natonebutfun · 3 years
Session 23 up to Covid19 Break: The Hunt is ON
At Gralhund Villa, the party was assisted by the arrival of the City Watch as the fighting died down and they spoke to the Lord and Lady Gralhund who showed to be shaken by the encounter. They managed to apprehend the culprit Urstul Floxin who had held the family hostage as he worked to obtain the Stone of Golorr. Yet, the party learned that the stone had already disappeared from the estate. Later they were informed by the City Watch that Urstul had escaped custody by the help of a powerful mage who had turned several guards to stone, killing others, and teleporting Urstul to safety.
In search of the nimblewright that now had the stone, the party searched with the aid of the detector they had obtained from Nim at the House of Gond. Finally tracking the Nimblewright they returned it to Valetta & Nim after learning that the Stone had been delivered to a old windmill in the Field Ward. The chase for the stone was on!
Once arriving at the converted windmill they learned it was owned by Thrakkus, a dragonborn who used it as a butchery. However, with the arrival of Flynn and the information he possessed they soon discovered that Thrakkus was hardly an upstanding citizen, he was a tyrant to those lodging within the windmill and made use of his butchery to cover up his murders. The meat he sold turning out to be of humanoid origin. This enraged the party and they confronted the dragonborn who did not survive the encounter. Now bolstered with an additional member to their crew, Flynn the halfling monk, joined their hunt for the stone. Tracing the last meat delivery to the Trades Ward, to a shop called Cuttle's Meat Pies the party had to content with a band of bugbears in the alley before they could question the owner Sora Cuttle who had not been aware of the dubious nature of her delivery, being quite shaken with the newfound information.
 Outside Thirgrim was scouting around the building and bore witness to a hooded woman being handed a small paper parcel, she quickly darted to the rooftops to evade the dwarf who took chase after calling in his party for help. Quickly responding to the call, they all started to pursue upon reaching the roofs themselves until finally arriving at Brizzenbright Theater.
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The first to arrive was Flynn and he spotted the woman entering the building, promptly following suit with his party in tow. Before they however could catch up they were welcomed by the Ghost of Malkom Brizzenbright and directed to the ticket booths to purchase tickets to the current show "Blood Wedding." Inside the dark theatre it took them a moment to try and spot her, once doing so initiating the chase once more. This time however the woman "Vevette" did not stand a chance with a quick Hold Person preventing her to escape the party. Upon search and interrogation the party fails to find the Stone of Golorr on her person, the theatre's visitors having slowly departed due to the sudden outbreak of fighting in their midst. Since the party could not pin her with an actual crime, they were convinced to release her and allow her to leave.
Here Remalia Haventree approached Theryn to inform him that she had been tracking suspected Zhents who were within the Theater moments ago, now having left and hailing a hire-coach the party could now attempt to follow instead as a new trail for the stone. Thanks to Remalia being informed that the male Agorn Fuoco spends a lot of time in the Mistshore, located in the Dock Ward. Through help of the downtrodden population of the Mistshore, the party gets directed to the Fuoco house, within they find Agorn suffocating his own mother with a pillow. Saving the woman's life though despite her pleading they put an end to Agorn's instead considering his crimes. Outside they are met with a trio of orphans, introducing themselves as Nat, Jenks and Squiddly. Nat being a young girl who solely communicates through made up sign language due to being deaf. Jenks is rather shy though taken with Theryn and Squiddly quickly draws Passion's attention as he too is a tiefling. The party decides to take them home for a meal, and look after them.
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The hire-coach that Agorn had hired is still within the area, the driver having been paid to wait for Agorn's return. From her the party learns that the other individual had been dropped off at Yellowspire, a tower in Castle Ward. After ensuring the children's safe journey to Vigil's End, the party proceeds to chase up their latest clue.
Once arriving at Yellowspire, the party quickly realises it has become a place of worship for Bane where they find the woman Amath in the middle of a ritual with her acolytes. The fight does not take long and at good last the party possesses the Stone of Golorr that had been in her possession.
Finally they can return home to further plan what comes next. Theryn is the one to attune to the stone, forming a telepathic link with the item and learning where the Vault of Dragons is, and how to open its gates. The required keys turn out to be: An invisible creature, a beardless dwarf and a bronze dragon scale. With much reluctance, Thirgrim is convinced to shave his beard while Chester goes to seek out Zelifarn with Passion to obtain one of his scales, due to the party's previous meeting with the dragon for their Force Grey mission they were already on good terms and obtained two of his scales.
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The party sees to its business in the tavern, even managing to cure Nat of her deafness as they have decided to keep the orphans and give them a home above Vigil's End. Once all the keys have been gathered, they set out for the Brandath Family Mausoleum, learning through Renaer that his mother hailed from this bloodline and with his help they are permitted entry from the Treant Sentry standing guard at its doors. Within they face some danger from magical traps and lurking evil, however finally discover the illusory wall that hides the entrance to the vault proper. With the keys ready, the party gains access beyond the large, ornate doors.
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Beyond, the party found a vast hall with crumbling bridges atop aged collumns to connect the upper levels of the foyer. In alcoves across the three walls are looming, iron doors depicting dwarven life and religion embossed upon the metal. None of these however seem to lead into additional rooms. Guiding the party onward to a side hall where they discover an ancient fresco that magically entranced Chester who could not bear to depart its pressence. Unfortunately they had to destroy the image in order to break their friend free so they could proceed up the stairs and to the next level.
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Delving further and exploring the rooms with treasure, the party eventually comes across a trapdoor that only opened upon one of the party member speaking a secret, revealing a secret staircase leading to the main vault. Here the party is welcomed by a dwarf dressed in gold introducing himself as Barok Clanghammer. His true nature however is that he is Aurinax, the adult gold dragon, knowledge that is quickly discerned by the alert party. At Dagult Neverember's request, Aurinax agreed to guard his treasure so he does not permit the party to take it with them. It takes reasoning and patient convincing on their part to finally make the dragon see sense, promising to return to give the wealth back to the city it had been embelished from.
On their way back to depart the Vault, the party gets interrupted by the arrival of a mysterious wizard alongside Vevette, Skeemo and other Zhents to halt the party in their path. A tense fight breaks out but the Argent Vigil quickly gains the upper hand, killing their opponents who they learned was "Manshoon" All this information they bring foward to Laeral Silverhand herself as they are summoned to meet the Open Lord of Waterdeep in person.
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She is a gentle woman, grateful for all the party has done. Restoring Thirgrim's beard through magic she seems distraught at the revelation that Manshoon is alive, having assumed the evil wizard long dead. Because of their willingness to return the gold to the city, she promises them 50 000 Dragons as reward, though informs them that she would add another 10 000 if they were willing to help her root out Manshoon and his followers. The party agreed and return to Vigil's End awaiting word of Laeral that he has been found.
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Laeral Silverhand by Jorsch
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natonebutfun · 5 years
Session 21 & 22: Close to Home
To get to the bottom of the incident outside their tavern, the party went on various errands and tasks to seek further information as well as follow up on leads already found before. Splitting into smaller groups they each made their way through Waterdeep in search of answers. 
Nygarth, paired with the newly outfitted Murgen, went to Phaulkonmere to speak to Melannor in regards to the corpses found on the mission as well as return the identification tokens of the druids. Here he learned that all of the supposed deceased druids had recently been seen or spoken to. Neither of them having been reported missing in any way, the matter needing deeper investigation and causing Melannor some concerns to the situation at the Grove.
It was also suggested that Nygarth’s direwolf pup could find a home in the gardens when growing too big to safely remain within the city’s housing. A payment was made for the rendered service to all those who had a hand in aiding the Emerald Enclave. Leaving Nygarth and Murgen the time for her to test out the new weapon Thirgrim had supplied her with. The spar lead to a victory for Nygarth and a frustrated finish for Murgen who called it to a stop when the burning defeat caused her physical agony. Their ride back to the tavern was initially quiet to allow the half orc some time to gather her senses. 
