#vivid angels
marlasbreastlump · 7 months
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aquaquadrant · 1 year
How would htp!Tango go with the bit from Limited Life episode 4 when he's running from everyone?
How would it be different from the actual scene?
(not canon to HTP ofc because the timelines don’t match up but HEY i like angst)
"tango!" skizz calls desperately, peering out over the ocean. he could’ve sworn he’d heard tango’s voice when he came this way, but the range of amplification their voices get from the proximity mod can be a little tricky sometimes-
tango’s voice crackles out of skizz’s communicator; he must be in range, after all. but skizz doesn’t relax just yet. crouching by the water’s edge, he scans the waves intently. his grip tightens around his axe.
"alright, where are you, dude?" he asks, voice low. he keeps the horizon in his periphery; he can just barely make out the horde of yellow names off on the distant shore, digging and searching for tango.
“r- right below you.” tango’s voice is shaky; probably from the adrenaline. being hunted by almost the entire server isn’t exactly a picnic. “where- is impulse with you? or- or etho?”
skizz shakes his head, even though he knows tango can’t see it. “no dude, they’re running interference, okay, but it won’t be long before the others see me over here.” he swallows. “you gotta let me kill you.”
there’s a brief silence.
“okay.” tango’s voice is barely audible. the tone of it gives skizz pause; that sounds like more than just nerves. “okay, o- okay, fine, i’m- i’m fine with that.”
“are you?” skizz asks, his brows furrowing.
“i…” there’s a shuddering exhale. “i don’t- i’d rather it be you, if- if i’m honest. the others, they might…” he breaks off, making a distressed sound in the back of his throat. “y- you know.”
there’s definitely something wrong. skizz’s heart is starting to pound, but he keeps his voice steady. “alright, yeah. this is gonna stick it to them so bad.” he lifts his communicator up and peers through its lens. “can you give me a quick tag, buddy?”
tango doesn’t reply, but skizz sees the flash of a gamer tag beneath the ocean before it vanishes again. tango’s not taking any chances, apparently. not that skizz can blame him.
“you’re pretty deep underwater, dude,” skizz informs him regretfully. “and i don’t- ugh, i don’t have my stupid shovel.”
tango inhales sharply. “i- i can’t- uh, can you…?”
“okay,” skizz murmurs. he knows tango won’t be harmed by water like a real blaze, but it’s uncomfortable even on the best of days and that’d be a lot to ask of him right now. “alright, i’ll come to you. stay put, okay?”
“okay,” tango whispers.
“there a hole for me, buddy?” skizz asks, putting his axe away.
“alright.” skizz straightens up, folding his wing tightly against his body. even one wing will cause a lot of drag underwater and he’s already not looking forward to soggy feathers. “i’m on my way, just hang on.”
taking a deep breath, skizz dives into the ocean.
salt stings his eyes as he swims towards the sand at the bottom. it’s darker down here than he’s expecting for midday, only the faint glow from his halo allowing him to see. he starts digging as soon as he reaches the bottom, hoping he’s in the right place. he’s acutely aware of how long he can hold his breath for and the last thing he needs is a stupid drowning death to steal even more time from him-
a figure enters his field of vision, making him jolt. it’s scott, his freshly yellow timer barely visible in the deep. still holding his breath, skizz equips his axe.
scott actually rolls his eyes. “i’m not gonna kill him, don’t worry.” his voice carries well underwater, and he doesn’t seem to have trouble breathing. must be due to those recently acquired gills of his.
well, that’s fortunate. skizz nods quickly and puts his axe away before resuming his digging. to his surprise, scott floats down next to him and starts helping, his webbed fingers making easy work of the sand. after a couple seconds, they’ve cleared enough sand for skizz to see a hold in the underlying stone, with a faint light beyond it. lungs burning, skizz dives for it.
he makes it through right as the first damage hits him, head breaking through the water with a gasp. kicking against the current, he finally emerges from the ocean. gravity once again takes hold of him. he flops onto the damp stone floor quite ungracefully, his wing heavy and pulling him slightly off-balance.
skizz hauls himself to his feet, dripping wet and catching his breath, and looks around the cave tango’s carved out for himself. it’s tiny, with just three blocks between them, and lit only by the glow of tango’s blaze rods. they’re redder than usual and roaring with flames, whirling above his head in agitation- the way a blaze spins before it starts shooting fireballs.
tango himself doesn’t seem to be doing any better. he’s crouched against a corner, his arms wrapped around his knees, claws digging into his skin. his pupils are blown, so much so that it almost makes his wide eyes look completely black. his chest is rising and falling rapidly, and the noise that comes with each breath sounds disturbingly like a blaze. his mouth hangs slightly parted as he pants, lips drawn back to show his sharp teeth- like a wolf does. but there’s no ferocity in his expression; just sick fear.
altogether, the sight sends a chill down skizz’s spine. it’s like he’s looking at an animal; a cornered, terrified, wild animal. there have been things in the past tango’s reacted strangely to, sure, but skizz has never seen it this bad before. god, he wishes impulse was here.
