#chuckle sandwich imagines
Fireball ice cream and broken hearts
Ted Nivison x reader
TW: self-h@rm, su1cide th0ughts, b0dy dismorf1a
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The second the door open I was met with a pair of eyes behind a pair of glasses. The smile from his face disappeared fast enough for me to remember how I might look right now. Before I could’ve opened my mouth I was pulled into bone crushing hug, that’s when I tried to pull everything that I have in myself to not break down crying.
-Shh it’s okay, you don’t have to tell me anything, just tell me one thing, are you okay?
The way he pulled away from the hug, not fully puling away, just enough to see my face. The look on his face made me so vulnerable that even though I hate crying in front of anyone, looking into his concerned and sad face that’s when I couldn’t hold it anymore. I felt like I’m back in elementary school, getting pushed around and bullied, and the same tears run down my face when I came back home with new scratches and bruises on my skin. When one tear joined the other, they were impossible to stop them any time soon. Charlie hugged me even tighter than the last time.
Charlie must have realised that I am cold from my constant shivering, so without realising me from our hug he picked me up and I didn’t even complain about it one bit. Things moved fast for me, it felt like I’m speeding down the hallway without being able to slow down, as if brakes aren’t working. My mind went into, thick fog like, haze where I all I could see was Ted the moments I left his house. The noise around me was muffled and it was almost ear piercing noise that’s when I realised that I might have a panic attack. I couldn’t really focus on things at all, everything was blurry and I without being able to hear anything was even worse. I started to bawl my hands into the fists and tug onto Charlies shirt, but Charlie realised it sooner than I did. Charlie took me to, what I think was bathroom, and sat me at a vanity drawer.
-Y/N can you hear me?
I knew that he was talking, but what he was telling, I couldn’t even give a guess.
-Fuck, okay Y/N I know it’s hard for you to concentrate so please at least try to feel what I’m doing.
Then I felt my hands being pulled together and put at Charlies clothed chest. I felt Charlies rapid heart beat and, trying to slow down, breathing. My hands were rising and falling the same time as Charlie breathed. I tried my best to concentrate on his breathing and somehow it started to work, but I realised when I got my hearing back, same with sight. The first thing that I saw when my blurriness cleared down was Charlies flushed face with glossy eyes. I guess I got him scared.
-It’s good way to reconnect.
I said while slightly giggling, after a few seconds a new wave of giggles overcame me when I saw Charlies face with „Are you kidding me?“ expression.
-You are one of the kind, Y/N.
Time skip
It was already midnight when me and Charlie decided to abandon the game on his gaming console and go to bed. It was nice knowing that Charlie really did not mind me staying with him, perhaps, our story really affected one another. After all of the necessities were done we went to bed, or better to say, I went to bed while Charlie went to sleep on the couch. I said that I can sleep on the couch, still, it’s house, but he insisted for me to sleep in his bed because „I need a good rest after this shitty ass day“. I changed into my sleep clothes (basically Charlie’s hoodie and my underwear) and when to sleep. Sleep is something that I really wanted right now, but just my luck, I couldn’t fall asleep. All that I could see was Ted and all of the memories that we shared together.
It was the time when Ted wanted to visit all of the Rainforest cafes, because they were closing. He really wanted to do that for a while, but he did not want to leave me alone. Basically with my pretty words (and pleading some to accompany him on this trip) he finally got ready for this trip. The weekend before the trip he spent with me. No streams, no podcast, no editing just us. It was nice to wake up with him next to me, soft sunrays painting his face in godly almost look. It was perfect to just lay in bed until sun was high above the sky, it was nice to just run around the house in his hoodies and socks on, just sliding on hard wood floor. It was perfect to see him smile and laugh. It was perfect. Every hug, every kiss, every word, every touch all of it was so sensual that it didn’t really had to make sense to others, but to us.
The morning he left he did not woke me up. He got his stuff, kissed me for the last time for three upcoming weeks and left.