Meanwhile Chester and Passion headed for the Yawning Portal in search of Davil, finding him absent and Tashlyn occupying his room instead. While Passion was downstairs with Yagra, Chester went to speak to the Master of Arms and Mercenaries, learning that due to recent Zhentarim troubles and Davil’s open affiliation he had been arrested. Furthermore Chester is supplied with the information that the known leader of the renegade Zhent faction is Urstul Floxin and a warrant for his arrest has been issued. Though his location is currently unknown it’s suspected that the failed kidnapping of Renaer Neverember does not sit well with him, and he may try again.
Armed with the guarantee that he will be granted access to the City Watch morgue, Chester departs to find a Cleric in Hollyhand House who can assist the party in speaking to the dead. The Snobeedle family also had been in touch to ask for the assistance in finding their missing son, Dasher, after the necklace had been returned. Something for Chester to investigate in the near future on Tashlyn’s request.
The remaining members of the party made their way to the House of Gond, which Theryn had seen during his meditation to investigate Nimblewrights. 
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Upon approach, the party of three are assaulted by a mechanical bird that comes flying from the top of the temple’s structure while a figure quickly vanishes inside. They soon learn that this is Nim, a nimblewright herself who lives in the attic room of the Temple and is unable to leave its grounds. Valetta the dragonborn priestess of Gond explains that Nim is a creation from a Lantanese Wizard, unique in many ways. 
When being shown to the attic the door is locked and Valetta has to persuade Nim to open the door, already displeased that Nim had caused an incident with the arrived party. Upon learning that the creature that Theryn had seen was Nim’s own creation, made to battle her loneliness, Valetta orders the acolytes to start clearing the attic of many of Nim’s creations as a punishment. One that is softened by the party’s insistence that Nim should not be punished for acting on her feelings. 
Valetta urges the party to destroy the wayward nimblewright and offers a payment of 500GP for the task, one that is made easier by one of Nim’s other creations. A nimblewright detector she had crafted in hopes to search for the runaway creation. To aid the party in this endeavour, she gives the item to them alongside various other curious contraptions she has made.
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After getting together to discus a plan of action, Chester, Nygarth and Murgen depart for Hollyhand House where they search for Reed the cleric of Brandobaris and Urogalan. While in the corner of Halfling deities, Chester explains their names and domains to Nygarth. Offering the barbarian some insights in a different pantheon as well as Chester’s faith. They both try their luck at Tymora’s shrine, throwing the Lady Luck a coin before advancing to the last two shrines. Brandobaris’ covered in marks and trinkets of various kinds, while Urogalan’s is shrouded in shadows. From within the mischievous laughter is heard and the pair is introduced to the eccentric Reed. After a failed attempt to steal Nygarth’s purse they make their way to the morgue. Despite Reed’s impish nature he stays true to his word and casts the spell upon Dalakhar, the gnome who had been caught in the blast. From him Chester and Nygarth learn that he was indeed on his way to the party, he had heard of the adventurers who had saved Lord Neverember’s son from the Zhentarim and wanted to deliver the Stone of Gollor to them for safekeeping. He did all this on the orders of the Open Lord of Waterdeep.
With the information obtained, Reed takes his leave first and the others soon follow suit to make their way back to the tavern. Here the party agrees to have the evening to rest and prepare and that they would continue in the morning. Before everyone had gone to bed however, Reed appeared with the confession that he had skulked around, and had gone back to speak to the dead Zhentarim as well. From whom he had learned that they worked for Urstul Floxin and that they resided at Gralhund Villa.
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The next morning they all set out with the nimblewright detector, aiming to enter the sewers where Theryn presumed the nimblewright had disappeared to. However with the device in hand and the night’s vision of a mansion they soon approach Gralhund Villa itself, where the detector’s sounds grow more insistent. This leads the party to change plan, instead starting to prepare to enter the villa to investigate further. 
To get over the high walls and into the estate, Nygarth is equipped with the extending stilts that help him get over the obstacle and assist the others in getting across as well. Chester having tried the gate while under an invisibility spell but having failed to break past the magical lock placed upon it with his tools.
Once all across they make their way unseen and unheard to the Coach house where they find only the horses, coach and a sleeping individual in one of the back rooms. Deciding to not disturb him, they cross the yard to a door that leads to the house’s kitchen, still not encountering anyone.
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As the party advances they find the corpse of one of the servants on a pair of stairs, leading them to the household staff quarters and to a barricaded room where the remaining staff have gathered to protect themselves. With some effort of persuasion they promise to clear the way for them while Raivyre remains to protect them until they can leave safely. The others then proceed back downstairs and find various more dead individuals until they stumble upon the ongoing fighting in the great hall. Thugs are still standing over the bloodied remains of the household guard at the bottom of the stairs. 
A woman’s voice distantly heard calling out that the City Watch are on their way while the party quickly engages and dispatches the leather clad thugs, freeing their path to the stairs. With the rooms indeed clear Raivyre assists the staff to get out of their shelter and out of the house so she may join the party in the advance in the mansion.
Once upstairs they encounter the last standing guards barricading the thugs who are attempting to get past them.
This summary is like the best I could do after having slacked as much as I did, there’s so much more banter, nuance and detail that happened during the session but apparently I keep forgetting to write it all down so I had to get this out of the way because we’re playing again tomorrow eeeeeeeeeeeh
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natonebutfun · 6 years
Session 20: Business Disrupted
With the explosion that happened right outside their newly up and running tavern, the members of the Argent Vigil were quick to respond. Ensuring the safety of its patrons by guiding them toward the basement and heading out into the chaos that had ensued. Raivyre vigilantly guarded those within their care while others hurried to the smoke filled street.
Theryn went accompanied by Murgen, Synthrin and Passion. Letting his familiar companion scout the skies for any suspicious activity in the surrounding area. Chester meanwhile snuck out and was aided by a quick invisibility spell from Theryn to dive into the shadows for further investigation. In front of the tavern now lay eleven corpses, their burned remains a terrible sight for the weaker stomachs. Thirgrim, with Nygarth on his tail, turned in search for a possible culprit but instead found a young halfling boy hidden behind a water barrel. Martem was quickly ushered indoors by Nygarth and Theryn followed a suspicious figure on the rooftops until it vanished from Synthrin’s sights. The being that he had seen resembled a human however its movements appeared wooden and strange. Lykos, the newly hired bartender identifies it as a nimblewright which are often seen during the city’s parades and are mostly created in the House of Many Hands. The Temple to Gond.
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Failing to immediately pin down someone fleeing the scene, the members of the Argent Vigil gradually return to the tavern. Raivyre and Nygarth both question Martem who managed to hide, even though his friends weren’t as fortunate. The young boy had picked up something that had fallen into the rain barrel and is only willing to yield it to Nygarth when in exchange the latter offered up the necklace with the dragon’s tooth.
The necklace eventually is identified as a necklace of fireballs, which is clearly enough the origin of the disaster outside. It’s not too long before the guards start to file into the alley. Each exit soon cordoned off by seven forbidding anyone to leave, including Chester when he makes an attempt to seek out further information. The rogue reluctantly remains behind near the many guards and continues to make conversation. Eventually managing to persuade several of them to kill some time with card games.
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Once the streets are secured the Captain of the Watch Saeth Crowley arrives with the Magister Barnibus Blastwind of the Watchful Order of Magists and Protectors. The two sourly investigate the scene as other watchmen begin to go from door to door to interrogate possible witnesses for their investigation.
It does not take the duo long to enter the tavern where they briskly ask for information of all those present. The patrons having emerged from the basement and given free drinks while Martem remained safely below in company of the dire wolf pup and the mastiffs. One by one the Argent Vigil crew and the staff too are brought to speak to the two investigators who fire their questions in rapid succession in the urgent situation. Establishing quickly that while the gnome was seemingly headed for the tavern while being pursues, nobody is familiar with the now dead individual.
