Fireball ice cream and broken hearts
Ted Nivison x reader
TW: self-h@rm, su1cide th0ughts, b0dy dismorf1a
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The second the door open I was met with a pair of eyes behind a pair of glasses. The smile from his face disappeared fast enough for me to remember how I might look right now. Before I couldā€™ve opened my mouth I was pulled into bone crushing hug, thatā€™s when I tried to pull everything that I have in myself to not break down crying.
-Shh itā€™s okay, you donā€™t have to tell me anything, just tell me one thing, are you okay?
The way he pulled away from the hug, not fully puling away, just enough to see my face. The look on his face made me so vulnerable that even though I hate crying in front of anyone, looking into his concerned and sad face thatā€™s when I couldnā€™t hold it anymore. I felt like Iā€™m back in elementary school, getting pushed around and bullied, and the same tears run down my face when I came back home with new scratches and bruises on my skin. When one tear joined the other, they were impossible to stop them any time soon. Charlie hugged me even tighter than the last time.
Charlie must have realised that I am cold from my constant shivering, so without realising me from our hug he picked me up and I didnā€™t even complain about it one bit. Things moved fast for me, it felt like Iā€™m speeding down the hallway without being able to slow down, as if brakes arenā€™t working. My mind went into, thick fog like, haze where I all I could see was Ted the moments I left his house. The noise around me was muffled and it was almost ear piercing noise thatā€™s when I realised that I might have a panic attack. I couldnā€™t really focus on things at all, everything was blurry and I without being able to hear anything was even worse. I started to bawl my hands into the fists and tug onto Charlies shirt, but Charlie realised it sooner than I did. Charlie took me to, what I think was bathroom, and sat me at a vanity drawer.
-Y/N can you hear me?
I knew that he was talking, but what he was telling, I couldnā€™t even give a guess.
-Fuck, okay Y/N I know itā€™s hard for you to concentrate so please at least try to feel what Iā€™m doing.
Then I felt my hands being pulled together and put at Charlies clothed chest. I felt Charlies rapid heart beat and, trying to slow down, breathing. My hands were rising and falling the same time as Charlie breathed. I tried my best to concentrate on his breathing and somehow it started to work, but I realised when I got my hearing back, same with sight. The first thing that I saw when my blurriness cleared down was Charlies flushed face with glossy eyes. I guess I got him scared.
-Itā€™s good way to reconnect.
I said while slightly giggling, after a few seconds a new wave of giggles overcame me when I saw Charlies face with ā€žAre you kidding me?ā€œ expression.
-You are one of the kind, Y/N.
Time skip
It was already midnight when me and Charlie decided to abandon the game on his gaming console and go to bed. It was nice knowing that Charlie really did not mind me staying with him, perhaps, our story really affected one another. After all of the necessities were done we went to bed, or better to say, I went to bed while Charlie went to sleep on the couch. I said that I can sleep on the couch, still, itā€™s house, but he insisted for me to sleep in his bed because ā€žI need a good rest after this shitty ass dayā€œ. I changed into my sleep clothes (basically Charlieā€™s hoodie and my underwear) and when to sleep. Sleep is something that I really wanted right now, but just my luck, I couldnā€™t fall asleep. All that I could see was Ted and all of the memories that we shared together.
It was the time when Ted wanted to visit all of the Rainforest cafes, because they were closing. He really wanted to do that for a while, but he did not want to leave me alone. Basically with my pretty words (and pleading some to accompany him on this trip) he finally got ready for this trip. The weekend before the trip he spent with me. No streams, no podcast, no editing just us. It was nice to wake up with him next to me, soft sunrays painting his face in godly almost look. It was perfect to just lay in bed until sun was high above the sky, it was nice to just run around the house in his hoodies and socks on, just sliding on hard wood floor. It was perfect to see him smile and laugh. It was perfect. Every hug, every kiss, every word, every touch all of it was so sensual that it didnā€™t really had to make sense to others, but to us.
The morning he left he did not woke me up. He got his stuff, kissed me for the last time for three upcoming weeks and left.
