pastel-in-devildom · 2 years
asmodeus obey me: the world's flattest girl
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pastel-in-devildom · 2 years
Forced to Steal
Prompt: Mammon stole something from MC to get some money for the witches. How does MC react? (This prompt was made by @obeythedemons, as a part of their MC! Monday.)
tw: attempted theft, murder, the use of magic (as well as the mention), a sad and guilty Mammon, a pissed off Seraphina
Seraphina (My MC) would be quick to scold him for not only hardly learning his lessons when it comes to stealing but for having to steal from her of all people. Her eyes would have an emerald green glow added, showing her rage. A little bit at Mammon, but mostly at the witches. This is because Seraphina pays off Mammon's debts behind his back bit by bit. If it's a new debt, then that's different. If it's the same ol' debts, she's mad at the witches.
First, she would help Mammon however she can. Whether it's just giving him the money he needs as she wouldn't mind it that much. Most likely to have Mammon give the witches a cursed choker to scare them into lowering his debt amount to its original amount. (They would do so after one of them dies from wearing the choker as it is cursed to kill whoever didn't get the owner's permission to do so.)
After that is taken care of, next comes Mammon’s punishment. That punishment was just to tidy up her room for the rest of the week.
Seraphina also doesn’t tell Lucifer what Mammon tried to do.
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pastel-in-devildom · 2 years
MC Ask Game
Here’s a game to get to know your MC more! Feel free to reblog, send in asks, etc.!
1. How does your MC react to being summoned to the Devildom?
2. Who would your MC trust to protect them the most in the beginning?
3. How does your MC feel about Cerberus and Henry?
4. How would your MC react to the brothers almost killing them and/or hurting them?
5. What would be your MC’s favorite class at RAD?
6. Would your MC be a good student?
7. What job would your MC like the most?
8. Would your MC prefer Devildom food, Celestial Realm food, or human food the most?
9. Would your MC be willing to try the different foods in the Devildom?
10. Where would your MC go to escape it all in the Devildom?
11. How would your MC react to going back to the human realm after spending a year at RAD? Would they try to go back to things being normal?
12. What would your MC write their paper on for the exchange program?
13. How would your MC wear the RAD uniform?
14. What would your MC miss the most from Devildom?
15. Does your MC prefer the Devildom, the human realm, or the Celestial Realm?
16. What sort of magic would your MC want to learn the most?
17. Would MC prefer Diavolo’s dances/balls or Asmo’s parties?
18. What is your MC’s relationship like with the brothers?
19. What is your MC’s relationship like with the side-characters?
20. What is your MC’s relationship like with the Raphael, Mephistopheles, and Thirteen?
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pastel-in-devildom · 2 years
The House of Lamentation is most certainly haunted by its past residents. They mainly reside in whichever room they were murdered in/died in. The family haven't moved on as the result for their murder remained unsolved. Meanwhile the reason the butler still remained is unknown.
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pastel-in-devildom · 2 years
What would happen if like Mc was another Angel Exchange student that was like the brothers childhood friend and they fell
Maybe the side characters too?
Male Mc Preferred or just general neutral:)
Backstory/Context: Centuries ago, MC was an angel in the Celestial Realm, just like the brothers (minus Satan ofc) and Lilith. The eight of them were close, ever since MC met Lucifer when they were children & the others when they were created. After breaking the rules, you fell long before the brothers. Diavolo saw you and offered you somewhere to live and a position.
TW: Lesson 16 spoilers(?), platonic relationships/friendships, mentions of blood and injuries
A/N: Sorry if things sound repetitive, it;s my first ask and I'm new at this whole thing.
Was there when you fell, front row seat.
It was hard for him to show much emotion due to his position as a Seraph back then.
Unfortunately, he had to be the one who had to break the news to his brothers and Lilith.
He comforted them as much as he could
Was genuinely surprised to see you as an exchange student
Seeing you again, he greeted you with a smile.
It wasn't until the two of you were alone to wrap his arms around you, hugging you tightly and close to him.
He misses his best friend after all these years.
When Lucifer told him you were banished, he cried in his room the entire night and then neglected his duties for about a week or two after that.
You were like his second older sibling and loved you just as much.
When he fell, he constantly looked all over the Devildom for you, but couldn't and eventually gave up on finding you.
But he never forgot about you over the years.
It wasn't until he saw you yet again, but with you being an angel exchange student.
He almost cried seeing you, but wiped his tears before anyone else saw.
“Just promise me ya won’t leave me again.”
