nasaslostpotato · 5 years
Because I’m not currently trying to find someone, and I look 14 even tho I’m 25 so no one tries to hit on me.
Tell the truth.
Why are y'all single?
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nasaslostpotato · 5 years
Reblog if you’re a drarry shipper who hasn’t read book 7 in several years
It’s for science thank u
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nasaslostpotato · 5 years
😘👌🎁💎😳💩❤️😊🎈🎄🍕😑 um ok
your last 12 used emojis will tell you how 2020 is going to be for you
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nasaslostpotato · 5 years
“But if you forget to reblog Madame Zeroni, you and your family will be cursed for always and eternity.”
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nasaslostpotato · 5 years
Jingle bells Merlin smells, Draco laid an egg sir Nicholas nearly lost his head, and flitch ran away.
This is so stupid yet I’m laughing my ass off at it. I’m sorry, not sorry.
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nasaslostpotato · 5 years
This just makes my marvel/ Harry Potter crossover more plausible. Because I have caps shield and Draco’s wand I came up with a crossover idea. And this is just gold.
Odin: you need to pick your battles
Loki: The Battle Of Hogwarts, May 1998
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nasaslostpotato · 5 years
I am Loki of Asgard and I am burdened with glorious things. Ok... lol
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I am Loki of Asgard and I am burdened with glorious weather
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nasaslostpotato · 5 years
Wow. What the fuck was I doing up at midnight. I’m so dumb. This has been done before obviously, I don’t have original ideas. I think stupid ass shit is funny when I stay up late.
Role switch
What if Draco was the boy who lived and Harry was the asshole rich kid.
Harry comes up to introduce himself.
“This is Weasley and granger, and I’m Potter, Harry Potter.”
Crabbe chuckles.
“Think my names funny do you, no need to ask yours. Fat face and short you must be a crabbe.”
Scared, Malfoy.
Omg this is why I don’t stay up pass midnight. I’m laughing my ass off at this.
And instead of scared Potter it’s
😂 someone put my ass to bed. Im so done with myself. And why is the text all different???
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nasaslostpotato · 5 years
Role switch
What if Draco was the boy who lived and Harry was the asshole rich kid.
Harry comes up to introduce himself.
“This is Weasley and granger, and I’m Potter, Harry Potter.”
Crabbe chuckles.
“Think my names funny do you, no need to ask yours. Fat face and short you must be a crabbe.”
Scared, Malfoy.
Omg this is why I don’t stay up pass midnight. I’m laughing my ass off at this.
And instead of scared Potter it’s
😂 someone put my ass to bed. Im so done with myself. And why is the text all different???
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nasaslostpotato · 5 years
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Just got Draco’s wand in the mail. Oh yeah.
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nasaslostpotato · 5 years
ok but i high ass key want a girlfriend please and thank you
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nasaslostpotato · 5 years
Also goes with if a woman marries another woman, she’s still bisexual. Same as a bi man marrying another man, still bi.
supporting bi men also means supporting bi men who (heavily) prefer women. it means supporting bi men who end up marrying a woman and being happy with her, while also acknowledging that they are still bisexual men at heart. they arent acting their bisexuality out ‘the wrong way’, because there is no ‘right’ way. what they do with their love lives isn’t any of your business.
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nasaslostpotato · 5 years
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nasaslostpotato · 5 years
I’m wearing black and green scrubs at work, and I just thought about something. What if loki was a nurse?
Nurse Loki AU, where he takes care of you when you get sick or broke something.
“Could nurse Loki please come to the ER, he’s needed for surgery assistance.”
Omg I can’t unsee it now. If only I could draw I would design him in the cutest scrubs ever.
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nasaslostpotato · 5 years
If Harry Potter became the voltron universe, we know damn well Harry and Draco would have the bonding moment.
Harry: we had a bonding moment.
Draco: Nope, I don’t remember a thing.
Harry: I craddled you in my arms.
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nasaslostpotato · 5 years
Scared, Potter?
He says it once and then decided to keep saying it for everything.
*harry flying trying to catch the snitch*
Draco: why can’t you catch it? Scared, Potter?
*harry stressing over a quiz*
Draco: scared, Potter? You might fail.
*draco pushes Harry against a wall *
Draco: got nothing to say, scared, Potter?
*harry stutters as he try’s to flirt with cho.*
*draco walking by and noticing*
Draco: can’t talk to girls? Scared, Potter?
*harry pushes Draco against the wall, fighting back for once.*
Draco: gonna do anything else or are you scared, Potter?
*harry kisses him.*
-idk where else to go with this. Ohh whale.
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nasaslostpotato · 5 years
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