I just laid there. Empty, emotionless. It was hard to understand that he did not really loved me, but the how he was acting this good?! Didnā€™t he really felt a thing? Did I was ever in love with him or was I in love with the image that he created? I stood up and went downstairs to check on Charlie. Charlie was fast asleep and it brought smile to my face knowing that at least he can find peace and quiet in this restless night. I went to kitchen and open the top left drawer beneath the sink. Took it. Examined it. Closed the drawer and went back to Charlies room upstairs. I closed the door, locked it, just in case, and stood in front of full hight mirror in his room. I looked at myself and longer I looked, the more flaws I found in myself. First it was hard to see, because of the dark room, but then it just all became blurry, tears hit my cheeks and finally the floor. I couldnā€™t stand to look at myself in the mirror anymore so I did what I promised to never do again. What I promised Charlie. I popped the lid open and took the handful of pills in my hand, I was shaking, I couldnā€™t really stop myself from doing anything at the moment, it all was so fast that I didnā€™t really realized how I was swallowing pills one by one swallowing it dry. After 7 pills it was impossible to continue just because it was getting hard to swallow. Then I went to mirror again this time furious of the reflection of myself. And then crashā€¦ and the silence. It was way faster than with pills. I dropped to the floor picked the shatters and dug it into my skin. The glass quickly started to paint itā€™s art on my tights and legs, the canvas became way to small and it got itā€™s way to hands. What happened next turned my entire life into nightmare, because I wasnā€™t controlling myself when bloodied glass took itself to my neck. The crashā€¦ then screamā€¦ the silence. Finally, I felt sleep overcoming me and I let it. It might have been the worst thing that I have done.
https://www.tumblr.com/mysteriouslypaleblizzard/682536261462917120/fireball-ice-cream-and-broken-heart-ted-nivison-x?source=shareĀ (Part 2)
https://www.tumblr.com/mysteriouslypaleblizzard/676659964622815232/fireball-ice-cream-and-broken-hearts-ted-nivison-x?source=shareĀ (Part 1)
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Hello! Iā€™m a new owner of this account! My name is Alyssa but you can call me Alice! The old owner (Rose) gave me her account to continue working on. Since there is unfinished projects I will finish and upload them as soon as possible! Schedule of posting is on Fridays and/or Saturday. I hope that we will get along!
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Sorry guys, story will be uploaded soon I just found out about my friends death and itā€™s pretty hard to do anything at allā€¦ I hope you understandā€¦ upcoming project will be uploaded on October.
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A part 4, 5 and six of Ted Nivison story will be out tomorrow! Had some problems with it so it took awhile! New story coming up too!
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Fireball ice cream and broken heart
Ted Nivison x Reader
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He did as you told him. While he wasnā€™t looking you took of your promise ring that he gave you on your guys one year anniversary. You put it on top of his now melting ice cream, huger Schlatt goodbye pointing at your phone as if saying ā€œCall me laterā€ he nodded and kissed your forehead. You looked last time at Ted and walked away. You knew that that moment you going to knock on THAT one door you will brake down. You were strong but not this time. So you learned one lesson:
Fireball ice cream are a amazing pain killer for the broken heart.
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Teds POV
I was thinking about all the stuff that could go wrong if I will never tell her that I never loved her. I was pulled out of my thoughts by her voice. Fuck her voice. Itā€™s sounds like heaven, like a safe place that I could hide for forever.
- Ted I have a surprise for you.
I was curious of what it could possibly be.
- Yea? What is this?
- Close your eyes.
I did as she said. All the time all I heard was some light noise, but nothing was said and then I heard a front door open and close shut behind. Then I felt a hand on my shoulder and it was bigger than Y/N. I opened my eyes and found no sight of Y/N. I turned to Schlatt and all he did was pointing at my ice cream. I looked at it and my heart skipped a beat or two. On top of my melted ice cream was her promise ring I gave to her as a sign of never leaving her.
I picked it up and quickly went to the sink and washed all the sweet substance from it:
- She heard our argument when she came into the house.
I turned to him with a look that I 100% sure look like a ā€œI broke my girlfriends heart and now Iā€™m getting a paybackā€. I still havenā€™t said anything to him I was just thinking about us with her, all the times she was there when I got my heart walked onto. She was here when I got back from shitty day at work. She was here to listen to me rant over and over again. She was my shoulder to cry. She was my cuddle buddy when I needed it from her and only her. She always looked so cute curled up to my side with my hoodie on her and underwear. She liked to put hood on so that made it even more memorasible than it already was. I liked the smell of aƧai berries on her hair. I liked her flower like parfume on her clothes and skin. I loved listening to her laugh. I loved her smile, her voice, her eyes, her lipsā€¦ o her lips was heaven, her lips always was a taste of vanilla ice cream but in the same time as fireball. Then it finally hit me. Fuck I actually love her! I didnā€™t realised I was crying until I snapped out of this trance by Schlatt softly talking to someone on the other end of a phone. I listed more carefully to what he was saying, but I couldnā€™t concentrate enough. All that I could think about is her. Please Y/nā€¦ come backā€¦
Part 3?
