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Kremy is a lucky man
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My Total Drama OC!
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I came up with her when I was probably 12 and used Zoey’s unused beta design 💀. I decided to revamp her and here she is! I don’t love it completely, so I’d love some ideas of how to improve her!
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i know i haven’t been on here in a bit, but would anyone like to see my total drama oc? I finally got around to drawing her and want to share it
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Right, considering the current state of corporate politics on this site, and that it seems that only those affected seem to be actively speaking on the matter, it is up to I, the only fucking cishet on tumblr, to drag this out to a wider audience.
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We need to show these higher ups how much we truly value them.
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Good news, fellow artists! Nightshade has finally been released by the UChicago team! If you aren't aware of what Nightshade is, it's a tool that helps poison AI datasets so that the model "sees" something different from what an image actually depicts. It's the same team that released Glaze, which helps protect art against style mimicry (aka those finetuned models that try to rip off a specific artist). As they show in their paper, even a hundred poisoned concepts make a huge difference.
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(Reminder that glazing your art is more important than nighshading it, as they mention in their tweets above, so when you're uploading your art, try to glaze it at the very least.)
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@/piratespencilart and @/dkettchen because they're amazing
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I got new boxers with mushrooms on them. Feeling gender euphoria and also cute
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Currently thinking about Robin and Franky and how married they are. They really are perfect for each other.
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if @dkettchen has 0 fans, I’m dead
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am I reblogging @dkettchen art again? Yes, yes I am. Am I sorry? No.
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guess who finally got around to drawing some opla zosan
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aofhrvekaoaowjdbdkwoejfb I love the trans!Sanji headcanon so much and this artist made me love it more!!
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girlfriend activities
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Tbh I initially thought there wasn’t much to glean from this and I was MK clowning on Julia for the sake of it, but after rewatching episode 6 and 7, the circumstances are making me raise my eyes more at Julia (than I already have been).
So for context, Chris outed MK as a cheater in front of the rest of the competitors, which instantly put a target on her back. The teams merge and Julia and MK both lose their shot at individual immunity, but more importantly Bowie also loses.
Julia says in the confessional that she swung the votes by telling the former Rats that cheating was Bowie’s idea. I think the implication here being that Bowie was threatening MK with elimination if she didn’t do what he said and he did have the numbers to make it happen considering the hockey bros were in his corner and how easily he could’ve swayed the other teammates. I think given how the other team in particular was already on his bad side, they probably wanted him gone anyway.
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So like, you could argue that Julia just wanted to keep her alliance partner in the game but she reiterated twice that her goal here was to get out Bowie. This is because he’s formidable competitor that has it out for Julia.
Now when we get to the day after, Julia’s line of saying she was sure MK was a goner at the last ceremony is strange. Even if we assume Ripper, who didn’t seemed bothered by the cheating, voted with Bowie, that’s still a 7-4 vote against him with 5 of those 7 specifically having something against Bowie or cheating, I’d count Axel being 6 because I can’t imagine her not caring. Realistically, MK wasn’t in any real danger after Julia pinned it on Bowie.
Maybe it’s a stretch, but it almost feels like Julia was saying what she did just because it was easier for her to phrase it that way as opposed to “I’m glad you’re still here.” Aaaand MK picks up on this immediately. I get the feeling that she’s actually one of the most perceptive people on this cast, maybe below Julia.
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Now, I think it’s clear from MK’s tone and body language that she’s just being playful and meant this platonically. She’s basically saying “Why were you worried I’d leave? Because you like having me around?”
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Julia’s reaction is… strange? It doesn’t feel like it’s proportional to what MK’s asking. She frankly reacting like MK was accusing her of having a crush on her. This is like a prime example of “if it was a guy and a girl, would anyone question the romantic undertones?”. Julia is just doing so much unnecessary nervous hand movement, not to mention her trying to stutter “no”. She seems to try to say “That is crazy,” before MK cuts her off.
Julia’s weak push back here at the very least proves that she’s fond of MK in some capacity. If she did just see her as an alliance member, a cold Julia that we’d come to expect would just say it. Like, not just give a form “no” but also elaborate that MK leaving would mean she’d be left to deal with Bowie on her own. There’s just no reason for her to withhold that if she didn’t actually like MK.
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And assuming Julia did think MK meant “like” as in a romantic way, look at how her expression changes from anxious to confused and the way she lowers her shoulders and arms as soon as MK says “#BFF!”.
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She lets MK just talk getting matching heart lockets and having a podcast. Before sarcastically saying that MK’s hilarious and hopes she gets eaten by something and walking off. You can tell by the way MK raises her brow that she sees the bullshit way Julia’s trying to play it cool because Julia still has that awkward smile as she’s leaving.
I feel like this interaction actually is a big reason why Julia feels so guilty about sabotaging MK later in the challenge. Maybe she actually does like the idea of being with MK after the competition now that the idea was presented to her, but she became anxious that she ruined the opportunity?
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god, I love evil lesbians
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where y’all watching season 2?! Help!
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gender is so confusing
im a boy. im nonbinary. im a secret third thing. im none of the above. i used to be a little girl. i never was a girl. my deadname feels like a stranger. i still turn around if i hear it in public. im a boy who looks like a girl who looks like a boy who looks like a girl who looks like-
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saddest part of opla was having to see Helmeppo make heart eyes at Koby every scene while Koby was like "🤨🤨🤨... Luffy 🙏" like i know Helmeppo was writing crazy heartbreak poems in his diary at night
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