As if I can lead this blog on any longer, right?
Hello, my dear internet friends! I'm alive! Last post I made I said I was done, leaving this blog to settle in the dust of something that I would refer to as a small empire, nah, more like a village? I don't know. I'm going to say this: I'm not deleting this blog. I just couldn't. There was a moment where I thought for sure I was going to say goodbye, and let it be in the past. But I couldn't. I'm keeping it alive, and yes, I'm coming back. So you're probably thinking, really? Are you? Or is this another episode? I'm coming back, but not in the same sense as I did before. Someone requests? I'll write and post it. I'm not going to go out of my way to produce content as of this moment. But, I'll be here. If you want something written, shoot me a message! Chances are within 4-7 days, there will be a post of your request. Why so long? And why aren't you trying more? Long wait because, I've learned if I don't pressure myself (it was never you guys!!!) I actually produce good content! And I enjoy it! Why I'm not trying more? Well, I am. I've struggled with depression and anxiety for a while. And i know, everyone does right? Well, depression makes me feel like my writing is terrible, and it's not worth it. My anxiety makes me feel like I'm bothering you by posting. So, this is hello, or goodbye. Which one you choose, I'm okay. Thank you. Much love my dearies, Hannah.
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I'm sorry.
I think it's safe to say I most likely won't be coming back. Maybe, but if I do, I won't be the same blog. I won't take requests like I did. My writing has grown and changed so much since the last time I wrote for this blog. I can't take an idea someone gives me as well anymore. I try and my mind takes it away from the original to something completely new. To some, that isn't a problem. But I feel as if I couldn't be what everyone who follows wants. I'm stuck between keeping this blog up, available for anyone to read past imagines or drabbles. Or just deleting it, leaving its memory to be the only thing left. I'll admit, starting this blog made me realize how much I love writing. I write everyday, adding to perhaps a fanfiction or an original, but I write constantly. But I'm not sure if this blog is necessarily the right thing for me to be doing, at least for now. I'll answer any asks that come through, and I'd love to hear what you think of this. Thank you for reading this, and know that if this blog is officially shut down, it had a good run. It had lots of support and love, and I'm so gratefully for that. As always, much love, Hannah.
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Jurassic Imagines turned 1 today!
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Heyyyyyy :) I just read "my raptors approve, and so do I" and I fell in love, is there any way you can do a part 2? Thank you!!
I will do a part two! I’ll be coming back to this blog around July 30th, and this will be the first imagine I write! I’m super excited because I have a lot of plans for this part two. Perhaps a series? Would any of you be interested in it being a series?
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fun story
so I switched from a public school to an online school quite quickly and therefore didn’t take my stuff home.
at the time I was really into criminal profiling and serial killers. So I had tons of books on that stuff. Plus some materials for a shitty school project.
anyways, my mom went to retrieve the stuff. The secretary opens my old locker and immediately looks at my mom.
there was books on famous serial killers. with rolls of duct-tape on top.
needless to say I probably freaked the lady out
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How do you make your own Gifs?
If you're talking about the ones I use for imagines, those are not mine. If you're talking about the ones that have the tag, "Made with tumblr," then continue reading.I'm always on mobile. So I'm going to do the steps for what you would do on mobile, I'm assuming you just take those steps and adjust them a little bit for an actual computer? I'm not sure.1.) Create post. You want to select picture. 2.) you should be able to go to a gif selection, and it'll show you all your videos.3.) Select desired video and it'll pop up with a drag bar thing. 4.) Drag the bar to the portion you want giffed, and then hit "next." (Or whatever it says, I don't know off the top of my head haha sorry.)5.) it'll ask how fast or slow. Select desired.6.) It'll ask to post and after that, bam! You have created a gif from your own video. I will admit that most I've done are not of create quality, but it's a nice feature! I hope this helps, and if anyone has any more advice on it, add on! I'll try to reblog with any more helpful tips!Let me know if it works!Love,Hannah.
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To all the Tumblr users who tend to use tags very liberally:
Let’s play a game. Type the following words into your tags box, then post the first automatic tag that comes up. you, also, what, when, why, how, look, because, never
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“The scene where Peter drops the orb during the Collector scene was not scripted. Chris Pratt accidentally dropped the orb during filming but remained in character through the whole thing, so it stayed in the final film.” 
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like pls don’t be mad if you send me an ask or reply to one of my posts and i don’t answer it even though i’m clearly online and reblogging shit i’m just slightly stressed and when i’m stressed i tend to just not talk because my mind is super jumbled and i can’t quite focus on anything like lying around and tapping the rebloggy sign requires 0 thought but talking to ppl requires competency (??) and that’s tough right now and i know i have messages piled up but i kind of can’t sorry.
