nysnicole4 · 4 years
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2020 Year Ahead Spread January: The Bard is here to show us that coming into this new year, new you. This year, it’s about coming into this new year learning; your ancestors told stories, danced around flames, wrote books about a time when they lived, what they saw and what they knew... now it’s your turn. You’re coming home. Back to what you always knew, what you’ve always known. A connection to something less rigid and more fluid. You’re finding an unfounded peace with in. Something you’ve always felt, but never truly known. This is you. Begin this month to surround yourself with more greenery, plants, flowers....if not outdoors, bring them indoors, there is something cleansing to the earthiness inside. February: Oh, Lady of the Lake, how art thee.... You’re being urged to no question or second guess your judgement. When she appears she wants you to know for certain about a situation before moving forward. In this case, a relationship; a friendship, a business partner, an intimate partner... on some level this soul connection is necessary. Is it for forever or is it to learn a lesson? Notice the signs. Never doubt yourself. Stand up for how you feel. When the Lady appears, change is imminent. March: It’s showing, the marker of wealth, it’s reminding you that you listened. You followed your gut, the signs, your intuition and now wealth is near; if you haven’t been showered in it yet, you soon will be. Wealth of knowledge, wealth of health, wealth in your relations, wealth in your finances, wealth in work...the opportunities are endless. Keep following your heart and listen to those feelings, they’re continually leading you into living your best life. Continued in comments below... https://www.instagram.com/p/B6w3UfsnPiVd3Vx5bTR8eiK-FAAjCVCi7egVgo0/?igshid=jdyarcwmk8sz
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nysnicole4 · 5 years
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This is a good one to show up for this Harvest Full Moon in Pisces weekend. Nothing can survive in a static environment. Static, stagnant energy is quite harmful to you in reality. It means you’re not learning, not allowing, not growing. So this weekend, Spirit is asking of you to bring some forward momentum into your life and show up in faith that all is working out for the best. These are confirmations that what is going on, right now, is fluid and for the best. You are physically going to be moving somewhere, home or work, and this is when/where the energy around you starts changing, starts vibrating at a higher frequency and you will simply know that you are on the right path. Also, this can mean a internal shift. A shift in how you perceive reality, yours in particular, and come to understand that a shift is necessary to create the change that’s needed. Breathe. Believe. Be open to receive the good coming your way. This weekend, allow what was to shed away and what is to come forth. Beauty is rising and rightfully so. You are on track for blessings. #WeekendEnergy #WeekendGuidance #IntuitiveGuidance #CardOfTheDay #CollectiveEnergy #CollectiveGuidance #Movement #Trust #SoulGuidance #DivineGuidance #OpenYourEyes #GoodOmen #HaveFaith #RaiseYourVibe #VibrateHigher #EnergyWork #HealingEnergy #NYS #NYSNicole #NYSWellness #NourishYourSoul https://www.instagram.com/p/B2WhTrCnF6m/?igshid=12s4uoo3xoc9x
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nysnicole4 · 5 years
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Perception. So much could be said. But, so little needs to be. We are each unique. We are all individual people. Every single human has a different one. Granted some will be similar, all will be tuned slightly different to our reality and from our experiences. Even if you wanted to have the exact same perception, as another, it won’t happen. All we can do is broaden our minds and work to achieve the closeness in perceptions of another, if that is what you wish to do. But our perceptions are everything. They quite literally create our realities that we are living. So tell me, where does your need to be altered? #DailyEnergy #DailyGuidance #IntuitiveGuidance #CardOfTheDay #CollectiveEnergy #CollectiveGuidance #YouCantControlEveryone #Perception #DivineGuidance #SoulGuidance #EnergyWork #HealingEnergy #RaiseYourVibe #VibrateHigher #NYS #NYSNicole #NYSWellness #NourishYourSoul https://www.instagram.com/p/B2T91fdHw8K/?igshid=1luf8ftksxrrt
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nysnicole4 · 5 years
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With Stag energy comes a sense of stillness. He asks you to take a step back and deeper look at where you’re dealing your energy. Are you acting your truth? Are you speaking your truth? Or are you acting out of the lack mentality which quite possibly is holding you back? You see, even when struggle is upon him, the stag still performs. He does what he needs to do to win his mate, protect and feed himself. He still walks tall and with firm footing, leading the way by walking his walk. There is an area in your life that is needing you to channel the Stag. Somewhere where you are feeling less than in your life and not allowing yourself to gain wisdom in and grow from certain experiences. Don’t allow those experiences to keep you from growing and making progress in your journey. #DailyGuidance #DailyEnergy #CardOfTheDay #IntuitiveGuidance #CollectiveGuidance #CollectiveEnergy #StagEnergy #DivineGuidance #HealingEnergy #EnergyWork #StandTall #WalkYourWalk #RaiseYourVibe #VibrateHigher #NYS #NYSNicole #NYSWellness #NourishYourSoul https://www.instagram.com/p/B2Rhb6YHETf/?igshid=5ctaznnyu2j1
