The matters of the heart are complicated (Jason x Reader)
“Stop ignoring me.”
“I’m not ignoring you.”
“You aren’t even looking at me, Jason.”
And as if to dismiss her point, Jason stops fiddling with his phone to gaze at her with a blank look on his face. It takes (y/n) aback at the uncharacteristic way he was acting but she doesn’t let that discourage her. Midway through their relationship, she learned that it was best to talk out their problems as soon as possible.
“Please stop doing that.”
“I’m not even doing anything,” (y/n) grits her teeth in frustration before deciding to finally do something. She takes a seat on the couch next to Jason, swiping his phone away from him and pocketing it. That surely gains his attention.
“(y/n)...give me my phone back.”
“Not until you tell me why you’re mad.”
“I’m not—“
“Yes you are, ever since we left the gala you’ve been oddly quiet.” She frowns, watching for a break in Jason’s expression but he still remains stoic. “Did I do something to make you mad? Is that it?”
“It’s nothing important, now give me back my phone.”
“It is important if you’re acting like this. Tell me what I did wrong.”
“Look, I’m not in the mood to talk about this right now. Stop interrogating me already.”
“Then stop lying to me. What went wrong? You were doing fine at the gala then all of a sudden you tell me you want to go home already even though Bruce told us not to—“
“You know what? Fine, keep my phone. I’m heading home.”
“W-What? You’re just going to leave...?”
Jason doesn’t answer back, and instead grabs his keys from the coffee table before heading to the direction of the front door. Before he could get a hand on the knob, (y/n) moves in front of him, blocking him from leaving the apartment.
“You’re not allowed to leave, not until you tell me why you’re acting like this.”
“Fucking—you wanna know why?! That asshole friend of yours kept feeling you up and you didn’t even give a damn!”
“What?” A quizzical look appears on (y/n)’s face, trying to recall what happened hours ago. Her friend was naturally clingy, but she knew the way he acted in her presence was within his best interests. “Jason, he’s been a long time friend of mine—“
“Well he certainly doesn’t see you as one! Not with that hand of his constantly squeezing your hip.” Jason grits out. “I love you but there’s only so little patience I have to see my girlfriend getting fondled right in front of me.”
(y/n) was just about to refute his accusation but quickly stops herself. What happened in the gala was still fresh, and the memory of her friend’s arm around her waist plays out in her mind. She remembered the subtle feeling of his hand slipping lower for a few seconds before sliding up again, but she was too engaged in their conversation to reprimand him.
“I’m sorry...I didn’t realise that was happening, if I did...”
“No, it’s fine. I know that. I’m sorry, I shouldn’t be taking my anger out on you, I know you didn’t intentionally let that happen.” He runs a hand through his hair in frustration, trudging back to the couch. (y/n) kept quiet this time, preferring to stare at the floor instead of meeting his gaze.
“Hey, hey, none of that. Look at me.” Jason gently pulls her over to sit next to him.
“I’ll have a talk with him tomorrow about this.” She says with finality, a determined look in her eyes. “Promise me one thing though?”
“Let’s do a better job with the communication thing, hmm? Don’t shut me out...please.”
“I promise to be more transparent with you.” Jason tucks a stray hair behind her ear, eyes locked with (y/n) with a look that made a pleasant warmth bloom inside her. “I won’t shut you out.”
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Of binding spells and hurried confessions (Laxus x Reader)
(y/n) and Laxus are stuck to each other by their guildmarks.
Note: Based on an ffn fic called “Mark to Mark” by OnlyTheInevitable. It’s honestly such a fun little story! I’d definitely recommend giving it a read, so feel free to give it some deserving love!
(as with my other laxus fics, reader is a light mage)
(y/n) scans through the guild board with furrowed brows. All of the missions Mirajane had posted weren't to her liking, they were either very impractical tasks or jobs that were too long-term. And as much as she'd enjoyed spending time out of Magnolia to explore other places she’s yet to venture, she wasn't in the mood for travelling.
"You leavin’?" She hears someone behind her, snapping her out of her revery, the sound of their heavy footsteps growing closer.
"None of these missions are practical." (y/n) admits with a long sigh. "Why? Were you looking forward to see me leave, Laxus?"
"As if I’d let you go on you’re own." Laxus scoffs, avoiding the other’s gaze in favour of checking the guild board. “Just do a month long one and take me with you, I need a break from everyone’s asses.”
“What makes you think I’d—ah!“ (y/n) lets out a gasp all of a sudden, feeling a weird burning sensation building up on the left side of her hip where her guild mark sat. Her hand comes up to press against that same spot.
“What’s wrong? Are you hurt?” The questions spill out of Laxus not a second later, hands automatically moving up to gently grasp at her shoulders.
If the circumstances were different, (y/n) would’ve teased the dragon slayer for openly showing his concern. But the next thing she knows, an unexplainable pull forces her to crash into Laxus’ body. They both end up toppling to the ground.
“W-What in the world...?” She winces at the abrupt fall, only to realise that Laxus took the receiving end of the wooden floorboards.
“Fuck, (y/n)...” A muffled voice was heard underneath the light mage. When (y/n) looks down she pauses—her chest was literally right on top of the dragon slayer’s face. Out of sheer embarrassment, she quickly moves to get away from Laxus...only to fail to do so. "If you wanted to be on top of me, you shoulda just asked."
"Laxus." (y/n) shuts him up with a single look, it was surprisingly intimidating despite the flush on her cheeks.
