#Session 20
shortkingsvsbarovia · 2 months
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session 20
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babybluesquid · 2 years
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Almante's military garb.
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sspeepssaga · 2 years
Ori: Please don’t let me ruin this relationship with this man, because I want those slacks, bro! … W–we’ll find out the consequences of my actions LATER…
Azu: Maybe Mylis can come up with an exchange.
Ori: Yeah! I mean, I ALWAYS talk to my manager before I do business.
Mylis: You want MYLIS to clean up your mess?
Ori: Yes.
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evildeadfan102 · 3 months
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I played Saints Row (2022 Remake) Session 20.
0 notes
demigodforfend · 1 year
Twilight of the Demigods: Forfend Edition - Session 20
Erzor stopped as they entered the city. "Alright, well, I got you home. I'm sorry about how things went."
"Erzor," Forfend hummed grimly, "I am staying very near here. If you would follow me to my temporary place of residence, I would very much appreciate it. I want you to know where I am should you need me, and I have information I wish to write down for you to take back to the earth genasi."
"Alright," Erzor agreed. "Lead the way."
Forfend nodded and strode into the residential area.
Erzor scrambled to keep up with its comparatively long strides.
Forfend escorted him straight into Eamon's house. It froze when it saw the arrangement of shoes by the door.
"What?" Erzor asked.
"If you could take off your shoes and leave them there for a moment, that would be appreciated," Forfend said.
It backed up onto the porch and dusted its feet off before returning inside.
Erzor seemed perplexed, but he did as Forfend requested.
"Thank you."
It led him straight into the guest room.
Melzaryn passed them on his way out of the bedroom.
"Oh, uh, hi," Erzor waved.
Melzaryn nodded in acknowledgement and kept moving.
Forfend went straight to the desk and pulled paper out. It immediately started writing out its thoughts as quickly as it could.
Erzor bumped against Forfend's back, watching Kagoshi and Kairi. "Hey. Um, nice to see you. I was just hanging out with Forfend."
Forfend glanced over its shoulder.
Kairi was still in bed. She waved politely, smiling in her friendly way.
"Who are you again?" Kagoshi gruffed rudely as he packed ice-coated pillows back into their storage cabinet.
Forfend had questions about why Kagoshi had taken them out and how he'd gotten them frozen, but now wasn't the time to ask.
"Don't worry about it," Erzor shrugged. He glanced around the room and clocked Duncan still sleeping soundly in his bed. "Whoa, what happened to that guy? He looks out cold."
"He is former Envema," Forfend answered. "He is doing alright now."
"Oh. Oh. Huh. Is he, you know..." Erzor passed his hand back and forth across his face.
Forfend nodded. "He is free of the magics, yes."
"Alright. I guess when he wakes up, you should extend the genasi's courtesy to him."
"I will make certain to do that," Forfend promised.
"So, uh..." Erzor stood on the tips of his toes, trying to see what Forfend was writing over its broad arm. He wasn't quite tall enough to catch a glimpse. "What did you bring me over here for?"
Forfend signed the bottom of the note and passed it to Erzor. "This."
Erzor's eyes skimmed over the note, widened, and shot back to the beginning to scan more carefully.
Forfend wasn't surprised. The information it had shared was vital, concerning, and urgent.
It leaned over, reading through the note again as Erzor did the same. It read:
Flint, Jewel, and River:
I have been informed that your guardian is ill with a poison that lights his veins blue.
I have seen something like that before. A Calamity Crystal.
I cannot know for certain that is the cause, but it is the only thing I am familiar with that could create such an effect. It is particularly likely to be a shard if the guardian is also experiencing despair.
If you search for and find a shard anywhere on or within your guardian, I beg of you not to touch it directly. Please, please place as many layers between yourself and the shard as you can. If you touch it directly, you will be lucky if it only kills you. If you are unlucky, it may create a maligned, murderous, monstrous caricature of you that would immediately attack everyone in its vicinity.
If it is a shard, please alert me. I may be able to assist in its removal if you cannot or do not want to attempt it yourselves. Additionally, I have been informed that the shards cannot be destroyed, but I do not believe that is true. I believe I have destroyed one before and I believe I may be able to do it again.
Please, if you want me around for nothing else, I will understand. But a shard could destroy everything you have left. I do not want that. I am sure you do not either.
I did not know demigods had an aura that altered the people around them. Knowing that, I am now fearing for my family and friends.
I will seek out a way to stop the influence if it is at all possible. I do not want to bend others to my will, involuntarily or otherwise.
In the meantime, I will do my damnedest to mitigate the influence and make certain what is not mitigated is as kind as possible.
I am truly sorry for the hardships you have faced. I will not make you face them again.
Erzor's jaw worked, though no sound escaped him. He started to say something or ask a question several times as he read through the letter, but he never decided what to say.
"Okay," he finally breathed, folding up the letter and tucking it into his back pocket. "Wow. I'll deliver your note, uh, now. Right now. That's kind of really important. I have to go."
Forfend nodded. "You know where to find me."
"Yeah, yeah, thanks." Erzor scurried off, barely taking a moment to throw his shoes back on before he all but ran out the front door.
With all it could do at the moment done, Forfend turned to Duncan. It sidled to his bedside and checked him over.
He still seemed to be resting without trouble.
Melzaryn nudged open the door and leaned in. "It's almost time to go."
"Alright," Forfend responded.
"Yeah, sure, whatever." Kagoshi dropped his last handful of pillows and started past Melzaryn.
Melzaryn put his hand out, almost but not quite touching Kagoshi's shoulder. "Did you break the chairs?"
"What chairs?"
"The chairs in the common room."
"Oh." Kagoshi's brows knit. He shrugged. "I did hear some breaks while I was doing some testing, so maybe."
"Well, kudos for testing something, but maybe toss Eamon a gold piece for the damages," Melzaryn suggested.
Kagoshi growled, looking visibly pained. "Maybe." He skirted past Melzaryn and up the hallway.
Melzaryn tilted his head at Forfend. His eyes were piercing, almost glittering with curiosity and the vague implication that he knew something he shouldn't. "Did you learn anything interesting today?"
Forfend could almost feel the weight and severity of the information it had learned crushing its core with brazen claws. "Exceptionally interesting, yes."
"Me too. We'll talk about it later," Melzaryn promised.
With that, he tromped out of the room.
Steam hissed deep in Forfend's chest. It turned, helping Kairi up out of bed.
Kairi brushed herself off and tested her feet. She seemed much less exhausted and far more put together, if not a bit somber.
She moved into the common room without assistance, Forfend trailing right on her heels.
"Hello," Eamon greeted as they walked in. "I'll ask you not to sit on the two far couches there." He pointed at where he'd already placed plates on the seats and propped up notes stating "Do Not Sit" in neat handwriting. "I'm not sure what happened exactly, but it seems they've gotten too worn. It seems something broke them. I don't want anyone falling through them and getting hurt."
Forfend turned its runic head slowly, locking gazes with Kagoshi.
Kagoshi shrugged and admitted to nothing.
Eamon sat down on one of the two good couches remaining. "We don't have much time, but let's sit down and go over everything one more time."
Kagoshi took the far end of the other couch, as far from Eamon as he could possibly sit.
Forfend knelt on the floor near Eamon's side.
Melzaryn leaned against the wall.
Kairi settled in next to Kagoshi. She glanced down at her dress and seemed to notice for the first time that the front of it was torn where she'd been stabbed. She pressed her hand to it and, with one quick flash, the fabric was repaired.