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Sorry guys I have to go on hiatus again because my home got bombed and now we seaking for a shelter. I am not from Ukrain but I lived there for 4 years now. Please understand me. Be safe everyoneā¤ļøšŸ‡ŗšŸ‡¦
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Fireball ice cream and broken hearts
Ted Nivison x reader
(Based on new video on Teds YouTube channel)
You were sitting in your car riding to the infamous Ted Nivisons household. He called you this morning saying he was going to record a new video with Schlatt. You of course agreed because you had two reasons:
1. You missed Schlatt and even though heā€™s an asshole to everyone in diapason of 5 miles, he only likes you and your company.
2. You and Ted are dating so sure you going to help him.
You were so taken into your thoughts that you didnā€™t even realized that you already parked and were walking to the front porch of the house. You were surprised that door was unlocked but you shrugged it off and walked in. You wanted to yell for the boys but you heard Schlatt talking in really not polite tone so you slightly eavesdropped:
- Look calm down ok?! I really want to turn time back but I canā€™t! I really canā€™t! If I could I would have been able to tell her that I donā€™t really love her!
You froze but you walked slightly more in the kitchen but they didnā€™t saw you:
- Why did you even said that in the first place!? You could have told her that straight away, now you played with her like with a toy because you, your egotistical ass, didnā€™t understood what he wanted! And I want to remind you that you were using her for 2 years! TWO FUCKING YEAR TED!
- YES I KNOW! DO YOU EVEN REALIZED THAT I FELL SHITTY TOO!? I really didnā€™t wanted that to happen but it did. I didnā€™t want to hurt her.
- But you did ,and now you thought that sleeping with your ex girlfriend will fix everything!?
Now everything clicked in one. This is weā€™re he was all night. This is why he had buying so many gifts that YOU thought was for YOU. This is why he was smelling like other girls perfume but now you didnā€™t really care. Now you want to see how long it going to take him to say it to you. You walked to the door and opened it and closed loudly enough for them to hear and walked into the kitchen:
- Whats up dumbasses. What are we going to do today?
Schlatt looked at you and smiled you hugged Ted first and then Schlatt but while you were hugging you whisper in his ear:
- I heard everything donā€™t worry Iā€™m okay just be ready for the surprise.
We pulled away and looked at each other and smiled. Letā€™s the party begin.
*Skipping to the part of making fireball ice cream*
You and Schlatt were enjoying your guys ice cream when you thought that it the time for your surprise:
- Ted I have a surprise for you.
Ted looked at you with curious expression and with mouth full of ice cream he said:
- Yea? What is this?
- Close your eyes.
He did as you told him. While he wasnā€™t looking you took of your promise ring that he gave you on your guys one year anniversary. You put it on top of his now melting ice cream, huger Schlatt goodbye pointing at your phone as if saying ā€œCall me laterā€ he nodded and kissed your forehead. You looked last time at Ted and walked away. You knew that that moment you going to knock on THAT one door you will brake down. You were strong but not this time. So you learned one lesson:
Fireball ice cream are a amazing pain killer for the broken heart.
Part 2 going to be uploaded soonā¤ļø
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Forest snow
You are attached to these humans. You love them dearly. They are your only ones who understands you and your life. You own than everything that you have and even more, but they never asked for a return. All the asked is for you to stay with them. And on the start you did. You even tried to call them your real family. All of you were having fun all together like a real family. You, Tommy, Tubbo and Ranboo always got in trouble while going on your daily life shanigans. Wilbur helped you with your depression and even let you play on his guitar when you miss him. Technoblade was the one who he let in a kitchen not only to eat, but to help get everything done. Both of you had a strong connection to cooking so this was really fun way to chill wit Techno. Phil took you on a weekends without ā€œheadachesā€ (Without the boys). He knows that sometimes they can play on everyoneā€™s nerves and chilling with you is always the best way to relax. They were just like you. And you loved that dearly, but you had to let them go. They can be better without you. You didnā€™t even belonged here they were just pity of you this is why they took you in. This is what you thought. So one night after everyone fell asleep you went to everyoneā€™s rooms and left a letter for them. First was Philza. You left a letter on a night stand and looked at him. You remembered how he used to help you fall asleep when you started to live with them.
