutting you down, “Where the hell are you?” The smugness in his tone remains and you can tell he is smirking on the other side of the screen as if he’s won. You hang up abruptly before walking out of your car and into the building, hurriedly making your way towards Hawk’s office. 
You slam the door open glaring upon hawks as he sits behind his table. Dirty boots resting pliantly on the shiny, polished wood. His wings out, stretched to their fullest, filling up the room standing on high alert. They have a deeper hue to them, they look darker– a darker red. How did that happen? You find yourself wondering. Is he on drugs? His face is tilted upwards, facing the ceiling. Eyes screwed shut. They open as he hears you enter and walk towards him, his wings falling back behind him calm and collected. 
“You’re late,” he says with a smirk, you bang your fist on the table beside where his feet rest, making him flinch and bring them down instinctively. His eyes widened in shock, he was not expecting you to be this furious. Sure, he knew he knew he had gotten you mad but he was not expecting you to be this angry. Without any hesitation, you start scolding him again. He watches you ramble in ominous glee. A poker face masking his expression, he watches you trot about how much trouble he is in. His job is to protect meek and weak citizens who cannot fight for themselves, what he was doing in a strip in the name of business is something you cannot grasp your head around. You repeat your lecture which you had already tortured him over the phone while the entire time Hawks drums his fingers underneath the table, waiting for you to get over with your dumb speech. His eyes trail on your lips, watching it move. Plump, pillow-like features tinted dark red ramble on about how much of an irresponsible person he was. Complaining about how much trouble he puts you through daily. Honestly, he doesn’t quite catch what you were saying. His mind busy imaging you shutting the fuck and letting him get through the day– or better yet how pathetic you would look underneath him while he shoves his dick down your throat. The thought makes his cock throb. His eyes change from an unbothered, bored look to something sinister as they start trailing all over your body. His eyebrows slightly furrow as he catches up on the few degrading terms you throw at him. 
You talked too much. Way too much, do you realize how much better you would look if you keep your pretty, little mouth shut? The entire time, it’s always: Hawks don’t do this, Hawks don’t do that. Don’t you ever get tired? He wonders whether your dumb little brain had any thoughts other than the ones which tell you to irritate him all the time. You should shut up, really stop talking. He might do something bad, he’s already stressed enough as it is being in his rut and having no way to relieve himself, he is going through a rough time here. The other night he escaped to a strip club in hopes of relieving some stress and it had worked but it had also brought along a mind splitting scandal.
The entire morning, Hawks was busy avoiding people. Whether it be his fans, reporters, or even someone he knew; he paid no mind to them trying to get to the office as soon as possible to deal with the mess he had created.
It wasn’t his fault entirely, he was in his rut and needed sexual relief which he was finding very hard to receive. With his work piling up and you breathing down his neck, he couldn’t even take represents as they slowed him down. He couldn’t risk falling asleep on duty. A stupid, little headline about what he does in his free time was much more favorable than a failed mission in which he would let countless innocent lives slip by his fingers. 
He watches you ramble, his eyes trailing over your body locking on your tits. He stares at them intensely, watching them bounce slowly every time you huff out of irritation and frustration. Your work shirt works him favors, the white almost translucent material shows off the slightest shadow of your black, lacy bra. It’s enough to get him going- imaging how your soft mounds would feel in his hands. How you would whimper under his touch as he tugs and pulls on your perky nipples, you probably wouldn’t sound as monstrous as you do right now. Your moans would be girlish, small whimpers would leave your lips as you would try your best to cover them up. You would try to hide your face under his assault but he wouldn’t let you, pinning you down instead and forcing himself on you while you cried for him to stop. Beg for his mercy. 
He can feel his jeans tighten. 
“So please, Hawks. Just be a little more responsible.” you finish, your voice turning into a plea. He hums and apologizes for his impulsive thinking, like always, he is not sorry. “Let's fix this mess, what do you say?” he asks with an apologetic grin, trying to be polite. You on the other hand don’t even spare him a glance, walking right out the door instead. It leaves him very offended. 
“Ah! What a troublesome day it was,” Hawks chimes in walking into his office with you closely following behind, “It was all your fault.” you spit making hawks chuckle, “Whatever happens, happens for the good.” he says, a scoff leaves your lips, “What was good about that?” you ask annoyed. “I get to have you alone with me now~” Hawks winks at you making you roll your eyes dramatically. Both of you stand together in Hawks’ office after hours. The day is done, everyone in the agency building has taken their leave excluding the two of you. It had been a long day fixing up after Hawks. You were tired and all you wanted was a warm bath and some sleep. 
