#nerima division
nerima-division · 2 years
Nerima Division 🕊️
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Nerima Division’s Vivid Angels is an all-female rap group consisting of famous novelist and division leader Aira Otonashi, along with fellow members renowned ballerina Mitsuru Tenjo, and Olympic fencer Katsumi Kenzaki.
The group's color is rose gold. 
The group's symbol is a dove. It is considered a symbol of peace. It was chosen so that one day may the members find peace in the future. 
The group has some form of a dove on them. Aira has it as a design on her skirt, Mitsuru wears it as a set of earrings, and Katsumi has it as a chain belt around her waist. 
Their hand sign from Rhyme Anima is to make a shush sign with their right index finger. 
Each member is unique in their style but they've managed to find a way to work smoothly together. They have found loyal friends in each other.
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taito-division · 2 years
Azusa's Thoughts on Nerima Division
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Aira Otonashi
"I've not met her, but I have heard of her from one of my students. She is an author, correct? One that writes romance novels? I've not read any of her work, but that is a good profession to have. ...That reminds me. I've been neglecting my studies, as of late. Perhaps this will remind me to read my father's scrolls and meditate on them more."
Mitsuru Tenjo
"My mother was a very big fan of ballet. I often watched it with her when I wasn't training with my father, who couldn't really see the point in it. My mother surprised when me when she said she had two tickets to go see a ballet show with Mitsuru-chan as the star. I was happy to go see it, but... during the performance, Mitsuru-chan's sister violently attacked her, which ruined the show and my love of ballet forever. I... I don't think I'll ever be able to get the images of that display out of my head..."
Katsumi Kenzaki
"Ah, Katsumi-chan. She and Fleuret-san are very good friends, which is no surprise considering the sword style she uses was popularized by France. In her spare time, she and Katsumi-chan will often talk to each other about the history of fencing, or ways to improve the art. Though I do not know much about the art, I do enjoy listening to them both talk about it. I'll have to ask Katsumi-chan to come to one of my classes. I'd like to see how her art of fencing compares to that of kendo."
Vivid Angels
"I quite admire this team and all that they've accomplished in their short lives. A highly-acclaimed author, a star of the ballet, and an Olympic gold medalist. It almost makes one wonder what we (ourselves) have been doing with our lives up until now... But in any case, I look forward to seeing what they have in store for the competition."
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saitama-division · 2 years
Sayaka’s Thoughts on Nerima Division
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Aira Otonashi
“I haven’t met her but Kureha has told me a lot about her classmate, Aira. From what I heard, she sounds like a lovely young lady, not only that, but she’s the author of my favorite novel series, Vagabond Siren! I’ve never read anything that put me on such an emotional rollercosater as that novel and it still astounds me how someone so young could write something so profound. I don’t think it’s weird that she chooses not to speak, in fact, it reminds me of when I first met Kureha, she had such a hard time talking, albeit for different reasons….I guess that’s why I like this girl so much.” She laughs.
Mitsuru Tenjo
She looked at the photo of Mitsuru, a sympathetic smile on her face. “Ah, I remember when I watched this young lady preform. It was truly awe-inspiring, I could hardly look away and I’ll admit, I may have teared up a bit.” She laughed lightly. “The day when she was attacked was honestly the saddest I felt in a while, not only did I felt bad for her…but I could tell you that I knew exactly what she felt. The shock, hurt, anger, and most of all…the betrayal you feel…when your own sister is trying to take your life.” She frowned, “It’s shocking because you’d never think your own family is capable of something like that, it hurts because you love your sister so much despite her despising your existence, it makes you angry because you’ve never done anything wrong except existing and she still has the gall to take her own frustrations out on you and the betrayal is suffocating because I did everything you wanted! I stayed out of your way! I even quitted my dream job just so you could be happy and you still resented me! What did I do wrong, Ritsuko?! What do you want from me?!!!” She covered her mouth as tears dropped down her cheeks as she ran away off camera.