You sat in your room for hours. You couldnā€™t fall asleep because of a nightmares of them kicking you out. You were only 5 at the moment and you knew that if you will go to the kitchen alone for a glass of milk you will definitely wake someone up. So you took your panda plushie and wheat to Philā€™s room. You walked to his room door and softly knocked. When you didnā€™t get a response you opened a door and found him asleep. You didnā€™t want to wake him up. He was really tired after all the work that he did today. You already were walking back to your room when:
- Kid? Whatā€™s wrong?
- I wanted a glass of milk but sir you were sleeping soā€¦
- First of all donā€™t call me sir because then I feel old and second of allā€¦
He stood up and walked to you, picked you up and walked downstairs while saying:
- if you canā€™t fall asleep then you can sleep with me.
After this talk you slept with Phil for 2 months and then you stopped getting nightmares.
*The end of memory*
You smiled at the memory and stood up and walked to Wills room. You left a letter and covered him with a blanket. You didnā€™t though if anything with him because all the memories you guys had you carry them in you necklace. Techno wasnā€™t home so you just left a letter. Tommy. Tommy was the last one left and you knew that you will not contain your tears anymore. You walked in the room and found him sleeping soundly. For him you left not only a letter, but and your panda plushie. Silently you started crying. You kissed his forehead and walked it of a house. It was beautiful night you could see all the stars and snow was like a moon but on the earth. You walked into the Forrest and chose place were you can see a moon directly above you. You smiled through the tears in your eyes and said:
- Now I will turn into a star that they will look up at night.
You took a sleeping pills out of your pocket and swallowed them dry and laid on the snow after 15 minutes you started to feel dizzy and then a sleep overcame you. But for this time forever.
When they found out they were sad and it felt like everything hurts. They couldnā€™t move on. You were Philā€™s little girl/boy/kid. You were Wills sanity. You were Technos little chef. You were Tommys best friend. And to all of them you were a star. And know you are one who looking up to them. Now you are the real little star.
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Jschlatt x reader
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It feels so nice to talk to someone after long ad iritating day. Just comming home and seeing his face lit up with a smile was enough for me to forget about all of my problems for a while. And when I had problems with my family he always was there to listen. When I was thinking about taking my life he told me that I shouldn't. When I asked why he said:
- I don't know. Live for me and that will be enough.
And so I did. I lived for him. I went to school for him. I ate for him. I quited smoking for him. I was clean 5 months for him.
But a key word is WAS. He knew everything about me. From embarising stories to my mental problems. I trusted him... and he used it for his fame. He told everyone about me, my problems, my family... everything. He laughed at my face when I, crying, asked him why he did that:
- Aww, did you really thought I care about you? It's so freaking funny I can't.
And at those words he slamed his house door into my face. At that moment my heart broke like a glass, and I tried to collect it even thought I cutted my self deep and painfuly.
I didn't had anyone. I didn't had anyone to go to school for. I didn't had anyone to eat for. I didn't had anyone to live for...
So I did it. I broke all the promisses I gave to him. And know I'm laying under my sheets overdosed. It was way to painfull to live this way.
When my body was found everyone knew whos fault it is. When he was informed about my death he felt like he's dying. He runed to my place and he saw me laying lifeless with word carved into my skin. He knew it was meant for him. When he read those words he broke complitely. He read those words again. It came out as a wispper:
- Back- back- backstabber.
*3 months later*
He couldn't take it anymore. You were everywere in his mind. He couldn't finde peace. So he took his life away the same way as you did. With words written down on the walls with his own blood. It was teryfing to look. Words smeared on the walls:
- Back- back- backstabber.
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Sorry guys I'm in a hospital right now... I will try to write some story soon :*)
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Hey hey hey jellybeans! What are you doing now? I don't know about you guys, but I'm in the middle of a war with my brain, whoose story going to be better. Charlies Slimecicle or Billzo? You choose;)
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Tommyinnt x reader "Don't cry, it's going to be okey... isn't it?"