Forfend hummed. The arcana lacked her usual pomp and flair. She still wasn't feeling well.
"Alright, Kairi," Eamon began, "we're about an hour out from when we should be leaving, but I haven't heard your version of events yet. Would you please share?"
Kairi nodded. "Of course."
She relayed the story, leaving out the Calamity Shards just the same as the rest of the group had.
Eamon listened intently. He nodded once. "Good, that all seems to line up nicely. It's always best to have everyone on the same page together. I like to get all the details from all perspectives."
He flipped through a notebook. "I actually spent a good bit of time researching what the creature might be. I called in a few favors, and I'm pretty well certain Melzaryn was right. It was an oni. That fact definitely helps our case. They're known for trickery and cruelty, so that'll lend credibility to our story if anything goes awry."
Everyone nodded.
"I'm not sure if your friends told you, Miss Camilla," Eamon started, "but you've attracted the attention of King Falco Ledrian. The case was moved to the high court. The Galloford side of the story seems pretty full of holes. They're untrustworthy and they have quite a habit of picking on the less fortunate. Luckily, you have me. As long as you don't incriminate yourselves, everything should be fine. Whatever you do though, don't lie in the high court. There's enchantment magic that will alert the judge to any lies spoken. Half-truths and withheld information will pass the test, but lies will be outed immediately. I'd personally prefer if you all kept an honest, cohesive story."
Forfend hummed, feeling guilty for the information they'd hidden from Eamon.
No one else seemed to react. It felt it may be the only one harboring any shame or regret over the decision to lie about the Calamity Shards.
"Just let me do the talking and everything will be fine," Eamon assured. "Now, since you've all had some time to yourselves to reflect on the situation, is there any other information you'd like me to have before we go into this?"
No one spoke.
"No?" Eamon prompted.
"Not anything that should be relevant to the case," Melzaryn piped up.
"Alright. I'm going to give you one last warning: the Gallofords are going to try to paint you as unfavorable individuals. As eloquently as I can put this, they're going to try to piss you off. Don't get aggressive. Don't lash out. Stay calm." Eamon pat his knees and stood. "I'm going to get my documents in order. We'll be leaving in about fifteen minutes."
"Thank you," Forfend said sincerely as Eamon disappeared into his office.
"Of course. Let me know if you need anything." Eamon shut the door.
"Since your memory is supposed to be altered, you should try to keep your responses to the absolute minimum," Melzaryn told Kagoshi.
"I'll try. I don't speak lawyer," Kagoshi grumbled.
"Just be vague," Melzaryn instructed. "If someone asks what you did yesterday for example, you could just say you were reading. You don't even have to mention that you were at the library."
"Alright, fair enough," Kagoshi conceded.
"It's kind of your usual schtick," Melzaryn teased.
"One word answers. As rudely as possible," Forfend agreed.
"Yeah, just be yourself. Only minimized," Melzaryn suggested.
"Got it," Kagoshi huffed. He settled back in his seat with his arms crossed.
Silence loomed amongst them.
Forfend fidgeted nervously. It wanted to tell them everything it had learned about demigods, but it didn't have the time. They'd have to leave soon.
It rubbed at its face.
Melzaryn caught its gaze and subtly shook his head.
Forfend nodded.
After the trial. They'd talk after the trial.
"I learned I can transform into more different types of giants," Kagoshi blurted. "So that's cool."
"That figures," Melzaryn said.
"More than just the cloud giant and the fire giant?" Forfend asked.
"Yeah! I can become all of them." Kagoshi didn't smile, but he looked very proud of himself.
"That's how you broke the chairs," Melzaryn nodded to himself.
"Maybe. You can't prove that," Kagoshi argued.
"They're your ass prints in the seat."
"How do you know what my ass looks like?"
Melzaryn shrugged. "You like to lead."
"Look, buddy," Kagoshi pointed at him. "I appreciate the compliment, but I don't swing that way."
"I never considered as much. You were a lost cause from the start," Melzaryn idly insulted.
Kagoshi looked affronted.
"Do your new forms include frost giant?" Forfend interjected.
"Yeah," Kagoshi growled, now irritated.
"Is that what happened to the pillows in our room?"
Forfend shook its head.
Kagoshi leaned over and nudged Kairi. "Hey, you doing alright? We don't need you passing out on the courtroom floor."
"I'm fine," Kairi muttered. "I just feel bad that I wasn't able to help very much last night. I'm also a little worried about how crowded the court room will be. I'm just going to try to stay quiet as much as I can."
"I mean, you did get stabbed pretty bad. You could just clutch yourself and yell 'oh the pain!' And then just leave," Kagoshi suggested.
"That's not really a bad idea," Kairi giggled softly.
"Yeah, you're a performer. I'm sure you can act your way out of it."
"I can definitely think of something if I have to." Kairi smiled, a hint of mischief in her eyes.
"Stunningly deceitful pair," Forfend mused.
"What was that?" Kagoshi snarled.
"Nothing," it hummed, looking away.
"Listen here you little shit," Kagoshi snapped. "I will bring you down to my level by force if I have to and beat you senseless!"
"If you just ask, I will kneel," Forfend returned.
Melzaryn and Kairi laughed.
"I'm gonna bust your fucking shins like the rocks they are!" Kagoshi threatened.
Eamon froze halfway out his bedroom door. "Whoa, uh, everything okay in here?"
"We are fine," Forfend assured.
"Well, okay then," Eamon said skeptically. "It's time to go then. Best to be early, before the crowd gathers. You guys have been making waves and I don't want us to be late because we were swarmed by curious onlookers."
Eamon started out the door.
Everyone followed after him.
He tracked them carefully through back alleys.
"Since the king is presiding over the trial personally and all of you have been very public figures as of late, this whole situation is making waves. I'm expecting a big crowd of nosy busybodies. I'd like to avoid them as long as we can," Eamon explained.
"Makes sense," Melzaryn said.
The walk was quiet again for a long while.
Eamon slowed as they approached one of the main thoroughfares. "We have to cross this one. Courthouse is just a quick jaunt once we're on the other side, but..."
Forfend watched the busy road, bustling with carts and foot traffic. Many of them seemed to be headed in the same direction as its own companions. That wasn't reassuring.
"Since you're trying to keep us out of the public eye and Forfend is a giant beacon, do you want me to just teleport him across the road?" Melzaryn offered.
"Uh, sure, if you can do it discreetly," Eamon accepted. "The rest of you just keep your heads down while we're crossing the road."
Magic encircled Forfend's legs. It had the brief sensation of falling.
Suddenly, it was standing on solid ground on the opposite side of the street.
Forfend shook itself and sidled further into the shadows of the narrow pathway Melzaryn had dropped it in.
Eamon and the others quickly but casually made their way across the thoroughfare.
"Neat trick," Eamon complimented as they rejoined Forfend.
"Thank you," Melzaryn smiled.
"Come on, we're almost there."
Eamon led them through a couple more narrow alleys before they finally reached the courthouse plaza.
There was a significant crowd already gathered outside. Guards kept a tight line around the entrance, only permitting in relevant parties.
The crowd whispered and muttered amongst itself.
"Stick close to the side of the building and don't get separated, alright?" Eamon rushed across the plaza and hugged the edge of the courthouse.
Forfend and its companions stuck close behind him.
As they started up the stairs, the crowd took notice. The chattering grew louder. People pointed.
"Keep your head down," Eamon whispered. "Don't worry about it."
