myjetblacksoul-blog · 3 years
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@thebroken-hearted-lover @black-chemical-monkeys-blog 
Ray-Ban Sunglasses
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myjetblacksoul-blog · 3 years
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@thebroken-hearted-lover @black-chemical-monkeys-blog 
Ray-Ban Sunglasses
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myjetblacksoul-blog · 3 years
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@thebroken-hearted-lover @black-chemical-monkeys-blog 
Ray-Ban Sunglasses
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myjetblacksoul-blog · 6 years
In case you hadn't guessed, I'm bisexual
Can I just add that bisexual doesn't necessarily mean only attracted to 2 sexes, I'm bisexual but I would still date someone who was non binary if I liked them. The difference between bisexuality and pansexuality is that with bisexuality you see all the genders differently, so you might be attracted to different qualities in different genders or might like different genders on different levels.
Pansexual people say they are attracted to "all" genders and basically don't give a shit if you're male or female. However, most bisexual people are like this. I'll save my opinions on pansexuality for another post.
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myjetblacksoul-blog · 7 years
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THIS. The first post is true. I’ve struggled with confidence mainly because of thinking those things and I know I’m not the only one who needed that post.
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myjetblacksoul-blog · 7 years
If you feel insecure, remember this:
Beauty is 100% a social construct, made by capitalist organisations to sell you shit you don't actually need. The major makeup brands Photoshop models and put them onto adverts so that you'll continue to buy their shit in order to look a way that is impossible to achieve. Acne, blemishes and redness are natural, so called "natural" make up is NOT. Society's idea of beauty is unnatainable and shouldn't be looked towards as ideal, however you, born in your own skin, should be.
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myjetblacksoul-blog · 7 years
Just a little thing I disagree with.. .
So you know how a lot of schools these days are trying to be "supportive" And "understanding" of mental illness? Well the school I've been to (and probably a few others) have a "timeout card" for the :problematic: students with anxiety, anger issues etc. So if someone was to have a panic attack they can be excused from lessons. Sounds like quite a good system right? Wrong. Because where do you go? Fucking isolation.
Let's say someone was sick. People would be helpful to them, they would allow them to go home without further questions being asked because they would need time to recover, and they wouldn't be viewed as problematic, just experiencing something they can't help.
And if someone has a panic attack? People stare at them, laugh, judge them, and when theyre out of the classroom they get put in isolation, in a room full of the "bad" kids, sat at a desk with a teachers eyes being on them, hushed whispers as if it's something shameful, which is only gonna make it worse. Would you force someone with a cold to sit in a room full of people? Or someone with a milk allergy to sit in a dairy always being dashed with milk?
No you wouldn't. You wouldn't punish someone for something they can't help. So what makes mental health any different?
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myjetblacksoul-blog · 7 years
Oh did i mention to any of you guys how I hate the casual use of the word triggered? No? Well there you go. Literally nothing pisses me off more than the (unironic) cry of "OMG I'M SO TRIGGERED" from the wannabe-emo Starbucks girl who is mildly offended by something on her fucking Instagram. People with PTSD, anxiety and even autism have their own personal triggers, stuff that they struggle with on a daily basis that causes them pain and makes their life hell. You know people die of stuff like this? They tie nooses round their necks and jump off buildings because whatever it is that triggers them, they can't escape and its fucking haunting them day in day out and you know what doesnt help them at all? People comparing it to something they slightly disagree with. You wouldn't say "oh my god I've got a mild headache it's like I've got CANCER" would you. No. So stop taking the piss out of people with actual disabilities and mental illnesses.
2018 edit: oops looks like I got a bit triggered writing this haha
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myjetblacksoul-blog · 7 years
Hmmm okay I'm british, I've literally only just left my emo phase but I still love MCR (and most other bands), I'm bisexual, vegetarian and a socialist (although extreme feminism pisses me off when what we really need is equality) uhh I play piano, bass guitar (I used to play double bass aswell but i quit like 2 years ago) and I'm trying to teach myself guitar and I like Green Day, David Bowie, The Smiths, Blur, MCR (ik I already said) and various other artists♥ I think that describes me fairly well?