“hey, tango,” skizz says softly.
for a moment, tango just stares at skizz. then his eyes dart to the side, to the hole in the stone. belatedly, skizz realizes what’s got tango so concerned.
“scott,” he calls carefully, keeping his gaze on tango, “just uh, just stay out there, okay, dude?”
a dark shadow passes by the hole before vanishing. “you’re fine, just get on with it!”
skizz swallows. he stays where he is. “tango, buddy, you okay? talk to me.”
tango’s gaze cuts back to skizz. “is martyn…?”
“no, no martyn,” skizz assures him.
tango takes a shaky breath. “i killed him,” he says hoarsely. “he- he’ll want revenge. and- and the other yellows- you have to kill me, before they find me. skizz, please.”
“hey, hey, hey, it’s alright,” skizz soothes, despite the way his heart feels like it’s twisting itself into a knot. he never thought tango would fear the other players so badly; these are his friends. “you got it. what do you- uh, how do you want me to do it?”
“TNT?” tango asks quietly. “if you light it…”
“alright, yeah, i got some TNT,” skizz says, rummaging through his inventory and pulling out a block of it. “here, uh- you wanna just take that?”
warily, tango teaches a clawed hand out and takes the TNT. he sets it down right in front of him, flush against his folded knees.
“tango?” skizz prompts gently, pulling out his flint and steel. “i need to hear you say it, buddy.”
tango shudders. “do it,” he whispers, turning his face away. “you can kill me, you- i- i just want it to be over.”
“okay, thank you,” skizz murmurs, taking a cautious step forward. “that’s right, dude. after this, it’ll all be over. i’ll come find you at spawn, okay?”
“i’ll see ya there. now, count to five for me?"
tango swallows. “one…”
skizz lights the TNT. the sound of sizzling fills the air as the TNT starts to flash.
"t- two..."
putting the flint and steel away, skizz turns and dives back through the hole, into the ocean. tango's voice still sounds from his communicator.
kicking madly, skizz swims towards the surface, where scott is waiting.
skizz breaks the surface, gasping for breath. he glances back down and sees a new crater at the bottom of the ocean, water and sand churning into a froth. treading water with one arm, he holds his communicator up and looks at the chat.
Tango blew up.
scott gives skizz a sidelong look. "i know how hard it is to let a teammate kill you," he says, his voice low, "but that seemed..."
"scott, buddy," skizz says tiredly, heading for the shore, "keep this between us, will ya?"
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myxineye · 1 month
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Pyre's Cradle: a desolate crater formed from an angelfall event. Home of the Path Vein, who built their main research stations and conducts most of their angel research here, utilizing the abundant geothermal and biothermal energy found in the cradle.
Pyre angels originated from the initial angelfall event that created the Cradle. Through the Vein Ulagisc's efforts, the Path Vein have been able to manage their population and reduce the risk of structural damage from pyre angels by using them as energy sources!
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rodolfoparras · 1 year
been very low energy these past few days... zzzzz
so anyhow have this ask where i write a fic for the fic writer 🫶🏼 little gift
thinking about price who isn't very vocal in bed, not because he's insecure or anything, he knows how much you love the noises he makes. you make it obvious, taking it as encouragement that you're doing well
he just... isn't. it's not something he's used to, having taken a dominant role in past relationships (heteronormativity the worst enemy of gay whimpering men).
that was until you two tried something new, price was reluctant at first, never having been... submissive like this. it felt a bit jarring at first, not that he didn't trust you, of course he did! with his life, even
but all those thoughts oh so quickly melted away, as your hand gently pumped his length. price hadn't expected you to be so gentle with him... so slow and sweet, whispering all the praise in the world into his ears, that he "was taking it so well", "so good for agreeing to this" and "you're so handsome, all nice and hard just for me" needless to say, this was driving him insane.
price wasn't a vocal man, but when you suggested he gives up control, "just to try it out", you'd tell him, it's like a switch turned in his head.
now, he's riding your dick all pretty, soft tears flowing down his cheeks... and so, so loud. he squeaks, whimpers, at basically every movement you make, your cock sliding against his warm entrance and gods, it just filled him up so good.
it was like it brushed against his prostate every time he merely shifted to get a better grip. price really tried to keep his noises in at first but every thought of his was melting into nothing as you thrust inside.
you guided his hips up and down your length, he's so so close, and you, so merciful, lets him cum all over your chest because he has been so good and pliant.