When he heard about your falling punishment post trail, he was speechless.
After falling and being the Avatar of Envy, Levi never truly forgot how you would encourage his interests and listen to every single one of them.
When you knocked on his door, he was about to yell as Levi thought it was Mammon trying to bother him yet again.
But the moment he saw you yet again, he froze in place.
In his head, he's screaming to himself that this can't possibly be real right? Is MC really right here, standing in front of him, alive and well?
He saw you yet again, he froze .ly accepted the fact that you were here and
He never met you as he never fell, so the two of you met when you became an exchange student
The two of you begin to learn about each other over time.
Honestly, when he learned why you fell from grace just because you broke some rule, he was a bit angry
So just one rule and they kick you like nothing?
You managed to calm him down a bit when explaining how important this rule is, so banishment was a reasonable punishment for you. Only a bit.
He also gets some embarrassing Lucifer stories from you, so win-win.
He remembers being so heartbroken when he was told that they banished you
Misses you to bits every single day for decades
How the two of you owned matching jewelry, and he still has his half after all this time, placed in a hidden part in his room.
If you're insecure about your new self, he'll always praise and compliment your black wings, burn scars, and horns when you fell.
More than often preens your wings to the best of his abilities.
The two of you wear your matching jewelry every day from then on.
Comforted Belphie when they first heard the news. They were pretty young at the time and you were like a sibling to the twins.
Believed that you died from injuries and demons before falling himself.
First, you were gone, then it was Lilith. He lost two important people in his life without saying goodbye to either of them.
Was ready to hug MC to death when he saw them.
And he did. Multiple times. More like tackled them than hugged them.
When Lucifer told everyone all those decades ago, he froze in place
He was still pretty young when it happened
Couldn’t really sleep that night. He cried all night and woke up with red eyes the next morning.
Seeing you again, tears welled up as you hugged him tightly.
No fight, no death. Just two childhood friends reconciling with each other and seeking each other for comfort.
Always liked to sleep under your soft, feathered wings when he was younger and he still enjoys it.
He remembers seeing you in the past, all those years ago when you fell in the Devildom, when his father was still ruling.
Imagine your first shock when you found the Crowned Prince greeting you with such genuine enthusiasm
You helped him with the R.A.D. and his plan of peace between the three realms.
After all, it was the least you could do for him as the Prince and first friend down here.
Despite still working with the Demon King at the time, Barbatos was there with Diavolo to get you back out on your feet.
Cue weekly updates and check-ups, especially the first couple of weeks.
He helped take care of you, helping you adjust to society there.
Barbatos was also the one who delivered the news about the Celestial War, Lilith's death, and the brothers falling to you.
He was interested in meeting you.
He never met you up until he became an exchange student as well.
Once he heard that you were close to Lucifer, he with did: 1. tried forming a pact with you, but you said no (for the time being), or 2. tried to convince you to convince Lucifer into forming a pact with him.
At times, it was both at the same time.
The man is shameless with his ambitions. That's probably why you enjoy his company.
The day you fell was one of the worse days of his life. Especially since he didn’t do anything to help or defend you.
The image of you dropping from the Celestial Realm haunted him long before the war.
Glad to see you alright after decades of not seeing each other.
He didn't trust you at first
After all, you were a fallen angel that fell from the Celestial Realm like the brothers did and now reside here.
In the beginning, Luke was wary when you were in the area
Up until the incident with you, him, Lucifer, and the grimoire
You, a fallen angel, saved him, an angel from the Lucifer Morningstar.
Needless to say that Luke now has yet another fallen angel as a mentor to look up to.
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pastel-in-devildom · 2 years
Mammon has ADHD, but his best subjects are mathematics and finance (as the Avatar of Greed, he needs to really understand anything related to money).
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pastel-in-devildom · 2 years
Asmodeus is genderfluid and omnisexual.
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pastel-in-devildom · 2 years
Love is a tricky issue in the criminal world. Falling in love could possibly lead one to their death. So imagine everyone's surprise when a baker/tailor unknowingly has the seven heads of one of the most powerful yakuza in japan wrapped around her finger.
AUTHOR'S NOTES: this fanfic has my original characters; this is also on my archive of our own account; this fanfic is inspired by the yakuza!au that belongs to @requiem-for-the-left-hand
WARNING: original characters, yakuza au, somewhat slow-burning romance, angst, criminal and illegal activity, michael bashing, lgbtq+, fluff, gun violence, blood, gore, kidnapping, human trafficking, and several more
Words: 2,512
“Alright, sir! Your total is now 1500 yen,” Seraphina told the customer in front of her with a bright smile. The man handed her the money and walked out with his bag of baked goods in hand. “Have a splendid day!”