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nysnicole4 · 5 years
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Communication is a key trait in this life we are living. It can hold you back if you are not communicating clearly. It can hold you back if you are too aggressive with your words. Communication can catapult you to your end goal if you can articulate exactly what your thinking; by word of mouth, stroke of the finger or smear of the pen. It is necessary to learn how to communicate in a way that will help to move you forward with your life, in all areas. So, where in your life, along your journey, are you stumbling to get the words out? You have a story to tell. You have an idea to pitch. You have experiences to put out. What’s holding you back, lack of communication, I think so. Keep working on those skills and watch as your world opens up with opportunity! #DailyGuidance #DailyEnergy #DailyIntuitive #CardOfTheDay #IntuitiveGuidance #CollectiveGuidance #CollectiveEnergy #Communication #MakeChanges #SpeakClearly #SpeakPassionately #WriteItOut #VibrateHigher #RaiseYourVibe #DivineGuidance #EnergyWork #NYS #NYSNicole #NYSWellness #NourishYourSoul https://www.instagram.com/p/B2O_j3rHXGD/?igshid=woebtoylxhew
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nysnicole4 · 5 years
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Ohh this is a blend of beautiful energy. Starting today for this weekend or it may have started already, this combination is showing us that a partnership is near and it will be a new one. Whether it’s a blend of ideas between to like minds, a coming together of two people whom have yet to do so, a fulfillment of attraction that’s always been overlooked or a business opportunity... Whatever it is it is new. Previous energies have not felt like this before with another being. The changes happening are ones that are blessings to you! It’s okay to be nervous. It’s okay to not know. But stay and feel it out. Don’t run because it makes you uncomfortable. You are supported. Never forget that. This is a necessary part in your growth and journey, allow and be mindful. #WeekendEnergy #WeekendGuidance #CardOfTheDay #CollectiveEnergy #CollectiveConscious #IntuitiveGuidance #GoodChanges #Partnership #Novice #DivineGuidance #UnchartedTerritory #Stay #EnergyWork #HealingEnergy #DontRun #VibrateHigher #RaiseYourVibe #MindBodySoulSpirit #NYS #NYSNicole #NYSWellness #NourishYourSoul https://www.instagram.com/p/B2Ekd64nDBm/?igshid=jqk7jmk0h684
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nysnicole4 · 5 years
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You know the saying, “when you know, you know”? Well that applies to today. With the good and the bad vibes. Sometimes, you just get that sensation deep with in you and you know the answer to whatever is on your mind at the time. Or when someone is talking to you, you get the feeling of who they truly are. Today is that day. This feeling will be intensified. Don’t discredit it. Don’t submit to the red flags. Today, those need to be addressed immediately, the longer you ignore them, the more you’re stalling your progression in growth of self. Likewise though, those feelings of calm, bliss and content need to be recognized too as you’re mai king your goals and elevating who you are tremendously. Let me be clear though, whichever you choose to do is exactly just that to learn and navigate this life a bit more. Just be mindful and very aware today of how you feel around and in talk with people and in any situations. Don’t discredit that nudge your intuition is giving you... #DailyGuidance #DailyEnergy #CardOfTheDay #CollectiveEnergy #CollectiveConscious #IntuitiveGuidance #SoulGuidance #Intuition #Deception #OwlEnergy #HonorTheFeelings #ListenToYourBody #EnergyWork #HealingEnergy #ElevateYourself #RaiseYourVibe #VibrateHigher #MindBodySoulSpirit #NYS #NYSNicole #NYsWellness #NourishYourSoul https://www.instagram.com/p/B2B67SMH_mP/?igshid=a8jz4ec56z4u
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nysnicole4 · 5 years
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This is what you’re deserving of. As a friend and as a life partner. But this is also what you need to be, in general. Can you say that this is who you are right now, in full truth? If not take the steps to become this person and the rest will follow. It’s not about the quantity of anything, it always about the quality of it. Where can you take a step back in your life to reevaluate these ideals and say you are not at the highest levels of loyalty, sincerity and unconditional love? Start today to begin making leaps toward integrating these morals and values into those areas. And only look for these morals and values in another. Look for your reflection no gender specificity. Friends. Business partners. Lover. Shape your world with the like of these ideals. Dog energy is some of the most genuine. If you don’t feel it, it’s not right. Love yourself enough to know this. #DailyEnergy #DailyGuidance #CardOfTheDay #CollectiveEnergy #CollectiveConscious #EnergyWork #IntuitiveGuidance #DogEnergy #UnconditionalLove #Sincerity #Loyalty #ManifestThisInYourLife #RaiseYourVibe #CreateYourVibe #VibrateHigher #SoulGuidance #DivineGuidance #MindBodySoulSpirit #NYS #NYSNicole #NYsWellness #NourishYourSoul https://www.instagram.com/p/B1_fbk6HVjI/?igshid=13rabyodorokj