Forfend ducked its head.
A hand grasped Forfend's stone fingers, startling it.
It turned, slowing just enough to get a look.
The former-Envema gladiator edged a hair closer to it, tugging his hood further over his head. He was covered head to toe in cloth. He particularly had several layers of clothing covering his chest. Everything he wore was dark leather, but not black. Envema wore black.
"Forfend, I have to thank--" he started, but the crowd squeezed in around him.
"We have to go," Eamon hissed through his teeth, glancing from face to face to face in the crowd. "Come on. Inside."
Forfend leaned in, "We will talk soon," it promised in the quietest voice it could muster.
The gladiator nodded and let go of its hand.
Everyone nearby responded at once to Forfend's words. They converged on the gladiator, asking questions and yelling over each other.
Forfend swore. It wished it could be quieter.
The gladiator held his hands up and backed away. He made excuses, dodged questions, and started hunting for an out.
Eamon was already tugging Forfend along again. It didn't get to see if the gladiator found his escape before it was pulled indoors.
"Would now be a good time to tell you I know this cantrip that allows two people to communicate telepathically," Melzaryn's voice rang in Forfend's mind.
"Yes," Forfend deadpanned in its thoughts and assumed they'd reach Melzaryn. "About thirty seconds ago would have been best, actually."
"Well, I'm not a mind-reader." Melzaryn shrugged visibly, though he was still speaking telepathically.
Steam hissed in Forfend's chest. It looked up to take in its surroundings.
The architecture was beautiful, if a little extravagant for Forfend's taste. Perfectly balanced scales and other symbols of the god of justice, Carcer, adorned the space.
Judicator angels were carved into the buttresses along the walls.
Carcer came into existence after Forfend and it had never seen his angels in person, but the depictions it had seen were somewhat frightful.
The angels were made up of a central metal core with a single blindfolded eye surrounded by spinning concentric rings. Jagged wings sprouted from thin air just outside the angels' largest rings. A halo vaguely resembling a set of scales hovered over their heads. They weren't humanoid in even the vaguest sense. They were off-putting.
Given what Forfend knew of Carcer however, if figured that was the point. Justice was blind and he adhered to the letter of the law without consideration for broader circumstances.
Eamon tapped the metal brace on Forfend's chest. "Keep moving," he said quietly.
Forfend nodded, following him through the foyer.
Off to the side, a short, heavyset human surrounded by an ensemble of guards conversed with a taller, leaner, more sharp-eyed elf.
The stocky man was gaudily dressed, rings adorning every finger and a miniature cape draped over his shoulder. The cape bore the Galloford crest.
The taller elf was dressed smartly in yellow-toned noble attire. He straightened his spectacles and spoke in a snooty tone that matched his upturned nose.
Forfend couldn't make out what he was saying from this distance, but his haughty air and the crest on the shorter man's shoulder made it clear who they were.
Clayton Galloford's lawyer and Clayton Galloford himself.
The lawyer glanced up, appraising all of them. A smirk sliced his gaunt face. He turned back to his hushed conversation.
A pair of guards approached Eamon. After a moment, Forfend and all of its associates were escorted into a waiting room.
"Please wait here," one of the guards instructed. "If you need any accommodations such as water or food, please let us know. Your trial will be starting soon."
"May I get some water?" Kairi requested.
"Of course, Miss Camilla," the guard nodded.
He left and returned a moment later with a pitcher of water and four small cups. He set them out on the table and filled Kairi's glass for her before returning to his post.
"Thank you," Kairi said and sipped on her drink.
"Alright, everyone," Eamon said, fiddling with his stack of papers, "just remember what we discussed and everything will be fine. As soon as we walk through that door, no lies."
Everyone nodded.
Forfend touched the symbol on the medallion magnetized to its chest. It bowed its head and hummed to itself, mentally sharing the events of its last several days with Fornax.
It held off on airing out its new concerns about its demigod status. That was a mess it would deal with when it had more time and a more proper worshipping station.
"Alright," a guard called, "follow me."
They all stood and were escorted into a kind of holding room.
A Sagemantle arcanist, denoted as such by the green of his robes and the crest on his chest, watched them with stern curiosity.
"Alright, please stand still..." the arcanist trailed off and glanced at a sheet, "...Mr. Smith." He arched an eyebrow as he glanced from the sheet to Forfend itself.
Forfend straightened and remained completely, uncannily immobile.
The arcanist cast a series of spells.
His face scrunched up as he absorbed whatever information the magic was telling him. He shook his head. "Alright, everything seems to be in order." He waved Forfend off to the side.
It stepped out of the way.
Melzaryn took its place and held still with his arms outstretched.
The arcanist cast the same handful of spells. "Everything seems to be in order, Mr. Collymore," his tone audibly rose on the last word. His eyebrows arched up nearly to his hairline as he blinked at his name sheet. He cleared his throat, composing himself. "Next."
Melzaryn stepped aside to make room for Kagoshi.
Kagoshi moved forward, scowling.
The arcanist cast his magic.
"Mr... Hm. No last name given. Mr. Kagoshi then. Could you turn around? Just give me a slow spin?"
Kagoshi obliged. He grumbled under his breath about it though.
The arcanist cast again. His brows creased.
"Stand with your back facing me?" he requested.
Kagoshi did as he was asked.
Forfend hummed, concerned. It was sure the arcanist had locked onto the shard in Kagoshi's spine. It had no idea what would happen if they figured out what it was.
Kagoshi looked annoyed, but remarkably unbothered by his predicament.
Again, the arcanist cast. "You checked in all your magical items, yes?"
"Yeah, why?" Kagoshi asked.
Forfend only then noticed Kagoshi was missing the odd jacket he'd gotten from the Brightcrossing cultist's things.
Rather than answering, the arcanist simply tried another spell.
The arcanist hummed, suddenly perplexed. He cast his first spell again.
"It appears there's nothing there," he said haltingly. "Sorry for the hold up. Proceed on."
Kagoshi shrugged and sidled over to Forfend and Melzaryn.
Forfend watched him. It wanted to ask what he'd done, but now was not the time or place.
Kairi stepped forward.
"Ms. Camilla, please stay still," the arcanist said.
Kairi nodded.
He cast his series of spells, nodded, and turned to the guard escorting them. "Everything is in order. Proceed inside."
The guard escorted them into the courtroom proper.
Immediately upon crossing the threshold into the room, Forfend was struck by the ambient magical energy in the air. The magic felt similar to its own internal power source, though distinctly different in key ways it couldn't parse.
The energy was certainly divine. Forfend was sure of that. What deity it stemmed from, Forfend wasn't certain.
If it had to guess, it would assume Carcer.
Especially given the towering statue of him monopolizing the back wall of the room. The statue's head nearly scraped the ceiling.
Forfend swayed left and right. The statue's stone eyes seemed to follow it, judging it with harsh scrutiny no matter where in the room it stood.
The pillars about the room sported intricately carved judicator angels just like the ones in the entry. These didn't seem to watch the entire room with hawkish sharpness the way Carcer's statue did. Instead, they each seemed to have their own section to observe.
"Oh, I really like this room," Melzaryn muttered under his breath, awe and fear just barely visible on his largely impassive face.
Eamon guided the group into their seats.
Shortly thereafter, Clayton Galloford and his lawyer were escorted into the room.
Clayton dropped heavily into his seat and glared across at Forfend and its allies.
The Galloford lawyer settled in next to his client with his back ramrod straight and his chin tilted into the air. He cast a much more subtle glare across the courtroom.
