#Session 17
shortkingsvsbarovia · 2 months
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session 17
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pastabot · 11 months
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evildeadfan102 · 4 months
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I played Saints Row (2022 Remake) Session 17.
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babybluesquid · 1 year
Session 17, Dealings with Daask
Our Players this Week:
Hog 112, they/them, Weapon Thaumaturge, skirmisher warforged, the leader of the inquisitives agency and founding member, tends toward practicality and following a command structure.
Vestige, they/them, Bones Oracle, warforged placed into a human body, a healer and the agency’s fleshborn face, remains on the periphery with an individualistic streak.
Strategy, it/its, Empiricist Investigator, officer warforged, an old model who’s seen much action and uses the tactics they learned back during the war now under Sharn.
Samanta, she/they, Swashbuckler Fencer, skirmisher warforged, a spotter during the war who turned to spying for one of Sharn’s criminal families before joining the inquisitives agency.
Carmine, she/her, War Priest, infantry warforged, a forged who converted to the Blood of Vol and extensively modified her own body to fit a Seeker ideal.
Morning doesn’t come to the Cogs. It remains lit with everbright lanterns along streets the factories own and cloaked in darkness everywhere else. But the sun is shining in the upper city when Carmine enters Hog’s office. She closes the door. “Hello there, Hog.” Her voice sounds smaller than usual, defeated. “I wanted to chat with you for a minute.” “What is it?” Hog asks. “I think you were right. I don’t think I’m cut out for this. I admit- I must’ve gotten in over my own head, I think. I- this agency is not what I thought it would be and your path is that of war, and I have no interest in wars. I apologize, but I believe I must take my leave. Don’t worry, I don’t think you’ve paid me yet, so I…” she falls silent.
Hog stares at Carmine, looking a bit angry, then says: “go on then. Go.” Carmine nods, “I apologize for wasting your time. You are a good soldier, Hog, and a good leader. I am sorry that I didn’t get to express that belief. I’ll be taking my leave now.” On her way out, Carmine leaves the spell scroll she got on Mage’s desk. As she goes, Vestige remarks to Hog, “I knew she wouldn’t last.”
The time for the handoff approaches. Down Carmine, the sleuths have no choice but to go on one member short. The meeting place is deserted and dark, sandwiched between various abandoned tunnels and empty storage caches. Strategy sets about finding the ideal place for the inquisitives to lie in wait. Assisted by Shadowblack, they locate a vantage point with good visibility, sufficient cover, and a couple escape routes to choose from for if things go sideways. Samanta, meanwhile, scouts out all other exits from the area, just in case it’s the cultists who opt to cut and run. As the time arrives, the associates lie in wait.
Daask comes first. Five of them, with a mule-drawn wagon full of crates. They’re two orcs, two humans, and a forged, all armed. One of the humans fidgets with an obsidian stone, a fact Strategy notes to the other sleuths. Soon, the buyers arrive as well. Three of them, all human and carrying torches. One buyer speaks to the Daask forged, then hands over a canvas bag. The inquisitives watch as Daask sends the cart over. A human and an orc from the Daask side also stride over. As the other three Daask leave, it becomes clear the new group will leave together. “Well, that complicates things,” Vestige comments, annoyed.
Debate ensues as Hog and Strategy briefly consider the options. Kill the Daask or let them go? Strategy worries about both options. Hog suggests separating the goons from the cultists, perhaps using a smoke stick for cover, but Strategy disagrees. Smoke would also cover their enemy, and things could get real complicated real quick. It comes down to three choices for the moment, as the sleuths argue and their quarry rounds a bend: attack, abort, or follow.
So the sleuths follow. Hog decides that they oughta get some distance away and then attack. Strategy warns that Daask will respond if they find out about this, but whether it will be with violence or an attempted payoff remains unknown. Considering this advice, Hog orders that the sleuths handle the two Daask thugs nonlethally, hoping to make a peace offer. “We’ll see how it works out,” Samanta quietly remarks. Hog and Strategy sneak around to the front of the wagon, while Vestige, Samanta, and Shadowblack hang back.
The arsonists are about to cross a bridge when a bolt flies towards them from a stack of abandoned barrels on the other side. The bolt buries in the chest of one arsonist, who seems undisturbed. “Ready for a fight, lads!” shouts one gangster, the human, as Khyber breaks loose in the streets of Blackbones. And that’s not just a figure of speech: as shots fly and Samanta bursts out of a tent, descending on a torch-wielding arsonist, their be-robed leader in the mule cart starts to gibber and hum. Suddenly, a sphere of fire explodes into being and engulfs Samanta, who shouts with alarm. Shadowblack leaps out of cover to help her, just as she is flanked by the wounded cultist, who batters her backplate fiercely despite the missile sticking out between his ribs.
Strategy moves up, firing, as the few civilians in this desolate district flee the scene. Its shot strikes the leader as it shouts, “Surrender is advised. We are not after your lives.” The cultists take no heed, but the message wasn’t mean for them. The second Daask gangster, the orc, responds. “We’re supposed to make sure these items get delivered and you seem to be in the way. I’m afraid we may have to kill you if you don’t depart.” “What he said, right!” shouts the first. Vestige focuses on Shadowblack and the arsonist in front of him, weakening one and strengthening the other. He scores a good hit, but the orcish gangster runs around behind him and smacks him with his blade.
At the front of the column, the damage from Strategy’s war-rod starts to show as the arsonist leader sways and shakes. The human gangster pulls out a cheap surplus healing potion and rushes to his side. “Whoa there, don’t you fall down,” he says, pouring the medicine into the spasming cultist’s mouth. It splatters his lips and spills all over his beard, but the pungent brew seems to have its intended effect.
With Samanta and Shadowblack surrounded, and most of the enemies busy, Hog decides to act. They rush across the bridge, pull out a potion of Expeditious Retreat, and approach the panicked mule. “Here, buddy, just drink this…” Meanwhile, the arsonist leader raises his palms and intones a discordant note, like the howling of a furnace. Hog and Shadowblack watch as the ground bursts into flames, fire raising into a great pillar that engulfs the street, and then the whole neighborhood as far as the eye can see, their livewood snapping and plates pinging as the stones of Sharn boil and split. Suddenly, it’s gone. It was only a vision, but a nasty one. Hog trails off and stumbles away from the mule while an arsonist sinks a small knife into the distracted Shadowblack’s belly.
Things only get worse as a cultist rushes Hog, while the storm of fire splits off from Samanta and descends on the hapless commander. Luckily, the cultist misses both of his swings and is killed by two blasts of Strategy’s war-rod. Towards the rear, the cultist is sorely missed as Samanta wheels around and attacks the Daask orc from behind. She lands two good slashes, cutting his arm open with a spray of blood. Then, Vestige heals Shadowblack with a word before opening the gates of Dolurrh within the other arsonist. He collapses as his soul is whisked into the realm of the dead, leaving the orc to fight alone.
“You can’t win this one,” Vestige proposes. “Surrender.” The orc backs up slowly as he replies, “Given the situation, I’m inclined to agree. However…” He turns and runs to the cart, shouting at his ally. “Go! Go!” The other Daask man throws an obsidian at Hog and then cracks the reins. Fire erupts around the inquisitives’ commander as the mule begins to run, and the orc leaps onto the cart. Shadowblack chases, grabbing the reins and slashing at them with his knife. Samanta follows, too, leaping onto the crowded cart and swinging at the arsonist leader. In response, the infernal sphere lifts off from Hog and begins to burn her. Relieved, Hog starts slashing at the reins from the other side, but is dazzled by a flash of light from the cultist. However, the reins snap, the mule bucks, and the cart comes to a stop. Strategy lines up a shot, and blasts open the head of the cultist leader.
Strategy lowers its war rod, looking between the two Daask members. “Now, it would be highly advised to surrender.” The orc throws up his hands, grinning, “yeah, so, we give you this stuff and you don’t kill us. I’d say that’s a fair deal, wouldn’t you say so?” Vestige approaches, staring the orc down, “now look. We spared you because we have no quarrel with you or your organization.” “Yeah, I’m pleasantly surprised you didn’t kill us,” the man continues, “though I have been stabbed. Are any of you medically inclined?” Vestige sighs, “Strategy, you tend to the man’s wounds.” The orc grins, “pleasure doing business with you! I hope to not see you again but I do hope you find the products satisfactory.”
As Strategy passes Vestige, it stops and whispers, “maybe we should tell them not to tell their bosses.” Vestige responds, “they’re gonna blab anyway.” “Are you sure?” “Yes. Least we can do is send them away on good terms.” Strategy acknowledges and goes to tend to the orc’s stab wound. The human just sits tight and watches it do so with no small measure of suspicion. Samanta and Shadowblack search the arsonists’ bodies, finding a charged obsidian stone on each of them. Hog hops up onto the wagon and opens up a crate. They freeze. It’s full of psicrystals, hundreds of galifars worth, and there’s a dozen more crates to open.
Polite Orc, he/him, a member of the ruthless Daask organization. His importance, unknown. His personality, agreeable.
Shadowblack, he/him, the agency’s allied ex-Blade, is certainly glad to get back to fighting fleshborn criminals.
0 notes
demigodforfend · 1 year
Twilight of the Demigods: Forfend Edition - Session 17
Forfend trailed behind Melzaryn, feeling a bit uneasy about leaving Kagoshi to sit alone in the jailhouse.
"Don't worry," Kairi nudged it. "Last time he went to jail, I waited three days to bail him out! He's used to it." She giggled.
Forfend tilted its head at her. She and Kagoshi had a very strange friendship.
"They'll have to process him and get all the paperwork done first too," Melzaryn called back, wearing his usual inscrutable smile again already. "He's probably not up for bail yet. Depending on how much they figure out, he might not even get bail."
Forfend started to ask for clarification, but Melzaryn stopped dead and spread his arms. "This is the place."
Forfend glanced around.
It noticed the slats in the ground around the shop first. It had been curious to see where the interlocking steel plates had come from.
There honestly wasn't much of a tell. The slats didn't look like they housed a protective metal covering large enough to engulf a building. Perhaps it was magic more than mechanics.
Melzaryn passed a hand right in front of Forfend's face. "You still here?"
Forfend nodded and looked up.
Moli's Marvelous Mementos was a striking shop. The walls were off-white terracotta, making them stand out starkly in the gray cobblestone plaza. Varnished wood accents gleamed so brightly one could almost see their reflection. The silverly interlocking "M" symbol adorned the door.
Frosted windows obscured the view of the inside. Except, Forfend noticed that if it leaned forward with the intent to look inside, the frosting shimmered and cleared enough to let it peer into the colorful shop.
An advertisement awaited by one window. A standee of an elven woman with frazzled blond hair and cracked goggles wore an excited grin as she offered up a handful of ink vials.
The text read "Newly released: Molixeen's Magical Tattoos!"
