So I really want to write about you a lot and will do so as things pop into my head, and I have to do it here since you are following my main blog
But I miss you already and I am still so confused and I will have to take some kind of solace in the fact that there was something you couldn’t say that you had to express somehow, that even if you won’t admit it, there was something there, something reckless and sloppy and drunk, even if you can’t own up to it when you’re sober. 
I’m glad we are friends. 
“I’m glad I met you.” 
“see you in Oregon.”
We pinky promised. 
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I think it maybe means a lot
that I never wrote a single damn poem about you
I think it maybe says a lot about your character
that you're the only ex
I don't give a fuck if I never see again
I don't really know what those three months were
I don't really know who you are
I have to see you to give you your shit
I have to smile and act like we are good
Because you Manipulated me into talking
and saying a lot I did not want to say
In order to find closure
So I have to smile and act like we are good
I can't throw your shit at you
Or let my resentment fly out of my body
in the form of a kick to the knee
a slap to the face
for the weeks of joy you stole from me
from the mountain of guilt you propped on my collapsing collar bones
the sleepless nights and tear filled train rides
This is the first and last I ever write about you
Unless it is to further reflect on all that I learned
in Dragging myself away from your toxic fingers
I will never be someone's medicine again
I am a person
I am not a security Blanket
I will never be so desperate for love and to be loved
to fuck someone who hates all of my friends
hates everyone but me
hates things that are more Me than you will ever understand
things like Joy, Optimism, Resistance, and Resilience, Empathy
The things you hate in people
(everyone but me, right)
and look down at them for
are more important to me than you could ever be
I am not magic
I cannot fix you
I cannot remove the hate in your blood
I may spend years removing your poison from my heart
the most intimate corners of my mind
I'm scared that I will get home and smell you on my sheets
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oceans-inside-us-blog · 10 years
I'm scared of the nightly numbness 
I keep finding myself here
alone in bed
alone in my head
and craving
a feeling
an escape
over my mind and body
sometimes I drink about it
sometimes I smoke about it
but I sure wish I could fuck about it
I am a whirlwind of unexplored emotions 
and unexpressed urges
I am staring at the world
from the bottom of a swimming pool
distant and muffled and so bright and shining
so vivid and so unreachable
maybe I am drowning
maybe I have forgotten how to swim
but I am stuck down here
in this suffocating sadness
in this body
that misses a loving touch
yearns for that cosmic connection
that fumbling euphoria
maybe then I could breach the surface
breathe the air
feel the world again with someone
if only for a night
instead of this nightly numbness
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oceans-inside-us-blog · 10 years
the amount of energy that I dedicate to forgetting about you is insurmountable and I am so stupid
who the fuck do you think you are
no, you've done nothing wrong
who the fuck do I think you are?
someone get me out
some break this off of me
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oceans-inside-us-blog · 10 years
It's past 1 am now
I'm sprawled across the bed
kicked off sheets and blankets
it's too hot
I bury my face in the pillow
think about my dog
and let out a choked cry
no tears
just a rip through my chest
washed away by waves of apathy
just be nothing
it's too hot
I am tired of feeling this
I crave the winter cold
my precious dog
bundling beneath the covers
candles burning bright
maybe even snow
and maybe
your arms around me
it's too hot
I forgot how to cry
I want to turn it all off
I want to sleep in peace
I want to feel nothing
because this something is too much 
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oceans-inside-us-blog · 10 years
Saturday night
I thought I might die
cold and scared and confused
spinning and shaking
too fast but so slow
and like high beams in the dead of night
all I could see was you
the light so bright
the linoleum so cold
my breathing so heavy
and I realized calling you
or even speaking
was impossible
could this be it?
is this how it feels to shut down
and never try to get up?