"Just saying..."
“Why can't I move?” Ignoring the latter's previous statement, (y/n) places her hands on top of Laxus' shoulders, attempting to force her body to get unstuck from his.
"You're gonna break my spine if you keep that up, woman." Laxus hisses out in pain, clutching onto her wrists to get her to stop. Their guild marks were bound together like inseparable magnets, seemingly unable to detach from one another. (y/n) had no choice but to awkwardly half-sit on top of Laxus, knees digging into his lap and chest inches away from his face. The latter thankfully doesn’t comment on this and instead wounds his arms around her waist in support.
“Seems like we aren’t the only ones in this situation.” He nods off towards the occupied area of the hall where other pairs of guild members were stuck to each other by their mark.
“I take it, it’s some kind of binding spell. Why would someone even do this...” (y/n) huffs in annoyance. The other members looked just as ridiculous as they did, but a certain couple across the guild hall catches her sole attention. “If there’s anything to be appreciative about, I’m glad my mark isn’t at a more...intimate area.” Laxus follows her gaze towards Elfman and Evergreen. The take over mage practically had the entirety of his head pressed against Evergreen’s chest (she looked just about ready to murder him).
“Or your tongue.” Laxus snorts in interest at Bixlow’s predicament with his tongue glued to Lisanna’s thigh, the poor girl was a second away from combusting.
“Can you carry me over to the others? So we can sort this predicament out already...” (y/n) points over to where Levy and Lucy were discussing. Surely, the duo would know what was going on.
“I kinda like how we are right now though." He unashamedly admits. (y/n) sends him a pointed gaze. “Fine, fine.” He huffs out. After a bit of adjusting, Laxus somehow manages to stand up with (y/n) firmly stuck in his hold. Her legs automatically wrap around his waist (it wasn't like she could do anything else), arms circling around his neck. She tries to ignore the fact that the position they were in looked quite suggestive, ushering Laxus to move.
“Levy-chan, do you know how to undo it?”
“Hmm...let me try and read everything else.”
“Why not let Natsu over here burn the paper? Easy fix.” Gajeel suggests with a grunt.
“Oh! Lemme at it!” Natsu enthusiastically agrees, pulling Lucy along as he trudges over to where Levy was being carried by Gajeel.
“No, you idiot! Don’t even try it!” Lucy tugs Natsu away from the piece of parchment Levy was holding up.
“Lucy, Levy, what’s going on?” (y/n) calls out to get their attention, trying to not sigh at the flushed looks on their faces seeing her and Laxus stuck together in such a questionable position.
“Ah! Mira-san had me read this weird poem out loud then all of a sudden...this happened.” Lucy glances over at a nonchalant Natsu, her cheeks reddening. The back of her hand was smacked against the dragon slayer’s shoulder cap.
“Here’s what it says—The mark for you that is the same, considered very dear, until the feelings are proclaimed, the person will stay near.” Levy reads out carefully. “Everything else written here is mostly gibberish, they aren’t directly related to the poem. Either way, the solution is already provided.”
“It’s pretty straightforward, now that I think of it...” Lucy hums.
“May I take a look as well?” Levy passes over the parchment. (y/n) quickly scans through the poem, another sigh escapes her lips. “So both parties must reveal how they truly feel about one another...as cliche as it sounds.” (y/n) hands Levy the piece of paper back.
“A confession of sorts. It’s just a matter of how and what it is exactly we need to say for the spell to accept it, really.” Levy concludes. Everyone eventually parts ways as they inform the rest of the guild members.
“We have to say nice things about each other?” Laxus muses. The light mage tries to ignore the warm breath of air hitting her chest as she makes a sound of approval.
“More specifically, one’s true feelings in any kind of sense.”
“When I first met you I was disappointed that you were part of a dark guild, but then we found out you were actually being controlled against your will and I thought it was my chance to go after you.”
“What?” (y/n) was, for a lack of a better word, stunned by the sudden revelation.
“I liked you and that stubborn attitude of yours, you couldn’t give two fucks to anyone else who got in your way and you could definitely fight for your own.” Laxus ends it at that, only to scoff at the disbelief plastered on (y/n)’s face.
“Was that why you were so adamant on making me join the guild?” A small smile grazes her lips.
“I’m trying to tell you how I feel, do your damn share already.” He clicks his tongue in annoyance, turning his head to the side to avoid her gaze.
“I was weirded out at how you kept wanting to talk to me—“
“But you turned out to be really interesting and I’d be lying if I said that I wasn’t attracted to you since we first met, controlled or not.”
“You kiddin’?”
“I can still remember some glimpses of when I was being mind-controlled even after the spell was broken. Your embarrassing attempts at flirting are still fresh in my head.”
“God damn it...” Laxus tries to hide his embarrassment but with (y/n) practically stuck with him, there was no escape. He sighs at the inconvenience and opts to hide his face in her chest instead, making (y/n) yelp in surprise. The light mage doesn’t even get the chance to tell him off before a light flashes in between them and the unexplainable pull from their guild marks disappear.
“We’re not stuck together anymore, you can put me down already.” (y/n) waits for Laxus to finally release her, but he remains in the same position. “Laxus.”
“Nah, I’m comfy here.” Laxus holds onto her tighter, not giving her a chance to escape his hold. He ignores the sounds of protests right above him, face completely red by now. Two years and a half of being in a relationship with her, and the light mage was still the only person who knew how to fluster him. The woman was gonna be the death of him.