Forfend studied the image. From the way Melzaryn and the pseudodragon had talked about her, it has guessed she was their sister. Now it was certain. She had the same platinum hair and high cheek bones Melzaryn sported.
Melzaryn strode purposefully into the shop. The door opened before he touched it and a tingling bell rang despite the fact there wasn't one hooked above the door.
Kairi trotted in right on his heels.
Forfend ducked in after them to avoid being left behind.
Just as it had opened, the door also shut of its own volition.
Forfend stuttered to a stop as it took in the shop's interior.
The building looked, maybe actually was, larger inside than it was outside. Not only that, but it extended downward several stories.
Forfend haltingly approached the edge of the platform they stood upon.
At least three more stories worth of product sprawled dizzyingly below.
A suit of display armor frozen in a power pose suddenly jolted to life and juddered to face the group. "Hello, new visitors! Welcome to Moli's Marvelous Mementos!" It gave one jerky wave and returned to its pose.
Forfend edged closer to a chuckling Melzaryn. It watched the stationary armor with some suspicion.
A tiny clockwork construct chugged past, swept up the dust the group's feet had left at the door, and promptly wheeled away.
Forfend suddenly spotted dozens more of them roaming around. Some dusted. Some swept. Some wiped up a strange gurgling blue spill. Some even seemed to be reorganizing stock.
Sitting along the railings and flitting about the glass chandeliers were softly chirping clockwork birds. Their collective song was a beautiful trill despite the mechanical undertone. It took Forfend several minutes of listening to realize their tune was scripted and looping.
"Forfend," Melzaryn called.
It snapped its attention over to where Melzaryn and Kairi waited, having already taken several steps down the stairs before realizing it hadn't followed.
"This is mostly just to display the new stuff and top sellers. The real shopping is on the next floor down," Melzaryn said.
Forfend glanced around at the displays of swords and scrolls and ink pots and pouches. Each one had a gleeful Moli standee in varying poses plastered to the wall behind it.
Forfend nodded and moved to follow Melzaryn.
The group descended the stairway and immediately approached the cashier's desk.
A gnomish man sat on a high stool behind the counter. He was impeccably dressed, his hair tied back neatly and his suit completely free of wrinkles or creases. The shop logo gleamed golden on his breast pocket.
"Oh, hello and welcome to Moli's Marvelous Mementos," the clerk greeted. "How may I assist you this fine day?"
He paused as he took in the group. His eyes lit up at the sight of Melzaryn. "Oh!" he exclaimed, "Mr. Collymore!"
Melzaryn ducked his head politely.
"I imagine you won't know who I am," the clerk joked good-naturedly. "Delkan Booncollar. It's a pleasure to meet you."
Melzaryn took Delkan's extended hand. "The pleasure's all mine. Any chance you can do item modifications here?"
"Yes, of course," Delkan nodded.
"Excellent," Melzaryn grinned. "I've run into a bit of a limitation on storage space. I'd like a couple of the handy mini magical pocket things but rather than a backpack, I'd like a belt."
"That's very interesting!" Delkan praised. "I could do a bit of a combination, perhaps with some items like, say, a Cloak of Useful Items and a Handy Haver Sack, to create this belt. Does that sound adequate, Mr. Collymore?"
"That sounds fantastic," Melzaryn agreed.
"Are there any special requests you'd like to make regarding the item's style or materials?" Delkan asked.
"Well, let's see," Melzaryn hummed and looked himself over. "My current adventuring gear is black with a bit of silver trim. Let's try to keep that aesthetic if we can."
"No problem," Delkan nodded. "So, with your family discount applied to the commission..." He trailed off as he pulled up an abacus and began figuring up the numbers. "Five-hundred gold pieces."
"Perfect! How long do you figure that'll take to throw together?" Melzaryn inquired.
"You're looking for multiple small pockets, yes?"
Melzaryn hummed affirmatively.
"Since it's multiple small enchantments rather than one large one, it shouldn't take too long with the materials we've recently acquired. I would say two days at most," Delkan estimated. "One day, if I mark it as a rush job, but that costs an additional hundred gold pieces."
Melzaryn rubbed at his chin thoughtfully. "I'm not sure if we have the time to wait."
"We have the time," Forfend piped up.
"We have the time," Melzaryn repeated perkily. "Two days is fine."
Delkan blinked owlishly at Forfend, as though he was seeing it for the first time. "Mr. Collymore, you've acquired a gol--" He cut himself off. "No, it spoke for itself. Greetings!" he waved excitedly.
Forfend returned the wave. "Hello."
"I've never seen a construct such as you before!" Delkan stood up on his stool. "All made up of marble! You almost resemble a stone golem and yet... That's the difference," he said, pointing at the rune on its face. "Fascinating."
Forfend's chest lit up bright orange. Finally, someone recognized it as anything other than a golem.
"I must formally extend my welcome to the shop to you as well, Mister..." he trailed off and gently rolled his wrist as a prompt.
"Mr. Forfend," he bowed politely. "I am Delkan Booncollar and it's a pleasure to make your acquaintance."
"Likewise," Forfend responded with its own polite bow.
Delkan smiled and turned back to Melzaryn. "Your commission will be done lickety-split. Five hundred gold and it'll be all set to go in two days' time."
"Excellent. Do you accept payment prior or upon completion? I don't really care which," Melzaryn shrugged.
"Typically, we take payment prior but, in this particular case, we'll accept payment at time of completion in the event that something goes awry," Delkan offered.
"Thank you."
Delkan wrote himself up a reminder note and stashed it to the side on his desk. "Alright, well, the store is yours to explore, friends. Is there anything else I can help you with? Perhaps I could interest you in our newly-invented arcane tattoos?"
Delkan shifted, standing taller and beginning what seemed to be a rehearsed but earnest pitch. "All you must do is press the needle to your skin and the ink itself will flow across in a luxurious tattoo of your very own design. And it even offers a few additional arcane benefits!"
He eyed Forfend, taking stock of the shield on its arm. "Or perhaps something simpler, like protection items."
His eyes darted over Kairi, then back to Melzaryn. He smiled knowingly at the two of them. "Or perhaps you're looking for something a little more esoteric and eccentric. What do you think?"
Delkan dropped back onto his stool and leaned his elbows on his desk, waiting giddily.
"I already got what I came for," Melzaryn said. "I think I'll just wander and peruse. You two should take a look around for yourselves."
Forfend nodded. "I would like to explore, I suppose."
Melzaryn was already walking away to browse.
"If you have any questions, please feel free to ask me or any of our helpful, handy... Well, you'll see them," Delkan said cryptically.
"Thank you," Forfend hummed.
"My pleasure, Mr. Forfend," Delkan waved as it took its leave.
Forfend milled about the shop, mostly watching the strange mechanical creatures go about their business.
Kairi gasped and dashed past it to whatever had caught her eye.
Forfend quickly lost sight of her in the rainbow tangle of product displays. It didn't know where Melzaryn had gotten off to anymore either. It guessed it was alone for now.
The little animatronic birds chirped and hopped along nearby while the clockwork cleaners scuttled about.
Perhaps it wasn't very alone in the shop, after all. Maybe no one could really be alone with all these little mechanical things buzzing around.
An armored mannequin caught Forfend's attention.
The display crouched low in a battle stance. It brandished a wooden sword, but the shield it held firmly before it was real. An emblem of Talbarius was emblazoned on the center of a black disk stuck to the front of the otherwise blank shield.
Forfend noticed a barrel of similar black disks sitting right next to the mannequin. These were much smaller and lacked an emblem of any kind. A vague magic sheen floated across their surfaces.
Forfend tilted its head. It reached out and lightly brushed its fingers against the device attached to the mannequin's shield.
The mannequin jerked upright, bringing its shield flush against its chest and thrusting its wooden sword skyward. "Presenting to you: the Guardian Emblem!" it shouted in the enthusiastic tone of an event announcer.
Forfend startled and backed up a step.
The mannequin jerkily lashed out with the shield as though bashing an enemy away and then held it out to show it off. "With this wonderful item right here, wherever an ally within your vicinity is attacked, you can step in and deflect the majority of the blow, acting as a guardian for all those around you! Huzzah!"
It banged its wooden sword against the shield once and then stuttered back into its original position.
Forfend watched the mannequin for a long moment, unnerved. When it was sure the strange display wouldn't move again, it slowly reached into the barrel and picked up one of the little black disks.
Magic chimed and text stating the price appeared above the barrel.
Five-hundred gold.
Forfend didn't think that was a bad price. It decided to take the little item with it while it pondered making the purchase.
It soon stumbled across another armored mannequin.
This one held a javelin as though preparing to launch it across the store. It was the very same pose in which Iram was often depicted throwing lighting bolts.
Forfend circled the display. It observed the stockstill mannequin, quietly taking note of the hidden mechanisms peeking through the armor. It stared into the mannequin's blank, helmeted face.
After a lot of silent deliberation, it gently tapped the display's chest piece.
This one sprung to life just like the last, brandishing its weapon around with spasmodic movements. "Hiya!" it shouted and slammed the spear into the ground.
Well, almost. The tip stopped just short of the floor.
Forfend still flinched at the sudden noise, but it was more prepared this time.
"Presenting to you," the mannequin announced as it offered up the javelin, "the Javelin of Lightning!" It lifted the weapon high over its head. "This fantastic magical item allows one to throw it through the air as though one were throwing a lightning bolt itself! T-t-targeting everything along the path between oneself and one's enemy with vicious arcane lightning the likes of which you have n-n-never seen!"
The mannequin twitched back into its starting position.
Forfend wondered about the catch in the mannequin's pre-recorded message. Maybe something in the jumble of gears wasn't sitting quite right.
It hummed to itself as it continued deeper into the shop.
It found itself tapping each and every display it came across, listening to their little blurbs play out, and then tromping off to the next one. Something about them had its attention.
Maybe it was the same odd sort of kinship it felt with animated armors and other inorganic creations. Those things weren't alive the same way it was, but there was an undeniable similarity.
At least, Forfend thought so.
The next mannequin in the seemingly neverending lineup stood with its hands braced atop a large shield. The symbol of Cassis was engraved into the exceptional piece.
Forfend bopped the mannequin's forehead.
"Intro-introducing the mighty and fine Sentinel's Shield!" the display declared in a slightly less jaunty tone than the others.
This one sounded a touch more serious, though it had the same stutter in its recording that many of the others had sported.
"With this shield upon your person, the central eye where the spears meet will open up to reveal all enemies around you, allowing you to remain vigilant while in combat," the mannequin finished. It held the shield out and gestured to the slit at the center of the symbol before promptly returning to its original pose.
Forfend tapped the mannequin again.
It repeated itself, stuttering again in the exact same spot as the first time.
Forfend hummed and wandered over to the next mannequin it saw.
This one stood tall, fists braced on its hips. It wasn't armored like most of the others. Instead, it showed off the wooden scaffolding and metal mechanics beneath. Its arms were thicker than the others and covered in thin fabric stuffed with straw to give the appearance of bulging muscles.
