nando-lopes · 8 years
Album - The Future's Void
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nando-lopes · 10 years
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Have anyone been to Harney and Sons' store at SoHo, NYC? I am getting crazy for this tea... 🔝🔝
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nando-lopes · 11 years
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Lindinhos.... #cousin #candy #smile
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nando-lopes · 11 years
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Any talent??? Hahahahah #draw #paper #pencil
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nando-lopes · 11 years
You Ain't Alone - Alabama Shakes
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nando-lopes · 11 years
Basta que dirijais um junco contra seu peito e teria sido conquistada sua força; mas o poder do seu sorriso teria domado um leão faminto ou feito com que um exército deitasse suas armas sob seus pés.
Mary Shelley - The Last Man
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nando-lopes · 12 years
Wisdom Calls
Listen! Wisdom is calling out in the streets and marketplaces, calling loudly at the city gates and wherever people come together:
Foolish people! How long do you want to be foolish? How long will you enjoy making fun of knowledge? Will you never learn? Listen when I reprimand you; I will give you good advice and share my knowledge with you. I have been calling you, inviting you to come, but you would not listen. You paid no attention to me. You have ignored all my advice and have not been willing to let me correct you. So when you get into trouble, I will laugh at you. I will make fun of you when terror strikes - when it comes on you like a storm, bringing fierce winds of trouble, and you are in pain and misery. Then you will call for wisdom, but I will not answer. You may look for me everywhere, but you will not find me. You have never had any use for knowledge and have always refused to obey the Lord. You have never wanted my advice or paid any attention when I correct you. So then, you will get what you deserve, and your own actions will make you sick. Inexperienced people die because they reject wisdom. Stupid people are destroyed by their own lack of concern. But whoever listens to me will have security. He will be safe, with no reason to be afraid.
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nando-lopes · 12 years
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Last week in Egypt, a group of Russian photographers apparently climbed the Great Pyramid of Giza—hiding from guards for four hours after closing time before beginning the ascent. Climbing the pyramid, one of the photographers claims, carries a punishment of one to three years. But it was worth it. “I was speechless,” one wrote. “I felt a chilling delight, absolute happiness.” Here are some of their photos.
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nando-lopes · 12 years
Miike Snow - Animal
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nando-lopes · 12 years
Mas ainda lhe parecia evidente que cada um devia fazer o que fosse direito: jamais entendera como alguém podia desejar outra coisa. Sabia apenas que isso ocorria. E isso ainda lhe parecia uma coisa ao mesmo tempo simples e incompreensível - simples, o fato de que as coisas devem estar certas; e incompreensível, que não estivessem.
Ayn Rand
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nando-lopes · 12 years
Não pense que não estou triste, embora eu ria. Veja, mesmo quando o riso me sacudia eu chorava. Tampouco ache que estou sentindo um pesar profundo quando choro, pois o riso não deixa de existir. Guarde bem em sua memória: o riso que bate à porta e lhe pergunta "Posso entrar?" não é o verdadeiro riso. Não! Esse reina e chega quando e como quer. Não pede permissão a quem quer que seja e não escolhe um momento apropriado. Diz apenas "Aqui estou."
Drácula, Bram Stoker
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nando-lopes · 12 years
Houses - Great Northern
Just what I needed to listen tonight....
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nando-lopes · 12 years
Dry The River - No Rest
Great song :)
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nando-lopes · 12 years
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#tree #sky #leaf #lake #land #dust #walk #winter #
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nando-lopes · 12 years
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nando-lopes · 12 years
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#brazilian #flag #sp #wind #br #green #yellow
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nando-lopes · 12 years
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#beautiful #city #sunday #afternoon #coffee
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