I just laid there. Empty, emotionless. It was hard to understand that he did not really loved me, but the how he was acting this good?! Didn’t he really felt a thing? Did I was ever in love with him or was I in love with the image that he created? I stood up and went downstairs to check on Charlie. Charlie was fast asleep and it brought smile to my face knowing that at least he can find peace and quiet in this restless night. I went to kitchen and open the top left drawer beneath the sink. Took it. Examined it. Closed the drawer and went back to Charlies room upstairs. I closed the door, locked it, just in case, and stood in front of full hight mirror in his room. I looked at myself and longer I looked, the more flaws I found in myself. First it was hard to see, because of the dark room, but then it just all became blurry, tears hit my cheeks and finally the floor. I couldn’t stand to look at myself in the mirror anymore so I did what I promised to never do again. What I promised Charlie. I popped the lid open and took the handful of pills in my hand, I was shaking, I couldn’t really stop myself from doing anything at the moment, it all was so fast that I didn’t really realized how I was swallowing pills one by one swallowing it dry. After 7 pills it was impossible to continue just because it was getting hard to swallow. Then I went to mirror again this time furious of the reflection of myself. And then crash… and the silence. It was way faster than with pills. I dropped to the floor picked the shatters and dug it into my skin. The glass quickly started to paint it’s art on my tights and legs, the canvas became way to small and it got it’s way to hands. What happened next turned my entire life into nightmare, because I wasn’t controlling myself when bloodied glass took itself to my neck. The crash… then scream… the silence. Finally, I felt sleep overcoming me and I let it. It might have been the worst thing that I have done.
https://www.tumblr.com/mysteriouslypaleblizzard/682536261462917120/fireball-ice-cream-and-broken-heart-ted-nivison-x?source=share (Part 2)
https://www.tumblr.com/mysteriouslypaleblizzard/676659964622815232/fireball-ice-cream-and-broken-hearts-ted-nivison-x?source=share (Part 1)
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exactlymaximumgarden · 3 months
schlatt with a celebrity s/o. maybe you're famous from acting, from music, streaming, modeling, literally whatever. either way, you're famous in your own right.
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so imagine schlatt is doing a simple gaming stream, specifically another drunk truck simulator. he has media share turned on to entertain himself while on the road, and his viewers are submitting the usual stuff they know will make him laugh. however, one submission throws him for a loop.
it's a thirst edit of you.
schlatt has to stop a second and watch, ogling at the screen as the edit plays. "god damn," he softly mutters under his breath. meanwhile, his truck slowly starts drifting to the wrong side of the road, half of chat laughing at his reaction and the other half screaming at him to pay attention to the drive.
"who sent that in? who sent that? that is- ope." schlatt quickly veers back into the correct lane. "that is not funny. do not send me edits of my girlfriend while i am on the road, okay?" he can't help himself as he starts dissolving into laughter. however, his cheeks have very visibly heated up. "i am not a distracted driver, chat! i will not become one of those... those drunk crashers they warn you about."
this, of course, only enables chat further. more and more edits of you are flooded into the media share queue, and every single time, schlatt can't take his eyes off you. he tries to play it off by laughing, yelling "STOP!" at chat, but he secretly loves it. any opportunity to admire you is a welcome one. however, finally, he pauses his game and playfully scolds the viewers.
"guys, guys. look, i love looking at (y/n) as much as you do. i do. but i really need you guys to curtail it for tonight, alright? i'm gonna flip the fuckin' truck again if i keep takin' my eyes off the game."
he squints at chat as the responses come flooding in.
"someone said, 'you know you like it, sclit.' i know i do! you got me, man, i do! my girl might kill me if i set a bad example on the road, though. y'know how it is."
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pequins · 2 months
munch schlatt hc…… also charlie if you may…….
(can i be 🍄anon?)
ofc :) welcome to jynation 🍄 anon!
eater jschlatt headcanons
nsfw ahead , mdni .
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• to put it simply, he’s an all you can eat buffet type of guy. he is not for the faint of heart, this man has a oral fixation like crazy, eats it like he’s on death row and got his final meal.
• he’ll never admit it, but hes definitely came in his pants more than once from it before.
• no matter how many times you cum, you’re not getting up until he’s done. if you try, he’ll simply slap your puffy cunt, wrap his arms around your legs and pull you back to his mouth.
• loves to feel you gripping his hair, especially man bun schlatt the harder you pull the louder his muffled moans get.
• looks absolutely pathetic when he’s done, the entire lower half of his face wet, a string of your slick dripping from his puffy lips, looking at you with his glossy eyes and flushed face.
• trust, he gets more out of it than you do. after an especially stressful or busy day, its all he thinks about. ( insert “its like a reward” sound here )
• everything depends on his day and if he’s feeling extra playful or not, he’s not really the kind to be soft and gentle but when he gets into a particularly rough mood, things get animalistic.
• he’ll do it anywhere. party bathroom? in the car? on the kitchen counter? he doesn’t give a fuck, bonus points if there’s people around and you have to stay quiet.
• and if you tease him, act like a brat or do anything to purposely annoy him? he’s tying your hands behind your back and edging you for hours. dont worry, you’ll be done when he feels like it.
• oh you’re on your period? 🧛🏻‍♂️🧛🏻‍♂️🧛🏻‍♂️
• mustache. all im saying.