A gaggle of guards shuffled into their places.
A door in the back of the room opened.
Two more guards entered, followed promptly by an enormous man.
He was less than a foot shorter than Forfend and muscles strained beneath his stone blue skin. He was bald, his head instead decorated with typical goliath markings and tattoos.
The toga he wore was deep purple. When he turned to close the door behind him, the tattooed scales of Carcer on his back were put on full display by the shifting fabric.
The goliath strode into the room, his face so staunchly stoic it looked to be carved from stone.
He sat in a raised desk at the base of the Carcer statue, looking imposing and regal as he took in everyone below him.
He slammed his gavel into the desk twice, startling Clayton Galloford who hadn't been paying attention.
"Order," he commanded just a notch above a whisper. He didn't need to be loud for his deep voice to be commanding.
Everyone immediately snapped their attention to him.
He motioned to a guard off to the side and nodded.
The guard unrolled a parchment as a curtain rustled a ways above his head.
Forfend looked up. It hadn't initially noticed the balcony sitting to the side at chest level with Carcer's statue.
King Falco stepped through the curtain and out onto the balcony. He was dressed in fanciful attire, colorful and gaudy. He tugged at the cape and straightened the jewel-encrusted crown on his head.
He sat down in a veritable throne, fiddling uncomfortably at the arms of it.
"Presenting King Falco Ledrian," the guard read off, "patriarch of the Ledrian line. Presiding as the judge, the honorable High Judicator Dornan Duskhelm."
He took a moment to take a deep inhale before continuing, "Presenting the participants of this case, the individuals representing defendant Jessie Smith for appeal: Forfend Smith of Foumedo Village, Melzaryn Collymore of the Corona Collymore household, Kairi Camilla of the Adamantine Mountains, and Kagoshi... no last name given, no place of origin given. Representing them in turn is Eamon Brighthorn. The accuser in this case: Lord Clayton Galloford, son of Highlord Adhron Galloford. Representing him is Traferen Amberfall."
The guard shut the scroll, turned to the side, and bowed to the High Judicator.
High Judicator Dornan nodded once.
He slammed the gavel down, drawing all attention back to himself.
He pulled out a handful of documents and tapped them on his desk to straighten them. He browsed through them for what didn't seem to be the first time.
"Proceed with the notes of the case," he rumbled.
Traferen stood. "Of course, your honor. We're gathered here today to discuss a grisly murder and a theft. Goods procured and assembled by the Galloford family have been stolen by the inhabitants of Foumedo Village and, as a result, someone must be held accountable. Of course, it is not prudent to blame the entire village for the actions of a few. Surely, some of them were ignorant of the situation. As such, Jessie Smith, as the presiding leader of the village, must be held accountable."
Traferen paused dramatically, letting his statement hang in the air. He pulled a paper up from his table and scanned over it. "Now, the items in particular were a number of animated armors that were intended to be used as the premier war force. New inorganic soldiers at the frontline so none of our men must die in the future. Unfortunately, these prototypes were stolen, as the caravan was attacked and absconded into a cave just to the north of Foumedo. Alongside the vicious attack and theft, one of the Galloford children was kidnapped. Shortly thereafter, he was brutally murdered. We conclude that Jessie Smith is guilty of both murder and theft."
Traferen bowed to the High Judicator before taking his seat.
High Judicator Dornan nodded and gestured to Eamon. "Proceed."
Eamon stood. "Your honor, many facts were left out of this case. It was not Jessie Smith who committed these grievous actions. No, these were the actions of a horrible creature known for its cunning, ability to shapeshift, and penchant for cruelty and malice. These were the actions of an oni, assisted by a number of conniving creatures known as will-o-wisps. These were the creatures that absconded with both the armors and the Galloford child."
Eamon cycled through his papers until he found the one he was looking for. "Unfortunately, the facts remain: the armors were stolen and the child murdered. However, the Galloford boy was not the only victim of this oni. A number of other children were abducted from Foumedo."
King Falco leaned forward over the edge of his balcony, his hand cupping his face and his brow creased.
Eamon gestured to Forfend and its allies. "These individuals were there at the scene of the crime. Forfend Smith, a resident of Foumedo, caught word of children going missing. He investigated, alongside helping hand Melzaryn Collymore and two hired adventurers, Kairi Camilla and Kagoshi. They discovered the true culprit, the oni, as it attempted to kidnap yet another child in the night. This group tracked down the beast, slew it, and recovered the armors. They simply wished to return them to their rightful owners, but the Galloford caravan that arrived would not hear their story and falsely accused Jessie Smith. Simply because the armors were in his vicinity, they were assumed to be in his possession."
Eamon set his papers down and steepled his fingers. "All Jessie Smith wanted was to return the armors, but he wasn't given the time to draft letters, much less send them off to be read. It takes significant time to compile a report with all the necessary documentation for an unusual case such as this, as everyone here is aware. The distance between Foumedo and any major city is prohibitive to quick correspondence. There is no way he could've alerted the proper officials between the time of the discovery and the arrival of the Galloford caravan. We plead that Jessie Smith is innocent."
Eamon bowed and took his seat.
High Judicator Dornan nodded. "I see."
He skimmed through his documents again. "Traferen Amberfall, you may begin with your questioning."
"Of course, your honor," Traferen smiled mirthlessly as he paced to the center of the room. "Now as we're all aware, the true concern of this case is who will take responsibility."
Traferen cut sharp eyes towards Forfend. "Forfend Smith, was it?"
"Yes," it answered.
"Would it be fair to say that Mr. Jessie Smith is the de facto leader of Foumedo?"
Forfend hummed, tilting its head as it considered.
Jessie was captain of the town guard and many people went to him for advice or assistance, but he wasn't in charge. He didn't run Foumedo any more than Erest Ledrian could claim to run Cragwall.
"No, not truly," Forfend answered.
"Then who, might you say, is the leader of Foumedo, Mr. Smith?" Traferen squinted at it.
"We are a village of less than one hundred people. We do not have a mayor. There is no one in charge of the town," it answered truthfully.
"There is no one to keep your people under control in the event that crimes run amok?" Traferen hissed, appalled or pretending to be. His facial expressions were so exaggerated it was hard to tell where the theatrics ended and the genuine emotion began.
Forfend suspected there was no genuine emotion.
"You all must simply trust each other?" Traferen asked.
"Yes," Forfend nodded.
"And what would happen if someone were to act untoward?"
"I cannot recall an incident," it replied.
"How long have you lived there, Mr. Forfend Smith?"
"Consciously, two years."
"Interesting," Traferen mulled. "You've only lived there two years." He turned to the judge. "That is not nearly enough time for someone to know a place intimately. They could be simply hiding their true nature."
"After all, look at this individual," Traferen gestured to Forfend, his face contorting into disgust. "This golem."
Forfend made a conscious effort not to let the comment bother it. Irritation settled in its center anyway, cracking pebbles in its chest. Luckily, it had no facial expressions to share its feelings.
"This golem with its immense power," Traferen continued. "Why would they risk losing such a valuable asset simply to keep up appearances? After all, that's the only world he's known thus far, isn't it?"
Forfend shook its head, uncertain what Traferen was trying to get at, but knowing he was wrong.
Traferen wasn't watching it however. He turned to Melzaryn. "And what of this investigation? Melzaryn Corona Collymore, was that your name?"
"That would be me," Melzaryn shrugged.
"Let's hear about the investigation, shall we? Curious, isn't it, how easily they solved it? Mr. Collymore, what are you doing this far south?"
