As this is a passion-driven project, there is no company behind the OUTSIDE THE BOX DOCUMENTARY. This means we are reliant on government funds, art grants, donations and such. We appreciate any help in finding grants to apply for, or help applying to them. Besides money we are also welcoming contributions such as accommodation, fuel vouchers, video & audio equipment, contact to queer spaces, advertisement space, venues for film screenings, and much more. If you are genderqueer* and would like to be part of the documentary, just drop us a line or two. We would love for the team to grow.
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Project Stages
The Project plan thus far has 4 stages:
Research & Development
The project is just getting started! We have created an Instagram-Account (LINK) and are trying to build a community network with any Genderqueers*  interested in participating in or supporting the project. Confirmed project partners will be listed below.
We are on the move with a small van and big dreams, using travel as a way of visiting people of the community and transforming digital communication to real life encounters. We are also continuously applying for grants, residencies and stipends and always looking for hosts to further our community outreach.
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A documentary journey about the joys and fabulousness of being non binary, genderqueer, gender non confirming (GNC), genderfluid, intersex and so many more genders that too often get grouped into “others”. On this page, this group of people will be referred to as *Genderqueers*
As we are visiting different places, we will host workshops for Genderqueers*, followed by filmed interviews. The objective of the project is to create connections and a sense of how wide-spread our communities are - and that none of us are alone. In this process, we also want to document the joys of our lives, and create important archival footage. Most importantly, this is a from-us-for-us project: The kind of thing your heart calls you to do, for your younger self and the many young ones (whatever age they might be when they come to terms with their identity) to come.  For starters, filming and community events are supposed to take place in Europe, with a focus in rural areas as opposed to metropolitan/urban regions. We also hope to center the lived experiences of people in countries with criminalizing laws when it comes to gender & sexuality & freedom of self expression.
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