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Once they had sufficiently gathered their information the pair returned outside to receive the reports from the witnesses now pouring in. Chester meanwhile put up a sign to offer a discount to the many guards on duty to be claimed after their shift ends. However as Barnibus puzzles together the amount of evidence thusfar gathered he quickly comes to realise that the spell had been caused by a bead from a necklace of fireballs. Which he managed to trace, leading him to Theryn who had forgotten to hand the object over during his own interview. This caused quick offense to the efficient and dour magister who issued Theryn a two hundred dragon fine as well as a tenday of hard labour. To be executed on the farms outlying Waterdeep in favour of the harvests for Autumn.
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With the priests of the Temples arriving to remove the dead from the streets, matters returned to normal in Trollskull Alley. Albeit with business interrupted. Martem, now having come back up and been mothered by Helgret was returned home by Nygarth and Thirgrim into the relieved arms of his mother upon opening the door. The woman had not been very aware of what had transpired but was very grateful for the return of her son.
In the evening many of the guards took up the offer of discounted drinks and the tavern enjoyed a busy, drunken night. A couple of men making an effort to pass as guards but failing to bypass the keen eye of Chester who ensured that waivers were signed by any still on duty.
On the next day Theryn set out for his labour in the fields, bringing along the pups as well as synthrin to enjoy some of the freedom outside the city walls. Having left no notice for any of the members of the Argent Vigil they failed to discover where the wizard had gone before setting out on their own business. For Thirgrim that was a visit to the guilds to obtain a handful of gems, and Raivyre made the trip to the Temple after having stayed the night at Vigil’s End.
Here she was informed about the ongoing rumours in regarding the attack the day previous. Learning that the remains of those who had fallen victim to the fireball were kept under a Gentle Repose spell for now in the custody of the watch. Since the theft of her family heirloom there has been disturbances at the Endshift Tavern in the Field Ward that seemed to be caused by a gang of troublemakers. Raivyre is asked to resolve the trouble for the innkeeper and hopefully recover some information about the location of the lost heirloom.
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natonebutfun · 6 years
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the best used spells by Scanlan Shorthalt & Pike Trickfoot
(requested by @jabletown)
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natonebutfun · 6 years
Trollskull Alley/Manor - Sims 4 build
This is what happens if the DM (me) has access to the Sims 4 when the party obtains a tavern/manor from a quest. I’ve made some changes to the original maps that come with the source book for this campaign, mostly because my party decided on some during session as well as 5-7-ish people living/staying at the manor and thus needing more rooms.
(I also added the buildings around it, those however are NOT furnished)
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Ground Floor
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Here you can see that the party made the turret section a private area for the clients of the tavern
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The hatch and ladder have been replaced with a normal set of stairs because ladders in Sims universe don’t seem to exist.
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First Floor
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On this floor another room was added in the turret and the bottom hallway was removed in favor of more logical placements of the rooms.
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Second floor
In the book there’s a ladder leading to the topmost turret, of course this wasn’t possible in the Sims so we like to pretend “It’s there”
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The top right two bathrooms show as a single one in the book, however an en-suite ALSO being shared with the rest of the house seemed illogical. Changes where thus made, again. And of course the stairs are slightly different due to spiral stairs not existing in the Sims either.
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The storage room was split into two rooms here too, to make another bedroom and a storage that isn’t absurd in size. Screenshots here were also tricky due to the roof draped over it.
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natonebutfun · 6 years
Session 19: Vigil’s End - The Argent Vigil
During the afternoon the members of the group gradually came back together and met at Trollskull Manor, Theryn and Chester arriving with the trio of puppies that are promptly introduced to the others. Lif especially taking an instant liking to the creatures albeit that they weren’t necessarily very fond of him at the start.
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Chester chose to name his female pup Shikari, where Theryn named his Venari. The only white furred mastiff being the only male was named Cullen. The party also drew up contracts for them to continue adventuring together and work the tavern once it opened as a team. And so they finally had a name to call themselves, The Argent Vigil. 
In the next several days the final contracts came in to begin the renovation of their tavern and new residence. While working tirelessly to get their business up and running, the Argent Vigil also continued their personal interests. Theryn purchased a new spell to learn and trained Venari and Cullen with somewhat equal progress. Cullen seeming to take on his lessons more slowly than his sister Venari. Chester on the other hand works alongside Nygarth for Shikari’s training as the barbarian has past experience with the handling of animals.
Meanwhile Passion also makes an effort to learn Wesley the parrot some tricks and mostly suceeds, which is fortunate since Durnan was not pleased at the bird’s noises on the first night. Now he remains silent when ordered, and dances on the tunes of Passion’s music. Thirgrim managed to make a somewhat profitable agreement with the couple from Steam and Steel which allows him to work their forge two days per tenday, if paying a large percentage of his profits for the agreement. Raivyre continued to travel between the tavern and the temple to not neglect the need of many seeking guidance or counsel.
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Needing the staff to run the tavern, the Argent Vigil spent several days interviewing likely candidates. Putting each and every one to the test by running the scenario of cleaning, cooking and serving in order to get an idea of the skill of those who had applied. Over the course of three days Theryn, Thirgrim and Chester conducted the interviews while letting Passion, Raivyre and Nygarth take the role of patrons to judge the quality of the food as well as service. With their determined menu at hand the party agreed on six individuals to become part of the tavern’s staff, as well as a half-orc by the name of Murgen who would become security living with them. She had applied to be a cleaner but Theryn saw more potential in the reserved youth and proposed to allow her stay in the manor as bodyguard and security if they were to be away.
Two cooks were hired to provide a variety of choices, Helgret Glanhig the motherly dwarf would mostly be in charge of the lunch and early day meals that are more traditional than the dishes served by Rolen Holimion, the moon elf. His specialty being more challenging recipes. As a cleaner they agreed to hire the elder Randal Wendells due to his many years of experience and his sociable nature. The three servers now in their employ are Caramip Reese an energetic gnome, Salma Samir a former matron of a festhall, and Lykos Weaver a half-elf apprentice wizard which also caught the eye of Theryn due to his potential use outside the tavern. 
With the renovations done and the staff ready, the party was finally ready to launch their business. Inviting the many new faces they met over the past few tendays to attend the grand opening. Many came to see what the new owners had achieved with the well known tavern and the party managed to make a generous amount of profit from their first night. Launching them into a busy few days to get to grip with the new routine and responsibility.
Thirgrim decided to take one of those days to work on some swords at the forge to be put out for sale by Steam and Steel. While Chester, Raivyre and Nygarth made a trip back to Oakhurst, briefly stopping by at the Hucrele House where they learned that Sharwyn and Bradford had become engaged and would be wed during Highharvestide. After encouraging their old friends to visit Waterdeep and their new tavern they set out for the clearing where they had initially fought the wayward Direwolves and tracked down a litter of newborn pups. The Mother was ready to protect her offspring but they quickly rendered her unconcious. Not meaning to leave the other youngs to fend for themselves after they retrieved the small runt and returned to the tavern, now with a pet for Nygarth in tow.
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Now all settled, the peace is soon disturbed by a sudden mayhem just outside the door of Vigil’s End, the windows shudder and shatter when the roar of impact is heard. Fire blooms in the street and individuals fall over burned while smoke and ash begins to fill the air.
Bring on chapter THREE
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natonebutfun · 6 years
Faction Missions - Exploring Waterdeep
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Between session 18 and 19 I had a few mini sessions with a select few of the party to speed up the chapter we were currently in. Due to having six players it could take a long while to get all these faction missions out of the way at the table and we decided to simply do them with the people separately before the next sitting. Here’s what happened on those.