Around its waist was an enormous leather belt. The buckle bore two copper fists crashing into one another.
Forfend tapped the mannequin's arm.
It twitched to life and began shifting through various flexes. "Introducing," it thundered, "the Belt of Hill Giant Strength! It allows even the most feeble and weak individuals to gain the strength of a hill giant!"
The mannequin returned to its original pose.
"Interesting," Forfend hummed.
It started to go back to milling around idly when it spotted Kairi gallivanting through the aisles.
She paused to observe a particular display.
Forfend caught up to her and tilted its head.
This setup was much larger than any of the others it had seen so far.
Three mannequins slumped over a large table. One lay on the ground nearby.
Empty tankards, some tipped over, were scattered about the table and floor. Each mannequin had two or three in front of them.
At the head of the table sat a standee of Moli chugging a pint of ale. She was surrounded by over a dozen empty mugs and looking far more alert than her mechanical companions.
A small necklace was draped around the cutout's neck. A pendant resembling a tiny glass tankard dangled from the chain. It seemed to actually contain an amber liquid of some sort.
Forfend leaned forward and knocked on the table.
One of the mannequins sat up, grabbed a mug, and languidly dragged itself to its feet. It thrust the mug out as though for a toast. "Introducing the Amulet of the Drunkard," it slurred, swaying on its feet. "While wearing this fine, fine item, whenever you drink a pint of beer, ale, or mead, the liquid will become a restorative healing item to your body, allowing you to recover from your wounds while also enjoying a fine drink!"
The mannequin staggered back into its chair, thunked its tankard down, and slumped back onto the table.
"Well, that sounds interesting," Kairi mused, giggling at the little show.
"I am concerned for that mannequin's wellbeing," Forfend hummed and realized it wasn't entirely joking.
"Yeah, I'm definitely not sure that's something I'd buy," Kairi agreed with a grin.
She skipped off.
Forfend hustled after her.
It couldn't interact with the displays they were passing and still keep up so it watched the mechanical avians instead.
Slowly, it realized they were watching it back. They were still chirping rhythmically and hopping about, but they were more fixated on Forfend then they had been before.
It glanced down at the item in its hands.
Realization dawned on it.
Forfend hadn't made its purchase yet. The birds weren't just for ambiance. They were also theft prevention.
It had no intention of testing any theories, but it did wonder what countermeasures the birds would employ if they were certain of an attempted theft. Were they an alert system? Or could they do something to prevent escape? Did they try to recover the stolen merchandise?
Forfend abruptly stopped to keep from bowling right over Kairi.
She'd paused to look at a display and Forfend had nearly been too distracted to notice.
The armored mannequin here had its back to them. It looked over its shoulder, unbelievably haughty for something without a face.
Forfend hoped it was able to display its own emotions that well.
The mannequin held its arms up and pointed its thumbs down at the golden cloak flowing along its back.
This cloak bore the shop's logo emblazoned across the shoulders.
A hanging sign proclaimed it to be a Cloak of Protection.
Kairi walked off before Forfend could tap the display.
Begrudgingly, it caught up to her as she sifted through a shelf full of what appeared to be bottles of smoke.
A cutout of Moli graced the top of the shelf. She held an uncorked bottle of the mystery smoke. It seemed to be wrapping around her legs and obscuring her from the bottom up. She held her fingers to her lips, her eyes dancing with mischievous delight.
Forfend inspected the mannequin beside the shelf. It, too, held a bottle of smoke. It seemed to be gazing at it thoughtfully.
Forfend touched the mannequin's hand.
It shivered and turned jerkily, holding the bottle out. "Introducing the Ever-Smoking Bottle!"
It popped the cork out. Smoke hissed free and drifted downward, dusting over the ground.
"This item right here allows you to emit an endless stream of smoke! Even when the bottle eventually does empty, it'll recharge at the end of the day!" It corked the bottle again. "It allows one to conceal their environment, stay hidden, and..." It leaned forward conspiratorially. "Most importantly, have a good time," the mannequin said suggestively. "Sneaking around, of course," it added in a less sultry tone.
Forfend tilted its head at the mannequin as it returned to its original positioning.
"Did it suggest this item be used for..?" Forfend trailed off. Surely, that couldn't be right. It had just misunderstood.
Kairi shrugged, not quite hiding a smirk.
Forfend shook the befuddlement out of its body and followed Kairi to her next destination.
She hadn't gone far. She was poking around a display of small bags filled with sand.
Another standee of Moli stood nearby. This one was in a similar sneaky stance to the last. She was sprinkling the dust over her head. More than half her body was invisible with the effect apparently climbing to claim the rest of her.
Forfend immediately tapped the roughish mannequin next to the standee.
The mannequin sank lower into its stealthy crouch and greedily tugged the pouch of sand into its chest. It ducked its head, knocking its hood down a little lower, before it spoke in a stage whisper, "Introducing the Dust of Disappearance." It offered the slightest peek at the fine sand within before snapping the drawstring shut again. "With this item, all you must do is sprinkle some of this dust into the air around your body and you'll become invisible for a short period of time. Use it wisely." It returned to its creeping hunker.
"That seems pretty fun," Kairi muttered to herself.
Forfend couldn't help but ponder what use someone like Kairi would have for an underhanded item like this.
"Ooh, what's that?!" Kairi gasped.
Forfend followed her gaze to a mannequin traipsing right up the side of the wall.
The pair promptly found themselves standing under it next to a mannequin watching its friend with amazement in its body language.
All of the mannequins were so expressive, despite being completely featureless. Maybe it could learn something from them.
Forfend waited until Kairi wasn't looking to briefly copy the stance.
No one in Foumedo had trouble reading Forfend's mood, but it wasn't in Foumedo anymore. Maybe it should exaggerate its physical expressions a bit more to get its point across.
Kairi looked up from the rack of slippers she was browsing through and tapped the mannequin's shoulder.
The mannequin startled slightly and turned to face them. "Oh! Hello, there." It gestured up at its wayward friend who now seemed to be walking in place up the wall. "Introducing the Slippers of Spiderclimbing! While wearing these fine items, you will be able to walk up, down, and sideways across vertical and even upside-down surfaces such as ceilings, leaving your hands free for whatever you wish!" It turned back to wondrously observing its friend.
"Slippers? For walking up walls, would you not want something with laces?" Forfend asked. "What if you were to lose one?"
Kairi tapped her chin thoughtfully. "Well, the mannequin up there doesn't seem to be having any trouble with his. Maybe the magic keeps them on too?"
Forfend nodded. "That makes sense."
"Let's circle back. I think I want that Ever-Smoking Bottle thing," Kairi grinned.
She trotted jauntily back to the display and snagged a bottle off the shelf, barely glancing at the two-hundred gold price tag that popped up.
Forfend followed her through the multiple floors and winding aisles all the way back to the front counter.
"Oh, look! It's Melzaryn!" Kairi yelled.
She and Forfend joined him at a pair of massive displays sitting side by side.
It had been too focused on Delkan to see them when it first came in, but now they were glaringly obvious.
In fact, they were completely impossible to ignore. The design of the surrounding fixtures intentionally led customers to this spot. Not to mention that this pair of displays was easily twice the size of the others.
The first advertisement was an oversized standee of Moli wielding a painter's palette. She seemed to have just painted a doorway, but her hand actually grasped the knob and pushed it open as though it were truly there.
Forfend craned its head back to read the dangling sign above.
"Molixeen's Marvelous Pigments," it read aloud.
Kairi squinted at the mannequin gasping awestruck at Moli's painting. "I guess he's an art critic," Kairi said.
The mannequin sported gaudy noble's attire, a monocle, and a stuffy powdered wig that came complete with a twirling mustache.
Forfend poked the mannequin's shoulder.
It turned to regard them. "Well, this item is quite interesting to say the least. A new invention recently transported to this Cragwall establishment." It held its arms out to present the Moli standee. "Introducing Molixeen's Marvelous Pigments! While it does indeed require the artistic hand of a painter, whatever you paint with these pigments becomes real." It juddered back into its gasp position.
"That would be quite the amazing ability," Forfend admitted.
"They'd definitely be fun to play with," Kairi agreed.
"I could think of some uses," Melzaryn added.
Forfend leaned down and touched a finger to one of the cases of paints stacked up by the display.
A magical ching sounded as the price popped up above the items.
"Twenty-five thousand," Forfend said, steam whistling in its chest. It pulled its hand away from the paints and backed up a step.
"Well, this one won't be any cheaper, but I'd still like to look at it," Melzaryn shrugged as he stepped over to the next oversize display.
A pair of emerald gauntlets spun slowly in the air over an elevated pedestal.
Forfend perked up and inspected them critically.
They were gorgeously and expertly crafted, despite the incredibly strange material choice. Black steel was inlaid into the gauntlets, carving out intricate designs of draconic imagery throughout their angles and curves. Power radiated palpably.
A mannequin dressed in the green scholarly robes of a Tyrwedian arcanist stood nearby, looking fully prepared to begin a lecture.
Forfend tapped its hand.
"Intro-int-intr-introducing, with the j-joint construction of the gra-gra-gracious King Ledri-drian to this wonderful establish-blishment upon our a-a-a-a-arrival in Cragwall-wall, we present to y-you the G-g-g-gauntlets of Dragon-gon's Wrath," the mannequin stuttered and jerked through its motions.
"Oh no, you broke it," Melzaryn teased.
"With th-th-this weapon, one-one strikes with--" It jolted sharply to a halt, stuck in an awkward halfway point between lecturer poses.
Forfend tilted its head. "Oh, I did break it."
The mannequin suddenly yanked upright, buzzed mechanically, and slouched over. Despite its now abysmal posture, its recording started up again, "W-with these weapons-pons, once power-wer-werful blows b-b-become e-even strong-stronger! With the mi-might-t of a-an emerald-ald dra-drag-drago-go-gon behind them, one can-can un-unleash-leash a cone o-of psychic-psy-psy-psychic energy and-nd deal psychic d-dam-damage with-ith every bl-b-blow as th-the symbol-bol-bols glow with w-worthy drac-con-conic-ic energy-y-y-y! M-may this wea-weapon find-find-f-find its use i-in the right h-h-han-h-hand-h-hands." Its voice deepened and slowed on the last stuttered word until it finally petered out completely.
Forfend resisted the urge to take the mannequin apart and start trying to make repairs. It wanted to help, but it wasn't an artificer. It could probably identify the problem as long as the problem was mechanical, but fix it? Unlikely.
These also weren't its things to fix anyway.
Forfend hummed to itself.
Melzaryn nudged it and nodded. "Yeah, they'd be better in silver."
For a moment, Forfend had no idea what he was talking about. Then it remembered the spinning power gauntlets. It reached up and gently touched the top of the pedestal.