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It's time to kill the idea that we can only grow and heal when we're uncomfortable. You heal every time you have a good conversation with someone. You heal every time you laugh. You heal every time something makes you smile genuinely. You heal every time you have fun creating something - anything. You heal every time you get so absorbed in something fun that you forget your struggles for a while. There is, in fact, lots of healing and growth to be found INSIDE your comfort zone.
70K notes ¡ View notes
I hate being asked what my goal in life is…. like.. idk…?? I want to have my own kitchen… and I want to know every poem by heart… and uhh.. I want to be kissed in the rain … etc etc .. my heart is very little and I dont want it to break
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6K notes ¡ View notes
idk but do you guys ever look up from reading a book and get disoriented because you’re actually in your bedroom or lying on a couch or in a library or somewhere that isn’t the story?
21K notes ¡ View notes
Crinkled eyes and warm smiles (Jason Todd x Reader)
"How did we end up here again?" Dick voices out casually the moment the door was slammed closed. Him, Jason, and (y/n) were assigned to a relatively easy mission that involved infiltrating a small gang’s base in the outskirts of Gotham—except that they may have miscalculated a few things and got caught in the process instead.
"Oh, I don't know..." (y/n) lets out an annoyed sigh, glaring at two men beside her. "I vaguely remember telling a pair of idiots that it was a trap but they still went in anyway." (y/n) struggles, trying to find any weak spots from the cuffs but to no avail. Her eyes glance towards the skylight, it was still night out and the people who captured them were still outside scouting the area.
"Don't look at me like that! Blame the one in the spandex!" Jason ushers to his brother.
"Wow, traitor! I thought we were in this together?!"
"Not anymore—"
"Stop fighting, children..." The other two instantly stopped arguing, looking over (y/n)'s direction. Jason squints his eyes at the torn fabric around her thigh and what seemed like a fresh wound.
“(y/n), you’re bleeding.”
“What? Oh...this?” She looks down at her left thigh, taking notice of the shallow wound on the exposed patch of skin. “One of them used a blade on me earlier, I almost forgot about it. It’s nothing to worry about.”
“There’s a lot of blood gushing out, we’re inclined to worry.” Dick makes a face at the sight of the wound.
“You didn’t worry when Jason got smacked in the back of his head.”
“Well, he looks fine to me.” Dick surmises, eyeing his brother from head to toe.
“Wow. Thanks a lot for the concern, dickhead.” Jason glares at the older, and (y/n) dreads that she may have sparked another petty argument between the two.
“See? He sounds fine.” Dick shrugs, or at least attempts to with what his hands cuffed behind his back. “But his humour went down another level.”
“Shut up, you’re making my head hurt.” Jason heave a long sigh. He glances back at (y/n), eyeing her with concern. “You sure you’re alright? It’s still bleeding, your suit’s getting soaked.”
“All the more reason to get out of this place then. It only looks bad than it feels, I’m absolutely fine.” The other two were about to refute back but the topic of the conversation is cut short when (y/n) slides down into a sitting position, dragging the cuffs with her down the metal pipe grafted onto the wall.
"(y/n)? What are you doing...?" Jason watches her try to reach something at the back of her tied hair.
"Getting us out of here." She fishes out a bobby pin from her hair and quickly tries to pick the lock of the handcuffs holding her in place.
"When did you learn how to pick a lock?" Dick questions, he looks at the latter in awe as she manages to get free in less than a minute.
"This amazing place called the internet."
"Wait, really?"
"And...here we go." (y/n) stands up from her position. She sighs in relief, rubbing her sore wrists.
"Great, now get us out of here." Dick watches the latter look around the room for a bit, before turning her attention back at him and Jason.
"Or I could just leave the both of you here so you can sort out your differences?"
"Hilarious. Come on, (y/n)! The bomb's about to go off," Jason furrows his brows, obviously annoyed by the fact that a group of goons managed to stop them with cuffs.
"Yeah, and if you don't want any boom boom to happen then help us already!"
"Boom boom? What are you, five years old?" (y/n) tilts her head to the side, an unimpressed look on her face.
"No, I'm two." Dick rolls his eyes at the sound of her sudden laughter as she heads towards Jason's direction. "Awe come on, you're helping Jaybird first?"
(y/n) ignores the other's comment, sneaking her hands around Jason's waist to get to the cuffs. It was difficult, so to say, trying to pick a lock in a closed space. The bastards who caught them were smart enough to cuff them near a wall without any room to move your hands around.
"Got it yet?" Jason mutters, keeping his tone soft as she was literally just in front of him.
"Almost..." (y/n) unconsciously moves her body closer to his, too focused at the task at hand to notice Jason's flushed face. "Got it.”
"Now then..." (y/n) turns to look at Dick, still cuffed to the wall, and approaches him. In a few seconds, the cuffs slip off from Dick's wrists.
"We need to hurry, it's a minute on the timer! Bomb's about to go off!"
"Would you look at that," Jason mutters out. "Those goons weren't smart enough to lock the door."
"How convenient..."
“You mean, a conveniently placed trap?” (y/n) huffs, looking around the room. “I wouldn’t be surprised if a bomb goes off the moment we step out of that door.”
“We gotta get our weapons back, first priority.”
“While you do that, I’ll do this instead.” (y/n) fishes out a device from her left boot. Luckily, the goons didn’t think to look through her boots for any weapons. After fiddling with a few buttons, she aims a shot at the skylight above them. A grappling hook attached to a rope expands from the device, breaking through the glass. The other two were astounded at how it even fit inside the small device.