Melzaryn started to answer, but Eamon cut him off.
"Objection, your honor. Relevancy," he called.
Treferen scowled openly at his opponent.
"Objection stands," High Judicator Dornan decided.
Traferen grumbled under his breath.
"This investigation, Mr. Collymore," he tried again. "How exactly was it solved? Please regale us with the details on how exactly you found its lair. What happenstance?"
"Given my background in construction work, I identified a cave system. We followed it to its logical alterative entry point and explored it until we discovered the oni's cavern," Melzaryn answered astutely.
"Interesting," Traferen mused in his slimy voice. "So a Collymore with just the perfect skill set happened to be just in the right location to find these stolen items? Curious. Would it be fair to say, Mr. Collymore, that your appearance there was merely by chance?"
"I'd say so," Melzaryn nodded. "I'd been intending to leave soon."
"Curious," Traferen said again. "Now then, you are an established wizard. Is that correct?"
"More or less, yes." Melzaryn shrugged.
"Would it be fair to say that you would've been curious about the armor itself?"
"Not really my study focus," Melzaryn shook his head. "That said, under the circumstances with us finding them at a crash site, I did need to investigate them alongside the rest of the scene. As any wizard worth his staff would have."
"And you discovered all aspects of the armor, correct?" Traferen heavily emphasized his sentence, his eyebrows arched expectantly.
"I would hope so. Otherwise, my spellcasting would be in need of major review."
"Interesting." Traferen straightened his back and paced to the side of the long desk they all sat at. He gestured over Eamon and the rest of the group. "These individuals claim to have simply discovered the armors on chance, but I do not believe that is the whole truth. You see, they could have simply left the armors where they were. Why abscond with them to the town itself? After all, these items hold immense power within them."
Forfend tilted its head at his phrasing. Did he know what the armors were powered by? Was that actually done by the Gallofords and not the oni? Did they know what kind of terrifying, violent power they were playing with?
Traferen studied his fingernails and sliced his eyes sideways at Eamon. "They have the potential to cause major harm. After all, they did discover all aspects of the armor itself. Which included its power source."
"Which I'm sure," he announced as he stalked over to Kagoshi, "Mr. Kagoshi could tell us more about. That was your name, yes?"
"Last time I checked." Kagoshi cocked an eyebrow.
"Did you happen to interact directly with said power source?"
"Objection: relevancy," Eamon piped up, confused.
High Judicator Dornan tilted his head curiously. He squinted. "Objection denied."
Eamon cast a questioning gaze at Kagoshi.
Kagoshi didn't look any less perplexed than Eamon did.
Forfend quietly drummed its fingers together. Had they actually told Kagoshi what the shards had been for? And if they had, did he bother to listen? Did he remember?"
"Did you physically interact with the power source of these armors?" Traferen hissed again.
"Are they dangerous? Would I have been hurt if I did? I didn't see any." Kagoshi shook his head.
Traferen's eye twitched. His mouth drew into a tight line as he cocked his head. Genuine confusion crawled over his theatrical smugness.
Forfend buried the combination of rushing steam and rock-grinding chuckle that immediately rose in its core.
Kagoshi's penchant for astoundingly self-centered behavior and casual dismissiveness of the world around him was undermining Traferen's point.
Traferen took a brief moment to compose himself. He took a deep breath and started again, "These machines are powered by these small crystals. Did you or did you not interact with these crystals?"
"What does the crystal look like?" Kagoshi requested clarification. "I've touched a lot of gems you could probably consider crystals."
"They are small. About the size of one's pinky nail," Traferen provided.
"Mine or yours?" Kagoshi gruffed, eyeing his own fingers and trying to size up Traferen's far more slender hands.
Traferen grit his teeth to bite back a comment. "Mine," he only just managed not to snap.
"Oh. Well, you have dainty hands," Kagoshi casually insulted. "A crystal that small might break if I tried touching it."
"Did you or did you not touch one directly?" Traferen's sharp irritation had surpassed his theatrics and was now hinging on genuine rage.
"No," Kagoshi said.
A dozen or more simultaneous white flashes lit the courtroom like lightning. No thunder followed. Only the gentle dimming of the statue of Carcer and all his Judicator Angels.
So that's what happened when someone lied.
Forfend hummed grimly to itself.
"So that's what happens if you lie," Kagoshi unhelpfully echoed its own thoughts.
"You did interact with those power sources!" Traferen almost shouted, suddenly bordering on giddy. "And you're still alive! Interesting!"
Traferen turned and spread his arms wide. "Your honorable High Judicator, these power sources are of a very unstable nature. And of very, very high importance. You see, these power sources were discovered not too long ago by the Galloford family. Proven to have immense power held within, we attempted to do the country a service by producing tools that would allow us to move into a brighter future. We were not aware of what they truly were. I was not aware of what they truly were. Until recently."
He paused dramatically, his hands spread and a malicious grin cutting his face in two.
High Judicator Dornan only very slightly cocked an eyebrow and drummed a single finger with vague impatience.
Traferen seemed to take the subtle hint. He cleared his throat and continued. "For these little, tiny, unassuming crystals are Shards of Calamity."
The entire room sucked in a breath.
"They are what?" High Judicator Dornan demanded.
"Shards of Calamity," Traferen repeated confidently. "We had initially thought they were just immensely powerful arcane sources. The Galloford family had no idea what they truly were. At least, surely, Lord Clayton didn't. He was simply meant to put together the method of transportation. There's no way he could've known. But one thing is clear: the moment these individuals interacted and saw the truth of these power sources, they became entranced with them."
Forfend couldn't honestly say how it felt about the shards, but "entranced" was hardly the word. Maybe "terrified" or "wary" or "incredibly anxious," though none of those were quite strong enough to explain the raw dread that settled in its core whenever it had to deal with the things.
"After all," Traferen continued, "how else could a person who directly contacted a Shard of Calamity be able to survive? Unless they were a true accepted vessel? And what does that mean for the people around them? Did he simply hide the truth or are they all in cahoots? I'll let you decide that, honorable High Judicator."
Traferen bowed and backed away, returning to his desk. "No further questions."
High Judicator Dornan glared down at Kagoshi. His eyes were more stern than any Forfend had ever seen except perhaps Fornax's own, but blessedly not malicious.
"Is this true? Are you aware of this fact? Any of you? Were you aware that Kagoshi was an accepted vessel of Calamity?" High Judicator Dornan asked.
Silence loomed. All of them had been stunned.
An accepted vessel of Calamity? What was that? What did it mean? Forfend glanced to Kagoshi and then Melzaryn.
The former seemed confused. The latter was characteristically nonplussed.
"Were you aware?" High Judicator Dornan demanded again.
No one seemed to want to be the one to answer under the withering gaze of the High Judicator.
"Forfend Smith," he tried a more direct approach, "were you aware?"
"No," it answered honestly.
High Judicator Dornan hummed.
Traferen blinked, his nose wrinkling and his brow furrowing until his whole face was scrunched with confusion.
"Melzaryn Corona Collymore," High Judicator Dornan rumbled, "were you aware that this man is an accepted vessel of Calamity?"
"I was researching the possibility, but had not yet discovered any concrete evidence," Melzaryn shook his head.
Overhead, King Falco was leaning so far over his balcony he looked in danger of toppling off the edge. His eyes were wider than saucers. His hands clung to the railing until his knuckles turned white.