“Do you want to know why it happened?” Hawks asks out of the blue, “What happened?” you question, “Why was I at the strip club?” you sigh, “I don’t give two shits about your personal life, Hawks.” replying sternly. A look of disappointment arises on his face, “It’s actually more than that, really, I u-uh have this condition- it gets very hard to work during these times-”
 “What are you even talking about?” You interject confused and clueless. You turn to him, a glare evident on your face you stare at him sheepishly. What was he on about now?
“I am serious, I went into my rut, and that's why I went to the strip club-” “Into a what?” Hawks’ eyes widened, were you really that clueless? “A rut, [y/n],” he says like it is a matter of fact, something everybody is aware of. “A rut. You know like how some animals go into heat and they-” your face scrunches as he explains his rut to you, you visibly grow more and more repulsed. Hawks studies you face, his heart genuinely breaking at your expressions. “Why are you telling me this?” you screech, “jeez Hawks, I did not need to know any of that!” you continue. 
Hawks is hurt, he accepted a reaction which showed more concern. Maybe he went a bit too far imagining that you would offer him help but seeing you so disgusted by him shattered his heart and made him lose all his respect for you. You were a terrible human being, no different from those villains he put behind the bars every day. “I am telling you all of this because- this actually happens!  Many- fuck- millions of people like me actually suffer from this shit! You should be a little more emphatic.” he reasons. He accepts you to understand at least now but you gloriously manage to disappoint him yet again. A rude snarl leaves your lips followed by a scoff, “What are you really trying to tell me Hawks? That you don’t want to do your job and to justify your laziness; you are making lame excuses now?” you shove a finger to his chest, it pushes him off the edge. 
Something in his snaps, he looks down where your fingertip touches his chest. You are smaller than him, he’s at least a foot bigger than you. Where does your bratty, puny self get all this confidence from? His eyes darken as something sinister floats within him. He stares down at your finger, wanting to rip it off. He wants to see you cry. He wants to see you in pain and misery, suffering a great deal while nobody comes to help you. 
“Hawks, you know what? I am so done with your bullshit. I am leaving.” You turn away from him, heading to the door but before you could move a step. Hawks grabs you by writs, caging your delicate hand into a bone-crushing death grip, “What the fuck?” you question, “Hawks?” you continue. You wait for his response, turning to him. He is facing the floor, his hair scanning over his eyes making it impossible for you to read his expression, not that you could read what was going on with him normally but now; it’s even harder. “Are you going to let go?” you ask again only to be met by him squeezing your wrists even tighter. You bring your other hand over him to pry yourself free from his clutches but he doesn’t want to let go. 
“Hawks wha-” you don’t get to complete your statement as Hawks pushes you down on the floor making you fall on your butt. You let out a loud hiss. You frown, yelling out “What is wrong with you!?” You try to stand back up but his hands settle on your shoulder pushing you back down. You try fighting but it’s to no use. Did you forget he is the no. 2 Pro- Hero? He is much stronger than you, he brings down villains twice his size daily. What makes you think your weak kicks and punches will be enough to beat him? 
You keep struggling under him, screaming how you were going to report him and ruin his career, how he is going to be sorry for messing with you.
 “Shut. Up.” he finally speaks, he brings his gloved hand to your perfectly styled hair. Pulling tightly on your roots he stretches your face upwards, making it easier for him to look down on you while you cry in agony, “Stop crying.'' His voice is deep and raspy, much different from how he usually talks. You look up at him, fear swimming in your eyes as tears prick at the corners of your sockets, lips trembling. If you already weren’t terrified enough, your horror becomes tenth fold when you see his boner raging in his pants, “Come, on. Hawks..” your voice is small and weak, it's a broken cry. You know what he is going to make you do. He was going to violate you, break you beyond repair. 
This was so wrong. As much you hated Hawks, you never would have thought he would do something like this. Hawks was a hero. He is meant to fight for justice, punish evil. Why is he doing this? “Hawks no. Please. Was it something I said? I take it back I didn’t mean it-” 
“You know, y/n, you are not so different from those villains yourself,” if looks could kill, you would be dead. The pure, anger, and hatred he looks at you with bothers you. It makes you hate yourself, there is something sinister in his eyes which makes you sure about the fact that he is not afraid of hurting you. He has given up on you, after all, his polite gestures, generosity you always ignored- he’s fed up with your sheer ignorance and your ego. He hates you. He does and heck if he wasn’t in his rut; he would never bring his dick anywhere near you. He does not respect you as a human and in no way does he have any romantical attachment to you. All he ever saw was a walking alarm clock, bugging him every second, and now all he is going to see you as is his cocksleeve whom he can stuff his fat cock into whenever and however he seems fine. To him you are just a walking hole he can ruin whenever he wants to, you have managed to get on his bad side and he is going to show you his bad side.