“That was...cool.” Dick cranes his neck to where the hook was lodged onto the skylight, eyeing it with interest.
“The wonders of technology, I guess.” After testing to see if the hook was caught onto something stable enough to hold her weight, (y/n) holds onto the device. “I’ll create a distraction, find your way out. We’ll regroup outside.” Is what she manages to say as she presses a button that lifts her upwards.
“That was hot,” Jason whistles, eyes still traced on (y/n)’s disappearing figure. Next to him, Dick scrutinises him.
“Nothing, let’s just go.”
“Take the suit off.” (y/n) looks at him incredulously for a moment before brushing it off with small chuckle. She was just on the way to her room after reporting to Bruce about their ‘successful’ mission, exhausted and ready to call it day, only to find Jason leaning against the wall right outside her door.
“Right in front of you?” She teases, catching Jason off guard. (y/n) is given the gratification of seeing him flustered for a moment.
“That’s not what I—go and change. Wear shorts, I’ll fix that for you.” He gestures to the wound on her thigh. When she raises a brow, Jason tries to elaborate more. “You look like you’re about to pass out, so I’ll do it instead.”
“I hate disinfecting wounds...” (y/n) admits, glaring at the bottle of disinfectant sitting atop of the table as if it had offended her.
“I can tell. Now go.” Jason ushers her out to go change into clothes with preferably less blood on them. A few minutes later, (y/n) reemerges into the room. She takes her spot on the same chair she vacated, and watches the other rummage through the med kit. Jason pours the disinfectant onto a cotton pad but doesn’t immediately swipe it onto (y/n)’s cut.
“That little grappling hook you used earlier, where’d you get it?” He asks out of the blue, nonchalantly leaning against the table as he looks at (y/n).
“Oh, that? I got it a month ago but I’ve only used it a couple of times. An acquaintance of mine was kind enough to—“ (y/n) doesn’t get to finish her story when a sudden burning sensation on her thigh makes its presence known. Her face scrunches up in pain, breath practically punched out of her. Out of reflex, her leg hikes up but luckily Jason has a tight hold around her calf to stop her from jerking around.
“Sorry, I had to distract you.” Jason discards the cotton and applies a gel around the cut before covering it up with a bandage.
“There are better ways to distract someone.” She weakly glares at him, hand reaching over to clutch her thigh. But when Jason attempts to fix the bandages she quickly moves away, lips pressed together in what seemed to be a pout. He found it quite adorable.
“Are you mad at me?”
“You make it hard not to stay mad...” (y/n) mutters softly, and Jason almost reels from the small confession. “But if I say I am, what are you gonna do about it?”
“Take you out for coffee...?” Jason boldly suggests, noting the look of surprise on the other’s face. He waits for an answer, but all he gets is an amused huff. Then she looks up at him with a warm smile on her face, eyes crinkled in mirth.
“I guess I am mad at you.”
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Looking at old pictures on my phone is how I spend my days (Jason Todd x Reader)
He still remembers that night—the warmth slowly seeping out of (y/n) as he held her close in his arms, that despite the growing bloodstain dampening her dark suit, she still tried so hard to keep herself together in favour of consoling him.
“Whatever’s going to happen...don’t let this eat you up, hmm?” (y/n)’s gaze on him never falters, even when she groans out in pain when Jason puts more pressure on her wound with a measly gloved hand. Pushing down the inevitable fact that it alone wasn’t doing much.
“I—“ Jason chokes up, quickly clearing his throat to get his thoughts across. “I’m not prepared for this—for you to just...I can’t...please...” He doesn’t know what he was pleading for but he couldn’t find the words to say what he needed to, as if his vocabulary became limited all of a sudden. There were so many things he wanted to say but so little time for them to be said. It was unfair.
“Jason, look at me.” She weakly lifts a hand to cup his cheek. “You’ll be okay.”
“Not right after, but eventually...you’ll be okay. Just remember that the person who is completely besotted with you is me, I love you so much.” (y/n) smiles up at him, eyes crinkling in pure adoration yet Jason couldn’t return the gesture. He feels so torn.
She didn’t have the strength to reach up and connect their lips together so she instead grasps his hand to kiss the pulse of his wrist. Jason lets out a ragged breath of air at the action. When he feels her body go pliant in his hold, Jason only embraces her tighter. He doesn’t remove his hand from her stomach, even though he knows at this point that it was already futile. He presses his face against (y/n)’s neck, muffling the loud sobs that he’s been trying to reign in. He doesn’t even register the sound of hasty footsteps around him and the blare of the ambulance in the background.
Jason stares down at his phone, the lighted screen displaying a photo of them taken that day hours before the incident happened. His thumb hovers over the trash icon on the bottom corner but he pulls back and instead shuts his phone off, blankly staring at his reflection on the screen. At that moment he hears the bedroom door creak open, careful footsteps approaching him.
“Still can’t delete it...?”
“I can’t. If I get rid of it, it feels like I’m just denying what happened back then.” Jason leans his head back on the sofa, letting out a long sigh. “I should just keep it. It helps remind me that anything could happen at any given moment. Like a constant wake up call.”
“Like the ones I give you every single morning?”
“Cut me some slack, it’s Bruce’s fault for dispatching missions in the middle of the goddamn night.” He playfully glares at the other. “You’re one to talk, (y/n). Remember last week when I had to keep waking you up every five minutes since you kept falling back asleep.”
