natashaharmer · 7 years
Ricky Gervais: Humanity
Have you ever imagined yourself belly laughing at a cot death joke? Nope, me either. Until Humanity happened that is.
Ricky Gervais’ latest stand up tour commenced earlier in the year and he descended upon Birmingham at the end of June and of course I’d eagerly snatched up tickets the morning they were released. It’s been a while since Gervais has done a stand up tour and the time spent preparing…
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natashaharmer · 7 years
War on Everyone
Spontaneously buying DVDs in the supermarket without prior research is always risky. We all know you can never trust what the cover says, of course they’re not going to say ‘The Biggest Pile of Crap Released This Year!’ are they? Of course they’re going to sing the film’s praises and trick you into buying it because it’s ‘side-splittingly hilarious’ or whatever lie they’ve plastered on the front.
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natashaharmer · 7 years
3 Daft Monkeys 'Year of the Clown' review
3 Daft Monkeys ‘Year of the Clown’ review
The album contains 12 enchanting songs, each of which will have your toes tapping. They’re unique and exciting and they’re different, showcasing the breadth of talent that these monkeys have.
Cornish folk band 3 Daft Monkeys are back with their latest album ‘Year of the Clown’ an album which they say ‘exposes their bare bones and their souls, is powerful, honest, naughty, ecstatic, wild and…
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natashaharmer · 7 years
Hidden Figures
Starring Octavia Spencer, Taraji P. Henson and Janelle Monáe, Hidden Figures is an uplifting untold true story of three African-American women who made history when they served pivotal roles in the early years of the US Space Program.
As the US were racing to put a man in space before Russia, three African-American women fought against discrimination that was still so prevalent in 1960s America…
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natashaharmer · 8 years
David Brent: Life on the Road
David Brent: Life on the Road
I have to admit that until a year or so ago, I despised Ricky Gervais with a passion. For a long time I just didn’t ‘get’ him and mistook his incredibly dry sense of humour for incredible rudeness. But as time’s gone on, I’ve grown to really appreciate his sense of humour and his down-to-earth view on the world, it also helps that he’s a passionate advocate for animal rights, and I appreciate…
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natashaharmer · 8 years
How to get into nightclubs when you can't enter anywhere without being invited? What we Do in the Shadows review
How to get into nightclubs when you can’t enter anywhere without being invited? What we Do in the Shadows review
There’s one word that comes to mind after watching What we Do in the Shadows; genius. 
The vampire genre has grown incredibly tired. Everything that could be done with it has been a hundred times over; or so I thought. But in 2015 along came Flight of the Concords creators Taika Waititi and Jemaine Clement who brought us the hilarious mockumentary that the vampire sub-genre has been thirsty for.
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natashaharmer · 8 years
Ghostbusters: My Two Pennies Worth
Ghostbusters: My Two Pennies Worth
By now you’ve probably seen loads of reviews and opinions about the Ghostbusters remake which came out on Monday and whether you’ve seen it or not you’ll probably have your own views.
Ghostbusters has received a huge amount of backlash ever since it was first announced, armchair critics were quick to declare how crap the film was the moment the trailer was released without even giving the film a…
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natashaharmer · 8 years
I grew up with anxiety and didn't even know it
I grew up with anxiety and didn’t even know it
I saw the hashtag #growingupwithanxiety was trending on Twitter the other day and had a look through, and what I saw brought back so many memories.
The things I remember most vividly about my school years was the panic.
I can remember being about 7 years old, my mum would drop me off in the school playground at 9am in the morning and disappear inside to the staff room (she worked as a teaching…
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natashaharmer · 8 years
Shitheads are Killing the Cinema
Shitheads are Killing the Cinema
There is absolutely nothing worse than paying to see a film and having it ruined by obnoxious audience members. We’ve all at some point in our lives ended up sat near some turd who doesn’t understand the concept of turn your phone off and put it a-fucking-way for the duration of the film, haven’t we?
Well my most recent cinema trip (to see the disappointing Conjuring 2, in case you were…
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natashaharmer · 8 years
The Green Inferno
I’m not sure how much of a compliment this is, but Eli Roth can sure do gore!
Much like many slasher films, The Green Inferno follows a group of young people who clearly don’t expect things to go horribly wrong; but of course they do. A group of student activists travel to the Amazon, in some wistful attempt to save the trees or some shit, when they happen upon a tribe of painted folk who at…
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natashaharmer · 8 years
A New Venture: Pet Portraits
A New Venture: Pet Portraits
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I have posted a couple of times on this blog about my painting, but it’s not something I’ve ever really shouted about. I blow hot and cold with it and I can go months without touching a paint brush, but as soon as I get the buzz back again that’s it! And this time I finally decided to do something I’ve been thinking about doing for a long time; set up a little pet portrait business. It’s not a…
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natashaharmer · 8 years
Dirty Books: Indie Short
Dirty Books: Indie Short
When his beloved high school newspaper is threatened to be transformed into an online blog to save money, David sets out to find the best stories around the school in a bid to keep the newspaper alive.
Dirty Books is a story about a passionate kid who wants to continue writing and producing his high school newspaper despite the…
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natashaharmer · 8 years
Review Round-Up: The Jungle Book, Captain America Civil War and How to be Single
Review Round-Up: The Jungle Book, Captain America Civil War and How to be Single
Sometimes life gets busy and it’s difficult to keep on top of this blog, so once again I find myself writing a review round-up of some of the most recent films I’ve seen. Slightly late to the party with these really but, there we go!
The Jungle Book
The Jungle Book received mixed reviews from lots of people. The angry anti-remake brigade were against a new version of the Disney classic while…
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natashaharmer · 8 years
The Boy - Trying Far too Hard to be Different
The Boy – Trying Far too Hard to be Different
Lauren Cohen takes a break from fighting with zombies in The Walking Dead to do some house-sitting in England in new horror film The Boy.
On the run from an abusive boyfriend, Greta (Cohen) takes up a job as nanny for an eccentric elderly couple who are planning their first holiday in years. The couple have a little boy called…
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natashaharmer · 8 years
Homelessness tackled in new indie film released today
Homelessness tackled in new indie film released today
Irish filmmaker Graham Jones has today released his latest feature film Nola and the Clones, available in full on Youtube. 
The indie film tells the story of a prostitute in Dublin who encounters a series of men that appear strikingly similar to one another. “Volunteering in a good homeless shelter years ago, I learnt that sometimes individuals who can offer the greatest insight into our society…
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natashaharmer · 8 years
Sacha Baron Cohen returns once again with British-set comedy Grimsby, in which two estranged brothers who have gone down very different paths in life reunite for the first time in 28 years.
Choen plays dimwitted football fan Nobby who lives in Grimsby with his girlfriend (Rebel Wilson) and their abundance of kids. Separated from his younger brother as a child Nobby is on a quest to reunite and…
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natashaharmer · 8 years
Has Making a Murderer Damaged Steven Avery’s Case?
Has Making a Murderer Damaged Steven Avery’s Case?
Most people have seen or at least heard of Steven Avery, especially in the past few months when Making a Murderer shot to popularity. The docuseries now has a dedicated following of people all over the world who were left foaming at the mouth at the end of the binge-worthy Netflix show, and Avery now has some very impassioned supporters from all corners of the globe.
For anyone that doesn’t know,…
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