He undoes his belt, his pants falling to his thighs displaying his expensive boxers and his growing hardness. His cock is throbbing within its confines, fighting desperately to come free. His free hand pulls his boxers down and his cock springs free, hitting his abdomen. It stands long and hard, the tip blushed red and angry, tiniest bit of pre-cum spilling sweetly from his slit. He pumps his cock in his hand before forcing it against your mouth, pressing it to your lips smearing his pre all over your lips. You whimper in protest, moving your head the littlest you can under his tight grip. “Bitch open up. You had this coming for a long time,” his dick slaps your cheek while his fingers try to pry open your mouth. Pushing his gloved digits forcefully into your mouth, the rough fabric feels disgusting on your tongue. His fingers capture the lower part of your jaw, tearing your mouth apart with deranged strength. A loud cry escapes from you as he stuffs your empty mouth full of his cock, “Yeah, that’s more like it. Fuck.” he bottoms out into your throat, his shaft hitting the back of your throat making you gag, “get on with it. A slut like you would have the experience, right?” he taunts you. You do as he says, puckering your lips firmly around his length, your hands resting on his exposed thighs while you stroke him with your tongue. You feel his chiseled thigh muscles flex under your fingers as he melts in pleasure, tiny moans leaving his lips shamelessly. 
As Hawks drowns in overwhelming pleasure, a criminal idea crosses your mind. Your eyes trail up to his face. His eyes are screwed close, he bites his lower lip softly. Carefully and slowly, you graze your teeth over his cock. Clamping down on it lightly, you hold your position. Your heart beats faster when Hawks stiffens and in a quick flash, he pushes you off his cock throwing you into the ground before backing up, squealing in pain.
 “YOU LITTLE BITCH!” he screams, you sprint to the door. Trembling fingers try to unlock the doorknob while Hawks cries in agony behind you. You can feel him loom behind you, ready to come for your neck. A part of you tells you that you will not make it but the adrenaline rushing in your veins calls to be hopeful. Just open the door and just run. 
Your cold, quivering fingers almost unlock the heavy wooden door but before you can push it open. Hawks appears right behind you, pushing his body onto your back. You feel his cock poking at your ass, his hand grabs your head pulling you, prying you off the door. You scream and cry trying to break free, grabbing his hand clawing on it to let you free. Hawks chooses to show no mercy as he drags you by your hair to his desk, your scalp hurts from his grip. You can feel tiny strands breakaway. He turns you around and slams your back to his wooden desk, you whimper at the contact. He stands in front of you, pressing his knee between your thighs. His hand reaches out to pull at your collar, forcing you to look at him. 
He is livid, eyebrows furrowed with a death glare his jaw clenched, and his eyes darker than you have ever seen before. He looks at you with murderous intent, you think he might as well kill you with his wings flared open. The feathers turning into knives, you beg for your life. 
Hawks observes your face. Broken, scared for your life your eyes are glassy, ridden in fear your makeup smeared all over your face. He thinks it's beautiful, he has finally got you begging for mercy, finally thinking of him as the man he is. He appreciates your submission but it does not erase the fact that you just bite oh his dick. You beg for mercy, your voice is small and broken. It comes barely above a whisper, “I am so sorry hawks, please don’t do this.” He doesn’t listen, staring at you head-on with his jaw clenched. He brings his free hand to the air, keeping it steady for a second before bringing it down with a horrendous force. You feel it before it happens; white, hot flashing pain erupts through your cheek stinging you hard. You cry out in agony as your face drops to the other side. The strike was powerful, it left you sore, you can still feel it sting your face. It leaves you swollen, you try to bring your hand up to your face lightly to carcasses you paining cheek but Hawks pushes your face on the wooden desk before you could, trapping your arms behind your back holding it with one hand. “You don’t realize your position, do you? You know what? I was going- planning to be gentle with you. I thought I would at least make you cum but now,” he pulls a feather out his wings preceding to tear open your pencil skirt with the sharp end. The ripped fabric falls to the ground leaving you in your panties and the pantyhose you always wear under your skirts, “There we go. I hope you are a pain slut, otherwise you would really not enjoy this.” he says with a small chuckle before ripping you out of your bottoms, leaving you in your panties completely vulnerable to him. He abandons his gloves, rubbing his fingers on your clothed cunt roughly trying to gather slickness from your dry hole. Pleasure shoots down your body as his digits find your clit, rubbing tight circles on the little pearl, “Does this feel good? You are getting wet.” a smirk scars his face, “Who gets off to being raped?” he says sharply. Your face scrunches up in disgust and embarrassment. A heavy lump forms in your throat and the waterworks that you had been holding off burst open. Big, fat tears roll down your cheeks as you cry for mercy. You didn't know why this was happening to you, for your entire life you had been a nice person: always helpful, sensitive, and kind. At least, that was what you thought yourself to be. Never in a million years could you- or anyone, in fact, could have ever thought that you would be crying pathetically while your boss: a person known to all as a Hero, the truest, most honest person to exist ever would be the one defiling you, tearing you down to nothing just for his pleasure. 