Just as the man exited the bakery, two more people entered. “Hello! Welcome to Euphorium Bakery-” Seraphina stopped mid-sentence when she saw a familiar face. The new customer was a young woman around Seraphina’s age and had a slim and lean figure. Her bright maroon hair in braids stops mid-back. Faded scars all on her neck and arms. A black and white striped, sleeveless shirt to go with her pastel pink skirt. Her pastel pink leather jacket is coated with pins of owls and butterflies. This was the matriarch of the Zetsubou family, Lilith herself.
“Oh hey Lilith. What can I get for you?” Lilith placed her hand on her chin, pretending to think as she’s looking at all the products surrounding her. “Hmm, wow. So many delicious options to choose from. I wonder what I’m feeling about having today.”
Playfully crossing her arms, Seraphina watched her friend pretend to be indecisive when picking something. Lilith, ignoring her gaze, finally got up and smiled brightly. “I have finally made my decision.”
“Oh? And what can I get for you?”
“Two melon pans, please. As for flavors, surprise me as always.”
Seraphina raised an eyebrow at this request from Lilith but shrugged it off. “Alright, that will cost you 450 yen.” After receiving the money, she gave Lilith two melon pans that she picked at random.
After biting into the first melon pan, which was chocolate-flavored, “I swear, you guys have to be the best bakery in the area. Especially since this is a yakuza-friendly bakery,” she had whispered in the last part so that no one else would hear her. There weren’t many businesses that were okay with the yakuza being their customers, employees, regulars. Luckily, streets and certain areas throughout Japan, such as here in Jiyugaoka, are considered to be safe havens.
Plus, the bakery owner is a retired yakuza, so that’s enough proof for others.
“Oh, before I forget! Seraphina, what time does your shift end today?,” she then asked. Seraphina looked at the clock to her right, seeing that it currently read 3 o’clock. “It ends at 7. Why?” Lilith quietly squealed, “Mammon has finally invited me to one of his casinos tonight and he said I could bring a friend with me.”
Mammon, the patriarch of the Donyoku family, was the second oldest senior member of the Jigoku-kai as well as Lilith’s second-oldest brother. He is the one in charge of the gambling businesses and casinos that are under the Jigoku clan's control. Despite appearing richer and more well-off than most of his siblings, there are rumors that Mammon acquired some unpaid debts over the years and has yet to pay.
Seraphina blinked for a second before asking, “You want me to come with you to one of Mammon-san’s casinos?” Lilith only nodded, barely holding in her excitement. “Wait, I thought he said you weren’t allowed to go to his casinos.”
“Oh, he did.” The matriarch nonchalantly confirmed, “but unfortunately for him, I have an advantage on my side. Which is being the youngest and only sister in the family. Pull out the puppy eyes and Mams is pretty much putty in my hand. Took me three weeks to crack him, but it was worth it.” Seraphina had to stop herself from laughing on the clock. She knows about this advantage that younger siblings have over their older ones. Hell, she’s used it over the years.
Lilith rocked her body, her violet eyes still on Seraphina, waiting for an answer on the side.
What does Seraphina have to do tonight? Besides taking care of Meli and checking in for any new tailor commissions? One night at the casino wouldn’t hurt her. She only sighed and softly smiled at her best friend, “Alright, alright. I’ll come with you.”
The maroon-haired young woman quietly squealed out of delightment, clapping and bouncing where she stood in immense joy. “You are the best. Now what time should I pick you up to go
“I should be ready to leave around eight o’clock.”
“Eight o’clock it is! See you then~!” Lilith said in a sing-songy voice before leaving the bakery with her two melon pans. Seraphina, as she watched her best friend, heard her name being called out from someone from the back.
“Seraphina. Switch with Sugai back here. It’s time for his break!”
“Coming,” she left the front counter to go help out in the back.
In the black car, Seraphina fiddled with her fingers, looking out her window and watching cars pass by. She had on a baby pink belted jumpsuit, her sleeves, back, and upper chest decorated with matching lace. Quickly tapping her muted silver block heels on the carpeting as Seraphina looked out the window, watching cars and people go by in the blink of an eye.
“Hey,” she pulled herself away from the window, hearing her friend’s voice. Lilith was wearing a plain black silk bow tie blouse and cream mini skirt. “Are you feeling alright?” Her hand was placed on Seraphina’s thigh, her violet eyes filled with concern and worry.