A magical ching sounded and the price popped up.
Forty-thousand gold pieces.
Forfend honestly wasn't surprised by the astronomical sum. Weapons like that were as rare as the skills needed to make them.
Melzaryn was already walking over to the front desk.
Forfend realized he was carrying a hefty bundle of items.
"Welcome back," Delkan greeted. "Did you find all the items you were looking for?"
"I'd say I did," Melzaryn answered as he carefully deposited his things onto the table.
"Excellent! Now let's see what we have here!" Delkan picked through the items, muttering to himself. He pulled an abacus up from behind his counter to run the numbers.
"Ooh, Broom of Flying! Excellent choice, Mr. Collymore," Delkan praised. "A pair of Sending Stones. Very useful indeed. And what is this? You're picking up the Astral Shard?"
"It seemed both useful and fun," Melzaryn smiled his easy, inscrutable smile.
Delkan nodded agreeably. "That brings us to a total value of twenty-two hundred gold. With your family discount, that brings you down to a good fifteen hundred gold."
Melzaryn counted out the money and placed it on the counter.
"Perfect." Delkan swiped the money off the edge of the table and stored it away. "I hope the items see good use and work well for you. Would you like a bag?"
"Thank you. Yes, I would. Not for this one though." Melzaryn picked up his new broom.
Delkan placed the set of Sending Stones and the Astral Shard into a bag decorated with an image of Moli grinning and giving a thumbs up.
"Thank you for shopping at my wonderful store and I hope you have a wonderful day!" the bag suddenly announced in what Forfend could only assume was Moli's voice.
"And what about you, Mr. Forfend?" Delkan coaxed.
Forfend straightened. It had nearly forgotten it was making a purchase today too. It stepped up to the counter and set its Guardian Emblem down.
"Very nice choice," Delkan nodded approvingly. "This will be five hundred gold pieces."
Forfend divvied up the money. "Thank you."
"Of course. Would you like a bag with that?"
"No, it is fine." Forfend shook its head.
Delkan passed the Guardian Emblem back across the counter.
Forfend dropped the item into one of the larger pouches on its belt and stepped aside for Kairi.
"I hope you have a wonderful day." Delkan spied Kairi approaching and ducked his head politely. "And what about you, Ms..." He frowned. "I do apologize. I don't believe I caught your name."
"It's Kairi," she offered amicably.
"Ah, well, Ms. Kairi, it appears you'd like to purchase the Ever-Smoking Bottle. That one is two hundred gold pieces."
"Alrighty," Kairi grinned. "But make it two hundred and five, as a tip." She gave him the gold.
"Well, I do appreciate a good tip from a gracious lady like yourself," Delkan preened as he dropped the extra money into his breast pocket. The rest he tucked away beneath his desk. "Would you like a bag?"
"That would be helpful, thank you."
Delkan bagged the item and passed it over.
Just like the first time, Moli's voice called, "Thank you for shopping at my wonderful store and I hope you have a wonderful day!"
"I hope you have a wonderful day," Delkan echoed. "If you have any other items you're looking for or if you'd like details on anything we sell, please do come let me know."
"Thank you, Delkan," Forfend ducked its head politely and followed Melzaryn out of the shop.
Kairi was close behind. "I guess we should probably go get Kagoshi now, huh?"
Melzaryn set his magical broom hovering in the air and hopped up on it, his feet dangling just an inch off the ground. "Yeah, probably."
Three claps sounded behind the group, followed by an arcane blip.
They turned around to see a transparent image of Moli.
Melzaryn startled, then sighed wearily.
"Well, if this recording is playing--" Moli began, then looked off to the side. "It's on, right? Yeah? Yeah. Okay, cool." She turned back to face them. "If this recording is playing, that means you are here, brother! Hi! I heard that you're in the area, so I had Delkan put this up. How are you doing?! I know you can't answer me. Don't even try. But! I hope you have a good time here and I hope you bought some shit! Did you like the discount?" She paused again and looked off to her left. "It's working, right? You're sure? What? Why would I..? You know what, I'm wasting time. Anyways!" She clapped and looked at them again. "Yeah, I hope you have a wonderful day and I hope to hear back from you sometime."
The illusion froze in place.
"That was sweet of her," Melzaryn said mostly to himself, an exasperated fondness wisping into his tone.
Moli suddenly looked up again as the recording apparently continued. "Yeah, Delkan, I told you to put it up right when he gets out the door. Don't fucking argue with me." She leaned in conspiratorially and whispered. "I've got a little project going on."
Melzaryn leaned in to hear her properly.
"It's gonna be pretty fucking cool. I need your help with it though."
This time the illusion disappeared in a puff of arcana.
A nervous shiver ran down Melzaryn's spine, but the glimmer in his eyes betrayed curious excitement.
"Let us get Kagoshi," Forfend prompted and began making its way over to the jail.
Kairi trotted along at its side, edging closer as they reentered the crowd in the town square.
Melzaryn floated up at Forfend's other side, lounging casually on his flying broom. "Here." He tossed Forfend one of the two Sending Stones he'd purchased. "I think we're the best two to be carrying these."
"That makes sense," Forfend nodded. It pocketed the stone.
Shortly, the group found themselves at the outer gates of the military complex.
Forfend recognized the guard on duty as the one who'd gifted it rocks.
And the guard recognized it as well.
"Oh, hi! You're back?" He cocked his head. "Can we help you?"
Forfend knelt to keep from looming so high over the guard. "Is Kagoshi up for bail yet?"
"Oh yeah, I mean, he just got in a little scuffle with a librarian, so yeah," the guard casually nodded.
Forfend looked to Melzaryn.
Melzaryn shrugged.
"What is the bail?" it asked, steam hissing in its chest.
"I, uh, I can go ask," the guard offered. "I'll be right back."
He jogged through the gates and into the building proper.
A few minutes later, he returned.
"Since it was just a minor thing, it's just one gold," the guard informed. "Thankfully, no one was hurt. Everything turned out fine. At least, that's what they told me. I wasn't there."
Melzaryn glanced sharply at Forfend, his eyes saying an unspoken, "You're welcome."
Forfend pressed two gold into the guard's hand.
"Oh, um, but this is double the amount? Why?" he asked.
"The second gold is for you," Forfend hummed.
"You helped me," it nodded.
"Oh! Okay, thank you," he grinned as he dropped the spare gold piece into his pocket.
"You know what they say about good deeds getting rewarded or whatever," Melzaryn botched the old saying.
"Alright, uh, thanks. I'm gonna go get him." The guard headed back inside.
"I thought you said his monstrous second personality tried to learn?" Forfend probed. "I imagined that would create... more alarm."
"Yeah, it did. And it should've. Definitely seemed like it was going to. I'll figure it out later," Melzaryn promised. "This isn't the time or place."
Kagoshi meandered out of the front gates and met up with them. "Well, that was stupid," he grumbled.
Melzaryn examined Kagoshi's face briefly. He quirked an eyebrow, but said nothing.
"It's getting late, isn't it?" Kairi pointed out.
"We should get a room." Melzaryn walked over to the guard just as he returned to his post. "Any recommendations on places to stay?"
"Oh! Um, I mean, the best inn or tavern kind of place around here has to be the Brass Buffalo," the guard shared. "Its right down that way, past the king's statue. It's hard to miss."
"Sounds lovely, thank you."
Melzaryn started walking in the direction he'd been pointed in.
Forfend and the others followed him.
The Brass Buffalo was already abuzz when they arrived despite the fact that the sun had only just begun to cast orange across the skies.
The building was a full three stories, the top two appearing to be inn rooms while the bottom was packed with revelry.
An enormous brass buffalo statue, presumably the tavern's namesake, stood next to the front door.
The detail work was gorgeous and the metal gleaming. Though, the pristine effect was ruined by the fact that the statue appeared to have been unceremoniously dropped here hard enough to buckle the pavement beneath. A small fence and red cloth sectioned off the partially collapsed cobblestone.
Forfend wondered how that could've happened.
The group pushed through the doors into the bustling bar.
Forfend didn't have to stoop much.
The inside was even noisier and more lively than it had looked from the outside.
In the far corner, a band performed one joyful, exciting song after another.
Nearly every table was overflowing with chattering customers. Drinks clanged while people danced and laughed. Varying cards and dice games were in the midst of being played across several different tables.
Most of the patrons seemed to be farmers or off-duty guards.
A heavyset red dragonborn hollered from behind the bar, "Order's up!"
He pushed a tray of drinks down the counter and immediately set to taking the next order. He teased his regulars, laughing with them as he kept up his breakneck working pace.
"Well, I'm gonna get me some food. Jail food is awful," Kagoshi complained as he made his way to the bar.
"You were there for, what, hours? Did they even feed you?" Forfend asked.
"Eh, I took a nap for most of it. I told the guard I wasn't hungry because I knew the food would fucking suck." Kagoshi leaned on the bar. "Now I'm very hungry."
"Hello there! Pleasure to meet you all!" the red dragonborn bellowed a greeting. "What can I get for-- Hey! You're the guys who helped out at the Teleportation Hub yesterday! I can tell 'cause we've got the big, tall stone guy, we got the pink lady, we got the guy with the whole getup and the platinum blond hair, and we got the slightly angry looking man."
"He is even angrier than he looks," Forfend said.
"Hey now!" Kagoshi griped. "What the hell? 'Slightly angry looking' is my entire descriptor?"
"Hey, man, I wasn't there," the dragonborn placated. "But you know what? You saved a lot of people that day. First thing you order is on the house. What do you want? Drinks, food?"
"Food," Kagoshi accepted immediately. "I'm starving."
"Got the menu right here." The dragonborn placed a menu in front of each of them. "Just got buffalo ribeyes in the other day. Nice and fresh, if you want those."
Kagoshi nodded thoughtfully, pouring over the menu.
"We also got owlbear steak and eggs. Lots of different omelettes, any way you want them, if you're interested in that. Nice hearty stews and soups," the dragonborn listed off.
"I think what I want is a couple of eggs and all of your bacon."
The dragonborn nodded, scribbling the order down on a notepad.
"I do mean all of it," Kagoshi clarified. "I don't mean a lot. I mean all of it."
The dragonborn eyed him quizzically. After a moment, he nodded again. "I getcha, I getcha. I know the lingo. How'd you like those eggs cooked?"
"Screaming," Kagoshi responded.
The dragonborn nodded again, though Forfend didn't think he looked like he understood. It also didn't think Kagoshi had made any sense.
Still, the dragonborn turned and yelled into the kitchen, "Hey, chef! Can I get a couple of baby chickens, Godflame Mountain style?! And a mountain of pork, would you?!" He flashed them a friendly smile. "That'll be out in just a few. What are the rest of you ordering?"
"I do not eat or drink," Forfend shared.
"Ah, well, that's unfortunate. If you do need anything, first thing you order is on the house."
Forfend ducked its head politely.
"Do you have any wines here?" Melzaryn asked.