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Raivyre - Order of the Gauntlet
Raivyre stayed the night as the Temple where she had been residing ever since their arrival in the city. Being a known face there and recently having been invited to become a member of the Order she was assigned her second mission to seek out the publisher of the Waterdeep Wazoo to dig a little deeper into the matter of the Black Viper who was reported dead long ago, and has now resurfaced and robbed several nobles. 
When arriving at the publishing house, Raivyre at first is asked to wait without much attention being given to her desire to see Gaxly Rudderbust. When the dragonborn Paladin however approaches the desk once more she reminds them of the urgency of her business and who had sent here. This speeds matters significantly and Raivyre is finally shown to the office of Gaxly, where she is introduced to the sleazy publisher.
The man initially seems to have no interest in the betterment of the city, or helping the order but heavily hints at the information being available for the right reward or payment. When he finally receives a hefty sum of dragons he doesn’t hesitate to inform Raivyre of the suspicions he has. Gaxly namely believes that the Black Viper is none other than the evil twin sister of Lady Ammalia Cassalanter, who hides her face because of a disfigurement. He does not know, nor share anything else which prompts Raivyre to leave and to follow up on his lead.
Outside of the publisher’s office, Raivyre is witness to a street scuffle between two halflings that are drawing a crowd. Wanting to intervene and pull the two apart she is bumped into by the instigator who evades her grasp. Shortly after the city watch arrives to take away the target of the running culprit’s theft. It’s at the temple after Raivyre delivers her report of the information that she realises that the family heirloom of Bahamut has been stolen, suspecting of course the halfling that got away.
Having been given instructions to follow up on her lead, Raivyre seeks out information about the Cassalanters, learning them to be a charitable noble family of good standing and significant wealth. Despite the much positive attitude towards the family she does struggle to hear anything more indepth or personal in regards to them in the long hours of her investigation. In the end she remains in a tavern near the market and asks the patrons that come and go, until eventually a slightly intoxicated elder man comes to sit with her. Introducing himself as Stan Lee, he confesses to once have worked for the family and that his son has now taken his former position.
The information in regards to the Lady having a twin sister invites amusement and laughter, quickly dispelling the possible clue with repeated denial. In the end, Raivyre returns to Trollskul Manor with heavily conflicting information and a missing amulet.
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Chester & Passion - The Zhentarim (Doom Raiders)
In the Yawning Portal, Chester & Passion meet up with Davil to inquire about the recent post in the Wazoo linking the Zhentarim to the Black Viper. It’s quickly clear that Davil is increasingly frustrated with the damage to their reputation due to the ongoing activity in the city, but he urges them to simply stick to the missions he assigns and that they will be asked to help if or when needed.
This day the duo are asked to pick up a delivery at Weirdbottle’s Concoctions, owned by a long term friend named Skeemo and deliver it to the God Catcher where a woman in a purple cloak will be waiting with a generous tip. Together they set off to find the shop and are introduced to Skeemo who appears to be a fairly unpleasant person initially when he hurries them out the door with the coffer holding the Potions of Mindreading. 
Passion carries the box as they travel through the city to the agreed upon location and find a private carriage waiting, the crest of a noble house engraved upon its doors and a beautiful young woman waiting. Over her head is indeed a purple hood that Chester recognises from briefly passing the woman at the Bent Nail. Meanwhile Passion recognises the crest due to recent stirring of the family name Rosznar having returned after their exile hundred of years ago. The noble family’s reputation stained with the criminal slave trade they once meddled in.
Upon receiving her package, Lady Esvele departs with a courteous farewell and a generous tip given to the pair who return to Skeemo’s where Chester spends a hefty share of his own cut on various poisons and venoms. Passion meanwhile was asked to wait outside but explored the nearby shops until stepping into a pet store where her own money went towards the purchase of a colourful parrot who she carried out in its cage and back to the Yawning Portal. Durnnan warning her severely that if the animal makes too much noise he personally will handle it.
Chester had also managed to give her less than half of the given tip and has Passion convinced that he had given up more than half to her after he’d already spent the majority in Weirdbottle’s Concoctions before he headed to Trollskull.
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Theryn - The Harpers (With Chester)
When Chester returned to Trollskull, Theryn was ready to head out and sell off some of the various items they had procurred during earlier adventures to be capable of funding the group’s endeavour for the tavern’s renovations. Together they went out to the jewelers guild where the many precious stones were appraised and weighted to land them a wealthy sum of gold. And a promise towards the young dwarf Hilda that she was invited to the opening of their tavern after it was apparent she was rather taken by Theryn.
Wanting to delve around the shops in the Trade Ward, Theryn too is drawn to seek out the pet store that Passion had visited earlier that day and was instantly taken by the trio of mastiff puppies that rushed at him. All three were subsequently purchased by an enthused Theryn eager to give them a home and an equally satisfied proprietor glad to see the three housed together. One pup was taken into Chester’s care as the other two remained with Theryn on their way to find Maxeene the talking horse. Who was currently supposed to be in the Sea Ward for this tenday.
Arriving there and tracking down the horse was not a difficult task for Theryn, who was quickly directed towards her. Maxeene herself lived up to her reputation of being a rather remarkable lady of high expectations but gladly informed Theryn about what she had seen or heard. But recently she picked up a moon elf and a half-orc who she brought to the Yawning Portal and overheard them talk about hiring spies to root out the Xanathar Guild. Her descriptions match heavily with familiar faces for Theryn who had been introduced to Yagra before and has seen Davil around as well.
After promising Maxeene he would encourage Mirt to seek her out soon, he and Chester returned to Trollskull where Theryn sent his report of the mission to Mirt.
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Nygarth - The Emerald Enclave
Having been invited to Phaulkonmere in the Southern Ward to join the Emerald Enclave, Nygarth travels there to meet Melannor Fellbranch the groundskeeper who introduces him to the purpose of the Enclave and its goals. He is told that they hire druids and rangers traditionally but that they aknowledge his own connection to nature and the wild as an asset they could use if he is interested. It is then hat he’s given his “introductory” mission to see whether or not he would indeed fit within the ranks and would be of sufficient capability to deal with the troubles they encounter.
Nygarth is asked to visit the outlying farms that are being terrorised by a scarecrow come to life. It has reportedly slain livestock and horses, as well as spooked the farmers. Luckily thusfar no people have been killed which is why the City Guard has not taken any steps to action as of yet.
It does not take Nygarth long to find his way to the fields surrounding the city and he passes the Snobeedle Orchard and Meadery on the way where various people are plucking fruits and enjoying a beverage in the last warm days of the year. Not much later he also finds the culprit of the reported slaughers and quickly disposes the scarecrow and removes the threat.
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Meanwhile at Trollskull Alley: Thirgrim
Holding down the fort and tending to the various Guilds visiting for the tavern’s repair, is Thirgrim who is introduced to the married couple Embric and Avi who own and work at Steam and Steel, the nearby smith. They visit Thirgrim after hearing of him joining the Most Careful Order of Skilled Smiths and Metalforgers as well as the Splendid Order of Armorers, Locksmiths and Finesmiths.  Avi and Embric ask for the party’s artisan’s help in their workshop, Embric needing to conduct various business meetings and visits and not being able to work the forge for the increasing number of commissions they need to finish.
Thirgrim agrees to help the couple and works several hours at the forge and receives a third of the shares of the profit made.
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natonebutfun · 6 years
Session 18: Lightsinger Theater
With the few hours remaining leading up to the unexpected invitation to the Opera, the party split up to see to their own affairs. Nygarth, Raivyre and Passion went to the nearby gambling & festhall for the use of their bath-houses. While Raivyre and Passion both opted for a private bath, Nygarth had no trouble chosing the public bath. The three of them thoroughly enjoyed a good soak, and wash, then made their way back to Trollskull Manor to change in their collected evening clothes. Nygarth however took note of the newspaper that was being read by the clerk, the Waterdeep Wazoo’s headline captivating his attention in regards to Renaer Neverember. Who the party but recently were introduced to, as well as the surrounding troubles.