Katsumi Kenzaki
“I don’t really know much about sports but good for Katsumi for winning, especially at such a young age! I don’t know how she does it but I hope she’s taking good care of herself, I may not be knowledgeable about the Olympics but I do know that such a large competition like that has to be so demanding.”
Vivid Angels
“‘Vivid Angels?’ That’s a lovely name, I feel like it describes the three of them perfectly. I’m a bit saddened that they got roped into this as well, I sincerely hope that nothing bad happens to them and they get out of this unscathed…but knowing Chuuoku, there’s a slim chance of that happening.”
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suginami-division · 2 years
Shuu’s Thoughts on Nerima Division
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Aira Otonashi
“Otonashi sensei?! Why is she in the tournament? I thought she was mute, but I guess she just chooses to be like that? I wonder why she does that then… But hey, that means we can hear her voice in the tournament now because of it! Even though she’s being forced into it, which is totally not cool! What stinky lady pushed her into it?!”
“Hnn… But yeah, I really like her books? It’s obvious I’m a sucker for the romance genre, hehe. I just never have met her, since I’m always busy with my work. It would’ve been neat to go and see her to get a book signed, but I don’t think that’s necessary anymore. Why, I could just get it for free if we get to meet with them. In a competition or an event, doesn’t matter to me!”
Mitsuru Tenjo
“Tenjo twins… It’s horrible, isn’t it? Having someone stab you out of jealousy is the worst. I’ve gotten attacked a couple times when a person got overly excited. At least I had a reliable doctor like Jaku-chan there to help me recover! I hope Mitsuru-chan was able to recover too! She got an especially nasty wound, so I bet it took a long time to get back onto her feet. Heck, she recovered enough so that she can even dance again! She must be su~per strong to do something as amazing as that after going through something as stressful as that!”
Katsumi Kenzaki
“Kenzaki… Hm? Ah… So they were her parents… I hate to say it, but they did try to hire me and my services at one point. When I checked their background though, I realized there was a possibility that they had some darker intentions. Because of that, I was quick to turn them away. It’s one thing to find your runaway child, but it’s another when they have legal protection against the parents to stay away. It’s never for any simple reason.”
“But hey, hey, hey! Did you know? Katsumi-chan is apparently an Olympian, which makes her a big deal! I’m not too familiar with fencing, but I know that it’s a pretty cool sport! Something that knights or pretty rich people do for fun, right? I mean, Katsumi-chan is pretty, so she fits the cliche to a T!”
Vivid Angels
“Awww, this team name is so cute! It’s the winner for team names so far, even compared to ours! I hope that they’re all nice though, especially Otonashi sensei. I’m counting on the chance to meet and get her autograph now. Otherwise, the entire D.R.B. experience will be for nothing!”
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toyama-division · 2 years
Kensaku’s Thoughts on Nerima Division
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Aira Otonashi
“A mute woman in the D.R.B.? Well, it seems like she’s selectively mute. I’m no stranger to that. Not just in customers, but I’ve had that experience with Asato when he was younger! He eventually grew out of it… For the most part. He’s still very shy, but I don’t have to try and pressure him into writing everything down anymore. It would have been easier if he just learned sign language like Otonashi-san does, but Asato just needed some time to recover, I guess.”
“Hopefully our team doesn’t have to interact with this nice lady though. Yano is probably a lost cause, but Asato would probably get along with her really well! Myself? I only know a few signs thanks to the clients I’ve talked with, so I might be a lost cause like Yano as well…”
Mitsuru Tenjo
“Tenjo… I’m well aware of who she is, yeah. It’s hard to ignore the gossip that happens in the medical field. Truthfully, I haven’t met Mitsuru-san in person. It’s not as if I’m a doctor anyways, so I don’t deal with the stress that the ER handles. But I’d be lying if I said I haven’t seen her name in the office before… I hope that she doesn’t have to rely on the pain relief meds anymore. Maybe I can figure out a way to deliver her medication next time her name appears. I want to make sure she gets what she needs. It’s the most I can do for people who have been through the things she has experienced.”