• this man makes more noise than you, the vibrations from his groans make it hard not to cum on the spot.
ill link charlie’s here when it’s posted <3
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writingduhh · 10 months
Chuckle Sammy || Falling Asleep In His Lap (HC)
(In this HC you fall asleep on their lap at a party / get together)
Leave me some detailed or vague fic requests or HC ideas plz I’m all out and I need some inspiration 😭😭😭
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❥ Jschlatt:
▷ The second he notices you’re asleep he goes protection mode.
▷ He won't allow anyone within a 5-foot radius of you, fearing that their presence might wake you.
▷ He knows how hard you’ve been working lately and insists that you catch up on sleep, even if it’s at a party.
▷  Whenever someone close to you makes an obnoxiously loud noise, he'll respond with a stern glare and a finger to his lips.
▷ He tenderly traces soothing shapes on your back or arms with his fingertips.
▷ Definitely takes this opportunity to take some silly pictures. Using Snapchat filters or just terrible angles and lighting
▷ He will take some wholesome pictures too, of course. Spamming his snapchat story with your face.
▷ As the night progresses, and people get louder he makes the call to head home.
▷ He doesn't bother waking you up; instead, he simply scoops you up in his arms, carefully carrying you out to the car.
▷ On the drive home, he ensures the car stays at the perfect temperature, keeps the music volume low, and skillfully navigates around any potholes.
▷ Once home he takes it upon himself to get you ready and into bed.
Once home, he takes it upon himself to get you ready for bed. Carrying you inside from the car, he softly lays you down on your shared bed, while he rummages around the closet to find one of his hoodies for you to wear. Gently he’ll change you out of your party outfit and into his oversized hoodie, possibly waking you up in the process.
“Hm? Where are we?” You mumble very confused by the chnage in surroundings.
“Shh we’re home now toots, let’s finish getting you ready for bed.”
You easily complied as he instructed you to lift your arms, then he pulled his hoodie over you.
"There we go," he says, his voice now deeper as he too was growing tired.
Together you both cuddled up together in your bed, falling asleep nearly instantly.
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❥ Ted:
▷ Once he realizes you’re asleep he goes full mom mode.
▷ He'll take care to delicately adjust you, making sure you’re comfortable and preventing you from waking up sore.
▷ Looks around for a blanket. If he can’t find one he’ll use the jacket/button up off his own back to keep you warm.
▷ I can see him being the type to still mingling around at the party as you sleep on the couch but he’s never more than a few feet away from you, constantly looking over and checking in
▷ If he's not up and mingling with other partygoers, he's right by your side, talking casually to those closest to him, running his hands through your hair, and tracing your face as you lay on his legs.
▷ As the night winds down and people start to leave, he'll softly wake you, ensuring you're okay and offering a refreshing glass of water.
"Y/n, come on, it's time to go," Ted softly spoke, gently rubbing your shoulder.
"Hmm?" you grumbled, slowly sitting up from where you lay on the couch.
"It's getting late, hun. We should probably get going," he explained, offering you his extended hand.
Slowly, you grabbed his hand and rose to your feet, resting your body against his.
He let out a soft laugh before saying, "Would my tired baby like a piggyback ride?”
You nodded, rubbing your eyes. Swiftly, he bent down, allowing you to climb up onto him before securing your legs with his arms. Sleepily, you laid your head against his shoulder, the subtle movement of his walking occasionally swaying your tired head.
▷ Once to the car he softly places you in the passenger seat, buckling your seatbelt before placing a soft kiss on your forehead.
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schlattsdoll · 1 month
schlatt nd inexperienced!reader who’s never gotten head before n he gives her head (I need him so bad)
minors dni
fem!/afab reader
when johnathan schlatt, a certified MUNCH, heard you'd never gotten head before he IMMEDIATELY stopped what he was doing, and dragged your ass to the bedroom.
"how've you never told me this before doll?" he asked you as he gently kissed your neck, his large hands making their way down your body towards the apex of your thighs, his rough fingers hooking into your thin shorts and panties.
"d-dunno... kinda embarrassing.." you murmur, wiggling your hips to help him remove your bottom layers of clothing.
"don't worry that pretty lil' head of yours doll, gonna make you feel real good... gonna prove my mouth 's good for more than just yappin'."