The other three, Chester, Thirgrim and Theryn remained at the manor and utilised Theryn’s magical skills for a tidier appearance. But not after Theryn urged Lif to play a prank upon their resident dwarf and doused him with a bucket of cold water after finishing a ritual of craft dedicated to his God.
Once the six of them reunited and shared a modest meal, provided by Chester, they were informed about the Wazoo’s article which Nygarth had brought home and read through the information at hand. Which also included some news about the Black Viper having “returned” to Waterdeep. Something which Chester in particular found intriguing.
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Once they arrived at Lightsinger Theater the party saw the large advertisement for tonight’s opera “The Fall of Tiamat” which piqued some interest in the approaching group. All of them being given their entry tickets upon reaching the sales clerk, who directed them to their private booth as courtesy to Mirt who had arranged their presence. 
Upon the start of the show, the whole party quickly learned that neither of them understood the language in which the opera was sung, namely giant. This however did not detract from Theryn, Raivyre and Passion’s enjoyment of the display and artistry. The remaining three were more sceptical but remained nonetheless.
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During the intermission Theryn was asked to join Mirt in his own personal box by the butler attending the former adventurer. The rest of the party were however not invited along to this private meeting. Here Theryn was invited by Mirt to become of the Harpers, whom he had previously already heard about and was more than willing to become part of. Mirt also asked Theryn that if in the future he believes others of the current party to be both interested and a valuable asset to the Harpers to introduce them. For now however, only Theryn was invited to their ranks, and asked to seek out a talking horse as his first mission. The Harpers showing interest in hearing whether Maxeene had recently heard anything about Zhentarim in the city, and whether she had at all transported any of them so they may know their identity.
After this Theryn returned to the others, who were provided with a generous amount of drinks and food from Mirt, to enjoy the second part of the opera. Even while language was a barrier for all, they managed to glean the story from the fantastical displays and costumes on stage. Learning of the dragon queen’s fall through artistic expression.
At the end of the opera, Raivyre returned to the Temple of Tyr, Passion and Chester returned to the Yawning Portal and the others all retired to Trollskull Manor to call it a night.
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natonebutfun · 6 years
Session 15 & 16 & 17: Settling in Waterdeep
The party has quickly gotten to work on their new property, even with Nygarth disappearing for the next few hours to unwind from the recent adventures. Together they all explored the various rooms to make an effort at assessing the damage and cost of repairs. Fortunately the new ownership is already noticed by the many guilds of Waterdeep and the party are introduced to Broxley Fairkettle from the Fellowship of Innkeepers. Despite his friendly demeanour, he ensures that they are all very aware of the “encouragement” to join the appropriate guilds and prosper as a business in Waterdeep.
Once the new owners of Trollskull Manor pay for their membership, Broxley promises to send out word to relevant guilds so they may come to inspect the building and begin repairs.
During the first sweep of cleaning up however, the party is made aware of a strange presence leaving messages in the dust in an attempt to scare them off. Thirgrim manages to determine the nature of this spirit and together they all aim to communicate with the spectre residing in the tavern. Hijinks ensued where Lif, a half-elf poltergeist, rapidly befriended the new owners who promised the former bartender that they would restore Trollskull Manor to its former state and run the business with his most welcome help. Lif’s initial protectiveness quickly replaced with friendly banter. However his backstory was a somewhat unpleasant surprise when he informed the party that his remains were hidden behind a fake wall down in the basement. Having been murdered by one of the previous owners, who cheated on his wife. Information Lif found out and had threatened to reveal.
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During next few hours, Theryn went to explore the surrounding streets and businesses. Being immediately drawn to the bookshop nearby and making a rather poor first impression with the dragonborn owner. Chester too went to visit the nearby shops to introduce himself and make it known that they were restoring the tavern. The nearby Carpenter of the Bent Nail expressed an eagerness to provide the new furniture, and his wares were swiftly inspected by Thirgrim to confirm their quality being up to his standards.
Valanthe made the journey to her parental home to retrieve some more of her belongings and search the library for books or tomes of possible value for the party. Upon returning she offered to give her find to Theryn, simultaneously hoping to establish trust towards her. Especially after the party had informed her they were not quite comfortable with shared housing as of yet, so shortly after meeting.
Meanwhile Thirgrim spent time to produce a physical form for Lif to occupy, rather than be invisible at all times. A suit of armour for the bartender was presented along with a trollskull head as homage to his attachment to the former name. Lif himself seeming all too pleased with his new appearance and also grateful for the party that has retrieved and buried his remains on the property.
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Together they welcomed the first representatives of the many guilds and shared a meal in the now tidied tavern. During this time, many of the party were surprised by various messages requesting a meeting. Theryn was contacted by none other than the Blackstaff through a sending spell, while Valanthe was visited by a speaking cat that vanished shortly after. Inviting the young druid to come visit the Emerald Enclave. Chester on the other hand received a note from a flying snake. Bidding him to come to the Yawning Portal.
Nygarth was invited to come along when Theryn and Chester made their way to Blackstaff Tower. Having only just returned from his own sojourn in the city in search of exotic experiences. His own return to the tavern having been met with Lif barring his entrance.
Despite being a woman of young age, the Blackstaff is a woman in a position of significant power and has invited the party (including those not attending) to join the Grey Hands in defense and protection of the city. An invitation they didn’t find all too easy to decline. Vajra asks those present to seek out Hlam, a monk that lives in a cave on Mount Waterdeep. Telling them to ask him if he has heard anything in regards to threats to the city.
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Upon departing from the tower, Chester went towards the Yawning portal by himself as Nygarth and Theryn returned to Trollskull Manor.  Considering the obvious manner of communication it was no surprise to Chester to be introduced to the Zhentarim. A familiar face welcomed him to join her at the table, Yagra’s boss Davil being equally familiar considering his own residency being within the Yawning Portal. Already there however is a new individual, a pale skinned tiefling introduced as Passion who is to accompany Chester on this assignment if accepted.
Currently they are investigating the killings of half-elf and elf sailors in the Dock Ward, Passion already having spent various nights keeping an eye out for suspect activity. The City Watch seems to be in need of help to stop the spree of decapitating murders.
Down at the Dock Ward, they firstly approached the guard house to seek out Captain Staget for information but were not permitted entry by the guard on duty at the door. Leaving them to go out on the streets and after spending some time keeping out an eye they see a drunken helf-elf leave a nearby tavern. Deciding that this is likely a target for the mysterious killer they follow in the dark and are indeed proven correct.
Passion and Chester are quick to intervene when the sailor is attacked and sustains quite some damage. Thanks to their appearance he manages to make a run for it to safety while the two agents attempt to subdue the man who turns out to be a drow. In the fighting that ensues, both Chester and Passion are severely injured but are fortunately joined by the City Watch making their appearance when the drow attempts to escape. Together they join Captain Staget after the culprit is detained and receive medical aid at the station. Staget promises to inform them of any further information they obtain about the drow, as well as the smoke powder and the weapon it was used with.
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Meanwhile at Trollskull Manor, Valanthe had been bid to return home immediately. Thirgrim had further welcomed representatives of the various guilds and has started to build a list of costs and repairs from their visits. A surprising return arrives at Trollskull Manor as well, Raivyre having sought out her travelling companions after having spent some time at Tyr’s Temple and having joined the Order of the Gauntlet. Now more confident in her path thanks to the guidance she received from the other priests instructing her where needed. She has already assisted with the rising tensions between Zhents and Xanathar agents by breaking up some of the fights breaking out in the Field Ward. Dispersing some of the trouble-makers.