"Of course, we do!" the dragonborn exclaimed. "We just got in some good ones too. We've got Summerstead wine, Goodberry wine, and we even got in a branch of that new investment the Gallofords are trying out!"
"Do not buy the Galloford wine," Forfend said flatly.
Melzaryn nodded his agreement. "Let me get a hearty beef stew, a bottle of red Summerstead wine, and a single strip of bacon."
"Sure thing." The dragonborn wrote down the order and yelled into the kitchen again, "Hey, chef! Gimme the soup, mooing, with a single strip of pork on the side, keep it lean! And a bottle of dragon's blood!"
"I like the jargon here," Kagoshi mentioned.
"What about you, miss?" the dragonborn asked Kairi.
Kairi hummed as she browsed the menu. After a moment, she pointed to a particular dish. "I'll have rice with black beans, and a fried egg."
"Excellent choice. Drinks for either of you?" he asked Kairi and Kagoshi.
"Shit, drinks. I almost forgot about that," Kagoshi grumbled. "Strong alcohol. I don't have a preference."
"You want something that burns real bad?" the dragonborn offered with a wink.
"I can get you a fireball, if you'd like. I think that would do you." The dragonborn nodded to himself.
"Hey, chef, how about some of that Fulgar Isles stuff with a Kuumedian twist! Drop the sun on it!" the dragonborn hollered what Forfend could only guess was Kairi's order into the kitchen.
He turned to Kagoshi, a sly grin creeping across his face. "I just got another idea. You look like a man's man. We got this... other drink. The chef concocted it a while back. He calls it the Death Wish. Would you rather try that than the fireball?"
"Yeah, I'm game," Kagoshi said slowly. "Some people already tell me I have a death wish anyway. Go for it."
"Alright, one Death Wish coming right up."
"What?!" a high-pitch scratchy voice called from the kitchen. "Somebody's ordering the Death Wish?! It's getting used?! Hold down the fort boys, I'm making this one myself!"
A goblin, tiny even by goblin standards, scampered out of the kitchen. His chef's hat had been modified to stand more than twice his height. It towered over him, but was barely level with the countertop.
The goblin gawked at Kagoshi. "You want the Death Wish?!"
"Yes, half-hat," Kagoshi growled.
"Fuck yeah!" the goblin cheered. "I'll be right back! Don't worry, your bacon is being cooked!"
He gallivanted off, only to return a minute later with a shot glass containing a drink that bubbled oily black.
"Here ya go!" the goblin cheerfully jumped up on a stool to push the drink into Kagoshi's hand. "Little of this, little of that, and just a couple drops of basilisk venom!"
Forfend physically recoiled. It couldn't believe Kagoshi actually intended to drink what appeared to be venom-laced tar.
Kagoshi eyed the drink suspiciously. "So what's in this exactly?"
"Trade secret," the goblin grinned.
"Alright, sure." Kagoshi shrugged and turned up the glass.
Within seconds, Kagoshi was swaying on his feet. His eyes were dilated and his face red. He slammed the glass back down on the table and hauled himself onto a stool.
The goblin bounced excitedly, screeching in his native tongue. "Holy shit, he's still awake!" he suddenly exclaimed in Common.
"Oh, I thought he was going to say 'alive,'" Melzaryn whispered under his breath.
"Guts of steel!" the goblin praised, elbowing the dragonborn.
"I know," the dragonborn agreed. "Look at him!"
Forfend watched Kagoshi struggle to focus on any one thing in front of his face. He held onto the edge of the bar to keep himself upright.
"Damn! You're only the second person I've ever seen stay awake after the Death Wish. The first one was me!" The goblin proudly jabbed a thumb at his own chest. "You know what? I'm making you extra bacon just for that!"
"Fuck yes," Kagoshi slurred.
The goblin disappeared back into the kitchen.
The group moved to find an empty table, and Kairi nearly had to carry Kagoshi to it.
Not long after they'd gotten settled, the food was brought out.
The dragonborn and a couple other waiters served everything to its rightful places. It took two people to carefully set down Kagoshi's absurd interwoven mountain of bacon.
Kagoshi immediately began shoveling food into his mouth.
Forfend hoped the meal would help him sober up a bit. It figured he hadn't eaten since they'd left the jail this morning. He really hadn't had any business drinking in the first place. Not on an empty stomach.
Melzaryn pulled up his waterskin and used magic to draw the water out. In his palm, it shaped itself into a wine glass and flash froze. Chilled fog drifted off the opaque ice.
"Oh, that's some very impressive arcana!" The dragonborn clapped. "Do you lot need rooms for the night?"
"Thank you," Melzaryn smiled his usual easy grin as he filled his makeshift glass with Summerstead wine. "We definitely will need rooms. I'm very tired."
"Alright. Don't worry about the price. You saved a hundred people yesterday. I think that's worth a room for the night." The dragonborn paused, his eyes lighting up with surprise. "I don't think I ever introduced myself! The name's Narmoth Brewcoat!"
"Forfend," it returned immediately.
"Forfend," Narmoth repeated. "Nice to meet you, Forfend."
"Kairi. And that's Kagoshi," Kairi offered for her friend who seemed far too busy absolutely decimating his plate of bacon to answer.
"Wow, he's really going at that," Narmoth observed. "Anyway, do you need rooms together or separate?"
"Separate," Kagoshi growled through a mouthful of pork.
"The only person here I'd share a room with is Forfend," Melzaryn added.
"That would work for me," Forfend piped up. "I am just as happy to sit outside as I am to sit in a room. I do not need to sleep. There is no point in wasting a bed on me when someone else could use it."
"Alright, sure. Three rooms then," Narmoth nodded.
On the far side of the bar, another guest called for Narmoth.
"Oh, I've got to get that. I hope you enjoy your meal," Narmoth excused himself, weaving across the packed bar.
Melzaryn and Kairi immediately got started on their own plates.
Forfend let the others dig into their meals. It sat upright to watch people come and go.
The bustling tavern had no lack of interesting patrons.
Forfend watched gambling games, arguments that nearly became fist fights, stumbling drunks getting carried home by their friends, mirthful dancers, and a host of other distinctly mortal things it recalled falling in love with during the Sundering.
The wariness after yesterday's terrorist attack had almost entirely dissipated here. Tenacious people determined to keep up their good spirits in hard times made sure to enjoy their night out.
It was Forfend's favorite act of defiance. Joy, happiness, fun then the world didn't seem to want anyone to have those things.
Forfend found its chest was glowing softly orange.
An elven man let himself into the Brass Buffalo tavern.
He looked ordinary enough. Dirty blond hair and light stubble framed his face, his high cheekbones giving him a vague authoritative air he didn't seem to be trying to use. His clothes were nice but plain.
Forfend wasn't certain what about him it had caught onto.
Maybe it was the rapier at his side. The weapon was a bit of a contrast to his clothes. The hilt gleamed Tyrwedian green, a striking comparison to the man's otherwise earth-toned outfit. The dull wooden sheathe it rested in didn't seem to suit such a fine weapon.
The stranger leaned down to speak to a guard. He pat the man's shoulder and looked up, immediately locking gazes with Forfend. He headed straight toward it.
He grinned when he saw the rest of the group sitting with it.
"Hello," Forfend greeted.
Melzaryn, Kairi, and Kagoshi all looked up to see who it was talking to.
"Hi," the elven man greeted. His ears tottered back and forth from nerves or excitement, or perhaps both. "I couldn't help but notice you all from across the room. Do you mind if I sit with you?"
"I often get noticed from across the room," Melzaryn said tiredly and took a sip of his wine.
Forfend motioned to an empty chair.
The elf accepted and waved Narmoth over.
Narmoth approached, a chuckle already rumbling in his chest. "Welcome back, Mr. King."
Melzaryn's pointed ears swiveled, though he didn't otherwise appear interested.
The elf sighed wearily. "Could I get some dinner?" He passed Narmoth the money without waiting for an answer.
"Sure thing. I'll get your usual." Narmoth dropped the coins in his apron pocket and returned to the counter.
"So, where are you all from?" the elf asked.
"North," Kagoshi deadpanned.
"North," Melzaryn and Kairi echoed together.
"I am from Foumedo," Forfend answered less cryptically.
"Foumedo? Really?" The elf looked it over again.
Forfend nodded.
"Huh," the elf vocalized as he considered the possibility. "Well, what you guys did yesterday, I really appreciate it. Problem's been persisting for a long time and, despite my best efforts, I can't really seem to track Envema down. So, I really appreciate what you did for my people."
The elf took the pint of ale directly from Narmoth's hands as the dragonborn returned with his meal.
"Enjoy." Narmoth set the plate down and gave the elf a friendly pat on the shoulder before returning to his post behind the bar.
The elf took a long draught. "Seriously, I can't thank you enough. You really helped Cragwall out. I know you guys are new in town and you did something real brave for people you don't even know. That's why I wanted to extend my thanks personally. Thank you. I really appreciate it."
Forfend nodded graciously. "Someone needed to help.
"Yeah." He rubbed at the back of his neck and sighed. "When I heard the first boom, I tried to head out right away. But of course, they wouldn't let me do that. 'Too important,' they said. I get the sentiment, but those are my people out there."
Forfend hummed deep in its chest.
"Oh, I'm sorry," the elf suddenly jumped. "I didn't introduce myself. I know you guys from all the reports my advisors have been giving me, but I still need to tell you who I am. I'm Falco. Falco Ledrian. The king, I guess," he shrugged.
Forfend froze.
Kagoshi looked up, bacon hanging out of his mouth. "What?"
Kairi's eyebrows shot up.
"The king of Tyrwedia," Falco sheepishly clarified.
Forfend examined him: his features, his body language, every word he'd said since he arrived.
"I don't blame you for not recognizing me," Falco said. "Usually when I go out and tell people, they think I'm lying. I mean, the bartender here is still convinced I'm lying."
Forfend stared. As far as it could tell, Falco was telling the truth. At least, he believed he was. And he did look remarkably like the statue in the town square.
He really was King Falco Ledrian.
"Are you okay?" Falco asked, watching Forfend's blank face with some concern.
Forfend nodded slowly.
"So what brings you to a place like this?" Melzaryn asked, already pouring himself a second glass of wine.
"Well, I like to be down here with my people. Staying up in the castle doesn't do any good," Falco answered adamantly. "A king is supposed to serve his people, you know? I need to be down here to see what they're dealing with every day."
Forfend respected that response. It wasn't certain why Falco had built himself such a reputation of distance, with the statue and lack of notable public appearances.
Coming down to see his people when they wouldn't recognize him was good. It let him stay in touch without the opinions he encountered being censored to protect his ego or the interests of those he spoke with. But it shouldn't be all he was doing. His people needed to see him and know he was there sometimes too.
"Admirable," Melzaryn complimented. "Wine?"
"Oh, sure," Falco accepted.