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manticore-fangs · 22 days
im high so this will probably not make sense but schlatt cnc/noncon/dubcon breeding
do you see the vision
no wait, cause i see it. omg. im gonna go with dubcon !! (cw: talk of having a womb, but it doesnt say reader has one. breeding obviously. 'momma' is mentioned.)
just.. listen to my thoughts. your dating schlatt and your staying at his place, yk.. doing the normal streaming and hanging out like a couple would, right?
thats until you do a stream, acting like a parent.. you bought a fake pregnancy belly and even a fake mechanical baby that cries. it was a subgoal you had to do, and you had to stream until 24 hours.
so yeah, basically you had to watch this baby 24/7 making sure it doesnt choke, get hurt or cry. even buying diapers, a bottle for the mechanical baby (the bottles and diaper came with the baby..)
schlatts in the background, watching you and questioning why the hell are you doing this and just throwing middle fingers up at the fake baby for taking your time. (even though at 4:37 am he heard the baby crying and you were so tired so he took care of the baby for you. chat went faster because of how careful he was, even shushing the baby and saying "its okay.. shh shh.")
finally once the stream ended, his hard on was so achy, just watching you with the fake belly and struggling to do mundane tasks does it for him.
you took off the belly and just laid face down on the bed, sighing and just before you could close your eyes.. you felt the bed dip behind you, right near your ass and- woah!
schlatt ripped off your pants - tearing them to shreds. you turned your head to look back at him. "what the fuck jay?! what the fuck are-" you shut up so fast when he starts to rub at your hole roughly.
"shut the fuck up." he snaps roughly at you, starting to prod his fingers near your throbbing hole. your face down and ass up, just watching him.. i mean- fuck. you try to writhe away but he just shushes you. "i wanna make you a real momma. seeing you with that fucking stupid baby and fake belly fucking did something to me toots.. fuck." he rolls his hand over his tip and tugs at it with a groan. "fuckfuck.." you look at him with wide eyes, just absolutely shocked at what hes doing.
now.. now we get to the good shit.
he just kicks off his boxers and pants, then turned you over onto your back. shoving your knees close up to your shoulders as much as possible, putting you in a full on mating press.
he just spits at your poor hole and shoves his thick cock into you, his hips stuttering. trying to push in deeper but - "fuck doll, your so fuckin' tight. loosen up will ya?"
"jay- fuck jay." you push at his thighs when he begins moving. his pace so rough but fuck does it feel good.. but fuck you want him to stop.. but- fuck. your mind is going blank.
all you can hear is the 'schlick' noise repeating over and over again. and your eyelids start closing but then blinking open. fuck, his dick feels too fucking good. hitting the right spot. "fuck gonna breed you toots. yeah - seeing you with a round belly does something to me.. holy shit."
he holds your thighs rougher, his nails digging in and making crescents. "fuck, gonna fill your womb.. gonna do it toots. just gotta make sure your womb takes my seed.. my cum." you moan, gripping and scratching at his thighs, the tip of your fingers turning into a similar shade of white.
“yeah, gonna carry my babies, yeah? make sure you all plugged up nice with my cum, your stomach will basically be bulging with how many loads im dumping into you.”
and fuck do his promises do something to you. working you up your so close to an orgasm but you dont want this. mewling out a: "jay- pl- please wait ohmygod" as he finally blows his load inside you, watching as your womb bulges out a bit from the thick load he busted into you.
he stays there for a few minutes, letting the cum settle in. making sure it takes before he pulls out. it takes a second for the come to pour out but it does eventually come out. you look at him, gulping.
"fuck- get the fuck out jay, now!" you practically screech at him, getting up and shoving him out your room, then slamming the door closed.
your so fucked.
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slxtmeri · 1 year
Chucklers after you get back from a long trip. Them just welcoming you back and all the things they would get or do for you, sfw and nsfw... just an idea I've had on my mind...
♡ as soon as he sees you when you come home, he's running up to you and giving you the biggest hug oml. hands are around your waist, lifting you up, not wanting to let go. (and he doesn't, for at least a good minute or two).
♡ kisses all over your face and neck until you're blushing and giggling, squealing for him to stop
♡ carries all your luggage and REFUSES to let you help with any
"nope, nope, put that down. i can handle this stuff, baby! let me help you, love."
♡ constantly touching you, hand on your waist, arm around your shoulder, holding your hand. he missed you so much while you were gone
♡ as soon as your stuff is inside, he carries you to the bedroom, your legs wrapped around his waist
♡ he lays you down on the bed, still kissing you. his mouth trails lower, and lower, until his head is settled between your legs
♡ eats you out like it's his last meal, your hands gripping his hair motivate him to keep going
♡ makes you come undone several times, until tears of pleasure are pricking at your eyes and you're too fucked out to form a coherent sentence.