“Yeah, don’t worry about me.”
“You sure? Look, we can just skip the casino altogether and hang out somewhere else,” Lilith reassured Seraphina. Sure, she wants to have fun at the casino, but she also doesn’t want her best friend to feel forced to come with her. “Lils, I really am fine.” She placed her hand above Lilith’s and gave it a squeeze. “I’ve just never been to a casino before, much less an illegal one. I’m just a bit nervous, that’s all.”
Lilith was conflicted. On one hand, both would be experiencing their first trip to a casino and were overjoyed to share this moment with one of her friends. But on the other hand, she wanted to say screw the casino and yell at the driver to turn back to her home and just have a girls' night in with Seraphina. But, in the end, she decided to tell her, “Alright fine. But,” she booped her pink-haired best friend’s nose, “promise me this. If either of us doesn’t feel comfortable, we grab the other and get the hell out of there. Deal?”
Once they arrived at the casino Crow’s Feet, the two girls took a moment to look around, not believing their eyes at the glamorous sight. It had two floors with casino workers and players all around without a care in the world, obviously knowing what they were doing here. The front side of the second floor looked similar to a pachinko parlor, people sitting in individual chairs with some of them having buckets filled with silver balls. They somehow managed to get some chips, each getting about 10,000 yen worth of chips.
Lilith wasted no time and started to play some games. She started to safely bet, not to lose money just starting out. Seraphina stood by her side and watched her play her games, cheering her on whether she won or lost. All in all, the two had some fun.
Soon after, Seraphina sat by a bar near a table where Lilith was busy playing her card game. She ordered a lemon sour and quietly drank it while watching Lilith and everyone around them enjoying themselves. So many games she could play and she really doesn't know where to start. Plus, Seraphina was sort of scared of losing any money that she would need for next week.
That was when she heard him.
“The hell are ya doing here?”
“Hmm?” Seraphina looked up to the familiar voice above her. Her honey brown eyes were met with blue-yellow eyes. The man staring down at her was proudly wearing a hideously shiny suit you would only see in movies, with a black stamp of a rose-like symbol on the left collar. Only one of his buttons was done, the rest were undone. His yakuza tattoos were exposed for the rest of the casino to see. A thick, gold chain necklace around his neck.
“Hello, Mammon-san,” the woman said cheerfully, not at all scared of the man above her. Meanwhile, the bartender and other customers around her were afraid to even look in his direction, avoiding any form of eye contact.
“Oi, I asked you a question!”
“Lilith told me about you letting her come here and she asked me to come with her,” Seraphina explained while taking a sip of her lemon sour. “I wanted to come here out of curiosity."
It makes sense for Lilith to ask Seraphina to come here. If she were to ask someone like Azrael to come with, then they would most likely report it to Lucifer, who has openly expressed his disapproval of Lilith’s endless request to go. And it’s likely that he’ll be even more disapproving if word of Mammon’s eventual caving in to her demands reaches him. Yeah, like he wants to deal with that after the day he just had.
He pulled out the chair right beside Seraphina and sat on it. Without saying anything, a beer bottle quickly appeared in front of him by the scared bartender.
“Aren’t ya gonna play anything?" he finally asked her.
She only shrugged, “Eh. Maybe.” Twirling her drink, watching the lemon wedge move around along with the ice. “Call it casino night jitters. That and I’m a little scared of losing any money I’m gonna need for next week.”
Mammon rolled his eyes at Seraphina before looking at her. “Pfft … don’t worry too much about losing a bunch of games. Losing money is part of the casino experience. Ya can’t expect to win every game you play. Ya have to expect some loss coming to a casino.”
“Is that why you have debts?” Mammon dryly laughed at the snarky question. He quickly took a couple of gulps of his beer before slamming it down, then his head rested on his left arm. He then glared at Seraphina, who looked rather bored and unaffected by the glare from him.
The other patrons at the minibar were ready for the patriarch to explode at the woman or to raise his hand at her. But instead, he looked away at the last minute and grumbled to himself, which caused Seraphina to chuckle a little bit. At this point, everyone surrounding them was watching the two of them with confusion and shock by what they were witnessing. How did this woman not show any amount of fear at the man? And why is the Great Donyoku Mammon holding an innocent conversation with this woman with no problem? Did she owe him money and he’s being nice as a front? Did he owe her money and he’s trying to lower his debt to her? Whatever they may think, none of them may ever really know the answer.