sleep was the only escape
sleep and dream after terrible dream
sleep could bring no dream sweet enough
to erase that brief awareness
of waving hello to death 
or the knot in my throat
stopping me from telling you
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oceans-inside-us-blog · 10 years
I didn't plan on kissing you ever again
I didn't plan on scaring you with the things we could feel
I didn't plan on getting drunk with you that night
even if I might have planned on what happened as a result
I didn't plan on it happening again
I didn't plan on being anyone's girlfriend
I didn't plan on beach trips and weekend get aways
I didn't plan on you falling for me
And I didn't plan on falling for you
We didn't plan on the distance
I didn't plan on feeling too much
or on you not feeling enough
I didn't plan on loving you
I am planning on figuring this out
I am planning on believing in myself
believing that I am enough
I am planning on being okay again
I am planning on being happy by myself again
I'm not planning on anything else
I've learned that shit just happens
whether you plan for it or not
But I know that I will love you
as a friend or maybe more
You told me once
that you still love all the people you've loved
that love doesn't just go away
So I will love you 
the way I know the sun will rise each day
as simply as I know how to breathe
I know that I will love you
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oceans-inside-us-blog · 10 years
I am full of fears tonight
and always
fear of the future
and ultimately
the unknown
no one can ever guarantee
every encounter
with acquaintances
loved ones
could be the last
the last touch
the last kiss
so when I seem frantic and frightened
insisting that you drive safe
it's because I fear that future
where something goes horribly wrong
and you're gone
or I'm gone
so I'm clingy and aggressively affectionate
because every hug
every "I love you"
could be the last 
so I hug a little tighter
kiss a little longer
stare a little deeper
I am afraid of taking moments for granted
I am afraid of death and what comes after
and I am afraid of the pain of losing you
because loving you is already it's own beautiful, unbearable pain
I never want to regret the way I treat someone
the last time I see them
I never want my soul to sing
anything but love
in case it's the last song you hear from me
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oceans-inside-us-blog · 10 years
I turn off the lights and slither into bed
feel the goosebumps rise on my legs as they touch the cold
lonesome sheets.
my back aches with the memories 
I spent the day dislocating.
the stars are bright tonight 
and I am at peace.
I am alone
and a maybe little sad.
but you exist.
my soul stretches up into the sky 
I leave my body for a moment
float over the cascades
if only I could hold you for a minute.
"if you're loved by someone you're never rejected
decide what to be, and go be it".
I am proud to go and be and decide what that means
just knowing that I am loved
is more than enough.
this bed is too big
the room is too cold
but now there is a light
to break through that mundane melancholy
and it's you.
thank you for being you.
see you soon.
my head might be full of doubts
but this road is full of promise.
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oceans-inside-us-blog · 10 years
I was going to write something about love
and how I am good at hurting myself
and my fears of never getting to feel love the way I am wanting to feel it
and then I realized I know absolutely nothing about love.
All I know is I feel, constantly. Strongly. Relentlessly. Overflowing.
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oceans-inside-us-blog · 10 years
I don't think anything feels better than having someone you really love and care about and trust tell you how much they love and care about and trust you.
I can feel a beautiful friendship coming on, you already mean so much to me. We got so close so fast, but I don't think I'd have gotten through this without you. Couldn't be more excited to live with you next year.
"This is why I'm so excited to live with you. If we're ever sad, we can just go to each others rooms, flop down on the bed and cry for hours."
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oceans-inside-us-blog · 10 years
I am realizing how long it has been since I have written, and how much I have been ignoring that primal voice that I used to so often spill onto pages or keyboards. I am aching for when I could once paint my heart into words without feeling the fear or the insecurity I am feeling now. And that is really my problem, I think. Insecurity. About everything. About school. About what I want to do with my future. About who I want to be and how I want to survive in this mad world. Who I want to love and who I want to allow to love me. I got a boy's number last night. And though he is shy and let me sit in a way that made our bodies brush all evening, I am too scared. Too convinced he couldn't be interested in someone like me. Maybe my optimism has been slowly strangled by self doubt and by the succession of people I have not been able to keep at my side. The feeling that I am a problem keeps creeping in. Friends keep reminding me that it's not my fault and that nothing's wrong with me, but at what point, after how many failures, do I have to admit that I am part of my own destruction? That I am somehow insufficient and always will be? I am writing to try to clear my head and instead I am diving deeper into the places I should not entertain. Who would miss me? Who would regret the way they've treated me? Who would love me if I were gone? This is a scary place to find myself running off too, but I know nothing will come of it. I'm too much of a coward. Too scared even to escape from it all. Because our pain does not exist in a vacuum, and ending one struggle would only create greater pain for others. I know that. But I am curious. If I could do it, just to see what happens, and then go back in time and live life with the knowledge of how my absence would affect people, maybe things would be different. I don't know. It's all useless. I just want to feel good enough. For my dreams and desires, for my friends and family, for that shy cute boy, and for everyone I ever have a chance to be vulnerable. I am tired of holding back in fear of revealing my imperfections. I want to show someone all of it. And see that it will be okay.
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oceans-inside-us-blog · 11 years
I saw you again today.