“It was a weekend, I needed some beauty sleep.”
“You’re already beautiful, you don’t need it.” He says it so easily that (y/n) couldn’t help but feel flustered by his words. Jason catches her reaction, the corner of his lips lifted in a grin.
“We’ve been together for what? Three years now? And you still get embarrassed.” Jason pulls her to sit next to him once she stood close enough, ignoring the sounds of protests he gets.
“That’s because you keep catching me off guard—“ (y/n) pinches Jason’s side when he stifles a laugh, letting out an annoyed huff. “Stop saying things that make my heart flutter...” She mumbles softly, mostly to herself. But with Jason practically huddled next to her, it was inevitable for him not to hear.
‘Just remember that the person who is completely besotted with you is me’
Jason is suddenly reminded of what (y/n) confessed to him that night, words that spilled out without a thought. It gave him a sense of hopelessness at the time but now, whenever he recalls what she told him he felt...warm—like the type of warmth one would get encased in a hug on a snowy day. He lets out a soft chuckle, and (y/n) raises a brow in question.
“Nothing. Just...I could say the same thing to you.” Jason gives her a fond look. “Stop making my heart flutter.”
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This is reminder to check up on your own mental health.
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It feels warm when the sun shines (Laxus x Reader)
A dark mage wrecks havoc in Magnolia and Fairy Tail is forced to choose between the life of the villagers or their guildmate.
Note: This fic right here has been sitting in the depths of my files for years, and I’ve only recently remembered that it existed lol. Now here it is. Just take note that reader is a light mage.
"Time is ticking, Fairy Tail...the lives of Magnolia or the life of one mage? I wonder what you'll choose..." The dark mage trails off, a sickening grin spread across his lips as he observes the mages before him. Behind him were two large spherical orbs. One surrounding an unconscious and battered (y/n), and the other surrounding a number of villagers from Magnolia, crying out for help.
"Let them go, asshole!" Natsu glares at him, his hand balls into a fist of flames. He looked just as beaten up as the others.
"Really? You're thinking of starting a fight right now?" The mage chuckles at the fire dragon slayer. "Didn't you hear me? Time is not your ally."
"As long as I kick your ass, time ain't a problem!" Natsu was about to charge forward before an arm clutches his own, stoping him from his tracks.
"Natsu..." He looks behind him, Lucy shakes her head at him. Her eyes were clouded as a frown sets on her lips.
"Lucy, let go of me! We need to save (y/n)!" Natsu tries to shake the blond off of him, but Lucy only tightens her grip on his arm.
"Natsu, please..." Lucy mumbles, tears starting to fall down her face. "I don't think we can do anything..."
"What are you talking about?!" He shouts angrily. "We can still save (y/n), all we need is to—“
"Natsu!" A loud shout interrupts him from behind. Erza quickly walks towards him. "Stop being reckless for once! We need to think about this!" Although the re-equip mage had a straight face on, it was clear that she too was trying to hold back.
"Think about what?! We just need to kill him so his magic gets cancelled!" He retorts. "We can save everyone! There's a lot of us, we can just split up and...and..." Natsu trails off again, noticing the tension in the air. He glances towards the others, the looks of defeat on their faces was clear as the day.
"Even if we kill him, his spell will still work. It's useless..." Erza mutters, looking down at her feet with furrowed brows.
"I'm glad that Titania's head is still working," The mage chuckles. "At least she knows when to accept—" A flash of lightning bursts from behind the mage, his body knocked to the ground with a sickening crack.
"How do you undo your magic?" Laxus grips the mage's collar, as his other hand is balled into a fist, ready to hit the mage again.
"Laxus! Where were you?!" Erza shouts from afar, the dragon slayer only ignores her.
"You?! I thought I told you to—" The mage coughs up blood as Laxus lands another punch to his face.
"Try again."
"A-As Titania said, even if you kill me there's no way you can stop my magic."
"Why don't we test that out? You son of a bitch!" The area around them lights up as the mage's body hits the wall of a nearby house, debris crumbling to the ground. The mage slides down, unconscious from the force of the impact. Laxus walks towards the sphere where (y/n) was trapped in.
"(y/n)? Can you hear me?" Seeing her unresponsive body only made Laxus panic more. His fists repeatedly hit the sphere, trying to make a dent or some kind of opening to get her out, but alas the sphere wasn't taking any damage from his actions.
"Damnit!" He sighs, landing another hit on the sphere. A look of frustration on his face as he glances at the timer floating above the spheres, indicating the countdown until it explodes.
"What the fuck have you been doing just standing there?!" He faces the others angrily.
"Laxus...the magic spell that was casted is an ancient one. It isn't one that's easy to crack." Erza steps forward. "If we open up the sphere where (y/n) is then the villagers will die, but if we open up the sphere where the villagers are then (y/n) will..." Erza shakes her head at the thought.
"That's why I keep telling you that we should just save them both!" Natsu quips.
"It's not a possible method, Natsu, you must understand that." Erza furrows her brows at her team mate.
"We can't afford to be selfish..." Lucy mutters behind Natsu.
"Lucy's right, everyone. You can't be selfish about this."
A voice garners everyone's attention as they all turn towards the giant spheres. (y/n) sluggishly heaves herself up into a sitting position with obvious difficulty, pain evident in her eyes. "Save the villagers."
"Don't you dare say that!" Laxus angrily trudges towards her.