Melzaryn fashioned a second icy wine glass and poured Falco a drink.
Falco took a sip from the frigid glass.
"Don't you have a son?" Kagoshi slurred.
"I do. I have a number of children, actually." Falco tilted his head curiously at the question. "Erest was my most martially-inclined child. Despite the fact that I wanted him to lead his own life and carve his own path, he still decided to become a knight."
"Is he the one we met yesterday?" Kagoshi squinted at something somewhere between Forfend and Melzaryn.
"Oh, Halt? Yeah," Melzaryn confirmed.
"He is the one that took us in for questioning," Forfend seconded.
"Right, Halt!" Kagoshi shouted. "Prince Halt! Yeah, I remember him!"
Falco chuckled. "Why do you call him that?"
"He yelled, 'Halt,' at three stationary people and three unconscious people," Forfend explained.
Falco laughed, his face lighting up. "He didn't tell me that. I'm definitely telling him about this one."
When he composed himself again, he leaned across the table. "Seriously though, thanks for helping out. They wouldn't let me out of the castle when the attack was happening. So when I heard your group stepped up to save all those people, take down the threat, and you even captured two Envema members, I had to see you for myself."
He gestured around the bar as a whole and towards the door. "Of course, I had to check up on my people first. I was a little surprised I managed to find you all."
"Everything did happen very quickly," Melzaryn noted.
"Very," Forfend, Kairi, and Kagoshi all echoed.
"By the way," Falco started, "at the front gates and again during your interrogation, it was brought up that you're here for court? What's the deal with that?"
"My dear friend Jessie from Foumedo was wrongly accused of a crime by a Galloford," Forfend explained.
Falco's face hardened, his lips drawing into a tight line. "Really now?"
Forfend nodded seriously. "It has been quite a mess."
"As much as I hate to say it, when I first established this kingdom the five noble families were very trustworthy, but that's not true anymore," Falco lamented. "As time went on, some of them stagnated or went down bad paths. The Gallofords are certainly one of them. Sagemantle is another."
Falco glanced at their faces and provided further exposition, "The Sagemantles are monopolizing on their arcane expertise here in Tyrwedia."
He leaned back in his chair and crossed his arms. "The families I can safely say have remained stalwart and loyal are the Duskhelms and the Summersteads. But I shouldn't be worrying you all with the political stuff. You're just here to get your trial over with so you can go home."
Actually, Forfend was immensely interested in the political stuff. It even had a question in mind right away for exactly this individual. "Could you tell me what you think of the protest?"
Falco blinked. A dozen emotions flickered across his face before he simply sank down in his chair with a tired huff. "Yeah." He pinched the bridge of his nose. "It's been going on for a while. Do you know the history of the whole conflict?"
Forfend skook is head. "I do not."
"Alright. Well, you see, I'm actually from the Howling Plains of Begstrom. Way back when--" Falco paused. "I'm a high elf with a pretty significant lifespan. The time frame might feel a little odd to you all. Sorry."
Kairi shrugged.
Melzaryn pointedly didn't look up from his glass.
Forfend and Kagoshi exchanged a glance, knowing they were both from times long passed.
Falco either didn't notice or didn't comment. "Way back when, before the Kingdom of Tyrwedia was the Kingdom of Tyrwedia, it was just an empty spot." He straightened sharply. "Well, no, not empty. I wouldn't want to imply anything negative about the genasi that lived here, but the region was neutral territory."
"With King Maggard Stormrike's whole deal in the Howling Plains with the constant warring, he overstepped his bounds. A lot," Falco said with notable irritation. "Let's just say he made enemies of the neighbors and it wasn't good for us regular folk. A bunch of us banded together and made our way south to see what was going on here."
"Technically, we were still citizens of the Howling Plains and, even now, Tyrwedia is still a vassal state." Falco picked idly at his food and took a long sip of wine. "We tried diplomatic relations with the genasi, but they're not inclined to have us stay here. Though, they were fairly nice about it initially. Cragwall was actually the first city built here in Tyrwedia and it was very nice here for a long time, despite the mild tension."
Falco's brow creased as he retreated into his thoughts for a moment. "And then one of their dragons attacked us. Well, it attacked Cragwall. Then, when Cragwall was in ruins, it went onward to attack the Howling Plains too. King Maggard responded the way he always did and I was told to lead the army."
He rubbed at his forehead and dragged his hand down his face. "The formation of the Kingdom of Tyrwedia isn't something I'm proud of. As I said before, try as I might, I'm still a vassal of King Maggard. The genasi haven't been forgiving, despite the effort I've put in to make it up to them."
Falco shrugged and spread his hands. "Their protests are completely justified," he admitted. "Which is part of why Envema is such an interesting group. Do you know what their name means?"
"I do not," Forfend hummed, absorbing all the information Falco was giving it. There was much to this story. Still more, it thought, than Falco was sharing. It would need to speak to an earth genasi to learn more.
"Genasi speak Primordial. Earth genasi specifically speak a dialect related heavily to the earth elemental plane," Falco continued his explanation. "In their language, Envema means 'burn.' I'm not sure what exactly their goal is, but they seem to have an extremely vested interest in removing all genasi presence against Tyrwedia. Of course, they're also just a general threat to the peace at large."
Falco rubbed at the back of his neck and fussed with his cloak. "I've had an extremely hard time getting a handle on them since I'm also dealing with the corruption of the nobles."
"I see." Forfend tilted its head and considered all it knew for a long moment. "There are likely far fewer true Envema members than it seems."
"I hope so," Falco said.
"If I had to guess, I would say most are hypnotized innocents. The true ringleaders are likely few and far between," Forfend surmised.
"I read that in your report," Falco recalled. "It's very peculiar. And if that's the case..."
He looked at each of them in turn. "May I ask a bit of a favor? Of course, you may decline. I may be king, but I don't control you. Nevertheless, you are the first people in a very long time who have been able to make any progress on the Envema investigation. May I ask that you lend a hand once again?"
"Yes," Forfend instantly agreed.
Falco blinked, surprise leaving his jaw slack. "Oh! I honestly thought I'd have to add a little bit of incentive. Wow."
"Hold on now. I have a single request," Melzaryn interjected.
"Yes?" Falco allowed.
"It seems your Teleportation Hub is a touch exploded and I was on my way home before all this. Could I request help arranging transport once we're ready to leave?" Melzaryn asked.
"Yeah, yeah, yes, of course," Falco nodded. "I'm happy to assist with that."
"Excellent." Melzaryn settled back into what Forfend guessed was now his third or fourth glass of wine.
"I will need to return to Foumedo briefly after the trial. I made a promise," Forfend said seriously.
"That'll be no issue," Falco nodded again.
"Gold," Kagoshi grumbled flatly, tuning into the conversation for the first time in a while.
"Um, sure. I can definitely do that." Falco squinted perplexedly at Kagoshi.
"Good." Kagoshi promptly returned to ignoring the rest of the table.
"I have one more request of you all as well," Falco mentioned. "Knowing of the descent of the Galloford family, would you mind if I were to personally oversee your trial? I don't want to intrude if you don't want me there though."
"That would be perfectly fine with me," Forfend hummed.
"No objections here," Melzaryn said.
"I don't see a reason not to," Kairi added.
"Alright, then it's settled." Falco tilted his head back and forth thoughtfully. "I mean, obviously nothing is set in stone yet. I need to get the papers drafted and all that to make everything official. I'll handle all that though."
Falco stood and gave them a polite nod. "And again, thank you. I seriously can't thank you enough for what you've done."
He caught sight of the darkening skies through the windows and flinched. "Oh, shit," he swore under his breath. "What time is it?" he asked rhetorically, pulling out a pocket watch to check for himself. "Oh. I have to make it back to the castle. Alright, one more time, I greatly appreciate what you did for Tyrwedia yesterday."
He dusted himself and made for the door.
"Stay safe," Forfend called after him.
"I'm a king," Falco said as though that could prevent him from all bodily harm. "I was sent to lead an army against the genasi for a reason." He nudged the rapier at his side. "I think I can handle myself. But I hope you guys have a good night."
"Nevertheless, stay safe," Forfend repeated.
Falco held his hand out to shake each of the group's hands in turn.
Forfend made an effort to be gentle with its oversized stony grip.
Kairi firmly bounced Falco's hand.
Melzaryn held his glass out for a toast instead. "To your health."
"Oh, to your health," Falco seconded, tinking his icy glass against Melzaryn's own.
Melzaryn drained the rest of his drink.
"Wow, you guys are a crazy bunch," Falco commented.
When he offered his hand to Kagoshi, the drunken man just glared at it.
After a brief moment, Kagoshi offered an emphatic thumbs up.
Confused, Falco returned the odd gesture. He waved to them and rushed to the door.
"Well, that was weird," Kagoshi said as soon as the door shut behind Falco.
"That was oddly normal for me," Melzaryn shrugged.
"That was the first time I have ever met royalty," Forfend hummed.
"Wow," Melzaryn huffed, offended.
Kagoshi glanced off to the side with an unreadable expression on his face.
"I thought you preferred that we did not know who you were." Forfend tilted its head at Melzaryn.
"I mean, yeah, but you meet a king hours after you find out and call him the first one," Melzaryn complained.
Forfend wasn't certain it counted Melzaryn as a noble. At least not here in Tyrwedia where he was trying so very hard not to be recognized as one.
"If it is any consolation, I was no more impressed with him than I am with you," Forfend tried.
Melzaryn mulled over the sentiment while he poured himself another glass of wine. "Strangely enough, that does help."
"Alright, I'm getting a key and heading up to rest," Kairi decided. She nudged Kagoshi. "You too, drunk-ass," she teased.
"Mhm," Kagoshi grumbled.
Kairi hauled Kagoshi up out of his seat and helped him stagger up the stairs to their inn rooms.
Forfend watched Melzaryn empty the last of the wine bottle into his glass.
"We should also retire to our room," it suggested.
Melzaryn swirled the glass. "You're probably right." He downed the last of his drink and stood up. He swayed, but he didn't seem to be nearly as unsteady or out of it as Forfend had expected. "I need to summon a snake before we go to bed. Hope that won't bother you."
"It will not," Forfend said, though it didn't know what he meant.
Melzaryn led the way to the counter, got himself a key, and headed straight to the designated inn room.
Forfend ducked through the doorway after him.
The rooms were small. However, they were also sparsely decorated, which meant ample floor space.
Forfend settled itself in against the wall where it could watch both the door and the window. It figured that wouldn't be necessary, but it was remiss to let go of cautious old habits. It shut off its rune.
Melzaryn cracked a window and set up a miniature brass brazier. He dumped herbs and incenses Forfend didn't recognize over the coals.
He spoke in Elvish, magic lacing his words.
The coal lit itself and slowly began consuming the contents of the brazier.
Forfend proceeded to watch Melzaryn continue his occasional quiet Elvish chanting and gentle nudging of the brazier over the next hour.