"Kairi Camilla," High Judicator Dornan carried right on with his questioning, "were you aware?"
"No," Kairi rapidly shook her head.
Traferen lightly bit the knuckle of his forefinger, looking increasingly more nervous. It seemed he'd bet on all of them being significantly less ignorant than they apparently were.
Forfend couldn't tell yet if that would be a good thing in this instance or a very, very bad thing.
"Kagoshi," High Judicator Dornan fixated his sharpest gaze yet as he called the name, "were you aware that you are an accepted vessel of Calamity?"
"No," Kagoshi said simply.
High Judicator Dornan tilted his head curiously. "You're saying that the Calamity Shard that resides within you... You weren't aware of it?"
"Not until recently," Kagoshi admitted.
"When did you learn this fact?"
"When I researched information on it. I wanted to know what it was and how to deal with it."
Traferen stared up at Carcer and his Judicator Angels as if trying to will them to light up again. They remained impassively unlit.
"Call for the cleric of Genesis," High Judicator Dornan ordered. "Now."
A guard swiftly exited the room.
"We will see whether or not you are truly an accepted vessel in time," High Judicator Dornan told Kagoshi. "Though, that is the most likely explanation. Unless you have another answer as to why you are currently alive despite coming in contact with a shard?"
"I don't know," Kagoshi grumbled. "I'm trying to figure it out, but I don't know."
"And what of the rest of you? Mr. Collymore, you were the most aware of his situation. Do you believe there may be any other explanation?" High Judicator Dornan prompted.
Melzaryn opened his mouth, but hesitated as he glanced around the room. "Possibly, but the information isn't and shouldn't necessarily be public knowledge, and it isn't my place to decide if it should be stated right here and now. May I counsel with my legal representative and the man in question, Kagoshi?"
"Proceed," High Judicator Dornan allowed.
Eamon immediately shot out of his seat. "Follow me," he whispered as he walked as quickly as possible out of the courtroom.
Kagoshi and Melzaryn were right on his heels, and a pair of guards were on their heels in turn.
Forfend looked to Kairi.
She wore stress plainly across her features.
Forfend placed a hand that might've been more comforting if it wasn't trembling from its own stress onto her shoulder.
Kairi pat its hand and interlocked her fingers on the desk in front of her.
Forfend copied the motion to keep its fiddling hands still. Nervousness coiled up in its center until it thought it might crack like an overheated stone.
The courtroom was eerily silent.
The only noise was an extremely hushed argument between Traferen and Clayton Galloford. Clayton seemed irritated by the turn of events, judging by the scowl on his face. Traferen seemed to be trying to placate him.
High Judicator Dornan rubbed at his forehead, perhaps feeling stressed as well.
After several long minutes, Eamon led Kagoshi and Melzaryn back into the room.
"Well, what have you decided?" High Judicator Dornan asked.
"To share the full truth. Mr. Kagoshi is a demigod," Eamon revealed.
Gasps sounded all throughout the room.
High Judicator Dornan leaned back, his eyes slightly widened. "Kagoshi, are you a demigod?" he asked directly.
"Yeah, I'm a demigod," Kagoshi sighed.
"This claim holds a lot of weight. I'd like for you to prove it. All demigods have unique powers. Show us yours." High Judicator Dornan leaned forward again to watch intently.
King Falco wavered so precariously over the edge of his balcony Forfend thought for a moment he was actually going to fall. He caught himself, but didn't move any further back from where he leaned over the railing.
"My ability is to turn into a giant. I also have the strength of one," Kagoshi explained. "Should I demonstrate both?"
"Yes," High Judicator Dornan decided.
Forfend withered. It was becoming all too familiar with this song and dance.
Kagoshi stepped over to Forfend and tossed his head back toward the empty middle of the courtroom floor.
Steam hissed long and slow in Forfend's chest. "May I stand?" it requested forlornly.
"Yes," High Judicator Dornan nodded, his brows furrowed.
Forfend trudged its way to the center of the room.
Kagoshi gripped its ankle with one hand and hefted it effortlessly into the air.
Forfend spread its arms out and struggled to maintain its balance. "You could stand to do this in a way that would provide me more support," it complained.
Kagoshi ignored it as well as the second round of gasps that circled the room. He set it down none too gently.
High Judicator Dornan stared unabashedly, leaning forward with considerable interest. "And what of the second aspect?" he asked.
Forfend dusted itself off and quickly made its way back to its seat where the ground would remain solidly beneath it.
Eamon looked pale, shocked by the series of revelations he'd been exposed to thus far today.
Kagoshi sidled foot to foot. "Give me a second on that one. It's a bit more complicated. It's a mindset I have to enter."
Kagoshi closed his eyes, drawing in a deep breath.
After a moment, his muscles bubbled and bulged beneath his skin as he doubled in size. His skin turned the brown of wet clay and his hair took on a grassy green quality.
A hill giant, Forfend figured.
A third round of gasps filled the air.
"A demigod would be able to withstand the terror of the Calamity Shards," High Judicator Dornan whispered reverently. "Then you speak truth."
Kagoshi released his breath and melted back into his original form. He returned to his seat.
High Judicator Dornan pressed his fist beneath his chin and leaned on it, considering everything he'd just learned. After a long moment and several thoughtful grunts or hums, he locked his weighty gaze onto Eamon.
"Eamon Brighthorn, you may begin your questioning."
"Yes, your honor," Eamon said as he stood.
He crossed the room and straightened his back as he sized up Clayton Galloford. "As we're all now aware, Kagoshi is a demigod. Demigods have an intrinsic duty to the world, to its people. They have a rite, an oath, an intrinsic moral value that devotes them to us mortals. And so when it was discovered that these children were indeed going missing, of course Kagoshi and company had to step in. When it was discovered that an oni was the perpetrator, and that it was also abusing the powerful magics in these animated armors, well, of course they had to protect Foumedo. Of course they had to protect Foumedo's children. I think it has been shown clearly here today that they had no idea what the power sources were. They were not coveting them."
Eamon nailed Clayton to his seat with the intensity of his gaze. "I think the better question is why would the Gallofords be so swift to shift blame? Why even go to such lengths as to try to demonize an individual such as Kagoshi?"
Clayton sank into his chair, suddenly prickling with nervousness.
Forfend knew he was in the wrong and it knew the man knew that, but his lack of composure was frankly embarrassing.
"Lord Clayton Galloford," Eamon began, "were you aware of what those crystals were?"
Traferen clicked his tongue and leaned into Eamon's laser-focused view. "Ah, no, of course he--"
"I didn't ask you," Eamon said sharply. Mr. Amberfall, was it? I didn't ask you."
Traferen's jaw clicked shut. He leaned back into his seat, thoroughly quelled.
"Lord Clayton Galloford," Eamon repeated with heavy emphasis, "were you aware of what those power sources were?"
"No, I wasn't aware," Clayton squeaked.
"Were you aware that the armors had gone missing?"
"Yeah. That's why we sent out a caravan to go searching for them."
"Did you know they'd go missing?" Eamon asked.
"What?" Clayton startled.
"Did you know they'd go missing?" Eamon placed his hands on the desk. "After all, if these items were as important as you said they were--and they should've been given that we all know animated armors are extremely expensive--and if they were truly military grade designed to replace soldiers on the front lines, then surely these prototypes would've been extremely valuable. It begs the question: how did a single oni manage to abscond with both the child and all the armors? Surely, if they were as important as you claim, there'd have been an immense guard detail. But from the descriptions of the caravan crash site given to me by the defendants, there was only one cart. Two horses. Easy pickings for an oni. So tell me, Mr. Clayton Galloford, were you aware that these armors would go missing?"