"Laxus...do you really think you're willing to risk the lives of the villagers in exchange for mine?" A frown sets on her lips as she stares at his direction.
"Yes, it—"
"Damnit, (y/n)! I can't do this!" His fists slams on the sphere. The latter gets up from the ground with difficulty, limping towards Laxus.
"I'm sorry, Laxus..." (y/n) mutters, her head leaning on the sphere. She wished that she could feel the warmth radiating off of him but the sphere was in the way.
"Why are you apologising...?”
"I'm apologising because I have to leave you by yourself," She mumbles, her voice slightly cracking. "And this time it's a permanent leave."
"Don't be stupid!"
"If I said that, how would you feel?" A small chuckle escapes her lips, her eyes directed at Laxus, observing his every move. The blonde remained still, confused at what the woman was implying. "The sun is really bright today..."
Then it clicks in his head, Laxus widens his eyes, immediately understanding what (y/n) was saying. Of course, ancient magic or not, there was always bound to be a loophole. He runs off towards where the villagers were trapped, a minute was displayed on the counter.
"Laxus?! What are you—" Erza strides forward, following the latter towards the second sphere.
"Save the villagers."
"Are you out of your mind, (y/n)'s going to—"
"Just fucking listen to me and do it!"
"You better know what you're doing," Erza grinds her teeth in frustration, re-equiping into another armor of hers, landing on top of the second sphere's opening. "Natsu, Lucy! Get over here and help! The rest of you, evacuate the other villagers, there's still bound to be an explosion. Quickly, there's no time left!" The two followed suit among with the other guild members, worried eyes still trained on (y/n) and what plan she had up her sleeve.
(y/n) limps towards the center of the sphere, where the sun was directed at her. She closes her eyes and concentrates, steadying her breathing as she feels the surge of magic radiating within her from the source in the sky.
"Laxus, the least you can do is explain what's going on. A minute ago you were hell bent on saving (y/n)!" Erza watches the other, a surge of thunder strikes down the opening of the second sphere.
"She'll protect herself."
"How is that possible?"
"As long as the sun's up, she'll protect herself. I trust (y/n)." Within a few seconds, it clicks within Erza's mind as she gazes at the sky where the sun was shining brighter than usual.
"I hope whatever it is she's planning will work." The red head summons a couple of swords, each one forcefully punctured around the sphere. The spell must have recognised that they’ve made their decision, and a crack begins to form as the sphere collapses. They quickly lead the villagers somewhere safe.
"Light Magic: Light Dome!" A bright yellow dome stretches around her, to protect her from the oncoming explosion. Knowing her defenses weren't enough, (y/n) summons a few more domes around her. ‘As long as I'm exposed to the sun, my magic won't wear off that easily. Get a grip on yourself!'
When the timer finally reaches zero, a huge explosion engulfs the whole area. Luckily, all the villagers weren’t harmed. As the smoke disperses, Laxus is surprised to see one of the light mage's dome around him as well when he opens his eyes.
The panic present in his expression dies down when he sees (y/n) still standing, surrounded by the numerous domes that she summoned around her. Although noticeably, cracks were starting to form around the bright yellowish domes as they slowly fade away. Laxus runs up to her, catching her before she could fall to the ground. The light mage had her eyes closed, breath ragged and heavy as a warm hand brushes away the strands of hair from her face.
“You did good.”
“Hah...I feel like a child being praised right now.”
“Well you are a stubborn brat,” Laxus scoffs, arms hugging tightly around her vulnerable form as he waits for a retort from her but realises that (y/n) had already passed out from exhaustion. He presses his lips against her forehead, sighing in relief. “You scared the shit out of me today...but I’m fuckin’ glad you’re alive...”
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hey over thinkers, we’re gonna be okay.
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All that I know is I don't know a thing (Jason Todd x Reader) Part 4
Summary: Reader is the daughter of Bruce and Selina, and is dating Jason. She used to work at the city’s hospital but had to quit when she found out that someone has been stalking her at work. 
(A/N) I’m sorry for the long ass wait, I don’t know why it took this long but it’s here now—rising from the dead. Hopefully some people are still looking forward to the last of this series.
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4
It must have only been a few hours ever since (y/n) woke up in the basement and yet, she already has a perfect grasp of her captor’s unstable mentality. Depending on her choice of words, Jack was either civil or downright manic. As if his behaviour was always tipping on the precipice between normal and aggressive. But if the right cards were played, she could easily get herself out without warranting the need to maim anyone. Too busy with her thoughts, (y/n) doesn’t hear the door unlock until Jack crouches down in front of her with a frown on his face.
“I brought you a gift.” She slightly jolts at his sudden appearance, not expecting for him to show up. Jack tilts his head towards a certain direction, and (y/n) follows suit. She pales at what she finds. There was now a cork board hanging on the wall with numerous pictures of her pinned on it. Majority of them were obviously stolen photos, some even had Jason on them but his face was scribbled on with a marker. “I have a lot more photos, but those were the best ones. Do you like it?”
“Jack...” (y/n) tries to voice out a proper response but her mouth felt too parched to even utter a single word.
“What’s wrong? Don’t you like my gift?” There was genuine concern in his tone, like he really did care about her well-being but (y/n) knew better than to trust him.
“I need to go home—“
“No! You’ll be staying here, you can’t leave! This is your home!” And there it was, his manic side taking over. Jack slams a hand on the wall as if to prove a point, a pained look on his face as he eyes (y/n). “Why can’t you understand that I love you?!”