Katsumi Kenzaki
“Oh ho! A fellow slacker just like me? Even with a job as an Olympian, you gotta have time to just relax, right? I wish I could be lazier about my own job, but it sort of changes when the stuff I do has an effect on people’s health... But hey, I can make excuses and escape from the lab to wander in other places. It’s not good to do the same thing over and over again anyways! Spice up your schedule and just go with the flow!”
“...I hope she’s alright though. Again, rumors are rampant in my field. It would absolutely kill me to know if she was still suffering.”
Vivid Angels
“Argh… This group is a real handful, aren’t they? It would have really been nice to know ahead of time, but it’s not like I know it all… For all three young women to have been through so much, it’s just depressing, right? The name ‘Vivid Angels’ feels like it’s a bit on the nose, so I can’t really bring myself to throw any jokes without it feeling too insensitive. Hopefully, that won’t drag my performance against them… I can't let my own team down with my own problems.”
“I really need to figure a better way to handle stress… I can’t keep smoking so much.”
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aoyama-division · 2 years
Tomi’s Thoughts on Nerima Division
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Aira Otonashi
"I know of her. She's that mute romance novelist, correct? My mother is a huge fan of her work and even invited her to one of our parties once. She attracted a lot of attention from her and many of the other women here in Aoyama, though I could tell she felt dangerously out of place. My mother even volunteered to sponsor her next series when she finishes it. Kind of a waste if you ask me..."
Mitsuru Tenjo
"Ah, Mitsuru-chan. I'm glad to see she's doing okay after the sudden and unprovoked attack by her sister. My parents and I were actually in attendance that day when her sister attacked her. Needless to say, it was quite shocking. My parents wanted to sue the National Ballet of Japan for failing to prevent the attack from happening, though it didn't fall through, unfortunately. There were rumors she wouldn't be able to dance again. I'm glad to see those rumors were unfounded."
Katsumi Kenzaki
"Kenzaki... Ah yes, she's the Japanese fencing champion, correct? The one who represented us in the Olympics. I think my parents may have invited her and her parents to a soiree after the Olympics were over. She was just paraded around like a doll while her parents showed her off. I pitied her a bit... But anyway, my father started training me in fencing shortly after that. I think he was just inspired by her, so he wanted to take it up and have me along. Unfortunately, it only lasted a week before he grew tired of it. A shame..."
Vivid Angels
"Three famous young women not even in their late 20s are competing in the D.R.B. I'm not holding my breath that they do well, especially since the leader can't speak. Still, it may be interesting to see how well they do. Who knows, maybe they'll get lucky."
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fukuokadivision1 · 2 years
Sanyu's Thoughts on Nerima Division
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Aira Otonashi
"Ming's told me about her. Apparently, she's a writer that writes romance novels or something. Ming is crazy about them. Me, I'll pass. Nothing against her, but those books sound like the kind depressed housewives would choose in a reading club or something. But hey, she's got talent for being able to write so well, and she's not even a full-grown adult yet."
Mitsuru Tenjo
"The first time I heard of her was when I heard Ming scream in the living room. Tasuku and I rushed to see what was wrong and we saw this girl on the news bleeding badly from her torso. Apparently, she's a ballet dancer and got attacked by her own sister. Ming was depressed for the rest of the day cause of that. I don't really know much about her, but I'm glad she survived."
Katsumi Kenzaki
"I'm not really that big on sports. Tasuku loves them, but I don't. I mean, I'll watch them if nothing else is on, but I'm not going out of my way to watch them. He could probably tell you more about this lady. All I know is about is most of what everyone else knows: she's an Olympic athlete, which, I'll admit, is pretty impressive."
Vivid Angels
"'Vivid Angels'? ...I don't know much about angels. I don't even know if they exist or not. Demons, though? I know they exist. Just look around you. ...But that's neither here nor there. As for this team, they look impressive on paper, but I don't know about their mic skills. Guess we'll find out what they're all about when we see them in action."