“Sera~,” Lilith ran towards her with some more chips in her hands, only slowing down once she saw her brother next to her best friend. “Hey, Mams. I didn’t know you would be here tonight.”
He muttered under his breath, “That was the plan.” Ignoring the remark, Lilith suddenly came up with an idea. “Well since you’re here, maybe you could be our lovely casino guide. Free of charge, of course.”
“If you’re up for it, of course,” Seraphina added on.
Looking at both of the girls, Mammon sighed and groaned in exhaustion. He got up from his chair and used his fingers with his white hair, “Consider you two lucky that the Great Mammon took time out of his busy night to help you out.
His sister playfully rolled her eyes at his comment. Yeah right, his busy night her ass. If he’s at one of his casinos, then he has no plans. But she decided to keep quiet to avoid embarrassing him in public. She’ll wait until they’re in private. She thinks that she knows why he reluctantly agreed.
The three of them left the bar and explored the rest of the casino. Lilith and Seraphina played some games, mainly pachinko and card games. Of course, they won some games and made some more money along the way but also lost some money. That was the night that Lilith learned about Seraphina’s talent at winning card games.
Meanwhile, Mammon decided to play games not too far from them, but sadly, his unlucky streak reared its ugly head for most of the night. He lost about half of his money at the end.
Around midnight, everyone traded in their winnings for money. Lilith and Seraphina both won around 10,000,000 yen each but Mammon had 46,500 yen in the end.
Mammon decided to join the girls in driving them to their homes, saying that he wanted to make sure that they wouldn’t get hurt because Lucifer would have his head if anything happened to either girl. The car went to Jiyugaoka first and stopped by Seraphina’s apartment complex. “Thanks again for tonight, you guys. It was pretty fun for my first time at a casino,” Seraphina thanked the siblings for the final time tonight. “Again it’s no problem,” Mammon grumbled, still salty over his endless loss tonight.
“Oh! Before I forget,” Seraphina took out some of her winnings, around 500,000 yen, and gave it to Mammon, “Here. For dealing with both us and your losses.” The white-haired yakuza looked between the yen and the girl who was holding it out for him. “Aren’t you … going to miss any of this?” Seraphina only shook her head, “I don’t need this much money and I wouldn’t know what to do with all of it. Besides, you need it much more than I do.” Eventually, he hesitantly grabbed the money out of Seraphina’s hand and muttered a “Thank you” under his breath. Both he and Lilith watched as Seraphina got out of the car and entered her complex, waving to them before closing the door behind her.
During the rest of the car ride, Mammon’s sapphire eyes never left the money that Seraphina had given him. What she told him still rang in his mind. You need it much more than I do.
Has anyone ever given him money just because? With no strings attached or any expecting him to pay them back? He unknowingly lets out a small smile, looking at the generous money in his hands.
Lilith watched as her brother smiled at the kind gesture. That was when she plastered a smirk on her face. “Aww, does Big Brother Mammon have a crush?”
Finally looking up ever since Seraphina left, Mammon blurted out, “I do not!”
“Oh, why? Then why are you smiling?”
Mammon sputtered, thinking of something to defend himself. “W-Well yeah, of course, I’m smiling. I mean, I scored some free money. Maybe that friend of yours is good for something after all.”
Lilith chuckled, “Whatever you say, Mammon.”
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pastel-in-devildom · 2 years
Share 10 facts about an OC and their significant other
Seraphina and the Demon Brothers
Seraphina and Lucifer's relationship can be described as being similar to the romantic relationship of Obanai Iguro and Misturi Kanjori from Demon Slayer.
Mammon and Seraphina would often do each other's hairs when they're bored (and don't want to study).
She and Leviathan like to do couple cosplays and post them on Devilgram. A photo of them cosplaying as Henry and the Lord of Shadows respectively got a ton of likes.
One time, a low-ranking demon started a fight with her, and Seraphina managed to win (by default). Satan got it all on his D.D.D. It's one of his favorite videos of her.
Asmodeus gushes at the fact that Seraphina often draws him wearing various historical outfits. That was after he told that he was in the Human Realm throughout different eras.
Beelzebub is not only one of Seraphina's boyfriends but is also her main emotional support demon. Basically, she climbs on his back whenever she's overwhelmed with whatever going on and needs to recharge.
At night, Belphegor steps into Seraphina's dreamscape, and the two of them just do whatever for that night.
While they can't agree on everything, the brothers can all easily agree that Seraphina was the best thing that happened to them.
Sometimes, Seraphina accompanies the brothers when they get a new soul to torment, even assisting in their punishments. Her favorite souls are over religious ones because she likes to screw with them and their beliefs.