The statues of Carcer and all his angels lit up blindingly white again.
Clayton hissed through his teeth as the light faded out.
"Looks like we've caught a lie," Eamon said casually. "Tell me, Mr. Clayton Galloford, why was there a child along for the ride on this important mission?"
Clayton hemmed and hawed for a moment.
"Was it to cause exactly what happened? Exactly this scenario? After all, Foumedo is not a common place to travel to or through. Not many even realize it exists." Eamon leaned in to Clayton's profusely sweating face. "Would it be fair to say that it was a place you thought no one would miss?"
Another bright flash.
"Mr. Clayton Galloford," Eamon continued right along with growing confidence, "may I ask why the cart was not well-protected?"
"Well, we meant for it to be under the guise of a commoner's vehicle to prevent attacks--" Clayton flinched as the white light flooded the room again.
"Mr. Clayton, what is the truth of the situation? Why did you send it there?"
Clayton remained silent for a long moment.
Traferen seemed to be trying to spontaneously develop the ability to disappear, his face screwed up in so many emotions he'd turned red all the way to the tips of his elven ears.
"Did you send that cart out with the intent for it to be attacked?" Eamon asked.
"No," Clayton almost mumbled.
Again, the statues flashed.
"Did you send that cart out knowing that a child would die?"
"No!" Clayton objected much more loudly.
Another flash.
Forfend felt horror seeping into its core. It hadn't considered this could've been a set up from the start, that the deaths were engineered. It couldn't fathom anyone allowing such senseless violence. And towards children?
"Mr. Clayton, what was the purpose of sending those armors out almost entirely unguarded?"
Clayton clenched his fists, his whole body shaking. "We... wanted a field test and we wanted to keep the armors a secret. In order to do so, we..."
Traferen nervously pushed himself halfway up out of his chair. "Sir, you don't have to..."
Clayton sank down as low as he could into his seat.
"No further questions, your honor," Eamon declared. He returned to his place.
King Falco finally settled back into his own chair. He steepled his fingers in front of his face. Intensity radiated off him. His gaze caught Clayton's and sharpened into daggers. His nostrils flared.
High Judicator Dornan inhaled deeply. "I see no reason to further this case. The defendant, Jessie Smith, is not guilty. All charges shall be rescinded and forces pulled. With the revelations in this case proving the intentional death of a child and the attempted obstruction of justice by framing an uninvolved town, Mr. Clayton Galloford, you are guilty on many accounts. I shan't list them all here. There will be a subsequent investigation into this matter. Case adjourned."
High Judicator Dornan slammed his gavel down twice with heavy finality. "Guards, detain him."
The pair of guards at Clayton's side were adorned in Galloford colors. They glanced at one another, then at High Judicator Dornan, then at Clayton.
"No, no," Clayton pleaded.
One more glance at the High Judicator determined where their loyalties should lie. They hauled Clayton up and escorted him from the courtroom.
Traferen huffed and shook his head, defeated and inconvenienced but not particularly upset. The case was over. The theatrics were done. He took his leave in bored silence.
Clayton craned his head around as he was dragged out, all his fear turning to rage. He scowled and snarled at Forfend and its allies.
Melzaryn smirked the slightest bit, showing off a hint of his sharp teeth.
Forfend only shook its head.
"Let's get the fuck out of here," Eamon whispered under his breath.
"Seconded," Melzaryn said.
"Agreed," Kagoshi huffed, already getting up out of his chair.
"Wait, shit." Eamon paused just before stepping through the door that would lead them to the lobby. "Excuse me, guard."
The guard by the door had his lips pressed tight together. His eyes were wide as though he were still processing the events he'd just witnessed. "Yes?" he managed.
"Do you mind if we use the back door? We'd prefer to avoid the crowds at the front."
"Sure, yeah, give me a moment to get permission," the guard mumbled.
It took him only moments to get his answer and return to them. He wordlessly led them through a much more remote door with far less decorum surrounding it.
Forfend guessed this entrance was meant for staff.
"Bit of a curiosity here," Melzaryn said as everyone slipped outside. "How quickly do you think that information will spread?"
Eamon shrugged. "It'll depend on what the guards do. They didn't take an oath of secrecy. Now that the case is over and the results will become public knowledge, they'll be allowed to talk about it."
"Good," Melzaryn nodded.
"I can't promise that Kagoshi's demigod status won't immediately be revealed," Eamon sighed regrettably. "But, I can assure you that news that a lord let one of their own family's children get murdered will spread like wildfire."
"It should," Forfend hummed.
"Hopefully, it'll spread much faster than my secret," Kagoshi grumbled.
Eamon clapped and rubbed his hands together. "Alright! It's been... one hell of a day. I'm ready to go home and get some rest."
"I'd say today went pretty well," Melzaryn grinned. "Thanks."
Kagoshi muttered something under his breath about getting out before the cleric of Genesis arrived.
Forfend had forgotten about that, but it figured that had probably worked in their favor.
The guard that had escorted them peeked out of the door again. He passed Kagoshi his cloak and Melzaryn his broom. "Alright, that should be everything that was checked in at the front desk."
Forfend tilted its head. It figured it had been too busy observing the architecture to see them turning over their magical things. It hadn't brought anything with it that would've needed to be checked in.
"Thank you," Eamon said. He turned to the party, weariness in his eyes. "Let's go."
Melzaryn jumped up on his broom, floating with his toes just barely hovering above the ground.
Eamon tried to sneak the group back through the alleyways.
Unfortunately, some of the crowd out front spotted them. Shouting and scrambling ensued as everyone tried to get to them and scream their questions first.
"Fucking shit!" Eamon swore. "You all, go. Go, go, go! You know where my house is. I'll handle this."
"Sounds good to me," Melzaryn agreed immediately, putting on a burst of speed.
Kagoshi, Kairi, and Forfend all followed him as quickly as they could.
Eamon turned to the crowd and spread his arms to block the road the group was disappearing down. "Hey, hey, no! Respect the privacy of these individuals! They're citizens of Tyrwedia protected by..."
His voice rapidly faded out. Between the din of the crowd and the increasing distance, Forfend could no longer hear Eamon.
It didn't slow down.
After what was surely minutes but had felt like hours, they finally arrived at Eamon's home.
Forfend felt its core freeze in its chest as soon as the house came into view.
The front door was slightly ajar.
"Looks like someone is visiting," Melzaryn whispered. "The door was unlocked, not broken into."
Forfend shook its head. There was a sinking feeling dragging its core lower and lower in its chest. This didn't feel like a badly-timed visiting friend.
It rushed into the house with reckless abandon.
Dirty footprints led straight into the guest bedroom. They stuck out starkly on Eamon's glitteringly clean floor.
Forfend followed them, throwing open the bedroom door.
Duncan was missing.
The bedsheets were wrecked. The table and chairs in the room had been toppled over. The bed itself had been pushed out of its original position, as though something heavy had slammed into it during the scuffle.
Forfend's note lay unfolded on the floor. It had been read, but now it was crumpled and stepped upon.
Its words had been a lie. It had believed them when it left the note, but it had been so horribly wrong.
Forfend's head felt dizzy, its center spinning with anxiety. A veritable rockfall cascaded in its chest.
It crashed its heavy hand into the medallion on its chest. "Duncan!" it all but shouted as it hurriedly tore its mace and shield out of the storage closet.