When there is finally a break in the various arrivals, Thirgrim makes his way to the Trade Ward so he can enlist himself with the various guilds of his interest. Ensuring that he is covered for the many craftmanship abilities he possesses to practise further in Waterdeep.
When Chester returns, his arm in a sling and accompanied by Passion they begin their discussion about the future plans for the tavern. Deciding that some of them would head out to scout the District for other similar establishments and their current appeal. Nygarth, Thirgrim and Raivyre together go to various inns and taverns to establish what the district is in need of and what would yield them the most profit. 
Now that they are all together once more it is time for them to seek out the Monk living on Mount Waterdeep as per instructions of the Blackstaff. The journey not quite as easy as they had anticipated as the climb leaves them rather exhausted during the summer’s heat.
Once in the cave they are welcomed by a sour old man who at least has the courtesy to offer them a cup of tea. Not very impressed by the gaggle of adventurers, Hlam proposes a friendly duel to test their mettle and picks out Nygarth from the group as his first opponent. Unfortunately, despite his advanced age the monk is a quick and efficient combatant with very little mercy. Nygarth is quickly floored and unconscious without having delivered damage to the elder. Thankfully Hlam ensures that Nygarth received some manner of healing and got him back to his feet after the ordeal.
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Chester himself stepped up to the challenge and manages to stay up on his feet longer, although equally failing in landing an attack upon the monk. Who mid-fights determined to simply sit back down to have his cup of tea. Not quite impressed by the Blackstaff’s choice of adventurers sent to his cave, especially considering the woman’s remarkable power and capabilities. The only information they depart with is the cryptic message from Hlam stating that “Evil’s twin hides its face for now. Expect that to change before winter’s end.”
Back at the Manor, Theryn receives a paper bird message to invite the party to the Opera that evening. Alongside are a multitude of tickets for admission. Considering the explicit requirement of formal attire, all of them head towards Maerados Finery & Furs to acquire the neccesary gowns and suits for the evening’s trip. After the many challenges and dangers faced, it appears that the majority of the party are not quite comfortable with an evening out in such high brow society.
Time to stop slacking and update the blog with the last sessions that happened in 2018. I was 3 sessions behind on my posts and I also ran a side-quest for Chester & Passion due to attendance problems. Nygarth having missed session 15, Chester having been absent, Passion joining our party on the side-quest only to have all of our players together for the last one prior to the holidays. We’re all looking forward to resume D&D in the new year!
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natonebutfun · 6 years
Session 14 - Mind Blown
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Our adventurers made their way to the sewers in pursuit of finding Floon. An hour long journey through the maze-like bowels of the city, guided only by the symbol markings leading them towards their destination. Nearing the hideout they came across a floating creature, no larger than a grapefruit but starkly resembling a beholder - something they knew to be a dangerous foe.
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The Gazer was guarding a ladder that the party learned led up to a tavern above, having disposed of the creature swiftly. Preventing too many of its rays hitting their party and allowing them to continue on without much delay.
However, as they followed left at the intersection, the sound of Thirgrim carving into the nearby wall drew the attention of a sentry, shrouded behind an arrow slit. Its arrows mostly missing their mark as the party continued towards a nearby door. Also discovering a second door hidden on the opposite side of the putrid stream that granted them access to the hideout.
Chester went first and collided immediately with the goblin sentry that had left his post in alarm of the party’s approach. Swiftly taking out the goblin to allow the group to continue onward without warning of their coming being sent out.
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Only moments after their arrival, the party could hear the agonising screams beyond the double doors ahead, charging to break through without any hesitation and engaging a combat where the very sight of their opponent instilled them with dread. Not only did they have to face the half-orc who appeared to be in the middle of torturing Floon, but in the room was also the nightmarish illithid overseeing the procedure. Its disappointment with his underling was apparent as he rose from his raised dais and disappeared. Leaving behind only his pet, a brain carried on four legs.
Despite his effort to retaliate against the party, the half-orc Grum’shar only succeeded in unleashing a single spell before the collapse of the party spelled his end. The intellect devourer however struck a far more impactful blow when going for Chester, and succeeding in draining the halfling’s intellect, leaving him stunned and incapable of any skill.
Once this creature too was taken out, the party got Floon to his feet by restoring his health and attempted the same to bring Chester’s capabilities back. Several restorative spells were attempted and had but a minimal effect, though it at least permitted Chester the ability to communicate and move once more so they could take their leave. In Theryn’s case, also with the new possession of the half-orc’s spellbook for his collection of knowledge.
Hurrying back to the surface, the party quickly returned to the Yawning Portal where Floon was reunited with his friends Volo and Renaer who all expressed their gratitude openly to the group. Hugging each member in joy for the success of their mission. Volo, however, faced the fact that his promise of payment could not be fulfilled due to being short on coin these days. To compensate for this, he hands the group a scroll that turned out to be the deed to a manor in Waterdeep.
After the long day the party had, they all turned in to sleep and have some well deserved rest. Chester’s temporary state having been restored by the hands of the Priest Obaya who frequents the Yawning Portal and was all too glad to be of assistance. And as the party slept, Theryn ventured out in search of knowledge, obtaining the materials to copy new spells into his own spellbook over the course of the night.
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The transfer of the property was witnessed the next day by a magistrate, who also ensured Theryn was registered as an arcane user and signed up with the Watchful Order of Magists and Protectors. Allowing the party to go and inspect the manor they could now call their own. Impressive as the building may appear, offering them a chance to restore the former tavern to a thriving business, it looked to be in dire need of many repairs and restorations. A task that did not daunt these adventurers, quite the contrary. The prospect of their own tavern seemed to be a challenge they all looked forward too, promptly dubbing the future establishment:
“Vigil’s End” 
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natonebutfun · 6 years
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natonebutfun · 6 years
The Nameless Adventurers
The party in character has not yet named itself, but here is the updated list of members! Lia and Vigil (both players and characters) unfortunately had to put D&D on the back burner and no longer had time to continue coming, Raivyre has decided on a different character to play.
Theryn Galastacia - Moon Elf Divination Wizard
& Synthrin - Silver Pseudodragon Familiar
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Chester Underbough - Halfling Swashbuckler Rogue
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Nygarth Croweye - Uthgardt Ancestral Barbarian
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Thirgrim Ironstar - Dwarven Cleric of the Forge
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Valanthe “Saga” Emberwave - Half-elf Circle of the Land Druid
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These are merely images as inspiration to the characters, I do not own the art and all credit goes to its artists (unfortunately hoarding reference pictures on my PC has made me lose original links)
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natonebutfun · 6 years
Session 13 - Onward, to Adventure
SPOILER ALERT - The following post will contain spoilers to the D&D Module Waterdeep: Dragon Heist. Stop reading if you are a player yet to embark on this journey. Or don’t, but be warned!
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In Waterdeep the party settles in to their previous lodgings in the Yawning Portal. Some initial members of their group not having returned while a new face has come along with them. The safe return of Chester is welcomed by Faelia, the motherly cook of the tavern who serves the adventurers a lavish big meal. Ensuring the well-being of her “son” is not neglected. During their absence, Bonnie the barmaid has picked up the list of side-jobs Chester usually tends to and has insisted to complete the ones currently available to earn herself some additional gold.
Lord Stayanoge gets summoned by Durnan who does not hesitate to send off the information of the party’s return, allowing them to take some time to enjoy their meal followed by a brief trip to the Market. Here they all seek out their own interests while braving the sweltering summer heat that lingers in the valley. The oppressive temperature having slowed the city to a near crawl.
Thirgrim ventures forth in search of gemstones though only encounters already cut versions in ornate pieces of jewelry, at the same time Theryn seeks out the commotion in the largest tent situated in the centre of the market. Here the party finds a current demonstration ongoing from the Sea Maidens Faire showing their entertaining stunts to promote their carnival.