The brothers would teach her about her new powers because of her pacts with them, including the side effects that may come with it.
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pastel-in-devildom · 2 years
the four horsemen
the seraphim archangels
other magical creatures
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fallen angel gn!mc (brothers + dateables + luke)
witch!mc (brothers)
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seraphina's familiar ceremony ( 1 | 2 )
cupidity (yakuza!au by @requiem-for-the-left-hand)
mc getting even with the witches (mammon)
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seraphina’s backstory
her family
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10 facts (Brothers + Seraphina)
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pastel-in-devildom · 2 years
Ceremony of the Century
This is how Seraphina got her first familiar, her rabbit Tsuki Mochi.
When magic users in my take on the Obey Me universe reach a certain age, usually five or six depending on the community and person, they officially get their personal magic circle and their familiar (one of many for some or just the one for some people).
Calypso gets so much flack from her relatives, mainly from her sister and mother, and the heads of various covens. She and her seven children were no secret in their community. Many were fascinated while others were disgusted and/or confused about how she was able to survive the births of different species hybrids. If she was any other witch, Calypso would’ve died from giving birth to her second-born child.
It would get even worse when they would turn five years old. When witches and wizards finally reach the age of five, the witches in the community hold a ceremony where they summon their familiars and get their own magic circle. It was considered to be a rite of passage into witch society.
With her first six, a lot of people didn’t think that they wouldn’t be able to complete the ceremony because of their other parents, but they all managed to prove them all wrong and got their familiars and magic circles. Serves those old farts for doubting her and her children’s abilities, to be honest.
“Mama? What do you think my familiar is going to be?” Her youngest child, Seraphina asked her as she was combing her bubblegum hair in the mirror. Seraphina turned five about a month ago, and tonight was the night of her coming of age ceremony. Calypso smiled, “Hard to say, sweetie. You get along with just about every animal you come across. Besides, your first familiar always depends on the person themselves rather than their preference.” She wasn’t lying as familiars and magic circles are often symbolic towards their owners.
“But…whatever happens, nothing is going to change.” Her mother tickled Seraphina on her sides and smothered her with kisses, resulting in her child laughing her worries away.
The two then heard a hard knock on the door. That was when a voice from the other side shouted, “Calypso! It’s time!”
With one final kiss, Calypso said that she’ll be out front and left her daughter in the room with another witch. The witch led her to an open field, surrounded by other witches and wizards and her family as well. Everyone was looking at her, but she wouldn’t move.
A middle-aged witch offered her hand out to the child, but Seraphina only shook her head. Still grabbing two fistfuls of her white furisode kimono, Seraphina instead looks at Conner with sad eyes. The half-lycan understood and made his way to his little sister and grabbed her hand tightly. “Come on. Let’s get you to the circle.”
She squeezed Conner’s hand as tight as she could, not wanting to let it go as the two of them walked towards the circle of rocks. He let go and went to stand with the rest of their family.
Seraphina slowly walked towards the middle of the circle and sat in, her head hanging down and her honey brown eyes closed so that she wouldn’t look anyone in the eye. Beneath her was a large, white magic circle glowed under her. The magic circle slowly turned lavender with different symbols from before scattered on it. This lavender one would be Seraphina’s magic circle. The five-year-old could hear people muttering around her; did it work? Could she leave now?
That was when she heard hooting. When she opened her eyes, there was a black owl with glowing white spots that looked like skulls if she looked closer. Was this owl going to be her familiar; it didn’t look like the other animals her family has or any of the other witches’. When she reached her hand out for the owl to see if it would perch on her finger, it didn’t; however, the owl did rub against her finger before flying above her head while hooting.
All eyes were on the owl, who was hooting until it combusted into dust. The black dust split into nine different colors that swirled around Seraphina. The crowd, especially the coven heads, looked in amazement and shock as this was something that had never happened in centuries.
The first dust to do anything was the gold dust, which turned itself into a glowing golden crow that rubbed against Seraphina’s left hand. It cooed as it moved closer and closer to the young witch.
Next was a bright orange snake that came from the bright orange dust appearing on Seraphina’s right shoulder blade, causally wrapped around it. When it hissed, Seraphina yelped and accidentally scared the snake. “Oh gods, I’m so sorry! You scared me for a moment!” The snake slowly showed its head again and allowed Seraphina to pet it on its head. The snake then flicked its tongue on Seraphina’s cheek before quickly hiding away again.
Aw, it was so shy.