“Shut up, you like this.” He snarls at you, so sick of your loud wails he even shoves two fingers inside your mouth plunging them to the back of her throat, “Don’t you dare bite now, slut.” he warns. His fingers stop prodding at your clit when he notices the wet spot forming on your panties, he wastes no time shimming them down to your ankles, whistling when he sees your glistening pussy. You only wail louder pleading him not proceed any further. Hawks turns a blind eye to all your begging, “I should just shove it in, right?” he asks petting his finger over your hole, “but that won’t be fun,” he snickers. You feel his move away from your cunt and move higher. Panic settles, he couldn't be serious, “Hawks. Please no. Please don’t. I don-” finger rims along your asshole, inching to dip in, “What? Don’t want me to fuck your ass?” he spanks your ass hard making you flinch, “Please I’ve never-” you cry out hoping he would understand, “No one’s ever fucked you in the ass before?” you whine at the lewd words which shamelessly fall from his lips, “Guess there’s a first for everything.” he says with a scoff. 
His digits bury into your hole, stretching you out in a way you’ve never felt before. The stretch burns, filling a fresh set of tears rolling down your eyes, smudging your mascara and eyeliner You looked like a whore. He keeps hammering his fingers inside you without mercy, a loud whine leaves your lips as you feel a tingle of pleasure from him hitting the right spot. “Do you like that? Too bad, this isn’t for you.” he moves his fingers from you before lining his fat cock to your almost too tiny hole, “How will this fit?” he laughs to himself, pressing his engorged tip in slowly, “Will be a tight fit,” he continues to shove his cock into your hole, his face turns off one to ecstasy as your walls take him inch by inch. You scream in pain, his cock was much bigger than his fingers. It was stretching you out, numbing your mind and soul, you did not know how much more you could take. Salty tears fell from your eyes as Hawks bottomed himself in you, he waited for a moment before starting to thrust into you unforgivingly. Dragging his fat cock out and your walls pulling him right back in. As he kept ramming into you. Slowly, you start to pleasure tingle up your spine as his tip smashed against the right spots. Your cries of pain turn to pleasurable moans. Hawks wastes no time in teasing you, “Look at you moaning like a slut,” he spanks your ass with swift force sending your rear to sting. You feel unbearable pleasure starting to build up in your abdomen, a straining coil wanting to burst which each of Hawks’ strong thrusts yet it is left unfilled as the simulation is not enough to make you cum from all alone. Hawks notices this, the pitiful crying for him to touch your swollen little clit which was begging to be played with. He almost thought he would give it to you, after all, he was a good person. Almost. 
Hawks just snicker, his cruel, sadistic laugh echoing in the room, “No, no, no.” he teases, “no matter how much you cry, baby. I am not letting you cum. This is your punishment, you deserve this. You’ve been a bad girl.” Hawks couldn’t formulate how he was able to form complete sentences. The moment he had caught you, he had let himself go feral. Dragging you down like a predator, he finally had you under him. He kept grunting and breathing profanity down your ear along with shameful praises about how well your slutty ass takes him. He is glad he is finally getting his much-deserved relief but he is not done yet. He won’t be done until he is filling your vulnerable womb with his seed, he won’t be done until he hears you asking him to give you his children. He is not going to leave you be until he has destroyed you, balls deep in your tiny pussy. He is going to keep you here all night fucking you, he is going to stay there all night fucking you with hate which he has buried within himself for you over the years. He is going to melt you in his hand, break you until only he can build you up, and maybe he will not let you go even after that. Maybe he will keep you after all hawks mate for life. 
Just hope he lets you cum the next time. 
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