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uenodivision · 2 years
Aranai's Thoughts on Nerima Division
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Aira Otonashi
"Aira? ...Oh yeah, the quiet girl? Meh, I don't really know much about her. She's pretty much the quietest person in school. Seriously, if you try to talk to her, she'll either start doing some hand signs or write down to you what she's saying on a sheet of paper. Still, that doesn't mean you should mess with her, though. Seriously, I saw her knock a guy flat on his ass after he started making fun of her for not being mute. Just goes to show you: never judge a book by its cover."
Mitsuru Tenjo
"Mitsuru... she's Aira's best friend, right? I often see her and another girl around Aira since they're the only ones who can understand and sign back to her. But besides that, I hear she's a ballet dancer. Sorry, but that doesn't really interest me. I mean, if you like it, cool. But I can't really get into it. I know Shisuta likes it, though. She was in tears when she heard this girl's sister attacked her during a performance. I saw the footage on the news. Man, that was brutal! But glad she's okay."
Katsumi Kenzaki
"This is the other girl I mentioned that hangs out with Aira and Mitsuru. From what I hear, she's some sort of Olympic athlete, right? And she does... fencing? That's sword fighting, right? In that case, she'd probably get on well with that samurai chick who lives in Taitō. But besides that, she seems alright. She loves to go slow in class, which means less time to listen to the teacher moan about things nobody cares about!"
Vivid Angels
"'Vivid Angels'. ...Oh boy, I know Shisuta's going to go nuts when she sees this team's name. They all seem alright considering they're my classmates. But still, that doesn't mean we'll go easy on them. Nothing against them, but there can only be one winner, and that's Sakurai Clan!"
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akihabaradivision · 2 years
Keiko's Thoughts on Nerima Division
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Aira Otonashi
"Aira-san? She's one of my classmates in the Academy, and one of the few ones that I enjoy conversing with. ...Well, I say 'conversing', but really its just a lot of mouthing and hand signs. Not that I mind, of course! People think she's dumb simply because she doesn't talk a lot. If it weren't for the fact that she is perfectly capable of defending herself, I'd have hurt those that think about making fun of her!"
"Besides that, Aira-san is also an incredible writer! Her light novel series really helped me write some of the romance scenes for Red of the Ambitious. I was a little embarrassed about writing them, to be honest!"
Mitsuru Tenjo
"Mitsuru-san is often seen alongside Aira-san since she's one of the few people in school who know sign language. She's a really dedicated person, and I love her maturity. She and I seem to be the only few people in the Academy that actually have our priorities straight and aren't just here to slack off like so many of my classmates. It's no wonder so many teachers here have nothing but positive things to say about her."
"It's a wonder seeing her dance as a ballerina. I'm on the cheer squad, but even I have to admit that for all my talent, whenever I see Mitsuru-san dance, I know I'm missing something. And the most frustrating part is that I don't know what that is! ...Maybe watching her a bit more will help me to understand it."
Katsumi Kenzaki
"Katsumi-chan is... well, you recall when I mentioned about Mitsuru-san and I being the only few people who know what our priorities are? Sadly, Katsumi-chan is not one of those people. She's a really talented athlete, and Takumi-sensei sings her praises all the time in P.E. class. But when it comes to anything that involves reading or doing actual work, she becomes like a snail: incredibly slow! She claims that she likes to do things at her own pace, which I completely understand. But when the teacher has to slow down to accommodate you because you don't feel like putting any effort in, it's a terrible inconvenience to the rest of us!"
Vivid Angels
"I wonder why Otome-sama sent HypMics to Aira-san and the others. I tried inquiring with Nemu-san, but she simply stated, 'It's not our place to understand the Prime Minister's reasons.' I understand that truly, and I would never want to say or do anything that contradicts to what Otome-sama has set in place, but... I really like Aira-san and Mitsuru-san. I'd like to avoid facing them if possible. ...Oh well. I simply hope we can still be friends afterward."
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toshima-division · 2 years
Kaori's Thoughts on Nerima Division
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Aira Otonashi
"I've heard much about this young woman... she is apparently a skilled writer and author. I've purchased a few of her works, and I must admit, she has incredible talent. Truthfully, one of the characters in her light novel series were the inspiration for a song I'm writing. It's not done yet, but... it is steadily getting there. So... thank you, Aira-san."