the mess he makes of himself is worth everything you've done to him, begging and moaning your name while his cock spurts small streams of cum after he's so spent and there's nothing left.
love u?!?!? /p enjoy
- 🌷
Anonie when I say I have tears in my eyes from how beautiful I found this I’m being 100% serious
Thank you so much you don’t know how sweet of a read this was I’m going to read it over and over and over 😭 literally all I want in life is to be the one to care for price and have him go on auto pilot
Imagine your whole life being the one to take care of others putting everyone before yourself even in bed and sure while it’s absolutely a nice feeling sometimes he just wants to be taken care of, believe it or not at first he thought he couldnt be submissive because he’s always been the one in charge that is of course until he meets you you’re much older yourself a captain as well and beside the fact that you’re a wonderful soldier you’re also a wonderful person
After every harsh mission you’ll be the first to check upon him even though he’s told everyone he’s fine if it’s been a practically hard day you’ll see it on his face won’t mention it but you’ll instead offer to go on a walk with him and he loves it so much, going on long night walks where you talk about everything and nothing sharing cigar and leaving the work and worries behind
Or how you’ll always remember his food preferences and bring it to his office when you see that he hasn’t frequented canteen for the day you’ll even sit with him while he eats and he’ll feel shy about eating alone so he’ll offer you a bite but you’re just happy to spend time with him
You’ll even take time out of your busy schedule to take him away from the base have him visit some places he’s always wanted to visit whether it be a restaurant, somewhere up in the mountains or wherever else his heart desires to go
And out on a mission it feels so different with you sure he has 141 to check up on him but it’s different with someone older someone who’s also in charge keeping an eye on him or an iron grip on his hips to make sure he stays close by and nothing hurts him
Sure he’s been a captain and spent many years in the industry and knows damn well how to take care of himself but it feels so nice to be cared for once
And when he tumbles with you in bed he ends up in a headspace he thought he could never visit, falling so submissive, feeling so safe allowing you to care for him til he’s sobbing in your embrace
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claiborneart · 2 years
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t o u c h
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handmadeangelsarchive · 5 months
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[id: a drawing of Toya Aoyagi, Akito Shinonome, An Shiraishi, and Kohane Azusawa from Project Sekai. they are sitting on the edge of a dock. Toya is smiling slightly and looking at the others. he is leaning backwards with his hands behind him. Akito is smiling widely and looking at Toya. he is resting his hand on Toya's hip. An is smiling widely with her eyes closed and her hands are resting on Akito and Kohane's shoulders. Kohane is smiling and looking at the others. her left hand rests on her knee. Toya is wearing a long sleeved black shirt, black shorts, and a beaded bracelet in the Vivid Bad Squad colors. Akito is wearing a swim binder and orange swim shorts. An is wearing a teal tank top, black shorts, and her hair is in a ponytail. Kohane is wearing a pink crop top, a blue wrap skirt, and a beaded bracelet in the Vivid Bad Squad colors. there are several filters over it. end id]
can you tell i'm ready for the summer
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barbieb0y · 14 days
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i cant believe this national treasure is 2 years old already. i remember when this was still fresh out of the oven and i watched it daily
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apollolovescheesecak · 9 months
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aziraphale is done! based on the painting “Guardian Angel Waiting By Abbott Handerson Thayer”. first time trying oils, hope you like!
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Vincent Price and Judith Evelyn during the production of Angel Street (1941)
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boxwinebaddie · 4 months
everytime i rem(ember) that at the end of rm jersey has short hair something inside me screams and dies
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voltas-do-mar · 7 months
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ooc, what's up yall, volta update :3
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3nvwi · 7 months
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Another experiment with yet another oc.... I'd really like to master a more blocky, stylized, vivid and shape-focused style like this.
If you know other artists that draw similarly, don't hesitate to drop their urls <3
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depravedangelbaby · 7 months
I've had dreams about three of my mutuals now and think more of y'all need to visit me when I sleep :3
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myxineye · 2 months
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formerly known as Dao, INTRO is the founder and lead researcher of the Path Vein, a group dedicated to angel research. Technically dead and technically not dead -- he transferred his immortality to his younger sibling Coda for research purposes, but instead of gaining his mortality back he got a Secret Third Thing
he also likes strawberry milk and fruit sandwiches!
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stoneyocean · 1 month
Stoney Ocean- Ohio
Join the wave Stoneyocean.com
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phosphenemoth · 1 month
Picturing I am performing a rendition of Yes, I'm Your Angel by Yoko Ono on a stage in front of an audience in a flowy dress and over-exaggerated makeup in the middle of a Shakespeare-esque play where I am the main character and my FP is the male interest in question, to escape homicidal ideation. This is completely unrelatable to anyone, but me. I am absolutely sure of that.
-You're welcome.
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