omoriq · 3 years
Thoma x gn reader
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He wiped the last bit of dust away from the shelf, putting everything back into place, Taking off his Gloves, and went to go make the bed you two slept in each day. "Thoma?" You yelled waiting for a response, sadly no response was given to you in return. You took off your shoes and set down the bags of food you had just bought, walking around you see the place is surprising very clean, guess he cleaned up you thought, looking around it like the house sparkled, "He did a nice job" you said smiling,
"Oh really did i?" You heard and felt arms come around behind you pulling you in a hug, "Why hello Thoma" you chuckled, feeling his warm body against yours. "Hello my dear" he said back, he finally let go of you and pulled away "well I gotta go out the groceries away" he said but before he could even move, you pulled him back by the collar of his shirt and smiled softly "No I think I will go have a rest Thoma" you said and walked away leaving Thoma behind he just stood their, and then walked away,
-time skip bc I'm lazy rn-
After making dinner you two sat down and ate together along with Ayaka who had just go home from training, After he washed the Dishes cleaned the table and swept the floor, getting ready to sleep taking a bath washing his hair, brushing his teeth, getting out clean clothes for tomorrow and finally bed
He fell right asleep you had just gotten to the bedroom and saw a your Husband (yes ik he's a male housewife🤭) laying down in bed fast asleep you giggled "I guess somethings never change" Ayaka said walking past you too her room, "Goodnight Kamisato" you said and went into your room "Goodnight Y/n sleep well" she replied as she closed her door
-The next day-
Thoma jumped out of bed, he didn't realize he woke up late, did you forget to wake him up, he rushed getting ready and was on his way out the door when he saw a little note on the table
"Make sure not to overwork yourself today Thoma it's the weekend, sleep in and rest, take a break and don't worry about cleaning. Also sorry for not waking you up early but you need rest" Love Y/n <3
He stopped reading, and sat down, He felt tired today so why not take your advice and rest for today he really does have the best lover in the world, he thought and went to bed.
Sorry it's short
It was also rushed I made this in 15 minutes I think if not closer to 20 but hope you enjoyed U THOMA LOVERS
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omoriq · 3 years
Sorry for not posting working smth important came up
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omoriq · 3 years
Zhongli with an S/O who has imsomnia
Gn reader (mentions of makeup)
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"You should drink this tea it would also help with your insomnia dear." baizhu said with a smile on his face, "Thank you I'll try this tonight. " You replied ready to give him the Mora to pay, "No it's alright Name I don't mind giving this to you for free, you come here all the time no harm and giving you this." He smiled softly,
"Well are you sure I simply cannot take this unless you are sure." He nodded, "Well if you insist, have a nice day." You walked away with a bag full of Tea, and medication, you had been going to Baizhu for a while to be able to sleep was something you needed, it's not like you didn't wanna sleep. It's just that your body refused entirely making you stay up all night with horrible bags under your eyes
You Baizhu's medication had been working but of course your body got use to it so you need a strong prescription, and that's exactly what you had today, the only thing is that You still haven't told Zhongli that you had Insomnia yet. You still have yet to tell your lover. It's not like you didn't want to you didn't know how.
Coming home you walk to the shared bedroom and hide the medication in your dresser behind some shirts of smth idfk. You looked in the mirror and saw your eye bags were noticeable so you pulled out lil makeup yk covering your eye bags making it look like you weren't tired because it's literally the middle of the day who could possibly be tired rn (you could😚)
You start to make dinner making Jade parcels, Golden shrimp balls and some stew. Having made all the food you start to set the table only to hear a door being opened making your head turn meeting eyes with your Lover. Walking up to you and pulling you into a hug and giving you a kiss on the cheek.
You sit down and start to eat. "So how was your day my dear." Zhongli asked as you were eating. "It was quite boring today, I haven't done much." You replied taking another bite. "Oh well I'm sorry to hear that, but while were on the topic of the morning, I saw you at Baizhu's pharmacy today." He said making you nearly choke on your food hearing you gag, he asked if your okay. "I'm fine, sorry just eating too fast I guess,heh I was at the Pharmacy for a little check up that's all don't worry." You cringed a little. Trying to change the topic so things wouldn't escalate "I umm bought some wine a while ago would you like to try it?" You said, he nodded yes and you walked away to go get some, you came back with the wine and poured him some, "I'm going to get started on the dishes if you don't mind." You said with a small smile and walked away
After finished the dishes you got ready for bed making some of the tea Baizhu had given you. After finishing that you got ready for bed, brushing your teeth, showering, and washing your face too. You came in the bedroom and saw Zhongli already asleep, taking some of the medication and then jumping into bed ready to sleep you closed your eyes and waited....
