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Adorable puppy. Cross Stitch is where I did it.
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Ever feel like you just want to die? Well stop thinking like that. It's not healthy and gets you no where.
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Please, if you want to help it would be appreciated. If not that's fine too! I just want what's best for my friend.
Hey u guys. So, my boyfriend and I are turning 18 this year. Me, in a few days, him a few months from now.
My boyfriend is in a neglectful home. He’s like a lil transboy cinderella, okay maybe not. He does clean by himself, he’s been raising his siblings, his mom is manipulative and only communicates through yelling. They have srs financial issues.
I just got in a fight with my dad, who has neglected me lately, his new form of abuse rather than physical. I’m still scared tho. I live with my mom. He knows where that is. 5 people are in a two bedroom house, me and my sister are sharing basement space. My mom and other housemate, my aunt, are on my back always, for anything, and my aunt is shitty and transphobic and i can barely breathe through the dysphoria. We have financial issues so bad my mom borrows what little i have left over from my last job just to make rent sometimes.
We are both mentally ill and hardly making it, to be honest. We are one anothers comfort and anchors. We have each other, but not much else.
My bf’s cousins are trying to help us get out ASAP. We would greatly appreciate any help! If you can’t donate, it’s okay! I ask that you please reblog though, so we can be safe and happy ❤
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I've seen on a friends blog that the recent Star episode (which I have NOT seen yet do to a certain little shit) is basically Disney confirming the Marco is a trans girl. I for one agree with this. LGBT is not a very big thing in TV shows or video games. The first thing of LGBT I have seen was in Overwatch when the Christmas comic: Reflections was released conforming that everyone's (but not nearly) favorite hero, Tracer was confirmed lesbian. Marco being confirmed a trans girl is the second piece of confirmation that games and TV shows are bring LGBT aspects into their products. So thank you Disney for this wonderful development.
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Wow… It’s been a while since I posted anything. But I’m back. I took a little time trying to gather some info on what happens. But hey that’s life. Anyway, I’ll try and post at least 5 times a day. 3 days a week. If I’m falling short it’s cause I’m having a lot of stuff happen. So just bear with me.
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This happened a while ago. My friend glitched the dragon to stay with him... Wtf
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TMW you are blamed for something that isn't your fault.
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TMW you feel like you ran around East High twice looking for a scarf.
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My friend glitched Genji's Dragon to stay with him like a pet... CUTE!!!
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Here cones the weekend where I'ma do nothing but play video games.
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Dese pants soft af
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Apparently transformation porn is a thing???
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Why hello yes this is Pedro and no I will not buy your illegal Russian rasins
Dave Strider
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Frogs. Juice. Frogs drinking juice.
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Bla bla blah gimme DA juice bar
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Wet socks are a form of torture in some countries.
Marco Diaz, SVTFOE
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Tmw you look at your relationship but realize you don't have one cause reasons.
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