♡ cuddles you until you both fall asleep. expect him to fuck you senseless the next day
♡ picks you up from the airport and twirls you around until you're both dizzy.
♡ can't stop smiling. there's a shit eating grin on his face for the next 24 hours at LEAST
♡ doesn't stop talking about how much he and the cats missed you.
♡ hand on your thigh on the drive home, rubbing comforting circles
♡ stops to get you your favorite food on the way home, he just wants to spoil you
♡ as soon as the two of you arrive home, he's bending you over the nearest surface. whether it be the kitchen island, the couch, it doesn't matter. he's so needy for you
♡ teases you until you're wet enough to take him. then he's fucking you until you can't stand
♡ praises you so so much more than usual.
"fuck, baby. you're so perfect for me, hmm? letting daddy fuck you as soon as you get back. my sweet baby."
♡ takes a bath with you afterwards. cleans you up all nice then carries you to bed <3
♡ gets so excited when he sees you, he hugs you so tight you have to tell him to calm down
"charlie, i missed you too. can barely breathe, baby."
"shit... sorry sweetheart, i just missed you a lot."
♡ as soon as you get home he's giving you presents that he bought for your return. probably orders your favorite takeout, too.
♡ repeats how much he missed you, how he wishes you were there for the things he did whil you were away
♡ asks for any and all photos you took during your trip
♡ he practically drags you to the bedroom after you two finish eating
♡ begs for you, saying how much he needed you
"s'been too long, baby. please let me fuck you, please."
♡ hickeys all over your neck. he's not even thinking about how you two have to meet up with friends the next day
♡ you end up riding him, rolling your eyes at the friction you havent had since before you left
♡ once you get too tired, he's gripping your hips and fucking up into you.
"that's it, baby. so so good, my love, fuck."
♡ stays inside you for a few minutes, hugging you, savoring your time together.
♡ picks you up and carries you to the shower, cleaning you up before bringing you to the couch for a nice long movie
a/n: holy shit i got carried away. the brainrot is real 😭 anyways ily anon, enjoy!!!
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jay-is-dead1 · 15 days
Sick Schlatt HCs :(
I literally can't get it out of my head whenever I hear him whine about how "fragile" he is, I also have writer's block for part two of the sugar daddy schlatt :(
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- He is an absolute BABY when he's sick, needs you to make him soup or "you don't love him anymore"
-- He asks you to do everything for him since he's "too weak" to get out of bed.
- He's already clingy but when he's sick he will not leave you're side and needs to cuddle with you. Every time you get up you hear him whine.
"Where are you goingg?"
"I have to go to work now you big baby."
"You don't have to, I make enough money for the both of us."
and he'll desprately hold onto you since he's stronger and knows you can't leave.
- He has the loudest and most dad sneeze ever. You swear it shakes the house whenever he does. He'll be very extra with it too so you'll laugh at him.
- He does that thing where he rubs his nose agaisnt your shoulder and sniffs like when he smells his mustache to gross you out but gets mad when you yell at him.
"Schlatt that's so gross!!"
"There was nothing even on my nose! you're just being dramatic."
- The snoring is CRAZYY with his stuffy nose and everything, you once even tried to leave and sleep on the couch but he woke up quickly and pulled you back down into his arms and made you stay.
- After he's recovered from his little cold he'll pretend he wasn't even that dramatic and he was "literally on his death bed"
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I’ve been listening to guilty pleasure by Chappell Roan :) and there is a line in the second verse where it says “feels like pornography watching you try on jeans”… so I was thinking what if you did head canons of shopping with Schlatt and when you go in the fitting room to try on clothes he begs you to do it right then and there. Sorry if this is a little 𝓯𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓴𝔂 lol
Jschlatt tries going jeans shopping with you and things get a little... 𝓕𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓴𝔂 (NSFW)
I personally love Chappell Roan!! My favorite song by her is Red Wine Supernova!! Anyway enough yapping!!
When you moved in with Schlatt you had to ditch a lot of clothes for the move
Which means a lot of your jeans
That's fine we'll just go shopping for more
You two are in an Old Navy store nearby (because they have the best jeans fr fr)
The problem with Old Navy's women's jeans is that they don't usually sell baggy jeans, it's usually flare or rockstar skinny
Which means tight around the booty
You pick out a few pairs of jeans while Schlatt just kinda follows along
You get to the dressing room to try on the jeans and he joins you in there because he "wants to make sure they fit"
You pull down the skirt you were wearing to go shopping and unfolded the first pair.
You feel Schlatts eyes on you very heavily
You bent over a little to pull the jeans up your legs and Schlatt just stood there, arms crossed, dominant energy radiating in the dressing room
He took notice of your underwear. It was plain black with a small white bow at the front.