But unlike her, the crow wasn’t so happy. It began to caw at the snake and eventually, it flew towards the reptile and grabbed it, still angrily cawing at it. The snake, in response, wrapped its body around the crow and tried to bite it.
Seraphina tried to separate the two but to no avail. The crimson red dust, somehow, managed to break the two animals apart. The red dust formed a giant fly that circled around the child’s waist. It buzzed as it flaps its wings, finally landing on her stomach.
“Ooookay,” she was a bit freaked out by the large fly laying on her stomach right now. Nevertheless, she petted the incest. At least its wings were beautiful.
A pink scorpion, that came from the pink dust, appeared on her left shoulder blade, softly rubbing itself and sitting there watching the other animals do their things.
Beneath her, the neon green dust trail went between her and lifted her off the ground, resulting in the witch screaming in surprise. “Seraphina!” Maud yelled out for her baby sister, only for Calypso to stop her from moving any closer. “Mama, we gotta get Seraphina down from there!”
“Maud, calm down. I know you want to help your sister, but we can’t interfere with all of this until Sera gets her familiar. Besides,” she smiled at her daughter, “I think she’s just fine.”
The half-minotaur was confused at what her mother meant by that last part until she saw the green dust turn into a neon green unicorn with Seraphina on top of it. The sight of the unicorn was both frightful and legendary. One could see its skeleton, which was pitch black. Seraphina grabbed a fistful of the unicorn’s black hair to hold on as the animal ran out of the circle and forced everyone to clear a path for him. “Wait, you’re pretty fast, fella. Woah!” The unicorn continued to gallop circles around people with the five-year-old girl still on his back, holding on to it for dear life.
“I don’t really like this,” Conner tugged on A.D.’s skirt as he and the rest of his siblings watch animal after animal appear and surround their little sister, “Where are all these animals coming from, and how come this never happened with any of us?”
The young dhampir could look in shock when she muttered, “I have no idea.”
“Oh, who cares? This is crazy and it looks super fun!,” the young Rozzie exclaimed.
“Yeah! Go Seraphina! Ride that unicorn!,” Catrina cheered on her little sister, whooping loudly.
Nalu looked back at the circle, gasping at what he saw. He tugged on Rozzie’s shirt and shouted, “Hey guys! Look!”, he pointed at the circle.
Everyone turned their attention back to the circle, where the purple dust began to take the shape of a glowing purple cow with even darker purple spots, lazily looking at everyone around it.
Hearing the unicorn approaching yet again, people cleared away once again to let the unicorn and Seraphina back in the circle. The unicorn bucked Seraphina off of it and she luckily landed on the lazing cow on the grass. The purple cow looked up at her. “Sorry about that.” The cow let out a moo that was almost in slow motion and laid its head against the grass.
Then the blue dust trailed away from Seraphina and turned into a peacock.
The royal blue peacock with red eyes in its feathers that were glowing more than the actual bird. He simply rubbed against Seraphina’s neck, mainly her throat. Seraphina tried to pet him, but it would only make either the crow or the unicorn or both of them angry. All the peacock did was glare at them both which made them quiet as she took her right hand and petted the peacock. “It’s a little weird how you got those two to listen to you.”
The peacock puffed up his chest. “Prideful as a king, aren’t you?”
Speaking of a king, the last two clouds of dust, teal and crimson red, turned into a large bat and dragon respectively. The dragon had bright gold scales on its stomach and horns. Eight of the animals (the cow didn’t even look up) lowered their heads when the dragon appeared and wrapped around the circle as if they were bowing to royalty. The red dragon looked at Seraphina in the eyes and the two of them touched each other’s heads in affection.
The nine animals then turned back into their previous form of clouds of dust swirled into one white dust and landed in front of Seraphina. As the dust cleared, there was a small, white holland lop rabbit with grey tips on its ear and part of its face around the nose, sitting in front of Seraphina.
“Bunny!” Seraphina held out her hands and the young rabbit hopped its way to its owner’s arms. “Aw, you’re so cute!” She coddled her familiar and smiled brightly. They were absolutely perfect and she couldn’t ask for a better animal.
“What are you playing at, girl!?”
She looked up at the booming voice of an elder wizard, who was glaring down at her.
“Ten creatures at your beck and call and your familiar is nothing but a damn rabbit?” Seraphina flinched at the elder witch. She was close to tears at this point. Clutching onto her rabbit, she ran out of the circle and straight to her mother, who hugged her.
“Baby, go to Maud and the others.” She did what her mother told her, hiding behind Maud.