Further along, Theryn browses some books in search of something to his interests without much success. Before they can further explore the market and the goods currently being offered, a bird arrives as a signal to Chester that Lord Stayanoge has made contact, and so they return to the Yawning Portal.
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Much to the Lord’s disappointment he learns of the fate of the Gulthias tree and the apples he had wanted for its healing properties. Understanding the need to remove such a blight, yet failing to conceal that the setback on his plans leaves him with the sentiment. True to his word when having initially contacted the party he pays the promised 300 dragons for the information that was shared. Before Lord Stayanoge departs, Chester and Theryn subtly make mention of the names that had been found upon the note of the Bandits, hoping to glean whether their had been involvement from the Lord or his guard respectfully. Receiving no hint of their hand in the matter they part ways amiably and promptly have to bid farewell to Raivyre as well.
The Dragonborn Paladin that had adventured at their side informs the others that it’s to her best interest to begin her journey back to her homelands to pursue the teachings of the Oath and fulfill her duty in service to Bahamut. Meanwhile she also intends to keep an eye out for the band of kobolds currently making their way in the same direction. As Raivyre departs Theryn asks if he could possibly purchase the magical cloak of protection of her, if she is no longer in need of it. In agreement of trade, Raivyre receives the leatherbound tome of Draconic history that had been found in Belak’s possession.
With the hours having gone by, Faelia begins to serve a wholesome evening meal to the remaining group. The peace does not last for very long, a brawl breaking out nearby where an agitated male human instigates the conflict with the half-orc Yagra. His bald head visibly covered in a variety of tattoos, all eyes. The sudden chaos sends Yagra’s table flying off, missing the occupant of the table nearby by a hair’s breadth. 
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She soon enough gains the upper hand, beating the man who she keeps pinned under her weigh. The others in  his company crowded around the fighting duo, ready to tackle Yagra if required. But despite the crowd now watching the unfolding conflict, Chester makes his way forward to discourage her from further violence. Reminding Yagra of the policies Durnan enforces without  a fault. Assisted in this encouragement by Thirgrim who magically sends a tremor towards the brawl. Just as Yagra reluctantly steps back, Durnan vaults over the counter with his sword brought to bare. “Out” Was all the proprietor growled, sending the cronies scurrying with their unconscious friend carried along.
At this point the patrons of the tavern break into a panic, shouts and screams heard as they hurry to hide and find cover. “Troll!” the party hears just before they see the creature crawl out of the Yawning Portal, standing on the floor with a variety of flying creatures surrounding it. Durnnan and Yagra do not hesistate to join the fray as the party engages the monster. Theryn’s swift spellwork levitating the troll and keeping it away from causing harm to the bystanders as the rest deal with the blook-sucking beasts that fly to attack hungrily.
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A little unsteady on their feet in some cases, however otherwise unharmed, the party manages to kill the threats that had crept up from the depths of Undermountain. Durnan even commenting that they fought well before simply returning to his post behind the bar. From the crowd however comes a figure, pressing forward to intercept the party before they can even catch their breath.
“Volothamp Geddarn” he introduces himself, with pomp and ceremony. The human quickly establishes his “fame” and even gets recognised by Theryn who possesses the book he wrote and has it signed by the chronicler immediately. Volo however seeks their help, encouraging them all to be seated to hear his offer. Including Yagra and the half-elven druid that had fought beside them. Volo informs them about his friend Floon who has gone missing, last seen two nights ago in the Skewered Dragon in the Dock ward. Reluctantly sharing his information though appearing entirely honest when pressed to reveal the less pleasant pieces of the puzzle. For the agreed 100 dragons, the party sets out to see if they can gather information about Floon at the mentioned tavern. Having had very little luck when Chester asked Durnan.
Yagra does not accompany the group, however “Saga” as the half-elven druid introduces herself does show intention to be part of the endeavour. Setting out alongside Theryn, Chester, Nygarth and Thirgrim to make their way down into the unsavoury part of the city. 
On their way towards the Skewered Dragon, the party comes across an area cordoned off by the City Watch where several corpses lay bloodied on the street and three arrested individuals kneel while witnesses are being interrogated. Quickly they are told to move along, though not before noting another tattoo upon one of dead, again an eye.
Valanthe (Saga) finds herself in quite the predicament, when having used her druidic ability to approach in the guise of a cat and promptly having been kicked by one of the Watchmen, the impact itself being enough to forcefully return her to her half-elven form. For her transgression she was charged with a 100 dragon fine, the payment noted on record with her details as well as a sketch of her appearance that the Watch makes her sign. Sending her to be on her way with a severe warning.
Once rounding a corner and heading past a peculiar shop with a stuffed Beholder, they arrive at the ruined looking tavern. The Skewered Dragon does not look too inviting through a few patrons currently are inside, drinking their poison of the night. One is noted to have a tattoo of a serpent on his lower arm.
As the party proceeds inside to find information about Floon they are met with reluctance and dismissal until the promise of coin loosens some tongues and argument breaks out in regards to the identity of Floon. Seemingly two matching the description, later discovered to be “Lord Neverember’s son, Renaer.” both him and Floon having been seen leaving near midnight. However followed by five individuals known to reside in the nearby warehouse with the serpent painted on the door.
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After a few attempts to gain attention from possible individuals inside the warehouse, the decision is made that action is to be taken immediately. Chester being sent to scout past the gate, and indoors to see what they could expect. Inside there is a dozen corpses of a recent fight, their bloodied remains scattered across the floor where crates and other furniture has been strewn haphazardly around. Upon further investigation 4 kenku are spotted, coming out of hiding with swords drawn to herd Chester towards the exit.
Due to their nature, they repeat the most recent heard phrases that alarms the party. “Xanathar sends his regards.” they mimic, making their allegiance known. But with pressing encouragement and intimidation they make to leave without conflict breaking out.
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Not soon after, after investigating the corpses and finding more tattoos of both eyes and flying serpents, they discover Renaer Neverember hiding in a nearby storage. From him the party learns that Floon was mistaken to be him and that the culprits were trying to glean information about Renaer’s father’s hidden treasure. Not much later the City Watch arrives on the scene and interrogates the party, Captain Staget seemingly being familiar with Renaer and already aware of the ongoing war between the two factions. He warns them to keep the blood of his streets though equally seems to hold no issue with the Xanathar and Zenths going at each other, it gives him less work.
After assisting the guard with investigation, the party is asked to take their leave of the scene and they plan their further venture down into the sewers after encouraging Renaer to return to the Yawning Portal to inform Volo of the proceedings.
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natonebutfun · 6 years
Session 12 - Loose ends
This short but sweet session allowed the party to finish the last loose ends and return to Waterdeep. While in Oakhurst they attended a dinner with the dwarven  Blacksmiths and the next morning were at the funeral held for Talgen Hucrele. With Oakhurst’s primary deity being Chauntea, the event was held in the outlying fields where torches were lit and bountiful baskets of offerings were given to the mourning family. Following the ceremony the majority of the town gathered at the Ol’ Boar inn where the celebration of Talgen’s life was held until the early hours of the morning. 
Both nights welcomed a visitor to Nygarth’s door, unexpected by interference of Theryn’s manipulations initially. During the occurring events however, Thirgim required rest for a sudden turn of poor health and couldn’t be part of the final gatherings in Oakhurst.
Before taking their leave, Chester and Theryn made a visit to the town’s mayor, hoping to gather information regarding the Lord who had initially sent them on their journey, to little avail.
Once having collected the final orders and requests, such as the engraved shield for Thirgrim, engraved axe for Nygarth as well as a black furred cloak from the slain Dire wolf. And finally the first piece of Synthrin’s “hoard”, the silve pseudodragon familiar that accompanies Theryn. Unexpectedly delivered was also a small leather harness for the small companion so she may carry a little pouch of her own.
The party gathered itself and made their return to Waterdeep by rented horses, to be returned by the stable hand in the metropolis once they had entered the gates.