God he loved the sight of you
You finally got the tight skinny jeans up past your thighs,
Now the challenge was to get the jeans up over your butt
You shimmied around in the jeans, jumping a little trying to pull them up over your ass
Schlatt questioned helping you
After some effort, you got the jeans on
You turn around to face him
"how do they look?"
"they look great toots."
He sounded a little off...
Maybe... Embarrassed?
You catch a glance at his crotch and see he has a raging hard on
You look down and you probably looked for a little too long because he cleared this throat to get your attention
You smirk.
You were gonna bully him about this for the rest of his life
Or were you?
"take those jeans back off." He demanded
You complied and did what he asked.
"panties too." He added.
"Jay, wait we can't do this here-"
"please?" He begged, almost in submission
Your eyes widened. Damn what was hot.
Couldn't say no to that.
You took your panties off and he wasted no time to pin you to the wall by the throat
His large tall body, towering over yours
He slid his fingers along your wetness, feeling around a little to tease you
You squirmed and let out a high pitched whimper by accident
His grip around your neck tightened to shut you up
"Jay, fuck. I-" you choked out as he began to rub circles around your clit
"use your words princess."
"please.. fuck me.." you trailed off, whining
He undid his belt and pulled down his pants and underwear
Normally he would tease you for a while to watch you squirm but he couldn't help it..he already wanted you then and there.
He lined himself up with your entrance and once you gave him the okay, he slammed right into you. Hard.
Your back arched and you choked back a moan
He started slow but deep, letting you feel the whole thing at once
But he then started picking up the pace quite a bit
He had to make this quick otherwise they'd get kicked out
I got a little carried away there- anyway!! I hope you enjoyed!! I hope this is similar to what you had in mind lol
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deadlyxlvly · 5 months
Moodboard: Jschlatt as a boyfriend
Pictures you took of him. Part 4.
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mister-sandwich · 10 days
hi!! I read your pinned introduction post :3
loveeeee chuckle sandwich, but I saw the nsfw part and wanted to ask will you be writing any sfw/fluff as well?? pleaseeee 🥺 pretty pleaseee 🥺🥺🥺🥺 for yiour good friend (blog you have never interacted with) 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
Okay so I’m actually not a writer- BUT…. since you asked so nicely and you’re such a good friend……..
I will provide you with some of my thoughts/imagines and maybe it’ll inspire some folks. Disclaimer, I have been watching a lot of OLD Chuckle so maybe some of this doesn’t apply anymore, also this is what I gather from the information they spread online so who knows what they’re actually like 🤷 (aka me trying to fight off my parasocial demon)
Tried to keep it fairly gender neutral but there is some gendered language like “broad” and just “girl” as a descriptor for like a not “manly” thing. Also I still have no clue how this hellsite works so my formatting may be shit.
Warning: Schlatt favouritism will likely be SO obvious here. I love them all but I watch Schlatt the most (if you couldn’t tell from the pfp and the everything else)
↣ I mean they’re all losers in their own way but Charlie is like specifically a dork if you get me
↣ Just the sweetest ever I mean we’ve seen him it’s a fact
↣ I love D&D so I just keep imagining him running campaigns that you specifically will like- something for you and your friends whenever you wanna play
↣ Just geeking out on nerd shit with him would be so nice- he would be so excited by anything that makes you excited
↣ Probably would call his partner sweet pet names or like make puns out of your name
↣ Probably the most emotionally intelligent out of all of them although I hate to bash the other two, he just seems like a guy who would notice you’re uncomfortable and IMMEDIATELY fix it
↣ Charlie also just seems the type to try and understand someone’s sense of humour so he can make them laugh over and over and over again- so I feel like he’d nail your humour so fast and you’d be struggling to BREATHE whenever you’re around him
↣ You would make him laugh too of course, he would love that about you
↣ He talked about taking Ted’s hand and dragging him through one of those little kiddie waterpads that squirt water everywhere trying to avoid the water and I imagine him doing that with you
↣ Ted is actually the weird middle ground between these two I fear (like openly aggressive but also openly sweet)
↣ His loser alignment is specifically goofball (I cannot and will not explain)
↣ One thing I’ve noticed is Ted is so extroverted and social and I feel like if you weren’t he would bring you out of your shell a bit
↣ He would also be like so proud of anything- like the way he talks about Shae playing beer pong in the first Chuckle ep with Ludwig
↣ Like I feel like he would be the type to be like “my partner fucking rocks and I’m just here” but he would love it (he’s kenough)
↣ One episode of Chuckle Sandwich he talks about trying to make Charlie happy (because he had resting bitch face so Ted assumed he was sad) and so he was just dragging him around and doing bits and like he would definitely do that with his partner