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nysnicole4 · 5 years
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Letting go. Let go. Break free. Heal your past. Letting go can mean so many different things but the two that are most prominent right now are letting go of past situations and relationships that have a hold on you, they’re holding you back. AND you need to let go of how you think things should be working out. You can control your past, present or future so you need to release that limiting belief. You can ONLY control you right now. Remember that. Learn to ebb and flow. Learn to be open to the way something turns out and not try to manipulate your results. Letting go, after trying to control for so long isn’t easy, but I have faith in you that you can. #DailyEnergy #DailyGuidance #IntuitiveGuidance #EnergyWork #CollectiveEnergy #CollectiveConscious #CardOfTheDay #LettingGo #LimitingBeliefs #ReleaseControl #DivineGuidance #SoulGuidance #YouGotThis #EbbAndFlow #VibrateHigher #RaiseYourVibe #MindBodySoulSpirit #NYS #NYSNicole #NYSWellness #NourishYourSoul https://www.instagram.com/p/B188uiHHA-P/?igshid=1ficrok32513s
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nysnicole4 · 5 years
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I need to make this happen, I will make this happen. Less than 3 weeks until summer ends. Challenge accepted! ❤️😍🌌🙌🏼 https://www.instagram.com/p/B17U4c_H1iE/?igshid=kt1de7255gi2
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nysnicole4 · 5 years
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Trust. What does this word mean to you? What does this word bring up for you? Whatever pops up first is where you need to shine the light. Trust, essentially means to have faith in something or someone. It means that the word of this person is their bond but also that the words you speak are, in turn, reliable. Do you trust yourself? Do you trust the words of another? Do you trust that the Universe will show up for you? Have faith in who you are as a person, trust that you’re where you need to be with whom you need to be, right now. Everything else is extra. Believing you are where you need to be gets you to where you think you need to go. Trust that. Trust the people in your life; but only if their actions line up with their words. Make sure your actions match your words. And continue living in trust with the Universe. Life is beautiful and always works out as it needs to. #DailyGuidance #DailyEnergy #IntuitiveGuidance #CollectiveEnergy #CollectiveGuidance #CardOfTheDay #Trust #HaveFaith #Believe #VibrateHigher #RaiseYourVibe #WordsIntoAction #WalkTheTalk #MindBodySoulSpirit #DivineGuidance #EnergyWork #NYS #NYSNicole #NYSWellness #NourishYourSoul https://www.instagram.com/p/B16dj91H_L1/?igshid=j2vseooqrrhz
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nysnicole4 · 5 years
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This week, you know what is going to happen. You feel it in your bones, deep with in your being. You understand why and the process that needs to infold. You been given all the signs. And even though, for some, what is about to happen may be upsetting, it opens your eyes up to what needs to change. For others, though, allowing this series of events to unfold is all in perfect timing and it couldn’t have been better. Just know that whatever is happening, you will be fine. Everything is working out for your highest good. Breathe, you have powerful allies and guardians, around you. Stay true to who you are. Keep the passion alive for you. This week will be one of much honesty and much patience. #WeeklyEnergy #WeeklyGuidance #IntuitiveGuidance #CardOfTheDay #CollectiveEnergy #CollectiveConscious #Perception #TheHighPriestess #EagleEnergy #EnergyWork #ListenToYourIntuition #PowerfulAllies #HighestGood #RaiseYourVibe #BigPicture #VibrateHigher #MindBodySoulSpirit #DivineGuidance #NYS #NYSNicole #NYSWellness #NourishYourSoul https://www.instagram.com/p/B16ceIUns2x/?igshid=6oc4npnsv8y5
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nysnicole4 · 5 years
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Wowza. September is bringing it. September’s energy is full of growth, transformation and blessings. You know why!? Because you have been putting in the work. You have been feeling of yourself and doing for yourself in ways that you deserve to felt and done for by another. Your “dream” life is actualizing into your reality, because of YOU. The love you want; your person, your partner. If you have them already 8’ your life you two together are becoming more in tune with each other than ever before. If you are single/dating around; you know who/which one this is pertaining to. Be honest with yourself. Don’t run. Work through it. You’ve care this far. You’ve established powerful boundaries and ones might I add that are super healthy; not only for yourself but for how others treat you. You are manifesting the shot outta your life right now and your working so hard. But you’re listening to the guidance being given to you on many levels and you should reward yourself. I mean this month you will be rewarded on many levels. Talk about leveling up. Chapters ending to the start of new beginnings. Never lose sight. Love yourself so much that nothing can shake that vibe. #MonthlyEnergy #MonthlyGuidance #SeptemberEnergy #IntuitiveGuidance #CollectiveEnergy #CollectiveConscious #EnergyWork #HealingEnergy #SoulmateEnergy #LOVE #Listening #CatEnergy #ManifestingTheFuckOuttaLife #VibrateHigher #RaiseYourVibe #CardOfTheDay #MindBodySoulSpirit #NYS #NYSNicole #NYSWellness #NourishYourSoul https://www.instagram.com/p/B14CuVJnzfm/?igshid=qblyc0mevgnb