Now, once more taking up their lodging in the Yawning Portal, where the adventure had begun.
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natonebutfun · 6 years
Session 11
At the Hucrele home, the party enjoyed the remainders of breakfast and spent the morning talking about their adventure and following plans. Together they speculated over the note that had been found in the camp of the mercenaries that had ambushed them. Discussing who may be responsible for making them the target of such an attack.
Using their time productively, Thirgrim offered to use his divine ability to mold and reshape materials. Turning less useful weapons into more practical ingots for their travels while the rest of the party played some gambling card games. During this, Theryn went in search of the staff of the house to arrange a message to be given to Oakhurst’s mayor to perhaps agree to a meeting.
Upon returning with Sir Bradford, Sharwyn informed the party that she had been given information in regards to Lia and Vigil who have both appeared in town. The latter currently having been brought to the village chapel for medical attention, while Lia had since been seen departing once more.
Seeing the party playing cards, the young noblewoman eagerly joined in the game and encouraged Sir Bradford to take part. Commenting how last time he had lost so severely he was naked by the end. Thirgrim’s attempt to follow Chester’s earlier example in cheating the cards was twarthed by a perceptive Sharwyn, who immediately after was caught trying the very same by Chester. In good humour, they all finished their game with Sir Bradford coming out as the final winner.
Raivyre meanwhile took some time to seek quiet solitude to reflect on the discomfort she had woken up with. Meditating to beseech Bahamut for guidance and evaluating the choices she had made to evaluate where perhaps she had strayed from her path. 
As the day proceeded, the party once more went about their business in town. Returning to the Smithy to further purchase weapons and ammunition. Their generous spending resulting in an invitation to come back for dinner spent with the Smith and his wife. Raivyre sought out the village chaper to Chauntea where she informed herself about Vigil and his current state of poor health, his memory being severely damaged from the fall. A helping hand was offered to the attending gnomish priest as well as a monetary deposit to the shrine’s needs.
Before returning to the inn, the party visited Old Man Reed, the halfling woodworker who’s services were paid for by Chester to engrave his new crossbows. The black wood weapon named Ebony, and its white twin Ivory. They had a joyous reunion with Edam the halfling at his Cheese and Sweet shop, where they purchase cheeses and preserves for their lunch at the tavern.
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During their meal, a distraught messenger came rushing in to find a nearby couple, delivering them some dire news.
Their sons, alongside some of their young friends, had ventured into the woods and returned with Frederik severely injured after the youths had been attacked by gigantic wolves. Upon hearing this, the party followed to the Shrine where they saw the concerned and angry parents of the small group of teens as well as the mortally wounded boy currently being tended to by the priest of Chauntea.
Without much pause, Theryn hurried inside to administer a healing potion to the boy to save his life, only to continue to gather enough information for them all to track down the threat, being guided to the clearing by one of the parents of the children.
There the party lured out a pack of three savage dire-wolves by baiting them into the open and immediately engaging them in a fight. Having drawn their attention and coaxed them to the bridge upon which they held their ground against the monstrous beasts. Theryn remained airborne as the others used their gifts and skills to strike down the three creatures as swiftly as possible. Their advance having trapped them between the illusions and spells Theryn conjured to herd them into his desired directions.
In the end, all three lay slain. All three of the beasts were brought along upon the party’s return to Oakhurst. The largest of the three, with black fur being delivered to the village tanner to be turned into a cloak for Nygarth.
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natonebutfun · 6 years
Session 10
The return of Sharwyn Hucrele to her family home and reunion with her mother was an emotional ordeal for our party, who excused themselves to retreat to the dining room which allowed mother and daughter some privacy. Alongside the party was Sir Bradford who remained silent, while Theryn stayed with the two women, once more having offered the deceased Talgen his physical form for his final request.
Upon holding his mother a final time and bidding her a heartfelt farewell, Talgen’s spirit was finally at ease and departed from the world. Knocking Theryn prone as he left his body.
Our party did not linger for too long, allowing the family their privacy and instead went on to the nearby Old Boar Inn to get some rest, and a decent meal. They were however told that they would be welcome to stay as guests in the Hucrele house if they so wished after they had been given their monetary reward as promised prior to their adventure.
After a hearty amount of drinks all round, the party each found their way to their respective rooms for a night of sleep, or meditation. During this, Nygarth received a piece of armour crafted by magical means of the party’s new ally: the dwarf cleric Thirgrim. Theryn spent hours in study to learn and master the spells from Sharwyn’s spellbook prior to returning it to its owner. Raivyre waking in the morning with a slight feeling of unease where her ability to heal and aid others with her bestowed power of Lay on Hands was not restored with rest. And Chester once more grateful for the magically enhanced coffee preventing the drawbacks of hangovers.
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The next day allowed the party to each go their way to restock supplies, spend the large sums of gold now at their disposal or otherwise fill their time.
Currently visiting in town was the travelling merchant Tiberius, a red dragonborn of jovial and energetic nature. His magical items drew the attention of our party as they gathered with their own treasures and other unique items to barter trade. A large red marble dragon’s head in their possession earned them various magical rewards, additionally exchanging a few of the less appealing goods they had discovered in the Sunless Citadel.
Through his abilities as a Cleric of the Forge, Thirgrim’s devotion and skill mounted the impressive bust to Tiberius’ cart as a clear trademark to the merchant, who continued on his way after a lucrative deal.
In town, Chester sought out the local Smith, viewing various of his wares and easily befriending the man before making his way to regroup with the others at the Hucrele house where they are offered to share in the lavish breakfast currently filling the table.
There, the party briefly engages the Ladies in conversation, until they both continue on their way to tend to business of their own. Lady Kerowyn extending an invitation to the party to attend Talgen’s funeral the day after next before seeing to its preparations.
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natonebutfun · 6 years
Session 9
Joined by Sir Bradford and Lady Sharwyn, the party groups at the start of the Citadel to retrace their steps back to Oakhurst. The manifested ghost of Talgen at his sister’s side to make Theryn stand true to his promise. The young man thanking the elven wizard once more before taking over the body offered so he may return home one final time.
The climb back up the stairs permits some explanations to Thirgrim who had not been with the party prior, filling him in on their arrival as all gradually reach the rope leading them back to the cliff’s edge where the remains of their old camp are still visible. The ruined wastes around the ravine slowly make way for a more green enviroment as the road is followed back.
Unexpectedly however, arrows come flying towards the party from two individuals on a rise. Talgen as Theryn immediately joining Sir Bradford to pull aside Sharwyn and down to the ground in protection, allowing the others to engage.
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After the encounter with the troll, and their wizard currently unable to join the fray the party spread thin in various directions to chase down the archers through the trees and into the camp where more of them awaited the arrival of the adventurers. Nygarth’s rage invoking the ancestral spirits now standing by his side, Thirgrim making use of the spellscrolls found in the Citadel and Raivyre retreating to isolate one of the enemies as the others are crowded by the large numbers.
Theryn, aware of the danger they are in regretfully forces Talgen’s ghost to depart his body so he too may join. Making himself a target. Despite the odds having had been against them, the adventurer’s succeed in taking out the awaiting bandits and their leader. Very little of value was found in the camp, however a note in the leader’s tent revealed that the party had been followed with the intention to recover the treasures they may have found within the Citadel.
Close to Oakhurst, even if now suffering from the damages taken they continue the final stretch of their journey. Theryn once more allowing Talgen to possess his body while Sir Bradford speaks of his conflict and regret that he had not joined the fighting, a sentiment understood by Chester who generously offered to buy the man several drinks and expressed that it would not be held against the paladin if he could not endure facing Lady Hucrele in current circumstances.
Despite the appealing notion of evading the repercussions of the news that would soon be delivered, Bradford insists on joining Sharwyn on her return home, a return where the maid opening the door screamed at the sight of the daughter’s return.
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