↣ Like definitely keeps track of what you like and what makes you happy so he can shove it in your face whenever you’re sad
↣ I feel like he’d call you classic pet names like “baby” “babe” “honey” would definitely throw in some especially cheesy shit for the bit
↣ Getting high with him would be a BLAST like he would get so hyped and he would make sure you had a great time (honestly my stoner ass wants to write a whole post about all of them while high but I don’t usually write so it would be BAD— LMFAO)
↣ He would also just like always look to you and ask for your opinion while having a conversation in a group, just always makes sure you’re included and happy and having fun
↣ He would also organize any trips y’all wanted to go on
↣ I also feel like there would be SO MANY BITS- like full on bit city over here
↣ Okay so this man: learned bits of Russian to talk to people on video games (I forget which game(s) specifically), asked Quackity for his Spanish music playlist because he wanted to listen and he genuinely enjoyed it and shared it with others, learned more Japanese than I think he’d admit and knows like actual information about the places he goes to and all that good stuff- so like- if you’re from ANYWHERE different he’s asking you about your stuff
↣ He’s bullying some of it a little too, probably talks about how “_” is actually so much better in America/NY
↣ If you speak another language he’s learning bits of it to say odd shit and playfully flirt with you because obviously
↣ Just so much playful bullying and teasing, my personal weakness tbh
↣ Like his pet names for you are “toots” obviously but then like “dumbass”
↣ One of those boyfriends who is a baby and cuddles you but if you take a picture of him or record him he’s back on his man shit
↣ His actions speak volumes though, he’d bend over backwards and all the way back around for you probably
↣ I mean he shoveled his old neighbours driveways he’s a considerate guy I think
↣ But he’d like whine about doing ANYTHING for you like it wasn’t his choice
↣ “I brought this fuckin’ broad out last night ‘nd it costed me like $200.”
↣ He is so blunt he ends up accidentally genuinely complimenting you all the time but it’s literally just observations about you like that’s how his brain works
↣ Would buy you any Wii games from your childhood and then tell you how ass they are while he plays it with you
↣ Gives the energy of that man who says he doesn’t wanna watch your “girl” show but then stands in front of the tv and asks you 5000 questions
↣ Takes those stupid 0.5 photos of you and posts them to Twitter as like reaction images
↣ But also takes like BEAUTIFULLY shot photos of you with his digital camera or records cute dates with the camcorder so he can look back on it
↣ While Charlie and Ted seem more like activity date people I think Schlatt adores a quiet night in, he’s an introvert, I mean did you see him in the Mr. Beast video??
ANYWAY- that was my shoddy attempt at making some imagines or whatever you’d call it- sorry if they’re pretty generic and not great. To be fair, I wrote a bunch of them at work LMFAO- Like I said I am NOT a writer but I hope y’all enjoyed nonetheless
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awearywritersworld · 7 months
mona mona!!! in my head, modern bf sukuna likes to bake for reader !! in your au, do you think sukuna ever attempts to cook or bake something for reader that he used to enjoy eating? MWAH much love to you <3
aali aali!!! i'm in tears thinking about this evil man in an apron.... better yet, let's say he uses reader's and it's pink and has little strawberries on it or somethin cute. wah!!!!! he's so adorable.
yessssss tho!! he appreciates it when reader cooks for him and so he'd wanna return the favor. this idea is so sweet!! sending u all the love<333333
you find him in the kitchen one evening, staring at the stove looking exceptionally confused.
"what are you doing?"
"clearly," you tease. "what is it you're trying to do."
"where are you supposed to light the fire?"
"yes, fire." he says it as if you're the foolish one in the situation. "you know, that thing you use to cook."
"you're going to cook?" you question, rather amused.
he sighs, a dramatic show of irritation. "is that so hard to believe? are you going to help me or not?"
the word help sounds rather strained coming from his lips and he seems to be in an exceptionally grumpy mood, so you suppress a giggle and make your way across the kitchen.
"that's sweet of you," you hum, pressing a kiss to his jaw.
you don't miss the way the small show of affection makes his shoulders relax. reaching out, you twist one of the stove knobs to the right and the burner turns red. "there's no fire. it's just electric."
his brows furrow as he looks between you and the stove. "oh."
it takes him a while to adjust to the electric stove, so he burns things pretty frequently at first. eventually he catches on though and you're quite impressed with his culinary skills.
sometimes you can't help but stare as he prepares food, because he handles the cooking chopsticks so adeptly. there's just something about the way it makes his knuckles and the tendons on his hands more pronounced that you struggle to tear your eyes away from.