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nysnicole4 · 5 years
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I always underestimated this thought. I always used to think “No, no when I change the situation, I’ll become better.” “When I get to this point or that point, I’ll be happier!” “When I get this job, I’ll be perfect” Little did I bring to the forefront that when I changed that perspective my world would change. I must say that over the last couple weeks, I have changed, like I have MANY times before but this time has proven different and rightfully so. I dug deeper. I started saying “No” more often. I chose what felt good for me or what my body was telling me to do. Circumstances around me started changing. Opportunities falling into my lap. I would say this is how dreams are made but I’d be lying. I made these dreams appear. Not like magic, but with persistence and diligence and wanting what’s best for myself by changing me. From the inside out. Nourishing my very own soul that I have so prominently been making wait. It’s been patient. It’s been so kind. But I, it, finally needed to make the necessary changes for its own benefit. Everything happens for a reason. The journey that is about to begin will be one of massive change to my life and in turn beneficial to all around me. I am beyond blessed. I am profoundly grateful. The last 48 hours have turned out to be some of bliss, elation, overwhelm, joyous and full of gratitude. I don’t know who needed to read this but you too are on the right track, you will know when you need to change, you will understand why things have been they way they’ve been, it may not get easier but it will be worth it. I believe in you, but I want you to believe in yourself first! https://www.instagram.com/p/B11sFi7Hb_E/?igshid=1kv570li8r9es
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nysnicole4 · 5 years
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Heading into this weekend like..... you already know things. Well that’s because you do. Things are starting to add up. Dots are beginning to connect. You are starting to understand. Be more graceful in the messages delivery. Flow more fluid with the way things are panning out. Be more open to how the things actually turn out. How you’re viewing life right now is how life will react to you. So use this to your advantage. Perspective is everything in this life. Don’t be so rigid with yours. #WeekendEnergy #WeekendGuidance #CardOfTheDay #IntuitiveGuidance #CollectiveEnergy #CollectiveGuidance #EnergyWork #HealingEnergy #Perspective #TheSwan #Trust #AllowYourGiftsToShine #RaiseYourVibe #VibrateHigher #MindBodySoulSpirit #SoulGuidance #GetPassionate #NYS #NYSNicole #NYSWellness #NourishYourSoul https://www.instagram.com/p/B1zJrOyHA13/?igshid=jfvqb11vz844
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nysnicole4 · 5 years
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Second day in a row... What are you not listening to? What is happening around you that you are not paying attention to? Something is off? You’re allowing this though. You are fierce in all the right ways, so why aren’t you asserting yourself?! You’re on the right path but something or someone is keeping you from moving forward and making progress. This can potentially be yourself, are you falling back into old ways? Let go and grow. It is NECESSARY and crucial to what you are seeking. Pause today and feel out where these issues are coming from. Try getting to the root of the problem. #DailyEnergy #DailyGuidance #IntuitiveGuidance #CollectiveEnergy #CollectiveGuidance #CardOfTheDay #VibrateHigher #RaiseYourVibe #MindBodySoulSpirit #TheGrailKnight #Romance #Illusion #SeekingTheSacred #EnergyWork #HealingEnergy #AssertYourself #NYS #NYSNicole #NYsWellness #NourishYourSoul https://www.instagram.com/p/B1tgLM0HoPU/?igshid=7pd0wmmsvzd7
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nysnicole4 · 5 years
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Today’s energy is that of the softer kind. Less rigid. More informal, more intimate. Changing is happening. Past experiences resurfacing. Don’t let the past win. This is an illusion. Your ego is working overtime against you, right now. Feel the feelings, but don’t dwell or sit too long. Move through the energies. You know what this is bringing up for you and you’ve grown so much since then. Move towards it. Not from it. Look at this with fresh eyes. Life is a whole lot different now. #DailyEnergy #DailyGuidance #IntuitiveGuidance #CollectiveEnergy #CollectiveGuidance #DivineGuidance #CardOfTheDay #Healing #EnergyWork #TheGrailKnight #VibrateHigher #RaiseYourVibe #DropTheEgo #GoForIt #Growth #Change #MindBodySoulSpirit #NYS #NYSNicole #NYSWellness #NourishYourSoul https://www.instagram.com/p/B1q6SHwn5NQ/?igshid=hs806ywlb0x
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