Mitsuru Tenjo
"I've always admired the art of ballet dancing. When I was... younger, I always loved watching them with my... mother. I wanted so much to grow up like them. But my body sadly wouldn't allow it. Still, it was nice to dream, but... we must all wake up eventually." Kaori looks off to the side, mournfully, hugging her arms. Sighing, she manages to gain control of herself again before continuing.
"I've seen Mitsuru-san dance before. It was a very moving, inspiring piece. I... I wonder if she might allow me to play for her while she dances? ...No... she doesn't deserve to be bothered by the likes of me..."
Katsumi Kenzaki
"I've heard of Katsumi-san, but I don't fully... know much about her. I've heard she's good at using a sword, but... such things do not appeal to me. I dislike violence, and weapons are the very essence of that. I'm sorry."
Vivid Angels
"...I'm not a religious person, so I don't know if angels actually exist. But... I feel that these three may be the closest representation of them that I've seen. I only hope that this tournament forces them to do something that they regret. If it does, it may... it may wind up turning them into... demons. ...And... I don't think we need any more of those here..."
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okinawa-division · 2 years
Ace's Thoughts on Nerima Division
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Aira Otonashi
"I've heard of her, or rather her pen name, 'Nene Aino'. Apparently, she writes that light novel series that Evelyn likes, 'Vagabond Siren'. I'll admit, it's a pretty good series. A little tame for my tastes, but still good. Other than that, I don't really know what else to say about her. I think it's cool that she can write so well despite not being able to speak. It's often the people who you think are the most flawed that actually turn out to be the most talented."
Mitsuru Tenjo
"I've heard about this woman. The news of her being attacked by her own sister was all over the news for weeks. There were even rumors that she'd never be able to dance again due to her sister hitting some of her major arteries. Thankfully, she seemed to recover. I have to wonder why the hell her sister did something like that. Stabbing your own sister in the stomach? In the middle of a performance, no less? Do all Japanese siblings have such heated rivalries with each other?"
Katsumi Kenzaki
"This woman... I'm happy that she's an Olympic athlete, but... a part of me is also a bit angry at her for beating America multiple times in a sport we're supposed to be dominant in. And to beat American men and women at the young age of 15... that's embarrassing for us. Still, congratulations to her, I guess."
Vivid Angels
"Sheesh, I have to wonder just how Chuohku keeps track of all of these divisions they keep adding. Do they just randomly point to a city on the Japanese map and say, 'Let's make a division there,'? ...Well, whatever. I don't know how talented these women are, but best of luck to them, I guess."
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nerima-division · 2 years
Aira's Thoughts on Meguro Division
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Saji Buranka
“Saji-kun we sit together at lunch together sometimes. We just sit there basking in the silence. It’s peaceful. Don’t tell him this but a character of mine is partially based on him. I’m just worried for him mainly because of his desire to die. It’s like looking at a violent reminder of my past. I remember wanting someone to end my wretched existence. I remember wishing every night to die in my sleep just so I didn't have to suffer another day. I even remember begging Mother to kill me just so I didn't have to suffer any more of her torture. She just laughed at me saying I was too important for her goals!" Aira slams her hands on the table as she tries to calm down her eyes shifting from green to purple. Bright purple sparks trail after her as Aira runs away from the room.
Vito Koi
“Vito-san I've seen his work and it's beautiful. Mitsuru is thinking about going to him for a tattoo to cover her scars. Katsumi and I have agreed to do a tattoo as well if she does. I have no idea what I would get mainly because I never thought about getting a tattoo. Needles make me extremely nervous because whenever Mother brought them out it was never a good thing for me. Though I know Vito-san would do his best to make sure the three of us are comfortable. I just hope he doesn't ask me where my scars came from.”
Yeong “Cain” Hajoon
“Yeong-san, I've met him a few times mainly because Mitsuru is a member of his studio. Mitsuru tells me he’s an extremely good dancer. She also tells me that he’s a practitioner of taekwondo even having a high rank. It’s been a while since I've fought someone. I wonder if he wouldn't mind going against me in a brawl. I’ve been told by several people that I'm extremely vicious in a fight.” 