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exactlymaximumgarden · 3 months
no thoughts, just hotel room sex with lowkey cocky schlatt <3 inspired by this image a little bit ngl. also bc it makes me go feral LOL. nsfw under the cut.
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it's been a long day. schlatt brought you along with him on his trip to japan, and of course, this whole first day has mainly consisted of sitting in an airport, sitting on a plane, sitting in another airport, and trying to regain your bearings as you gradually work to acclimate to the new country, all of which is par for the course for such a trip. you're just lucky schlatt has been here before and seems to know what he's doing.
however, you're exhausted. you need some release. and he is more than willing to give it to you.
the hotel room lights are dimmed since it's later on in the evening. schlatt lays beneath you on the couch, his large and calloused hands firmly planted on your hips as you sit perched on his lap. your naked body is illuminated by the moonlight pouring in through the windows while schlatt's shorts and boxers are slid down to his ankles and his hoodie slightly pulled upwards on his stomach. the prick.
your hips roll furiously against his, his cock repeatedly hitting that perfect spot within you. a string of soft moans spills from your lips, your head tilted back in ecstasy. schlatt's got a hazy look in his eye, and a smug smirk tugs at his mouth. the more your movements speed up, the more you chase your climax, the lighter his grip on your hips becomes.
he doesn't even have to do the work. he'd much rather watch you unravel above him.
this change in his grip does not go unnoticed. you emit a high-pitched whimper of frustration, gazing down at him with half-lidded eyes and a pout. "hold me," you quietly beg, barely able to form coherent sentences longer than a few words. "can't feel you..."
"can't feel me?" his voice comes out more gruff than intended. "lemme fix that for ya, huh, toots?"
he barely gives you any time to react before his hands are back on you, holding you in place hovering above his hips as he begins to thrust upward. it's quick, the way he switches. his quiet breaths and groans from before turn into frenzied grunts as he snaps up into you. your moans only increase in pitch and volume, and you have to fight to keep your voice down out of fear of other neighboring guests hearing you.
it isn't long before your high washes over you, your body wracked with pleasure as you release all over schlatt. he follows soon after, his already sloppy thrusts declining in consistency and strength before he comes to a stuttering halt. you can practically feel his cum painting your insides.
"felt me now?"
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pequins · 1 month
all of chuckle sandwich is packing, all of em. thick and meaty as fuck. 7 inches, 5 inch girth, bends to the left with a large vein on the underside. thx.
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writingduhh · 2 months
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Ted teasing the wife beater … I 🤤
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schlattsdoll · 1 year
jschlatt headcannons (sfw & nsfw)
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minors dni
i have a lot of thoughts about schlatt, here's some of them
sfw ♡
loveslovesloves to snuggle, he's like a giant mean teddy bear
i feel like he loves karaoke, like not even him being secretly good, he just loves doing it with friends
you're most likely smaller than him, so definitely teasing nicknames (pipsqueak, short stack, tiny)
BUT !!!!! if youre a giant like me (im only three inches shorter than him), he loves it. tells you how much he loves your long legs
makes you wear heels so you're taller than him / at his height
i feel like he smells like either some stupid expensive dior cologne or axe body spray
or maybe some bath and body works shit (bourbon maybe??)
loves just driving to oldies nd parking somewhere overlooking a sunset
OK TIME FOR NY SPECIFIC ONES SINCE I'M ALSO FROM NY (and feel like he's from one town over)
will kill someone for a proper baconeggandcheesesaltpepperketchup (iykyk)
misses going to yankees games at the stadium
has his family ship him ny bagels bc texas bagels don't hit the same
has STRONG opinions on his favorite deli
nsfw ♡
big guy is A BIG GUY
calls himself daddy tbh
i feel like he's big into thighs
prolly a tits guy too tbh, but can appreciate a good ass
schlatt's just a horny mf
has a huuuuuge sex drive, mans can go for hours
is a MASTER of dirty talk & how to make you putty in his hands
"what's wrong princess, need daddy's cock fillin' ya up right now?"
"fuck doll, ya feel so tight 'round me. like you're squeezing all the cum outta me."
he loves to just grab your thigh at the worst possible times and squeeze
would love if you send him inappropriate things while he's recording / streaming
i'm not saying schlatt is like you're sugar daddy buuuut....
gives you his credit card to buy yourself lingerie so he can rip it off you
has a playlist of songs he'd fuck you to or would wanna see you give him a strip tease to
hope you enjoyed ! inbox is open <3
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