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You and Tommy know each other from when you where 10. You grow up together, went through a lot of stuff together, but when you turned 16 you had to leave England to go to the Europe. See you had a really bad asthma when you were younger and your parents thought that you going to grow up from that. But they were wrong. They found a really good hospital in Germany, Berlin where they can help you with your problem. And thats where you going now. You loved England with whole your heart. This city have so much memories with all of your friends and family. No mater how far you going to live, no mater where you going to live, your heart will always belong to England. Then your parents said those news you were crushed, well not only you but Tommy was crushed to. You and Tommy are inseparable to say the least. Tommy started to argue with your parents. Tommy was on whole yell now, he was trying to hold his tears to himself, but when he heard your voice:
- Tommy... can we please go get some Ice-cream?
He looked at you and with that he broke. He started crying. While still crying he took your softly took your hand in his and said:
-Sure, n/n, let's go.
You looked at your parents and they nodded. You can see that they both not happy with what just happened. But, for now you let it flow. You and Tommy when to Ice-cream store, get some of a cold goodies and went to the park. While you where walking you both talked about all the memories you had. Like repeating it just to not forget it. Both of you sat on the small hill, from where you can see a playground. Playground where you used to play with Tommy.
You just moved Nottingham and your English was terrible to say the least. You understood everything, but you always said answers with grammar errors (but, grammarly can help. Sorry I had to...). You wanted to play with someone but you were scarred to go to someone and start talking. You thought that they going to make fun of you English. And just then, like god saw you suffering he sent you and angel. Well maybe not an "Angel" but on mistake demon with blond hair, but still better than no one:
- Hey! I saw you standing there all alone, maybe you want to play with me and my friends? Whats your name?
You looked at him and said quietly:
- Y/n.
- Wow, I never herd a name like this. It's really beautiful. Sounds like flower.
You blushed. And with that being said he took your arm and started running to his friends:
- WE HAVE SOME BEAUTIFUL WOMAN/MAN/HUMAN THERE! Even if you could not talk normally Tommy and his friends helped you and teached you. And thats how you and Tommy got a "Devils children" nickname.
*End of a memories*
You laughed through tears in both of yours eyes and hugged each other:
- I don't want to go.
- Me neather.
Tommy pulled away and looked you in the eyes:
- But you have to. Your health only getting worse there and in Germany doctors can help you.
- I don't want to leave you.
- I know, but we going to call each other everyday and chat too.
After some hugs, tears and promises both of you went home. You didn't want to let go of Tommy even for a second. You feared that he's going to leave you and never come back. And your biggest fear turned into the truth. After that day in park you didn't saw him, you tried to call him but it went straight to the voicemail, you wrote so much messages that you even lost count but he never wrote back. You even went to his house but no one opened the door. You cried, you cried so badly that you had an asthma attack. Exactly when no one was home. Just you luck. You quickly called your parents and said whats going on. They quickly get home, but a little late. You passed out on your rug. Your parents quickly went to the hospital and gives you to doctors. For sure your parents informed Simonses. All of them were here in minutes that seemed like hours to Tommy. When his parents informed him that you are in the hospital he went totally, papper white. He was so scared and when car finally stopped he runned to the hospital and tried to find your parents. When all Simonses where here your parents informed them what exactly happens. After those words Tommy breakdown. He started crying so hard that you can physically feel his pain. It was hurtful to look. Everyone tried to calm him down but nothing helped. He wanted to see you, he wanted to apologize. After some time doctor came to the waiting room. Tommy was first to ask questions. But how he hopped to get good answers, but he didn't get that. All Tommy heard was everyone crying and doctor saying:
- We did everything. I'm sorry.
Tommys heart broke complitely.
*Time skip*
It was June already. Your favorite month, not only because of your birthday, but because it was summer. To be more specific it's June 19th, your birthday. It was really warm and sunny that day. Tommy was infront of your grave, cleaning it.
The finall touch was flowers. Flowers that always simbolized your name. He never forgive himself for what he did to you. Talk to you everyday, informed you about everything that happened that day:
- I miss you n/n. I'm sorry.
Then he remembered what you used to say to him when he was crying. He smiled and said it out loud:
- I remember how you used to say. Don't cry, it's going to be okey... isn't it?
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Hello, hello my dears.
So I'm I writer and you can call me Rose:), so this page is totaly aceptable for everyone and when I say everyone I mean EVERYONE. If you want so angst to cry your self to sleep, go on say the plot and it's going to be done. What some smut sure queen/king/imparator, anything for you. What to ship bxb or gxg sure, I really want you to like my work so please if you don't like it say it to me, whats wrong? Why you don't like it?. But I DON'T tolerate ANY hate to my folowers so feel free to hate on me but not on them. Thanks for your attention and next story going to be about Tommyinnit:)
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