Did Seraphina do something wrong? She got her magic circle and her familiar, so what’s the problem? Why was the elder so mad at her? Right now, with tears falling down on, staining her cheeks, the little witch watched as her mother whispered something to her older sisters, and then she made a beeline towards the elders.
Maud grabbed Seraphina’s free hand and quietly yelled out, “Come on guys, we’re leaving.”
“What about Mama? Isn’t she coming with us?”
“She … needs to do something real quick,” A.D. hesitantly answered her younger siblings as she and Maud escorted them out of the crowd and out of the park while leaving their mother behind.
The last thing they all saw was their mother yelling at the elder witches who reluctantly listened to her rant.
The seven half-siblings silently walked down the streets to their house. The street lights and the moon were their only sources of light. Every so often, the older six would look at the youngest, making sure that she wasn’t still upset over what happened.
“Your rabbit is really cute, Sera,” Nalu reassured his little sister.
Catrina butted in to say, “Totally! That old geezer didn’t know what he was saying! Hopefully, Mama told them off just as much!”
Seraphina sniffled as she finally looked up at her brother and sister. “You guys really think so?”
Everyone stopped walking to talk to Seraphina, attempting to cheer her up.
“More like we know so,” the Unseelie twin said in such confidence as they go on to explain that not all familiars may seem powerful at first, but eventually they show their true strength. “I mean, take Maud for example. Her armadillo can catch up with her in speed, strength, and durability. That little fella is more like a bull than an armadillo.”
“Or that time Yama nearly bit Auntie’s finger off.”
“Hey, I told not to bother her, but she didn’t listen,” Nalu interjected, defending his darling pet shark. This made Seraphina smile a bit, remembering that day.
‘There’s that smile,’ A.D. thought to herself while undoing Seraphina’s hair so it was free and loose. There was no way she was letting her baby sister walk around with her hair still up.
“Listen, Sera. What happened wasn’t your fault. No matter what those old bats have to say. You’re still our sister, we love you, and not a single thing from tonight will change that fact,” Conner reassured her while everyone else agreed with him.
The seven of them continued watching to their house with the elder six sharing story after story about them and their familiars.
Maud then asked the awaited question, “What are you going to name your bunny?”
The pink-haired witch looked up at the full moon above her and lifted her bunny next to the moon. She tilted her head curiously, looking between the moon and her bunny. ‘This bunny’, the young witch thought, ‘looks like the full moon. Like she belongs on the moon. Kinda like the rabbit on the moon from the tale Mama would tell us at night.’
She gasped as she finally thought of the perfect name for her familiar.
“Tsuki Mochi!”
“...” Everyone stopped talking to stare at the beaming Seraphina.
“Wait…,” Rozzie stopped themself to chuckle, “You’re naming your familiar…?”
“Tsuki Mochi!,” She said again, prouder than before. “You know, based on the white rabbit that lives on the moon that makes mochi. Of course, she would have nicknames like TsuMo, or I would sometimes use one of her two names.” As Seraphina rambled about how her bunny would most likely be called four different names, the others simply listened to her as she did so.
They were all glad that the elders didn’t spoil her ceremony too much. Rozzie began to laugh thinking about the reason behind the rabbit’s name but had their forehead smacked by both A.D. and Catrina.
Here’s to hoping that it would stay that way for her. Seraphina finally got her magic circle and a familiar tonight, very happy with the latter, and those are the only things that matter tonight.
By the time they had reached their home, Seraphina was already asleep in Maud’s arms, holding Tsuki Mochi in her small arms. ‘I was wondering when she would fall asleep. All that walking must’ve finally tired her out.’
Maud opened the door and was met with a man wearing a suit, similar to that of a butler’s attire, wearing a monocle and his black hair slicked back in a neat ponytail.
“Miss Maud, glad to see that you and your siblings have returned from the ceremony safely,” the man greeted the young woman with a small smile.
Maud then replied, “Evening, Poe. If you would be so kind as to assist me in tucking Seraphina to bed, as well as the others?” Conner was the first to protest. “What?! But Maud-!”
“No buts. It’s way past you guys’ bedtimes, plus all of us are due for some much needed rest.”
“You all hear your sister,” Poe’s silver eyes landed on Maud once again. “I would want nothing more than to assist you with your young siblings. And don’t worry about your mother too much tonight. I’ll talk to Milady once she comes home.”
A.D. soon motioned the other four to go to their rooms to change and get to bed with Poe and Maud leading the way without another word.
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pastel-in-devildom · 2 years
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