The last wisp of smoke to exit the bowl hovered in the air without dissipating. It twisted, darkened, and solidified.
Arcana crackled and poofed.
A silvery viper melded itself from the smoke and curled around Melzaryn's outstretched hand. It flicked its tongue, tasting the air of its new surroundings.
"We're gonna be good friends," Melzaryn told the snake. "Keep an eye on me while I rest please. And squeeze my arm to wake me if you sense anything."
The snake only blinked, but that answer seemed to be enough for Melzaryn. He settled into bed with his new familiar still wrapped around his forearm.
Forfend let its mind drift idly over the events of its day.
Late into the night, when it was well past lost in its thoughts, Melzaryn's snake hissed sharply and constricted around its master's arm.
Forfend stared at the empty air the snake had taken issue with.
It lit its rune, perplexed and concerned.
There was nothing there. What was the little creature getting riled up about?
It tapped the medallion on its chest, reached out its hand, and closed its fist.
The magic seized an invisible veil and stripped it away, Dispelling whatever arcane mask had been there.
An assassin cloaked in black warbled into being just as he drove his blade downward at Melzaryn's throat.
Melzaryn twisted at the last second, sleep making him sluggish despite the snake's early warning.
The knife still caught his neck, slashing across as he pulled out from beneath the plunging blade.
Melzaryn slapped his hand over the blood gushing from his wound. It hadn't been enough to kill, but his vocal chords had almost certainly been mangled.
He couldn't cast. Not verbally.
Forfend hauled itself to its feet, magic already sparking between its fingers as it freed its mace from its belt.
It hoped this assassin didn't know who he was dealing with. It feared he did.
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end-fall · 1 year
This session Cael and Elton went to meet the Uthalls for dinner. Cael noticed some people tailing them on the way over. The two people there were Ally and her uncle Araghast who was a scary drow man. During dinner Ally told Elton all about the interesting places in the city while Araghast told Cael his job was to stand there and look pretty and resond to ptoblems with extreme violence. Ally and Elton decided they wanted milkshakes, so everyone headed to the icecream parlor. Cael noticed there was only one person following them now and Araghast said hr had that effect on people. Ally and Elton got their milkshakes from an icecream genie or genasi(? idk man) and thenn they headed to the park. On the way Araghast disappeared into an alleyway and whe e ame back said he saw an old friend and wanted to say hi, but he was lying. He asked about Jax and Cynn, saying that things had been more busy since the party came to the city. Everyone then went home.
While they were out, Cynn asked Jax to knock her out so she could talk to her patron and ended up getting a level in warlock. Jax made sure Cynn was okay until she was stable then went to her and Elton's room to do work. Elton and Cael came back and debriefed everyone on what happened and that Jax was apparently on the Uthall's radar. Elton reminded Jax that she was the most disposable member of the party in othe people's eyes and Jax left to go work out rather than talk to them
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alpacacare-archive · 11 months
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ashenberry · 7 months
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[ID in ALT]
MS paint aa4 doodles part 10 where i was real excited to say we are out of serenade but actually it turns out i made so many doodles during this session that it went over tumblrs image limit soo.
[ index ]
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hannie-dul-set · 10 months
saw a tweet of someone getting hit by a porsche and being a little too happy about it bcs they got 10k as compensation and.......now i have a new ricky wip.
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ewicomkicks2point0 · 1 year
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When I first saw that artwork, I immediately thought that it was the most beautifully gay thing I’ve ever seen, so of course I had to draw it.
These two pretty much only stand next to each other so to see Zoot carrying Lips while flying in the air with golden angel wings is phenomenal.
Gay Muppets.
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livwritesstuff · 11 months
part 3 to eddie’s tattoo saga, feat. girl-dads!steddie
part 1, part 2
The first time Eddie’s oldest daughter draws on his arm with her Crayola markers, Eddie immediately gets it tattooed onto him permanently. 
She’s barely two so it’s mostly scribbles, but she’d never done it before, and she’d looked up at him with this big, proud, cheesing smile when she was done, and Ed had been caught so off guard with just how insanely much he loved her – that indescribable love parents felt for their children that, before becoming a parent, Eddie had thought he’d be able to beat the stereotypes and describe, but Moe proved him to be incorrect just about the second she came along – and he hadn’t known what else to do. 
He doesn’t even really think about it, just takes a photo so his artist will get the colors right and has her put it in an empty spot on the sleeve he’s been working on for years.
With Eddie and Steve’s second daughter, Robbie, it goes mostly the same. She's just about two years old and draws a collection of swirling scribbles on the back of his hand. Steve advises him to not get it tattooed in the same spot, and Eddie can understand why it might not always be opportune to have permanent child-scribbles in such a visible spot, so, again, he has his artist use it to fill in a gap in the sleeve on his left arm.
When their littlest girl, Hazel, is born, Ed intentionally leaves a spot on his bicep open for whenever she feels so inclined to draw on him like her big sisters had. She takes her sweet time, so much so that Eddie starts to get nervous that she might never end up doing it at all, and he wasn’t going to ask her. It had to be a natural thing, obviously. In the end, she’s nearly five years old, sitting in his lap with a pack of markers while he reads a book to her (Charlotte’s Web, because it was the first chapter book he’d read aloud to both Moe and Robbie, and now it's Hazel’s turn), coloring inside the lines of the tattoos he already has when she gets to the empty space on his arm he’d left just for her. A little bit later, it’s filled with a marker drawing of a blue house next to a green tree, with a yellow sun above the chimney.
“It’s our house,” Hazel tells him.
Eddie calls to schedule the tattoo session the second he finishes the next chapter.
He gets the okay from his artist to bring Hazel with him to the appointment, which he hadn’t done with Moe and Robbie because they’d been too little. They hadn’t had the disposition for it either, but Hazel is their sweetest baby, all solemn and shy, and the session is right before her usual naptime, so once he’s in the chair, she just sits in his lap and quietly watches his artist work until she dozes off about halfway through the process.
Eddie spends much of that session lost in thought – he’s becoming introspective in his old age (forty-five and some change).
He’s thinking about all the tattoos he’s gotten, all the spontaneous ones he’s gotten for Steve and for their girls. He’s thinking about what that means. 
In the family that Eddie and Steve have built, Steve is the one taking all those pictures and home videos and stuff. He’s the one who gets photos printed, framing their favorites and hanging them around the house and setting small ones on side tables, sticking others to the fridge with little magnets they’ve collected over the years, storing the rest in overstuffed shoe boxes he swears he’ll organize into photo albums someday (but their life is so hectic he probably won’t ever get around to it).
This is Eddie’s version of that.
This is his way of displaying to the world how much he loves his family, this thing that he’d spent years pretending he didn’t want because that was easier to sit with than the belief that it wasn’t even attainable for him, that now he gets to have.
It’s fucking incredible, is what it is, and it deserves to be documented.
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shortkingsvsbarovia · 2 months
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thinking abt their chat in the woods
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charlescoded · 1 year
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Max Verstappen during qualifying for the 2015 Malaysian Grand Prix
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“I’m only seventeen, I don’t know anything” hits different when you are also seventeen and don’t know anything.
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babybluesquid · 2 years
Consequences of Karrnath Session 17
The Child of Winter
Our Players this week:
Dagne, Vengeance Paladin, an undead soldier with the curious property of acting like a living person. Trusts nobody and acts as the leader. Has a skeleton horse mount from Find Steed named Coffin.
Vaeren, Swarmkeeper Ranger, a Deathguard sent to investigate Dagne’s nature. They’re the quiet one who helps keep everyone in line.
Ro, Circle of Spores Druid, a Talentan halfling who survived The Mourning and won’t go home. They tend to not take things seriously.
In the morning, the party heads straight to the Children of Winter circle, located to the south of Greenheart. However, once again, the group is at a loss in the unfamiliar place. Unsure who to even approach, Ro loudly proclaims in the street that she is a Child of Winter. One passerby decides to respond, in druidic, “have you seen any of the signs?” Ro switches to druidic as well, “I bore witness to the Mourning.” The stranger’s eyes light up, “do you have any special knowledge of the event, especially concerning its cause?” “No, I was only just able to make it out.” Only mildly disappointed, the stranger continues, “why have you come to our circle? I haven’t seen you before.” “I need a guide through the secret paths of the Gloaming.” Intrigued, “why do you need to traverse the Gloaming?” Not wanting to divulge too much, Ro only says, “we need to get to Droaam fast.” The stranger accepts the answer and tells the party to follow them.
They lead the party to someone’s home, a ranger named Winter who they say spends most of his time in the Gloaming. Then, they warn the party not to argue doctrine with him. He knocks on the house’s door and is answered by a shifter man wearing darkleaf armor. “Who are these people?” Winter asks. “Oh, uh, they’re people who need to go through the Gloaming to get to Droaam quickly,” they explain. “And why would I lead them through the secret paths? They don’t even look like Reachers.” Dagne reaches into Nux’s pack and pulls out a crown fashioned of sticks and leaves, showing it to Winter, “Melvira sent us.” In an instant, Winter’s expression changes from hostile to surprised, “well, in that case I’ll have to take you even if I’m not partial to… most of you look like city folk. People out here can’t afford that kind of armor,” he rambles, “and there’s nowhere to get it.” He looks over the party, glaring at Dagne, Vaeren, and Syv, but face seeming a bit softer when he turns his attention to Nux and Ro.
“Are you a Mask Weaver?” He asks Ro. The stranger helpfully jumps in, “oh, she’s a Child of Winter!” “Well,” he looks Ro up and down again, “if you want some more fitting attire, I know where you can get this armor. They can make a set for you.” Staring intently at his darkleaf armor, Ro only has one question: “where?” “Helisent Neri is the best darkwood crafter in Greenheart, probably the whole Eldeen.” Winter leads the party up a tree to her house and opens the door. She’s carving a branch of darkwood with a sharp, curved knife.
Not looking up, Helisent says with some exasperation, “I’m working, so I would have appreciated it if you’d knocked. What do you want, Winter?” “I,” Winter grins, “have a customer for you.” This gets Helisent to look up, her face scrunches up as she looks at each member of the party, “which of you wants to buy something?” Ro says that she would, and shows Helisent her equipment. The crafter says she’ll be able to make Ro armor, as well as a new club and shield, all out of darkwood. Also, she would be able to imbue the objects with power, if Ro could afford it. Altogether, the cost would be 3,800 golden galifars.
Ro immediately turns to Dagne and asks them to lend her some money. Dagne tells Ro to hand over all her dragons and galifars. A bit reluctantly, Ro complies and watches Dagne count out the sum to pay Helisent. Satisfied with the payment, Helisent takes Ro’s measurements on the spot, telling the party that everything should be ready within three weeks, since she has no other commissions at the moment.