(y/n) couldn’t help but flinch at the loudness of his tone. The cuffs were starting to chafe her wrists the more she tried to move her hands, and there weren’t any nearby objects behind her to help her get them off. What else could she do? Her eyes survey the basement once more, stopping at the sight of her pictures hastily pinned on the corkboard. A thought crosses her mind.
“Jack...?” She calls out, immediately getting his attention. “Can’t you just let me go?”
“No! You’re not allowed to!”
“Didn’t you say that love you me?” She tries again in the most pitiable voice she could muster. Jack recoils, face reddening from her words.
“I do...”
“But you know what would really make me love you?”
“If you take these away.” (y/n) gestures to her bounded hands. “It’s starting to hurt my wrists, won’t you at least get rid of it?” She sees him contemplate his choices, a hesitant look on his face as he approaches her.
“Promise you won’t run away?”
“I promise.” (y/n) mutters softly, holding his gaze. A few seconds of silence pass by before Jack leans down on one knee in front of her, taking out a small key from his back pocket. With a surprising amount of care, he unlocks the metal cuffs open.
“Thank you.”
“I’ll come back in a moment with your food,” He gets up, still on guard in case the other tried something. When (y/n) remains seated on the ground, rubbing her reddened wrists, Jack backs away and heads for the door. At the sound of it being shut and locked, a breath of relief escapes (y/n). What was the best course of action for this kind of situation? Although Jack’s personality was bordering on the erratic side, he has yet to harm her nor take advantage of her vulnerability. The man had an obsession over her but (y/n) didn’t want to stay long enough to find out if it was harmless or not. While walking in circles to soothe her aching limbs, she spies a glint in the dim-lit room from her peripheral vision. She raises a brow in curiosity.
“I found her.” Selina immediately drops what she was doing and heads to where Bruce was seated in front of his many monitors, trying to make sense of what she was looking at. “She’s still wearing her necklace, so that made everything easy. Jack may have managed to take her but he isn’t smart enough to check for trackers.”
“There’s a chip in my daughter’s necklace?”
“Jason gave it to (y/n) on her birthday.”
“And he had it chipped with her permission?” Selina questions once more, not believing for a second that her daughter would willingly let herself wear a tracker at all times. (y/n) had a personal vendetta against them, she had a great dislike at the notion of her whereabouts being monitored and had made it absolutely clear to everyone. Even Jason, who was all for making sure that his girlfriend was out of harm’s way, respected her decision.
“Uh...Jason doesn’t know it’s chipped, neither does (y/n).” With squinted eyes, Selina urges him to continue. “I...may have replicated the original necklace and hid a tracker in it...”
“I did it in case of emergencies! And now we know where she’s being kept.” Bruce avoids the sharp glare directed at him, and moves away from Selina to grab an earpiece off the side to turn it on.
“We’re talking about this later.” She says with finality, a dangerous aura surrounding her.
“I know. But there are more important matters right now,” Turning on the earpiece, he hears two of his sons bickering back and forth. Bruce could already feel a headache coming. “Boys, stop arguing. I got (y/n)’s location.”
“Where?!” Bruce flinches at the sudden loudness, the sound making his ears rings.
“Jason, you need to—“
“Bruce, where is she?!” Jason exclaims, a combination of panic and impatience clear in his tone.
“Second house in Cremore Street, the one with the windows boarded up. You aren’t that far away.”
“On my way.”
“Jason, don’t go by yourself! For the love of—“ Before Bruce could say anything else, Jason had already disabled his own earpiece and evidently shutting off communication.
“Should’ve known he would’ve done that, Bruce.” Dick lets out a small chuckle, finally making his presence known. Bruce couldn’t help but groan in frustration. “Still need me to come there?”
“No, we can handle it.”
“Gotcha. Call me in case you do need any help, I’m just a car ride away.”
At the sound of a door lock being fumbled with, (y/n) mentally tries to calm down while hiding a rusty old wrench in the back of her jeans. She found the thing earlier behind a dust-covered storage box in one side of the room, relieved that she finally had something to defend herself with when the situation called for it.
In all honesty, (y/n) didn’t understand why she felt odd towards Jack. She knew how to defend herself, and her hand to hand combat skills weren’t that bad as well. She was a vigilante on the sidelines for the love of all that’s good. There was nothing to be afraid of. But...the man just exuded this uncomfortable aura around him that made her skin crawl. Then again, (y/n) couldn’t just attack him all willy nilly without a plan. The man was most likely armed and one wrong move could lead to her getting unnecessarily injured.
“(y/n), I brought you food.” Jack kneels down to her eye level and places a platter of food on the ground in front of her, only providing a fork for her to use.
“I’m not hungry.”
“Come on, just a couple bites. It would make me happy, sweetheart.” (y/n) so badly wanted to cuss him out for the pet name but decided against it. She stares down at the food in distaste. It looked as if he just chopped up some leftover vegetables in the fridge alongside a small portion of some kind of meat.
“I’ll eat it later—“
“Eat it. Now.”
“Jack, are you forcing me to eat when I just told you I wasn’t hungry? That’s not the way to behave if you want me to like you...”
“N-No! I’m sorry! It’s fine, you can eat whenever you feel like it.”
“Thank you.”