"THIS MEDICATION IS SHIT!" You whisper yelled aloud. You had been up for 4 hours the bags under your eyes worsening eventually you thought you would pas out from lack of sleep. Trying to close your eyes to sleep again you hear moving next to you And see a fully awake Zhongli, "Name? Why are you still up dear it's 3 o'clock?" He said rubbing his tired eyes."well um I couldn't sleep I'm just having a hard time that's all." You just couldn't bring yourself to tell him you didn't know how it was hard enough dealing with it but you didn't wanna tell him and have him worried about you sleeping Everyday, yes you should tell your lover things like this but you just couldn't.
"Name do you have Insomnia you must have it I can't imagine you not knowing?" He said worried, you froze you didn't move you didn't blink not a sound came from you, feeling a sense of drowsiness come over you yawning and you replied with a "yes I do I have insomnia." He watched as you finally fell asleep thank you Baizhu for that Tea he said in his head going back to sleep following right behind you.
sorry it's not the best was kinda rushed I made this at 4:14 AM I'm not sleeping tonight tho.
Pls leave request I would love to write some for you guys and I hope you liked this
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omoriq · 3 years
Childe with a s/o who get overworked <3
Character x Gender neutral reader
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"It's fine I can handle it" you said with a smile on your face trying not to show the bags under your eyes u turned around quickly and walked away. You had been doing paper work for hours just for you to be handed more the second you finally get a break, your hands hurting from fixing mistakes that no one else would bother too since they knew you would do all the work for them. Never turning down any of it and if you ever did you would be called selfish for never helping others when it's really the other way around.
After rushing to finish to get home to the ginger headed boy you loved so much. You walked home quickly and wasted no time, opening the door to yourself you see a sleeping Ginger on the couch, you couldn't blame him you plopped down on the couch next to him and sighed your legs feeling sore from running around all day and fingers having bandaids from all the paper cuts you had. You got ready for bed not being bothered to shower and eat dinner but before you could even sleep you see a figure moving in the kitchen and hear plates being set down.
You turn and see a beautiful dinner, Minty meat rolls, Mora meat, Minty jelly, and your favorite desert. Making you smile even more. You make you way to sit down and see Childe getting ready too as well. You both start to eat dinner and chat for a while, (lemme got serious nowwww)
"So name would you like to go somewhere tomorrow" Childe said looking down at his empty plate. "I've realized you've been coming home late and leaving so early it's like you can't get a break from well... Work hehe." You frowned and looked down "I'm sorry Childe I can't tomorrow I have a really important meeting to go to and make up wor-" He slammed his fist on the Table "Name I would like you to call out tomorrow only for your health, I don't care about your meetings and shit!".He said " Childe I'm sorry but I cannot miss this meeting it's very important and I have t-". Again he cut you off nearly shouting at you this time "You are being overworked do you not realize this, you have been working late for the past 6 months not getting an ounce of sleep, and leaving at the crack of dawn, You do work for others that are to lazy to do it themselves and you're gonna sit here and tell me your not overworked."
He had a good point, The bags under your eyes had been getting more noticeable, no matter how much you tried to hide them, you looked like you haven't slept in days, weeks even, and you hadn't been eating properly, skipping breakfast, lunch, and sometimes dinner and just eating a snack right before you leave to work
Getting up from the table you walk to Childe and hug him, making him pause for a second but hug you back, you failed to realize that these things are noticed by the others that care for you, and will want to help you. After a long hug you started to put the dishes away only for Childe to stop you and send you to bed like you were gonna listen to him....
I mean of course you did you didn't wanna wash the dishes away ways and when to bed, you head resting on the pillow and feeling comfort in your own bed. You where fast asleep, when the sun came up you didn't even bother to get up for the first time in months you slept in and it felt great
hope you enjoyed sorry I just felt like writing another Childe today and pls leave request I wanna write for you guys
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omoriq · 3 years
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I just finished sk8, so I needed this, thank you 💕💕
Maybe I might have some more ideas
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omoriq · 3 years
Okay, I'm getting lots of creative ideas right now (≧▽≦) hear me out, Reki with a skater s/o who's really good and has taken part(and won) in many national competitions. He introduces her to Miya, who starts fanboying and then him and reader become close friends, like she teaches Miya new tricks and he's absolutely in awe. Meanwhile Reki gets gets tiny bit jealous saying smth like she's my gf not yours😑. Please make it with lots of fluff. Thanks in advance 💞. I hope this was okay
Reki with a famous skater s/o
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Sorry for spelling mistakes
You were on your way to your boyfriend's job when you ran into a person, you always had to wear a disguise outside just to go places it was very annoying to you (but not all disguises worked-) Your sunglasses fell off your face and the man yelled "IS THAT YOU Y/N" he yelled so loudly that a crowd formed all around you "CAN I HAVE YOUR AUTOGRAPH", " ONLY I LOVE YOU ", " CAN I HAVE A PICTURE"!!!!