Idk I play guitar and listen to a n unhealthy amount of my chemical romance and I read a lot and I like to eat pizza and pad Thai. I also like cuddling and watching movies (Classic horror movies, the three stooges, the original Star Wars trilogy, etc..) and I’m a vv touchy feeley person when I know you really well and I’d probably annoy you with how much I love rocky horror and I drink a LOT of coffee and apple juice.
Describe yourself on anon and see if I’d date you!
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myjetblacksoul-blog · 7 years
Ok so is it just me or....
Does the bit before the ending of Mama by mcr sound strangely similar to the last part of Bohemian Rhapsody?
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myjetblacksoul-blog · 7 years
Sometimes gerard way can look so cute and friendly but then sometimes he looks like he only needs to text the grim reaper and the black parade will come for me
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myjetblacksoul-blog · 7 years
This needs to be understood.
Non-binary isn't a phase that all middle class teenagers go through in order to get attention and feel unique. It's a state of confusion, not knowing who you are, being unable to identify with something as simple and straightforward as gender, and you know what? It's hellish.
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myjetblacksoul-blog · 7 years
Gerard Way is my hero.
Gerard way is my hero. No not because he's super hot and happens to be the lead singer of a band. But because he had experiences in school of being "not bullied, but ignored" which is something I've had to deal with. Also, mcrs lyrics have helped me so much with their lyrics. For example, Na na na made me feel confident and powerful, which helped me stand up to this guy who was hurting my mate, and I'm not okay has made me feel like my feelings can be put into words because half the time when people ask me if I'm ok, I'm not but I put on a fake smile and say that I am. The way that, let's be honest, he doesn't conform to ideal beauty standards, but he still manages to appeal so many fangirls. This gives me hope as I know I ain't perfect myself but with enough eyeliner I can be (kinda).
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myjetblacksoul-blog · 8 years
Ever meet that one person who makes you feel special and like life’s worth living and then they go and just dump you in the mud without an explanation?
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myjetblacksoul-blog · 8 years
Ok so #idontfuckingknowwhatnumber
So am I the only one who, when someone holds and object near me, absent mindedly grab it and try to take it from them when in reality theyre just holding it near me? Ughhhh it can just get so humiliating, especially when its a teacher or someone.
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myjetblacksoul-blog · 8 years
Relatives: So you a goth or sumin?
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myjetblacksoul-blog · 8 years
I'm not emo. Emo’s not a style. Its not a phase, but its also not really a conscious choice. Its a state of mind. And yet so many bands (with the exception of the ””emo”””” trinity) reenact the emotional pain. So that when they feel like their drowning in eyeliner and Prozac and going through so much, they cant get enough of it because if they don't feel that way, theyre music is irrelevant. Keep your eyeliner, keep your band tshirts. That's the style of it which honestly doesn't affect anything. But go listen to fall out boy. Theyre supposedly “the emo trinity” and yet they'll make you feel so much better. Anything in the black parade will depress the living sh*t out of you. Turn up Danger Days. Or the really early stuff, which will make you feel more.....inspired. The Black Parade is extremely melancholy, which is good, but save it for when you aren't already feeling low af, so that you can enjoy it from an outside view. MCR fans are gonna kill me, because A) I’m a massive fan also, and B) Cancer is playing in my earphones right now, so that kinda makes me a Hypocritical Bastard. But those days when you cant deal with other emotional shit, just turn up FOB or even P!ATD (some songs) because it took me a long time to figure this out and this is from experience. The label “emo” just makes you feel worse because your putting yourself in a box, a box that makes you feel THATS the way you should be. So I generally try to avoid it. That's just what I'm gonna say about it all.
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