“I hope Saji-kun and his team don't take what we say too seriously. Besides, I want to help Saji-kun, and if giving him a fight is what it takes well then I’ll give DOG STREET CLUB a fight they’ll never forget. An ‘angel’ I may be but I was not born in heaven. I was born in hell and I’ll show them why that makes a difference.”
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taito-division · 2 years
Fleuret's Thoughts on Nerima Division
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Aira Otonashi
"Ah, Aira-chan! She magnifique écrivain! I am a big fan of her 'Vagabond Siren' series. I've tried to get Rio-san intéressée in them, but he doesn't really understand romance novels very well, unfortunately." Fleuret sighs. "Such a shame, really. But I'll keep trying! Hopefully, he'll get into them, someday."
"But besides that, I truly do prendre plaisir Aira's works! It is so fascinating how she writes so many interesting scenes and characters! ...I wonder if she and Gentaro-san are connaissance with one another..."
Mitsuru Tenjo
"Mitsuru-chan is a skilled danseuse de ballet! I've seen many of her performances. Most on television, but a few in person. My mother tried to get me and my younger sister into it, but unfortunately, we just weren't all that good at it." Fleuret bashfully rubs the back of her head.
"I witnessed the attaque brutale of Mitsuru by her sister during one of her performances. I was so sous le choc by that. How could her sister do such a thing? That was a truly horrendous act. I'm glad she has recovered physically, but I know that attack hurt her mentally and emotionally. And those sort of wounds hurt more than any physical one can..."
Katsumi Kenzaki
"Katsumi-chan! She is a très bien friend of my family! My family invited hers over to our house after she won the Olympic games. My mother was especially interested in her because she knew the art of Fencing, which hails from her birthplace of France. I've tried learning it on my own, but it is surprisingly quite difficult. But I am still learning!"
"I was very sad to hear about Katsumi-chan's case against her parents. They seemed like nice people, but I had no idea they were pushing their daughter to the edge with their des attentes élevées of her. When I saw her, I had to apologize. Not only because of what she went through and endured, but also because I was trop aveugle to see it. She said it wasn't my fault, and she is doing much better now, which is good. It is always nice to see and hear from her."
Vivid Angels
"I truly like all the members of this team! It is décourageant to think that all of them have experienced some form of tragedy in their lives, but they've all indubitablement come out a lot stronger for it. It's sad that we may have to face them sometime in the future. But I hope they will not let our words go to their hearts. I know they will give us an honorable and just battle. I'm really looking forward to it."
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saitama-division · 2 years
Lola’s Thoughts on Nerima Division
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Aira Otonashi
“Hey, so this is the chick that sits next to Kureha when she’s in school, huh? Well, she looks adorable and not too bad looking for someone who can’t speak. Speaking of, I think that’s why she and Kureha get along so well, not that there’s anything wrong with not speaking, there are a lot more ways to convey what one wants to say. I, for one, am pretty fluent in body language.” She winks with a cheeky grin. “I heard she’s an author, kinda like Gentaro but with better fashion sense, I haven’t read any books from her but Aika looooves to tell me about them. That’s fine and all but I’m good, I’m not big on romance you see.”
Mitsuru Tenjo
She shakes her head. “Damn, I still remember when I saw the attack her sister did on her, pretty sure those screams are gonna haunt me for a good while. First Sayaka and Ritsuko and now Mitsuru and her sister, what ever happened to ‘sisterhood’? I’m kinda glad that I’m an only child, I can’t imagine the shit that’ll happen if I had a sister.” She sighed heavily. “But I’m glad to see that she’s up on her feet again and is still pursuing ballet, a lot of people would be deterred from doing something they love after something like that but kudos to her for not being as easily shaken, she’s got my respect.”