When the party leaves Helisent Neri’s shop, Winter asks when they want to head out. The answer is now. As soon as the group gathers their belongings from The Verdant Hearth, everyone sets off southward. The Gloaming is a horrible swamp, and the trek through it is slow-going and confusing. The secret paths wind in nonsensical ways, avoiding ground that seems firm and safe in favor of wading through pools of water at times, other times avoiding the water completely. Once, Winter steps into a tree and then somehow steps out of another, dozens of yards away. The rest of the party has no choice but to follow suit, despite the absurdity of the action. In additional to being slow, the journey is also dull. Winter seems disinterested in talking to the group, and intra-party conversation only goes so far.
Finally, a few days into the trek, Winter finally starts a real conversation, picking Ro as his target. “I didn’t know there were Children all the way out in the Plains.” Ro glares at him, “I don’t associate myself with the Plains.” “You are from there though,” he says more that asks. “Correct.” “So is there a circle out there?” “No. My family was Mask Weavers.” While this was evident, Winter acts as if it’s surprising, “how’d you come to the Children, then?” “I was there for the Mourning. I ran into the Children of Winter while searching for an explanation.” “Well, even we haven’t been able to explain it yet. I think it’s a sign though.” Ro rolls her eyes, “it was definitely a sign of something.”
Unbothered by her dismissal, Winter continues chattering, “if the cause of the Mourning we to be ascertained, it could be repeated to bring about Winter and an end to the corruption on Eberron’s surface.” Ro glares at him, “I think it’s a sign that we should avoid doing that.” “Do you not want the scourge of the settlement to end? Much of the heartland has been turned to city or farmland, that is, destroyed.” “I don’t think we should cause the destruction of civilization.” Winter shrugs it off, “in any case, most would not survive. The magic that sustains their civilization would collapse.” Ro scoffs, “so you would cause it without preparing?” “We’re already prepared!” He exclaims, “if we bring it about now, everything we hate would be destroyed! And of course, after Winter comes Spring, new life, and that is worth any cost. If Winter doesn’t come, which it may not if we don’t bring it, the world could fall victim to the infection and die. That is what should be avoided.”
She sighs, “Winter is inevitable. Just be patient.” “How do you know it will happen on its own?” “Do you have any evidence that the Mourning didn’t happen on its own?” “The Mourning was not Winter.” “It was a sign.” “How do you know it happened by itself? Couldn’t it have been caused by the Cyrans building their heights upon the land in hubris?” “In that case, won’t civilization grow until an inevitable collapse?” Winter pauses, “maybe, but we must start Winter sooner so it will be less severe. Now, there is less civilization to remove that your hypothetical tipping point, so the process will be shorter and less painful, and Spring can come sooner.” “What if we can’t trigger it?” “Then we’ll have to wait,” he admits, “but because of the benefits, we should figure out if we can. And of course we should wait for the signs, as we always have done.”
Ro sighs, “it’s hubris to believe we can control Eberron. That’s the fault of civilization.” Winter throws up his hands defensively, “I don’t believe ‘control’ is the right word, more ‘ask.’ We know Eberron lives. Why hasn’t she brought about Winter yet?” “Maybe she’s waiting for the right moment.” “We can’t speak to Eberron directly, so that’s what we must figure out. We must learn how to ask her why she’s allowed civilization to continue. We’d be fools to just wait,” Winter’s voice is becomingly increasingly animated. “We aren’t just waiting,” Ro counters, “we trust she will do it and we’re being patient.” “What has patience brought us? Everything is getting worse,” his frustration is obvious. “Maybe it needs to get worse,” she says calmly. “Why?!” “We need to trust her.” Winter refuses to take that answer, and continues to rant about the state of the world. Ro doesn’t respond to him anymore. Nobody else in the party dares to discuss the subject with him. Once he’s done, the rest of the day is quiet and awkward.
The next day, the more perceptive in the party notice that they’re being stalked by another group The party’s luck has run out. Winter tells the party that the pursuers are swamp ghouls, which can more faster in the water than the party can hope to run on foot. They have no choice but to fight them off. The terrain is disfavorable, with many pools of water and narrow strips of land. As the party watches the pools, they notice seven figures under the water’s surface. Winter draws a bronzewood sword and dirk, then shifts. He blinks, and his pupils become vertical slits. His hair and teeth grow, and he begins to growl. Vaeren draws their bow and fires two arrows into the water. A ghoul shrieks as dark blood rises to the surface, both arrows found their target.
In an instant, the ghouls react. One swims up to the shore by Vaeren and surfaces! It runs for them, snarling and baring clawed and webbed hands, “meat!” Aelrie emerges from their spirit idol and blocks the ghoul with her shield. Stunned, the ghoul slips back into the water. Meanwhile, the ghoul they shot dashes between pools to reach them. It grabs onto their leg and begins to pull, but Vaeren stands their ground. Another ghoul, this one larger with a white coloration, a ghast, grabs Ro and drags her under! She manages to activate her symbiotic entity a moment before she’s submerged. Another ghoul grabs onto Winter and drags him into the swamp water as well!
Submerged, Winter stabs the ghoul holding him to little effect. In desperation, he bites down on the thing’s neck. Three more ghouls close in around Winter and begin to claw at him. Red blood fills the water as they swarm. Dagne dismounts and, not hesitating for a second, leaps into the pool to help him. They stab twice at a ghoul with their spearpoint and then bash it with their poleaxe’s end. It sinks to the bottom of the pool, dead.
Vaeren places a hunter’s mark on the ghast and shoots it. Ro watches two streaks of gold impale the ghast holding her. The ghouls once again try to drag Vaeren down as well, but Nym, Pyral, and Aelrie stand in the way, giving Vaeren a chance to scramble back from the water’s edge. Then, they hurriedly mount Coffin. Ro desperately avoids the claws of the swarming ghouls, but one manages to break through her shield. Stinging swamp water mingles with her blood and she grits her teeth to avoid losing her breath. She elbows the ghast and just manages to roll out of its grasp, then swims for the surface, avoiding the grasping webbed claws trying to drag her back down. She breaks the surface and gasps, scrambling up the shore. Vaeren takes her hands and helps her mount Coffin behind them.
The ghoul holding Winter bites back at him, but he twists his body aside to avoid the teeth. He drives his dirk into the ghoul and slashes at it with his sword. Its grip loosens, then breaks, and it begins to sink. Before another ghoul can grapple him, he scrambles out of the water and runs to stand behind Coffin. The two ghouls left in the pool, able to sense that Dagne has no meat to speak of, surface to attack the living. They stab one on its way out. One ghoul leaps for Vaeren, but they turn the horse around and it misses. The second slashes at Ro with its claws, but she blocks it with her shield.
Then, Dagne climbs out of the pool. Dripping with water, they slash one ghoul vertically across the back, then across the second’s stomach. The opposite end of their weapon comes round and hits the second ghouls so hard in the skull, its head comes off. Vaeren spots the ghast’s yellow eyes through the water. They draw back and fire, one of the bright points winking out of view as the arrow strikes. The other eye dims as the ghast sinks. Then, they hurriedly draw their rapier and slash the ghoul before them. Showing that even Mabaran creatures have a sense of self preservation, the two ghouls in the water swim away. Ro takes her shillelagh and bashes the last remaining ghoul’s skull in.
Winter cleans his blades and sheaths them, returning to his normal state as well. He spits on the ground, “I have the taste of rotten meat in my mouth. I think I may get sick.” Ro stares at him in disbelief, “why did you bite it?!” He sighs, “you know big cats, how they bite down on the necks of their prey? It was the impulse of the beast within, and I listened to it.” “I can cure you of illness,” Dagne offers. Winter nods and they use some of their lay on hands to stave off the potential disease. Then, Winter announces that it’s about time to set up camp. The party should head to a drier patch of land and make a bonfire to keep the monsters away.
Syv and Nux go to sleep first. Winter takes the first watch. Dagne sits a bit apart from the group, and as they reflect, they remember something. Ro stays up for a while, staring into the bonfire. Abruptly, she speaks, “Syv is so annoying.” “That’s not fair,” Vaeren replies. “She’s so perfect, I can’t stand it. Once we were pranking this soldier. We had snuck into his room and we melted his empty armor together. And just as we were leaving, he came back. But we didn’t get in trouble because Syv charmed him, giving us enough time to book it. Not enough time for him to remember our faces. It’s unfair that she can talk her way out of any situation, with her pretty face and cute smile,” as Ro explains, a smile creeps across her face, and her cheeks grow a bit pink. Vaeren doesn’t respond, considering her words.
Finally, the party emerges from the Gloaming and reaches the lakes. They find a boat to carry them across, and at that point, Winter leaves the group to go back home. The boat quickly takes the party to the border of Breland and Droaam, from which point they’re able to enter the nation of monsters. Knowing they’ll need another guide, the group takes a road to Greywall, and finds the journey totally uneventful. The city is unlike anything in Karrnath. The architecture is strange, and the streets are winding, but seem inorganic, planned that way. The streets are filled with races normally considered monsters, the kind of people one would rarely, if ever, spot back home. Gnolls, trolls, and harpies walk about freely, and the party even spots one medusa.
Ro sets to work trying to locate a guide in this foreign place, and she heads to a tavern in the Calabas. Inside, she spots a gnoll who instantly strikes her as a potential guide, based on attire and mannerisms alone. She’s so confident in her judgement that she takes a seat next to the gnoll.
“We need a guide to Chaar Mur,” she tells them ”Why would you want to go there?” Is the gnoll’s response, in a high pitched, but also gravelly voice. “None of your business,” she says bluntly. “That is totally fair. I’ll guide you lot for ten Galifars.” “I don’t have that,” Ro says pointedly. “Do you have an axe or something? I take payment in goods.” “I’ll pay,” Dagne says, and hands the gnoll the money, adding, “we set out today.” The gnoll nods, “I just need to gather things from my room.” A bit suspicious, Ro watches the gnoll do so, just in case they get some ideas about running off with the payment. However, there is no need. The party sets off with the guide, who upon prompting, introduces themselves at Toryc. The trip from Greywall to the ruins of Chaar Mur takes only two days. Toryc, for their part, refuses to enter the place with the party, and warms them of horrible creatures inside, before telling them to try not to die.
Winter has such an energy to him. He appeared and stole the show like Minroy back in sessions 2 and 3, just by talking about the things he cares about. And it didn’t even come off as a Children of Winter doctrinal infodump from the DM, because he’s a Bringer extremist.
Vaeren was the real winner in the fight against the ghouls because they’re the only one who didn’t end up in the water.
Dagne being the party bank this week was so funny. Also it was really sweet of them to pitch in most of the cost of Ro’s equipment upgrades, they didn’t have to do that.
Now this was a Ro spotlight session! The player isn’t always the most comfortable in roleplay, but being able to talk to druids really brought them out of their shell. It was amazing to see. Also, Ro seems to be softening at the edges, which is so exciting.
Session 18.
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tantaliart · 1 year
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here but now they’re gone
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