You pushed pasted the crowd running to make it to your boyfriend's job only for an arm to grab you back into an Alley way letting the crowd run past you and the boy. Your face expression changing from a scared one to only to be met with a smile on your face "REKI!" You whisper yelled. Only for him to shush you and walk to Dope Sketch holding your hand the entire time.
Walking into the store you finally let go of this hand and take off your hood, you go to the back and sit down for a while and go on your phone. After about 20 Minutes you got thirsty so you got up to go get a drink from the vending machine.
Walking towards the big metal machine you hear yelling in the store and see a small child about 12 or 13 Hitting your Boyfriend's head constantly as Langa does nothing but watches. You walk up to the Reki and pull him back by the hood of his shirt. All the yelling stops and eyes are on you.
The child's face of Angry suddenly turns into a mixture of Surprise and Happiness, his like green eyes looking as if they shined brighter then the sun, You were unsure of what to do until the child yell "y-Your Y/NNNNNNNNNNNNN!!!"
He starts jumping up and down in the most happiest way every and Lang's just stares at you with tiny sparkles in his eyes. "Wait but why would Y/n be here" He said "no one wants to be in this dirty skate shop" Reki looking a little offended by that comment, You say "Well I'm just here for Reki he's my boyfriend." "....." The room fell silent "YOUR DATING REKI THAT RED HEADED HIMBO!?" He screamed "HEY I'M NOT A HIMBO!" Reki yelled back, "Yes I am and I'm assuming your Miya, right that famous skater kid?"
Tears of joy in his eyes "YOU KNOW MY NAMEEEE!" It's almost like he was gonna explode from happiness, He gained his composer again and walked up to you asking if he could take a picture of you two and of course you said yes and took the picture. After that he just starts ranting about how your such an amazing skater and how he loves watching you skate at the S and stuff.
It's literally been 30? No 50 minutes of he talking until Reki puts his hand on Miya's mouth, "Okay that's enough Miya, talk to Y/n later I wanna spend time with my girlfriend." Grabbing your hand and starting to walk away. Miya grabs Reki's arm and says "Well I'm not done talking so Quality time with your girlfriend is gonna have to wait!" Reki pulled away from Miya and Said "Well she's MY girlfriend NOT Your's!!" and walked out of Dope Sketch leaving Langa and Miya their alone.
In Reki's room you realize that he was a little upset about earlier so you go to comfort the red haired boy, "I didn't realize that me spending time with other people more than you gets you jealous Reki". You whispered in his ear sending a wave of chills down his back, " I don't get jealous it's just you could pay more attention to me" he said light pink blush on his face. You giggle and go to hug him making the both of you laugh and after watch some Tv with each other while spooning and you peaceful fall asleep in your Boyfriend's arms.
This took to long to write but it was worth it😌
It's so cute😭
Requested by @11nolongerhuman
How you enjoyed it!
Happy Halloween guysss!!!
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omoriq · 3 years
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omoriq · 3 years
Hi!! I have a very cute request idea regarding sk8 but are you willing to write platonic requests?? I wanted to first make sure if it was alright with you
Of course idm pls give me request it's fine if its platonic or not
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omoriq · 3 years
I don't write nsfw bc
I physically cant write
That shit
No Sexual assault
Or anything bad (not here)
I do Fluff, and sweet shit like cuddles pls gimme things to write
I do head cannons, one shots, Angst too
And maybe Character x Character idk
I write for Fem/Male/Genderneutral, and Trans readers Male x Male GN X FEM/MALE TRANS X FEM/MALE
female x Female etc I'll write it allllllll
I write for multiple fandoms
And random requests too-
(I might change this soon or not idk)
don't message me on tumbler pls
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omoriq · 3 years
No one really ever write Fire force Content so I think I might write it tbh j love the anime it's not bad 👍
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omoriq · 3 years
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I’ve seen a lot of posts on my dash tonight about users who are threatening suicide, with other Tumblr members posting in effort to try to get ahold of them. I think you all should see this:
1. Scroll to the top of your dashboard.
2. See the circular question mark icon at the top? It’s the third one over from your home symbol. Click on that, and a screen similar to the one in the picture will come up.
3. Where you can type in questions, the box with the magnifying glass at the top, type in the word “suicide.”
4. Click on the first link that shows up. It should say, “Pass the URL of the blog on to us.”
5. Type in the user’s URL and tell Tumblr admin that the user is contemplating suicide and has posted a message indicating that they are going through with it or will be attempting. Hit send! Tumblr administration will perform a number of actions to contact the user and take the necessary steps to prevent the suicide.
Reblog this to keep other users aware. Suicide isn’t a joke, and neither is someone’s life. If you didn’t know this, someone else may not, either. Pass it on.
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