“I’ll leave you to it then.” And with that, he turns his back on her. (y/n) keeps her eyes on his hand as he rummages for the keys in his pocket. Without making too much of a noise she creeps closer, pretending to be enthralled by the collection of her photos hanging on the wall. Once she hears the door knob turn, she purposely pulls the board off the wall and it ends up crashing on the ground.
“I’m sorry, I was just looking at the pictures.” (y/n) fakes a gasp, turning to the man with widened eyes. Jack shakes his head to tell her that it was fine, and goes to collect the board to hook it up again. When he bends down, (y/n) takes the wrench hidden behind her top and brings it down to the back of his head.
The rusted old wrench proved to be not so completely useless as Jack drops to the ground, knocked unconscious from the force of her hit. She didn’t feel an ounce of guilt at all, there wasn’t any blood (yet) nor did she whack the back of his head hard enough to cause potential brain damage. So excluding the sizeable bump on his head, he was practically scotch free. Heaving a long sigh, (y/n) takes the keys from Jack’s pocket and unlocks the door to the basement. She didn’t have any of her belongings with her. But then again it wasn’t like she was given a choice to do so, considering she was kidnapped in the confines of her own home. Jack should at least own a phone, the only problem was where he kept the thing. Luckily, she didn’t need to do a lot of searching when a familiar ear-piercing sound of a motorcycle echoes outside. (y/n) perks up, heading to the front door that happened to be carelessly left unlocked.
“Shit, are you are alright?!” Jason comes running up towards (y/n) the moment he sees her figure by the door. He pulls her into a crushing hug, ignoring the noise of protest coming from the young woman. As soon as he releases her, he starts checking from head to toe for any sign of injury.
“I’m fine, very much unscathed as you can see.”
“You can never be too sure.”
“Look, I’m absolutely unharmed. He didn’t do anything to me.” At the mention of her captor, a look of anger washes over Jason.
“Where’s that fucker?”
“Calm down, he’s knocked out in the basement.”
“How…how did you escape?”
“I just want to go home right now, I’m tired and I want to sleep.”
Jason relents with the questions, figured that the girl had enough for one day. He wasn’t oblivious, he knew that was (y/n)’s way of telling him that she didn’t want to talk about the incident anymore. It will eventually come up again sooner or later. With a hand on the small of her back, he nudges her over to where he haphazardly left his bike. All of a sudden a black car comes speeding by and abruptly stops next to them, tires skidding noisily on the road. Jason has half the mind to curse the driver out for being so reckless but the door to the passenger side opens as Selina comes bounding up to her daughter.
“Are you okay?!” She hurriedly lets out, almost suffocating (y/n) in her embrace.
“Let me breathe properly, and I will be.” (y/n) chokes out, tapping her hand on the woman’s shoulder. Selina doesn’t show any signs of letting go, and (y/n) glances at Jason for help. The latter only shrugs in response with a smirk on his face, and she couldn’t help but scoff. “I’m okay, mom.”
“Jack Summers, where is he?” Bruce closes the car door behind him and walks up to the two with a serious look on his face.
“In the basement—wait, dad!” With the amount of strength that she could muster to set herself free from her mother’s hug, she tugs his sleeve to keep him from walking towards the house. Bruce could only look at her with silent confusion. “I don’t know what you’re planning on doing but don’t be too hard on him. The guy’s harmless—“
“Harmless enough to kidnap you from home?”
“Look just…I’ll explain later.” When Bruce continues to look unconvinced, (y/n) heaves a tired sigh. “Dad, please?” She mutters in a small voice.
“Fine.” Bruce abruptly responds, before heading inside the house to presumably take care of Jack.
After a couple more minutes of fussing from Selina, she reluctantly lets her ride back home on Jason’s bike promising to meet up at the manor for dinner to discuss a few important things. Ergo, a certain tracker in someone’s necklace (but she didn’t need to find out about that yet). (y/n) tiredly smiles at the sight of her mother waving a hand at her and she reciprocates the gesture, watching the elder get inside the house in search of Bruce. Jason starts the engine of his bike, handing her a spare helmet for her to wear.
“I don’t think I’ll be working any time soon…not after what happened. A break sounds nice at the moment.” (y/n) belatedly sighs, running a hand through her hair before putting the helmet on.
“Well, in that case…”
“Hmm?” She makes an acknowledging noise from the back of her throat, taking a seat behind the other.
“You know, we never really got to go on our date.” Jason smirks when he hears the other scoff in amusement.
“How about…” (y/n) moves closer towards him, arms winding around his waist. With amusement twinkling in her eyes, she rests her chin on his shoulder, looking up at him. “We stay at home, cuddle, pass out from watching cliche romcoms, then have dinner with the family?”
“Sounds exciting, I’m down.”
105 notes ¡ View notes
The most powerful thing you can do right now is to be patient while things are unfolding for you.
136K notes ¡ View notes
over-explaining everything because you’re scared of not making sense or people thinking you’re stupid
296K notes ¡ View notes
life works out. i cannot stress this enough. life always works out. it always turns out in your favor even if it doesn’t go according to the original plan. you may be utterly confused and lost right now, it may feel like everything is falling apart and there is nothing you can do to salvage any of it. but believe me when i say that this is just a transition period. things are constantly changing and evolving around you even if you can’t actively see that. life is changing you to prepare you for what is to come. you are growing and as you grow you are being built into the person that you are going to be. because see, life always has this funny way of working out. 
102K notes ¡ View notes
better days are coming
19K notes ¡ View notes
tired isn’t even a mood anymore it’s my entire personality
221K notes ¡ View notes