Orange magic burst forth, leading straight out the opened window and, Forfend sensed, arcing immediately north.
Duncan was more than seven hundred feet away already and moving northwest at incredible speed.
Melzaryn rushed in right on Forfend's heels. His eyes darted everywhere.
"Whoever did this dragged him out the window," Melzaryn said. "They had to have picked the lock unless they had their own key. Duncan didn't leave this room to open it for them or the fight would've started in the hallway."
"Kairi's going to ask the plants!" Kagoshi yelled from the front porch.
Forfend grasped Melzaryn's shoulder and pointedly stared at his broom. "Duncan is northwest. Approximately eight hundred feet away from this exact location. Please."
Melzaryn held up his Sending Stone. "Keep in touch."
Before Forfend could respond, Melzaryn was zipping out the window on his flying broom.
It pulled out its own Sending Stone.
Kairi wandered around to the bushes beneath the opened window.
"They saw a man with a big brown cloak," Kairi reported.
"Fuck," Forfend swore.
"He knew Melzaryn's name. I think all of our names, but the plants could only remember the one because it was so odd."
"Fuck," Forfend swore again. It relayed the information to Melzaryn via their paired Sending Stones.
"Do we know a guy in a brown cloak?" Kairi asked.
It paused.
Kairi had never seen the man. Of course she hadn't in all that chaos.
"We do. He was leading the assassin team last night."
"Oh." Kairi frowned. "Oh. I'll ask the plants more questions."
She wandered back around the corner of the house.
Forfend rushed back to the front porch.
Kagoshi stood with his arms crossed, watching Kairi work.
"They want water." Kairi rubbed at her face and pinched her nose. "They said they heard something else, but they won't tell me unless they get water."
"It was that goddamn cloaked fucker? The bow guy?" Kagoshi growled. "Fuck."
"That is what I said," Forfend hummed. It rifled through its things. It pulled out a waterskin.
It didn't need to eat or drink, but everyone around it did. It preferred to be prepared.
"What was he here for?" Kagoshi demanded.
Forfend paused briefly. How had he not put it together yet? Why hadn't he checked for himself?
"Duncan has been kidnapped," it explained as it poured water over the bushes.
"Oh, godsdamn it!" Kagoshi swore. "Where did Melzaryn go?!"
"I cast Locate Creature to pinpoint Duncan. Melzaryn went after him, but I fear Duncan will leave my range very soon. He is already nearing the edge of it," Forfend fretted.
"I'm following Melzaryn," Kagoshi decided.
He ran down the street, bounded straight up the side of a wall, hauled himself onto the roof, and disappeared from view.
Kairi hummed uncomfortably, tugging at the hem of her dress as she squinted at the plants.
"Is everything alright?" Forfend asked.
"They, uh, said thanks for the water. They're kind of... weird," Kairi muttered. "It also sounds like the brown cloak guy might be under mind control too. They said he seemed confused about where he was for a moment. Like he was a completely different person for just that one second, and then he was back under control again."
"The cloaked bowman is also under the effect of Envema's mind control," Forfend spoke into the Sending Stone. "He is another victim."
Eamon came around the corner, cocked his head at what must've looked to be a very nonsensical situation, and jogged over. "What's going on? Why's my door open? Is everything okay?"
"Duncan has been kidnapped," Forfend said without a hint of tact. Its monotonous voice hid its panic, but its nervous gesturing didn't.
"What?! What do you mean kidnapped?" Eamon immediately matched Forfend's feverish emotions.
"It was the man who attacked us at the Brass Buffalo. He took Duncan," Forfend explained.
"Shit!" Eamon swore. "Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck! Do you guys want to go after him?!" he shouted and paced. His hands were in his hair, on his hips, clasping his shoulders, rubbing one another, and cycling through those same motions over and over again. "Because I'm not going to go after him! I'm just a lawyer! I'm just a guy!"
"Melzaryn and Kagoshi are already in pursuit," Forfend assured. "I am providing all the information I can, but I will lose track of Duncan very soon."
"Do you have any means of communication over that distance?" Eamon asked.
Forfend held up its Sending Stone.
"Okay, okay," Eamon tried to calm himself. The attempt didn't look successful. "Do you want to keep that or do you want me to keep that? Because I can tell the guards wherever you're going to end up."
Forfend nodded, slowly at first and then faster. It glanced at Kairi. "Do we go? We should go. We must go!"
It dropped the stone in Eamon's hands and ran, thudding down the street as quickly as its marble legs could carry it.
Kairi dashed after it.
"Wait, who is this?!" Eamon yelled.
"Melzaryn!" Forfend called without slowing.
Forfend heard Eamon start speaking into the Stone, though it was already too far away to hear what he was saying.
"I hope he's okay," Kairi panted at its side.
Forfend nodded. "I promised him. He must be okay. He must."
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lustwithoutlore · 7 months
Barbara: What did you get Dick for his birthday?
Jason: I got him a Glutemaster
Barbara: Really? Me too!
Stephanie: I also got him a Glutemaster.
Duke, gesturing to himself and Tim: Looks like we had the same idea.
Jason, sighing: Kill me. Please tell me you didn’t get Dick a Glutemaster as well.
Cass: I got him… a Glutemaster 🥰
Dick, surrounded by Glutemasters: THIS IS THE BEST BIRTHDAY EVER!!
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talesfromthecrypts · 2 months
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I didn't know it was a gift. I wore it like a curse. I was selfish. I... I tried to make nights awful for you. I wanted you to suffer. Because I was suffering... I came to thank you. For the gift you offered me. The gift I denied. For the nights in front of me, where I might learn to live honestly. Thank you.
Interview With the Vampire Season 2
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caemidraws · 24 days
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Last session notes
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5280ft · 3 months
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i do kinda miss them terribly
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pandomech · 6 months
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Had to draw Gertie and Kristen making out sloppy style
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babybluesquid · 1 year
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sspeepssaga · 2 years
DM: “[Red leaf] doesn’t belong in this city. It’s a competing force with what I like to bring in–”
*Someone, OOC/OOG, sniffs loudly*
DM: “Exactly!”
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nosnexus · 1 year
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I don’t think it’s my time to rest...
Shout out to the most horrible way to become thrice upon a time...SO FAR!
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cuelovecrime · 1 year
the fact that mark bition was yelling stuff at the fix that was so full of self hatred yet no one caught that ambition had been corrupted by self loathing is soo interesting. because ambition and self loathing are not similiar concepts per se but look how easy it was for ambition to continue neglecting what's good for the self, how they tied their self-worth to their achievements, how they started to punish the big guy for failing to achieve their ever raising goals. look at how easy it must've been to blame the self for everything that went wrong, to start loathing yourself, "elias hodge is the big guy's biggest problem."
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junebugdunes · 4 months
Obsessed with the way Paper Mario TTYD will get super serious
Like you're expecting a silly paper cutout RPG and then you'll get thrown into being in hot water with the mafia don who wants you to find his daughter or it's your life
But then it'll cut back to Mario and he's just
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and it's back to being a silly paper cutout rpg
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generallyjl · 2 years
Dimension20 Neverafter: yeah, this is our horror season featuring cursed and deadly lands of stories where their reality is crumbling under the crushing weight of fate and destiny and fear and fury. the party has already been slaughtered once only to come back into an even more twisted world, and they can die again suddenly at any moment in their seemingly futile struggle against unfathomable powers.
also Dimension20 Neverafter: *this whole fuckin' thing*
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