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PSA if you send me nice messages and i don’t respond
there is a 100% chance i saw it and it made me super duper uber happy but i have no idea how to respond and i will let it sit in my inbox for days or weeks and smile when i see it but still have no idea how to respond 
there is a 0% chance that you annoyed me and i don’t like you. 
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Reblog if you would be devastated if you found out one of your followers committed suicide.
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this is the offical ‘i care’ symbol this is how it works: basically you reblog this and your followers know that you care and that they can message you about anything anon or not and you will reply back or at least look at there message. if you care about your followers please reblog
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Came for the JW drabbles, stayed for how awesome your blog is! I hope you have a nice day, depending on when you read this. 😀
Awe thank you! I apologize for the lack of drabbles. And I hope you have a great day or night too!
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HOLY SHIT WHAT. THERE ARE 900 OF YOU WHO FOLLOW MY SHIT BLOG. I FEEL SO TERRIBLE ABOUT BEING SHIT AT POSTING IM SO SORRY. I’m trying super hard to get back to my normal routine, but I can’t. I have to move in a couple months and we don’t know where we’ll be. We have no clue at all. I’ve been an emotional wreck lately and honestly can’t do anything. So I apologize to each one of you who stick around waiting for new content, content that I can’t give right now. I’m so sorry… But I thank you for sticking around.
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Internet Friends:
Hi guys! This is a post I wanted to make, just kind of telling you about my view on it I guess? Well, if you’re still reading this, tell me about how you feel about it. If you have one, tell me about them!
So a year and two months ago, someone messaged me on tumblr. It was a personal message, so I’m not going to include screenshots or anything, but about a month after that, that same person messaged me again. Soon we just talked daily on Kik. Around around after ten months of talking, we just started texting. Recently, we both found out there’s a chance we’re going to the same Warped Tour date. We both got so excited. As of right now, neither of us know if we’re going for sure. We’re both saving up; both trying our hardest. But the worst part for me, is telling my mom about my friend. My mom is generally very supportive, and she probably would be totally fine with it seeing as she would attend Warped with me. And I don’t know where I’m going with that, but I wanted to say that if you believe internet friends are really friends, message me. If my mom does react badly, which I don’t think she will, I’m just overthinking, I’ll show her all the support. Once it’s confirmed that both my friend and I are going, I’ll tell her. That’s all I had to say…
Love, Hannah
P.s- Tell me about your internet friends! Tell me how you feel about the subject.
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You're an idiot Request- "So glad you're back!! Could you do an imagine where (Y/n) is a worker at JW, and she happens to be at the paddock when the I-Rex escapes and, she's hiding in the same truck Owen cuts the gas lines to? So when she realizes the truck isn't going anywhere she's incredibly frustrated takes and takes some of that frustration out on Owen when she finally meets him and he just kind of laughs it off before realizing she could help him with the situation and recruits her to get the I-Rex under control." + "Can you do one where the reader has feelings for Owen but becomes a tiny ball of sass and hostility to try and hide it. Of course Owen sees right through that though. And yeah you can take that wherever. P.S I'm glad you don't do smut. You rock and I love your writing." Requested by- Anon and @k1ttyturah Warnings- Swearing A/N- I kinda made them best friends. If you'd like it different I'd totally rewrite it! (IM TERRIBLY SORRY ITS SHORT AND I COMBINED REQUESTS AND IM SO SORRY. IVE BEEN SUPER DUPER STRESSED. BUT THANK YOU TO THOSE WHO HAVE MESSAGED ME OVER THE PAST FEW MONTHS! YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE AND I LOVE AND APPRECIATE YOU SO MUCH!) [ALSO IM ON MOBILE SO IM SORRY IF SPACING ISNT CORRECT! MY LAPTOP IS STILL BROKEN SO. And sorry for talking in caps!] The large creature roared as the gate closed on her, you jumped into one of the trucks and ducked towards the back where supplies sat. You cringed each time she'd roar. Soon enough, her rumbling steps faded. You jumped in the front and tried to follow after her. The car wouldn't move. You threw open the door, nearly beheading the beloved raptor trainer. "Jesus Christ, Y/N! Watch it!" Owen shouted as he narrowly dodged the door. As you caught of a whiff of gas, you leaned towards the former Navy-man. Your eyes narrowed. "You! You cut the gas lines! I was going to follow that thing! Why? Why in the world would you do that! You incompetent man!" You exclaimed before hitting his chest a couple times. He escaped your grip and rubbed his ,most likely to be bruised, chest. "Hey! In my defense that thing would've killed me!" He argued, his green eyes narrowing. Within that second the anger drained from his face and he just laughed. And laughed. And laughed. You angrily stomped your foot. "Why don't we just go get that thing and get the fuck out of here?" Owen stopped laughing and nodded. "Let's go."
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