Maybe it was in the rain, and the oh-so-pungent petrichor (a word you taught me) that overwhelmed the senses
Maybe it was in that coffee shop, talking about Japan
talking about my need to meet you
about how angry I am with you
about my physical need to tell you
I love you
And then I was swept off
I stopped seeing my friend
stopped hearing her words
I was gone
I saw myself picking you up at the airport. It was raining then too, of course. I drove you around in my car from back home. We drove straight to the ocean, screaming to Jimmy Eat World the whole way there. It was dark by the time we got there. And cold. The images get too specific here. My hair is long again, which scares me. How long will it be until we're here? We get out of the car, slam the doors, the noise made more shocking as the wind pushes the doors shut with extra enthusiasm. And the only sound is the wind, the ocean, the waves. We sit on the hood of my car. And I stare out into the abyss, the ocean, mother nature herself, my first true love. And I keep staring, and I smile, and I sigh, and I feel the vague presence of your warmth beside me, very specifically to my left. And I felt that weird subconscious touch of your gaze upon my face. And I ignore it at first. It was too hard to tear away from the ocean. And too scary to see what might be looking back at me. There was just too much leading up to this moment. I just wanted to enjoy it. I didn't want to think about what would happen next. We were finally physically beside each other, as living, breathing, human beings, in the presence of the ocean that once separated us. And you were staring at me. So I took a deep breath, and I turned my head, to see you staring at me with the most confusing look on your face. Your eyes looked confused, almost angry, but your mouth curled up in one corner. I couldn't speak. You weren't looking me in the eyes. Just tracing my face, like you were trying to solve a riddle. And I inhaled to say something, to ask, I don't even know, just to get you to look me in the eye, and the sound of my breath did just that: our eyes locked and I forgot how to breathe again, and then you smiled, and your eyes lowered to my lips, and you moved closer
and then I was back in that coffee shop talking to that friend and listening to that downpour and it took all I had not to burst, then and there.
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oceans-inside-us-blog · 11 years
Your daughter thinks she is ugly.
Thinks her breasts are swollen to the point of ripe fruit
and no one will ever get lost in the forest between her legs.
She doesn’t understand that the blood coming from inside her
is war paint or that there is an entire universe spinning in her belly.
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oceans-inside-us-blog · 11 years
I remember crying over you, and I don't mean like a couple of tears and I'm blue. I'm talking about collapsing and screaming at the moon, but I'm a better man for having gone through it. Yes, I'm a better man for having gone through.
I remember collapsing into my best friend's lap and sobbing
gasping for air
for you
I remember aching and yearning and drowning
for you
I remember sitting at my computer and waiting hours and hours
for you
I remember losing sleep the majority of my senior year of high school
for you
I remember feeling like I would never get over you
and now
it's not that I'm over you
it's that I'm over the idea of you
you are the second person
I've ever truly and utterly 
and I love you
I do
but I used to love
the idea of you
until you proved that the real you
is a narcissistic piece of shit
the illusion has been shattered
I need to replace it with your reality
I love you
but my tolerance is fading
I shouldn't have to tolerate
someone who barely even exists
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oceans-inside-us-blog · 11 years
this routine is getting tired
and this tide of tension 
is yet to recede.
if anything, 
it's growing.
you're not a person I would want
to date
to love
but to kiss
to ignite
all the pent up sass and flirtation.
I saw you tonight
behind your smile and snark.
I saw concern in your eyes.
perhaps some compassion.
let's tear down these walls
careful jabs
awkward smiles.
I would give anything to see
the look on your irritating face
after I push you against the wall
and kiss that stupid smirk away.
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oceans-inside-us-blog · 11 years
I don't want to be sitting at home drinking beer. I want to be out in the cold, shivering, moving closer to you for warmth, looking up at the stars. I want to stop worrying and caring about the consequences about my tiniest actions. I want to take a risk and do something stupid and feel the sweet fallout of pain. I want to text you. Fuck, I want to call you. Pretend I'm drunk, show you how much it hurts when all you do is call me when you're drunk. I want to stab a knife into your ear and twist until I reach your heart like you did to me. But I won't be telling you I miss you. No, I'd rather tell you how furious I am with you. How I used to love you but now I want to remove you, like a beautiful addiction, resulting in a tumor. You are my nicotine, and I quit. I want to be driving around on back roads with dangerous boys who think they're too cool, think they're in charge. I want snow. I want ice. I want bitter danger. I want to touch somebody. I want icy cold hands, touching me. That cool before the burn. I want to kiss my lipstick all over some poor saps face, let him think I love him while he thinks he's pulling a fast one on some poor girl. I want to ruin something. I want to be reckless. I want to destroy and watch the world burn while I laugh and cry and feel something. 
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