Katsumi Kenzaki
“A fencing champion, huh. Gotta admit, it’s a little weird that a Japanese person is better at a French sport than actual French people. They sure do start out young these days, don’t they? 22 years old and already has 6 gold medals under her belt, I’m not hating though, good on her for showing up everyone who looked down on her because she’s younger than they are. But uh, is she doing okay? Not to intrude or anything but I noticed that she doesn’t show her arms as much, a weird observation, I know but I only know one person who does that and…well, she has a reason why.”
Vivid Angels
“Okay, I love the name. It’s cute, not good as ‘Femme Fatale’ but it’s got their own charm and honestly, what more does a team need other than that? I feel a little bad for them though, knowing that they were forced into this like the rest of us and being a new team on top of that? That’s gotta bring some pressure but I hope they know that they got people rooting for them, not just their fans but even some of us competing here as well.”
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suginami-division · 2 years
Maki’s Thoughts on Nerima Division
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Aira Otonashi
“I have heard a few things about her from my colleagues from Sendai. Nothing horrible, I assure you. It has been all positive, from her excellence in writing to her unexpected fighting abilities. I do feel as though, it is a bit… Unnecessary that her speech impediment is always brought up. I’m not sure if she feels this way, but I wouldn’t really appreciate being singled out for being different for that reason.”
Mitsuru Tenjo
“Tenjo… Ah, right. I do remember… But I don’t think I should talk about events that didn’t involve me.”
“Mitsuru-san is yet another person that I have heard Wakaba-san praise very extensively. Ballet is again, not a specialty of mine. I’m not a much of a dancer, which does impede on my studies abroad. The amount of times I’ve been invited to a festival or celebration, only to embarrass myself… It’s humiliating to think about. Still, I have nothing but respect for people who dance however. Anyone who can excel at things I am terrible at make them out as impressive in my opinion.”
Katsumi Kenzaki
“Yes… I have heard about her as well. Wakaba-san never ceases speaking about sports and athletics, does he? Not that I should shame the achievements Kenzaki-san has attained. To win gold so many times is impressive and it should be praised endlessly. I just hear from others on how much of a trouble child she can be when she isn’t motivated. Sure, I’ve handled unmotivated or even absent students like Hiromi-chan well enough, but it’s because I’ve been relatively flexible in my teaching methods. However, from how the other professors have talked about her, I worry that trying to negotiate with her might be a tall task for me, should she ever appear in any of my lectures.”
Vivid Angels
“Vivid Angels makes for a very pretty name. It would be interesting to know what inspired it… But, this team appears as an ordinary team, which is refreshing from what we have been looking over as of late. I wish this team the best in the competition.”
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toyama-division · 2 years
Yano’s Thoughts on Nerima Division
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Aira Otonashi
“Romance books aren’t really my sort of thing… But hey, a mute team leader is super interesting for sure. I just wonder how this lady is gonna handle everything, you know? The D.R.B. is filled with some ruthless guys! Someone as fragile as her could end up as mince meat in the event! Maybe the other people are her supports in the tournament…”
Mitsuru Tenjo
“Mitsuru Tenjo? Like, the ballerina that got stabbed on stage by her sister? I remember hearing the college campus go crazy talking about that incident. Art and dance kind of go hand in hand, you know? Still, talk about a horrible sibling relationship… It’s good that Mitsuru got better physically, but I hope she isn’t troubled in any other way. I can’t imagine that getting attacked like that is easy to go through…”
Katsumi Kenzaki
“An Olympic athlete? That’s a pretty big deal, especially for someone at 22 years old! At 22 I was… Getting into a lot of trouble, I guess. Actually, now that I think about it that was a really depressing year for me. Aaah, Katsumi’s got it so much better than me! If only I could’ve been good as a teenager! Then I would’ve been famous and living comfortably by now! Katsumi is so much luckier! Well, I say that, but I remember there being rumors… I really shouldn’t go and assume she has it all. It’s not like I know her whole life story.”
Vivid Angels
“I mean, calling them angels works out pretty well, just on how all everyone on the team looks. It’ll take some time before we can see them fulfill the other part of their name on stage. Still, I hope they do okay in the D.R.B… Hopefully, both of our teams can get far up in the ranks, right? Prove all the people who keep doubting us wrong!”
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